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RE: =EC= Cellar Arena

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8/31/2006 1:24:40   

He turned tail, and ran, his little legs pumping, carrying him towards the trap. He grinned. If the mage followed him, he'd be in for a sur- oh hell.

The fire did not reach him, but the shockwave did, catching just as he managed to stop. Up he went, his little body sailing backward through the air. The Shadowmancer's spell raked across his body as he flew past, sudden, intense pain shooting through his body. He went rigid, mouth open in a soundless scream, energy trailing behind him. He hit the floor hard, unprepared for the landing, and rolled to a stop. Ow. Blasted dark spells, blasted traps.

He sat up quickly. Too quickly. His head was throbbing and the arena was spinning, and he'd just made things worse. This was bad. The Shadowmancer would have time, now, to prepare a more dangerous spell, and the rest of the arena was turning dangerous. He closed his left eye, filtering everything through his right. So very useful this eye of his. Everything was revealed, outlined, visible. Clear, so clear. He had to figure out what to do, and quickly. He had no open wounds, fortunately, just bruises, which would not be a problem. The Shadowmancer might come after him again... but he was wounded, and badly. It would be best if he could simply lose him, redirect his attention, so he could focus his efforts on an unwounded opponent. This battle was a battle of attrition, and from the looks of things, he was in pretty good shape.

He stood, his next move clear. He couldn't just run from the man he'd attacked. But he could force him to shield. Up came the spear, the energy gathering at its point. "Let's see if you do better this time around," he muttered, and let fly. No standing around this time, however, best to be moving. And moving he was, both eyes open, now. The trap-layer was sitting out, for... and there was a dome of what looked to be fire. Now that was trouble. No one could heal, but a shield like didn't have to mean healing. "Target found." The spear whipped up, red lightning arcing along its metal surface, point slicing through the air, and came back down, to strike the floor. Lightning roared forward, streaking along the ground to strike Aduro's dome.

Rest is for the dead.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 26
8/31/2006 5:46:35   
Lord Memphis

Threkanaa watched with sadistic humour in his eyes as the Moglin ran away, straight into a fire trap, the shockwave sent him flying like a silver bird towards the waiting floor. As it fell, the shadow ribbons clawed at it's small body and the creature went into a sort of undeathly rigour mortis as it plummeted to the ground. Unprepared for the impact, Thrakanaa could almost feel the pain resonating through his bones as it hit the floor.

It sat up and closed it's left eye, looking around slightly and stood up and lifted it's spear and built the energy at the peak again. ''Not this time you don't.'' As the moglin released the blot he held up his hand, ''Umbra scutum!'' The shadows in the area were drawn to the point of casting, creating a gothic shield of crystilline shadow, as the bolt hit the shield it shok and wavered from the power but the energy still seeped through in insignificant crackles of power, only enough to send his arms a bit shaky. The creature had run by the time the shadows returned to where they belonged.

Threkanaa moved forward, looking for the little devil, he found him rather soon, firing a bolt of lightning skidding across the floor to a dome of fire. What could he do to render the creature unconcious? Something painful and slow, he opened the book and found what he wanted. Summon Shadow Minion. He needed one stomach of a cow or other large bovine. He opened his pouch and took the stomach, then realised what could probably hurt more, taking the dagger he cut the stomach in two, letting the acid pour on the unsuspecting moglin below. He held his head up to the roof and let out a deep laugh, neglecting to see what happened next.
Post #: 27
8/31/2006 13:56:00   

Aduro saw lightning heading straight for his dome. He had little time to escape. He touched the top and the area around his finger dissolved. Aduro climbed through the hole as the lightning raced towards him. He saw someone dumping acid on the moglin and he took 8 poison daggers, four per hand. He through four on either side of the moglin, this way he would get hit by the acid if he stood still, or get hit by poison daggers if he moved to the side. Just to be sure, Aduro made fire shoot up in front of and behind the moglin to block those paths as well.

