Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (Full Version)

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Genoclysm -> Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (3/15/2008 9:52:27)

Adventurer guide located here. You can thank Macer.
Links have been added to all items thanks to Fishtank.

War/Event Rewards:
See latest post of mine and/or Macer's.

I would like to make a quick small section for the Beast Master:
Mages casting spells, and rangers using special only weapons get no little to no penalties in the offencive part of this armor, and their pets and guests actually et more powerful. For them, this is the strongest offencive armor in the game (after necro gets nerfed). It also increases every stat by 10, furthering the offencive capabilities of the player, and the Beastial Skin helps make up for the lack of defence compared to alternatives, depending on the player's level.

This part of the guide will be for those not afraid to spend some real cash.
A few items worth noting before moving on:

I. I regard the Uber equipment and the lesser versions quite highly, and this will be especially true once the KoO are done tweaking the weapons. Around level 70-90, the least version weapons are still potent for the level, and relatively cheap considering their power and high sellback rates.
II. Once again I will not include rares for obvious reasons.
III. Although not recomended, you can actually "buy gold" in a way. Buy up as many tokens as you are willing to spend on gold, then exchange for gold in a shop. The highest conversion available, however, is to spend them on stats.
IV. This guide will be most useful for characters level 50+, since that is the level range many of the "pricey" weapons come into play.


+1 The weapon is useful even into the next level tier.
+2 The weapon is useful even into the next two level tiers.
!!! Recomended

Tiers usually are 0-30, 31-74, 75-89, and 90+
Ubers and Epics should also be considered to be just within the next tier.

Magic Weapons

40:_____ BeastSlayer Staff
45:_____ Scion Sword___________+1, lowers damage of ice monsters
45:_____ Drakonnan's Vengeance
70:_____ Heir Blade_____________powerful, lowers damage of ice monsters
75:_____ Reign Bringer__________Uber, lowers damage of ice monsters !!!
92:_____ Salvation Scepter

8:______ Salvation Scepter
40:_____ Magic Ice Katana_______Freezing special, +1, !!!
45:_____ Frostbite Staff_________Accurate
50:_____ Liquiscepter___________Very powerful common special (mixed element however)
45:_____ Lycan Magic Slasher____Mana steal special.
70:_____ Arkridge______________Melee or Magic
70:_____ Blizzard Wand_________100% special
75:_____ Nemesis Mace_________Uber !!!

5:_______ Water Drop Mace______Earliest magic water weapon.
30:______ Clan Weapon Nautica!__Grows in strength and level depending on the clan's success
20:______ Maelstaff_____________Double element
50:______ Abyssal Staff__________+1, Rare but powerful special. !!!
65:______ Maelstaff_____________Double element
80:______ Poise________________Uber, great mp healing special !!!
82:______ Salvation Scepter
90:______ Ultimate Maelstaff______Double element

20:______ Maelstaff______________Double element
22:______ Salvation Scepter
48:______ Battle Rose
65:______ Maelstaff______________Double element
80:______ Valesword_____________Lower special rate !!!
90:______ Ultimate Maelstaff_______Double element

0:_______ Staff of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
15:______ Protector_______________+1, Converts to any damage type
25:______ Gemblade_____________Large special for its level.
30:______ Protector_______________+1, Converts to any damage type
40:______ Staff of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
40:______ Salvation Scepter
50:______ Earth Magestaff
50:______ Protector_______________+1, Converts to any damage type
50:______ Sword of the Ancients
70:______ Staff of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
85:______ Granite Edge____________Seeks on Earth enemies
100:_____ Staff of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon..., !!!

15:______ Mage Blade___________+1, Ranged special scaled to INT (wierd but true; type only effects the accuracy)
30:______ Drakaxe
35:______ Arcane Ancestor Axe___+2
45:______ ValeSword
50:______ Twist Dagger__________+1, Powerful spell special
50:______ Dragonfang Scimitar Z__+1
60:______ Drakaxe
70:______ Mistral Ravager
70:______ Salvation Scepter
75:______ Drakaxe
85:______ Drakaxe_____________!!!

15:______ Bonefang_____________+1, Gives you armor for special
25:______ Staff of Nihilis
53:______ Spider Leg____________Smaller MP steal
55:______ Dread Staff of Nihilis
56:______ Salvation Scepter
75:______ Dire Staff of Nihilis
70:______ Big 100K_____________Balanced, Double element, MP healing special when triggered
75:______ Lumpy Skull Club______HP steal

30:______ Star Wand
20:______ Raynor's Blade________HP stealing
45:______ Celestia______________+1, High power special scaled to INT
62:______ Raynor's Superior Blade_HP stealing
80:______ Raynor's Ultimate Blade_Good damage, and steals HP
85:______ Galaxy Wand
100:_____ Salvation Scepter______ !!!

70:______ Sila's Staff____________Boosts spell power when equipped, has a mp regen ability
90:______ Sila's Staff____________Boosts spell power when equipped, has a mp regen ability, !!!

(NOTE: Get the highest appropriate Weapon of Salvation you can. They are quite good, especially with their increasingly common trigger.)
(NOTE: The ReignBringer's special gets an extra 200% of its weapon damage added on when equipped with the whole set.)
(NOTE: The Nightmare Mace is stronger than the Magic Ice Katana, BUT it won't freeze enemies as often, and it won't freeze without the entire set.)
(NOTE: Mages with a lot of DEX may find certain ranged weapons useful, though at best, they can only receive half the stat bonuses. Mjollnir is one appealing example.)
(NOTE: Poise pwns for mages who cast a lot, and use class spells frequently as well. It can restore a rather respectable amount of mp during the special, and the special does decent damage to boot.)

