Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15July09 (Full Version)

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birdy -> Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15July09 (3/10/2007 19:53:01)

:Nautica FAQ—Q/A::
--The Few and The Proud--

Hello and welcome to all Nautica members –old and new-. In this thread the most common questions will be answered and some more uncommon ones may be answered after request, just ask and we’ll answer.

Happening Now: The Nautican Rating Center got locked, see this thread to see how we can reopen it (among other things). There is also a seperate thread where you can apply if you want to be a rater!

Table of Contents:
1--) Nautican Branches
2--) Rules
3--) Moderators and ArchKnights
1--) Nautica
2--) The Seven Clans
3--) The Unity
4--) The Disgruntiles
5--) Devourer Saga


1--) Nautican Branches

There will be different Nautica related thread in both the Paxian PF and in the different boards in the AE forum.

The Paxia PF.

Nautican PF! Nautica got it's own PF now, get over there and check it out.

The AE Forum:
AQ Suggestion board: In the AQ Suggestion board there is currently one thread related to Nautica, Nautican Suggestion thread!.

Legends and Lore: In the L&L board there is one thread dedicated to the histories of Nautica, Nautica Clan Histories!

Character Ratings & Advice: The Nautican Rating Center, entirely made up by Nauticans (although everyone can ask to get rated), check it out if you want to get rated! Closed for now, will edit link in when it reopens.

Paxian Art Gallery: The Nautican Artwork thread is a place where you can post your artwork that are related to Nautica, it's a place where we can show our artistic abilities!

More will be added when there are more "out-of-Paxia" Nautica related threads.

2--) Rules

The Universal Rules Guidelines —These are the rules that members must follow no matter where on the forum they are posting.
Additional rules may be present at each individual board, so it is recommended you check them the first time you are on the boards.

How to deal with with problems with another person -- This thread will explain you what to do if you have a problem with someone and don’t know what to do.

Posting/thread creation restricted forums --- This thread shows where you can’t make new threads.

On replying to troublesome threads/posts --- This thread shows you what to do if there are threads or posts that breaks the rules.

3--) Moderators and ArchKnights

Forum staff and ArchKnights --- This thread gives you a list of mods and AKs, something that can be particularly useful when needing to contact one.

Please note that Archmagus Baron, ShadowLurks and Ultrapowerpie are closer to Paxia than most other AKs. Scakk is an admin and all higher issues, including those with AKs, should go to him.


1--) Nautica ---Water

Nautica was among The Original Clans -Aerodu, Geoto and Nautica- and the smallest of the three. Nautica have gained a reputation of being peaceful and to be a place for mages and enlightened people.
As the very first clan, Nautica had no form of governmental body –and therefore may seem to be a bit more unorganised compared to other clans- and is ruled by the majority of the people. Nautica is and was a place of art poem and intelligent debate -which can be noted by the Canu’r Delyn-
In the First War Nautica stayed passive and took no side in the conflict between Aerodu and Geoto, but when the Second War started Nautica launched attacks against Geoto –with the help from Aerodu- in an attempt to stop Jaques –or the Fisherman- from gaining power from Geoto itself. Nautica was the “victor” of that war –though in war no one is victorious-.

2--) The Seven Clans

Aerodu was the first one to found a CC -Council Coalition- and more or less founded the idea of government, and quickly grew larger and developed a culture of its own.
In the First Clan War Aerodu fought against Geoto in a bitter conflict of strength, Aerodu won and a mutual dislike emerged between the two clans. In the Second War, Aerodu was the first clan to be eliminated –by the continued invasion of Geoto-.
But now Aerodu and Geoto is in a state of friendly competition

Dynami is the smallest clan with small 77.000 members. It adopted the Nautican way of letting the majority control the actions of the clan. Dynami is one of the 5 Later Clans –the 5 Clans that came after the Three Months War (The Second Clan War).

Geoto was the largest clan during the early days of Paxia. The main reason of why Geoto lost the First war was because of it’s numerous members that was inactive –making them deadweight-, the other reason is that the GCC –Geoto Council Coalition- had no real status among the members of the clan and was quite unorganised. Geoto was able to beat Aerodu during the Second War because of it strengthened its dicipline and made well coordinated attacks against the Aerodu HQ.
Even though Aerodu and Geoto had their misunderstandings they are now rivals in a chivalric way.

Glacius is one of the 5 Late clans and is ruled by the GHC –Glacius High Council-. Many Nautica members left their clan to join Glacius –considered to be “sister” clan by some members-.

Igneus is by far the largest of the clans with its +390.000 clan members -almost 100.000 more than the second largest clan-. Igneus is ruled by the ICC –Igneus Clan Council- and is more relaxed than most other clans. Igneus is mostly known for its damn good looking clan leader –ingame- the fire fox, quite popular among many newbie members in Paxia.

Lucian is the third largest clan but is also one of the most inactive clans both in the Lucian board and in their own forum. Noticeable is that the Lucian leader –ingame- express that all clan heads –ingame- had agreed on Unity.

