RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (Full Version)

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Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (1/31/2016 16:26:32)

So, I'm back. Sorry about the weekend's absence. Some technological issues cropped up that were unforeseen. Dealt with those as best I could. I'll be throwing a post up shortly on behalf of Ryu, who is having some issues if his own.

Edit: Ryu's post is up. I'll be working on my own shortly.

Edit 2: Put my own post up, edited it into the original.

Remaint -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/1/2016 10:54:40)

I should have a post up later today or the next.

Caststarter -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/2/2016 19:55:11)

Sorry for being a bit out of schedule. Had to look at my own health... as well as making sure everyone had a chance to post.

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/2/2016 21:05:41)

@Castarter: So...Hendrik hasn't actually re-entered the room yet. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think anyone in the back room would be able to see any of his handiwork out at the bar.

Though I'd be more than willing for some collaboration between our characters (either as an edit to your post or in mine, depending on what the will of Kell is). We could keep some of it.

We could even salvage it a bit, with some help. Such as, if Bastet agrees to have Nilch'i sense the barkeep's pain (if that follows with her powers) and remark upon it once Hendrik enters, then Marisa could react as such. Just a thought.

Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/2/2016 21:26:05)

Caststarter, Apoc, I'm more than happy to allow an edit. If you want to get Bastet involved, that's up to you. Not sure where Bastet is on her own post at this point.

Caststarter -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/2/2016 21:30:27)

I see then, Apoc. I will edit for now for consistency, as the way I thought of the inn was perhaps different from yours. Sure we can think of something.

Want to head into IRC to talk about it in advance, actually? I will be on in the afternoon if you need to know that.

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/2/2016 21:58:54)

I'll try I be on, but tomorrow I start work at 4 o'clock server time and typically leave by 3. I'll try to be on though.

Bastet -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/3/2016 1:42:23)

I just wanted to warn people that collaboration with me is difficult because I live in Europe, a.k.a. I'm 5 hours ahead of server time. It's unlikely that I can join IRC'S, but I'll make my best efforts to do it through PM if anybody is interested.

No objections for suggestions though, I can always work those into my next post.

Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/4/2016 14:03:21)

Hey folks, a general note that I will not be around for a while due to RL concerns. I don't expect to be able to post until next Wednesday or Thursday. Feel free to continue IC character discussion. I apologize for the absence in advance.

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/4/2016 23:31:58)

Take your time, Kell. We'll be waiting for ya.

Side-note: Working on my next post. Just coordinating with Castarter, so it won't be up until tomorrow or Saturday.

EDIT: Post up with Castarter's help for the collab.

Draycos777 -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/6/2016 2:43:48)

I'll have a post up later today(tomorrow for those in pst, and whenever for bastet's time).

Vanir -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/6/2016 18:37:33)

Post up. I'm just using Google translate Latin for Flannagon's magical incantations. If anyone knows Latin better than the Google robot, please correct me.

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/6/2016 23:46:52)

Dandysprat, simpleton, and other such things.

Guys, elf-shaming is not a sanctioned past time. Even if a lot of that stuff is true.

Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/8/2016 21:14:41)

Hey folks, just a note that I am back. I'm going to work on getting a post up tomorrow.

Edit: I've edited my last post to include Ryu's latest submission. He is still working on sorting out his forum issue.

Edit 2: Since Ryu's issue got cleared up (all praise to our glorious forum overlords), I removed his post. He'll be making his own post shortly.

Bastet -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/10/2016 5:26:36)

Just saying I'm not dead. I'll get to work on a post as soon as I get home from school. Apologies for the delay.

Caststarter -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/12/2016 20:19:20)

Just to say, yes. I do ask Kell when the grimoire comes into play. Otherwise, it would be hilariously cruel and meta-gaming.

Now back to regularly scheduled program...

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/13/2016 10:05:35)

On the cusp of that seven-day deadline, but I'll have a post up late tonight.

Draycos777 -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/14/2016 15:14:29)

Post will be up later tonight.

Vanir -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/15/2016 10:43:25)

Working on a post; it should be in tonight.

I'm a bit confused about the door barricading situation. Which door is being barricaded, the front door of the inn or the door of the backroom?

Bastet -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/15/2016 11:16:58)

I assumed that the one Cendra had talked about was the front door of the inn.

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/15/2016 11:36:52)

I read it as Castarter and Bastet barricading the inn's main door while Draycos was barricading the back room's door. Just how I read it, mind you.

Kellehendros -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/15/2016 18:22:06)

Cendra was referring to the front door. Perhaps I am at fault here for not making the layout of the room clear, but the door into the room is the only method of ingress or egress, apart from the window, into the room the party is currently in. Meaning Selene has effectively sealed everyone into the room except for Marisa and Nilch'i.

I apologize if I was not clear. Nevertheless, it is not an insurmountable issue. You can all leave through the window if need be.

As a general note, expect the Saints to show up tomorrow evening (2/16).

Vanir -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/15/2016 20:44:46)

Posted! Short little blurb before our purification arrives.

Caststarter -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/15/2016 21:50:06)

...Whoops! That will make future interactions interesting indeed and hop and goes the plan! Can not wait for the torches and pitchforks.

Apocalypse -> RE: When Heroes Fail - OOC (2/16/2016 0:07:27)

@Kell: Does this window have glass, or is it just an open square?

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