Melee Weapons:

8:________ Salvation Blade
15:_______ Garthonk______________+1, energy weapon against water!!!
35:_______ Fyre Force_____________Accuracy
45:_______ StarFusion_____________+1, dual element, scaled special
50:_______ Magma Vein___________+1, legendary for damage among warriors, special scales on STR
55:_______ Dragonhand___________+1, The highest chance of getting the Guardian Dragon!
65:_______ Sun Sickle____________
70:_______ Fyre Force Ultimate_____Accuracy
75:_______ Sun Sickle
85:_______ Sun Sickle____________
95:_______ Sun Sickle____________!!!

35:_______ Cryzta________________+2
35:_______ Grim Vestige___________+2, Dual element
40:_______ Elite Ice Katana________+1, freezing special, !!!
80:_______ Soul Leech_____________can randomly kill you

30:_______ StormVale Sword______+1, dual element
35:_______ Orc Master's Blade_____+1, No special
45:_______ Guardian Trench Axe____Element seeks on water monsters
75:_______ Bad-Axe
80:_______ Tsunami Edge_________Soaks monsters, and rusts metal enemies, !!!
90:_______ Ultimate Trench Axe____Element seeks on water monsters
100:______ Salvation Blade________triggers on agents

20:_______ Lectris________________+1, Accurate
30:_______ Soul Katana____________Scaled to level, no special
45:_______ Energy Cleaver___________Xyfrag slayer, no special
65:_______ Bad-Axe_______________Don't make me go into the Ish shpeal again...
70:_______ Power Katana___________Scaled to level, no special
70:_______ Betroven Energy Gouger__
110:______ Spirit Katana____________Scaled to level, no special, !!!

0:_______ Dagger of Awe__________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
0:_______ Blade of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
25:______ Mega Dragon Blade______No special, seeks on dragons
40:______ Dagger of Awe__________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
40:______ Blade of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
40:______ Chopalot______________+1
50:______ Protector_______________+1, Converts to any damage type, sickle is more accurate, sword is stronger
55:______ Heavy Monster Smasher__+1, no special, triggers against ice
70:______ Dagger of Awe__________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
70:______ Blade of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
85:______ Unlucky Sword__________
100:_____ Dagger of Awe__________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
100:_____ Blade of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon..., !!!
100:_____ Rhublade______________

15:______ Mace of Might__________+1, special scaled to STR
30:______ StormVale Sword_______+1, dual element
35:______ Beautiful Oblivion_______+2, dual element
45:______ Cutter Staff____________+1, no special, Choosable attack power and accuracy
65:______ The Great Divider_______
75:______ Fenris Gasher___________Hard to get, but strong.
80:______ Limbus Blade___________leeches hp in order to sustain and strengthen its power
90:______ RageBreaker___________Uber, special hurts enemy mp and heals you. !!!

35:_______ Grim Vestige___________+2, dual element
40:_______ Nightslayer_____________+1
55:_______ Dark Wartexx__________+1
65:_______ Exterminator____________triggers on pests
70:_______ Blood Blade_____________Healing special
70:_______ Tongue of Stragath_______level scaled, the special has backlash
80:_______ Vampiric Axe____________steals hp from enemies with every hit, sometimes gives the enemy a chunk of yours
92:_______ Salvation Blade__________No special, triggers on agents

35:_______ Beautiful Oblivion_______+2, Dual element
35:_______ Greater Zardbane_______+2, seeks against Zards, no special
45:_______ Orc Cleaver____________+1, no special
45:_______ StarFusion_____________+1, dual element, scaled special
56:_______ Salvation Blade_________no special, triggers on agents
60:_______ Gilded Axe_____________triggers on undead
70:_______ Valor Point_____________no special, unknown trigger
70:_______ Golden Axe_____________triggers on undead !!!
72:_______ King's DuaLight_________Healing special depending on enemy's MP, MP steal (ex: good for Undead Moglin Demon)

80:_______ Elemental Seeker_______seeks on everything, but drains a little hp per hit

(NOTE: The Elemental Seeker is less risky for high END builds. The true beauty is that it seeks Void on Xyfrag, Zeels, Golden Zards, TerrorZards...)
(NOTE: For ice, the Cryzta is available early, and is only outclassed by the Grim Vestige, but the Grim Vestige has a mixed special and is only stronger by a little. You may want to go with Cryzta.)
(NOTE: For the Cutter Staff, use the Bottle Opener for best accuracy, and the Knife head for best balance. The others are close enough in damage that the Knife's accuracy more than makes up for the one less average damage.)

Ranged Weapons:

30:______ Orc Bombs____________+2, 100% special
40:______ Meteor Gun____________+1, 100% special, !!!
56:______ Salvation Bow_______100% special, triggers on agents
76:______ Warsmith Dagger_______100% special, triggers on metal

20:______ Frost Bow_____________100% special
38:______ Feral Lycan Bow________100% special, Trigger on vampires
40:______ Comet Gun____________+1, 100% special, !!!
70:______ Royal Lycan Bow_______100% special, Trigger on vampires
70:______ Salvation Bow__________100% special, triggers on agents

9:_______ SuperSoaker__________100% special
40:______ Salvation Bow_________100% special, triggers on agents
50:______ MrSoaker_____________100% special, Can do quadruple damage in three turns
65:______ SeaBow______________100% special

40:______ Ion Cannon____________
60:______ Thunderclap Hammer____
75:______ Valhallan Maul__________Uber
90:______ Mjolnir________________EPIC, !!!
92:______ Salvation Bow__________%

0:_______ Spear of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
8:_______ Salvation Bow___________%
40:______ Spear of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
50:______ Beast Trainer's Whip______%
50:______ Protector_______________+1, Converts to any damage type
70:______ Spear of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon...
100:_____ Spear of Awe____________Level scales, free, Guardian Dragon..., !!!