Aduro realized he had forgotten about the lightning and rocketed up quicly using a blast of fire that shot out of his feet. The Flame Sphere shattered into four big pieces. One hurtled towards him. The large chunk of solid fire headed straight for Aduro. It smashed right into Aduro's back knocking him down. Aduro fell face first. He shot a stream of fire to slow him down. It softened the impact but barely. Aduro could get up but he probably broke his nose. He didn't see whether the trap worked, but he had a feeling he may be attacked while he was down and shot a wall of solid fire under him like a platform to raise him up. Aduro laughed when he remembered the bag of sand in his pocket. He stood up on the platform, like a plateau of dirt, only this could be shattered.

< Message edited by OcarinaofTime -- 9/3/2006 18:57:16 >
Post #: 28
9/1/2006 15:40:01   

There was no time to think. Only time to act. The Shadowmancer's footsteps betrayed him, and the Mogleet dove to the side, forepaw reaching down to touch the ground, providing a pivot as he swung around to face his assailant. His spear whipped up and across, extending as it did so. Tiny arcs of lightning jumped from its surface to the daggers' blades as it passed them. They hit the floor, one after the other, their flight changed by the passage of the spear. He grinned. The flame user's trap had worked to his advantage. The Shadowmancer was caught between the walls of flame. A perfect target.

He had little time, however, and that last attack had drained much of his buildup. His spear was not at the ready either. So he thrust his free paw forward, sending forth a small but fast bolt. Little more than an interruption, but that was all he would need. Both hands on his spear, he spun it 'round so its point faced forward, and charged.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 29
9/3/2006 16:27:16   
Lord Memphis

The moglin dived out of the way of the acid, leaving it to fizzle and corrode the stone slabs on the floor. Pivoting on his paw he turned and sent the eight daggers flying through the air to an early landing with small jolts of energy. It appeared that the fire worshipper had dodged the lightning and thrown his own little present towards them. But that wasn't all, the man lifted his hand as if preparing a spell to secure the demise of the now safe moglin.


Two walls of fire burst up from the floor, one infront and one behind, he turned his head to see the moglin grinning. He was trapped between them, ''Umbra Culmen!'' Shadows slowly slid up from the floor, encasing the fire in darkness, not extingushing the flame, just trapping it. He left the two pillars of crystilline shadow as shelter, for now. The moglin lunged his free paw forwards and sent an electrical bolt towards him. It was hardly strong enough to do real damage but would certainly take up precious time. ''Umbra...'' He hardly had time to finish the spell before a sharp spear plunged into his already open wound. The spear had little to rip through before reaching the skin on his back. Blood gushed from the wound, leaving an increasing pool on the floor. A crackling sound confirmed his next fear. ''Aaah!'' Threnakaa roared in agony as pure energy pulsated through his body. Coursing through every nerve and bursting through every muscle. He spasmed for several seconds and fell limp, sliding off the spear in defeat.

His unconcious body lay crumpled on the floor, smoking from the power. He was at the mercy of a moglin.
Post #: 30
9/3/2006 18:56:04   

Aduro realized that although his trap had not worked but that instead the shadow instrument user was the one to pay the price. Although it was not his target, Aduro was glad to see that someone had fallen due to his attack. The Fire Ninja reached into his pockets and grabbed an old favorite of his. The botomless bag of sand. Although it was only a small pouch it contained an endless amount of sand. Using jets of fire from his feet, Aduro jumped off of his tower of fire and dumped the sand down. He took a tube and began to blow flames at the sand. Soon the sand formed a thick glass wall. Although it could be shattered it was much much thicker than normal glass and would take more effort.

Now the moglin and his enemy were trapped in an arena with deplenishing amounts of oxygen, and as if it weren't bad enough Aduro left a small hole in the side, not enough for fresh air to come in, but he started flooding the glass dome with smoke, there was enough oxygen for two people to last less than two minutes. It was uncertain whether or not they would escape, but if they did they would certainly leave coughing, which is an impulse that makes it hard to control ones own powers as it suddenly interrupts what you are doing. Aduro had used up much of his bodily energy, but he still had most of his Chakra, and although he may have been physically tired, he could keep up his attacks all day, as long as he didn't collapse himself.
Post #: 31
9/4/2006 17:29:51   

The bolt struck home knocking the wolf aside and giving a nice zap. The bolt was just a shot to find Selis' next target so it wasn't very powerfu just enough to get the point across that he was ready to go. Enough traps, I can't win that way my opponents are too intelligent to be caught like flies. With that he threw the his robe off revealing light leather padding on his shoulders and chest. The robe landed with a thud infront of Selis. He whirled his weapon infront of him and then stabbed it behind him with his right hand. He motioned for the wolf, or it's owner to come at him. He also activated the wire spinning tool in his left glove and attached it to small holes in his robe.

