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RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK

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3/20/2007 22:07:39   

I'm back again!

1. Why did you agree to become a moderator? Isn't just more work? You must be a good person to want to help out?
~|I enjoy helping others|~

2. When did you start liking Goofy? My aunt used to collect black and white Mickey Mouse things.
~|Years ago|~
Mickey Mouse>Goofy
Goofy is The One.

3. Would you ban me for saying: Mickey Mouse>Goofy?
~|Hmm... I would say ..... Nah..|~

4. You said you're server time. What state though? Got any alligators?
~|One of the original 13 and some alligators are seen here. Not very often though.|~

5. Could I become your apprentice for whatever you do?

6. Any good at image editing? What programs do you use?

7. Yes, or no?

8. How many questions do you think is enough for one person to ask before it just gets annoying?

9. Did you ever particiapate in someone else's "MtAK: thread? Did you have fun making them answer
your questions? If you did, think about how much you enjoyed it before even thinking about not answering my questions.
~|I posted in a few I think.|~

10. I think I'm holding the record for this thread. Do you think anyone will beat me?
~|Highly doubtful|~

11. Do you like the zoo? What's your favortie zoo animal? I've always like the lions.
~|The monkeys|~

12. What's the nicest memory you can remember, and want to share with us?
~|The day my kids were born.|~

I'll be back somtime within the next hour.

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 20:43:38 >
AQ DF  Post #: 26
3/20/2007 22:16:41   

Nice to see ya SCAKK
~|Nice to see youa s well|~

Now onto the questions. Since you know the answers to everything (you do right? That's what the gingerbread man said), expect the questions to be a bit odd.
~|He lies .. or does he.|~
1. Who invented gravity?
~|The Gravity man.|~
2. What is the meaning of life?
~|Not dying.|~
3. How annoying is it for you to repeatedly lock topics for the same reasons?
~|Somedays are somedays.|~
4. If you could be one thing (except Goofy) what would you be?
5. Do you know the muffin man?
~|The one on Drury Lane?|~
6. What's your favorite pun?
~|Not sure.|~
7. What got you started on AQ?
~|I was looking up onlin RPGs|~
8. What was the reason you first logged on to the Artix Entertainment forums?
~|To be honest I miss clicked |~
9. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
10. If you could have on superpower, what would it be and why? (Ha, I cunningly made this question TWO! xD)
~|The ability to move things with my mind. I may be to lazy to get up get something.|~
11. How many souls have you eaten this week?
That's all I'm curious about, for now. I'll come back to haunt you later! -Insert evil laughter here-

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:06:20 >
AQ DF  Post #: 27
3/20/2007 22:19:45   

1. What is your favourite things at KFC?
~|The chicken of course|~

2. Cookies or Pie?
~|Pie with cookies on the side|~

3. What is the most exotic food you eaten?
~|Lamb brains|~

4. Favourite Cereal
~|Frosted Flake|~

5. What do you do when your not on the forums?
~|Work or play with my kids|~

6. Weirdest PM you ever got?
~|Can not say in public or in private.|~

7. Xbox 360 or Wii

8. Have you ever written a book?

9. Do you have any weird habits?
~|I only sleep 2-3 hours a night.|~

10. What is your favourite part of being a mod?
~|Power to crush all evil doers. Seriously though , I get to help even more people this way.|~

11. What do you think of my questions? Pretty Random, right?
~|I have seen more random.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:11:38 >
AQ DF  Post #: 28
3/20/2007 22:31:41   
Phoenix Dragoon

Hi SCAKK so you've finally became a mod. I knew you would. I only have one question soo i'll ask more soon, maybe.

1.) Favorite Kind of music, song, and singer.
~|I like all sorts of music. As of now my favorite badn would be Godsmack.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:17:32 >
Post #: 29
3/20/2007 22:32:08   

I'm back... again...

If you didn't recognize me before, you're sure to recognize me now.

