Rogue Class (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Rogue Class (1/23/2006 14:42:53)

Rogue Class

Location: Battleon » Click on Robina's Shop » Rogue Class OR
Location: Travel Map » Krovesport OR
Location: Purchase, and teleport using Paintings » Krovesport and Robina

This small city is world-famous because within its small area live an incredibly large number of well-known Rogues.

It is said that if you were to walk down the Main Street of Krovesport at night, alone, you would be robbed twice, conned once, and stabbed thrice before you made it from one front door to the next.

But don't let that old saying scare you. Not all Rogues live to stab and thieve. Some can be quite honorable. That's why YOU have come here, after all! To train as an honorable Rogue... right?

Valencia: I am a rare item hunter. But before I found my true calling, which I do for fun and profit, I was just another average rogue trying to make my way in the world.
  • Quest!
  • What is a Rogue?
  • Rogue Shop
  • Back to Town

  • What is a Rogue?
      Valencia: A rogue is someone who looks out for themselves first and foremost. Whether you're a treasure hunter like me, a thief, a pirate or mercnary... us rogues live on the edge of society.
      Valencia: To be a good Rogue, you need to have high dexterity, a good bit of intelligence and charisma, and a hefty amount of luck on your side.
      Valencia: Since Rogues live on the fringes, it's hard to trust a lot of us. But most of us have our own codes that we live by.
      Valenica: Some can't be trusted at all, like thieves, but others live by their word, like Rangers. The world is yours for the taking as a rogue... but you'll need to watch your back all the way!
  • Rogue Shop
  • Quest!

    Level 1:
      Valencia: You must be quick of body AND wit to be a good rogue. Your first trial is to find a bandit named Frugg who stole a huge sum of gold from a rich baron. Get Frugg-- and get his gold!
      Valencia: Be carful! Every step of your way will be exposed to danger. Not only will other roguish types going to come after you, but fighters and mages will be looking for you too... not to mention monsters.

      Find Frugg!
      You have accepted the quest to find the bandit Frugg and get the hoarde of gold he took from the Baron Munchessen. If you are successfull, you will become a Rogue and start training to reach higher levels of Roguishness. You will need to scour the city of Krovesport in search of many thugs, criminals and other rogues so you will become the king of Rogues in the city!. But who knows what enemies you'll meet along the way? As you start you're attacked from behind!

      1 BATTLE
      «1 random monster from the list below. Full heal afterwards.»

      Look for Frugg!
      You search the alleys of Krovesport for the villainous Frugg... how lucky do you feel??
      Difficulty: 25
      Stat Used: Luck

      «If you lose, then you fight another random battle, and repeat the roll. If you win, then you continue:»


      Valencia: Great! You found Frugg and now have his tidy sum of gold as your own! But your work has just begun! Now it's time to build your reputation as the most wanted rogue in Krovesport!
      Valencia: You have passed your first test and are now a Rogue!

    Level 2-19:
      Valencia: You need to find the most infamous Rogue in this part of town and defeat them. As a level «X» Rogue you are able to do this. You have four days. Will you quest to become more famous?

      You have accepted the quest to find the most infamous Rogue in this part of Krovesport. You are a level «X» Rogue. Defeating this Rogue will increase your class level to «X+1». You have enough supplies to set up camp and rest 3 times during your quest. Good luck, your reputation depends on it!

      «See the monster list below. Optional full heal between each battle. You can only heal a total of three times»

      Sneak attack!
      You have closed in on this area\'s most infamous Rogue. Are you quick enough to sneak up on your target before you are spotted?
      Difficulty: 25 / 30 / 30 / 30 / 35 / 35 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 50
      Stat Used: Dexterity

      «If you fail»
        You were spotted!
        You weren't good enough on your feet to be able to sneak attack your target, and now the most wanted Rogue in this part of Krovesport has escape your grasp! Do you want to keep after them while the trail is hot?
      • Give up...
      • Continue the search!

      «If you win»

      «See the monster list below»

      Congratulations! You have found and defeated the most wanted Rogue in this end of Krovesport! Everyone is watching you out of the corner of their eyes, not sure if they should run and hide, or try to be your friend...

