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A-Z Accessories

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6/30/2013 1:27:00   

Currently owned by: Peachii

Previously owned by: Kitti, .Shadow//, ZanpakuTô, Ashari

This guide contains every accessory found in DragonFable sorted alphabetically, and by type.

Looking for a specific accessory? Press CTRL (or Command for Macs) + F, then type in what you are looking for.

Updated: Mar 07, 2025


Artifacts (A-Z)

Belts (A-Z)

Bracers (A-Z)

Capes & Wings
(A-L), (M-Z)

(A-L), (M-Z)

Necklaces (A-Z)

Rings (A-Z)

Trinkets (A-Z)

Thanks to DS and Gabriel Castro for additional information, and others for major contributions to this guide over the years.

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/7/2025 23:23:33 >
DF AQW  Post #: 1
12/30/2012 5:05:57   

Occupies another equip spot, dependant on item type; cannot be equipped or unequipped during battle.






Baltael's Aventail (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet) [Helm]


Cloak Scrap [Necklace]
Corrupted Doom Cassette (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer) [Bracer]


Draconic Glowtooth (D-Coins/S-Offer) [Bracer]
Dragon's Bulwark (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins) [Trinket]
Dragon's Patience (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins) [Trinket]
Dragon's Rage (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins) [Trinket]
Dragon's Wrath (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins) [Trinket]


Epocharina (D-Coins/S-Offer) [Bracer]
Eraglass, The (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer) [Bracer]
Eternal Locket (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer) [Bracer]


Frost Moglin Knight's Cloak (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal) [Cape]
Frost Moglin Knight's Helm (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal) [Helm]




Harmonized Cowbell (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet) [Necklace]












Navigator's Hat (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins/Rare) [Helm]










Shadowheart Bracer (D-Coins) [Bracer]
Solo Adagio (D-Coins/S-Offer) [Bracer]


Timeless Lightsticks (D-Coins/S-Offer) [Bracer]




Voicecatcher (D-Coins/S-Offer) [Bracer]









< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/10/2025 22:46:31 >
DF AQW  Post #: 2
12/30/2012 5:06:21   

Occupies Waist equip spot; can be equipped or unequipped during battle.


30 Stone Belt


Ancient Deathknight Belt
Apprentice Miner's Belt
Aqueevil Scale Belt
Asmodea Belt (D-Amulet)
Altered Vine (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Auroral Scale (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)


Bacon Bits (D-Amulet)
Bamboo Band
BatSkull Cord (D-Amulet)
Beastly Waist Wrap
Beginner Soulthread Loop (Normal; D-Coins)
Belarr Girdle
Belt of Falconreach (I, II, III) (Rare)
Belt of Golden Sand (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Belt of Sight (D-Amulet/Rare)
Belt Of The Missing (D-Medal/Rare)
Belt of the Netherworld
Belt of the Sea
Bit-O-Wax Belt (Seasonal)
Bittern Cinch (D-Amulet)
Blacksmith's Leather Satchel
Blue Leather Belt (Normal; D-Coins)
Boardrake Leather Belt
Boggy Belt (D-Amulet)
Broken Bone Belt
Broken Crystal Belt (D-Amulet)
Broken Links
Broken Mesh Circlet (D-Amulet)


Captain's (Sash, Cinch, Belt)
Charred Armored Belt
Chocobunny Belt (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Cinch of Balance (D-Amulet)
Clawkin Vine Belt (Normal; D-Coins)
Coelacanth Skin Belt
Copper Gears
Cotton Sash of the Emperor
Creatioux Circle
Crushed Gravel Belt
Crystal Notched Belt (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Crystalised Trithril Belt (D-Amulet)


Damask Belt of the Emperor (D-Amulet)
Dark Diviner's Belt
Dark Dragonscale Belt (D-Amulet)
DeathKnight Belt
Defender's Belt (I-XXIII) (D-Medal)
Defender's Dragon Belt (I-XXIII) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Die Cast Belt (D-Amulet)
Dirty Rope Belt (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dirty Sock Chain (Rare)
Diseased Cord (Seasonal)
Diver's Belt
Dragon Molt (D-Amulet)
Dragon Scale Belt (D-Amulet)


Electric Chain
Elucidas' Cord
Enchanted Vind Chain (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Eye of Kathool (D-Amulet)


Faded Runed Plates (D-Amulet)
Faerie Floss Belt (Seasonal)
Faerie Lights (D-Amulet)
Fallen Hero's Chain (D-Amulet)
Fallen Minion's Chain (D-Amulet)
Fancy Tie Belt (D-Amulet/Rare)
Feathered Sash
Feeding Pouch
Fingerbone Belt (Rare)
Floodplain Wader (D-Amulet)
Flux Contrapcitor Band (Rare)
Flux Vortex Band (D-Amulet)
Flying Saucer Belt (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Freshman Soulthread Loop (Normal; D-Coins)
Frost Belt of Magus (Rare)
Frost Belt of Power (Rare)
Frost Belt of Stealth (Rare)
Frosty Belt (Alexander)
Frozen Belt
Fungus Laced Belt


Giant's Shoestring
Gemstone Trithril Belt (D-Amulet)
Golden Dragon Tooth (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Golden Sash
Gordian Rope
Gorillaphant Hair Belt (D-Amulet)
Grimoire of the Lich (I, II, III) (D-Coins)


Hadal Wrap
Heavy Chain Belt (D-Amulet)
Helmsmen's Rig
High Creatioux Circle
Honey Laden Girdle (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Howling Horn
Hugo's Curse (D-Amulet)
Hunter's Crimped Wrap (D-Amulet)
Hunter's Flexible Wrap (D-Amulet)
Hunter's Prickly Wrap
Hunter's Wandering Wrap
Hunter's Wiggly Wrap
Hunter's Worn Wrap
Hunter's Wrap


Icy Dragonscale Belt (D-Amulet)
Imp's Sash
Infection Tie (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Inlaid Trithril Belt (D-Amulet)
Inlaid Unicoral Horn (D-Amulet)
Island Survival Belt (D-Amulet)


Junior Miner's Belt
Junior Soulthread Loop (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)


Kelplet Beltlet (D-Amulet)


Leather Strap
Leechscale Binding (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Leorilla Mane Belt (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Lock-o-Way Safe Belt (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Lost Elf's Belt (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Lost Frozen Cord (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)


Machined Belt
Maeve's Tears (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Mage's Challenger Belt (I-V) (D-Coins)
Magic Lasso
Magma Belt (D-Amulet)
Marsh Mellow Belt
Memento Tempii (Aurus, Chaotica)
Meowphant's Mettle (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Mine Foreman's Belt
Miner's Belt
Molten Links
Monster Hunter's Belt
Mushroom General's Sash (D-Amulet)
Mushroom Guard's Belt
Mushroom Lieutenant's Strap
Mushroom Minion's Waistwrap
Muskeg Mesh (D-Amulet)
Mutinous Cinch


Nebu Belt (Normal; D-Coins)
Necro U Alumni Sash (Rare)
Necro U Salutorian Sash (Rare)
Necro U Valedictorian Sash (Rare)
Nemera's Coil (D-Coins)
Nerada Wrap
New(t) Sash (D-Amulet)
Ninja Sash
Nommer Hide Wrap
Novice Soulthread Loop (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Now and Forever Chain (D-Amulet/Seasonal)


Ogorek's Treasure (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Opalescent Trithril Belt (D-Amulet)
Orion's Belt (Seasonal)
Orion's Comet Belt (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Orion's Galactic Belt (Seasonal)
Orion's Interstellar Belt (Seasonal)
Orion's Planetary Belt (Seasonal)
Orion's Solar Belt (Seasonal)
Orion's Universal Belt (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ornate Rose Belt (D-Amulet)
Ostracon Supplies (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Ourobouros Root Belt (I, II, III) (D-Coins)


