When Heroes Fail - OOC (Full Version)

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Kellehendros -> When Heroes Fail - OOC (10/20/2019 11:41:12)

Palora is a city under siege. It has always been, and so far as can be discerned, it always shall be. The forces that beset the self-styled Queen of Cities are not merely physical in nature. The malaise that beleaguers Palora is a legend from the days of old, a horror almost beyond conception.

Vermonox, the Eternal Blight, who ravaged uncounted cities, despoiled innumerable kingdoms, found in Palora a force upon which his rampage was broken. Yet it is not without cause that Vermonox is known as the Eternal Blight. Legend holds that Agemon the Acolyte, first Paladin of Palora, struck Vermonox down seventy times, and seventy times the wyrm rose. In the years since, uncounted heroes have claimed to have slain Vermonox, some have even provided proof of the deed, and yet, rumor holds that Vermonox endures.

~Alexander Shiveran, Confluence, Time, and Palora

Welcome to When Heroes Fail. While Rise of Domrius is not quite wrapped up, Ronin was kind enough to permit me to launch this new endeavor, and I thought it might be nice to go on a little wyrm hunt. Of course, nothing is ever quite so simple. What follows is an overview of several subjects pertinent to the RP, and I shall thank you for reviewing them before considering whether or not this is a game for you.

Thus, I welcome you to Palora, Queen of Cities. A jewel set upon a hill, Palora has stood since time immemorial, a city-state ruling over an important confluence of sea and land trade routes that have brought fabulous wealth to her inhabitants, at least, those already well-off enough to be involved in the trade. A sprawling metropolis, Palora is home to the exquisitely rich and the wretchedly poor, to the blessedly pious and the despicably mean, and all sorts in between.

Once, Palora was the capital of a kingdom, almost unfathomable ages ago. The last High King of Palora fell in the Age of Myths, and since that time Palora has been ruled and guided by the Conclave of Archons, a coterie of leaders from the city’s temples. The Conclave is traditionally headed by the Archon of Baan, whose chosen, Agemon, defended the city from the depredations of Vermonox, the Eternal Blight.

Agemon was hailed Paladin, and since the Age of Myths Palora has been defended by a champion holding that title. The Paladin receives orders from the Conclave, and in turn commands the Saints, Palora’s defenders. The Conclave also commands and oversees the various Councils that make up the bureaucracy of the city.

The wyrm is a taboo subject in Palora, discussed only in hushed whispers in back alleys. Any official in the city will insist that Vermonox is dead, and has been for centuries. Blessed Agemon saw to the wyrm’s destruction. Rumors of Vermonox’s survival are just that: rumors and nothing more. The wastes to the north of the city are, to be certain, a dragon breeding ground, but one wyrm is much like another, and Vermonox spawned any number of horrors before he met his end on Agemon’s spear.

And so we come to your role in this. I am looking for three to six players willing to answer the call, to face an ageless horror that has known defeat, but is unacquainted with death. Vermonox is undeterred. Palora was his once, for a brief and shining span, and if the wyrm has his way it shall be again.

But who, then, shall stand in the face of this threat? Heroes in plenty have taken up the sword and sought to end the Eternal Blight.

They have failed.

When heroes fail, those who are left must take up the Spear. You are the Blighted, members of a group of the outcast and persecuted. At some point in your life you swore a sacred vow, an oath made to Baan himself, or his earthly representatives.

The content of that oath is of little matter now, for when it came time to make good on your word, you failed. You broke your word, reneged on your promise, chose the left-hand path. Your reasons are your own, but Baan does not suffer oathbreakers lightly. As such, you were marked by the Dragon-Blight, which manifests as a discoloration of the epidermis of the left hand, causing the skin to blacken. The Blight comes slowly, starting on the back of the hand and spreading in all directions until the arm from elbow to fingertips is the black of charred flesh.

The Blight is not a physical effect alone; its power is metaphysical as well, affecting your powers and abilities. Your connection to the darkness waxes stronger, while your connection to the light sickens and fades. Perhaps you find yourself thinking thoughts you would never have entertained before, dark desires that seem to come from outside yourself. Is it the Blight that pushes these things upon you, or has it merely unearthed something in you that you always kept buried, or never acknowledged in the first place?

Either way, you are Blighted, and this marked you as betrayer, as blasphemer, as foe. Palorans, at least, respectable Palorans, will not associate with the Blighted. They are driven from the city and its lands, or else forced into lives of crushing poverty and scorn, even by those they once knew. The Blight-mark can be hidden, for a time, but eventually someone wonders why you never take off the glove, or why your hand is bound in bandages, and then it is best to move on.

And so you did, leaving Palora, or skulking through the shadows on the margins of Paloran society, until he found you.

The Magister, a shadow beneath a hood of faded gray. Piercing eyes, almost luminescent, of a blue that is somehow just a little more blue than is natural. He found you, wandering and lost, hidden and desperate, and offered you a chance, a mad and desperate chance.

Return home, go back to Palora and be cleansed. “All things are burned away in wyrmflame.” If you agree, if you take up this mad and desperate quest, perhaps you can be redeemed.

But the path to redemption leads through perdition, and you are a weak vessel, to have faltered once upon an easier road already.

Will you answer the call, find redemption, and shine as bright as chosen Agemon? Or will you walk into the darkness and be lost forevermore?

What follows is background information for your perusal. Get to know a bit about Palora, her people, her gods, and her figures of note. This information will be updated as more is revealed over the course of the RP.

The gods
Palorans mainly honor five deific figures. There are innumerable others to cater to any religious taste, but brief notes on the five most commonly worshipped follow:

Phastos - The sponsor of artists and the creative impulse, Phastos is often depicted as a painter or sculptor. Phastos’ symbol is a crossed brush and chisel. Benign and guiding, Phastos favors those with dreaming minds and skilled hands. His priests wear robes blue as the sky.

Greva - Friend of merchants and scribes, Greva is most often depicted as a scholar. Her symbol is the scales of knowledge and judgement. Wise and shrewd, Greva favors those with sharp minds and keen instincts. Her priests wear robes golden as the harvest grain.

Vos - Sometimes called the Grand Marshal, Vos is depicted as a soldier or general. His symbol is a naked blade, without hilt or adornment. Stern and implacable, Vos favors those with brave hearts and unflinching spirits. His priests wear robes red as blood.

Illyra - Giver of aid and succor, Illyra is most often depicted as a healer or physician. Her symbol is a hand open in welcome. Merciful and compassionate, Illyra favors those with gentle hearts and caring dispositions. Her priests wear robes green as the first shoots of spring.

Baan - Palora’s patron, Baan is the great mystery. He never appears in illustration or statuary, and only his presence is ever depicted, falling upon his chosen as a ray of light from the heavens. Baan’s symbol is the sunburst. His priests wear robes white as driven snow.

Palora and Beyond
Rough map of Palora's districts
Expansive as it is, Palora proper is bounded by great stone walls pierced with four gates aligned with the points of the compass. What follows is a general geography of Palora and its various parts. While each section of the city is noted for something (for instance, the Eastern Quarter is generally home for artisans, while the Western Quarter houses nobles), you will find a mixture of all sorts wheresoever you go.

The Stag’s Gate opens into the Eastern Quarter, home of crafters and artisans. This district is host to many of those who maintain and beautify the city. Stonemasons, painters, blacksmiths, weavers, all can be found in the Eastern Quarter. By tradition, the Eastern Quarter is overseen by the Archon of Phastos, known as the Patron.

The Bull’s Gate opens into the Northern Quarter, home of merchants and scholars. This district is host to many of the trading companies and places of learning that have made Palora famous for both wealth and knowledge. Bankers, scribes, scholars of subjects mundane and esoteric, all can be found in the Northern Quarter. By tradition, the Northern Quarter is overseen by the Archon of Greva, known as the Headmistress.

The Oryx’s Gate opens into the Western Quarter, home of Saints and nobles. This district is host to the barracks, supply depots, stables, and parade grounds that are utilized by Palora’s defenders. Nobles and courtiers of all ranks also call the Western Quarter home, secure in the knowledge that the presence of the Saints keeps their homes secure from the more undesirable elements of the city. By tradition, the Western Quarter is overseen by the Archon of Vos, known as the Quartermaster.

