Meet the Mods: SCAKK (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 20:54:49)

I figured since I am now a Mod I may as well do this. ALso seeing as how my MtAK was over a year ago and some people here are new since that one.

Here are a few random things about me.

0) Goofy is The One!
1) I am male
2) I live in the US ( server time FTW )
3) My nick is 5 people's first initials.
4) I am older than most AKs and Mods but there are some older than me.
5) Goofy is The One!

And now let the fun begin.

Doomsday -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 20:58:43)

Hey SCAKK, nice to see you here

Anyways lets get the questions rolling...

1. How many characters in AQ do you have? (List their levels)
~|I have 6 characters. 103 , 99 , 98 , 94 ( staff - leveled on my own ) , 95 & 72 |~

2. How many cans of Mountain Dew do you drink a day? XD
~|3 20ozs and maybe a can.|~

3. What kind of pizzas do you like best?
~|Ham , pineapple and Italian sausage.|~

4. Why do people think you are female sometimes?
~|No clue.|~

5. Whatever happened to Gossamer?
~|He is hiding >_>|~
6. Foodcourt or Restaurant?
~|Foodcourt for now. |~
Okay, lets leave it at 6 questions for now :)
~|Then I will leave it at 6 answers. :P|~

twilight_dweller -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 20:59:38)


'Bout time you became a mod
The dungeonmaster sends his regards.
~|I di dnot know I was locked up in your dungeon :O|~
Onward to questions!

1. How long have you been on the forums?
~|Aroud 2 years I think.|~
2. Who promoted you to modhood?
3. Who's 5 peoples initial are your name? (Like your wife, sister, daughter, son, etc.)
~|One is me , two are my daughters and the others are ....|~
4. How much money have you spent on AQ?
~|More than a dollar and less than $1000|~
5. What other games have you played/still play?
~|I still play my SNES. I also play DF at times.|~
6. What's your favorite TV show?
~|I prefer science fiction and action shows. I also like the CSI shows.|~
7. What country do you live in?
~|United States|~
8. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl... Excited?
~|Do not like Pokeman... Sorry.|~
9. Er... Got any pets?
~|Do kids count :P|~
10. Who's your favorite other Mod/AK/Admin/Member/Etc?
~|No real favorite ... However Evo and myself were ( and still are ) friends before either of us became AKs.|~
I'll be back. Eventually. With knives. Pointy knives. And... buffalo.
~|Buffalo knives!|~

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:00:06)

Cool! Hi SCAKK (I spelled right this time I hope unlike ICCR)

I also believe I have to 2nd post![:D]
Edit: 4th because of the size and speed of my typeing and post...

Who is your favorite cartoon ch. other than Goofy?
~|There are others :O|~

What is your favorite food?
~|Steak or pizza|~
What is your favorite book?
~|I have no favorite book. I prefer readin books by Stephen King , John Grisham , Frank Hurbert and Kurt Vonnegit.|~
Do you like Eragon like EC?
~|Never read the book or seen the movie.|~
If so what is your favorite part?

Now hard questions to test your knowlage!

Who had the bigger empire: 1. Mongols 2. Huns 3. United States [8|]
What is 14 2Squaredwithout a cal.?
What is your favorite and least favorite part of being a Mod?
~|Nothing comes to mind.|~
When did you become a mod?
~|MArch 13th or so of 07'|~
When did you become a AK?
~|Jan/Feb 06'|~
Do you see me on the forums?
~|Yes I do.|~
Do you like Paxica?
~|No issues with it.|~
If so do you like my M/S T in Nautica?
~|If you are referring to the Mentor/STudent thread then it seems to help people out pretty good.|~
That's it for now... Bye!