Pactogonal Knight Belt
Pancetta Sash (D-Amulet)
Pandemic Band (Seasonal)
Paper Coil (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Plague Girdle (Seasonal)
Pockets of Roe
Popsprocket Power Cord (Rare)
Pork Rind Ribbon (D-Amulet)
Porkbelly Belt (D-Amulet)
Prisoner's Chains
Protectorate Belt (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Pyromancer Cord (D-Amulet)


Quilted Belt of the Emperor


Ragged Leather Belt
Relic DeathKnight Belt (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Ribbon of Compromise (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Rings of the Eryines (D-Amulet)
Rogue's Challenger Belt (I-V) (D-Coins)
Rose's Chaotic Tempus Wrap
Rose's Chaotic Flux Sash
Rose's Golden Tempus Sash
Rose's Golden Flux Sash
Rose's Tempus Wrap
Rose's Flux Sash
Runed Warrior Belt (D-Amulet)
Rust Scaled Cinch (D-Amulet)
Rusted Links
Rusty Charged Cogs (D-Amulet)


Salt Encrusted Sash (D-Amulet)
Sash of the Bedouin
Scale Belt
Scuffed Leather Belt
Sea Lights (D-Amulet)
Seaweed Entangled Links
Seeker's Lash (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Senior Miner's Belt
Senior Soulthread Loop (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Shadow Belt (D-Amulet)
Shadowed DeathKnight Belt (I-IV)
Sharkskin Belt
Shattered Entropic Belt
Shining Paladin Belt (D-Amulet)
Shiny Scaled Belt
Silk Belt
Silk Belt of the Emperor
Silken Belt (Alexander)
Silver Embroided Belt (D-Amulet)
Silver Links (D-Amulet)
Skeletal Chain
Slimy Scaled Belt
Snakeskin Belt (D-Amulet)
Soaked Ferns
Soggy Belt (D-Amulet)
Sophomore Soulthread Loop (Normal; D-Coins)
Spade's Chain Belt
Star Captain's Extended Belt (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Star Captain's Fancy Belt (Normal; D-Coins)
Star Captain's Folded Belt (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Star Captain's Formal Belt (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Star Captain's Ornate Belt (Normal; D-Coins)
Star Captain's Plain Belt (Normal; D-Coins)
Star Captain's Stretched Belt (Normal; D-Coins)
Star Captain's Worn Belt (Normal; D-Coins)
Star-studded Belt (D-Amulet)
Static Sphere (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Stone Cinch
Studded Belt
Swamp Moss Cinch


Tarnished Relic DeathKnight Belt (D-Coins)
Tart Tartan
Tattered Belt
Tech Toolbelt (D-Amulet)
Technician's Tools (D-Amulet)
Thursday's Belt
Thursday's Dragon Belt (D-Amulet)
Tog Scale Belt (Normal; D-Coins)
Togslayer's Toghide Belt
Torn Windcloth Belt
Tribal Belt
Trithril Armored Belt (D-Amulet)
Trithril Bead Belt
Trithril Cobble Belt
Trithril Dust Belt
Trithril Laced Belt
Trithril Link Belt (D-Amulet)
Trithril Mesh Circlet (D-Amulet)
Trithril Super Dusty Belt (D-Amulet)
Trixis Tricky Belt (D-Amulet)
Troglomite Belt
Troglomite Chieftain's Belt
Tuat Guide (Normal; D-Coins)


Umbral Tie (D-Amulet)
Unhallowed DeathKnight Belt (I-IV) (D-Amulet)
Ushabti Sash (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Utility Belt (Seasonal)


Vashta Cord
Vind Trophy Belt (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Viral Wrap (Seasonal)
Void-ance Belt, A (D-Amulet)
Voidwoven Belt (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Vornian Belt
Vulpine Belt (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)


Warden Belt (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Warding Girdle (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Warrior's Challenger Belt (I-V) (D-Coins)
Water-logged Leather Belt
Weathervane Cinch (D-Amulet)
Werewolf Fang Belt (D-Amulet)
Wetland Chain
Wind Fairy Dust (D-Amulet)
Winds of Fury
Wonderflonium Belt (D-Amulet)
Wool Sash of the Emperor
Worn Armored Belt (D-Amulet)
Woven Mangrove Roots




Yaga Beauty Girdle (Rare)
Yaga Girdle (D-Amulet)
Yunera's Lightning Cord (D-Coins)


Zeclem's Belt (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Zeclem's Relic Belt (D-Coins)
Zombie Skin Belt

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/2/2024 22:46:39 >
DF AQW  Post #: 3
6/16/2013 8:40:56   

Occupies Wrist equip spot; can be equipped or unequipped during battle, unless attempted to be replaced by an Artifact.




Azaveyran Farewell (I, II, III) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)










Falwynn's Disguise Kit
Falwynn's Lucky Rock
Falwynn's Moon Charm
Falwynn's Snackpack




Hero's Armband (D-Amulet)








Legion Bracer (D-Coins)





























< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 7/28/2022 23:55:37 >
DF AQW  Post #: 4
12/30/2012 5:07:26   

Occupies Back equip spot; can be equipped or unequipped during battle, unless attempted to be replaced by an Artifact.


301st Elite Knight Cape (Rare)


Abyssal Sentry's Cover (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Abyssal Shroud (D-Coins)
Accursed Shawl (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ace Cape
Adventure Pack
AdventureFiend's Tail, The (D-Coins)
Aespera (D-Coins)
Aika Backguard (All Versions)
Alraia (D-Coins)
Alteon's Regalia Cloak (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Amaranthine Poncho (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Amateur Detective Cape (D-Amulet)
Ancho Poncho 2010 (Rare)
Ancient Deathknight Cloak (D-Amulet)
Ancient Defender Wings (I-V) (D-Medal)
Ancient Ripper Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Aphotic Raven's Wing (D-Coins/Rare)
Arcane Card
Arcane Cards
Argent Golden Cloak (D-Coins/Rare)
Arrows (D-Coins)
Artix's Cape (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Ascended Cloak (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ascended Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Ascension (D-Coins)
Ashened Texts (D-Coins)
Aspenvale Backpack (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Astravian Stargazer's Cape (D-Coins)
Astravian Wings (I-VI) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Atealan Providence (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Atealan Resolve (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Atealan Wandercloak (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Atrea Dream Wings (I-VIII) (D-Coins)
Atreileon Wings (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Aurite of Burden, The (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Autumn's Grace (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Backup Broom (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Badly Glued Wings
Base Doom Harvester Wings
Beams of Celerita (D-Amulet/Rare)
Black Harvester Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Blessing of Kyanos (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blessing of the Northern Wind (D-Amulet)
Blighted Ripper Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Bloodfarer Cape (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blooming Oleander Cape (Rare)
Blooming Sakura Wrap (Rare)
Blossoming Oleander Cape (Rare)
Blossoming Sakura Wrap (Rare)
Blue Astral Avenger (D-Amulet/Rare)
Blue Carnaval Cape (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Blue Dahlia Cloak (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blue Feathered Carnaval Cape (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Blue Minx Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Book of Ebil Dread, The (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Boondock's Saintly Cloak (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Coins/Rare)
Bound Crypt Remnant (D-Coins)
Brass Techangel Wings
Bright Golden Cloak (D-Coins/Rare)
Bright Star Cape (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Rare)
Bright Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Bubbly Cider Keg (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Bubbly Void Cider Keg (D-Coins)
Budding Oleander Cape (Rare)
Budding Sakura Wrap (Rare)