Nocturu is a clan that focuses on their military strength and their own culture more than any other clan. Was once the second largest clan but have since been surpassed by Aerodu and therefore Nocturu is #3 at the moment. The governmental body of Nocturu is the NHC –Nocturu High Council-.

3--) The Unity

Here is the official description:
"Clan Unity- A movement consisting of members from all clans to unite against the coming of Devourer, who wants to destroy all of Lore. It is also a movement to help support a more friendly atmosphere when we are competing. It is not a giant peace/alliance ploy to stop all fighting in Paxia. You do not need to be 'friends' with anyone for it, as long as you try to maintain a positive atmosphere with all clans. Example: Aerodu and Geoto have a friendly rivalry towards each other, ever since the start of the Second Clan war. Friendly competition is encouraged between all clans, as long as there is nothing personal."

4--) The Disgruntiles

The describtion on the first page is:
"This is merely a way to make a liston who does not agree with Unity." This quotation might not be the full explanation of what The Disgruntiles are, since it’s only a small part of the text so if you’re not satisfied then you should look at the actual thread on the Paxia board.

5--) Devourer Saga

The Devourer Saga is a story that that will influence all of Lore and Paxia highly. It is believed by many that the only mean to survive the Devourer –or The’Galin as it is his other name-, since the Devourer is a god and can’t be killed.
Here is a good source of getting information on what it is at large:


This part of this thread will be dedicated to the Frequently Asked Questions and also some important ones.

Q: Where is the Clan Council ?
A: Well… It happens that Nautica doesn’t have a council at all. Nautica decides what the majority decides and therefore is kinda a full fleshed democracy. However you should note that there is a discussion thread of whether we should have a Council or not, I recommend you check the thread and tell your opinion.

Q: Does Nautica have an alliance ?
A: Nautica once had a temporary alliance with Aerodu to fight against Jaques that was at Geoto (and therefore was the target). Now Nautica is neutral because of all clans have more or less adopted Clan Neutrality.

Q: Should we unite against the greatest enemy of Lore ?
A: Yes we should… uniting against The’Galin is crucial to our survival; Unity is our best shot at getting alive out of this. But the choice is yours and if you don’t want then you don’t wanto do it.

Q: Should we stay out of battle ?
A: It’s a good thing to fight in the clan events but if a war started between the clans then Nautica should only attack when attacked.

Q: Is there some sort of person I can contact within the clan if I have a problem with someone or if I see someone that breaks the rules ?
A: Yes, there is a Clan Head (which isn’t a leader but just a contact person between you and the staff) you can PM, that person is birdy so if you see any rulebreaker then you can PM her.

Q: What do we do for fun in the forum ?
A: There are not as many as there once was but a few’s still here and there is more interesting threads than listed here! First there is the Mentor & Student thread where you can enlighten others or get a mentor (it get’s fun when working with someone). This is one of the oldest threads in Nautica, Salty have been here almost since day one and we are gonna keep him for as long as we’re here: Salty the Highly Amused Sea Turtle!, he's our mascot and he's hungwy! The lv. Tracking thread II is a place where you can post when you lv. up, and also to see what lv. the others are.

Q: What do I get if I join your clan.
A: you get a community of people who are Great! We have scholars, bards, wise warriors, and peaceful mages, even the occasional ranger and a group of people who stick together and actively support peace.

Q: Are there some threads I should pay attention to ?
A: Well... can't really say that you have to pay attention but some threads are worth looking at: It is highly recomended that you see the Amphitheatre since it's a place to discuss about the current state of Nautica and if there can be done somenthing about it. There's also the The Nautican Welcoming Comittee: Thread II where you can greet new members or be met with flowers if you are new here, the Nautican C-C thread where other people from other clans can post (and a thread we use as a Nautican OOC), last of all there is the
Nautican National Symbols where we make our more or less National Everything. This is the Squid Ink and Sea Pens, which is a good way to learn how to become an Approved Author if you wish to do so. The Nautican Rating Center got locked, see this thread to see how we can reopen it (among other things). There is also a seperate thread where you can apply if you want to be a rater!

Updated! Minor tweeks made.

AlphaOmega -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (3/10/2007 21:42:05)

Nice job Birdy and all the people who helped first off for this Thread! Welcome Nautica's new and in process thread of Q&A and FAQs! I'm sure we'll get some postive outcome from this! Well Done.

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (3/10/2007 23:03:55)

Wow, did I miss out making all of this?!?
Now I feel that my M/S T is small in comparing to the importance of this!
Skiing is my favorite sport, and it only comes 2 or 3 times a year, but... Oh well I had a great time, great job birdy!
If I can help in any way now, feel free to PM me... I don't know if I am consitered one of the major Nauticans, but... I always like helping out.

bm_dude1793 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (3/10/2007 23:29:21)

well yeah you kinda did miss out making the FAQ/Q&A

Lkeas -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (3/31/2007 16:48:25)

Alright, in case y'all didn't notice, I've resurfaced the "official" clan threads about strategy/tokens/alliances/etc. Please encourage members to post there if possible! And somebody find Salty and put him in the token thread will ya? He's starving.

bm_dude1793 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (3/31/2007 20:04:46)

does salty feed on ZTs?