      You have won!
      Congratulations! You have found and defeated the most wanted Rogue in this end of Krovesport! Everyone is watching you out of the corner of their eyes, not sure if they should run and hide, or try to be your friend...
    After Level 10, if you aren't a Guardian:
      Valencia: Congratulations. You are now a level 10 Rogue! I've heard some rumours but only a Guardian could handle it.
    • Become a Guardian
    • Restore Class
    • What is a Rogue?
    • Rogue Shop
    • Back to Town
    After Level 10, as a Guardian:
      Valencia: You are a level 10 Rogue, and are now the most infamous Rogue in Krovesport!
      Valencia: I have some bad news for you though...
      You must have made some enemies in high places, because word on the street is that someone sent the Assassin named Garrott Cutthroat after you! You better find him before he finds you!
    • Find Cutthroat!
    • Rogue Shop
    • Back to Town

      You: Come out, come out, wherever you are!
      You: I KNOW you're here Cutthroat! I've heard tales of you. Supposed to be one of the greatest assassins who ever lived. I'm not afraid of you! Show yourself!
      Cutthroat: Hehehe... My my, you ARE a feisty one. I wonder how many times you'll twitch after I take your head off!
      You: Enough talk!! Fight!
      Cutthroat: What do you think you are? A barbarian?? You're supposed to be a Rogue, remember?

      1 BATTLE: Garrott Cutthroat (41)

      Valencia: You did it! I can't BELIEVE it, but you did it! Maybe your true calling is to become an assassin yourself. But, uhh, always remember who was kind enough to train in the first place!
    Location from ~Cin~. Correction from Stephen Nix.

    For random monsters, the monster is randomly selected based on its Level. The minimum Level is (10 + 2*CurrentClassLevel), and the maximum Level is (14 + 2*CurrentClassLevel).

    Boss monsters are chosen similarly. The minimum Level is (15 + 2*CurrentClassLevel), and the maximum is (17 + 2*CurrentClassLevel).

    In total:
    CLvl	Rand	Boss	CLvl	Rand	Boss
    0	10-14	15-17	5	20-24	25-27
    1	12-16	17-19	6	22-26	27-29
    2	14-18	19-21	7	24-28	29-31
    3	16-20	21-23	8	26-30	31-33
    4	18-22	23-25	9	28-32	33-35
    Random MonstersBoss MonstersRandom Boss Names
      Arrowmouth Mangan
      Barabas Judah
      Catfoot Stevens
      Ceefus the Wicked
      E. Nigma
      Ears McGee
      Fetcher Percy
      Finn the Stalker
      Grease Foot Nilsen
      Hodger Dodger
      Palthas The Quick
      Sardur the Wretched
      Stubtoe Jotterman
      Tarvu the Mole
      The Gray Ghost
      The Pocketeer
      Two Face Collder
      Xygu the Spy
      Zabas the Crook

  • Ianthe -> RE: Rogue Class (9/19/2009 18:35:27)


    Rogue Class

    Location: Yulgars Inn -> Robina -> Rogue Class -> Go to Krovesport
    ......OR Travel Map -> Krovesport
    ......OR Krovesport or Robina paintings
    This small city is world-famous because within it's small area live an incredibly large number of well-known Rogues.

    It is said that if you were to walk along the Main Street of Krovesport at night, alone, you would be robbed twice, conned once, and stabbed thrice before you made it from one door to the next.

    But don't let that old saying scare you. Not all Rogues live to stab and thieve. Some can be quite honorable. That's why YOU have come here, after all! To train as an honorable Rogue... right?

    Valencia: I am a rare item hunter. But before I found my true calling, which I do for fun and profit, I was just another average rogue trying to make my way in the world.
  • Quest!
  • What is a Rogue?
  • Rogue Shop
  • Back to Town

  • What is a Rogue?
      Valencia: A rogue is someone who looks out for themselves first and foremost. Whether you're a treasure hunter like me, a theif, a pirate or mercnary... us rogues live on the edge of society.
      Valencia: To be a good Rogue, you need to have high dexterity, a good bit of intelligence and charisma and a hefty amount of luck on your side.
      Valencia: Since Rogues live on the fringes, it's hard to trust a lot of us. But most of us have our own codes that we live by.
      Valenica: Some can't be trusted at all, like thieves, but others live by their word, like Rangers. The world is yours for the taking as a rogue... but you'll need to watch your back all the way!
  • Rogue Shop
  • Quest!

    Level 1:
      Valencia: You must be quick of body AND wit to be a good rogue. Your first trial is to find a bandit named Frugg who stole a huge sum of gold from a rich baron. Get Frugg-- and get his gold!
      Valencia: Be carful! Every step of your way will be exposed to danger. Not only will other roguish types going to come after you, but fighters and mages will be looking for you too... not to mention monsters.