Candy Pail (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Candy Slime Cape (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Cape of Chaos Lord Alteon (D-Coins)
Cape of Ice (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Cape of Lionfang (D-Coins)
Cape of the Maleurous (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Carelessly Glued Wings
Cascabel Poncho 2010 (Rare)
Chain Cloak of The Keep (D-Amulet)
Chains of Augahim (D-Coins)
Chairback of the Makers (D-Coins)
Chanco Cloak
Chaos Sentry Cape (I-VI) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
ChaosMoon (Cape, Cloak) (Normal; D-Amulet)
ChaosPhoenix Wings (D-Coins)
Chaosweaver's Cloak (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Chaotic Cloak (D-Coins)
Chaotic Shroud (D-Coins)
Chaotic Spine (D-Coins)
Chaotic Robes (D-Coins)
Chaotic ThreadWrap (D-Coins)
Charmed Gambler Wings (D-Amulet)
Cheddar Cloak
Cherry Poncho 2010 (Rare)
Cherub Wings (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Chibi Envy (D-Coins)
Chibi Gluttony (D-Coins)
Chibi Greed (D-Coins)
Chibi Lust (D-Coins)
Chibi Pandora (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Chibi Patroclus (D-Coins)
Chibi Pride (D-Coins)
Chibi Sloth (D-Coins)
Chibi Wrath (D-Coins)
Chilly On Your Back (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Chickencow Wings (?) (D-Coins/Rare)
Chronocape (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Chronocorrupted Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Cider Keg (Normal; D-Coins)
Cimmerian Raven's Wing (D-Coins/Rare)
Circada Wings (D-Coins)
Claddagh Cloak (D-Amulet/Rare)
Cloak of Akanthus (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Cloak of Change (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Cloak of Deidro (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cloak of Doom (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare; D-Amulet/D-Medal/Rare)
Cloak of Hyonix (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Cloak of Invisibility (D-Amulet/Rare)
Cloak of Lament (D-Coins)
Cloak of Shadows (All Versions)
Cloak of the Archlord (D-Coins)
Cloak of the Beast (D-Coins)
Cloak of the Deepest Depths (I, II, III), The (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cloak of The Tulip (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Colony Cloak
Colorful Cobalt Dragon Wings (D-Amulet)
Colorful Cobalt Half-Dragon Wings (D-Amulet/Rare)
Comedy Cloak (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Comte Cape (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Consuming Flame Dravir Wings (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Cor-Demi Trio (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Corrupted Tendrils (D-Amulet)
Count's Cape (All Versions)
Court-Jester Cape (2010) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Courtly Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Creatioux Wings (D-Coins)
Creature Limbs (D-Coins)
Creature Tendrils (D-Coins)
Creepy Orange Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Creepy Violet Cloak (Seasonal)
Crimson Hero's Cape (D-Amulet)
Crogen Mantle (D-Amulet)
Crown of Damocles (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cryozen's Wings (D-Coins)
Cryptic Card
Cryptic Cards
Current Cape
Cursed Coins (D-Coins)
Custom Bat Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Custom HarleQuape (2010) (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Gas-e Tank Mark (I-X) (D-Coins/Rare; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Green Cape (D-Amulet)


Daatael's Wings (D-Coins)
Dark Ascended Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Diaphanous Chains (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dark Legion Cape (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Mechawings (D-Amulet)
Dark Raven's Wing (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark SandWarrior Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark ShadowRune Cape
Dark Tendrils
Dark Vampire Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Darkened Tree Branches (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Death's Dour Mantle
Death's Mantle
DeathKnight Cloak
Debris Appendages (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Decadere Carcass "Cape" (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Defiled Ripper Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Depleted Jump Pack (D-Coins)
DewDancer's Wings (D-Amulet)
Dewdrop Fairy Wings (D-Coins)
Doom Dragon Wings (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Doom Harvester Wings
Doom Wolf Cape (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Doomed Ripper Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
DoomKnight Cloak (All Versions) (D-Amulet/S-Offer)
Draconic Hero's Wings (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dreadblight Cloak (D-Coins)
Dragon Mage Wings (I-VI) (D-Coins)
Dragon Spike Cloak (D-Amulet)
Dragon Wings (D-Coins)
Dragon Wings of the Vampire Bat (D-Amulet)
DragonKeeper Cloak (D-Coins)
DragonKnight Cape (I-V) (D-Coins)
DragonKnight Half Cape (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
DragonLord Vath Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
DragonLord's Travel Cloak (I-IV) (D-Amulet)
DragonLord's Wings (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Dragonoid's Mechawings (D-Coins)
Drakath's Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Dravir Wings (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dread Carapace (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dread Wings (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Dreamer Beast Tail (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
DRGN-C4P4C170R (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Drones On Your Back (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Duke's Cerulean Cape (D-Amulet)
Dusk Raven's Wing (D-Coins/Rare)
Duskbolt's Scarf (D-Coins)
Dust of Temblor (Rare)


Early Bird Wings (D-Amulet/Rare)
Ebil Dracolich Wings (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Ebil Pages (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Ebony Early Bird Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Edelian Backpack (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Elite Custom HarleQuape (2010) (D-Coins/Rare)
Elite Pactogonal Cape (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Elpis (D-Coins)
Emerald Cloak
Entropic Cape (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Escelense Defender Cape (I-V) (D-Medal)
Escelense Dragon Defender Cape (I-VI) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Escherion Cape (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Eternal Cloak (D-Coins)
Eternal Hourglass Cape (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ethereal Atreileon Wings (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Expensive Silk Cape (D-Amulet)
Extra Spooky Green Cape (Seasonal)
Extra Spooky Orange Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Extra Spooky Violet Cloak (Seasonal)
Extremely Spooky Orange Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Eye of the Void Wings (I-VIII) (D-Coins)


Fall Foilage Frock (I, II, III) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Fallen Ice Dragon Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Fallen Ripper Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Fancy Dragon's Wings (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Fancy Spider's Legs (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Far Darrig (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Favored Gambler Wings
Feathers of Odium's Bane (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Feathers of Pride (All Versions) (D-Coins)
FishyFish (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Flamewrath Phoenix Wings (D-Amulet)
Flight of the Engineer (D-Coins)
Flourishing Oleander Cape (Rare)
Flourishing Sakura Wrap (Rare)
Flowering Oleander Cape (Rare)
Flowering Sakura Wrap (Rare)
Flutterfly-dragon Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Foamy Cider Keg (Normal; D-Coins)
Foamy Cider Keg (D-Coins)
Fortunate Gambler Wings
Foul Doom Harvester Wings
Found Ancient Ripper Wings (Rare)
Found Blighted Ripper Wings (Rare)
Found Defiled Ripper Wings (Rare)
Found Doomed Ripper Wings (Rare)
Found Fallen Ripper Wings (Rare)
Found Grave Ripper Wings (Rare)
Found Ripper Wings (Rare)
Found Unhallowed Ripper Wings (Rare)
Found Unholy Ripper Wings (Rare)
Fragrant Oleander Cape (D-Amulet/Rare)
Fragrant Sakura Wrap (D-Amulet/Rare)
Frost Knight's Scarf (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Frost Moglin Defender Tail (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Frost Moglin Slayer Tail (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Frost Vine Wings (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Frostscythe's Cape (D-Coins)
Frostval Wish Cape (I-X) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frostvale Cloak (Seasonal)
Frostvale Dragon Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frozen Moglin Backpack (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Frozen Shards (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Fuchsia Poncho (Seasonal)
Fur Coat (All Versions)


Galaxy Cloak (I-IV) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Gambler Wings (D-Amulet)
Gas-e Tank Mark (I-X) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Gean Canach (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Gears of Timeless Destiny (D-Coins)
Ghost's Blade of Spooky Hotness (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Ghostly Green Cape (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Giant Bat Wings (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Giant Custom Potion (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Giant Health Potion (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Giant Mana Potion (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Gleaming Golden Cloak (D-Coins/Rare)
Glowing Mantle of Destiny
Glowing Techangel Wings (D-Amulet)
Glowing Tree Branches (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Golden Aces Cloak (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Golden Bat Wings (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Golden Condor Wings (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Golden Gambler Wings (D-Amulet)
Golden Phoenix Wings (I-VII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Golden Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Goldfish (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Grand ChaosPhoenix Wings (D-Coins)
Grandma's Atrocious Sweater (Seasonal)
Grandma's Hideous Sweater (Seasonal)
Grandma's Sweater (Seasonal)
Grandma's Ugly Sweater (Seasonal)
Grape Poncho (Seasonal)
Grave Ripper Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Gray Villains Cape
Green Minx Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Green Silk Spy Cloak (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Grenwog Basket (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Grenwog Basket (I-VI) (D-Coins/Rare)
Greydawn's Anniversary Cloak (I-VI) (D-Coins/Rare)
Groundhog Wings (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Grove Tender Twigs (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Guardian Cloak (All Versions) (Guardian)
Gunmetal Wings of Wind (D-Amulet)