25:_______ Beast Trainer's Whip______%
38:_______ Aerodu Sword___________%
50:_______ War Hawk______________%
55:_______ Sinister Curve___________%
55:_______ Warsmith Dagger________%
75:_______ Guardian Brilhado Spear__%
80:_______ Slithering Longbow_______
100:______ Salvation Bow___________%, !!!

15:_______ Basic Vampspear________%, Trigger on Werewolves
38:_______ Sharpened Vampspear___%, Trigger on Werewolves
45:_______ Penumbral Spear________lesser uber, still powerful
55:_______ Slithering Longbow______Easier to obtain
60:_______ Umbral Spear___________lesser uber, still powerful
75:_______ Shadow Spear__________Uber

15:_______ Hybee Spear___________Available sooner
20:_______ Holy Bolt Bow__________%, Trigger on undead
40:_______ Holy Blaze Bow_________%, Trigger on undead
60:_______ Hybee Spear___________
75:_______ Holy Rage Bow_________%, Trigger on undead
75:_______ Beast Trainer's Whip____%
82:_______ Salvation Bow_________%

(NOTE: The Hybee spear is weaker, but allows you to use class abilities.)
(NOTE: You can convert any weapon to ranged by using the Zardslayer, Zardrider, or Zardmaster armors, and can convert melee to ranged in the Thunder, Vallhallan, and Asgardian armors.)
(NOTE: The special of the Shadow spear gets a Fear effect bonus, taking away 4 dodge each special, when equiped with the rest of the Shadow set.)

100% specials do use stat bonuses and aren't effected by the reletively low attack power of our armor. They will not allow you to use class abilities however.

Ice Katana____________Freezing
Energy Cleaver________Xyfrag
Lycan swords__________Healing special depending on enemy's MP, MP steal (ex: good for Undead Moglin Demon)
Custom Weapon_______Can replace any slot in the guide except for magic weapons
Only one Maelstaff! To have two would be to waste a weapon slot.

4. Pets and Guests.

- Poelala: Increases magic attack.
- Dragonslayer Twilly: Mp heal EVERY turn when not facing trigger enemies.
- Old style Twilly: Doesn't have a constant heal, but heals often for 20 hp and mp.
- Mogleet: They freeze any enemy that isn't resistant to ice.
- Pixie: Healing depending on CHA and lost hp... personally I find it not very useful, but to each his own.
- Protean: Element seeking
- BeastMaster Guests: Best damage

- Fairy God Mother: Good scaled healing.
- Red Murhble: Best for Fire, !!!
- Yellow Murhble: Energy alternative
- Dynamo: Best for Energy, !!!
- Blue Murble: Best Wind pet, !!!
- Little Death: Powerful Darkness attacks
- Zorbak: Powerful Darkness attacks, a powerful Earth attack, draining and paralyzing attack, !!!
- Ninjat: Strong Wind and Darkness attacks, looks so cool
- Ice Rhino: Powerful Ice attacks
- Nerf Kitten: Strong Ice attacks, and it nerfs the enemy, !!!
- Octopirate: Strong Ice and Water attacks, !!!
- Razorclaw: Strong Earth attacks
- Protector: Earth alternate, really shiny

5. Classes and Abilities.
-Beast Master:
Beastial Skin___________Allows the class to survive even against the high levels of enemies.
Internal Beast__________Best method to temporarily increase stats.
Beast Mastery__________Allows guests of two different elements.
Wild Force_____________Increases the attack power of your pets and guests by 30%.
Mana Morph____________Restore MP
Divine Magic____________Spell power boost
Others_________________A variety of decent summons and spells.
Summon Daimyo________Good guest
Lay on Hands___________Full restoration
Holy Might______________Possibly the strongest attack for a annihilater build.
Resurection_____________a second chance
Zombie Hands!__________For high END, low INT, this is very efficient for healing.
Undead Mutant__________A powerful attack.
Dragon Fire_____________Cheap and decent fire spell that triggers on dragons
Freeze Dragonkind_______Freezes dragons
Call Forth the Fire Dragon_Powerful fire attack scaled to your level and triggers on dragons.
-Shinobi Shozoku
Ninja Deathstrike_________Possible Element X attack.
Great Dragon____________Element X attack.

6. Shields
Beginner all around:___________ Glave/ Monster Claw
Middle all around:______________ Gyrate/ Aegis
Advanced Melee:_______________ Nemesis
Advanced Ranged:______________ Reign
Advanced Magic:_______________ Golden
Advanced All Around:___________ Asgardian
Ultimate Melee:________________ Sackelberry Special
Ultimate Range:________________ Siege Tower
Ultimate Magic:________________ Spellblocker

Raising Money:
  • Buy a house with tokens and let it sit for a while. You'll gain interest in tokens on it when you finally sell it.
  • Tokens are now sellable, for an even better rate than the accesories, so for those who don't want token weapons, now you can still get a good deal.
  • Visit Ballyhoo three times a day for relatively free prizes. It only costs time.
  • Fighter level 10 quest is hard to reach without STR, but the enemies cannot stand against a spell barrage.
  • Fairwind Spring. Need I say more?

    I would like to thank Fishtank for some very nice editing and a touch of revising.