      Fing Frugg!
      You have accepted the quest to find the bandit Frugg and get the hoarde of gold he took from the Baron Munchessen. If you are successfull, you will become a Rogue and start training to reach higher levels of Roguishness. You will need to scour the city of Krovesport in search of many thugs, criminals and other rogues so you will become the king of Rogues in the city!. But who knows what enemies you'll meet along the way? As you start you're attacked from behind!

      1 BATTLE
      «1 random monster from the list below. Full heal afterwards.»

      Look for Frugg!
      You search the alleys of Krovesport for the villainous Frugg... how lucky do you feel??
      Difficulty: 50
      Stat Used: Luck

      «If you lose, then you fight anotbher random battle, and repeat the roll. If you win, then you continue:»

      1 BATTLE

      Valencia: Great! You found Frugg and now have his tidy sum of gold as your own! But your work has just begun! Now it's time to build your reputation as the most wanted rogue in Krovesport!
      Valencia: You have passed your first test and are now a Rogue!

    «If you aren't a Guardian and are a Level 5 Rogue»
      Valencia: You have come to a crossroads, my friend. To continue on and become a level 6 Rogue or higher you must become a Guardian.

    Level 2-10:
      Valencia: You need to find the most infamous Rogue in this part of town and defeat them. As a level «X» Rogue you are able to do this. You have four days. Will you quest to become more famous?

      You have accepted the quest to find the most infamous Rogue in this part of Krovesport. You are a level «X» Rogue. Defeating this Rogue will increase your class level to «X+1». You have enough supplies to set up camp and rest 3 times during your quest. Good luck, your reputation depends on it!

      4 BATTLES
      «See the random monster list below. Optional full heal between each battle. You can only heal a total of three times»

      Sneak attack!
      You have closed in on this area\'s most infamous Rogue. Are you quick enough to sneak up on your target before you are spotted?
      Difficulty: 20 / 45 / 55 / 55 / 60 / 60 / 65 / 65 / 70 / 80
      Stat Used: Dexterity

      «If you fail»
        You were spotted!
        You weren\'t good enough on your feet to be able to sneak attack your target, and now the most wanted Rogue in this part of Krovesport has escape your grasp! Do you want to keep after them while the trail is hot?
      • Give up...
      • Continue the search!

      «If you win»

      1 BATTLE
      «See the random boss list below»

      Congratulations! You have found and defeated the most wanted Rogue in this end of Krovesport! Everyone is watching you out of the corner of their eyes, not sure if they should run and hide, or try to be your friend...

      You have won!
      Congratulations! You have found and defeated the most wanted Rogue in this end of Krovesport! Everyone is watching you out of the corner of their eyes, not sure if they should run and hide, or try to be your friend...
    After Level 10:
      Valencia: You are a level 10 Rogue, and are now the most infamous Rogue in Krovesport!
      Valencia: I have some bad news for you though...
      You must have made some enemies in high places, because word on the street is that someone sent the Assassin named Garrott Cutthroat after you! You better find him before he finds you!
    • Find Cutthroat!
    • Class Armor Shop
    • Back to Town

      You: Come out, come out, wherever you are!
      You: I KNOW you're here Cutthroat! I've heard tales of you. Supposed to be one of the greatest assassins who ever lived. I'm not afraid of you! Show yourself!
      Cutthroat: Hehehe... My my, you ARE a feisty one. I wonder how many times you'll twitch after I take your head off!
      You: Enough talk!! Fight!
      Cutthroat: What do you think you are? A barbarian?? You're supposed to be a Rogue, remember?

      1 BATTLE: Garrott Cutthroat (41)

      Valencia: You did it! I can't BELIEVE it, but you did it! Maybe your true calling is to become an assassin yourself. But, uhh, always remember who was kind enough to train in the first place!
    Location from ~Cin~. Correction from Stephen Nix.
    Random Monster List
    Random Boss List
    Random Boss Names
      Arrowmouth Mangan
      Barabas Judah
      Catfoot Stevens
      Ceefus the Wicked
      E. Nigma
      Ears McGee
      Fetcher Percy
      Finn the Stalker
      Grease Foot Nilsen
      Hodger Dodger
      Palthas The Quick
      Sardur the Wretched
      Stubtoe Jotterman
      Tarvu the Mole
      The Gray Ghost
      The Pocketeer
      Two Face Collder
      Xygu the Spy
      Zabas the Crook

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