Half Dread Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Goldfish (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Half of a Stonefish (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Haphazardly Glued Wings
Haunted Green Cape (Seasonal)
Heart Inquisitor's Cloak (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Heartisan Wings (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Hercowles' Wrap
Hero's Backpack (D-Coins)
Hide Cape (I-VI)
Hidebehind (I-VIII), The (Normal; D-Amulet)
High DewDancer's Wings (D-Amulet)
High Nightweaver's Wings (D-Amulet)
Hive Ranger's Wings (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Hollow Nodule (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Hopeful Gambler Wings (D-Amulet)
Hot Gambler Wings
Hotwings (D-Coins)
Hourglass of the Dead (Alpha, I-X) (D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Hourglass of Timeless Destiny (D-Coins)
Hovering Rocks (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Ice Elf Cloak (D-Amulet)
Icebound Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins)
IceWept Wings (D-Coins)
Icy Battle Cloak (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Illumina's Light (D-Coins)
Illumina's Light (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Illumina's Wings (D-Coins)
Illuminated Techangel Wings (D-Amulet)
Illuminated Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Illustrious Cape (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Imitation Chickencow Wings (D-Amulet)
Imperial Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Inferno Bat Wings (Alexander/D-Amulet)
Infused Sheathed Rose Blade (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Intaym's Wrap (D-Coins)
Invisible Cape (All Versions) (Normal; Rare)
Ironwood Vine Cape (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Ivy Cloak (D-Amulet)


Jalapeno Poncho 2010 (Rare)
Jadesoul Dragon Wings (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Jadesoul Rabbit Cloak (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Jadesoul Tiger Cloak (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Jeweled Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Jinxed Wings (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Joker Wrap
Junior Detective Cape (D-Amulet)


Kara's Ebony Wings (I-VI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Kara's Wings (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Khazri Cloak (D-Amulet/Rare)
Kickstarter Cape (All Versions)
Kingly Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Kuumba Cloak (Seasonal)


Lagohmcraft Protector (Gold) (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lagohmcraft Protector (Rose) (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lagohmcraft Protector (Vind) (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lambent Golden Cloak (D-Coins/Rare)
LaserBear's LaserBackpack (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lavish Vampire Cape (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Leanan Sidhe (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Liberty Wings (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Lifesaver (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lightened Techangel Wings (D-Amulet)
LightGuard Pallium (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lil' Undead Monkey! (D-Amulet/Rare)
Lion's Pelt Cape (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lonely Lover Wings (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Lost Weaver's Mantle (D-Coins)
Lost Woven Rose Cloak (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Lovely Time Wings (I-VI) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Lucky Gambler Wings
Lunar Coins (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/7/2025 23:22:59 >
DF AQW  Post #: 5
12/30/2012 5:07:51   

Capes & Wings (M-Z)


Magic Card
Magic Cards
Magic Frostval Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Magical Card
Magical Cards
Magicall Frostval Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Magicalll Frostval Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Magicallll Frostval Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Magicalllll Frostval Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Magus Atreileon Wings (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Majjical Owl Wings (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Manahunter Cloak (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Mantle of Deadly Doom
Mantle of Destiny
Mantle of Doom
Mantle of Fear (D-Coins)
Mantle of Shadows (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Mantle of Supreme Doom (D-Amulet)
Maple Cloak (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Master Detective Cape (D-Amulet)
Megakyle Mega-Megabooster (D-Amulet)
Megakyle Megabooster
Melissa's Battle Wings (I-VII) (D-Coins)
Melissa's Wings (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Merchant Pack
Midnight Grace (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Midnight Raven's Wing (D-Coins/Rare)
Mighty ChaosPhoenix Wings (D-Coins)
Mighty Dread Wings (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Mighty Half Dread Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Miner's Golden Cloak (D-Coins/Rare)
Mirrored DragonLord's Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Mirrored Wings (D-Coins)
Moglinberry Cider Keg (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Moglinberry Void Cider Keg (D-Coins)
Moglinmade Travel Cloak (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Monkey On Yer Back (All Versions) (Temp/Rare; D-Amulet/Rare; Normal; D-Coins; D-Amulet)
Moss Cape
Motley Mantle (2010) (Rare)
Mr. Nameless Backpack (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Mulled Cider Keg (Normal; D-Coins)
Mulled Cider Keg (D-Coins)
Myalos' Wings (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Mysterious Card (D-Amulet)
Mysterious Cards (D-Amulet)
Mysterious Drone (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Mysterious Gnomish Cloak (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Mystical Card (D-Amulet)
Mystical Cards (D-Amulet)
Mystical Frostval Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Mystifying Card (D-Amulet)
Mystifying Cards (D-Amulet)


Nature's Wrap (D-Amulet)
Neap Current Cape (D-Amulet)
Necro Paragon Cape (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Necromancer Cape (D-Coins)
Necromancer Cloak (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Neo Grove Tender's Cloak (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Neutral Cloak (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Nick's Toasty Cape (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Nick's Warm Cape (I-VIII) (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Nightlocke Backstaff (All Versions)
Nightweaver's Wings (D-Amulet)
Noon Grace (D-Coins/Rare)
Northern Butterfly Wings (D-Amulet)
Notha's Mechanical Assistant (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Notha's Spell (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Nova Phoenix's Feathers (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Noxious Doom Harvester Wings (D-Amulet)


Obsidian Dragon Wings (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Obsidian Relic Core (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ominous Cloud of Socks (D-Amulet)
On Wings Of Bacon (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Opening Oleander Cape (Rare)
Opening Sakura Wrap (Rare)
Orange Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Orange Minx Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Ornate Vampire Cape (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ostara's Cradle (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Pactogonal Knight Cape
Padded Golden Cloak (D-Coins/Rare)
Paintbender Battlemage Cape (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Perse Poncho (Seasonal)
Phantom Roc Wings (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Phoenix Helion Wings (I-VI) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Pink Carnaval Cape (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Pink Feathered Carnaval Cape (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Pink Minx Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Piquin Poncho 2010 (Rare)
Pirate Wyvern on Yer Back (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Pitch Harvester Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Pitch Raven's Wing (D-Coins/Rare)
Platinum Chain Cloak (Alexander/D-Amulet)
Plum Poncho (Seasonal)
Poorly Glued Wings
Portable Americano Dispenser (D-Amulet/Rare)
Portable Ayauhnqui (D-Coins)
Portable Cappucino Dispenser (D-Amulet/Rare)
Portable Coffee Dispenser (D-Amulet/Rare)
Portable Espresso Dispenser (D-Amulet/Rare)
Portable Latte Dispenser (D-Amulet/Rare)
Present on a Stick (Seasonal)
Pristine Cobalt Dragon Wings (D-Amulet)
Pristine Cobalt Half-Dragon Wings (D-Amulet/Rare)
Pristine Soul Harvester Wings (D-Amulet)
Prospector's Golden Cloak (D-Coins/Rare)
Protectorate Shell (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Puce Poncho (Seasonal)
Puppetmaster (Alpha, I-X), The (D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Pure Soul Harvester Wings
Purple Dragon Wings (I, II, III)
Purple DragonLord Wings (I, II, III) (D-Amulet)
Purple Minx Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Puzzling Card (D-Amulet)
Puzzling Cards (D-Amulet)


Quinn's Harley Cloak (2010) (D-Amulet/Rare)