The Ram’s Gate opens into the Southern Quarter, home of the common and the destitute. This district is host to the pubs, gambling dens, and houses of ill repute found in all cities. Commoners, unskilled laborers, beggars, all find their way to the Southern Quarter. Rumors persist of an organized ring of thieves operating out of the Southern Quarter, but they have never been substantiated. By tradition, the Southern Quarter is overseen by the Archon of lllyra, known as the Supplicant.

Each quarter of the city, rather than being a full wedge of Palora’s circular footprint, is actually a arch, touching its fellows to either side while bending about the Heart of the City. Thus, for example, the Eastern Quarter shares a border with both the Northern and Southern Quarters, but has no contact at all with the Western Quarter, for the Heart of the City intervenes. The same goes for the other districts, which border each other without touching their cardinal opposite.

It is in the Heart of the City that one finds Palora’s temples. The Heart’s temples soar into the sky, towers holding proudly aloft the great musical bells that ring the hours and call the faithful to worship. Sited at the head of the Plaza of the Paladin, the Temple of Baan is the tallest structure in Palora, its mighty tower a feat of engineering recalling the glory of old Palora and the fabled palace of the High King. It is from this Temple that the Archon of Baan, known as the Will, rules over the Heart of the City.

Across the plaza, a pale reflection of the glory of the Temple of Baan, squats a long rectangular building sporting a wide marble dome. This is the Council Hall, home to Palora’s second army, the force of bureaucrats, scribes, and overseers charged with carrying out the will of the Conclave of Archons.

- Kingsport - Located less than a day's travel southwest of Palora proper, Kingsport is the major trading port providing Palora with access to the rest of the world. A sprawling city in its own right, Kingsport is rather seedy in comparison with fair Palora, but has its own detachment of Saints to enforce law and order.

Below are brief notes concerning important organizations within the city of Palora. Unless indicated otherwise, the information here is common knowledge to any Paloran, or is easily gleaned by visitors to the city.

-The Conclave of Archons-
The Conclave is the major ruling body of Palora, responsible for both the city’s survival, as well as the spiritual well-being of her people. Traditionally, the Archons give up their name upon their appointment, generally to a life-long term of office. This is, of course, impractical for record keeping purposes, and while publically the Archons bear only their titles, their names are recorded for posterity by their respective temples.

-The Councils-
The Councils form the backbone of the city’s political life. The Conclave rules, handing down policy from on high, but it is the Councils that are responsible for fleshing out the Conclave’s decisions, for turning policy into practice. The Counsellors, notionally at least, serve at the pleasure of the Conclave. Strictly speaking this is true, but the Archons have found over the years that removing a Counsellor from office, and removing the influence of that Counsellor, in the form of the Counsellor’s appointees and processes, is more time consuming than it seems.

-The Ring of Sparrows-
The Ring of Sparrows is a legend, an urban myth. Any Saint or Paloran official will assure you of this. Rumor holds that the Ring is an organization of footpads, thieves, and catburglars fighting for the common man, supposedly based out of the Southern Quarter. The rumors have never been substantiated, and that is enough for most officials. After all, how could such an organization have lasted for decades without being found out and dismantled by the Saints? Still, rumors persist, despite a lack of confirmed members, and Palora’s rich and powerful whisper that their bad luck is not just luck, but the vendettas of the Ring of Sparrows.

-The Saints-
The Saints of Palora are a holy army. They are both sword and shield, serving as guards in times of peace, and a readily deployed army in times of war. The Saints, like any military organization, are broken into a number of detachments under various commanders of noble birth. Saints are, almost exclusively, adherents of Vos or Baan, and from their ranks the Paladin is generally drawn. It goes to note that the Paladin is often, but not always, from a noble family.

The supreme leader of the Saints is the Paladin, appointed by the Conclave of Archons. Unlike the Counsellors, the Paladin serves until he or she steps down, and while nominally under the aegis of the Conclave, he or she can operate without their approval. Historically, there has been some friction between the Paladin and the Conclave, and recent Paladins have taken freer hands in city politics than most on the Conclave would like. A radical return to form occurred with the end of the Roshon War and the Flight of the Quisling, however, and Paladin Tahir abides by the more formal and archaic roles laid out for the Paladin by the Conclave.

The Paladin is always addressed by his or her title, but is distinguished in the histories of the city by his or her surname.

People of note
Next up are brief notes concerning important figures in the city of Palora. Unless indicated otherwise, the information here is common knowledge to any Paloran, or is easily discovered by visitors to the city.

- Brefon the Will, Archon of Baan - An older man, Brefon has served a quarter century on the Conclave. The Will is consecrated by Baan, whose favor falls upon the elect through a ceremony known only by the highest echelons of Baan’s clergy. Like all previous Wills, Brefon is widely respected because of his office. Faint rumors swirl through the underbelly of the city that Brefon is not so pious as his public appearance suggests. Some claim the Will has political ambitions reaching so loftily as the long lost High Kingship.

- Edrios the Patron, Archon of Phastos - Edrios is an old man, but still hale, having served a full hand of decades in his position as Archon. The Patron’s seniority among the ranks of Phastos’ clerics gained him his seat upon the Conclave when his predecessor passed. Edrios’ robust health may be a blessing of the gods, or it may be due to his continued work as a blacksmith and artisan keeping his body in shape. Either way, he is a venerable and respected member of the Conclave and a staunch proponent of the old ways.

- Gron Tahir, Paladin of Baan - Hailed as the savior of Palora, Tahir ascended to the Paladinship in the closing days of the Roshon War. He is credited with discovering the conspiracy between the Roshon leadership and then Paladin Bhayan, revealing it, and driving back the invading forces. Tahir still enjoys something of a honeymoon with the citizens of Palora, even a decade after the end of the conflict. He is widely respected for his actions during the war, even if many find his peacetime leadership to be ineffectual at best. Then again, as Tahir himself will point out, it was never the Paladin’s job to steer the course of the city. That purpose belongs to the Conclave, and all can agree that Tahir is much more conservative than the Quisling ever was.

- Merkia the Supplicant, Archon of Illyra - Merkia is a middle aged-woman and has served twenty years on the Conclave. The Supplicant was chosen by her peers in the normal fashion for Illyrian clerics: election to a five-year term upon the Conclave, a practice unique to the Church of Illyra. Merkia has been returned to office three times and enjoys a great deal of popularity amongst the poor and downtrodden of the city. Once a joyous woman, Merkia has been markedly more reserved, even sad, since the Roshon War.

- Tajea the Headmistress, Archon of Greva - A young woman of remarkable intelligence, Tajea has served only two years in her position as Archon. The Headmistress assumed the mantle of her predecessor in much the same fashion as always: The former Headmaster retired from his post to pursue his research and experiments, and Tajea was nominated as his replacement. Tajea is respected for her wits and work, but is largely seen as disinterested in the politics and rulership of the city.

- Teretex the Quartermaster, Archon of Vos - Second son of a noble family, Teretex has been sixteen years in his position as Archon. The Quartermaster gained his position upon the death of his predecessor in the Roshon War. Teretex is a divisive figure on the Conclave. His supporters call him fiery, decisive, and proactive. His detractors call him a braggart, a hothead, and a vainglorious cad.

- The Magister - A legendary figure in Palora, little, if anything, is known of the Magister. He might be one man or twenty, a madman or a prophet, harmless or the greatest threat to Palora since the Eternal Blight. Surely the Magister is a title, and it must be passed from one to the next, for all that legends of the Magister vary remarkably little. Always a man, always wearing a deeply hooded cloak, always knowing more than he should. Those who claim to have met this enigmatic figure are few and far between, and they speak in whispers of their encounters, as though afraid to attract the man’s unsettling attention with their words. Without exception, tale-bearers make mention of his eyes: blue orbs that stare out from beneath his hood and bear a faint, unsettling luminosity.

