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=AQ= Rubicon March Saga Finale

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2/24/2025 7:08:39   


The Rubicon March Finale - The Last Line
The Rubicon Legions are here! War’s might threatens to crush all resistance. But with their greatest champion turned against them, can Battleon survive the onslaught? Don't miss this epic finale of the Rubicon March Saga!

50K Z-Token Packages - Doomlight Grimtide Set
Unleash the power of the Doomlight! A new, Legion-corrupted set, imbued with aquatic menace, joins the returning Doomlight ranks - completing the set of all 8 elements. As Champions of Doom, the Doomlight are able to return incoming damage back to their enemies!

This sinister Water package features:
  • Armor
  • Shield
  • 3-in-1 Weapon
  • 6 player faces
  • 2 Titles
Don't miss out on these powerful, new and returning Doomlight sets as they will only be available until April 4th!

Returning Legion Z-Token Packages
As you prepare to harvest souls for Dage and The Legion, the following Z-Token package bonuses also return until April 4th!
  • Legion Paragon Fiend Mount Set
  • Legion Paragon Fiend Mount Armor
  • Legion Paragon Fiend Armaments
  • Legion Shogun Set
  • 3 ProtoParagon Mk Sets

Current Limited-Time Shops:
  • Lunar New Year
  • General (Hedgemog Pets/Guests; Groundhog Pets; Superb Owl Pets)
  • Winter Season
  • Z-Token Packages: Heart's Crusher Arsenal - Available Until March
  • Z-Token Packages: Doomlight & Returning Legion Packages - Available April 4th
Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2025-rubicon-march-finale-grimtide-doomlight

Rubicon March Saga! March has come early. =p Tag you're it ~Anim

< Message edited by The Hollow -- 2/25/2025 15:15:17 >
Post #: 1
2/25/2025 11:58:15   

Oh my GOD, we're besieging Battleon? I am NOT OKAY right now. I can't look (but I will, later this week )!


"I'm sorry, can I get you some zard juice or something? my gott" -Slavoj Zardzek

Making kin with the Chosen-thropocene since 2006
AQ  Post #: 2
2/27/2025 11:37:14   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

It's looking like a Saturday release this week!
AQ  Post #: 3
2/27/2025 12:17:32   

^ Understandable, this sounds like a pretty big deal. At least this gives everyone, myself included, time to emotionally prepare for what sounds like a heavy chapter.
And, of course, to make as much gold as possible for purchasing items at the end !

Does anyone have any predictions as to how this will all shake out?
AQ  Post #: 4
2/27/2025 12:51:50   


It's looking like a Saturday release this week!

I think it's mighty nice of them to halt their invasion until everything is ready. Real good sportsmanship, that is!
Post #: 5
3/1/2025 14:28:33   
And Pun-isher


Get ready for War!

I hope you're ready, because we're beginning March with the March on Battleon! For the end of the Rubicon March. I'm clever.
Post #: 6
3/1/2025 16:47:26   

I have to say that the ability to play as War in... wars... is without a doubt one of the greatest additions the game has ever seen. Almost none of my characters can match the speed at which he decimates foes, as they are nearly all slow and steady in their playstyles. It's a great way to even the playing field amongst builds.
Post #: 7
3/1/2025 23:42:31   

You know, I'm kinda curious. There are three options to fight this war. One as War itself, against the Guardian forces defending Battleon.
There are also two options for fighting against the Praetorian Legion. One as Alex, you're character's #1 Fan, but also as Gnuvian, a supposed shapeshifter who also has access to all of your regular equipment, but is also "Independent" and a "Lorian Genius"

With the two "Anti-Praetorian" options being basically the same, I'm starting to wonder if there may be different outcomes depending on which option is more popular.