He began to charge his weapon with electricity, enough to create a deadly dose and make it visible to nearly everyone in the arena. It's charge was great enough that small lighting 'bolts' were starting to fly off from it from end to end. Selis intensified that until it looked as though he was holding a lighting bolt in his hand, the blades on his tool glowing with energy. He motioned once again for the dark creature to come at him. "Ever wanted to know how it feels to be struck by lightning? Come over here and I'll show you." The wires attached to his robes began to emit small doses of electricity flowing into the robe, but these were small enough that they were nearly unnoticable. One last trap, then I'll begin my assault.
AQ  Post #: 32
9/5/2006 17:00:21   

Daroth was no longer happy about his situation. He had been blasted in the back while attacking one foe, had turned to face that foe, and the trap-layer decided to interfere by zapping his wolf. The wolf snarled, and cringed, and Daroth turned his smoldering gaze upon the trap-layer. "Will nobody let me fight?!" He yelled. He pointed, yelling "Wolf! Him! Now!" The wolf eagerly sprinted to the giver of pain, ready to get revenge.

The wolf, like his master, was getting sick of the interference of others and was ready to kill. Daroth glanced at the blind man, who seemed distracted for some unkown reason. Daroth turned back to the trap-layer. Yessss. I will kill him, and nobody will stop me! The wolf leaped, flying over the dropped robe, howling, ready to rip it's teeth into flesh and blood, meanwhile...

Though Daroth intended to face the trap-layer, he was still wary of the blind firehand, and the cleric who may have seen the failed attack. Both could still turn their attention to the Dark warrior, and that would not be good. Luckily, he had an easy solution to both problems. Daroth turned his head to the sky, and opened his arms out wide. Darkness began exuding from his armor, quickly becoming a dark cloud around him. The Darkness grew, and even the torches light could not illuminate the cloud. It now covered an area of about ten square feet. Ten square feet of total Darkness that no light or eye could penetrate, and yet Daroth could see clearly, though everything turned to black and white. Even the moglin's eye might be useless to see into the Dark depths. Daroth grinned. Ranged attacks had very little chance of actually hitting him, especially if he was on the move, and if they wished to melee fight......They would see little while Daroth would see all. Nobody would hit him in the back anymore.

Unfortunately, the cloud took much energy, and Daroth would only be able to keep it at this consistency and this size for only so long. Perhaps ten minutes, maybe longer. Daroth had never used it to its limit before, and did not want to test it out now, fearful of how tired he would be after such an ordeal. He began moving towards the trap-layer, and the cloud moved with him. Daroth would not be distracted again.
AQ  Post #: 33
9/5/2006 17:24:54   

As the wolf lungged Selis' trap was triggered. He dropped the wires from the now electrified robe and put his left hand outwards facing it. He created a bolt of actual lightning. The electrcity from his robe was pulled towords his hand as the electrons in the ground are pulled to the sky. The energy flew from the robe straight to his hand, creating a thunderous boom as well as the arc of lightning. Since the wolf was between him and his robe it would be nigh impossible for it to dodge in time. Never the less Selis was cautious and raised his energy infused weapon infront of him and began whirling it creating a spinning sheild. The energy from that streaked outwards at random areas, he had hoped if the bolt failed, that this would stop that wolf.

