RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Reign Man -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/2/2009 14:51:50)


Dragonslayer Twilly's triggered attack now does Harm, not Element X. Also, you can add "Law of the Dragons" War as a new location.
Updated. Thanks! ~In Media Res

BloodyKhaos -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/6/2009 5:39:32)


Argent Glin

Location: Summon Argent Glin
Cost: 44 SP per turn to keep guest

Hits: 3
Type: Ranged
Element: Light
Damage: ?
BTH: ?
Rate: ?

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Light
Damage: ?
BTH: ?
Rate: ?
Effect: Monster becomes blinded (-10 Bth) for one or two round(s)
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

shintilaberis -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/6/2009 14:19:42)


all WarLich guests say they are summoned from the Summon DemiWarLich Z spell. Please change them to their correct spells.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Dil -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/6/2009 19:56:13)


Argent Glin
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Lasher67 -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/10/2009 5:47:36)


Black Malzar is Level 85. Under Darkness pets, it is listed as level 70.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Billy Bob -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/12/2009 20:10:42)


Rascorpion Iuroidea's sellback is actually 9000 gold not 22500.
The sellback seems to be 1/5 of the price so Rascorpion Chaeriloidea's sellback may be 2000 instead of 5000.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Pieces -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/19/2009 7:28:24)


Is there any information for the new guests from the Portal planets?
Taken care of. Thanks! ~In Media Res

JMill -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/1/2009 1:22:05)


Obvious Red Herring Z/Blatant Red Herring/Glaring Red Herring/Striking Red Herring

Level: 13/37/61/89
Price: 713 Tokens/1,919/8,161/44,444 Gold
Sellback: ???/???/???/8,888
Location: April Fool's 2009

Element: Water
Damage: 8-24/6-20/12-33/16-52
Suggested CHA: ???/???/???/134
BTH: ???

There's just something fishy about this pet...
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

afsoc4life -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/1/2009 3:35:18)


Sellback for Glaring Red Herring is 1632 gold.
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Pieces -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/2/2009 13:40:50)


Striking Red Herring should have stats of approximately the following:

Hits: 4
Type: Ranged
Element: Water
Damage: 5-12 + 92% Stats Per Hit
BTH: ?
Rate: 100% (for Beastmasters - assuming 200 CHA)
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Yagno2000 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/4/2009 2:45:28)


Obvious Red Herring Z / Blatant Red Herring / Glaring Red Herring / Striking Red Herring

L.13 / 37 / 61 / 89

Price: 713 Z / 1,919 / 8,161 / 44,444
Sellback: Normal Z rates, Normal 20% gold rate for pets

Element: Water

Damage: 4-12 / 3-10 / 4-11 / 4-13
BTH: 11 / 9 / 15 / 22

TD: 44 / 24 / 74 / 134

Attacks: Ranged Water

L.13 Z
2 hits 100%/100%/113.5% +0BTH

2 hits 100%/100%/98.5% +0BTH

3 hits 100%/100%/92% +0BTH

4 hits 100%/100%/92.25% +0BTH
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Aelthai -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/5/2009 15:27:08)



The following are used for all three guests
PortalLevel = Max(Level + 3, Floor(0.0008 * Level^2 + 0.84 * Level + 10.375))
Rep is your Rep with that particular Guest

BaseSPCost = Round(0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * PortalLevel + 0.01125 * PortalLevel^2));
RepSPCost = BaseSPCost * (1 - Rep * 0.05);

If the Guest does not want to be there, the SP cost is double the RepSPCost

The Guests attack 100% at 0 CHA (as if they had a TD of -66).

one hit attack
Base = Round(0.36 * (4 + 0.5 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2))
Rand = Round(0.36 * (13 + 1.25 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2))
Stat = Round(0.675 * (200 + 8.8 * PortalLevel))
BtH = Math.floor(PortalLevel / 4)

Note: Stat appears to be bugged.