Radiant Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Raging Thunder Dravir Wings (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Rainbow Shell (Alpha, Beta, Omega) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ranger's Cloak (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Raven Harvester Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Raven of the Mysts Cloak (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Re:Key (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Re:Lock (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Really Spooky Green Cape (Seasonal)
Really Spooky Orange Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Really Spooky Violet Cloak (Seasonal)
Red Astral Avenger (Rare)
Red Hero's Cape
Red Mage Cape (Alexander/D-Amulet)
Red Scarf
Red's Cloak (D-Amulet)
Red's Dusty Cloak (D-Amulet)
Red's Hunting Cloak (D-Amulet)
Red's Torn Cloak (D-Amulet)
Red's Well Worn Cloak (D-Amulet)
Reforged Archivist's Capelet (D-Coins)
Reforged ShadowWalker's Trail (D-Coins)
Reforged Wings of Time (D-Coins)
Reflective Polygonal Sphere of Many Lights (D-Coins/Seasonal)
ReignDragon's Burden (I-X) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
ReignDragon's Glory (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Relic DeathKnight Cloak (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Retroclear Soulcloak (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Rhoddhu Cape
Ripper Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Roktoru Shell (Alpha, Beta, Omega) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Roktoru's Rocks (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Rose Chains (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rose Cloak (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rose Magus Wrap (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Rotazoru Wings (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Roumy Cloak (D-Amulet)
Royal Blue Cape
Royal Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Ruby Cloak
Rune of Timeless Destiny (D-Coins)
Runed Chains (I-X) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Runed Hawk Cloak (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Runic Luminary (D-Coins)
Rushan Cloak (D-Amulet)
Rushing Current Cape


Sable Raven's Wing (D-Coins/Rare)
Sapphire Cloak
Sardo Cloak
Scales of the Adjudicator (D-Coins)
Scarf of Pride (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Scarred Dravir Wings (I-VII) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Senior Detective Cape (D-Amulet)
Severice Flight (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shadecloak of the Emperor (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Shadowed DeathKnight Cloak (I-IV)
Shadowrune Cape
Shadowscythe Bane (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Shamrockin' Emerald Wings (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Shamrockin' Golden Wings (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Shark Fin (D-Coins)
Sheathed Rose Blade (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Shining Eternal Hourglass Cape (I-V) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Shining Mantle of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Shining Mirrored Wings (D-Coins)
Shroud of Neso (D-Amulet/Rare)
Silk Cape
Silken Red Scarf
Silky Vampire Cape (Seasonal)
Silvered Bells Cape (I-X) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Sinnocence's Torment (D-Coins)
Sluagh Sidhe (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Sleek Vampire Cape (Seasonal)
Snowy Soul Harvester Wings
Soaring Heart Wings (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sofist Cape (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Sooty Cape (Alexander/D-Amulet)
Sooty Villain's Cape (D-Amulet)
Soul Harvester Wings
Soulmender's Cloak (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Soulsmith's Cloak (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Soulweaver's Cloak (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Sovereign Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Sparkle Pack (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Special Vampire Cape (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Spiced Cider Keg (Normal; D-Coins)
Spiced Cider Keg (D-Coins)
Spicy Hotwings (D-Coins)
Spider Web Cape (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet)
Spirit Parrot (D-Coins)
Spooky Green Cape (Seasonal)
Spooky Orange Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Spooky Violet Cloak (Seasonal)
Spring Current Cape (D-Amulet)
Stately Raven's Wing (D-Coins/Rare)
StoneFish (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Stretchy Candy Cape (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Stygian Harvester Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Stylish Vampire Cape (Seasonal)
Summer's Shade (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Summer's Waves (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sumptous Vampire Cape (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Sun God Cape (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Sunken Shroud (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Super Golden Phoenix Wings (I-VII) (D-Coins/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Super Spooky Green Cape (Seasonal)
Super Spooky Orange Cloak (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Super Spooky Violet Cloak (Seasonal)
Surewould Camo Cloak (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Sweet Cider Keg (Normal; D-Coins)
Sweet Void Cider Keg (D-Coins)
Swiftblade Cloak (D-Coins)
Swirling Current Cape
Swordhaven Cape (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Swordhaven Carrier Bag (D-Amulet)
Swordhaven Cloak (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)


Tamach Wings
Tangled Moss Cape (D-Amulet)
Tarnished Guardian Wings (D-Coins)
Tarnished Relic DeathKnight Cloak (D-Coins)
Tealeaf Shroud (D-Amulet)
Techangel Wings
Tended Ivy Cloak (D-Amulet)
Thursday's Cape
Thursday's Dragon Cape (D-Amulet)
Thyton's Scarf (D-Coins)
Tidal Current Cape
TimeShift Cape (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Togcraft Arms (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Togpod (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Togslayer X's Cape
Togsmas Cloak (II-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Torn Black Cape
Torn Blue Cape
Traditional Grenwog Eggs (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Tragic Cloak (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Travel Pack
Troglomite Back Guard
Turducken Wings (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Twig On Your Back (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Twig's Ascended Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Twig's Rose Cloak (I-V) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Tytanbone Pack (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Tzfat Cloak (D-Amulet)


Ultimate Dragon Wings (I-X) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ultra Custom HarleQuape 2010 (D-Coins/Rare)
Unael Protectorate (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Unhallowed DeathKnight Cloak (I-IV) (D-Amulet)
Unhallowed Ripper Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Unholy Ripper Wings (D-Coins/Rare)
Unnecessarily Ornate Cape (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Wings Just For Show (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Valen's Remnant Cloak (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Vampire Cape (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Vampire Cape (Seasonal)
Vampire Wings (All Versions)
Vath's Cape (D-Coins)
Vibrant Cobalt Dragon Wings (D-Amulet)
Vibrant Cobalt Half-Dragon Wings (D-Amulet/Rare)
Vineblade Carapace (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Virtuoso's Chorus Corvus (D-Coins)
Virtuous Reality Radiance (D-Coins)
Vivid Cobalt Dragon Wings (D-Amulet)
Vivid Cobalt Half-Dragon Wings (D-Amulet/Rare)
Vivid Golden Cloak (D-Coins/Rare)
Voices of Those Left Behind (D-Coins)
Void Cider Keg (D-Coins)
Void Rift Wings (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Voidsilk Veil (D-Coins)
Voidstar Essence (D-Amulet/Rare)
Voyna's Cape (D-Coins/D-Medal)


Wandering Mogbot (Cape) (D-Coins)
Wandering Mogbot Pair (Cape) (D-Coins)
War Wolf Cape (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Wastes Wanderer's Cloak (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Warm Cider Keg (Normal; D-Coins)
Warm Void Cider Keg (D-Coins)
Weaver Cloak (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Weaver Wrap-Around (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Were-Fur Cloak (I-VI) (D-Amulet)
White Runed Cloak (Rare)
Wicked Nightraptor Wings (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Wildheart Mantle (D-Coins)
Wings of Aker'varus (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Wings of Endless Light
Wings of Eternal Light (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Wings of Ezrajal (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Wings of Fear (D-Amulet)
Wings of Light (D-Coins)
Wings of Mahanaem (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Wings of Samaranth (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Wings of Sinnocence (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Wings of the Chosen (D-Amulet)
Wings of the Eclipse of DOOM (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Wings of The Hundred (Flames, Infernos) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Wings of The Thousand (Flames, Infernos) (Normal; D-Coins)
Wings of the Unchained (All Versions)
Wings of the Unraveler (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Wings of the Valkybrie (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Wings of the Vampire Bat
Wings of Volgritian (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Wings of Yaphael (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Winter's Shawl (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Wolfwing's Wings (D-Coins)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Algeria (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: America (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Argentina (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Australia (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Brazil (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Cameroon (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Chile (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Denmark (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: England (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: France (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Germany (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Ghana (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Greece (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Honduras (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Italy (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Ivory Coast (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Japan (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Mexico (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Netherlands (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: New Zealand (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Nigeria (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: North Korea (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Paraguay (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Portugal (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Serbia (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Slovakia (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Slovenia (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: South Africa (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: South Korea (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Spain (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Switzerland (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape: Uruguay (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: America (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Argentina (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Brazil (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Chile (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: England (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Germany (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Ghana (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Japan (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Mexico (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Netherlands (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Paraguay (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Portugal (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Slovakia (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: South Korea (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Spain (D-Coins/Rare)
World Cup 2010 Cape II: Uruguay (D-Coins/Rare)
World Destroyer Wings (All Versions)
Worn Traveler's Cape (D-Coins)
Wrap of Fiamme (Rare)
Wrap of Shadows (All Versions) (D-Coins)