- Strasna Bhayan the Quisling - Reviled and despised, Bhayan ascended to the Paladinship upon the death of her predecessor in the run-up to the conflict that became known as the Roshon War. Bhayan was unusual as a Saint, and even more so as Paladin, in that her primary devotion was to Illyra. The choice of Paladin is made by the Conclave, and it is very rare that the Paladin is not devoted to Baan or Vos. To the downtrodden of the city this seemed a gift from Illyra herself, a Paladin who appeared genuinely concerned with their plight. Paladin Bhayan worked closely with the Archon of Illyra, and the two seemed poised to bring great change to Palora.

And then the Roshon War broke out. Bhayan was a capable soldier, and a duelist of praised skill. She was not, however, a general of note. The war turned against Palora, and the Roshon forced the Saints back battle by battle to the walls of the city. Bhayan directed a desperate defense from the walls themselves, or so it seemed. In the end it was discovered that she had been working with the Roshon all along, weakening the Saints and opening Palora to the invading army. It was only through the heroism of Gron Tahir that Palora was saved and disaster averted. Bhayan, her ambitions thwarted, fled the city during the rout of the Roshon forces.

- Valus, High Counsellor - Valus is unique among the Counsellors. He bears the title High Counsellor, awarded him at the close of the Roshon war. Unlike the other Counsellors, Valus’ position was awarded for life. Rumors swirl regarding this most unusual appointment. The consensus appears to be that the High Counsellor’s position is a reward for service during the Roshon War, but no one can quite agree on what that service was. Valus, as political an animal as the city has ever seen, appears to have his sights set on expanding the power of the Councils. The High Counsellor traces his bloodline unbroken to the mythical High King of the Age of Myth. Perhaps, if rumors are to be believed, Brefon is not the only one with designs upon Palora’s long empty throne.

Your bio submission should include a general description of your character, his or her abilities, and information about his or her Oath of Baan, and how it was broken. If you would prefer to keep this last bit of information a secret, in order to reveal it at a fitting point during play, you may do so provided you PM this information to me. What follows is a general format if you would like to use it:

Name: Strasna Bhayan the Quisling
Alias: Cendra

Appearance and Gear:
Cendra is a tall woman with a slender, wiry build. Her complexion is fair, though her face is marred by a long and thin scar that carves its way down her left cheek. The scar gives a touch of menace to her aspect, aided or belied by blue eyes that spark with fury or soften with compassion depending on the woman’s mood. Her hair, when visible, is a dull and lusterless red rather inexpertly hacked short to fall in uneven waves that frizz and wisp about the woman’s face.

Her clothes are those such as a commoner might wear: homespun trousers and a cambric shirt that have faded to an indeterminate brown and dingy white respectively. On her feet are thick-soled and much mended leather boots as would be familiar to a soldier, and their appearance attests to the many miles of travel they have seen. Upon Cendra’s back is a traveler’s cloak; black once, but now a faded grey; the cloak’s hood has offered her protection from both the elements and the eyes of her enemies many times over the years. Completing the ensemble are a pair of long leather gloves that vanish up under Cendra’s shirt, reaching to her elbows.

The traveler carries little in the way of equipment, just a backpack, a waterskin, and a rapier in a battered leather sheath. The weapon itself is of masterful craftsmanship, though it is entirely mundane in other ways. At Cendra’s waist are some pouches containing whetstones, coins, and other odds and ends, as well as a sling and another pouch filled with a selection of river stones.

Cendra is a swordswoman, eschewing armor, or perhaps making up for her inability to afford it, by dint of speed and maneuverability. Experienced and capable with her thin blade, Cendra has surprised more than one opponent who has underestimated her ability with the weapon.

While some duelists carry a dagger in their off-hand for parrying purposes, Cendra prefers to keep her right hand open to utilize her magic. Specializing in a magic based on hand gestures rather than incantations, Cendra’s magic was that of fire and light. Beyond the physical mark of her Blight, it is her magic that has been most affected by her affliction. While once she could create bursts of flame, now her abilities have darkened, turning to the creation of ash or smoke, which at least are still useful for manipulating battlefields about herself.

History and Oath:
Information to be revealed during the RP.

Seiserna the Lost - Remaint
Hendrik Songblade - Apocolypse
Marisa Alexandra - Caststarter
Flannagon "Flagon" the Blind - Vanir
Selene the Black Recluse - Draycos777
Jana Keller (Bhayan) - Ryu Viranesh
Nilch'i - Bastet

Final notes
As usual, the forum rules and RP board specific rules apply. The RP will be considered canon for purposes of the boards. I will enforce ruthlessly, do not mistake me on this.

I’m going to borrow a page from Afina and institute a posting requirement. I understand that everyone has other commitments that require time and attention. If you intend to join the RP I expect you to make the time to participate. As such, I will require that all players post once a week (time to be measured from the last post made by said player). You will have three strikes. Each strike will carry an in-game penalty as determined at the time of the infraction. The third strike will result in your character's death in an interesting and plot-advancing manner (And I hope I never have to do it, but I will). Your application to join the RP is a sign of your willingness to abide by these terms and your acceptance of whatever judgement I render against your character in the event of the issuance of a strike.

I am not, of course, without mercy. Circumstances can sometimes spin out of our control after all, and I am willing to listen to any explanation regarding delays to posts or inability to do so for pressing RL reasons. I will do my utmost to inform you when my posts will be delayed. I expect the same from each of you.

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 1:23:50)

Posting interest. Need time to come up with a suitable character/sort my life out a little.

Riprose123 -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 1:30:15)

Is the beginning of the "One post a week" rule start from the character's introductory post, or acceptance of a bio?

Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 3:02:49)

Riprose, the clock will start when I post the IC and be subsequently restarted for each post made by the player in question.

As a general note, I'll use this post to compile the answers to questions for easy reference.

Edit: I'm going to throw some random notes down here for reference to try and head off a couple potential questions.

What races are allowed?
Palora is mainly a kingdom populated by humans. Any humanoid race is welcome. If you want something truly unique, prepare to justify your presence in human lands. Draconic origins and hybrids will not be permitted for obvious reasons.

How strong should I be?
I'll use the EC as a baseline here. Characters should be competent at what they do. I intend to be very selective on entries. Please do not be disheartened if I ask you to revise parts of your submission.

Hey, I've got a great idea for an NPC!
Cool, let's hear it. While I will control the majority of NPCs (those listed in the first post surely), you are more than welcome to populate Palora with NPCs appropriate to your needs. Generally speaking, I'll rely on you to oversee management of any NPCs you create. If you want to create a major NPC, like the head of guild, Council, or faction, you'll need to run that by me specifically for plot integration.

How much is X worth?
Good question. That will depend on the object in question. Please note that Palora's economy runs on the silver standard. The rich traffic in gold and gems, but your common laborer, even most of the Saints, are paid in copper and silver. Most Palorans will see a gold coin once a year. Your average transaction utilizes silver. As a measure of general value, a high-ranking Saint (senior officers reporting to generals) makes the equivalent of one gold a year. One gold piece is worth one hundred silver or one thousand copper (think D&D).

What kind of character are you looking for?
I want characters who are morally gray. I do not want villains any more than I want heroes. I want characters who tried their best to do the right thing, only to find that their best was not good enough. I want characters who understand that the world is not fair, because I do not intend to treat you fairly. I intend to test your characters, to tempt them, to set them against each other, and the experience will be more enjoyable for you with a character who inhabits that conceptual space.

The Oath
Taking the Oath the decision of a rational and committed mind. You must choose to take the Oath. There are no implied or inherent Oaths. In much the same fashion, the oath-bound much choose to break the Oath. Leeway is not permitted for bad choices or hopeless situations; if you break the Oath, you do so knowingly, even if breaking the Oath was your only means of surviving. The Oath does not have degrees, it is a simple yes or no. You say, "I will do X," and then you do it or you do not. The main thrust here is that the Oath is, in fact, a spoken contract. It must be known and understood. Someone who is insane could not take the Oath any more than a child could, or someone speaking in jest (In fact, "swear to Baan" is an oft-misused and abused phrase to indicate the speaker is serious, though it is more often used in jest now).