Female Ch.
Two possible attacks
50/50 chance of each
One Hit Darkness Magic or Light Magic
Base = Round(0.36 * (4 + 0.5 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2))
Rand = Round(0.36 * (13 + 1.25 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2))
Stat = Round(0.675 * (200 + 8.8 * PortalLevel))
BtH = Math.floor(PortalLevel / 4)

Note: Stat appears to be bugged.

Male Ch.
Two possible attacks
50/50 chance of each
Two Hit Earth Melee
Each hit is:
Base = Floor(Round(0.3 * (4 + 0.5 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2)) / 2 * 1.0625)
Rand = Floor(Round(0.3 * (13 + 1.25 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2)) / 2 * 1.0625)
Stat = Floor(Round(0.5625 * (200 + 8.8 * PortalLevel)) / 2 * 1.0625)
BtH = Floor(PortalLevel / 4) - 5;
one Hit Earth Ranged
Base = Floor(Round(0.3 * (4 + 0.5 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2)) * 0.9411765)
Rand = Floor(Round(0.3 * (13 + 1.25 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2)) * 0.9411765)
Stat = Floor(Round(0.5625 * (200 + 8.8 * PortalLevel)) * 0.9411765)
BtH = Floor(PortalLevel / 4) + 5;

Note: Stat appears to be bugged.


The following are used for both guests
PortalLevel = Max(Level + 3, Floor(0.0008 * Level^2 + 0.84 * Level + 10.375))
Rep is your Rep with that particular Guest

BaseSPCost = Round(0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * PortalLevel + 0.01125 * PortalLevel^2));
RepSPCost = BaseSPCost * (1 - Rep * 0.05);

If the Guest does not want to be there, the SP cost is double the RepSPCost

The Guests attack 100% at 0 CHA (as if they had a TD of -66).

red odanata
50/50 chance of each attack
Energy Melee or Energy Ranged one hit
Each is:
Base = Round(0.36 * (4 + 0.5 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2))
Rand = Round(0.36 * (13 + 1.25 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2))
Stat = Round(0.675 * (200 + 8.8 * PortalLevel))
BtH = Math.floor(PortalLevel / 4)

Note: Stat appears to be bugged.

green odanata
two hits Wind Melee
Each hit is:
Base = Round(0.36 * (4 + 0.5 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2) / 2 * 1.0625)
Rand = Round(0.36 * (13 + 1.25 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2) / 2 * 1.0625)
Stat = Round(0.675 * (200 + 8.8 * PortalLevel) / 2 * 1.0625)
BtH = Math.floor(PortalLevel / 4) - 5
four hits Wind Ranged
Each hit is:
Base = Round(0.36 * (4 + 0.5 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2) / 4 * 0.9411765)
Rand = Round(0.36 * (13 + 1.25 * PortalLevel + 0.005 * PortalLevel^2) / 4 * 0.9411765)
Stat = Round(0.675 * (200 + 8.8 * PortalLevel) / 4 * 0.9411765)
BtH = Math.floor(PortalLevel / 4) + 5

Note: Stat appears to be bugged.
All added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

whackybeanz -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/8/2009 4:39:59)


For Yivat and Nizya entries:


# If you are on Trescol, the SP cost per turn is (1 - (6-KairulaRep)*0.05)*round(0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375 * PortalLevel + 0.01125 * PortalLevel^2))
# If you are not on Trescol, then the cost is double the above value.

I believe the word Trescol should be Kairula.
Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Luminous -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/8/2009 12:12:21)


@above: Don't be so sure... the reputation in the formula affects "negatively" at the SP cost: the more you have, the higher the cost. And for the Portal Level, it also seems that the higher the level, the higher the cost, which doesn't make a lot of sense from my point of view unless the power also raises up. And since the power also scales with the Portal level, it is logical indeed [:D]
Taken care of. ~In Media Res

alexefb -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/9/2009 15:56:53)


EgGobbler V/EgGobbler IV/EgGobbler III/ EgGobbler II/ EgGobbler Jr.
Level: 7/22/42/62/82
Location: Grenwog Festival: Food Chain

Price: 250/800/3500/ 6500/ 26000
Sellback: ?

