Mana Core, The (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Mana Core, The (4/27/2024 1:27:05)

The Mana Core

Location: Outpost Yeden -> 2 Right -> Up -> Quests! -> More -> The Mana Core
Requirements: Completion of Convergence (Part 2)
Release Date: April 26th, 2024

Objective: Your pursuit of Akanthus takes you to the very heart of Lore...
Objective completed: Awaken.

Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0





*You ride with your titanized dragon as both of you descend to the Mana Core in order to pursue Akanthus.*

<Character>: How far down did Akanthus fall? There has to be a surface, right?
<Character>: Otherwise, how did the Magesterium get a piece of the Core in the first place?
<Dragon>: I don't even know if I'm flying the right way up anymore... | *Slightly disoriented growl*
<Character>: The Mana Core is the source of magic, right?
<Character>: Maybe things just don't make as much sense down here...
<Dragon>: Wait! I think I see something! | *Alerted roar*
<Character>: What is it?
<Character>: Hold on, I see it too! There's something... golden.
<Character>: Let's go!

*You and your dragon move closer to whatever your dragon is seeing; scene transitions to you dismounting from your dragon; you land at the Mana Core, signified by the white surface; your dragon—still flying—returns to its younger form.*

<Character>: Saving your strength, <Dragon>?
<Dragon>: Yeah. I'm not going to let you get stuck down here! | *Affectionate grumble*

*Scene pans outward as the something that your dragon mentioned turns out to be a Magesterium laboratory.*

<Character>: ...These are from the Magesterium...
<Character>: Is this where Project Casca takes place...?
<Dragon>: I don't like it here. I feel like I'm being stared at. | *Uneasy growl...*
<Character>: It's okay, <Dragon>, we have each other.
<Character>: Everything... will be okay.
<Character>: We just have to find and stop Akanthus.
<Character>: Easy!

*You explore the Magesterium laboratory as you search for Akanthus; during the exploration, you find various artifacts and relics from the Magesterium's past and present as it appears that the Magesterium have not told you everything; after leaving the Magesterium laboratory without Akanthus in sight, you wrongly assume that Akanthus is dead.*

<Character>: ...Maybe Akanthus didn't survive the fall?
Akanthus: No such luck, I'm afraid.

*Hearing Akanthus' voice, you—now agitated—turn around to face him; scene pans outward to show you and your dragon facing Akanthus, with the Doom device behind him.*

<Character>: ...
<Character>: Akanthus.
Akanthus: And you are <Character>. Hero of Falconreach. Along with your companion, <Dragon>.
Akanthus: You tried to best me once, and you failed.
Akanthus: Do not be foolish.
<Character>: What do you expect me to do? I can't let you detonate that device.
Akanthus: Why not... talk? Or do you think your words will bounce off of me as your spells do?
Akanthus: Could you convince me to change my course at the last?
<Character>: You're taunting me.
Akanthus: Am I? Surely you have some questions, having come so far.

*You think about Akanthus' words.*

<Dragon>: I think he just likes to listen to himself talk. | *Mocking growl*
<Character>: ...Fine.

<Character>: Why?
<Character>: Why are you risking the destruction of Lore like this?!
Akanthus: ...
Akanthus: Look around you.

*You look at the Magesterium laboratory as Akanthus reveals the truth of the Magesterium's origins.*