He jumpped backwards as he saw a dark cloud approaching him. He fired a bolt of energy at it, however it passed through it and completley missed the user inside. I can't pinpoint my foe, but I can still find a way to hit him. Selis gathered half the energy from his weapon into his arm, causing the weapon to have less deadly of a strike, but still enough to damage. Selis gathered the energy from his arm to his hand, causing some of it to spark outwards because of the concentration. He then lunged his arm in the direction of the cloud, causing the energy to fire from his fingertips. Next he focused into the arc and caused it to split, and split again. Now over one hundred small, but still somewhat dangerous if more than one hit, lightning arcs were flying into the cloud. At least one of those ought to hit him. If not then i'll have to go into melee combat.
AQ  Post #: 34
9/5/2006 19:51:18   
Lion Heart

The dark wolf lunged, his claws and teeth as sharp as a blade. It stopped without even attempting a scratch at Ace. It now ran for the energy tool user. Damn it, stop distracting my targets and let me fight my own battles! “I don’t need light to hit you!” Ace yelled while lifting his still flaming arm. He shot one very, very large fire blast towards the direction of the dark aura. It appeared that another, the tool user, had shot a blast of lightning at it as well. This would have to work, the dark one was being shot at from two directions, and he would have to get hit, and even if Ace did miss, the cleric was behind his target, hopefully at least someone would be hit.

He turned his attention to the one arcing lightning at the dark one. He shot another large fireball, solidified this time, in case his opponent decided to throw something at Ace again. He left it at firing at these two; he didn’t want too many fighters after him. The fire on his arm died out, his flesh and armor remained as it was before, no singes or burns anywhere to be found. His blade glowed red, and was soon engulfed in the magical flames as his left arm had just been. He gripped the blade with both hands, and readied for melee combat. He would definitely need to defend himself if the two he threw flames at decided to attack him.
AQ DF  Post #: 35
9/6/2006 1:13:08   

Suddenly a fireball was launched into the shadows that surrounded Selis' target. At first it seemed a good sign, the dark user would take a hit, but out of the corner of his eye Selis saw something hurtling at him. Using his last resort he turned his weapon to face the fire and whirled it while pumping it with energy creating a sheild. It struck the 'sheild' full force and pushed Selis back, however he stood his ground until the danger had past and the ball was gone. However he was now exhausted, and his weapon due to its obscure constructing was cracking, until finally the metal rods shattered; leaving Selis with his two kodachis. He picked the up and sheathed them.

I can't last much longer, though i would have hoped to not be the first one eliminated. He angrily rose a fist into the air as sparks flew from it. If I'm going down i'm taking someone with me. Now to priotize my opponents. The shadow person is going to get hurt, one way or another so I can rule him out for now... Ugh, now the original flame man has come after me, again. Furthermore the other one is out of sight, so he could attack me if I let my guard down. So I have 3 enemies, of the which the flame man with the sword seems to be the most dangerous, I haven't seen the shadow creature in combat yet so I may be wrong, but this is no good. I've lost too much energy and inflicted too little wounds, my weapon is shattered, so now I really only have my swords, and those burns from earlier are slowing me down. What luck. He eyed the fire sword and the cloud of shadows, waiting for anyone to come and strike him.
AQ  Post #: 36
9/6/2006 13:13:54   

Contact. His spear went straight through the Shadowmancer's chest and out the back, and the accompanying surge of energy finished the job. He collapsed to the floor, not dead, but definitely dying, and with no hope of healing. Not in this arena. And as he was no longer a threat, he could turn his attention to the fire user. Who was yet again trying to trap him, tossing out sand and turning it to glass with what appeared to be jets of super-heated flame. "Too slow." And he ran.

He waited, now that he was safe, watching as the man began to the fill the trap with smoke, which would almost ensure the death of anyone trapped inside. "Poor, poor darkling. You shouldn't have tried to hide." It was time. He ran forward, spear held as if charging, aimed for the base of the dome. It grew longer, longer, until contact was made. The spear-point thunked into place, he leaped, and momentum did the rest, carrying him up, up. There was the target, such a perfect, perfect target.

The energy roared across his fur, no longer forced to hide. Blue, white, orange, yellow lightning, arcing over his body and down the length of his spear, which had shortened again. He focused, and pushed, and the lightning streaked forward, a single, immense bolt of destructive energy. "Surprise."