How are the Saints organized?
The "ranks" of the saints can be roughly outlined as follows:

Paladin - Lord Commander - General - Captain - Sergeant - Trooper - Cadet

There are degrees of rank within each category, of course. It goes to note that all Lord Commanders and about ninety percent of Generals come from noble families. Captains are split just about evenly, but there are more nobles than commoners.

What is the afterlife like?
Palorans believe in an afterlife that features an idealized heaven-like reward for the faithful and the good. Exact details vary a bit by particular devotion.

Phastos - Followers of Phastos believe they will spend their eternity in a sort of constant blissful inspiration, honing their skills from life and producing works more glorious than any earthly being might aspire to.

Greva - Followers of Greva speak of their afterlife as the attainment of true knowledge, the unveiling of all the great secrets and mysteries that ever were and ever might be.

Vos - Followers of Vos describe an afterlife rather like the Valhalla of Terra. The greatest warriors are gathered to feast and celebrate, honing their skills in preparation for the last glorious victory of the elect over the vile, tortured souls of the Wyrm Pit.

Illyra - Followers of Illyra tell each other of a paradise where differences are washed away. Beggers sit at table with rich men, and true equality exists for all.

Baan - Followers of Baan do not speak of the afterlife. Baan is the great mystery. As such, what he plans for his faithful after death is unknown, unfathomable, known only as the Communion of Light.

The Wyrm Pit - For every heaven, however, there is a place of perdition. For their variation, all Palora's share one vision of perdition: The Wyrm Pit. Agemon slew Vermonox, but even in death the Eternal Blight was not so easily overset. The wyrm's rampage was broken but the underworld was a new domain to conquer. Vermonox subjugated the demons, supplanting them and taking the dark throne of the underworld for his own. Palorans speak in whispers of the vile wyrm's domain, a vast tortuous plane where wicked souls are corrupted further, distilled into evil entities that will one day rise up for the last apocalyptic battle against the forces of Light.

Remaint -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 5:52:47)

Name: Seiserna the Lost

Appearance and Gear:
Though marred by the Blight, Seiserna’s form is generally favourable to the eye, being lithe, young and fair. There’s a softness to her face and though her dark eyes and hair is tinted by an unnatural purple, they only present an odd pleasantness. She wears her well-kept hair in a tail reaching past her back. Her height is 5’8’’.

Seiserna is vain, and enjoys the attention brought to her by her form. She favours to garment herself in what accentuates her well developed hips and notable bosom. A deep red, sleeveless cross-halter dress bares cleavage and wraps fittingly around her rear and legs. A silken black jacket frames her torso. Similarly coloured black heel-like boots clad her feet and a dark glove hides her left hand. On the chance she requires it, she is in possession of a black cloak.

She’s not a physically strong woman, and so uses an elegantly crafted bastard sword in two hands. Graceful and protective bars are swept around the hilt of the weapon. The balance is, just so, that hefty cuts can be made consistently and swiftly. A somewhat long handle ensures high potential for use of leverage. Unused, the sword rests in a nicely conditioned sheath of crimson, upon her hip.
Bastard Sword

A utilitarian dirk, single strap bag, waterskin and other small miscellanities accompany her.

A former Saint crossbowman, but a very modest one at that. A fairly adequate swordsman. Her defensive game is good, effective against most melee, but she has trouble landing strikes and often resorts to grappling to do so. Seiserna is just about alright in grapples, but her delicate frame will work against her. She does hold a formidable prowess in sorcery, being an accomplished Obscuromancer. She depends on sharp gestures to activate her power, as in the form of snaps, swings and thrusts with her sword or hands alone.

Rains of Ruin: Dark energy is jettisoned into the sky, forcing the heavens to weep acidic rain capable of melting flesh from bone and instantly rusting equipment. Sieserna is not currently/usually immune to her own rains.

Brimstone Bindings:
The few times Seiserna attempted to master holy magic has led to her development of spells with still a darker theme. Searing chains spring forth from a portal spawned near an opponent, burning and binding them.

Swallowing Earth - Shadow Hand: An either-effect spell. Dark energy strikes the ground, causing the very earth to mellow into a malevolent mire that bogs opponents, or, shapes earthly constructs in the form of corpsely hands that strive to drag opponents downward.

Raven’s Refuge: Dark energies cloak Seiserna, causing Invisibility. It is a lower priority power, usually the last resort for it temporarily disconnects her from the rest of her mystical potential. Enigmatically, her bodily matter seems to temporarily lose touch with some standing physics, as she gains immunity to acids. Her invisibility is not absolute however, and powerful beings would bypass it. Sound and heat is not shrouded.

Known in the present as a witch or wicked sorceress, the past of Seiserna had always been one rife with trouble, frowned upon by society. She was gifted with mystic potential at a young age, but she demonstrated it in morbid or otherwise disdained manners; an example being the times where she puppeted corpses of birds and moths through dark magic. Seiserna had no malevolent thoughts at those times, only thinking to entertain her friends. In addition, she had a habit to pull pranks by animating the corpses of dead pets. This alongside frequent petty thievery through use of Raven’s Refuge led to many scathing scoldings and humiliating beatings throughout her youth.

A day came when Seiserna caught the ire of a higher ranked individual. Eventually, the individual and company stormed into her living quarters one night and dragged her out of bed, through the halls and into the stinging cold. A month followed and she was made an intern(squire?) to the Saints; she had been through numerous whippings, shockings and starvings. A year passed and to the public eye, Seiserna had all but stopped using dark magic, or Obscuromancy.

In that time her mentors had attempted to ingrain into her discipline, doctrines and various principles regarding Palora, but she never took to heart any of it, often seeming disinterested and dreamy eyed. This alone brought much disfavour upon her, but it was her attempts to escape and cause mischief that led to great punishment. She spent much time trying to cause trouble. She dumped sand, spoiled oil and the corpses of small animals in Saints’ wardrobes and armouries, hexed their meals to taste horrible and mis-placed holy relics or ancient artefacts in spite. For this Seiserna had been bound to the pillories, slapped by the harsh whips and forced to remain outside in the freezing nights wearing little to nothing more times than she could remember.

For much time this went on, but eventually, Seiserna was broken. She tired of the pain, the humiliation, and the frigid cold. She felt hopeless and alone, and her resistance seemed to have achieved absolutely nothing. A day came when she obeyed every order and every courtesy the Saintly institution brought to her attention, including the customary vows, Oaths to the existing powers. For her cooperation, the Saints were content to treat her as a proper, if young, soldier. Her mentors at that point attempted to instruct to her holy magic, but when all her attempts brewed sinister results, the instruction halted. They trained her as a crossbowman from then on.

Broken Oath:

There came a day when Seiserna accompanied a Saintly patrol in the forests near Palora. All had been normal, and though the patrol knew of her reputation, they were simply wary as opposed to hostile. The group was returning to the walls of Palora, but an ambush had been sprung by Roshon forces. Seiserna looked in horror as many of her allies were quickly dispatched, and in her turmoil resorted to summon the Rains of Ruin prior vanishing from sight and fleeing.

The guards at the gate were already frowning when Seiserna ran towards them. She reported her circumstances and she was allowed back within seemingly without further trouble. She slept peacefully that night, to eerie surprise. That is, until a guard tapped her lightly and urged her outside. A dreadful feeling took hold within her stomach, a justifiably dreadful feeling. Just outside, the remnants of her patrol stood solemn.

Their faces were rotten.

Their arms were missing flesh. Bones protruded from places they should not have. Sickly pus oozed from gaping holes in their necks. Worse. They were walking towards her, barbed whips and splintered clubs in hand, malevolence in their eyes. Their similarly gruesome steeds circled about her, as if preventing her escape.

Seiserna does not quite remember what happened during that night. She only holds memory of a terribly explosive force. Running, tears in her eyes, out of Palora.