Akanthus: Do you think the ancestors of the Magesterium knew that their little project would succeed?
Akanthus: And then, when their time ran out and they returned, and returned again...
Akanthus: Carving into the Mana Core, to sustain their Shapeless Empire...
Akanthus: Do you think they gave a thought to the risk of Lore's destruction?
Akanthus: Despite what they would have you believe, <Character>, the Mana Core shards are not infinite.
Akanthus: Outpost Yeden is not just a monitoring position.
Akanthus: This is not the first time The Golden Hand has been tasked with Project Casca.
<Character>: So what, the Magesterium gambled with the fate of Lore, so it's okay for you to do the same?
Akanthus: No. It is simply necessary context.
Akanthus: The Magesterium was not entirely satisfied with this arrangement, as temporary and dangerous as it is.
Akanthus: And so they sought out another source of power.
Akanthus: In their explorations of the Wastes, they discovered it.
Akanthus: A near drained capacitor, forged in another time and space. Alien even to the Celestials and Infernals.
Akanthus: A... relative of this device you see before you.
<Character>: I've seen similar relics and machines in my journeys.
Akanthus: Mysterious, aren't they?
<Character>: I've also interacted with them. They've also been able to interact with magic. Unlike you.
Akanthus: The Exalted experimented upon the capacitor. Used it to store their own vast reserves of mana.
Akanthus: And the capacitor, in turn, was used to power an unimaginable weapon that they turned upon their own gods.
Akanthus: The legends of the people of the Wastes describe it as tearing a hole through their sky.
Akanthus: Surely it would have been a magnificent sight, don't you think?
<Character>: ...
Akanthus: The Magesterium found the relic powering a grand city with the lingering, yet significant remains of its mana.
Akanthus: And the Magesterium coveted it. They saw only opportunity.
Akanthus: They tore it from its pedestal, stole it away, and experimented.
Akanthus: Yet despite their best efforts, they could not draw from it like they could the Mana Core pieces.
Akanthus: And so they turned to us. My "brothers" and "sisters".
Akanthus: Not by blood, but in blood. Orphans.
Akanthus: And I! I was the only one who survived! Out of countless children!
Akanthus: And that capacitor...
Akanthus: That relic is the source of my strength. My strength and my suffering.
Akanthus: Just as the Magesterium could not draw from it, I cannot draw from the Mana Core!
Akanthus: And all that is bound by the laws of magic holds no sway over me.
Akanthus: I am disconnected from the flow of souls and mana.
Akanthus: Alien as the relic is, I have no ability for manipulating mana.
Akanthus: A part of me is missing, <Character>. Replaced by a dying battery in an apathetic reality.
Akanthus: That part of me that is missing... I would do anything to reclaim.
<Character>: I...
<Character>: I can't say that I understand all that you've been through.
<Character>: But with everything you've done, the crimes you've enabled...
<Character>: Magic isn't the only thing you're devoid of.
Akanthus: I never chose to be this way!
<Character>: You chose your own actions.
Akanthus: The hubris of the Magesterium brought me— brought this upon the world.
Akanthus: If not me, then it would only be a matter of time before they, or another, reached too far!
Akanthus: ...
Akanthus: I want to live, <Character>. Even if only for a brief moment.
Akanthus: Others have had their lives.

Akanthus: I deserve mine.
<Character>: You're a monster.
Akanthus: Yes.
Akanthus: And soon, I will be human.

*Scene shifts to Akanthus preparing to detonate the Doom capacitor.*

Akanthus: Aequilibria! Hear my plea and awaken!

*Akanthus uses his arms to detonate the Doom capacitor, engulfing the scene with Doom; after detonating the Doom capacitor, you, your dragon, and Akanthus survive unscathed; however, the surroundings of the Mana Core is now engulfed by Doom before its fog was dispersed a moment later; it appears that Akanthus' endgame is all for nought; you look at your dragon and asks if its ok.*

<Character>: Are you okay, <Dragon>?
<Dragon>: Yeah! Didn't touch me! | *Cheerful chirp*
Akanthus: ...
Akanthus: ...Awaken…

*Now angry that his endgame is all for nought, Akanthus uses one of his legs to stomp into the surface of the Mana Core, hoping for a response from Aequilibria.*

Akanthus: AWAKEN!

*There is no response from Aequilibria.*

<Character>: I guess... it didn't work.

*Still angry at the fact that all of his plans are all for naught, Akanthus looks at you.*

Akanthus: Every plan. Every contingency, always thwarted. Always failing at the last!
Akanthus: Ever since I crossed paths with...
Akanthus: You.
Akanthus: What did you do this time? You must have... tampered with the device somehow.
<Character>: Maybe your plan was just flawed.
Akanthus: You were in league with Amadeus!
<Character>: ...You don't say.
Akanthus: You colluded with the Magesterium!
<Character>: Do you even have a way out of here? <Dragon> can carry me, but—
Akanthus: Yes. Yes. That... that is the only explanation.
Akanthus: It must be. Yet again, you are the only variable I could not account for.
Akanthus: You and that dragon.
<Character>: Um. I really didn't do anything—
Akanthus: And you never will again!

*Akanthus approaches you and your dragon as the latter flies towards him, only for Akanthus to punch your dragon; this causes you to be alarmed.*

<Character>: <Dragon>!
<Character>: <Dragon>, you're hurt!
<Dragon>: I... I'm fine... | *Weakened roar*

*Now angry, you turn around to face Akanthus.*

<Character>: Akanthus!
Akanthus: Try me.

*You charge toward Akanthus, only for the Mana Core to be shaken.*

Akanthus: Could it be—?

*The scene shakes again as it pans outward; a giant white draconic visage appears above you, your dragon, and Akanthus; scene turns white as the draconic visage awakens with rainbow colors—four distinct on each side—in its eyes.*

???: And so, the Destroyer has returned.

*The draconic visage disappears as eight distinct colored stars appear from its place.*

???: And we have been called forth from our repose.
Akanthus: Aequilibria! Hear me!
Akanthus: Accept me! Make me whole!
???: Impurity.
Akanthus: Yes! Cleanse me of this curse!
Akanthus: Give me—

*Aequilibria shoots a laser at Akanthus' chest; as Akanthus smiles, it appears not to be as expected from him; instead, Aequilibria—signified by a white claw—takes his soul from his body; this causes his body to become unresponsive, fall over, and die; you blink rapidly as you look at Akanthus' dead body; you look at Aequilibria with grave concern.*

<Character>: ...
<Character>: Umm... I think we've overstayed our welcome. Right, <Dragon>?