< Message edited by TormentedDragon -- 9/6/2006 13:36:19 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 37
9/6/2006 13:45:50   

Daroth frowned as his wolf was electrified. It collapsed to the ground, becoming a mere shadow, and then, even that was gone. Damn those traps! Daroth snarled moving faster as the trap-layer fired a bolt of lightning, only something was different. The lightning split, then split again, and again. Daroth's eyes widened, realizing what was happening. He gritted his teeth, ready to take the pain he knew he was about to feel.

It was less pain then he had figured, but more then he had hoped. He stumbled, shockwaves quaking threw his body as small lightning bolts rained down. He shook, shuddered, until the spasming went away. he opened his mouth and realizing he was breathing heavily. His armor flashed, and sizzled, as the shock faded. The cloud was still there, only a little smaller. Eight square feet now instead of ten. Daroth rolled his shoulders, snorting. His armor had taken the brunt of the lightning damage, and he been able to concentrate hard enough to keep the cloud formed. Daroth smirked as he moved foward, getting closer and closer to the trap-layer. He gripped his longsword tight in his right hand, the green ooze still dripping from the swords edge. This one would not live.

That's when the fireball hit. Daroth grunted as he was flung forward by the power, gritting his teeth as flame enveloped him. He flew through the air, the cloud gone, his body ablaze. He flew past the trap-layer, slamming into the mirrored wall, and bouncing off into the ground in a crumpled heap. The fire went out, but smoke rolled off Daroth's body. He realized he was face up, and lifted his head. His body was bruised, his armor nearly past its breaking point. Bloody hell.....They double-teamed me... Daroth thought, lifting his right hand with the sword. Suddenly his grip faltered, the sword fell, clanging to the ground. Daroth slumped back down to the ground, his eyes closed. Let them fight it out whilst they believe me done for. I will wait for my chance, and strike. Let them think me dead..... Daroth lay there motionless, recovering, waiting for a time to strike back.
AQ  Post #: 38
9/7/2006 13:11:20   

Isaacs smiled as J fired off an arrow towards him. He stood and watched it fly behind him and rebound off of the mirror, aimed straight at his back. The arrow whistled straight through the cleric's head and he seemed to shift instantly a foot to the right. The boy was good, but he really needed to plan ahead; did he really think that he would not have expected that?
"As you can see, my abilities are not constrained to using light as a weapon." He tapped his head and smiled. "Think, boy, think! What would you do if you were in my position?"

A flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye and a dark-armoured man conjured a wolf that sped towards him. It was electrified by another combatant and returned to the shadows. The darkness user himself was attacked, hit twice by some considerable spells and then seemed to struggle before giving up and losing conciousness. Isaacs shook his head, surprised that the man had let himself be knocked out so quickly. He turned back to the archer and contemplated attacking again, but decided against it. He was not of the same element, and the cleric wished for him to make it through to the next round. It would be better to fight him properly then, at least, if they both made it through. Now... Who would become his target next?

Ah. A fire user, seemingly blind but perfectly capable of fighting others, it seemed... Isaacs shut the book and then let it fall open in his hands, randomly choosing a page for him. He picked out a spell and raised his arm.
"En't'rash U'Vyer ost Isil..." A wave of blinding light emanated from his fingertips, spreading sluggishly throughout the room. The brightness would temporarily blind any foolish enough to look directly at it, and the spell had one other useful effect - as the light faded, every last person was left with a trace of light magic on them. It was invisible to all but other light users, which meant that no-one would notice the fact that they were shining like a lit torch.

The cleric allowed himself a small smile and then conjured another globe of light, sending it towards the blind fire user...
AQ  Post #: 39
9/9/2006 4:20:51   

The cleric seemed to ignore him, and J was thankful, ducking past him to reside in a far corner. He did not want to fight in the ensuing melee, and so held out both arms, chanting an incantation in a suddenly gravelly voice. He closed his eyes as his conciousness reached outwards, searching past the mirror walls to the earth outside. Like worms they moved, yet as slow as a river carving out a valley. He called to them now, them responding in an instant and flocking to him.

He drew them; drew them to the arena; drew them to him. Ahh, they were close now, and he pulled them up through the stone floor; they were plant roots. They burst through the ground suddenly, growing around his corner, sealing it off in a wall of living wood. Granted, the roots were not very strong, but now J's conciousness was linked with them, making them as strong as he was.

