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RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!)

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12/21/2007 19:03:38   

thanks Val, I miss placed those items.

Brilhado blade added, with Vibraxe taken out in place of it (since Brilhado blade is lower level but better damage and special)

I didn't have the Warrior's edge up there for the reason that besides spells, I try to have only low cost (500 or less) token items because Adventurers, although they do get a fair of tokens while fighting, there are other things that are better suited for their tokens, not that I am knocking the Warrior's edge, its just got too high of a token cost for me to put it in there, else I would have it, the Rogue's charm and the Mage globe on the list as well.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 76
12/21/2007 19:47:31   
Agent Val

but i have it 0o0
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 77
12/29/2007 2:24:08   

made a few more changes to the guide, some where a LONG time in coming, others where minor.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 78
12/31/2007 20:25:46   
Agent Val

All the gift boxes are open, there special abilitys have all been releashed

ORIGINAL: Galanoth

Get them now!
Ebil Toys:
They attack every round , but they extract a price in blood, you get the normal check to determine if the pet attacks but if you pass it they don't attack you. The only circumstance they won't attack under is if you turn them off, or if you fail the Charisma check and the blood price would kill you. The Guardian attack also increases the damage a little bit (20%) (as well as reducing monster defences).

Bunny Jammies:
For adventures they reduce a monsters BtH by (your Charisma - the monsters Charisma)/15. The monster is too busy laughing at you to attack properly. For guardians it also reduces the monsters defences by the same amount (its too busy laughing to defend itself properly). And given that the Bunny Jammies have a pretty strong attack to start with , that ain't no laughing matter.

The Major Award:
Has a chance to paralyze if all 3 hits connect. The chance is larger for Guardians.

The Hubcap Shield:
Reduces damage by 20% if you're fighting metal monsters (like Robots). It also adapts to ice and fire attacks (and will chill the enemy for a little bit of ice damage while its attuned to fire, and burn them for a little bit of fire damage while its attuned to cold, the damage is based on the damage the monster did).

Bar of Soap:
You can click on the bar of soap, it will use a turn but its got a decent chance to give your enemy soap poisoning reducing the enemies BtH for as long as you have the Soap equipped.

Flagpoles: Ice element weapon. The special does impressive damage. And also has a chance to paralyze the enemy. If you miss both hit of the special, it might paralyze the enemy for 0 turns or 1 turns or it might make the enemy really made, resulting in the enemy smacking you down hard (monsters don't like being confused by Twig). If you hit with 1 hit it might paralyze the enemy for 0 turns, 1 turn or 2 turns. If you hit with both hits might paralyze the enemy for 1 turn, 2 turns or 3 turns.

The guardian bonus is a 10% chance for the special to do double damage when it occcurs



The BB Gun, always does 2 hits, get stats on each hit (though each level gets a different amount of stats on each hit), 1st hit may poison the enemy for Guardians, 2nd hit may blind the enemy for anybody. The poison results in a 3rd hit being added (it doesn't get stats and it does less damage than a normal hit but it never misses (once the enemy is poisoned they stay poisoned even if you change weapons and then switch back)) and the blinding effect reduces the enemys BtH while the BB Gun is out (it goes back up if you remove the BB Gun but it'll go back down again if you get the BB Gun out again).

The new ice weopen seems to do extremly uber random damage, but guess what? The base is really low, my level 90 melee one only has 2 base making it: 2-36, the special seems to be quite strong, though i havn't ahd a chance to try it out yet, im waiting to see how it ranks in the comparasins.

The second weopen, BB gun seems to be only good at level 90, with the estimated 200% base and random per hit, though it seems the abilitys are quite fun

Armor:I have tested it out, it seems okay nothing spiffy, the reduce of bth and defenses for guardians seems quite useful, throw in the moderate attack but bad defenses, it seems to be a worthwhile armor.

