=AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (Full Version)

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The Hollow -> =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 14:48:00)

Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy Frostval season!

Every February we take your favorite items from other AE games and add them as prizes to the Golden Giftboxes. Post links to any items from your favorite AE game you would like to see in AQ!

Reminder: Active* Guardians/X-Guardians get 1 free Golden Giftbox every month.
Active* players that have the Museum Estate Resource out on their estate ground also get 1 free ggb every month.

*Active is saving at least 1 winning battle a month.

Uskius -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 15:48:54)

How about something really crazy... a pony from Pony vs Pony! They could attack for Melee Light damage using Strength, a Magic Water attack using Intellect, give a chi shield, or some combination of the three. They would be color custom, too.

Broccoli posted a pretty good list, and some ones from it I think would be neat are Serenity's Courage, Little Wyrm of Time, and most especially the Exalted Apotheosis- it's such an over the top weapon it would be absolutely amazing to have. [:D] And maybe it could have an effect based on alignment since there aren't Good and Evil elements in AQ. I also found Mindbreaker Knight, which seems like it would be an interesting armor with a neat effect.

Mr. Roguish -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 16:15:58)

This is the PERFECT time to put some long overdue rogue/ninja/assassin armors in the game!

All as Armors:

Youkai Jutsu Summoner
Rare Death Hunter
Hashashin Armor
Obsidian Blademaster
Sand Bandit
Alpha Rogue
Assassin of the Sands

DragonRogue Armor
Ninja Armor (both versions)
Ninja Monkey

Thyton Ninja Armor



rai0kakashi -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 16:37:02)

Suggested by order of most wanted from top to bottom.
It will be nice if they are all related to backlash.

Suggestions that I REALLY want (the memes and parodies equipment section):

*Suggesting the return of Prime Chaos Orb and Call Dread Fiend of Nulgath.

Pink Potato Pet (I want this so bad)
Chaos Gemrald (please make it as a misc)
Strawberry Mochi Mochi
Nekomancer Deadly Empress Cape (a parody of the Stand Killer Queen from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, please make it as a guest)
Chibi Shu Companion (a parody of Nezuko from Demon Slayer)
Double RainBow (a parody of the internet meme Double Rainbow, please make it as a water and light compression 100-proc bow)

Suggestions that are nice to have:
Swaggy's Wheel of Love
Happy Cloud (Pet)
Pinky Pet
Pink Flame Unicorn
Adorable Nemesis
The Rainbow Paladin set ( Armor, Misc, Weapon and Face)
Pink Neko Locks
Sword of Wishes (I-VI)

Support of suggested ideas by others:
Ultimate Twin Blades of Destiny
Rainbow's Edge
Hero's Heart Cleaver

GwenMay -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 16:38:14)

We need more MechQuest items in game, and we need more armors that care about gender, so I humbly suggest the ultra classy Star Captain player armors from MQ.

My other suggestion is Werepyre Slayer from AQW. It is a highly sought after armor from AQW that thematically fits much better with AQ classic, and has a whole set to come with it ( Wings, Sword, Helm).

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 16:40:11)

Lust would be nice for Backlash builds (preferably as a Guest) also nice art.
Necrotic Orb to go with Paladin class.
Absolute Zero as Armor.
Ominous Leech Staff because we can eat the Monster with it [:D]
Arcane Dark Caster Armor, Arcane Dark Caster Book, i like a Mage that can have Focus abilities.
Magical Butter Stick of Power as a Misc item, it just has to be in-game [:D]
Items i support from other players:

Warrior's Beast Master from Deaf of Destiny
DeathRider from ateras360

J9408 -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 16:47:44)

As someonce else said Prime Chaos Orb and Call Dread Fiend of Nulgath please.

Zennistrad -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 16:51:09)

Ultra Elemental Warrior, to go with the Ultra Elemental Axe (preferably with a weapon-based skill or something suitable for Warrior builds)

The Unsqueakable Farce!

ateras360 -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 16:52:34)

Celestial sandknight(with long hair) this would be cool as a face
Re from aqw she would be really cool as a guest plus darkon is great
Re's absolute annihilator
And again port-a-pwnzor
Vindicator of They and lastly, this. I honestly think that this would look great in aq

Sia -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 17:28:25)

I think AQ is missing a lot of armors that would look nice on female characters and armors that are archer themed. It would be great to see more!