It was a temporary protection; but J hoped that by the time someone broke the roots the melee would have died down at least a bit.
AQ  Post #: 40
9/10/2006 14:58:04   
Lord Memphis

Threkanaa awoke in pain, he was within a dome of glass, expanding rapidly to suffocate him. The mogleet had gone, running away from death like a coward. A haze of smoke started to fill the room, some fire user was trying to kill him from behind a wall, he had another opponent to fight, but first he would have to stop the bleeding wound burning in the centre of his chest.

''Umbra cruor!''

He grimaced and groaned in agony as solidified shadow extended itself from the intricate web of veins and arteries which had been severed in the blast, the blood passed through the passages, creating makeshift veins. After a few precious seconds, he stumbled up from the floor, using the glass as support. The smoke was starting to choke him and his eyes watered, blurring his vision. He had to get out of this deathtrap. Crash! A flash of blinding light from outside hit something, whether it was a person or not, he couldn't tell, but it had temporarily blinded him. Precious seconds passed waiting for the spots do dissipate, but he could wait no longer.

''Umbra pugnus''

Two fists of shadow emerged from the darkness, surrounding his hands, coating them in strengthened armour. One thrust forwards, the glass cracked slightly. Another caused the crack to deepen, a whole rain of blows upon fractured glass passed before the side of the dome succumbed to the power of shadows and a great cacophony filled the room as the glass collapsed. He stepped through the hole to breath the nowmal air again, freedom.

Many were fighting, lightning flew across the room at others and many things seemed to be happening. One fire user looked rather tired and smoke rolled off his fingers, this must be the one who had tried to kill him.

''Umbra telum''

Five razor sharp javelins sped across the room to hit the fire user, each one capable of severe injuries and excruciating pain. Threakanaa was now drained of most of his power, from now on his only companions would have to be his dagger and a few simple spells, he hoped none could sense the energy within him or he would clearly be an easy target.

< Message edited by Lord Memphis -- 9/14/2006 17:00:11 >
Post #: 41
9/10/2006 20:18:28   

Aduro watched as the glass began to crack. He kept pouring in the smoke even harder. It was no use, the glass had shattered. Aduro turned around just in time to get hit with two javelins. One was in his leg. The broken one. The other javeling hit him in the chest. He could hardly breathe. Aduro's body flowed with immeasurable energy, but it's physical power was giving. Aduro's own body was inferior to his true power. There was one thing Aduro could try, but it was too dangerous. Nobody had ever sucessfully regenerated fully. Many tried and this ability had a long history in his family as the Urere family was known for this ability, but the side effects were often life changing and sometimes fatal. The easy part was the dying part, but the second part was much more difficult. The problem was that the body, even if the user new no healing magic, would automatically tap into the user's power and try to heal itself. The user needed full control but in the ghostly form that they would take, it is very hard to control your power. Aduro realized that the javelin had knocked him to the floor. He tried to get up but was unable. Aduro needed to do something. He would have to rely on his family's skill and trust his own willpower. Just one test was needed to see if he could stand it. Aduro tried to move but his body resisted. He wanted to get up but was unable. Aduro had no physical energy left. He tried and tried until his arm lifted him up. Aduro kept trying and eventually he was standing. Now he felt he could control it. Aduro stretched his arms outward and began levitating. He was soon engulfed in fire and his skin burned. It hurt badly and turned black. Aduro over the years of fire using had taught his body to be fire proof, but he was making it burn. He stopped his body from resisting the fire and the flames within him consumed Aduro's body. Soon all that was left was ashes that fell from the floor. The ashes quickly spread in a quick whirlwind and sudenly a sphere of fire appeared where Aduro had floated before. Aduro felt strange he no longer felt his body. The laws of physics did not apply to him. All of life's question's were answered in a instant, yet Aduro had no care. Why would he, he had no curiosity, no brain, he was just energy. The floating ball of fire broke up into five bats and flew towards the man who had thrown the javelins. Aduro no longer thought, he just acted. Why should he leave this form, he was free of human flaws. Aduro felt like a god. Although Aduro did not realize it, this was the reason why the trick was so hard. He no longer had feelings, thoughts, or reasoning, he just acted, he had full control, but it was a different him. The fire bats continued to fly towards the thrower of javelins and Aduro had no reason to change back he was invincible, or so he thought.
Post #: 42
9/13/2006 19:09:38   
Lion Heart