Densoro -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:00:39)

Hi, SCAKK ^_^ Congrats on Modhood! =D
Do you like Legend of Zelda?~|I have played the older version ( NES & SNES )|~
Do you roleplay?~|Rarely|~
What's your favorite game?~|Most roleplaying games from the SNES and ofcourse AQ/DF.|~
Do you practice any sort of weapons-based martial art? Or martial art in general?~|I took karate when I was 14 or so.|~
Do you have a DeviantArt account? If so, have you seen my single deviation thus far? And once more if so, did you like it? X3
~|No DeviantArt account. Sorry.|~
I think that's about it ^^; Bye!

rzx125 -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:00:49)

hi scakk :)
whats your favorite food?
~|Steak or pizza|~
do you have a gamers tag for xbox live?
do you like to eat peeps?
wats your favorite pizza topping?
do you like 1337 speak?
do you speak anything other than english?
~|I can speak and read some spanish. |~
whats your favorite dessert? sp?
~|I rarely eat dessert. However my favorites are Lemon Pie and my Grandmother's banana pudding.|~
are you going to get diamond or pearl??? im getting diamond
~|Not into Pokeman.|~
do you like sprite?
~|Mt. Dew.|~
have you heard about the game Spore?
~|Can not say that I have.|~
hehe OMGz you R teh best ever
~|No you are :)|~
Bye Scakk ( waves bye to SCAKK )
~|waves back|~

Zero Hex -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:07:34)

'sup. :D Didn't know you became a mod. >_> Zero is so unnotified.
~|I now notify you :P|~

Or just doesn't pay attention. .__.;

I'm gonna try 5 different questions.

What is your average WPM?
~|No clue.|~
Approximately, how far is your computer away from your kitchen?
~|About 100 feet or so.|~
Was your school's lunch time an enjoyable experience?
Sarah Calvin Alfred Kevin Kevin? >_>
~|No no no no no.|~
I heard when becoming a mod, you also become more robot than human. Do they keep you in the dungeon that long?
~|I thought I was already a robot? We get freetime once a month for 30 seconds.|~
Well, that's it.

For now. :P

J_bn -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:09:57)

1. Do you ever keep track of how many threads you lock?
~|It would be a big number.|~
2. Have you ever played Golden Sun?
~|Afraid not|~
3. Do you think it's teh bestest game ever?

4. What systems do you own/have owned?
~|Atari , Commodor 64 , NES , SNES|~
5. are you any good at Super Smash Bros Melee?
~|Never played it.|~

Ummm, that's all I can think of right now. I'm hoping for a speedy reply!

I_AM_SO_EBIL -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:11:29)

Hiyas SCAKK.

1- How are you doing?
2- Do you know me?
~|Seen you around.|~
3- If you don't it's your end
4- Why goofy is the one? Mikey rules
~|There is no one outside of Goofy.|~
5- Don't you think that Mikey pwns goofy? I mean, Mickey's pants are full of weapons and that stuff, you knew that? He's EBIL
~|Goofy is Goofy therfor he wins.|~
6- Have you ever thought on joining the EBIL side?
~|I would rule the Ebil side ^_^|~
7- Zorbak pwns Kabroz or viceversa?
~|They would destroy each other and the world would implode.|~
8- DF or AQ?
~|AQ but DF is close behind.|~
9- EBIL or evil?
~|Ebilly evil.|~
10- Coke or Pepsi?
~|Mt Dew|~
11- Rock, Heavy and that kind of music or soft and slow?
~|What ever stirkes me at the time.|~
12- Do you like spam?
13- And bad grammatic?
~|Bad grammar happens..|~
14- Do you sleep stand or in a bed?
15- How many languages can you speak?
~|English ( main ) with a decent knowledge of spanish.|~
16- Do you like locking/deleting threads?
~|I only lock or delete what warrants it.|~
17- Why did you became a Mod?
~|I was asked.|~
18- Are you hating me for writing this stupids questions?
~|If not for you I would have fewer interesting question to answer. I enjoy these.|~
19- Will you delete my post for writing all this?
~|Maybe I will be evil and delete you :O|~
Hey Gizmo is right: you should put a question limit. Like 10 per person. Some of them are really imaginative. Oh wait! I have 19...errrr... I'm outta questions right now. G´bye!