1. Have you ever met Artix in real life?

2. Have you ever got the phone number off of any friends on the internet?

3. How seriously to you take talking to people online? Scale from 1-10.

4. How do you dress? Preppy? Emo? Gang banger-ish? Nerdy?
~|As is needed at the time|~

5. Do you enjoy any sports? Biking? Water sports? Soccer? Anything?
~|A lot of things|~

6. What was your first gaming system? Atari?
~|Commodor 64|~

7. How much do you actually know about computers?
~|More than most but not as much as others.|~

8. Did you ever go to college? What were your grades in school?
~|Yes. Normal.|~

9. Did you mess up your freshman year like most people? Or did you rise above them?
~|Was not a freshman in highschool.|~

10. What's your favorite kind of sandwhich?
~|PBJ ( grape jelly )|~

11. What's your favorite pizza resturaunt? Pizza Hut FTW!
~|Pizza Hut ( here ). A place called Divani's in Minnesota.|~

12. What kind of shoes do you wear?
~|Depends on what looks decent when I need shoes|~

13. What kind of socks? The knee high ones? The low cut? White?
~|Low cut.|~

14. Favorite color? White FTW! It IS a color.

15. What kind of ice cream is our favorite? I love mint 'n' chip.
~|Rarely eat ice cream|~

Trust me... I'm not even close to finished.

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:29:03 >
AQ DF  Post #: 30
3/20/2007 22:39:29   

I will cut right to the chase

Pie or Cake?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how cool is goofy?
Are you married?
Do you have kids?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
What is the difference between being an AK and being a Mod?
~|Mods can ban people , can lock & delete post anywhere on the forum and some other secret stuff.|~
When did you join AQ
~|Mid '05|~
Pizza or Cheeseburgers?
What is your favorite type of Cake?
~|Pineapple upside down cake|~
Favorite Pie?
Do you enjoy this? (answering all of our questions)

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:33:54 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 31
3/20/2007 22:39:39   

Hey, SCAKK :) Wassup?
*snuggles* Nice avvy n_n
Cats or dogs? Why?
~|No real preferance|~
You more of a serious person or a silly person?
~|It depends on the situation at hand. I try to be an easy going type of person.|~
You busy these days? I'm a bit busy ... :P
~|At times I am busy.|~
Favorite NPC? Go Zorbak!
~|Warlic... He looks like he is hiding something.|~
Favorite comic (character)? Hobbes FTW!
~|Wolverine & Batman|~
Favorite cartoon (character)? ... other than Goofy of course ;) Wile E Coyote's my favorite ;)
Zorbak or Kabroz? Why?
~|Either is fine|~
Twig or Twilly? Why?
~|Twilly .. Always healed up.|~
Does leet and chatspeak bother you at all?
~|If used more than is needed ( whole post or converstion).|~
Uhh ... so how's it goin'?
~|Pretty good.|~
Do you like monkeys? (I know I do :D)
~|Weee ..Monkeys|~
Eaten a lot of sigs? They taste good? ;) (try mine ... monkey/ebil/gallery goodness n_n Tell me how it tastes .... erm, just spit it back out though, please)
~|I have eaten several since becoming a Mod.|~
Tomato ... fruit or vegetable? What do you think?
Favorite food?
~|steak & pizza|~
Daffy or Donald Duck? Bugs Bunny or ... Elmur Fudd? Coyote or Roadrunner? Why?
~|Plucky Duck , Coyote|~
Do you feel powerful? You know ... as a mod
~|Not really. With great power comes great responsibility.|~
One word that describes yourself? (can't say "goofy")
Favorite sport? Favorite activity (that includes sports, as well)?
Pie or cake?
Your worst fear?
Here's a test ... do you think my name is Iguan or Lguan?? Don't worry if you get it wrong ... if you did, you'd be the 6th (I think) mod/AK/Admin ... and the millionth person probably... it's Lguan ;) Though it looks like an "I" right? :P
~|I would have said "I"guan myself.|~
Ok ... that be it now ... nice talkin' to ya SCAKK :D Err ... what a moment. Umm ... could you stop by my gallery some time (click sig) ... think it'd be cool if you could see my monkey art, and if I'm lucky, you might post in it ... so ... how's my gallery? (or did you post there? :D)
~|Have not been there yet.|~
*sigh* 'Kay, that's it for now ... happy modding, and enjoy the sig muching! Adios!

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:40:25 >


<-- Clicky to hand drawn gallery
AQ  Post #: 32
3/20/2007 22:49:30   

I'm back with a few questions,

1. Have you ever been diagnosed with any emotional disorders?

2. Have you ever been in the army?

3. Who was your first friend when you came to the forums? Mine was loki_dragoon.
~|Evo975 ( now known as Evo. )|~

4. Do you have better friends in real life, or on the forums?
~|Real life (known them a lot longer).|~

Meh... I'm running out of questions. Cya later.