Yalla's Roots (D-Coins)
Yalla's Wings (D-Coins)
Yellow Minx Wings (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Young Cobalt Dragon Wings (D-Amulet)
Young Cobalt Half-Dragon Wings (D-Amulet/Rare)


Zeclem's Cloak (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Zeclem's Relic Cloak (D-Coins)
Zephyr Spirit Wings (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Zorbak's Cloak (D-Amulet)
Zorbak's Ebil Cloak (D-Amulet)

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/7/2025 23:15:03 >
DF AQW  Post #: 6
12/30/2012 5:08:16   

Occupies Head equip spot; can be equipped or unequipped during battle, unless attempted to be replaced by an Artifact.


13th Mask (D-Amulet/Seasonal)


Aaaaah Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Abominable Visage (D-Coins)
Abomination Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Abraca Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Abyssal Adept Visage (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Abyssal Hunter Visage (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Abyssal Sentry Visage (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Abyssal Warhelm (D-Coins)
Accursed Coverings (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Accursed Wrap (D-Coins)
Adept Helm
Admiral Mazurek Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Adventure Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
AdventureFiend's Visage, The (D-Coins)
Aegis Mask (2011) (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Aegis Mask (2014) (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Aerial Oleander Veil (Rare)
Aerial Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Aika Feathers (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Airy Oleander Veil (Rare)
Airy Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Aius Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Alarmed DragonLion's Flowing Mane (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Alarmed DragonLion's Head (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Alarmed DragonLion's Mane (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Alarmed DragonLion's Noble Head (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Alarmed Lion's Head (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Alarmed Lion's Mane (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Alarming Jack 'o Helm (Seasonal)
Alchemy Armor Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Alexander's Scarf (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Alina's Wedding Wreath (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Alteon's Regalia Crown (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Alz'Ein Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ancho Sombrero 2010 (Rare)
Ancient Atealan Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ancient Deathknight Helm (D-Amulet)
Ancient Defender Mask (I-V) (D-Medal)
Ancient DragonLord Helm (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Ancient Frost Moglin Crown (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Ancient Frost Moglin Helm (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Ancient Skull Ripper Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
Anubis Burial Mask (D-Amulet)
Apsaydaaun Bubble Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Aquella Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Arbitrator's Helm (D-Coins)
Archivist's Cap L (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Archivist's Cap S (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Arctic Sherpa Helm
Armored Bunny Helm (Rare)
Arzen Helm (D-Amulet)
Ascendant's Horns (D-Coins)
Ascended Cover (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Ascended Crest (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Ashened Veil (D-Coins)
Aspar Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Aspect of Order Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Assassins Greed Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Astravian Helm (I-VI) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Astravian Stargazer's Vizard (D-Coins)
Ateala Soldier's Helm (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Atealan Standard (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Atgno Infused Rose Helm (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Atrea Dream Helm (I-IX) (D-Coins)
Atrea's Sentinel Helm (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Atreileon Helm (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Aubergine Helm (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Augahim's Visage (D-Coins)
Avatars Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Avelion (D-Coins)
Avenger's Helm (D-Coins)
Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet)
Aye Pirate Scarf


Baby Twilly Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Bad Time Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Baltael Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Baltael's Ancient Helm (D-Coins)
Baltael's Visor (D-Coins)
Baradaa's Skullhelm
Baron Cat Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Baroness Courageous Helm, The (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Baroness Daring Helm, The (Seasonal)
Baroness Fearless Helm, The (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Baroness Heroic Helm, The (Seasonal)
Baroness Resolute Helm, The (Seasonal)
Baroness Unfearful Helm, The (Seasonal)
Barons Courageous Helm, The (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Barons Daring Helm, The (Seasonal)
Barons Fearless Helm, The (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Barons Heroic Helm, The (Seasonal)
Barons Resolute Helm, The (Seasonal)
Barons Unfearful Helm, The (Seasonal)
Bart Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Batoro Mask (D-Amulet)
Battlehelm of Odium's Bane (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Batwing Helm (D-Amulet)
Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet)
Bearded Pirate Treasure Hat (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Bearskin (D-Coins/Rare)
Beastly Helm
Beaver Cap (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Beez Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Belial's Armored Visage (All Versions) (D-Coins; D-Coins/Rare)
Belial's Horrific Visage (D-Coins)
Beryl Cowl (D-Amulet)
Big Bad Luchadore Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Big Daddy's Stylin' Hat (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
BioMechanical Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Bit-O-Wax Helm (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Black ChaosWeaver Guard Helm (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Black Cowboy Hat (D-Amulet)
Black Magester Veil (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Black Matey's Cap (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Black Scalehunter Helm (Rare)
Black Spy Hat (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blast Test Dummy (Mask) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Blighted Skull Ripper Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
Blind Master Sage Helm (Rare)
Blind Sage Helm
Blinding Techangel Cowl
Blistering Flare Imp Hat (Rare)
Blood Mantle (I, II, III), The (D-Coins)
Bloodfarer Visage (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Bloodshot Evil Eye (D-Amulet)
Blooming Oleander Veil (Rare)
Blooming Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Blossoming Oleander Veil (Rare)
Blossoming Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Blue Carnaval Helm (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Blue Dahlia Cowl (I-VIII) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blue Feathered Carnaval Helm (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Blue Head (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Blue Matey's Cap (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Blue Ninja Mask
Bold Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet)
Bold Aye Pirate Scarf
Bold Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet)
Bold Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet)
Bold Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet)
Bold Pirate Scarf (Seasonal)
Boo Burry's Helm
Borowik Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Boulder Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Bound Apocrypha (D-Coins)
Bound Terror Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Bounty Hunter Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Boxhat (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Boxhelm (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Braided Hair Poker Cap (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Brave Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Brave Aye Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Brave Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Brave Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Brave Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Brave Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
BraveSirRobin Cat Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
BraveSirRobins Courageous Helm (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
BraveSirRobins Daring Helm (Seasonal)
BraveSirRobins Fearless Helm (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
BraveSirRobins Heroic Helm (Seasonal)
BraveSirRobins Resolute Helm (Seasonal)
BraveSirRobins Unfearful Helm (Seasonal)
Braytes San Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Breathtaking Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Breezy Oleander Veil (Rare)
Breezy Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Bright Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Bright Defender (I-V) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Bright Star Helm (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Rare)
Brilliant Techangel Cowl (D-Amulet)
Brisk Oleander Veil (Rare)
Brisk Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Broiling Flare Imp Hat (D-Amulet/Rare)
Broken Experimental Visage (D-Amulet)
Bronze Laurels (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Bronzors Helm (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Brutal Cultist Hood (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Brutalcorn Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Bubble Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Bucket Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Budding Oleander Veil (Rare)
Budding Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Bunny Helm (Rare)
Bunny Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Burnt Flare Imp Hat (D-Amulet/Rare)
Bunker Helmet (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Busted Genji Helm (ArchKnight/D-Amulet)
Byzantium Helm (Seasonal)