Gallant -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:12:50)

Wow SCAKK, you've come a long way from the Q&A section you used to rambled amongst as a regular fourmite.
~|Road Trip!|~
1. Did Dadric send you?
2. Why is passion a deadly foe, yet a blissful ally?
~|Such is the way of things.|~
3. What is your opinion on a looming major crisis with Iran and the U.S.?
~|Looming? It would seem it is alreay a major issues therfor in a sense ti is a major crisis to a degree.|~
4. Is wisdom wasted on an idle mind?
~|Not all idle minds are wasting wisdom. They sometimes idle to decide what they should do later.|~
5. Is time relavent to one's life span?
~|Time is but a constraint placed on things by those with impatience.|~
6. What makes Life signifigant?
~|Friends and family.|~
7. What is your opinion on Love, this fickle friend many desire and loathe?
~|When it happens you have no control over it.|~
8. Is it true that you could NEVER understand a woman in one lifetime?
~|It would depend on the woman I would assume.|~
9. Why are there so many stresses to modern life?
~|Everyone wants everything done now and there is limited time in which to do them. That is stress.|~
10. Why are humans ruled by their emotions?
~|If we were ruled by anything else it would just be unemotional.|~
Farewell and regards.
~|Until our next crossing.|~

Renalds -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:19:22)

What's the difference between mod and AK or whatever you were before?
~|Mods can band people and eat *munch munch* sigs. |~
If a tree fell in the forest and it fell on a Mime would anyone care?
~|The mime would|~
~|It hit him/her.|~
How many people would have to explode before a peice of brown grass became green, as a direct result of the exploding people
~|5. A person would paint the glass green to stop the exploding.|~
Why not?
~|Why yes?|~

Gizmo -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:19:47)

Hey! I've been waiting for one of these!
~|The wait is over|~
1. Is there a limit to the amount of questions you can ask? I suggest you make one. People are very imaginitive.
~|Not as of now.|~

2. Do you like Densoro's signature up there ^?
~|Not bad.|~

3. Do you like my sig?
~|Not bad.|~

4. Religion?
~|SoOme people are and others are not.|~

5. Have you seen the movie Gremlins?

6. Why don't you post in the OOC more?
~|Most threads in the OOC are on subjects I have very little to mo interest in.|~

7. I'm going to make sure you work hard enough as a mod should. All my complaints, will now go to you, XD J/k
~|If you wish to then feel free to.|~
That's not a question.
~|This is a sentence.|~
7. Do you have manners in real life?

I'm only stopping with the questions for now to answer a PM. I'll be back. ;)
~|Awaits the return.|~

Wilderock -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:23:55)


You know, you were my first MtAK...It was quite some time ago. (wow...this is my first MtM too)... Anyway, lets get the questions rolling:

1) So, does it feel nice now that you're on the AE "staff"?

2) What's your favorite color?

3) I am assuming Goofy is your favorite Disney character so I'll skip this question.
~|Skips the answering.|~

This or that questions

4) This or that?

5) Coke or pepsi?
~|Mt Dew|~

6) Guns or Swords?
~|Swords just look cool.|~

7) Macs or PCs?

8) Here's a good one, classic goofy or modern goofy? W/e this means...
~|Classic Goofy.|~

9) Where do you live?
~|Over here ^_^|~

10) Are you related to Mickey?

Oh, last but not least, do you solemnly swear to abide by the Universal Rules, fulfill your duties as a mod, and munch every signature against rules so dial-up people can load their pages in <10 minutes??
~|Indeed I do.|~

Well, until next year, goodbye!
~|Until then. *returns to munching sigs*|~


ONE MORE, (this is an edit). Does SCAKK stand for anything? (Semi-Intelligent Civilization Against King Kong?)
~|It is 5 peoples first initials.|~

Axel993 -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:32:01)

well im just gunna cut to the chace

have you played kingdom hearts II
if so who is your favorate organasation XIII member?

why goofy?
~|Who else is there|~
fave element?
am i crazy?
favorate show?
~|I like several shows.|~
Got It Memorized?
~|Some of them.|~
thats all, bye

Agent47 -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:34:21)

Wazzup Scakk
1.Why did ricobaby hook up with general tommy?
~|Why not?|~
2.Do you like cheese?
~|Depends on what I am eating.|~
3.Am I crazy?
~|One may never know|~
4.Can I have your job?

gojira -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:35:43)

do you really think this thread was a good idea?