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:41:38 >


[01:19] <Gizmo> Tell me what to change my sig to <_<
[01:19] <Namegduf_Live> ...haha...
[01:20] <Gizmo> ...ha...
AQ DF  Post #: 33
3/20/2007 22:56:09   

Hello, Your SCAKK-iness. I have a few questions to ask you. Let's do this the easy way, okay?

A little Goofy trivia:

Why is the surfing position of having your right foot forward called "goofy" style? I'm gonna need the reason/origin and no using the internet...Or if you do at least admit that I am the best and that you had to search for the answer.
~|Have no idea on this one|~
Answer: When the artists drew Goofy surfing, they drew him with his left foot forward, as was the only way. However, when the picture was copied and made into a cartoon, the feet were switched. The style then became "Goofy". ;)

Okay, moving on (but staying on Goofy).

Have you seen all the Goofy movies?
~|Own most of them actually.|~
Do you only like Goofy, or the whole group like Donald, Daisy, and co.?
~|I like them all|~
Misc. Questions:

Which kind of bball is better, baseball (my personal favorite, this better be it) or basketball?
~|Baseball is full contact while basketball is not.|~
Do you watch the TV show 24 with Keifer Sutherland?
~|Never have sorry.|~
Goofy Quiz<<<< For your enjoyment and/or my next question. Apparently, any true Goofy fan would know these all off the top of their head. How many can you get right?
~|Will take in a bit.|~

< Message edited by bballman23 -- 3/23/2007 1:01:11 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 34
3/20/2007 23:11:36   

Yar!!! 'Bout time they recogonized the power of teh SCAKKinator 3000!!

So, when did this mod thing happen? Why was I not directly informed?! I would have thrown you a party and made everyone wear a cheesy hat!!! And you would have gotten a cream pie in the face for free!!!
~|March 13th I think it was. YOu are now informed ^_^ *~<|:D <--cheesy hat .. cream pie :P|~
So....why do you like Goofy so much? I mean come on!! Donald is cooler. He has teh awesome 1337 voice!!!!
~|Goofy is goofy.|~
Anyway, have you ever heard of the show Diagnosis Murder? If you have, then don't you think it's awesome? I think it's teh best. Scott Baio and Charlie Schlatter FTW!!!!
~|Have watched them from time to time.|~
So, I'm done for now, but expect me to be back!!!!
EDIT: Do you need any new friends? If you do, then can I be one? Pweeze?
~|New friend :)|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:50:10 >
Post #: 35
3/20/2007 23:56:50   

I am back (like you couldn't figure that out)
lets start some more Q&A

If you were going to be stranded on an island and could only take 2 things, what would you take?
~|A globe and a boat|~
About how long are you on AQ and the forums a day?
~|4-8 hours|~
Do you like being a Mod more than an AK?
~|I just like helping people.|~
Have you ever broken any bones?
~|Nope. I have come close though.|~
Have you ever had sugery?
~|Not exactly.|~
what is the meaning of life?
~|Not dying.|~
What is your favorite smiley?
Okay I will say 2 things and you pick your favorite
Mickey or Donald
Goofy or Goofy
Skim milk or whole milk
Sleep or Food
AQ or DF
Well that is all for now see you whenever.
~|Until whenever|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:53:13 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 36
3/20/2007 23:57:15   


Should we fear you?
~|Only if you are bad..|~
Nature or nurture?
~|Nuture nature|~
When did you become a moderator?
~|March 13th or so|~
Do you consider yourself 1337?
~|I am me|~
Do you consider me 1337?
~|If you want me to I will.|~
What do you like most about the forums?
~|The people|~
What do you like least about the forums?
~|The spammers|~
Macintosh or Windows?
Are you artistic?
~|Not very|~
Are you a geek?
Are you a video gamer?
~|To a degree|~
Do you play any pen & paper RPGs?
~|I used to play AD&D|~
Cats or Dogs?
~|Either is fine|~
Offense or defense?
How many sigs do you remove per day?
~|It varies|~
~|You have my waving smilie.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 21:59:40 >
Post #: 37
3/21/2007 0:11:17   

1). Do the first 4 letters in your name (SCA) stand for Safiria, Cysero, Artix and Kalanyr

2). Are you single?

