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The Cold?`

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12/13/2020 0:20:19   

the new nightbane boss is immune to the cold....but i didnt know we had access to the cold o.0? since when?
AQ  Post #: 1
12/13/2020 8:46:43   
And Pun-isher


Canonically, the Chosen is not a wielder of The Cold, as that would trivialize countless possible conflicts. There is a combat-only mechanical version as a status effect, inflicted by some items and emulated by others..
Post #: 2
12/13/2020 12:44:11   

Does the canonical cold do something different? Cause lowering BtH and blocking doesn't seem to trivialize anything when you can paralyze/petrify/freeze monsters to stop them from moving entirely. I mean nuke bloodmage/bloodzerker have trivialized the game for me more than any status effect.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
12/14/2020 14:41:17   
Heroes of the Scape

@above: I believe that canonically The Cold saps you of all will. It is very difficult to overcome it. Our own character was heavily affected by it on a few occasions. The most severe of which was against The Galin himself. Look at the quest The Final Battle for how it affected us. I believe that when we became The Chosen it made us either immune to it's effects or able to overcome them easier.
AQ  Post #: 4
12/17/2020 15:03:34   
And Pun-isher


The Cold magnifies mental processes, so long of course as they exist to begin with. Network agents who achieved some proficiency with this discipline typically employed it to subjugate or subvert their targets. This power cannot override free will, but it's an extremely powerful tool for coercion. That being said, not all of its uses are harmful - Amilara Celegra uses it to restore the Chosen's fighting spirit, and there are places where its application is strictly medicinal.

The Chosen has no immunity to this effect. Resistance is extremely rare, being generally indicative of an uncompromising process that the user failed to account for: Myr is a particularly unique case, whose fanaticism for the Water Lord allowed for a convincing ruse of pretending to have been corrupted while having in fact resisted the effect.
Post #: 5
12/19/2020 20:39:46   

so is there any spells or abilities that make use of "the cold"? if so what are they?
AQ  Post #: 6
12/20/2020 3:12:18   
Question Mark?

Summon Mirror Ryuusei stacks the Cold with his attacks, from Bizarre Flecks saga. Smith's Sunglasses from the Devourer Saga Finale is supposed to let you use the Cold if you're sufficiently Evil Aligned, but I don't think it ever got updated to use the new system, so it just gives -Accuracy and -MRM I think.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 7
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