  • macer -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (12/13/2006 0:04:13)

    Adventurers Guide

    Table of Contents

    - 1. Armors

    - 2. Spells

    - 3. Weapons

    - 4. Pets and Guests

    - 5. Classes and Abilities

    - 6. Shields

    - 7. Miscellaneous/Accessories

    - 8. Temporary items

    -9. What to do with your tokens

    - 10. Current war/event Rewards/Rare weapons

    1. Armors

    -Swashbuckler's Raiment
    is a decent armor (and who does not love being a pirate) but as with most classes it won't stand against any monster in the later levels.
    -Suld Armor
    A pretty good armor for one that is weaker then the guardian version, its good attacks make it an offensive armor useful for Warriors just starting out
    Although statistically our armor is lacking, it may be a good idea to buy this armor now before the upgrades so you’ll save money for better equipment or donations in the future. The price will increase with the upgrades. This will be the core of our strategy, and there is not much point being in the clan if you don’t use the armor.
    This armor converts all damage to ranged. This would be effective against Sneaks and a few other similar monsters.
    -Necromancer Cloak
    It is a magic converting armor in a way, because its attack only uses INT for the stat bonuses.
    -Canine Warrior
    A relatively cheap farming armor.
    -Werewolf Form
    Considered by many to be the best farming armor.
    -Protector armor
    Decent armor for Adventurers, some good and some bad resistances, but its got good defenses and 3 attacks (1, 2, 3 hits with decent chance for each) Good if you can't afford a Uber set armor.
    The Uber (Least, Lesser, Greater, Epic (one Epic at the moment).) armors that are out are the best armors you can buy, with Golden back there is an armor for just about every build, Get the one that best fits you.

    Very good armor over all, a balance of attack and defense making a good armor for those who don't want to turtle totally but still want to somewhat
    Very powerful; the highest attack power of all armors, Very good for Warrior builds
    Very good dodge for the ubers, and has good defenses as well. The closest thing to a weakness is magic light
    Great sets, top tier ranks into the new 'Epic' level of armor, good for people of higher levels
    Very good defense and resistances, anyone who wants to turtle and be able to take a lot of damage, this armor is for you


    2. Spells

    Bag of Bones and Darksplatter will be your most powerful spell should you get one of them. Sources conflict on which is more potent, but I myself prefer Darksplatter (note Darksplatter is a token item but it’s the best by a fair amount get it if you save up enough tokens from battles).
    As soon as you can afford it, Illuminate Ultra is the best.
    Solar Incinerator is the best for adventurers, Frost Elf Attack is better by far but is a token item if you somehow collect enough for it Get it right away.
    Ice nine: GET IT, finally there is a top tier ice spell.
    Purity Portal from Warlic's Advanced (L70) However the Lighting rod provides another option, allowing an Adventurer to use a version of Mega Shock
    Riiiptide is by far number one.
    Use Dragon Wings (L4 Dracomancer ability) Rated by Computafreak as best wind spell Another option although it is less powerful, Invisible blast.
    (Brilhado Feathers is not rare for the time being, so GET IT as soon as you can)
    Earth Rage is the best for Adventurers I'm afraid earth is really lacking.
    Heal Wounds is the best healing since it heals the most in one turn and has the chance to heal four times as much. It also does not replace your guest. Its enormous spell cost is its biggest drawback.
    Scrambler Beam for changing the enemies resistence, the Avalanche spells are potent but attack with EVERY element, Scale Rot for element X on dragons, and the Summon create guests. The Avalanche spells are beaten out by the dark and light spells which have only one element, and Scale Rot is too specialized. The only two of these I'll suggest is Scrambler Beam to make enemies freezable or more susceptible to Darksplatter for a little bit bigger bite early on.
    -Summon Krenos
    A useful summoning spell for a powerful guest, the only downside of this is that you don't get healing like some guests give.
    -Summon Eldron
    a Very powerful guest, casts Charm on enemies which does Void damage, also attacks with Light and Wind for good damage.

    3. Weapons

    + - good even for the next tier
    ++ - good even for the next two tiers
    % - 100% special
    # - no special

    Magic Weapons:

    Low:_____there is no low magic weapon for Adventurers
    Middle:___Scion Sword__________least form of the Reign set, still powerful+
    MiddleAlt:_Fusion Staff___________special with optional element
    HighAlt:___Heir Blade____________Lesser form of the Reign set, still powerful
    High:_____Reign Bringer_________Sword of the Reign set, lowers damage of ice monsters

    Low:_____Sorry! There isn't one.
    Middle:___Frostbite Staff_________Accurate
    MiddleAlt:_Liquiscepter___________Very powerful common special (mixed element however)
    HighAlt:___Blizzard Wand________%
    High:_____Nightmare Mace_______Great weapon with a stellar special.

    Low:_____Clan Weapon Nautica!__Grows in strength and level
    Middle:____Water Magestaff______Available sooner
    High:______Poise_______________This weapon has all going for it that the greater Uber set weapons have and more in short its the Ultimate Magic water weapon and pretty darn close to the best magic weapon out there.
    HighAlt:____Aqvarius____________Special damage based on your level

    Low:______no good Magic energy weapon for low levels
    Middle:____Dueling Dragons Staff__Good special low chance though
    MiddleAlt: _Battle Rose__________Good special better chance to happen then DDS
    High:______ValeSword__________Strong Special even though it has no BTH, good BTH on the normal attack and high damage
    HighAlt:____Vibraxe____________its neck in neck with the ValeSword but the special is a tiny bit better, choose the one you like better
    HighAlt:_____Lighting Rod________Not even really a weapon its more like a spell in staff form, even though it costs a TON its worth it and it may or may not get a nerf soon, still its worth it if you want megashock, %

    Low:_______Witch Blade_______+ Great damage for its level
    Middle:_____ Magestaff________It's the only decent option. Lv.50
    MiddleAlt:__Sword of the Ancients__the ability to cast those two spells for no mana cost makes it decent
    High:_______Granite edge__________This weapon is the be all and end all of magic earth weapons as far as I am concerned Great damage (although its due for a small nerf its not enough to affect its power in my mind) the special is amazing and the trigger is worth every penny and every annoying monster you have to face along the way to it.

