Agent Val
All the gift boxes are open, there special abilitys have all been releashed quote:
ORIGINAL: Galanoth Get them now! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ebil Toys: They attack every round , but they extract a price in blood, you get the normal check to determine if the pet attacks but if you pass it they don't attack you. The only circumstance they won't attack under is if you turn them off, or if you fail the Charisma check and the blood price would kill you. The Guardian attack also increases the damage a little bit (20%) (as well as reducing monster defences). Bunny Jammies: For adventures they reduce a monsters BtH by (your Charisma - the monsters Charisma)/15. The monster is too busy laughing at you to attack properly. For guardians it also reduces the monsters defences by the same amount (its too busy laughing to defend itself properly). And given that the Bunny Jammies have a pretty strong attack to start with , that ain't no laughing matter. The Major Award: Has a chance to paralyze if all 3 hits connect. The chance is larger for Guardians. The Hubcap Shield: Reduces damage by 20% if you're fighting metal monsters (like Robots). It also adapts to ice and fire attacks (and will chill the enemy for a little bit of ice damage while its attuned to fire, and burn them for a little bit of fire damage while its attuned to cold, the damage is based on the damage the monster did). Bar of Soap: You can click on the bar of soap, it will use a turn but its got a decent chance to give your enemy soap poisoning reducing the enemies BtH for as long as you have the Soap equipped. Flagpoles: Ice element weapon. The special does impressive damage. And also has a chance to paralyze the enemy. If you miss both hit of the special, it might paralyze the enemy for 0 turns or 1 turns or it might make the enemy really made, resulting in the enemy smacking you down hard (monsters don't like being confused by Twig). If you hit with 1 hit it might paralyze the enemy for 0 turns, 1 turn or 2 turns. If you hit with both hits might paralyze the enemy for 1 turn, 2 turns or 3 turns. The guardian bonus is a 10% chance for the special to do double damage when it occcurs BBG GUN quote: ORIGINAL: Kalanyr The BB Gun, always does 2 hits, get stats on each hit (though each level gets a different amount of stats on each hit), 1st hit may poison the enemy for Guardians, 2nd hit may blind the enemy for anybody. The poison results in a 3rd hit being added (it doesn't get stats and it does less damage than a normal hit but it never misses (once the enemy is poisoned they stay poisoned even if you change weapons and then switch back)) and the blinding effect reduces the enemys BtH while the BB Gun is out (it goes back up if you remove the BB Gun but it'll go back down again if you get the BB Gun out again). Weopens: The new ice weopen seems to do extremly uber random damage, but guess what? The base is really low, my level 90 melee one only has 2 base making it: 2-36, the special seems to be quite strong, though i havn't ahd a chance to try it out yet, im waiting to see how it ranks in the comparasins. The second weopen, BB gun seems to be only good at level 90, with the estimated 200% base and random per hit, though it seems the abilitys are quite fun Armor:I have tested it out, it seems okay nothing spiffy, the reduce of bth and defenses for guardians seems quite useful, throw in the moderate attack but bad defenses, it seems to be a worthwhile armor. Shield:It seems okay, havn't tested it out with "metal" monsters but seems like a fun shield with the extra hitl against fire and ice monsters Pet:eh, i have the level 90 version, not really the best pet in the busniess, not even the damage, plus its multi elemental Misc: Seems great, though im gonna stick with my warriars edge>.< Now the spell:Okay i hate it>.< it took away my perfect fire spell for a fun spell, now i well actually spend z tokens on getting FEA, the spell is a three hit spell , with powerful damage with a chance for palyzation, weakness huge mana cost, for the level 90 version, over 300 mp. picture of it:) quote:
-Keeshish-Kin: Amazing, the highest level one is better then the Muhrbles and the next level down is not much worse you should say adventurer rare, meaning its not possible for adventurers to get it anymore also you can add koofu, (peridot(spelling?), ruby and torminline) to the guest section, worth it if you have high cha < Message edited by Agent Val -- 12/29/2007 15:55:10 >