Shield:It seems okay, havn't tested it out with "metal" monsters but seems like a fun shield with the extra hitl against fire and ice monsters

Pet:eh, i have the level 90 version, not really the best pet in the busniess, not even the damage, plus its multi elemental

Misc: Seems great, though im gonna stick with my warriars edge>.<

Now the spell:Okay i hate it>.< it took away my perfect fire spell for a fun spell, now i well actually spend z tokens on getting FEA, the spell is a three hit spell , with powerful damage with a chance for palyzation, weakness huge mana cost, for the level 90 version, over 300 mp. picture of it:)


-Keeshish-Kin: Amazing, the highest level one is better then the Muhrbles and the next level down is not much worse

you should say adventurer rare, meaning its not possible for adventurers to get it anymore

also you can add koofu, (peridot(spelling?), ruby and torminline) to the guest section, worth it if you have high cha

< Message edited by Agent Val -- 12/29/2007 15:55:10 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 79
1/1/2008 16:34:45   

the new Frozen Flagpole doesn't look very good, the Frozen Time Spines and the Nemesis mace both over damage it for Melee and Magic respectively (Except, Melee in Asgardian armor, but the Frozen Time Spines don't lose out by much) it does have a chance to paralyze for two turns or more, but the UIK, Frozen Time Spines and Nemesis Mace all have it in damage in most armors, its low BTH also is horrid for both Hybrid and Mage builds.
in short: keep it if you really like the chance for a two to three turn paralyze, but don't if you like better damage, more BTH.

Bee Bee Gun: I Like it, the level 90 version is well worth it, the level 80 version is pretty good as well, some weapons edge it out in damage (Slithering longbow and the Salvation bow (100)) but its special little effects might make it more useful for some people.

Bar of Soap: Very good, the lowering of enemy BTH is always useful, and the fact that it lowers 10% of 2 elements, and gives 15 cha makes it useful, the 10 magic defense is nice as well.

Bunny Jammies: the horrid resistances and defenses may scare some away, and for Warriors and Mages its not very good, for Rangers I would recomend a different armor for sure, but for a Beast Warrior build it shines well, a very good armor, as long as you can stand up to monsters with such horrid resistances.

Blowout shield: I cannot recomend this for Adventurers, since its burn/chill thing is a Guardian only special, other shields are better for adventurers then this.

Ebil Toys: Horrid in my mind, dual element with so-so damage (A HUGE drawback for the dual element attack) and the chance to damage you, its lowering of the enemy's defenses and extra damage are Guardian only again, so its very much not an Adventurer pet, even if you are a beastmaster.

and Last but certainly not least.

the Major Award Spell: I quite like it, HUGELY high damage, at the cost of major amounts of mana, and with triple elements that are normally linked when in bosses, a good boss fight spell, not so good for farming quests, alright for farming RA since you get a heal right after, good chance to paralyze as well, generally a quite good spell over-all.

and Val, I took out the Keeshish-Kin from the pets area, as for the Koofu's I still have to do some research on them.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 80
1/4/2008 10:18:30   
Capn Nautilus
Banned Multi

this forstval melee ice weapon is superb!
AQ  Post #: 81
1/9/2008 20:47:51   

I think it's been long enough to talk about it.

Powerword Red Fog is quite nice, very powerful at a pretty high MP cost and 200 HP damage on you if all hit's connect (Though that may change slightly in the future) it's high cost and player damage might scare away a few, and really it's not a NEEDED spell per se, but if you are a Tank Mage, or just a mage who loves LOTS of damage in a short amount of time, then pick it up, if you are a pure build or a mage with less HP, then you can probably get by without it.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 82
1/10/2008 12:25:43   
Capn Nautilus
Banned Multi

i heard its just as strong as mega inferno wiv divine magic
AQ  Post #: 83
1/10/2008 14:35:53   
Agent Val

what are talking about capt? its the strongest spell in the game, damage wise, of course you damage yourself, its also maybe planned for you to be able to dodge some of the damage
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 84
1/11/2008 2:05:42   

with 200 int, PW:RF out damages even the Major award by a few points (which already tops past MegaInferno easily), it also is probably a good indication of the new style of spells (NOT the damage to you, it looks like most of the post-sweep spells won't do damage to the player) a LOT of power, and an equal amount of downside to the power you get.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 85
1/13/2008 13:15:50   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

I doubt spells will get more powerful than PWRF, but expect similar spell costs. I imagine the costs are cheaper due to the 200 damage to you.