Element: darkness

Damage: 3-11/ 5-18/ 9-27/ 13-39/ 19-53
Type: ranged/ melee/ melee/ melee/ melee
Hits: ?

Suggested Charisma: ?

Description: A slimy creature that uses egg shells as camouflage for stealthy hunting of Grenwogs! (Guardian Only)
Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Drakeh -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/10/2009 1:48:35)


Baby Grenwog, Grenwog Tyke, Grenbaby are not rare. They are avaible inthis year grenwoog festival event special shop after collecting 20 000 egs

At least I know the 20 000 egg shops are the same as last year. Thanks ~Crimz

rb138 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/11/2009 10:59:56)


it will be once the event is over
Taken care of. Thanks! ~In Media Res

articblaze -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/11/2009 16:37:11)


egggobler jr pet has attack that is ice and a 2 stage attack
pic of it happening
Noted, but we don't include images of the pets attacking. Thanks! ~In Media Res

nosey123 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/11/2009 22:39:53)


Added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ShadowLurks -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/15/2009 2:03:49)



January 27, 2008
Baby Void Dragon

From the AQ History: Pets And Guests Release Dates.
This should be 2007.

Now who did that? Fixed. ~Crimz

The Aracknight -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/16/2009 0:38:29)


The Twilly guests are no longer bugged. They can heal you over your hp and mp, but the next time someone attacks, whether you or your opponent, the extra hp and mp goes away.
Taken care of. Thanks! ~In Media Res

ShadowLurks -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/23/2009 18:13:27)



Guardian Firezard (Guardian/Rare)

Taken from Pets & Guests Index Guardian Firezard isn't Rare.


Lv. 05 Car Trobble
Lv. 05 FireWolf
Lv. 06 Cochin Cyberhen

Also taken from Pets & Guests Index. Guardian Firezard should be on there.

Also Vampragon isn't on the Sorted by elemental and level list.

I just love correcting things!(no joke ;P).


Description: A wolf imbuned with power of a demon master. Attacks with darkness and fire.

A believe that is spelled imbued. Demon Wolf.


Damage: 1 - 3

Unless I'm mistaken, the damage is 2-6 It's listed in game as 2-6 Penquin.


Description: Very friendly critters that think anyone who feeds them is their mother.

This is for Tobble's description.
There is an added bit to it. It is: Very friendly critters that think anyone who feeds them is their mother. They recently aquired a cool pirate hat to wear from an anonymous donor.
Oh yeh, and the pic is broken... Pic.

All added/fixed. Thanks! ~Koree

Frozen Fire -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/25/2009 8:18:33)


"Destroyer: One" should be added as a location of Hollow guest.

Ninjat pet series can also be found on Elizabeth's shop.
Taken care of. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Wandering Kalanyr -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/30/2009 8:48:28)


Ninja Turtle is missing the +ClassLevel/2 BtH if you're in the Shinobi Shozuku or (Assassin Class Armor, which does not exist yet but the bonus is there).

Wandering? The Bth must've wandered away too... blame IMR. ANyways, added. ~Crimz

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/30/2009 19:40:13)


Locations are a key part to any entry so for the next week or so I'm going to work on this!

2-6-2 Location: Mt. Thrall - Pod 1 Flashback

Aquella Location: Carnax Saga

Arctic Wolf Location: RA Animal Crates

Argent Gnil Location: Summon Argent Gnil

Baby Void Dragon Location: Into the Void

Big Trobble Location: Trouble with Trobbles Quest Shop

Bob Location: Dracomancer Armor

Bobble Devourer Location: Ultimate Victory Shop (April Fool's Day 2007)

Brontus Location: Drakel Civil War K'eld Naer
All added. Thanks! ~In Media Res

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