liek, liek, liek...IT's SCAKK!!! ~|OMG it is damani :O :O :O|~ omg, I'm on page 7, you bettah get to my questions :P ~|I will|~ hmm...maybe you'll do better in the next AK/Mod Race!...since the HC threads go by realyl fast :P ~|I will try ^_^|~ OK, on with teh questions right? ~|I guess so , left.|~ is this the icing on the cake?...you becoming a Mod?...were you satisfied with AK? ~|I take whatever may come as it presents itself.|~ Were you expecting the change in position? ~|Not really.|~ If I were your next door neighboor, and REALLY sick, and I asked you to get my grocerys, would you get them for me? ~|Yeah|~ Do you like my AQ character? ~|I would have to check them out.|~ If there was PVP woudl you challenge me?...:D ~|Sure why not.|~ Were you dissapointed nothign ubah happened when we placed al l8 orbs? ~|Things will happen in time. Such is life in the AQ universe.|~ ISN't MY SIGNATURE LIKE, TEH UBAHNESS?!?... ~|Spooooooon|~ hmm..more questions >.< hmm..since you ARE in a Paxia clan, will you be mroe active in posting there?..As if you werre not a Mod? ~|I am in none of the clans actually. I will be where I am needed at the moment.|~ What do you watch on t.v.? ~|Very little.|~ OOOOOH!!!...I like goofy too!...if you change your avvy while answering this question...you won't get my homebacked Damani COOL COOKIES anymore >_> ~|:(|~ okie dokie...that is about it...so bye bye!!!...I'm just hoping you get around to these questions >.< ~|Bye bye.|~
< Message edited by SCAKK -- 3/30/2007 17:54:47 >
One edge to defend, one edge to defeat. In britannia was I forged, for the one was was meant to rule.