Knight of the Leviasea (AQW)
Assassin of Shadows (AQW)
Snowborn Fae (AQW)
Jafar Armor (AQW)
Ranger (AQW)
Ranger Class, Sandsea Version (DF)
Celestia Guest (DF)

Already mentioned by others

Rare DeathHunter Armor (AQW)
StarCaptain Armor (MQ)
Lust Guest (DF)

Javier -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 17:32:16)

All from AQW:
Infernal Warlord
Ch4ot1c! Warmage
Evolved Hex of Nulgath
Evolved Blood of Nulgath
Creature 6

Creature 6 would make an awesome guest!

Dardiel -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 18:20:38)

Suggestions for abilities on the armors just in case function suggestions are also taken - most/all are going to bias toward including a version of the Oversoul energy charge mechanic (skill to spend a turn to gain 1 charge plus 1 per time the skill was used prior, plus a way to spend charges to get an effect). Charges would disappear at end of battle, as would charge gain rate.

Chaos Drakath - To contrast the Chaos Armor and match the character in Oversoul, a defensive lean with no element that can spend a turn to charge up (+1 more charge per use) and spend charges for a damage reduction shield (Take 100/X% damage, X is 110 + Charges spent) or an elemental poison.

Cyber Void - A darkness armor with a skill that spends a turn to charge up (+1 more charge per use) then has an energy imbue/skill that deals like 40% damage +5% per charge spent.

Hunter Berserker - FO Light armor with a skill that spends a turn to charge up (+1 more charge per use) then has a skill that deals like 50% damage +5% or 10% per charge spent.

Seraphim of Ver - Light and/or Darkness armor, spend a turn to charge up and a skill to heal for 50% usual + some amount based on charges like with Cyber Void.

Time Gentleman - FD Energy armor, spend a turn to charge (+1 more charge per use) and a skill to spend all charges to "foresee" damage by planting an energy Spiritual Seed that deals like 50% damage +5% or 10% per charge spent.

Void Awakening - Beastmaster armor, defensive with a skill to charge (+1 mire charge per use) then has a skill to boost Pet/Guest damage by like 50% +5% or 10% per charge spent.

Void Champion - Dark armor, spend a turn to charge up (+1 more charge per use) and a skill to spend all charges to inflict DefLoss equal to charges spent.

And while it's not explicitly an item or spell in the source material, having a spell/misc/tome that does the Oversoul energy charge mechanic would be cool - spend a turn to gain charges, and expend charges for damage or to boost the next spell/attack performed.

Inferno369 -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 18:37:26)

Abyssal Cutlass of Nulgath
Wave Of Destruction Water / Earth mace
Akriloth's Oblivion Blade
Celestial Naval Cutlass Water / Earth Cutlass
Elite Void Broadsword Pure Harm Melee
Digital DoomLord's Blade Energy Doom Knight's Blade

Chaos Dragon Slayer
Evergreen Rogue
Assassin Of Nulgath
Legendary Broodfiend of Nulgath
Deathblood Warrior
Devourer of Souls Could go nicely with the scythe we got
Doom Shadowscythe Mecha Suit
Doomdragon Mount
Draconic Doomknight Armor
Kezeroth the Worldsaver (Legend)
Granite Dracolich Armor

Stone Assassin Could work great as either an armor or an Earth guest.

DOOOOOOOM (also some other potential ideas)

celticsrul44 -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 18:48:02)

Would love to see Prime Chaos Orb and Dread Fiend of Nulgath come back for backlash builds. Or if other equipment that is being introduced could support this type of build. Really liked the idea of a Lust themed armor, fire backlash maybe? Otherwise integrating some doom equipment from the other games would be nice, especially with the western expansion.

Zork Knight -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 20:29:24)

Gnomish Personal Steamtank
Yarek's Staff
Abyssal Elf Scepter
Antipode Broadsword
Judgement Wheel ( Complete or Guilt and Innocence)
Icebound Axe
The Corrupted Seven
Gleaming Polished Pipe
Zeus Suit

Silver Horn -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 22:45:38)

Lust - As someone else already suggested, I think this would be great as a fire backlash guest, similar to Dreadfiend!

I'd also like to see Prime Chaos Orb, Dreadfiend of Nulgath, and Siphon return for players who missed them. They're too important to never be seen again. Prime Chaos Orb especially, has helped build diversity.

Novyx -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 22:55:54)

Only got a couple of my own suggestions, but there are some really good ones posted above that I'd give my vote (if voting for them were a thing).