Dawn eventually came to past, and Seiserna was wet with morning dew. She shivered, but went absolutely white when she saw the black mark upon the backside of her hand. She had made a terrible mistake. Not simply recently, but distantly in the past as well. The time she submitted to the Saints, priestesses had forced her to vow that she will never turn her dark powers against Palora. She had made an Oath, in the name of Baan itself, that she will never harm a Palorian with her immoral sorcery. Apparently, it was broken.

Admittingly, if Seiserna was completely honest with herself, she didn’t quite submit to the Saints. In face of doctrinate instruction, she had only feigned attention. In her Saintly duties, she wasn’t devoted to Baan. Every night, Seiserna had practised Obscuromancy in secrecy. Seiserna did not heed her Oath seriously, and will pay her price.

Seiserna does not hold a black and white view of morality, and is remarkably liberal in thought. She does not see it wrong to strive for immortality, beauty and pleasure. The moment she was afflicted with the Blight, a great hatred for the existing world manifested. It was so unfair and it made no sense; why were beings so polarised in basic thought bestowed with so much power and governance?

Despite her rebellious ideas, Seiserna is terribly unnerved by her mark of Blight. It disgusts her, turns her stomach and only serves to remind her of how much influence the narrow-minded powers of this realm has over her. Seiserna understands her predicament however, and attempts to keep thoughts to herself. She accepted the Magister’s offer, and hopes to completely rid herself of Baan’s domination, and maybe, eventually, rid herself of this world entirely...

I left some details of this vague, and they could be used to plug story-consistencies in.

Draycos777 -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 8:45:29)

Name: Lynn
Alias: Arachnid


In order to be molded into the perfect assassin, Lynn needed to have an attentive mind able to solve complex problems, while still keeping a flexible and small frame to be able to wait for who-knows-how long in tight spaces. So her body was forced to spot growing at the age of sixteen, through her clan's knowledge of acupuncture and age old poisons.

Lynn is a 5'5 Caucasian with dull unnatural grey eyes and shoulder-length hair that has turned white from years of intense training and stress. She normally dresses in black leather and cloth clothes and her footwear consist of black leather boots; the standard assassin's garb.

Gear: For weapons, Lynn uses a pair of wired gloves and a wired retractable knife that is usually kept in her left sleeve, but, it's location is changed from time to time. The wire is made out of finely woven spider's silk until it has become as strong as steel wire. Because said task is extremely difficult and takes the skill of an expect, there are very few such weapons and Lynn treasures her's, going as far as threating anyone that try's to touch it without permission.

always has a bag full of random items she takes interest in as well as food and water, on her person. Has many pockets, most have some sort of poison within.


Her years of training has made Lynn great at stealth and flexibility. What her armor lacks in defense, Lynn makes up in raw killing power. If her knife doesn't get the job done, her poisons are sure too. Her assassin style copies that of the natural masters: spiders.

Training for many long years to perfect it, Lynn and use her wires to set trap, or make tap lines by feeling the vibrations made from her wires when an outside force comes into contact with it. The wires in her gloves also come in handy went Lynn is in need of making a makeshift bed between two close branches of a tree.

Although she boost great balance from her flexibility, she feel much more comfortable within her 'web' than on land. She has also learned how to master unweaving and reweaving the 'threads' of her wire.

As a side note, for some reason or another, no matter where she goes, spiders tend to follow Lynn around.

Lynn, like all from her clan, took the same Oath as her ancestors:

To never take a life other than her target. If such a task was not possible then she'd withdraw and wait for the opportunity or abandon the mission.

How this oath was broken? Well, that is a story for another time.

Alrighty, that is the bio for now. I get to work on sending you a pm about how the oath was broken tomorrow Kell.

Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 17:38:19)

Everyone, I've put some random Q&A stuff in my first response above. Hopefully that may head off too many questions. If you need clarification though, please let me know by post here or via PM.

Remaint, an interesting submission, but before I approve there are some things I want to address. The magic as laid out in your bio is a hair more powerful than I'd like. That issue is mainly as a result of the combination of Seiserna's magical abilities and melee skills. My main issue is the contradictory treatment that you give descriptions of her form and ability. A hand-and-a-half sword (more commonly, a bastard sword) is a large weapon. I grant there is contention surrounding the term's strict definitions, but if we limit ourselves to more modern interpretations the hand-and-a-half is generally considered closer to the great sword or zweihander than the longsword.

Seiserna would have a difficult time with such a weapon, even were it sized for her. In either event, a hand-and-a-half generally calls for two hands, unless the wielder is at the far edge of the bell-curve for strength, which does not appear to be Seiserna's case. Regardless of the balance of the weapon, the heft would be such that I have a hard time seeing her as effective with it barring magical enhancements to strength. This is doubly problematic as you list her battle tactics as relying on grapples, which means using a long, heavy weapon in one hand while grabbing an opponent with another. Such tactics would be far more suited to an in-fighter who mainly uses a short stabbing or slicing weapon like the dirk you have noted.

I'm also seeing a contradiction here regarding Seiserna's battle prowess. It is clear her magic is her strongest asset, but you have her listed as a merely adequate swordswoman and grappler while stating her defense is effective against most melee strikes. Unless her swordsmanship consists entirely of defensive maneuvers, this is somewhat confusing. My best suggestion at this point is to reevaluate your loadout and maybe take a smaller sword, or main-hand a dagger or hand-axe.

As an aside, you list Seiserna as an okay crossbow user. I'm a bit surprised a crossbow didn't make it into your loadout. This is, of course, at your discretion, and perhaps she just never had a chance to get one, or maybe she decided she was done with them. Just a point of note.

From a plot perspective, this is fine. I would like clarification on when Seiserna was with the Saints, and for how long. If you want to designate some NPCs for additional background flavor, you can certainly do so. Maybe her direct commanding officer? Thoughts for a resubmit. If you're committed to the concept as it stands, I will have to decline, but you are more than welcome to submit an alternate entry.

Remaint -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 18:34:12)

Bastard swords Aren't large weapons, based on extant examples. The common weights and lengths given are typically 2-4 pounds and somewhere near 40-50 inches. No healthy human should have difficulty wielding that. 16th century examples could be fairly larger at 3+ pounds and 55+ inches. Montante/Spadone/Zweihander are in an absolutely different category, easily beyond 55 inches and up to 8 pounds if not only ceremonial; but even they are often balanced just so that any trained swordsman would not struggle with them.

Bastard swords generally call for two hands, but this particular type of sword sits in quite the fun interim between single handed arming swords and two handed greatswords. Like the term implies, it is a bastard of the two categories, and any competent smith would be able to manipulate cross section, fullers, pommel mass and what-else to achieve single-handed viability.

Only in the context of swordsmanship does Seiserna rely upon grapples to land her strikes, I thought I was clear. Grappling isn't problematic; one does not need to go all-out ground-fighting just to to enter a grapple. A single hand off one's own weapon and onto the opponent's body or weapon is enough to achieve Ringen am Schwert, or wrestling at the sword. As established, 2.9 lbs(Seiserna's particular sword weight) is not at all heavy and absolutely manageable in one hand. I've had the opportunity to handle, and seen others handle, original antiques and very well made reproductions; a sword of 50-60 inches requires little effort to wield, even by a small person(smaller than Seiserna).

In fencing, it is much easier to remain defensive than to play offensive safely. This is especially true in regards to the Renaissance and Medieval periods where varying weapons can meet one another. Even in modern times, it is relatively easy to remain safe just by sticking a sharp thing out and falling back when the opponent advances. I hope you can tell, it's somewhat difficult for me to explain why it's easy to somehow be effective against most melee, defensively, but still only be an adequate swordsman.

Existing Example1: 46 inches, 3 lbs. Dated 1500
Existing Example2: 45 inches, 3 lbs. Dated 1300-1400
Existing Example3: 45 inches, 3 lbs. Dated 1250-1350

Potential style of combat:
Additional bits with some grappling:
Sword fights are a matter of endurance and technique, not very dependent on strength alone. These two videos display several grapples, which should be simple and demand relatively little effort. A few of the grapples do not even require a hand off the weapon.