3). Do you like cookies?
~|At times|~

4). How many teaspoons of sugar does it take to reach the moon?
~|One. AT that point you realize that there is no enough sugar :P|~

5). Do you like Goofy as a friend or as someone you can stalk?
~|Can I not stalk friends?|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 22:05:50 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 38
3/21/2007 0:34:31   


1. How many video game systems do you have?(if you have any.. oh and besides the pc)
2. Play any games besides AQ?
~|DF and some other online ones.|~
3. If so, what kind?
~|RPG and action|~
4. How did you become a mod?
~|I was abdu... asked >_>|~
5. Do you like pizza?
6. are you rich?
ok that"s all for now>>> my comps acting up or something>>> i can"t use the shift key or the shift key is always down or something>>>
~|That is not good.|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 22:07:22 >
Post #: 39
3/21/2007 0:34:40   
^Nitros Oxide^

~|Hello there|~

Ok Questions now

0)Kingdoms hearts or no?
~|Never plated it|~
1)Goofy or Donald?
2)Do u like Micky?
~|He is ok|~
3)Do u like COOKIES?
4)How come ure name is in caps?
~|When I first started using this nick I did not notice the caps lock was on.|~
5)Do u like to be friends with Goofy?
6)Smileys or no?
~|Soemtimes they are ok.|~
The rest are more random than this

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/21/2007 22:08:58 >
Post #: 40
3/21/2007 1:01:57   
Pie Munchies

I'm back! >:O

It seems that Gizmo has beaten me in number of questions asked.

1.) Does this anger you?
2.) >:D or :D or :)?
3.) Do you like teh pokemanz?
4.) Samurai sword or rusty hatchet?
~|Samurai Sword|~
5.) Are you God?
6.) Who is your favorite mod?
~|No favorite Mod.|~
1.) Do you think my name implies that I like pie? >_>
8.) Do you recognize me as a forumer?
~|I have seen you around.|~
9.) If you could be on any talk show, what would it be?
~|I do not know what talk shows are still around.|~
10.) or or

11.) Did you notice anything weird about the format of this post? >:O
~|# 7 was numbered # 1.|~

Once again, I will be back. >:3

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 18:33:22 >
AQ  Post #: 41
3/21/2007 1:09:21   

hey goof, just one question. Who am I and why should you care? :P
~|I know you and you should care :P|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 18:38:23 >


AQ DF  Post #: 42
3/21/2007 1:17:05   

~|Hole Crimzon5|~

Are you glad about your promotion?

Do you really really like Goofy? Why?
~|Yes I do. I guess he reminds me to a degree. |~

Pepsi or Sprite?
~|Mt. Dew|~

Do you think that a cup filled 50% is half empty or half full?
~|Empty after I drink it all |~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 18:42:22 >


Can you see the Visions?
AQ DF  Post #: 43
3/21/2007 1:31:11   
Xunvir Dar`Xil

>insert my generic questions here<

1) Have you or Do you play any MMOs?

2) If yes to 1, which?

3) What is your favorite anime?
~|Do not watch any anime.|~
4) Do you like Elfen Lied? (*is the biggest EL fanboy on Earth*)
~|I do nto know who "Elfen Lied" is.|~

6) Do you like any J-pop / J-Rock Songs?
~|J-pop / J-rock ??|~
7) If yes to 6, Which?

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 18:52:36 >
Post #: 44
3/21/2007 1:42:10   

Hiyah SCAKK. You just became a mod?

1) Do you think my character is good? Note: look at year made.
~|Not to bad|~

2) Do you like bacon?
3) What does your forum name stand for?
~|First initials of 5 people|~
4) Why did you pick your forum name?
~|I use it many places so it seemed right.|~
5) Have you ever player poker with three monkeys?
~|3rd one was late so we started witout him |~
6) If yes to question 5, did the monkeys cheat?
~|No because I had the bananas|~
7) Have you ever seen me before on the forums?
~|Not that I recall|~
8) Do potatoes have control over time since they can power clocks?
~|Potatoes are time|~
9) Why don't you know what peeps are? (There the best candy type thing ever, hope you weren't thinking of homies of classmates, lol)
~|"Peeps" Those little yellow chicken candies that come out at Easter? If so then yes I know of them and have eaten them.|~
Cya later.

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 19:39:26 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 45
3/21/2007 1:57:11   

1. Why do you choose that name?
~|It is a nick I use in many places so it seemed to fit.|~
2. Can you strive on both GGD and OOC room?
~|Indeed I can|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 19:40:30 >
Post #: 46
3/21/2007 2:10:22   

YES! I got more questions!