The Angel Shield is a weaker version of Ultimus I believe, so if you just can't get the Z-tokens and want a shield like that, it might be worth your time.

I've loved all the Frostval stuff. Despite the low base damage, I can see someone settling for Twig as their Ice weapon for the hilarity and the paralyzing. I do have to agree with some about the pets though. For a serious Beastmaster, I don't think they are worth it, and if you aren't, well they just hurt you more often.
Post #: 86
1/13/2008 17:04:06   
Agent Val

the war is over, im very happy about the new fire uber spell except for its massive mp cost
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 87
1/13/2008 18:04:36   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

The spells are awesome. Dunno about the other equipment yet. There are two shops, one for good, and one for evil. If you don't care about having a consistent character, you might want rewards from both shops.
Post #: 88
1/13/2008 21:55:24   

both spells top their respective elements for power (though I hear that might change come the spell portion of the sweep) the shield looks... interesting, not enough data on that yet,

Edit: scratch that, the weapon is quite powerful, a very nice Fire weapon.

< Message edited by macer -- 1/13/2008 21:59:38 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 89
1/14/2008 14:45:17   
Agent Val

yes it should top most fire weopens considering its damage/bth unless its special damage and rate says otherwise which i don't think so
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 90
2/1/2008 16:24:09   

its the time of year I love for my main character, it's the Wizard Games, time to do some reporting on new items.

Lava Broadsword; the highest level version are alright, the rest is not worth the money to get.

Wyvern Pets; Great pets for Beastmasters, but VERY Cha dependent, so don't get it if you are not a Beast build.

Manasplosion; Amazing spell if you work out the mana casting costs right, does AMAZING element X (void if you prefer) damage, at the cost of a ton of Mana.

Vortex/Meteors; the same number of hits as before, but I'll wager an entire week's worth of farming that they have somewhere around 333.334% stats per hit, or 300% even and probably buffed damage on each hit as well, either way it'll do as much if not more damage then the current 'Uber' spells of the same element.

Elemental Singularity; Probably going to be FAR more useful soon, since a lot more monsters will be casting 'spells' and using Mana, still pretty good on it's own.

Ice Needle/Mental Energy; also have been buffed, not sure if they are to the same degree as Vortex and Meteors, but they will still be very good for their levels.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 91
2/6/2008 12:53:26   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

The problem with the Elemental Singularity spells are their accuracy. They are very much like Riiiptide, except with less bth, and have the new standard for spell costs. The multi-element may chase some away, but as Macer said, hitting the enemies' mp is only getting more useful a skill with the sweep and new monsters.

Manasplosion is a very nice spell, but I do not suggest spell-spamming it, even with Sila's Staff. I usually use the highest level one in the 400s of mp for a quick burst of damage, then stick to the normal spells afterwards, using Sila's Staff to recharge. It is useful for getting to Nowhere rather quick, however, as casting it with too much mp is generally instant death. Note, it does Void Damage. Against creatures like Xyfrag and the TerrorZard, it is good to spam.
Post #: 92
2/16/2008 18:37:30   

Alrighty then, new equipment I should report on.

Blossoms: Pretty good pets for their price, sure they get blown out of the water by some of the more costly pets out there, but for someone with low Cha or a small wallet, these pets are good.

Rosethorn: Good weapon from last year (and quite possibly the year before) pick it up if you are in need of a Water Melee weapon but don't have the King Tide Reaper or the Tsunami Edge

Heart Breaker: Not so good, dual element makes it less useful.