In any case, keep up the war effort and have fun all!
Post #: 8
3/2/2025 16:16:40   

Fun release! I'm excited for the conclusion of the Rubicon March story. Also, I second @Ninjaty that letting players play as War is a great addition that evens the playing field for all players, including the many who do not use a warring optimized build. I'd love to see a similar option in future wars for players to play as an NPC with a strong burst skill (like Artix for Undead Wars, Galanoth for Dragon wars, a story NPC like Warlic or Robina for other wars, etc.) to maintain this even playing field.

I have a few questions about the armor reward that I would love an answer to if possible, although I understand if these haven't been decided yet or you want us to wait and see:

(1) Will the "Elite Praetorian Slayer" armor reward for 2500 wins be CC? If not, what color will the recolor be?

(2) The Praetorian Slayer mobs have a skill that uses a speargun on their backs. Assuming this is present in the player version, will the spear gun skill be locked to ranged damage or follow weapon type (melee/ranged/magic)? I would much prefer the latter, which would allow all players (instead of just rangers) to use the armor reward for the finale of an important storyline.

(3) Will the Praetorian Slayer armor dual wield like the mob version, or use a shield in its offhand? If it dual wields, will the offhand weapon be set to the same weapon as shown on the mobs, or will it mirror the weapon the players use? Mirroring the player weapon would be very cool, although likely more difficult to implement.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
3/4/2025 13:07:36   

@PossiblyInsane: I'm fairly certain tracking victories that way would necessitate multiple progress bars and even more planning, writing, and therefore tremendous efforts to drum up player engagement. I think the outcome is already determined, and the rest is purely for flavor reasons.
Similarly, I think the primary differences between Alex and Gnuvain are flavor, name, and pronouns; there's no real impact on gameplay otherwise, except what seems to be some subrace, class, and clan item issues when you shift to Gnuvain.

@Gwen: While it's been fun to have NPC guests in past wars, I am seconding, thirding, and fourthing through hundredthing the idea of playing as more NPCs in future wars, especially given this current event and previous campaigns as Warlic, Drakath, etc. It makes the game more interesting from a flavor perspective, definitely lowers the barrier to participation in wars, and is just plain fun.

I've been seeing some truly impressive results on the leaderboard this campaign. Keep it up, guys!
AQ  Post #: 10
3/5/2025 12:57:35   

Anyone else have their war kills stuck? Mine is not increasing even though I just did 40 kills.

EDIT: Looks like it because I hit 2 billion gold.

< Message edited by Kurtz96 -- 3/5/2025 13:11:59 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 11
3/5/2025 19:46:49   

^ Yeah, that'll do it. I've been there before and it's kind of a disappointing rest of the day playing AQ, haha.

It bears us saying this explicitly for anyone reading this who doesn't already know and/or is afraid to ask: Your war wins are limited by hitting your daily gold cap and/or hitting the overall character gold cap of 2 billion; if you're maxed out in either, your battles won't count towards the meter. There are ways to boost your daily cap, as well as ways to store your gold (gold storage chests) so that this doesn't impede you. If you've already hit your daily gold cap, take the opportunity to rest from warring and for server caps to reset (midnight EST).

Have fun, and battle on!
AQ  Post #: 12
3/6/2025 23:14:50   

War mobs have a "War Mob" status attached to them. Would it be possible to, mayhaps, halve the amount of gold rewarded?
Post #: 13
3/10/2025 7:33:51   
Strange Doctor

I like the new backgrounds. Like these ones in the forest with the Guardian Tower not far away.
Post #: 14
3/10/2025 12:58:34   

Finally got around to playing this release and found out it was a war, and half over already. Been scrambling to try and get to 2500. This might just be my PC and internet, but do Praetorian Juggernauts have a much lower FPS for anybody else?

I also have like all the new backgrounds. Very interested to see how this all plays out for the Chosen.
AQ Epic  Post #: 15
3/11/2025 1:13:36   
Heroes of the Scape


but do Praetorian Juggernauts have a much lower FPS for anybody else?

Most of War's forces have been slowing me down. Fighting as war doesn't have that issue
AQ  Post #: 16
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