1. Do the people asking you questions you already answered get on your nerves?
~|not really|~

If "No", answer quetions A-C

A) What's your name mean?
~|It is the first initials of 5 people|~

B) Why'd you choose it?
~|It is a nick I use in many a place|~

c) Do you like Goofy?

2. Do you like chinese food from America? If you do, what do you buy when you order chinese food?
~|Yes. Depends on what mood I am in.|~

3. Are you skinny, average sized, or overweight?
~|Average I would guess|~

4. What color are your hair, and eyes?
~|Brown , blue|~

5. What is your shoe size?

6. How tall are you?

7. Were you born with any physical abnormalities?
~|Nothing major|~

8. Are there any serious dieseases passed down in your family? What are they?

9. Do you think of "Machine" when you see my username? Or "Mogwai"? Or something different?

10. Can you adopt someone to be your AK? If I knew what boards you frequent, I could make some suggestions. ;)
~|AK placement is up to Reens|~

Word association:







More to come soon...

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 19:45:10 >


[01:19] <Gizmo> Tell me what to change my sig to <_<
[01:19] <Namegduf_Live> ...haha...
[01:20] <Gizmo> ...ha...
AQ DF  Post #: 47
3/21/2007 2:14:50   


How's life as Goofy?
May I suggest a new lockline for you?
If yes,then try this: This thread is GOOFED.
Am I brainless?
~|*opens cojacaru's head* Nope I see a brain there ^_^|~
Are you a donut?
~|I am a donut hole|~
Do you go to places by cabbage?
Do you like cabbage?
Would you like a cabbage avatar?
~|Not really|~
Am I being a cabbage?
Well,see ya' later.And.......
~|*is wearing cabbage now >_> *|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 19:52:14 >
Post #: 48
3/21/2007 3:10:51   

SCAKK!( youre color?:P)
~|Thief!! ^_^|~
Been along time ey?
Have you been doing something latley? or just sitting with the big bag O' chips in ya couch with ya laptop?
~|I have been busy indeed|~
Donals Duck compared to goofy?
~|Goofy > Donald DUck|~
Favourite food? Tacos?
~|Steak or pizza|~
Ife Your were to choose: KFC ( ), McDonalds , Taco Bell?
Meet artix alot , does he still caryy around his whip :P?
~|Never met him. Whip :O|~
How Bout A New Sig?
Now some Advanced IQ ( ) Questions! Hehe Ready?
~|Uh .. Um ... Do I have a choice :P|~
Google, Yahoo, Live ?
Double Whopper ( Burger King) , Big Tasty ( McDonalds) , other prefered
If You woke up in the Game, AQ That is, what would you do?
a) Log out OMG enough beer for today!

b) Wonder around

c) Kick some RA Monster Butt!

d) Go to Safria...into her castle, talk to her... ( hehe do i need any more explantions)?

If you where to change one thing in your life?
~|Fewer speeding tickets ^_^|~
What country would you visit?And why!

~|A few other Mods live there...|~

What should be Invented?
A) emailing of pizzas, you send an email to youre frined, and a Fresh hot pizza come out of his CD-drive

b) Virtual Reality, you click a button, and you appear where you want!

c) Better Coffee Mugs for extremly sensitive people at StarBucks.

And now for the big ones!
...ahh who cares you have alot posts to edit!
see you later wne you finished!

SCAKK is finished in:
a) 4 HOURS, hell just post YEA in each post

b) month hell take time and considiration of each post

c) 1 minute, delete tread!

~|d) unknown ....|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 20:01:44 >


AQ  Post #: 49
3/21/2007 3:28:20   

hey Scakk more Questions will come just you wait!!!

1.when did you meet Goofy?
~|Several times|~
2.A volcano/Giant Thunder cloud/Tsunami/Earthquake/Giant Smog/Hurricane/Avalanche~|volcano|~
4.do you have Anny sports?~|nope|~
5.Anny favourite books?~|Several authors |~
6.Family/Music/Newspaper/Friends/Work/Games/Books~|Family > all|~
7.If you could have a transformed with magic pet what animal would it be?~|A ladybug|~
8.Do you have a favourite place to take a Vacation?~|Any where I have not been|~

< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/22/2007 20:05:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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