Gizmo -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:47:20)

I'm back...

1. Have you ever been to Disneyland?
~|I have been to Disneyland and Disneyworld.|~

2. Did you take a picture with Goofy if you have?

3. Do you have any Goofy paraphanillia?

4. Do you recognize me as a forumer?
~|Indeed I do.|~

5. What's your favorite video game?
~|I have several I like.|~

6. What model computer do you have? Is it a desktop, laptop?
~|Desktop. Sony Viao.|~

7. Dial-up, or better? Worse? O_o
~|Cable Modem. 100Mbps.|~

8. Wireless internet, or not?
~|See #7|~

9. Do you have any pets?

10. This really was a bad idea, wasn't it?
~|Not at all.|~

I'll be back...
~|I will be here.|~

VampireHawk -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:49:10)

Yo SCAKK. 'Gratz on the promotion. :D
(I think the fifteen or so people before me already covered all the questions possible. -.-")
~|I doubt it.|~
Hmm... Would you ever want immortality?
~|No. I would hate seeing people I loved grow old and die over and over and over forever.|~
Can you cook/Are you a good cook? :P
~|Yes / Not to bad.|~
Are you a wise man or a wise guy?
~|Little of both.|~
Is the OOC insane?
~|At times it can be.|~
Do Mods/AKs talk with each other a lot? o.O
~|We do.|~
Do you draw? Any examples? :P
~|Not in a long time.|~
Do you think I overuse text emotes? >.>;;
~|Not at all.|~
Ehem... That will be all for now. Ciao.

The Extinguisher -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:49:44)

Pirates or Ninjas?
~|Pirates with ninja skills [8D]|~
That is all.

José the Ruthless -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:51:28)

Hey SCAKK!!!

1.) When did you start playing AQ?
~|Mid 2005|~

2.) Zorbak or Goofy?
3.) Twig or Goofy?
4.) Cookie or Goofy?
5.) Who's Sierra? Is she based on a real person? (previous character page)
~|A real person.|~
6.) What's Swashbucler's Raiment (an armor on your current character page)
~|Um .. Uh ...Well ... |~
7.) How long do you spend playing AQ?
~|Few hours a day.|~
8.) How long do you spend patrolling the forums?
~|Several hours a day.|~
9.) Have you showed your kids AQ? Do they play it?
~|They watch me play it.|~
10.) Wanna cookie? :P
I'll be back with more questions! [:)] (If I can think of any...)

whitewolf 12 -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:52:29)

Well hello SCAKK! I look forward to questioning you! ^.^
~|I look foward to answering you.|~

So, why goofy? Why not micky or Yogie bear?
~|Goofy is The One.|~
Why the name SCAKK?
~|It is a nick I have used for over 5 years.|~
What made you change from your Matrix style (I remember you had the whole title and avvy) into a disney-goofy style?
~|I have changed a lot of times and will continue to change them around.|~
Your favorite game series if you do play any?
~|FF ( NES & SNES ) and Dragon Warrior ( old NES )|~
Does Gizmo ask too many disney related questions?
~|Not really|~
That's all for now. You will see me again, don't worry. ;)
~|Worries anyway :P|~
WAIT! Got ya, not done.
~|You tricked me. |~
What's your favorite smily? Not the ones AE provides, but the ones you type, like this one: :)


Damageplan -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:53:41)