This will be my case for why Seiserna should not seem particularly contradictory or highly-potent in melee(in fact, Seiserna should seem rather lacklustre in melee). Her combat tactics primarily involve immobilising the enemy through magic, and casting acid rain or simply stabbing them. She even lacks directly offensive spells. Nothing super complex, overdone or powerful.

Regarding her time with the Saints, perhaps 5 years? Seiserna only wielded the crossbow as a Saint grunt, and while she appreciates the weapon, she much rather favours her magic alone, which is lower maintenance and does not force her to carry ammunition.

As a side note, Rapiers and rapier forms demand significantly more strength and endurance than longsword, bastard sword or broadsword forms(to be clear, these three are all rather synonymous). This is mostly by the simple matter that one would carry all 3-4 lbs of sword on a single arm, and the forms themselves are relatively exaggerated to the extremes, emphasizing reach. Modern, maybe historical too, rapier classes(and really, all single handed sword forms with the exception of smallsword and modern Olympics), are usually more strenuous than longsword/bastard sword classes due to this. In particular, La Verdadera Destreza is a Spanish/Iberian rapier form that demands one to extend their sword arm completely parallel to the shoulders, in Right Angle for the majority of the swordfight. Amusingly, this form also encompasses the Montante, an Iberian/Spanish two handed greatsword(slightly smaller than Spadone/Zweihander, and slightly bigger than Claymore).

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 20:19:18)

@Kell: Quick-question in-regards to characters - I've got a pirate/sea scourge type that I wanted to use. Are there any ports in or around Palora at all? Want to keep this feasible, otherwise I'll quite an explanation as to what a sailing scoundrel is doing so far in-land.

Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 21:03:50)

Remaint, with the additional information regarding the specifications of the blade, Seiserna is acceptable. Definitions vary, and I would call that weapon a longsword, but we'll not spend time on semantics just now.

Apoc, Palora itself is land-bound, but it is less than a day's travel southwest to Kingsport, the major trading port linking Palora to the rest of the world. Kingsport falls under the aegis of Palora and has its own detachment of Saints.

Remaint -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 21:12:08)


To be completely honest, I would call that weapon a Longsword too(the historical Germans certainly did, Langes Schwert/Langenschwert/Langeschwert). I knew using 'broadsword' or 'bastard sword' would cause controversy, but I simply find it too amusing.

Draycos777 -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/3/2016 23:23:48)

K put my bio up in my old spot for review, as said in post, I'll be working on the broken part of the oath to send to you later.

Remaint -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 0:20:21)

Spider Woman and Lost Witch. Sure as hell doesn't feel like we will ever be heroes, much less heroes to begin with X)

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 14:09:40)

Name: Hendrik Songblade

Appearance and Gear

Hendrik can be a bit jarring to gaze upon as his natural elvish features clash with his occupation as what he prefers to call a "free man of the seas". His pale skin has been bronzed by years under the sun, his body is brawn (even for an elvish warrior), and his pointed ears have been pierced a grand total of thirteen times. Seven ringlets on his left ear and six on his right, with eight of gold and five sky-blue. Hendrik has a mop of chestnut-colored hair tied back in a single braid at the base of his skull. A maroon bandana is worn on his head to cover up a good portion of his mane. The beauty of his elvish face is marred by the weathering of the unrelenting sun and a couple of scars - one an inverse horseshoe from a nose-gouging and the other a crescent beneath his left eye that thins and fades the farther it stretches back to his ear. His eyes are a blend of cyan and grey, much like the reflection of storm clouds in the ocean's surface. Standing at five-and-a-half feet tall, he is unusual but perhaps not the most intimidating specimen an adventure could lay eyes on.

For garb, Hendrik prefers an open vest crafted from pine green dragon-lether and simple brown breeches beset by a silver anchor belt buckle. His boots are plain and charcoal with a slight heel. Bandages wrap around his hands and wrists "to prevent rope-burn" as well as the lower portion of his torso up to his abdomen. Silver cuffs envelop his wrists and extend a third up his forearm, a violet tear drop-shaped pendant hangs from his neck, and his fingers are adorned with rings: emerald, bronze, and silver on the left and gold, scarlet, tawny, and magenta on the right.

Other points of interest are his collection of tattoos. A crescent moon and shining sun sit on his left and right shoulders respectively, a sparrow in-flight rests over his heart, and a great kraken covers the back of his left hand and a significant portion of his forearm. Last but not least, across the entirety of his back is what appears to be text at a glance but in-actuality is a collection of stylized marine life from whales and seagulls to sea krakens and mermaids.

A cutlass and shortened boarding axe rest on either hip. They are fashioned to a small degree but are far from fancy; they are kept as trophies from Hendrik's earlier sailing ventures. He also carries thirteen darts on his person as he is fond of the game and utilizes them in combat. They look like typical darts minus the the tip which is fashioned to a point and twice as long as that of normal ones. The last bit of odd-and-ends are a waterskin, a purse with a mix of bronze and copper ones, and a silver key.


Hendrik uses an aggressive, acrobatic sword-style that relies on constant movement and incorporates improvised use of the environment. The basics stem from an elvish art but his years on the high seas have induced him to develop his own style. He has been known to play around while using only his cutlass or boarding axe, but will use both when the situations demands it. His hand-to-hand combat is similar, flying around the opponent and calling in to question the very term "hand-to-hand" as stools, tables, and other odd objects have a tendency to be tossed about or smashed.

For magic, Hendrik depends on the incomplete style learned from his elvish roots. It relies on the written word, though Hendrik must also speak it to induce the effect due to his lack of training. The spells or "acts" must be written in the elvish language of Vridnis onto an object (referred to as the medium) and have that medium presented at the time of casting. More written words are required for more powerful spells. With very few exceptions, the act destroys the medium. His expertise is with water, and he has the following acts on the insides of his bandages and cuffs.

Water Whip: This act is inscribed on his cuffs and is the simplest of his prepared spells. A stream of water connects the cuff to the weapon in his hand, allowing him to swing it around as if it were on a rope eight feet in length. The duration at maximum lasts for only a few minutes or until Hendrik calls it off. Because of the simplicity of the act and the durable nature of his cuffs, he is able to use Water Whip a dozen times or so until the cuff shatters and need to be replaced.

Pulse: These acts are written numerous times on the bandages on his hands. To use them, Hendrik will unravel the bandage until he has one complete act and rip it off before presenting it. A powerful pulse of water is emitted from his hand and hits with enough concussive force to knock the average human back a few feet. Four of these acts are written on the bandages on either hand.

Waterfall: This is one is tied to the bandages around his waist, and he only has enough room for three of them. Hendrik summons a torrent of water from behind him, travels overhead, and crashes onto the target before him. Can cause concussions with a direct blow to the head, though it is more often used to disperse crowds (or wash them overboard).

Before Hendrik broke his oath, his acts created clear freshwater. After his betrayal, the acts now produce murky waters, slicks oils, and even weak acids on occasions.

Other abilities to note is his literacy, having small knowledge of a number of languages due to his traveling, and an excellent singing voice that incites one to join in the fun.

Broken Oath and History

To be sent to Kell in a short bit.

Bastet -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 16:38:47)

Hello everyone. I made a bio, but I'd rather get the character judged from Kell before going ahead and writing a story. That, and I'm really tired right now.

I also have two questions for Kell: is this RP canon, and is it set in the same universe as Rise of Domrius?

Also, personal congratulations to Apocalypse, Draycos and Remaint for writing what are really interesting characters in my opinion, and thanks to Kell for hosting what seems to be yet another great RP.

Name: Nilch’i

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Nilch’i is rarely seen without her usual apparel, which consists of a hooded black leather coat with deep pockets and a deep-blue half-mask with no apparent features other than two slits that allow her to see through it. The mask ends just above her nostrils, allowing her to breathe through her nose with no obstructions and leaving facial features below it uncovered. Under all the layers that Nilch’i puts between herself and the real world, she appears as a fairly lithe girl with pale skin and messy, waist length hair the colour of dark red. Some of her unkempt hair pokes out of the front of her hood, though she prefers to hide it when she can: it is mostly due to the fact that it would be an annoyance to constantly keep it in check. Boots and gloves the same material and colour as her coat cover the rest of her features. While she isn’t particularly tall, she definitely isn’t short, standing at 5’4.