*Your dragon listens to Aequilibria's actions; the claw from Aequilibria holding Akanthus' soul disappears; Akanthus' soul floats above before being contained in a mana bubble; after containing Akanthus' soul, it returns back to the Mana Core.*

???: Containment.
<Character>: (Psst. <Dragon>. That was your cue! Let's get out of here already!)
<Dragon>: I... I don't know if I should... I think I... belong here... | *Conflicted rumble...*

*Aequilibria looks at you and your dragon.*

???: The Destroyer has returned.
???: With an anomaly.
<Character>: Hi. I'm <Character>. Please don't kill me.
Aequilibria: We are Aequilibria. We are the Elements.
Aequilibria: To return to us is the inevitable fate of all things.
Aequilibria: Destroyer. For what reason have you called to us, your creators?
Aequilibria: Has the time for our slumber concluded?
<Dragon>: Um... No? I don't think so. | *Slightly confused growl*
Aequilibria: You are young in your cycle.
Aequilibria: There may have been an innate desire to awaken us.
Aequilibria: Imbalances that you detect but do not comprehend.

*Aequilibria assesses the state of Lore.*

Aequilibria: Assessing the state of the shell.
Aequilibria: The Creator's cycle has been disrupted.
Aequilibria: The caretakers' location cannot be defined.
Aequilibria: Numerous holes in the fabric found.
Aequilibria: Disruptions to the flow of fate found.
Aequilibria: Numerous errors and anomalies found.

*After assessing the grave state of Lore, Aequilibria finalize their own verdict.*

Aequilibria: Verdict: The stability of the balance is gravely threatened.
Aequilibria: Order must be restored.
Aequilibria: Solution: Awaken and start anew.
Aequilibria: Well done, Destroyer. The time for slumber has ended.
<Character>: Oh... I don't like the sound of that.
<Dragon>: Me neither! Everything's fine! Go back to sleep, big voice! | *Panicked roar*

*Aequilibria and the white light surrounding it disappears as cracks from the Mana Core, caused by Aequilibria's awakening, begin to show.*

Aequilibria: Awaken, reset, and return to slumber.
<Character>: <Dragon>... We have to warn everyone else!
<Character>: We need to go, now!
<Dragon>: R-right! We're getting out here! I don't care what that voice says! | *Hesitant but determined roar*

*Your dragon titanize.*

<Character>: Good work, <Dragon>!

*You move and mount to your titanized dragon and fly above to warn your allies about the awakening of Aequilibria; scene shifts to black, but not before with one final word from Aequilibria...*

Aequilibria: Awaken.

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • A well-kept Magesterium laboratory. The only blemish on a spotless void.
  • This screen displays a warning. "Defensive protocols to only be activated during catastrophic failure."
  • This crystal radiates an aura of cold. What its purpose here is, you do not know.
  • This machine is dormant and silent.
  • A tank filled with an unknown substance.
  • The cleanliness of the lab is almost stifling, as though walking through a silent temple.
  • The Magesterium has certainly been busy. And they haven't told you everything, it seems...
  • A massive drill floats above a hole in the surface. The screens read: "Project Casca systems normal."
  • Are these the controls? Or maybe some sort of exhaust pipe?
  • A relatively small statue of the Shapeless watches over the lab from its pedestal.
  • The screen displays a message: "From here we came, and to here we return. The Magesterium is eternal."
  • This part of the lab seems to house various items of great importance.
  • Magesterium relics of different style and form float between the pillars. For decoration or function?
  • ...And ahead, the lab abruptly ends, quickly forgotten by the endless white of the Mana Core.
  • On-hover text throughout the quest:

  • A sealed book, its cover inscribed with runes you do not understand.
  • A small pyramid, used by the Magesterium for various magicks.
  • An inactive Magesterium containment unit.
  • An array of strange machinery the likes of which you've never seen before.
  • This shelf floats in mid-air, carrying various Magesterium tools.
  • Best not to touch the drill or whatever is still stuck to it.
  • A small crater carved into the surface of the Mana Core.
  • It's a statue of the Shapeless.
  • A fierce golden mask, straight from the Magesterium's ancient history.
  • A cowled golden mask, similar to those you've seen worn by the Magesterium.
  • Something is contained inside this cube. You can't make out the details.
  • Various Magesterium relics adorn this floating shelf.
  • A relatively plain golden mask. Isn't this the kind Ostromir and Vseslava carry?
  • This golden mask looks like the ones worn by Magesterium golems. Although this one was clearly meant to be worn by a person…

  • Page: [1]

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