Hello, how are you on this fine march evening?
~|So far so good.|~

Given the opportunity to have a conversation with one person, living or not, who would it be, and why?
~|Ghangis Khan|~
What would be the one charactaristic, beyond all others, that you would look for in a presidential candidate?
Comedy or drama?
~|Either is fine.|~
What one song, if there is one, has influenced you more than any other?
~|None that I can think of right off.|~
How exasperating is it to be a mod?
~|It is not|~
What is one thing that you absolutely must do before you die?
Why haven't you done it?
What is the most infuriating thing that you see people do on a regular basis on the forums?
~|Make spam threads.|~
I have found that it seems a high percentage of people on these forums listen to metal, do you fall into that catergory?
~|I liste to all types of music.|~
If you could remain one age for the rest of your life what age would you choose, or would you choose to age normally?
~|Perhaps stay 30 yet die once a total of 95-100 years have passed.|~
After answering some of the questions thrown at you so far, would you disagree with the statement "there is no such thing as a stupid question."?
~|The only stupid question is the one never asked.|~
Thank you for your time, and have a fine evening.
~|Welcome and the same to you.|~

Gizmo -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:55:41)

I'm back!
~|I am here|~

I never said hi. Hi!
Forgive me for my rudeness. Congratulations on becoming a moderator.
Now for more questions:

1. What forums did you AK?
~|CR&A & GGD|~

2. Are they still the forums you visit most?

3. Are you married?

4. Have any kids?

5. What's your job?
~|I work in a plant.|~

6. How much do you get paid?

7. Do you enjoy your job?

8. House or apartment?

9. AQ or DF?

10. 1-10, how strict are you?
~|Depends on situation.|~

I'm out for now. Be back in 10 mintues.

Exiled_forcer -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 21:59:51)

SCAKK....hehehe.....this is inconvenient!

1. ) Goofy or SCAKK?
~|Both and neither|~

2. ) What's Swashbucler's Raiment (an armor on your current character page)
~|Um .. Uh .. Well...|~
3. ) What does each Initial stand for...the names!
~|5 people's first initials.|~
4. ) Why did you become a mod?
~|Next step in line with world domination... Wait did I say that out loud... DOH!|~
5. ) Could I become your apprentice for whatever you do? (I mean you have always been my favorite!!!!)
~|If you want I guess. Not sure what you would do though.|~
6. ) Do you like Goofy as a friend or as someone you can stalk?
~|Are you saying I can not stalk my friends :p

7. ) WOOTzor's!!!!!!!! Would you turn me into a AK since your no longer one?
~|Not my call.|~
8. ) Can you ban?
~|Yes I can.|~
9. ) How many people have you banned?

13. ) Do you play Dark Throne?
~|Not sure what that is.|~
14. ) Can you decode this 00101010101001001010011001010010?
15. ) Who would win : Artix or Cysero or Rolith?
~|Artix of course|~
16. ) Will I ever get SCAKK'ed?
~|One can never tell the future.|~
17. ) Why did you say yes to become a Mod?
~|See #4|~

Pie Munchies -> RE: Meet the Mods: SCAKK (3/20/2007 22:03:13)

Heya SCAKK! >:3

1.) Do you enjoy the powers of being a mod?
~|Indeed I do|~

2.) Do you think there should be mods in The Hideout?
~|There are|~
3.) Do you have an idols?
4.) If a=b and b=q does that statement work? >_>
5.) Do you still play AQ?
~|Nearly everyday|~
6.) Vegetables or fruits? >:O
7.) How is your dating/married life? >:O
8.) Do you consider yourself a nerd or a geek?
9.) Do you find the stereotypes of people of online community annoying?
~|Yes. YOu cannot judge a person by solely what they type or how they act online as that could be totally different from their real persona.|~
10.) What is your favorite part of these forums?
~|I would say GGD & CR&A|~
11.) Are you looking forward to this evil ritual known as "Meet the Mods"
~|Evil is fun ^_^|~
12.) Are you looking forward to my next set of questions?

Bye. >:3

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