Nilch’i rarely removes any clothing that would expose her to the outside world, therefore allowing most external observers to only pick up her hair and skin colour. Her voice is delicate, but rarely sweetens into compliments or other such examples of friendly conversation: harsh words and stern observations are the only thoughts she allows to leave her mouth, if she talks at all. Her half-mask is tied to the back of her head through a firm lace, knotted in such a careful way that it is impossible for it to fall off by accident. Six sheathes for throwing daggers appear on the outside of her coat, in the chest area, each containing an example of such weapons. A curious fact, however, is that none of these blades have handles, or anything that might let someone grasp them safely: these are merely shards of sharp metal, threatening to cut on any edge they are approached from.

Personality: A person of few words, moulded by her past and abilities into an anti-social outcast that, much for the same reason, is forced against her will to spend most of her time in a city she feels she doesn’t absolutely belong in. Nilch’i knows she wouldn’t survive well by herself in the wilderness, and though it forces her to face one of the worst sides of her abilities, she makes a good living by abusing them to convince others to work for her.

Living this way, after she managed to free herself, she grew up seeing others as little more than tools to further her own purposes. Deprived of the affection or care granted to those who were raised in “normal” familiar nuclei, she treats others much the same way she was treated while her abilities were still developing. The fact that she was left to find a place for herself in the world meant that she had no shoulders to cry on when she needed to, where the only support she had was her own. Though Nilch’i would never admit it, especially because she would never talk of how she’s feeling with anybody else, she would be best described as a tortured shell, a person who was only useful to those who caged her in her early years thanks to her abilities.

Her history leaves her as knowing little of standard etiquette or even the normal gestures that are used in the various sides of regular social life, meaning that even if she wanted to interact with someone that wasn’t under her control, she’d come across as awkward, or even shy. Thanks to her abilities, however, she isn’t completely extraneous to positive emotions and the previously mentioned social habits, due to constantly coming across memories and feelings of others. The major problem lies in the fact that she hasn’t had a chance, and is mostly not willing to, living those emotions for herself.

Abilities: Nilch’i’s abilities are the reasons she became a pariah that was exploited for her abilities and then left to fend for herself. Since she was a child, her psychic abilities manifested themselves, though they are best described by dividing them in three separate branches:

Telepathy: Due to being a psychic, Nilch’i could be called a telepath. The word itself, however, doesn’t describe her skills to their fullest. She is attuned to the thoughts of beings and especially humans around her, being able to read into their emotions, thoughts and even past, in order of general accessibility. This kind of telepathy, however, takes time to dig into the brains of those around her, and becomes more and more difficult to use the farther away she is from the target. The range from which she able to pick up the activity of other people’s minds is about A notable fact is that, while she is able to direct this ability to specific targets, Nilch’i is exposed to the brain activity of all those around her, causing her great distress and migraines if there is too great a concentration of human activity. Due to the fact that this process is not particularly intrusive, it’s fairly hard for someone to pick up on the fact that Nilch’i is reading their thoughts through simple observation, other than for the fact that she might be spending long periods of time next to them if she has interest in gleaning specific details about their details or deep thought processes. A curious detail is that

Mind control: This is one of the most tiring techniques that Nilch’i can employ. It involves procedurally taking over the mind of an individual by slowly approaching them through her telepathy and forcefully swaying her will into obeying her orders. This is a gradual process, because moving it forward too quickly exhausts Nilch’i and easily alerts the person that they are being influenced. Even by playing her hand carefully, this is an extremely hard technique to employ without being able to remain in very close contact with the target for extended periods of time. After being cursed, use of this ability resulted into targets outright dying when Nilch’i stops controlling them after they have fallen under her influence, and life draining from them for the entire time they are being targeted. This would lead even healthy individuals, with enough time, to becoming zombified creatures no longer capable of rational thought.

A note about the previous two abilities is that strong willed individuals naturally oppose themselves to having their thoughts read or mind controlled. For example, one such being would more easily pick up the fact that telepathy is being used on them, and they would be able to do the same for mind control with ease, leaving them more time to react before their thoughts are swayed into Nilch’i’s control. There is no defined time for telepathy and mind controlcoming into their full effect because of this very reason: while a weak willed person would easily have their thoughts read, extending any kind of influence over a strong willed one would be hard and tiring for Nilch’i, with a great chance of failing in being able to sway them.

Telekinesis: Nilch’i is able to move objects around her with sheer force of thought. The speed at which an object can be thrown depends on its mass, and so does the range at which it can be done. As a rule of thumb, this ability is limited to the point that only small objects can be pushed at a speed at which they have any hope of damaging other beings. Also, objects that are heavier than Nilch’i herself, which would be about 50 kilograms, can’t be moved at all. To use this ability, Nilch’i has to maintain eye contact with the targeted object, though one that is already in motion obviously stays in motion.

The last important fact is that Nilch’i’s mask doubles as an object that dampens her psychic abilities. This is due to the fact that uncontrolled telepathy would very quickly drive her mad because of the fact that she would have no screen from the thoughts of individuals around her, creating a deafening cacophony in her mind that would damage her very quickly. While it also means that her mind control and telekinesis abilities can’t reach their full potential while she’s wearing it, it saves her from being killed by her own powers. She doesn’t take it off unless it’s an extreme emergency, or she’s alone, thanks to the fact that using her full abilities tires her orders of magnitude more than her dampened powers do. She would also throw herself off a bridge rather than be exposed to the thoughts of a crowd with no protection. Even then, the mask is only a screen, meaning that being around a great number of individuals would give her a migraine regardless.

Nilch'i's physical condition isn't particularly impressive: possessing a lithe figure, she would never hold a candle in any kind of melee with someone stronger than a child. This is why she always avoids direct confrontation, working behind the backs of others or attacking from a distance.

Vanir -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 17:07:45)

Could the Blight cause other physical deformities and injuries, like blindness or damaged sight?

I have in mind an ex-priest character. Are the priests of Palora required to be celibate?

Remaint -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 17:15:16)

Applause to us allll HahahaH! I'm absolutely fine with Seiserna being at the mercy of Nilch'i's psychic powers if she's accepted.

Draycos777 -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 19:04:59)

This looks like it'll turn out to be a fun rp to enjoy. Two aloof characters(an assassin and a psychic) one witch and a pirate, lol lets see where this group takes us.

Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 19:56:49)

I appreciate the interest folks. Let's see what we have today.

Draycos, I cannot accept Lynn as written. The main impediment at this time is that she does not fit with setting. Palora does not have a guild or association of assassins. The closest thing to it would be the Ring of Sparrows (yes, they're real), but the Ring operates under very strict rules. Murder in anything but self-defense is grounds for disbarment from the group.

As far as gear is concerned, I am perplexed. Spidersilk is generally noted for its tensile strength in comparison to other materials, but it nothing anyone would trust their life to in any situation. I'm not familiar with wired gloves and my brief search yielded few results. My conclusion is that you mean something along the line of clawed gauntlets, perhaps with some sort of extendable chain or whip that allows the claw digits to be launched for distant attacks. At the very least this needs to be explained in clearer detail, because what I'm seeing here is not a practical weapon.

If the explanation for the construction is "magical enhancement," we'll have a discussion about what that would take, but since you haven't dropped the m-word in your post, I am forced to conclude that the construction of this gear is through some natural or chemical process like lacquering, and I can't see that producing the item you're talking about. In either event, I don't see the practical utility of the arrangement over a more traditional Eastern weapon like a kunai and chain or chain dart.

Apoc, I like what I'm seeing here. I generally prefer my elves be taller, but to each according to his own taste. In either event, I only have two points here.

First, for my clarification: Does the water whip effect persist if the water "rope" is cut or sliced through a weapon? That is to say, would a sword passing through the water sever the "rope" and end the effect, or would the water bend around the obstruction and reform itself? If "chopped" would the weapon at the end of the "rope" simply fall to the ground in a splash of water? Is the water more resistant to heating and freezing, or is it just water magically manipulated?

