1. AQW Dragon Knight: Maybe this can be a promo for AQ's Battle Gems app too! I love the armor and think that this would be a cool way to implement an armor that could maybe deal -X% damage on regular attacks to inflict effects (Burn Mode that makes the hero stack burns with each hit + Paralysis Mode that makes the hero Daze with each hit). 2. AQW Dragon Knight Great Sword: Just to go with the armor. This would be a great item to just give a Dragon damage trigger to but maybe instead of a damage boost, X% chance to Daze per hit? 3. AQW Darkside Armor: I've probably suggested this like 10000 times in the past already. Love the looks of it and think it would be a great armor to slap a Beastmaster lean to. Maybe that lean + a built in guest summon + A skill that has an HP cost to power your guests/pets? (Going along the theme of the armor). Pls staff <3 Also, +1 to E.Matrix's Chaorrupted Dragon Rider set. I just bought it in AQW because of the looks. @Deaf of Destiny: Actually, Chaos Slayer Cleric is already in game! Also, just FYI, Chaosweaver will not be released as a simple armor in the game after discussion with DF writers.