Heart Shields: Good shields for pretty cheap, but there are better on the market depending on what you like to do.

Love Potions: Pretty good, a good item if you don't have something like the Signs or the Orbs filling up your Inventory.

Candy Hearts: A good spell, even if the highest level IS guardian only.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 93
2/17/2008 10:26:41   
Capn Nautilus
Banned Multi

well that does make quite good sense
AQ  Post #: 94
2/26/2008 11:38:10   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

The whips seem to me to be another 100% special ranged weapon, with the only selling point being the accuracy. If you are having trouble with missing stuff with an ice weapon and don't mind a ranged 100% special, this might help you out.

The swords are interesting. The Grave Rot isn't particularly powerful coming from the player, but it can lower the effectiveness of some pesky melee enemies. I haven't been able to tell just yet what exactly lowering END does beyond lowering the resistance to freezing and paralyzing. If the effect was larger, I might would even recommend this to use in conjunction with freezing/paralyzing, but unless that END lowering shaves off extra hp too, this seems little more than a novelty.
Post #: 95
2/29/2008 22:26:59   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

The blade Hinges are very interesting. They have a much lower chance of special than the Drakaxes, but seem to have the same base damage with a little more accuracy. Their shining point is their special. After doing the math (hopefully correctly), I have found that despite the special rate dropping the higher level version you get, the healing amount winds up balancing out to heal you even more than the lower versions. That also means they interrupt your attacks less often for the overall better healing. Unless you think battles just do not last long enough and really want the healing, stick with the higher level versions. Between the various spell enhancing staves and weapons like these, it is getting increasingly tempting to go after a weapon lineup of gimmicks rather than damage for mage variants. These weapons could also be valuable to tank variants that don't rely heavily on melee weapons.

The Shelayleighs now seem to be pretty decent weapons in their own right. They may not match the power of weapons like the Spirit Katana and Mjollnir, but they aren't particularly expensive either.

The Shamrocks seem to fit the new standard mold for pets, however it is doubtful they can top the Asgardian Lion. Their prices and training difficulties are lower, however, so they could be valuable as energy pets until you can afford (and have the CHA) to upgrade to something better.

The other items seem about the same as they used to be. The Mega Clover could help reduce damage from certain elements well for the level and price, but it is possible to get better shields. The Blarney Rogue is better than the normal rogue, so if you like the class, get the Blarney version instead.
Post #: 96
3/16/2008 15:47:55   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

It's getting harder and harder to keep up with this thing. I have no experience with the new Grenwog festival items, and so can't give a solid opinion on them. If anyone wants to take this over, feel free. I no longer have time for it.
Post #: 97
3/21/2008 20:09:55   

Maybe we could mention Blackbones what can do what lightning rod can do except only in dark element. But it's special counts as a spell so it streghtens itself, and it heals you. For con it has a 100% special though. Maybe a middle-level equipment with high intelligence or for the spell-bonus only...
AQ  Post #: 98
3/22/2008 17:06:28   

I also am finding myself unable to keep the Guide updated every week, if someone wants to take over the Adventurer part of it, they can, if not then I can update it whenever I can, though that's probably once a month, if not less often then that.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 99
3/23/2008 6:00:53   
Agent Val

i can, after i get back from my busy sceduale on my trip to china, ill take over the adventurer guide as well. if i do find the time ill help update for war events...anyway for grenwog...

im not sure for all the equipment but for all sakes...

the eggscalibur i belive its called? the top level seems to be a great level for its level and price which is a measly 25 000ish

the wabbit armor is a good little armor to get, its a pretty good rare, kinda on the weak side but its a good armor nonetheless, and if anything the z token wabbit is even better but its not exactly worth it.

Well thats all i remembered>.<

for the new mogbuster quest

the top level ranged weopens are a must get for any ranger! and tis extremly funny>.<
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 100
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