Second, and this is entirely optional: Hendrik is a bit... ostentatious. I threw a note up in my second post regarding Palora's economy. Pirates (Pardon me, privateers) generally carry their wealth on their person, but the amount of gold Hendrik is wearing puts him on the level of a rather successful merchant. If you're fine with this, so be it, but be aware that Hendrik will be a subject of envy and a mark for thieves.

Bastet, the RP is canon. It is not, however, set in the same universe as Rise of Domrius. As an aside, the RP is, thus far, beset by a plague of tiny persons. This amuses me. Unfortunately, I cannot accept Nilch'i. While interesting, the concept does not suit the game I am looking to run.

Psions are interesting, and I will note that I did not consider psionics when putting the setting together. Telepathy is an issue that borders on bunnying/godmodding in certain situations, and it can really only be overcome by working closely with the other players. The ability to find out what the other characters are thinking is... in a word: game-breaking. The thrust of the RP, other than slaying the dragon, is the exploration of character motivation. The name says it all: These are not heroes, and they likely will not act in heroic ways or be motivated by heroic ideals. I expect one or more of you to try and kill another character before this is through. Telepathy eliminates the inherent uncertainty present when characters do not know the motivations or desires of those around them. As such, this is grounds for denial by itself. As a side note, there are several parts of this ability that are not defined. The sentence regarding range on the ability is broken, as is a bit at the end about "a curious detail."

I'm going to outright deny mind control here. I think the objections to the concept, even despite the requirements of time and energy along with great care, are simply too powerful to be overcome in any reasonable fashion.

I see no issue with telekinesis as written.

As a side note on the description of the character herself and how she is outfitted: going around masked and hooded in Palora would draw attention. There is probably a way around that, possibly via the creation of a cult or sect devoted to a minor deity whose followers have adopted such an arrangement of obscurity. The summation, unfortunately, is denial. You can rewrite the character if you would like for a resubmit, but it feels like Nilch'i's genesis was from the first two abilities rather than the third. Perhaps another character would fare better here.

Vanir, the Blight manifests itself physically and spiritually. The physical effects, however, are limited to the discoloration noted in my first post. So far as other things are concerned, if a character was blind or had impaired vision and was compensating by some manner of magic, that could well be affected by the spiritual side of the Blight.

Draycos777 -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 20:10:19)

No assassins huh, well darn. For a reference, what kind of characters are you looking for?

I'd explain the workings of the glove, but seeing as how it doesn't really matter at this point, I don't see much reason too, unless you're really curious about it.

Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 20:49:49)

Draycos, it is not so much that assassins are right out as the fact that your character is written in a way that implies a guild or clan organized in such a way as to be a strong factor in Palora's political landscape. A contract killer would be acceptable, but they would have to be a lone operator.

I've had the question a few times now, so it may be best to define somewhat more narrowly what I'm looking for. I want characters who are morally gray. I do not want villains any more than I want heroes. I want characters who tried their best to do the right thing, only to find that their best was not good enough. I want characters who understand that the world is not fair, because I do not intend to treat you fairly. I intend to test your characters, to tempt them, to set them against each other, and the experience will be more enjoyable for you with a character who inhabits that conceptual space.

Remaint -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 20:51:01)

Ah, so this is canon.

Seiserna's afterlife(or after-afterlife if that's more suitable) is claimed; upon her hypothetical death(or second death if there's an afterlife chapter), her fate will be governed outside of Palora's realm, within the Dominion of Mist. This should not be a problem, I hope.


Hendrik is a bit... ostentatious.

As an aside, the RP is, thus far, beset by a plague of tiny persons. This amuses me.

Phhbbbttt...Ppphhbbtt. Ha. HAHAHAH. I could at least say Seiserna is average height!

Given Hendrik's status as an outlaw, I would think it relatively easy for him to obtain gold rings. Threaten, capture, ransom a single crew or two and you may have a multitude of golden accessories.

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 21:51:07)

It's not a "plague" of tiny persons. More like an "infestation".

@Kelll: A clean slice that entirely strikes through water whip would indeed sever the connection and cause the weapon to fall to the ground (or go flying if it was in mid-swing). But should a blade only partially "cut" it then it would reform (all or nothing on the severing). The water is magically generated and also magically manipulated with no special strengths or weaknesses, save that the water may crop up as oil, acid, or just dirty water due to the Blight.

Also, sending another PM for the second point as well as the previous PM.

And really, outlaw? Guys, didn't you have mothers who told you not to judge books by their covers? So what if he looks like a pirate, acts like a pirate, sings shanties like a pirate...okay, you may have a point, but still.

Caststarter -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 22:40:59)

Then why not add ANOTHER shorty? :P

Name: Marisa Alexandra


Rather young, she is shorter than most. From a health perspective based on her face, it would look like she is perfectly fine outside of a repetitive cough. However, her hair and attire conflicts with this. Just stopping above her shoulders where it curls inwards, her hair is of a sickly grey. Two bangs grow over a white strap wrapped around her forehead angled diagonally, where everywhere else it would be concealed. A spot worthy of note is the area that seems to be completely charred located around her left bang.

As for her attire, she is rather conservative in the sense that she prefers to have as much of her body covered as possible, outside of her face and neck area. She wears a worn, buttoned black shirt that reaches down to her thighs, where the two top buttons near the collar have fallen off. The sleeves stretch farther than arm length as well, where they are rather baggy. Underneath the sleeves, she wears a rusted gauntlet with her left hand and a leather glove on her right. All signs of poverty.

Strewn across her chest via leather girding, however, is a szabla tucked underneath her right shoulder placed inside a simple scabbard. A small swordbreaker is slightly hidden within the shirt itself near the collar. A small book is slipped between the belt around her waist, which is a tad loose and worn due to age and exposure to the elements.

Her legwear are a relatively simple pair of brown pants mainly associated to farmers and light, brown boots that are beginning to fall apart.

For the szabla itself, it is a bit shorter and lighter compared to average. A knuckle-guard loops around but does not connect to the pommel itself.The blade is double-edged near the tip. Etched into the side of the blade are the words “true justice for all” with the word “true” being a more recent addition, appearing more cruelly compared to the elegant stylization of the other words. A small, blue gem hangs from the end of the thin cross-guard, opposite to the knuckle-guard.


Chest-deep in poverty, she taught herself how to pickpocket from unwary passerbies in order to make ends meet. She does this based on the casual actions that a person does as well as the atmosphere of the environment in order to go unnoticed, usually when the person is at their most distracted.

If she wants to follow a person though when they evade her or learn where a particular item of interest is, she pulls out her book which is, in truth, a grimoire. Within are a few spells she can do that would enable her to know the general direction. She used to be able to do this with a small amount of items that would point to the source with few qualms. However, she now needs a few items that all point towards the same source and even then, it would be rather vague on where to go as she would be offered a faint and quick glimpse of the location itself. Afterwards, the items would be destroyed.

However, when she needs to fight, her skill with the sword, by itself, is only adequate enough to either retreat or barely get by a one-on-one fight. However, the gem attached is not for show. It is of magical origin where it imbues the blade itself with the temperature equivalent to the coldest of climates. If the blade comes into contact with skin, including her own, the area would begin to succumb to the effects of hypothermia. She can also plant the tip of the blade into the ground where it would freeze the nearby ground, stopping approaches. She can control whether the blade is affected by the gem or not. However, she normally does not do so unless under the most dire of circumstances. As such, she also employs the use of her swordbreaker to catch an opponent’s weapon into a lock where she would follow-up in a manner that would grant her distance. Overall, she only fights to gain distance.

History and what not will be of course sent via PM. Though Hendrik may want to be a tad wary...

Remaint -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/4/2016 22:49:28)

Hi Youmu Clone-paku!

Just because you put East European Sabre(quite the exotic rarity in roleplays) as a weapon, I am delighted to read what you write!

Marisa uses a sort of Main Gauche as a secondary weapon, right, and not some weird-cross-section-sword-club-thing?

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