The Cleric had sent out an odd, bright light. It was blinding for those who could see, but, Ace being blind, had no effect on him, except the light remains that were invisible to him. After the light had been sent out, the cleric shot an orb of light towards Ace. The blind one held out his blade, and swung at the orb, much like a baseball bat and ball. The orb and metal clashed, the orb disappeared while the sword was forced back. Ace was thrown off balance, but he gained it, and resumed his defensive position. The dark one was down, and the tool-user held a defensive position as well. The cleric that attacked him would have to be next. Ace ran for the cleric, his sword ready. He jumped over the dark one, and lunged his blade at the cleric. "I hate to tell you, but the blinding light doesn't affect the blind!"
AQ DF  Post #: 43
9/14/2006 17:33:35   
Lord Memphis

The javelins struck home, piercing the chest of the fatally injured fire user. He stumbled to the ground, struggling to breath, excellent. Turning round, Threkanaa looked to see what else was happening nearby, he glanced around quickly to see swords lunging and energy bouncing from corner to corner. But something behind him caught his eye, he turned to see a... Floating orb of fire? Ashes lay on the floor where the fire user had been, had he sacrificed himself to become a spirit?

The fiery orb broke into five pieces, each becoming a bat, flying towards him at an alarming pace. He thought back as quickly as possible to his training, of when he was a Mage, not a Shadowmancer. He held out his hand and focused as hard as he could, suddenly the power came to him. Ultrasonic waves spread from his fingers, if these were true bats the sounds would feel like several men screaming at them. He sidestepped slightly, hoping this would work, if not he would hardly have enough strength to run any further.
Post #: 44
9/14/2006 19:56:02   

The Shadowmancer was emitting ultra sonic screeches. They were indeed bats though and did use ultra sound, Aduro could not locate anything, the bats were blind and could no longer tell what was where, the ultra sound waves were too random, if they had been other bats the ultra sound interference would not be a problem, but these did not move in a straight line and were to confusing to navigate, with much trouble the bats formed together one at a time before forming a large thunder troll out of fire.

In this state Aduro knew he was burning mana quickly and if he ran out while in this form, he would just die as it was all that was now keeping him alive in this state. The giant troll made of fire stomped towards the shadowmancer wielding a firey club. Each stomp took away mana, but Aduro had lots to spare at the moment. He reached the shadowmancer and swung his club down hard. He didn't know if it hit a shadowmancer or a mirror, but he hoped it was the first one, otherwise he'd get a good look at his own club.
Post #: 45
9/16/2006 8:56:17   

Isaacs stepped back a split-second too late; the fire-wielder's blade bit into the skin and bone of his forearm, severing the hand. The cleric watched dispassionately as the wound continued to bleed, despite any healing spells. Then, he remembered the scroll and rolled his eyes. There was another way, of course. He concentrated on the ragged stump and then let a surge of energy flow down it, a shimmering white hand emerging from the torn flesh. Blood coursed visibly along transparent veins and Isaacs flexed his new fingers before turned to the fire user.

"You are faster than you look. Good." He murmured in his strange whisper. "Bela. Amnis. Kael." With each word, a pillar of light welled up from the floor and then subsided, revealing three white-swathed figures. One by one, they encircled the fire user and raised their blades, advancing on him. Isaacs stepped back, over the copious pool of blood and folded his arms around the book to steady himself. The loss of that much blood was taking its toll on him...

< Message edited by *rit -- 9/17/2006 7:08:59 >
AQ  Post #: 46
9/17/2006 3:44:48   

J began to tire from channeling his spell, and considered it a waste of energy to bother keeping his wall up. In a trice, he dispelled it, watching as the roots slithered back to their mother plants. He breathed heavily, leaning against a wall for support as he caught his energy back.