C8H10N402 Addict Female (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
C8H10N402 Addict Male (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Caitiff Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Candied Pumpkin Helm (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Candybucket (Mask, Head) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Card Master (D-Coins)
Cavalier's Helm
Cayenne Sombrero 2010 (Rare)
Centocor Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Celestial Hood Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Chainsaw Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Chairman Mask (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare; Rare/Temp)
Champion of the Light (D-Amulet)
ChaosMoon (Hood, Cowl) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Chaos Weaver Helm
ChaosWeaver Guard Helm (All Versions)
ChaosWeaver High Priest Helm (I-IV)
Chaosweaver's Hood (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Chaotic Fang (D-Coins)
Chaotic Full Helm (D-Coins)
Chaotic Shroudhelm (D-Coins)
Chaotic ThreadGuard (D-Coins)
Chariot's Jaw, The (D-Coins)
Chariot's Visage, The (D-Coins)
Charnel Doom Helmet (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Charred Flare Imp Hat (D-Amulet/Rare)
Chhurpi Helm
Chicken Helmet of Lore (D-Coins)
Chickencow's Penance (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Chiffon Frostval Top Hat (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Chilling Jack 'o Helm (Seasonal)
Chilly Cobalt Dragon Helm (D-Amulet)
Chilly's Glorious Visage (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Chipotle Sombrero 2010 (Rare)
Chocobunny Helm (D-Amulet/Rare; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Chocolate Chip Cookiehelm (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
ChronoBirthday Girl Hat (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
ChronoBirthday Guy Hat (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Chronocorrupted Visage (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Chronovisage (All Versions) (D-Coins)
ChronoZ Visor Version F.0 (All Versions) (D-Coins)
ChronoZ Visor Version H.0 (All Versions) (D-Coins)
ChronoZ Visor Version M.0 (All Versions) (D-Coins)
ChronoZ Visor Version TK.0 (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Cider Mug (Normal; D-Coins)
Cinco de Mayo Sombrero (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Cinco de Mayo Sombrero Scarf (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Classic Rock Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Closed Guardian Armet (All Versions) (Guardian)
Clown Mask (2007) (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Clown Mask (2024) (Seasonal/Temp)
Clown's Coxcomb (2010) (Rare)
Codex Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Comedy Mask (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Comfy Frostval Scarf (All Versions) (D-Medal/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Commemorative Birthday Helm (I-VII) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Conehead Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Corvak Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Countess Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Construction Helm (All Versions)
Courtly Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Courtly TerraStag Horns (D-Coins/Rare)
Cowboy Hat (D-Amulet)
Cowl of Deidro (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cozy Frostval Hat (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Crafty Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Crafty Aye Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Crafty Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Crafty Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Crafty Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Crafty Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Creature 83 Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Creepy Jack 'o Helm (Seasonal)
Crimson Wizard Hero Hat-X (D-Amulet)
Crossbones Cap (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare; Rare/Temp)
Crossbones Captain Hat (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Crossbones Cover (All Versions)
Crossbones Hat (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare; Rare/Temp)
Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Crown of the Core (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Crown of the Lost Hawk (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Crusader's Helmet (D-Coins)
Crushed Lucky Cap (D-Amulet)
Cryptic Eye Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Cultist Hood (Normal; D-Coins)
Cunning Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cunning Aye Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cunning Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cunning Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cunning Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cunning Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cursed Overgourd Cover (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Custom HarleHelm (D-Coins/Rare)
Cute Chickencow Hat (D-Coins)
Cute Turdraken Hat (D-Coins)
Cutsy Raccoon Cap (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysera Hair (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cysero Hair (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Cysero's Dry-Aged Master Chef Hat (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Eggshell Master Chef Hat (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Greasy Master Chef Hat (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Ivory Master Chef Hat (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Master Chef Hat (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's New Master Chef Hat (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Organic Master Chef Hat (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Smoky Master Chef Hat (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Stiff Master Chef Hat (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Sweaty Master Chef Hat (D-Coins/Rare)
Cysero's Wedding Tophat (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)


Dabra Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Damson Helm (Seasonal)
Dararayu Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Dark Adept Helm (D-Amulet)
Dark Chaos Weaver Helm (D-Amulet)
Dark Cultist Hood (Normal; D-Coins)
Dark Defender's Helm (D-Amulet)
Dark Diaphanous Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Dark Draconis Tenebras
Dark Emperor Helm
Dark Legion Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Dark Noble Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Sandsea Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Sepulchure Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dark Skull Prince (D-Amulet/Rare)
Dark War God Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
Darkened Tree Helm (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Darkness the Moglin Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Darkon Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Dead Drop Bear Hat (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Death's Cowl (D-Amulet)
Death's Dragon Cowl (D-Amulet)
Deatharrows Cat Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Deatharrows Courageous Helm (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Deatharrows Daring Helm (Seasonal)
Deatharrows Fearless Helm (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Deatharrows Heroic Helm (Seasonal)
Deatharrows Resolute Helm (Seasonal)
Deatharrows Unfearful Helm (Seasonal)
DeathKnight Helm
DeathStalker Helm (D-Amulet)
Decadere Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Deceased Friend Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Decorated Sugar Skull (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Defiled Adept Helm (D-Amulet)
Defiled Skull Ripper Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
Delta Soul Visor (D-Coins)
Delta Star Visor (D-Coins)
Desert Camouflage Wrap (D-Amulet)
Desert Concealment Wrap (D-Amulet)
Dessert (Mask, Helm) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Destiny Phoenix Mask (All Versions) (D-Coins; Seasonal/Temp)
Destroyer Mask (All Versions), The (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Detective's Cap (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Devil Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Discordia Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Distorted Doom Visage (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Dola Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Doom Phoenix Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Doom Wolf Helm (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Doombunny Mask (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Doomed Cultist Hood (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Doomed Death Head (D-Amulet)
Doomed Draconis Tenebras (D-Amulet)
Doomed Dragon Helm (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Doomed Skull Ripper Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
DoomKnight Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet/S-Offer)
Doomstalker (D-Coins)
Double Sided Eyepatch
Double-Plumed Dome Helm
Dovahlord Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Dove Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Dr. Mysterious Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Dracelix's Birthday Hat (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Draconic Guard (D-Coins)
Draconis Tenebras
Dragon CC Ninja Mask (D-Amulet)
Dragon Gray Ninja Mask (D-Amulet)
Dragon Mage Hood (I-VI) (D-Amulet)
Dragon's Eternal Flame (I-VII) (D-Coins)
Dragon's Luminous Hood (I-VII) (D-Coins)
Dragondance (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Dragonhead Helm (D-Amulet)
DragonKeeper Guard (D-Coins)
DragonKnight Helm (I-V) (D-Coins)
DragonLord Captain's Helm (I-IV) (D-Amulet)
DragonLord Helm (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
DragonLord Vath Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Dragonmaster's Helm (D-Coins)
Dragonoid Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Drakonnan's Armored Helm (D-Amulet)
Drakonnan's Doom (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Drakonnan's Fiery Helm (D-Amulet)
Drakonnan's Helm (D-Amulet)
Drakonnan's Warhelm (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Dravalkyrie (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Dravir Warhelm (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dread Pirate Hat (I-IX) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dread Pirate Helm (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Dread Pirate Mask (D-Amulet/Rare)
Dread Pirate Mask (I-IX) (D-Coins/Rare)
Dread Skull King (D-Amulet)
Dreadblight Visage (D-Coins)
Dreamer Beast Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
DRGN-V1Z0R (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Drop Bear Hat (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dry-Aged Master Chef Hat (D-Amulet/Rare)
Duck (D-Coins)
Duskbolt's Mechanical Helm (D-Coins)
Dusty Lucky Cap (D-Amulet)
Dwarvish Army Helm (D-Coins)
Dynamic Helmet of Tog-Control (D-Coins)