    Low:_____Deadly Wind Staff______very good weapon to have at low levels
    Middle:___AutumnDawn Staff_____Good and common special with optional element
    High:_____Mistral Ravager________Quite good decent special damage

    Low:_____Arcane Scythe_________Good damage special for such a low level good to start
    Middle:____Spider Leg___________+ Stunning damage for its level its good till the next Tier
    MiddleAlt:_Dark Magestaff________Decent damage
    High:______Big 100K_____________Double element, MP healing special when triggered much better now and worth the 100k price tag
    HighAlt:___Lumpy Skull Club______Healing special

    Low:_____Star Wand____________Decent damage
    LowAlt:___Light Sevus___________Can get sooner
    Middle:___Raynar's Superior Blade__+ Great healing special
    MiddleAlt:_Crystal Seed___________%, good damage even though you can’t use class abilities
    High:_____Galaxy Wand__________Good damage
    HighAlt:___Zardwarts Wand________Great specials on this weapon, a lot like the Blackbones and a few other wands out there, over all its VERY good thanks to all its specials
    HighAlt:___Raynar's Ultimate Blade__Great healing special even though it has a low chance

    (NOTE: The Ice Katana is melee, but mages would love the freeze factor.)
    (NOTE: The Reign Bringer's special gets an extra 200% of its weapon damage added on when equipped with the whole set.)
    (NOTE: The Nightmare Mace's special gets a freezing bonus when equipped with the whole set.)

    Melee Weapons:

    Low:______Bad-Axe______________Decent special gets stronger as you level up
    Middle:____Super Pzycho Sabre_____Summons a strong guest
    MiddleAlt:__Flame Hatchet_________good ult does a fair amount of damage
    MiddleAlt:___Wit__________________is has amazing BTH for its level but its damage leaves a bit to be desired
    High:______Fire Lord's Axe_________same as the Flame Hatchet but higher level and higher damage

    Low:___Chill Ripper________________Powerful special that hits 4 times
    Middle:___Ice Katana_______________Special that can freeze your enemy if it has more then 100% ice resistance
    MiddleAlt:__Chill Ripper ____________Powerful special that does 4 hits with great BTH
    High:_____Arkridge________________Accurate special with choose able attack type for more accuracy
    HighAlt:____Ultra Chain Axe_________calling this a melee weapon does not do it any kindness since it doubles as a range weapon, everything is decent or better making this a good over all weapon

    Low:______Scurvy Dog's Cutlass______Good special that grows as you level up
    Middle:___Vile Cutthroat's Cutlass____Good special that grows as you level up
    MiddleAlt:_Great Blade of Rennd_____+ Great damage and great special makes this a must have for its level
    High:_____Tsunami Edge____________ Uber strength, Very good special that can 'soak' your enemy to raise their energy resistance temporarily
    HighAlt:__Bad-Axe__________________Good damage and special make this a good choice

    Low:___Soul Katana____________Scaled to level, #
    Middle:___Ionic Slasher__________Good BTH for its level and a strong special
    MiddleAlt:__Advanced Chain Axe___ just like the Ultra Chain Axe it doubles as a range weapon and has pretty good looks to it overall
    High:_____Power Katana__________Scaled to level, #
    HighAlt:___Undead Axe of Storms ___Good damage and Special this is a good choice till higher damage on the Power Katana
    HighAlt:___Brilhado Blade________________a good overall weapon with a very powerful special
    UltraHigh:__Spirit Katana____________I had to make a new tier for this because its the melee energy weapon to end all melee energy weapons even with the ultra high level req, #

    Low:_____Skull sword___________Quite good BTH for such a low level
    Middle:____Vorpal Edge__________Strong Special it is a lot like the Great Blade of Rennd
    High:______Death Flail___________Dark special but it does a lot of damage so its a good choice
    HighAlt:____Unlucky Sword_______Not my choice but it has been pointed out to me that it is good to have a constant 16 damage
    HighAlt:____Iron Edge___________A very good weapon for its level and cost its trigger is nice to have as well
    UltraHighUlt:__Rhublade__________Amazing even though it has no BTH.

    Low:_____Nemeta's Conqueror_____Can cast Whirlwind for free
    Middle:___Fenris Ripper___________Quite good damage and good special a good choice
    High:_____Fenris Gasher___________Hard to get but strong
    UltraHigh:__Ragebreaker___________GET IT, if you are a warrior Build, GET IT

    Low:_____Vampire Blade__________Don’t get this mixed up with the Bloodblades
    Middle:___Black Axe______________Good special and damage always a good choice
    MiddleAlt:_Tanto Jutte_____________Decent damage and good BTH
    High:____Blood Blade_____________Healing special
    HighAlt:__Dire Black Axe__________Great damage and a good Special at a cost of low BTH
    HighAlt:___SoulCarver____________Good damage and a great special

    Low:_____Undead Axe of Light______Good special and decent damage
    LowAlt:___Pyrite Axe______________Least form of the Golden set, still very powerful
    Middle:___Heaven and Earth________Mixed element but good damage
    MiddleAlt:__Gilded Axe_____________Lesser form of the Golden set, still quite powerful for its level
    High:______Golden Axe____________Axe of the Golden Set, amazing special, Great power
    HighAlt:_____King's DuaLight_________Healing special depending on enemy's MP, MP steal (ex: good for Undead Moglin Demon and a fair number more now)


    Ranged Weapons:

    Low:_____Qiang of Exploding________%,
    Middle:___Drakel Flasher v 2.0_______%,
    MiddleAlt:__Bucaneer Pistol___________%,
    High:_____Drakel Flasher v 3.0_______%,

    Low:_____Frost Bow_____________%,
    Middle:___Feral Lycan Bow________%, Trigger on vampires
    High:_____Royal Lycan Bow_______%, Trigger on vampires

