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Star-Eating Serpent

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1/7/2024 13:27:09   

ArchKnight DragonFable

Star-Eating Serpent

Location: Star-Eating Serpent, Devoured Horizons, Star-Eating Serpent Appears!

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee/Constant
Element: Darkness

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: Level*5/2
DEX: Level*5/2
INT: Level*5/2
CHA: 0
LUK: Level*5/2
END: Level*5/2
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 10 + Level/5
Crit: 10 + LUK/10

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
Crit: [175+INT/10]%

Melee: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Pierce: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Magic: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Block: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Parry: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Dodge: 15 * Level/90 + LUK/20

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Fear: -100
Good: -100
Evil: -100
Shrink: 300

Attack Types
Attack Type 1 - Strikes its target with its tail for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage; automatically permanently applies 'Constricted' (see other information) to target; automatically permanently applies 'Constricting' (see other information) to itself.
Attack Type 2 - Breathes fumes to target for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage; applies 'Star Waste', a 50% Melee Darkness DoT effect, to target for 5 turns.
Attack Type 3 - Strikes its target with its tail for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage; if 'Constricted' is active, applies 'Crushing Tangle' (a 100% Melee Darkness DoT effect, see other information) to target for 99 turns.
Attack Type 4 / 4.1 - The Star-Eating Serpent's eyes glow before biting its target for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage; applies 'Shifting Scales' to itself for 5 turns. While affected by 'Shifting Scales', upon taking direct damage, the Star-Eating Serpent applies 'Shifting Scales' (+[5X]% Non-Crit/Crit Damage Reduction, where X is the number of times the Star-Eating Serpent was hit) for the current turn.
Attack Type 5 - Bites its target for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage; applies 'Polarized Sight' (+50 Bonus) to itself for 5 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 6 - Breathes fumes to target for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage; applies 'Star Decay' (-200 CHA/LUK) to target for 5 turns inclusive.
Attack Type 7 - Bites its target for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage; applies 'Nausea' (a debuff that prevents the player from consuming Food on their Temporary Items) to target for 9 turns.
Attack Type 8 - Fires a beam to target for 3 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage, amounting to 300% damage.
Attack Type 9 / 9.1 - The Star-Eating Serpent pulses itself before biting its target for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage; purges all status effects (excluding permanent effects) from itself.
Attack Type 10 - Bites its target for 1 hit of lethal Constant Null damage, with +9,999 Bonus; applies 'Final Venom', a 200% Magic Null DoT effect, to target for 2 turns inclusive.

Other information
  • The Star-Eating Serpent begins the battle with the following permanent effects:
    • 'Star Basking', a HoT effect equal to 0.5% of the Star-Eating Serpent's maximum HP.
    • A unique stacking mechanic known as 'Solar Scales'.
      • The Star-Eating Serpent begins the battle with 50/100 Solar Charge.
      • While affected by 'Solar Scales', the Star-Eating Serpent will gain or lose Solar Charge, which can be only affected by Darkness and Light element attacks.
      • If the Star-Eating Serpent takes direct damage from the Darkness element, it loses 10 Solar Charge.
      • If the Star-Eating Serpent takes direct damage from the Light element, it gains 10 Solar Charge.
      • At the start of the Star-Eating Serpent's turn, it gains 10 Solar Charge.
      • If the Star-Eating Serpent has 100 Solar Charge, the Star-Eating Serpent will use Attack Type 10, ending the fight with a loss.
  • The Star-Eating Serpent permanently applies either 'Shielding Scales' or 'Shining Scales', dependant on how much Solar Charge it have below or above 50;
    • While the Star-Eating Serpent is below 50 Solar Charge, it permanently applies 'Shielding Scales' (-2Y Health Resist, +2Y Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, +2Y Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to itself.
    • While the Star-Eating Serpent is above 50 Solar Charge, it permanently applies 'Shining Scales' (+2Y Health Resist, +2Y% Boost, +2Y Bonus, +2Y Crit) to itself.
    • Y is equal to the difference between its current Solar Charge and 50.
  • Upon using Attack Type 1, the Star-Eating Serpent permanently applies 'Constricted' (-2Z All Resist, +2Z Health Resist, -5Z Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -5Z Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to target and 'Constricting' (-2Z All Resist, +2Z Health Resist, -5Z Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, -5Z Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to itself, where Z is equal to the number of turns passed while affected by 'Constricted' and 'Constricting' status effects respectively.
    • If the Star-Eating Serpent takes direct damage while stunned, 'Constricted' and 'Constricting' (as well as 'Crushing Tangle' and any stun effects) are removed from target. (Pop-up: Your stunning attack frees you from the serpent's coils!)
    • If the Star-Eating Serpent was defeated in Devoured Horizons, 'Constricted' and 'Crushing Tangle' (if active) status effects are removed from target.
  • The Star-Eating Serpent follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 7 -> Attack Type 8 -> Attack Type 9 -> Repeat., and will pause this rotation to use Attack Type 10 if Solar Charge is at 100.

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    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/5/2025 22:42:38 >
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