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Spirits in the Inn

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7/21/2006 18:56:45   

Spirits in the Inn

Location: Falconreach Inn (Books 1 and 2) -> Up -> Serenity -> Talk -> Ghosts,
Location: Falconreach Inn (Book 3) -> Up -> Spruce / Gaelan -> Talk -> Ghosts
Requirements: None
Release Date: July 21st, 2006

Objective: The Inn in town has been flooded with spirits of the dead!
Objective completed: The Inn in town has been flooded with spirits of the dead!

Scaled Yes/No: No
Experience rewarded: 2180 (no fake doors); 3020 (all fake doors)
Gold rewarded: 93 (no fake doors); 135 (all fake doors)

(30) Spirit
(16) Wisp
(1) Soulkeeper, (2) Spirit Guard - Boss

Mary's Spirit

Advanced CorDemi Codex
ChickenCow Armor
Emerald Key
Goony treasure map
Mother Bates' Brooch
Moglinberry Juice
Never Ending storybook
Ruby Sculpture
Scale model of town
Colorful Treasure Chest
Golden Chest
Light Treasure Chest
Locked Case
Locked Picnic Basket
Onyx Meteorite
Purple Striped Egg
Red Egg
Red Speckled Egg
Shaking Treasure Chest
White Marble Chest
Zipper Jammed Backpack

Belt of the Netherworld

Ring of the Netherworld

Ruby Vision
Scissor Snap
Sir Jeffery's Can Opener
Stratospheric Tachi
Two Headed Katana

The WhirlWind

Modded Knife
The Can Opener
The Separator

In Falconreach Inn (Books 1 and 2):
Serenity: It figures that I would buy an Inn that is already haunted. I can't make a single gold at this rate! I knew it was too good to be true!
Serenity: Please, would you investigate and see what you can find out, maybe you can put a stop to them.

In Falconreach Inn (Book 3):
Gaelan: Apparently, this inn is haunted! The knight Ash has been clearing out the ghosts, but they keep coming back!
Gaelan: Fascinating!
Gaelan: Since I have been told having ghosts is bad for business, could you... look into it, please?

  • Investigate
  • Back

    Enter first door on the 2nd floor of the Inn:
    Mary's Spirit: Greetings traveler, have you come to rest at the Inn?

  • Who Are You?
    Mary's Spirit: My name is Mary Grey. I own this inn and tavern...or I once did. Things have become very confusing lately.
    <Character>: You might be more confused than you think. The owner of this inn is Serenity, and you look like...well, I can see through you.
    Mary's Spirit: Ah yes, that's right. I often forget..I died, didn't I?
    <Character>: Looks that way. I'm sorry.
    Mary's Spirit: Oh, It's alright. At least I get to stay in the Inn that my family built...and I have plenty of company.
    <Character>: ...?

  • Ghosts?
    <Character>: Can you tell me what you know about all the ghosts wandering around the halls of the inn?
    Mary's Spirit: It seems as if there is a great darkness growing in the land. All these spirits are answering the call...
    <Character>: Call? What is calling them?
    Mary's Spirit: I'm not certain. All that I know for sure is...Doom. Just the word "DOOM".
    <Character>: ...!
    Mary's Spirit: The spirits are normally like me, peaceful. They are happy to remain where they can roam in peace.
    Mary's Spirit: Being drawn here has made them forget.
    Mary's Spirit: I can remember...most of the time...because I am still here in my home, but the others are misplaced and have grown angry.
    Mary's Spirit: They have lost their way and their minds and they are lashing out at you, the living.
    Mary's Spirit: I hope things can go back to the way they were. I miss the peace of my Inn.
    <Character>: I will try and take care of them for you.
    Mary's Spirit: Thank you <Class>. I would like that very much. But take care, the Soulkeeper resides in the attic.
    Mary's Spirit: He is a powerful spirit and will not leave peacefully. Good luck.

  • The first door on the second floor has Maryann. The rest of the doors are fakes and have two spirits in them. There is a real potion chest on the second floor and a fake potion chest on the third floor.
  • Here is a map for this quest.
  • Spruce used to assign this quest after she replaced Serenity.

    Thanks to
  • Cherub Rasher, xxxdark_paladinxxx, crashnburn_819, Karika, #One, thefattestninja, spidweb00, thesnacker, Losh, amosgonzf, MasterCyril and omneon23 for item info.
  • Avatarbmt for total Exp and Gold for all fake doors.
  • Bryan Jiang for most of the links.
  • jsem for a correction.
  • gatorfan786 and Bryan Jiang for formatting help.
  • crynsos for map.
  • Peachii for corrections and dialog rewrite.
  • Niki for corrections.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 6/21/2024 21:53:13 >
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