Scanning the far end of the arena, he saw the cleric in battle with two fire weilders and a Shadowmancer, as well as a small, furry creature running about the place. There was one standing away from the fight, carrying two swords and glancing around. It didn't seem like he had a lot in him, and he was probably trying to take someone with him.

It was this man that J now targetted. He pulled his bow off his shoulder, and pulled three arrows out. He considered shouting to the man, letting him know that he was about to be targeted, but then he realised that no-one seemed like they would show the same courtesy. Decietful cowards. Ahh well, this is a free-for-all match - the less opponents that can take me down, the better. he thought, as he stringed one of his arrows and aimed straight for the Energy user. Without thinking, he drew the other two arrows and strung them to fire a couple of feet either way of him.

J wanted to ensure that this time his arrows would not be dodged.
AQ  Post #: 47
9/17/2006 6:22:02   
Lord Memphis

The ultrasonic waves had worked, sending the bats in different directions while he could escape, blinding them. He turned around a few metres away and watched as the bats slowly began to regroup, forming something bigger. He watched in horror as the bulk of a great creature formed. The horns appeared as well as the large club, he recognised it immediatly. A Thunder Troll. He spun around and ran to the mirrors.

He was facing away from thecreature, but each thud grew louder as the creature approached, he could see it but a few feet behind him in the mirror. He span around to face it just in time. It lifted the great club and swung down with all its might. He took a step to the side and heard the awful sound of solid fire hitting ground. He stepped forward, inching towards the fiery leg of the troll until he was close enough to touch it. He reached out, clenching his teeth as the fire bit into his hand, searing the flesh and slowly burning away at his skin.

He started to think of the spell and whispered feebly ''Umbra pugmen.'' He had already lost the use of his left hand for the remainder of the battle. The shadows started to travel up the leg of the Troll encasing it in shadow just as he had done with the pillars of fire. If the troll didn't move soon it's legs would be useless, much like his hand.
Post #: 48
9/17/2006 13:34:47   

Selis' enhanced reflexes picked up something, a cutting of air, a whirring of sound, a projectile. Luckly his enhanced reflexes, thanks to the energy coursing in his body, allowed him to dodge swiftly to the right. However, he heard another sound of the same nature coming at him again. He couldn't dodge the arrow completley so he stepped again to the right as the tip slashed his left arm. Now he was in really bad shape. He tracked the arrows to the man who had shot them, who had not moved. Selis was nearing the last of his energy, he had enough for one last extreme attack, then the rest of it would have to be saved for a killing blow. He took a deep breath and let it out calmly and began to gather all of his energy to his feet. The area around him became electrified as sparks flew from his tabis. He put both hands on his kodachis and began his attack.

He bolted across the room straight at the archer, fast enough to create the illusion of a bolt of lightning flying straight at him. When he was withing a yard of the archer he began his Battojutsu strike. During Battojutsu the swords are drawn out at intense speed by pressing the blade against the sheathe of the sword, thus they are drawn two to three times faster. With Selis' added speed it would seem as though they had instantly been drawn to cut him. He aimed the draw at his opponents neck, trying to cut the jugular vein. He drew with intense speed, two swords coming at him from either side so fast no mere man would notice them. After this I can no longer release my energy powers, i'll have to use my swordsmanship until I can guarantee a fatal blow with my energy.

< Message edited by Zephiel -- 9/18/2006 14:20:36 >
AQ  Post #: 49
9/18/2006 14:59:48   

J watched as the man sprinted towards him, as expected. He dropped and dived to the side, raising his bow to parry the blows. However, he had a trick up his sleeves. He closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling a jolt as the leaves covering his bow bristled with energy. He tightened his grip as the leaves pretrified themselves, turning the bow into essentially a stone block as opposed to a flimsy wooden bow.

As he rose, he thanked the Earth Lord that he had not used up much energy and backflipped, moving away from the pillar as he slung his now-useless bow over one shoulder and drew his sword. He hoped that the swordsman would charge again as he concentrated now on the floor of the arena. Slowly breaking the bonds of a small circle of rock about three feet in front of him; praying that the energy user would not see the slight cracks forming slowly....
AQ  Post #: 50
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