My own:
Obsidian Samurai's Naginata
Witch Doctor Necro Armour
Snowborn Fae Tome and/or FrostEdge Fae Spellbook to go with the Snowborn Fae armour someone suggested above

Others' suggestions that I second:
Snowborn Fae mentioned above
Dreadwyrm Katana
Dragon Clan Scythe
Little Wyrm of Time and/or Eternal Baby Dragon

Returning crossover item suggestions:
Aberrant the Exiled
Infernal Legion Minion guest (the Water one)
Steampunk Love Bow
Dread Fiend of Nulgath
Prime Chaos Orb

My last returning GGB item suggestion was not a crossover item, so I'm not sure if it's fine to request here, but a few people have been wanting Siphon back as it complements the backlash mage playstyle.

Thanks for the opportunity to suggest items! You guys have been killin' it recently.

MetalKnight -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/14/2020 23:15:45)

Forest Beast Slayer Set (including a face.)


Kezeroth Armor (including a face.)


Lord Brentan set - Armor, Weapon, and Face

Pick a vote to support which one set to get in the crossover GGB event!

Also, i support Ateras360's Vindicator of They.

Bolter -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/15/2020 9:12:47)

Lots of them coming up here

Cinder Hacker
Cruel Axe of Midnight
Undead Assault Axe
Destiny Mace
Blinding Mace of Destiny
Necrotic Mace of Misery
Axe of the Ebilcorp Knight
Tracker Axe
Gibazil’s Fury
Flame Void Blade
Dark Asgardian Hammer
Dark Asgardian Scythe
Elite Asgardian Hammer
Lycan of Nulgath Sword
Vamp Blade of Nulgath
Vampire Blade of Nulgath
Vampiric M4trix of Nulgath
Royal Retribution of Brightfall
Gravelyn's Destiny Blade
Legion Overfiend Blade
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Celtic Hunter Blade
Corrupt Celtic Hunter Blade
Sword of Purity
Celestial Commander’s Sword
Serenity’s Prowess
The Lost Knight’s Blade
Crafter Chakram
Elemental Chakram
NOTruto Chakram
Frozen Fear Chakram
Champion Chakrams (There are many of them though if ever most likely only one will be picked as much as I would like them all)
Shatterglass Chakram
Crystalis Chakram
Sturdy Midgard Serpent Chakram
Dark Arcana Chakram
Legion Dark Arcana Dagger


zekefreed777 -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/15/2020 9:19:35)

Bluebird of Derpiness as a spell
Ultimate Brand of Glory

CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/15/2020 16:40:47)

Good to see the tradition continuing! As for my suggestions:

1). I support the request for the return of Prime Chaos Orb and Dreadfiend of Nulgath. In my opinion, they're both items that shouldn't have left in the first place.
2). I'd like to see the return and update of Eye of the Underworld and Seraph Calamity. Both deserve to be much more than simple Magestaves.
3). Suggestions I'd like to support:

@Javier: "CH4OT1C!" Warmage (obviously), Infernal Warlord and Creature 6
@LUPUL LUNATIC: Lust and the Darkcaster
@rai0kakashi: It's immediately clear how dedicated you are to the colour pink. It would be an utter travesty if the pink potato weren't included for that reason alone. Also meme award Daimyo, I don't think I need to explain why
@dardiel: Seraphim of ver
@Zennistrad: Unsqueakable farce (I don't know how you found this, but I love it)
... and everyone who suggested something involving "chaos" (once again, obviously).

4). I was also requested to suggest additional items that could potentially become magestaves, so...

Apocalyptic LichKing's Staff
Blood Orb Staff
Frigid Portal Staff

Azyrinthia -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/15/2020 17:01:38)

I second (third?) Lust from Dragonfable as a fire backlash guest, like dreadfiend. It would be thematically accurate too.

When damaged by a direct attack, Lust will reflect 50% of the damage taken to her attacker. (Pop-up: You're burned by the flames of Lust!)

Nightmare Siegfried -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/15/2020 18:59:31)

Gravefang Armor w/helm and wings
Golden Fury w/ Regal Fury Helm and Golden Fury Cape
Royal Paladin
Dark Asgardian w/ Dark Asgardian Helmet
Hollow Zerker w/ Hollow Zerker Helmet


Dark Asgardian Hammer


Dark Asgardian Shield

shrike -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/15/2020 22:28:50)

Exalted Apotheosis
Pandora's Scythe
Rare Pet Tog
Eternal Baby Dragon

Noremak Soothsayer -> RE: =AQ= 2021 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas (12/16/2020 1:42:37)

I like the simpler armors. They look cool.

DeathKnight (I actually like the AQW version too.)
Defender Armor

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