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (3/31/2007 23:08:23)

Soehh... should I put them into the guide ?

bm_dude1793 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (3/31/2007 23:35:02)

did you put salty?

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (3/31/2007 23:46:55)

i'll put it on the "What do we do to have fun question" tomorrow.

Bladerunner -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (4/3/2007 7:31:32)

Birdy, you might want to change this:


Lucian is the third largest clan and is more active in their private forum than in the AQ clan board.

The Lucian PF's are dead.
I have an account there.

Although sadly, they might actually be more active in their PFs...

bm_dude1793 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (4/3/2007 7:48:15)

-.O bwahahahahahahahahaha so none in lucian is online?

Bladerunner -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (4/3/2007 8:01:42)

Hardly ever. Their military system is really well organized, but is beyond idiotic in it's idea.

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (4/3/2007 13:30:29)

Ahh thanks you, I'll change it to dead :P

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: (5/17/2007 20:44:17)

I don't think it's replaceable, sorry >.<

Sir Gnome -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15/05-07 (6/17/2007 3:01:16)



Happening Now: Right now there's a competition on Paxia, it is in the Octo-Paxi Arena. Go to the most southern island in Paxia and start fighting for Nautica ^_^ Note that you can heal yourself by clicking on the lake (our Clan Fortress), good luck and may you be True Blue (heh... stole that from Lkeas :P).

Just noticed this is a bit out of date

Serbitar -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15/05-07 (6/17/2007 7:44:39)

This was last updated on ma birthday. ^_~


Glacius is noticeable for its list of National-Everything-They-Could-Think-Up and it is quite a list.

Well that list is dead now.

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15/05-07 (6/17/2007 16:48:32)

Ouhh thanks for pointing those out, I'll fix it immediately ^_^

Baker -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15/05-07 (6/26/2007 14:45:55)

Made this an FAQ. Don't know why it wasn't, actually...

defhed67 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15/05-07 (6/26/2007 23:23:29)

is it safe to use a credit card to upgrade? can some reply that is a guardian thank you aq is dyes 67

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15/05-07 (6/27/2007 21:47:08)

Yeah, it's safe enough.

I used grandpa's credit card and as far as I'm aware, he still have his money ^_^

bm_dude1793 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15/05-07 (7/13/2007 21:46:21)

is this gonna get updated?

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 15/05-07 (7/14/2007 16:00:16)

Depends, think any of it needs to be updated (was it really last month I updated it last time ?... weird) ?

Sir Gnome -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (8/4/2007 15:19:32)

A few small updates:

You might want to link the Paxia Forum/Sub Forum Rules thread under the Rules section.


Happening Now: Nothing is happening right now since the "Gong with the Wind" have ended, however the staff have said that there will be a new event in Juli (meaning this month). We don't know exactly when but we'll wait and see.

That month has come and gone a long time ago... but there is the talk of the new event coming 'with lots of bloodshed'.

Perhaps list Rico, Pie, and Bballman23 under the AK things seperately, seeing as they have special interest in Paxia (yes, i do know all AKs have power here...)

Using dashes as quotation marks looks a bit strange...


Q: Should we unite against the greatest enemy of Lore.
A: Yes we should… uniting against The’Galin is crucial to our survival; Unity is our best shot at getting alive out of this. But the choice is yours and if you odn’t want then you don’t wanto do it.

Typo (bolded)


Q: What do we do for fun in the forum ?
A: There are several places you can go, there is the Tribute Thread where you can post screenshot’s of your great deeds, and there is Canu'r Delyn where you can see the different Canu'r Delyns, there is the Mentor & Student thread where you can enlighten others or get a mentor (it get’s fun when working with someone), the Fun from the Deep thread where you can post Nautican puns and finally everything in general :P Ouhh... there is also Salty the Happy Trilobite, he's our mascot and he's hungwy.

The majority of the links are dead, or have new versions around (Salty!!!).

Also dead links in the '
Q:Is there some threads I should pay attention to ? ' part (which incidentally should be 'Are there any threads i should pay attention to?')

Apart from all that, you might want to add something about the disgruntes movement, after the Unity thing.
Also, you could mention that we have a Clan Head, once he/she (you!) is elected.

I know this is a bit of a pain, sorry! I just thought it would help you if you had a list of things that need changing next time you update this.

birdy -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (8/13/2007 21:21:39)

It's not no pain at all, on the other hand I'd like to thanks you for it :D

I fix it tomorrow since it's a bit late now.

bm_dude1793 -> RE: Nautican FAQ:: Updated 17/06-07 (8/14/2007 7:32:16)

nice to see the FAQ is still being updated with new info and findings

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