    Middle:___Super Crossbow_______ multi element

    Low:_____Zing Shot_____________Only choice
    Middle:___Ion Cannon____________A pain to get all the stuff but good for its level
    MiddleAlt:_Thunderclap Hammer____Lesser form of the Thunder set, good set bonuses
    High:_____Storm Bow____________%,
    HighAlt:____Valhallan Maul_________Maul of the Thunder set, good set bonuses
    UltraHigh:__Mjollnir____________Epic form of the Thunder set, the ultimate range weapon for any ranger

    Low:_____YoZor_________________Good 3 hit special for its level
    Middle:___Xbow_________________Decent damage for its level
    High:_____Beast Trainer's Whip_____%, the only thing close to a high level ranged earth weapon and its not bad

    Low_____Siren Spear______________Good special
    LowAlt:___Beast Trainer's Whip______%, pretty good for its level with great BTH
    Middle:___Superbow______________Good damage for its level with a Powerful special
    High:_____Krovebow______________%, (ultimate AQ says this is weaker)
    HighAlt:___Slithering Longbow_______A pretty good special which is not a 100% special

    Low:___Basic Vampspear________%, Trigger on Werewolves
    LowAlt:___Penumbra Spear_________least form of the Shadow set, still powerful
    Middle:_Sharpened Vampspear____%, Trigger on Werewolves
    MiddleAlt:_Slithering Longbow________pretty good and the lack of a 100% special makes it useful
    MiddleAlt:___Umbra Spear____________lesser form of the Shadow set, still powerful
    High:_____Shadow Spear___________Spear of the Shadow set, Amazing damage and a nerfkitten like special (with the full set equiped)
    HighAlt:___Royal Vampspear________%, Trigger on Werewolves

    Low:_____Hybee Spear___________Available sooner
    LowAlt:___Holy Bolt Bow__________%, Trigger on undead
    Middle:___Holy Blaze Bow_________%, Trigger on undead
    High:_____Holy Rage Bow_________%, Trigger on undead
    HighAlt:___Hybee Spear____________weaker, but allows you to use class abilities
    HighAlt:___Beast Trainer's Whip______%, pretty good with a great BTH

    (NOTE: You can convert any weapon to ranged by using the Zardslayer, Zardrider, or other armors.)
    (NOTE: The special of the Shadow spear gets a Fear effect bonus, taking away 4 dodge each special, when equipped with the rest of the Shadow set.)

    100% specials do use stat bonuses and aren't effected by the relatively low attack power of our armor. They will not allow you to use class abilities however.


    Light Master’s Blade____another clans weapon and is only available in their shop go with your gut on this one
    Energy Master’s Blade___Same as Light Master’s Blade
    Ice Katana____________Freezing
    Energy Cleaver________Xyfrag
    Lycan swords__________Healing special depending on enemy's MP, MP steal (ex: good for Undead Moglin Demon)
    Salvation Weapons:_____Amazing weapons that I have been remiss from putting here for too long, they do not have a special so lower levels are not encouraged to buy them unless you are facing Agents of the Devourer a lot. but higher level characters should definitely invest in them.

    4. Pets and Guests.


    -Daimyo Heal hp and mp and decent damage, yes please!
    -Pixie: Healing depending on CHA and lost hp.
    -Squirrel: Decent damage for a small mana cost per turn
    -Vampire Firebat: Easy to get early if you go vampire
    -Brightwolf: Same as Vampire Firebat but for werewolves
    -Flaming Skull: Good damage at a medium mana cost per turn
    -Warlic: Decent damage and base elemental seeking make Warlic powerful
    -Galrick: uses your weapons element to attack so hes a lot like one of the clones, but is a pain in the butt to go through the cor-demi stone every time you want him
    -Krenos: a good high damaging energy guest.


    -Fire Vampragon Heal 5 hp and mp every special which happens often.
    -Garlic Vampire: A good pet for early adventurers and even later on it’s a good pet for a low price
    -Reign Phoenix: A good fire pet
    -Crikeydile: Does good damage for a vary low cost and level
    -Flogg: Great damage for a free pet (a quest to get it but it is really strong)
    -Nerfkitten: worth it even for the high level adventurers a nerf here or there could win battles for you even if it does little damage
    -Truffle: Multi element so its not as good as others for the higher levels but for the lower levels its one of the best pets because of its high damage
    -Shadow Bird: worth it for the high damage at a low level
    - Muhrbles: I cannot say enough about these pets, with the right Cha its one of the best pets and its Gold based rather then Token based
    - Trobbles, all: it has come to my attention that these where made for non-cha Dependant builds so if you are a pure Warrior, Ranger or mage then pick up the one you need, if you are a Beastmaster hybrid forget them.
    - Protector pet: pretty good for an earth pet
    - Asgardian Lion: Great set pet, grab it

    5. Classes and Abilities.

    Mana Morph____________Restore MP
    Others_________________A variety of decent spells.
    Summon Daimyo________Good guest
    Undead Giant____________Good damage for a single hit all you give up is stat Bonus
    Dragon Fire_____________Cheap and decent fire spell that triggers on dragons
    Freeze Dragonkind_______Freezes dragons decent for acid dragon because if he doesn’t attack the acid does not deal damage either
    Dragon's Wings__________Best non-rare wind spell to date
    Finally some attention for the Warrior in classes, if you are a Warrior, GET this armor.

    6. Shields

    Beginner:_______ Glave_____________________Decent resistances and defenses all around, good to start
    Middle:________Gyrate/Aegis/Eye of Naab______Gyrate has good all around defenses, Aegis has even defenses and may trigger on some monsters in wars (not sure if it does now) Eye of Naab has good resistances and defenses, And it has a Great special (resets HP and MP(but not MP used to cast spells) to the turn before with a chance to reset it to the start of the battle)
    Advanced:_____________Asgardian, Nemesis, Shadow, Reign____no real need to explain this, get the one that matches the set you want, all of them are useful in some way
    Melee:_________________Sackelberry Special___good for enemies like Kel-Al who do HUGE hits of Melee damage
    Range:_________________Siege Tower_________good for any enemy that uses Range attacks a lot
    Magic:_________________Spellbreaker_________good for enemies like Phlox that do a TON of magic damage
    Special:________________Ironthorn____________good for Warriors because of the amazing bonuses to Melee attacks
    Special:________________Protector____________good with the Protector armor

    (NOTE: Ironthorn is best used with the Berserker armor since the negative BTH is reduced by how many levels you have in it)

    7. Miscellaneous/Accessories

    Intellect Scroll__________5 INT can help early on
    Larsham Flower_________5 to all stats can really help at the low levels
    Leech Head_____________Not as good as other options that you can get at that level but it is quite good for a beastmaster build
    Mogga Idols____________for its value and how much it earns when a new one comes out means its invaluable for anyone as an investment if not anything else even if the stats are pretty good
    Seven Leaf Clover_______A not bad way of getting luck which does help sometimes
    Pet Whistle_____________This is very good for loads of reasons it takes no turns and it means that it takes no turns to change pets
    Light Orb_______________Get it is all i can say i use the orbs more often then any other item i have
    Paxia Award Trophy______Its pretty good if you have it then keep it for the defense bonus
    Hero's charm____________GET IT, a very good item for gold (its about 5 to Melee and magic and 1+ to all three with the stats, not to mention the stat bonuses in other things)
    The Diamond of Body______VERY powerful, with a 15 cha boost, an End boost, and a ton of resistance helpers, over all a very good item
    The Ring of Magic________a quite good item, it regenerates mana, and gives you a Int and Luk boost.
    The Gauntlet of Might_____the Warrior's new best friend (assuming you don't have the signs) a very good item that gives you bonus damage.

    8. temporary items

    three weapons I recommend to get as temp weapons.
    - Fangmaw axe________wow is this over powered even if the special is rare its still a weapon good for everyone (And adventurers can get it now too!)
    - Plungrizer___________ a good over all weapon for lower levels because of the special
    - Draklaw_________ good if you are going to go against one of the monsters that trigger it

    9. What to do with your tokens
    Running around killing the Beasties of the world will yield some small amount of tokens and as such their are some items that need to be mentioned for decent value without massive cost.

    - A house: not so much a purchase as an investment, it grows in value and may be worth much more then it is now in the future (There may be downsides as well) so get one if you can

    - Blackroot: a very understated item in its own right and VERY under priced for its power with +10 END, -10% Earth resistance, +5 Melee its worth every token if you go against kel-al or any other earth monsters that do Melee damage.
    - the Orbs, Dark, Fire, Energy, Earth, Ice, Wind, buy any ones that you need but remember that these little gems take up slots so its harder to get all of them, in my opinion more then worth every token of the 200 price tag
    - Magma Leaf: not as amazingly under priced as its companion the Blackroot however it is decent for a low price, if you need what it gives then grab it, if not leave this(NOT a must have item by any means)
    - Mermazon Kelp: same as the Magma Leaf, not too useful but does give some good things for low price

    10. Current war/event Rewards/Rare weapons
    War rewards
    -Candy Cane: not too bad over-all, a good special for their levels.
    -Jingle bells: not that good really, not worth the money In my Opinion
    - Yellow snow doom attack: Good damage, but so-so BTH compared to others and multi element to boot makes it a less useful spell then others on the market.

    Rare Equipment

    Genoclysm -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (9/26/2007 22:25:30)

    Whee, purged for more feedback! Seriously folks, tell me what you'd like to see updated or errors I've missed. Did I include rares? Did this guide help you recently? Tell me what you think! I've got plenty of room now. I could especially help lining things up better and providing pedia links. I would love it if people helped code up a line or two for me. (Just make sure it matches my format.) You can use the quote button to take a peek at how I set them up.

    Awe weapons: Now that they are level scaled, the specials are fixed, and they have multiple types, they have earned their names! Check out their entries and see for yourself! I linked them in the guide.
    Signs: The eventual boost is estimated to be 30 if you have all of them (storage doesn't count). Get them as they come out and support the game!
    Golden Shield: A very nice alternative to Shadowbones with even greater Light resistance. (Once my eight shield positions start getting cramped, I plan for this to push Shadowbones out for myself.)
    Golden Axe: A phenomenal melee Light weapon that triggers for obscene damage on undead! Very highly recommended for warriors.
    Golden Plate: This is the best all around defense armor of the game. It doesn't do much damage, but if you need to turtle, this is almost always the best option. (Shadow and Protector are better in particular situations.)

    Also the Golden Set is getting a graphical update! It looks stupifyingly drooltastic!

    Zombie Slayer: This gives mages something just under a Light uber. It is designed to be half the price of Golden Axe (or whatever tier axe the version is in the shop with) and be half as good. It does great damage and a low special chance, but the special has a fairly good chance of healing you with EACH HIT. That's HP and MP being healed by the way. The special has a third chance to heal if both special attacks hit, so if you get lucky with the special, you can wind up restoring a fairly good amount of mp and hp.

    macer -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (9/27/2007 0:29:42)

    Geno, if you are Foreshadowing about the Golden set I will slap you.

    in all seriousness I FINALLY got around to updating my part of the Guide, will do some more as I know more about a few things, sorry it took so long but I have been VERY busy lately.

    Genoclysm -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (9/27/2007 1:07:26)

    It has been announced to be returning this week, and to be keeping the same stats as it had. Why is that a problem? I just recommended them a little early, and I used no information that wasn't already announced to the general public.

    macer -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (9/27/2007 1:19:06)

    I didn't hear about it being announced to be coming back this week, and I have to say its about time, now my main can FINALLY pick it up.

    Sir Gnome -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (9/27/2007 14:10:17)

    New thread looking good guys, keep up the good work [:D]

    Fishtank -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (9/27/2007 14:28:16)

    You need code hmmm....?

    Never fear! Da' codester is here!

    I'll redo fix jazz up provide links in the codes.... Just give me some time.... (this might take longer then I thought)

    I also have an uber Guide I'd like to share! But it's just a bunch of links and a list.... Is that ok?

    Sir Gnome -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (9/27/2007 14:38:24)

    In terms of the Golden Set, according to, its being released LATER TODAY

    Agent Val -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (9/27/2007 14:41:19)

    pretty good guys,but maybe you can add overall strengh for us hybrids out there[;)]for weopens and such,anyways great thread,it will help us all


    Rahja -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (9/30/2007 7:59:53)

    Great, now that the golden axe is here, I have changed a few things, my Custom Weapon is now fire, My light is golden of course.

    I guess I have almost every Weapon in the Melee Guide, not counting Custom for fire.

    Sir Gnome -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (9/30/2007 8:06:10)

    Yah, noting that, you should change the Golden Axe entry, as it has now been released.

    Fishtank -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/2/2007 18:18:32)

    I think Guardian Angel would be a good addition.

    It gives you a FULL heal every 40 turns, I couldn't have survived metal faces lair without it!

    Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/2/2007 18:56:20)

    Everyone should get the signs if they can, up to +30 in each stat is insane, and the side effects aren't bad also.

    Genoclysm -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/2/2007 20:05:07)

    Right, forgot about those. Yes, they are very nice. My secondary is thoroughly enjoying the +30 CHA boost.

    Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/2/2007 20:19:21)

    How do you have the last sign already?

    Genoclysm -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/2/2007 21:42:28)

    In the last issue of the Zardian, I was announced to be their newest writer... I had my secondary, erm... "upgraded". >.>

    Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/2/2007 21:54:18)

    Could you post that Ch?

    Rahja -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/3/2007 12:29:15)

    My main really seems to have a goob set of melee weapons, thanks to this guide.

    For a magic wind weapon for my secondary, I wanted to get the twisted dagger, but is it the right weapon? Maybee the Dragonfang Scimitar would be better? The other high level wind weapons, I don't think they are that good.

    Another thing, a magic energy weapon, I now use the maelstaff, and I'm rather unhappy with the special rate (I know it's 50% but it feels more like 80%), so I don't think I will use the ultimate version. The Fansarin´s Machete seems to be better than the Valesword which is the only alternative in this guide, but that machete is not in the guide, any suggestions here?

    Genoclysm -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/3/2007 20:14:35)

    I had thought those rewards would go rare at the time didn't add them. if they aren't going to go rare, I need to get them up there. I've not much experience with the machete. Go ahead and try it out. I need to get around to looking at the numbers.

    For wind, I actually started using the Granite Edge when it came out to take care of two elements. Many of the enemies weak to wind are earth, and there are not many exceptions.

    thenightsshadow -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/4/2007 1:50:52)

    If you're not putting rares, you might want to look at the Adventurer guide.

    Keeshish-Kin is no longer available, as is Charm (those go in the Guardian one).
    Also, Dragon's Fire is low-damage unless a mage.


    Genoclysm -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/4/2007 2:00:08)

    Oh? I didn't know they were Guardian Only. Macer is the one to bug about that.

    All spells tend to be weak for mages, so I don't see reason to state that whenever a spell is mentioned. Dragon Fire is a spell in my opinion. (Charm is the obvious exceptions since it only uses CHA.)

    Rahja -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/5/2007 3:48:35)

    Well, I guess I use the twisted Dagger for wind, and since I use Staff of Awe as earth weapon, can't change that anyway, I will need a good wind Weapon because I didn't plan to get a wind spell, since I keep one slot for heal wounds, I will have one element without a spell and I thought wind would be the best solution

    RUB might get nerfed really hard, I planned to use it as my light weapon, guess I have to look for an alternative soon.

    Genoclysm -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/13/2007 0:06:54)

    Low level characters should definitely check out the Scholar class. Using two of its toggled abilities, you can convert your main weapon damage into any element and type you want. This class allows low level characters to adapt to any situation they would find themselves in, so it is quite useful... for a while.

    Ninjat Madness... I forgot to cover that last time. It is an alternative to Darksplatter, but for anyone with great spellcasting, my numbers are showing Darksplatter in the lead even with no LUK. It might win if you have no DEX either, but I'm not sure... If you don't want to burn up tokens for Darksplatter, it does make a nice fallback.

    The Drakel mecha thingies look cool. I might get one just for that reason. I haven't checked out the stats yet, but it didn't seem too bad when I tested the higher one on my secondary.

    Z -> RE: Nautican Equipment Guide (Rewards article updated every war/event!) (10/13/2007 0:46:49)

    5:_______ Water Drop Mace______Earliest magic water weapon.
    30:______ Clan Weapon Nautica!__Grows in strength and level depending on the clan's success
    20:______ Maelstaff_____________Double element
    50:______ Abyssal Staff__________+1, Rare but powerful special. !!!
    65:______ Maelstaff_____________Double element
    80:______ Poise________________Uber, great mp healing special !!!
    82:______ Salvation Scepter
    90:______ Ultimate Maelstaff______Double element

    Uh, MaelStaff? No no no no.. try Aquvarius and Swordfish instead...

    100:______ Salvation Blade________triggers on agents

    I myself would give Salvation Blade a !!! as it is almost as good as the Uber weapons.

    35:_______ Cryzta________________+2
    35:_______ Grim Vestige___________+2, Dual element
    40:_______ Elite Ice Katana________+1, freezing special, !!!
    80:_______ Soul Leech_____________can randomly kill you

    Eh, remove Soul Leech, and add Chill Ripper and Ultra Chain Axe?

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