Eagle of Freedom Helm (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Earth Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Earthly Helm (D-Amulet)
Ebil Artix Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ebil Skull (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
EbilCorp Chairman Mask (D-Coins/Rare)
Eclipsed Shade (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Eerie Jack 'o Helm (Seasonal)
Eggplant Helm (Seasonal)
Eggshell Master Chef Hat (Rare)
Elder Witch Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Electric Hair (Seasonal/Temp)
Elite Custom HarleHelm (2010) (D-Coins/Rare)
Elite Mechpilot Helmet (D-Coins)
Elite Pactogonal Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Elite TerraStag Horns (D-Coins/Rare)
Elven Antlers (D-Coins)
Embodiment of Might Helm (D-Amulet)
Embodiment of Perception Helm (D-Amulet)
Embodiment of Will Helm (D-Amulet)
Empress Mask (All Versions), The (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Empty Warrior Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
En's Helm (I, II, III)
Enchanted Frostcrown (I-IX) (D-Medal/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Enchanted Kehaan Helm
Enchanted Lightguard Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Enchanted Niadhoor Helm
Enchanted Viadme Headdress
Energetic Ninja Headband (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Energy Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Engineer Mask (All Versions), The (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Enigmato Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ennwen Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Escelense Conqueror Helm (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Escelense Defender Helm (I-V) (D-Medal)
Escelense Dragon Defender Helm (I-VI) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Escherion Hood (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Escherion Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Esrom Helm (D-Amulet)
Etaos Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Eternal Helmet (D-Coins)
Eternal Hourglass Helm (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Eulin Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Evil Cultist Hood (Normal; D-Coins)
Evil Eye (D-Amulet)
Evil Pumpkin (Head, Mask) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Ewolyn's Angry Visage (Rare)
Ewolyn's Fierce Visage (D-Amulet/Rare)
Ewolyn's Furious Visage (Rare)
Ewolyn's Visage (Rare)
Exalted Swimming Goggles (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Extremely-Balanced Togs (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Eye of the Void Helm (I-IX) (D-Coins)
Eyeball Helm
Eyes of the Seer (D-Coins)
Ezrajal Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)


Face of Ebil (D-Amulet)
Faded Lucky Cap (D-Amulet)
Fae's Beret (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Faerie Floss Helm (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Fallen Arbitrator (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Fallen King Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Fallen Skull Ripper Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
Falwynn Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Fancy Witch's Hat (I-VI) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Fangblade Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Faunus Dragon Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Rare)
Faunus Helm
Faunus Lichen Helm (D-Amulet)
Faunus Mossy Helm
Faust Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Fear Sirius Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Female Bugs Ears Helm (D-Amulet)
Female Frost Moglin Helm (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Female Gnome Wig (D-Amulet)
Female Goggle Wig (D-Amulet)
Female Hard Battlehelm (D-Amulet)
Female Hero Hat
Female Highland Headwear (D-Amulet)
Female Lightguard (All Versions)
Female Mad Tophat (D-Amulet)
Female Rubber Ducky Helm (D-Amulet)
Feral Helm
Ferrous Dude Mach 1 Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ferrous Dude Mach 2 Mask (All Versions) (D-Coins; Seasonal/Temp)
Fervid Flare Imp Hat (D-Amulet/Rare)
Festival Facelaunch (Seasonal)
Fevered Flare Imp Hat (Rare)
Fierce Baron Cat Mask (D-Coins)
Fierce Bone Golem Head (D-Amulet)
Fierce BraveSirRobin Cat Mask (D-Coins)
Fierce Bunny Helm (Rare)
Fierce Deatharrows Cat Mask (D-Coins)
Fierce DragonLord Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Fierce Josh Cat Mask (D-Coins)
Fierce LFAL Cat Mask (D-Coins)
Fierce Prius Cat Mask (D-Coins)
Filthy Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Coins)
Filthy Aye Pirate Scarf (D-Coins)
Filthy Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Coins)
Filthy Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Coins)
Filthy Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Coins)
Filthy Pirate Scarf (D-Coins)
Fire Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Fire Ray (Mask, Helm) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Firehammer's Helm (D-Coins)
First Mate's Hat (D-Amulet)
Fishy Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Flare Imp Hat (Rare)
Flourishing Oleander Veil (Rare)
Flourishing Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Flowering Oleander Veil (Rare)
Flowering Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Foaming Tidal Helm
Foamy Cider Mug (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Foamy Void Cider Mug (D-Coins)
Foreman's Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Formal Jester Helm (D-Amulet/Rare)
Foul Cultist Hood (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Found Ancient Skull Ripper Helm (Rare)
Found Blighted Skull Ripper Helm (Rare)
Found Defiled Skull Ripper Helm (Rare)
Found Doomed Skull Ripper Helm (Rare)
Found Fallen Skull Ripper Helm (Rare)
Found Grave Skull Ripper Helm (Rare)
Found Skull Ripper Helm (Rare)
Found Unhallowed Skull Ripper Helm (Rare)
Found Unholy Skull Ripper Helm (Rare)
Fourth Wall Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Foxy Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Foxy Aye Pirate Scarf (Normal; D-Coins)
Foxy Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Foxy Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Foxy Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Foxy Pirate Scarf (Normal; D-Coins)
Fragrant Oleander Veil (D-Amulet/Rare)
Fragrant Sakura Adornment (D-Amulet/Rare)
Freezing Dragon Hat (D-Amulet)
Fresh Oleander Veil (Rare)
Fresh Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Frost Moglin Defender Helm (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Frost Moglin Slayer Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Frost Pumpkin Head (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Frost Queen Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Frostgoblin Helm
Frostval Ruby Helm (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frostval Wish Helm (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frostvale Top Hat (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Frosty Cobalt Dragon Helm (D-Amulet)
Frosty Dragon Hat (D-Amulet)
Frozen Cobalt Dragon Helm (D-Amulet)
Frydae Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)


Gaelan Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Gala Jaania Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Galanoth Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Galaxy Cowl (I-IV) (D-Medal; D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Galea Regis (D-Coins)
Gargoyle (Mask, Helm) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Garnet Cowl (D-Amulet)
Gaze of the Sunken (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Geared Helm (D-Amulet)
Gelid Ice Hat
Gelunguis Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
General Varax Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Generous Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Gentle TerraStag Horns (D-Coins/Rare)
Glable Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Glacial Dragon Helm (D-Amulet)
Gleaming Golden Dravir Helm (I-VII) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Glory of Twilly (I-VIII), The (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Glory of Zorbak (I-VIII), The (D-Coins/Rare)
Glowing Helm of Destiny
Glowing Magma Cowl
Glowing Tree Helm (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Gluttony Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Gnomish Prime (D-Amulet)
Gogg Mask (D-Coins)
Gold Cabit Ears (D-Amulet)
Gold Laurels (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Golden Arbitrator (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Golden Battlespell Helm (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Golden Bunny Helm (D-Amulet/Rare)
Golden Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Golden Dravir Helm (I-VII) (D-Amulet)
Golden Helm of Nobility (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Gooney Helm (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Goose Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Gorillaphant Helm
Grand Guardian Helm (D-Coins)
Grave Skull Ripper Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
Greasy Master Chef Hat (Rare)
Great Skull Prince (Rare)
Greedy Greedling Helm (I, II, III) (Seasonal)
Green Head (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Green Matey's Cap (All Versions) (Rare)
Green Ninja Mask
Green Present (D-Amulet/Rare)
Greena Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Greetings Feline Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Greg Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Grenwog Celebration Helm (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Grenwog Eggshell (I-V) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Grim Draconis Tenebras
Grinning Sugar Skull (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Grove Tender Visage (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Guardian Armet (All Versions) (Guardian)
Guardian Ghoul Dragon Helm (D-Amulet)
Guardian Ghoul Helm
Guardian Page Helm (D-Coins)
Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet)
Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet)
Guber Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Gud Wun (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Guise of the Unchained (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Habanero Sombrero 2010 (D-Amulet/Rare)
Halo of Seasons
Hansa Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Hard Battlehelm (D-Amulet)
Harpy Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Harrowing Rose Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Hawk's Calling (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Hawkscry's Legacy (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Heartisan Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Heartseeker's Helm (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Heather Helm (Seasonal)
Heavy Rock Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Helm-SystemError (D-Coins)
Helm of 300 Flames (Rare)
Helm of Aegis (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Helm of Akanthus (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Helm of Ancient Maar (D-Coins)
Helm of Autumn's Call (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Helm of Destiny
Helm of Guyshimitsu (D-Coins)
Helm of Hyonix (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Helm of Justice (D-Amulet)
Helm of Old Aulore (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Helm of the Archlord (D-Coins)
Helm of Timeless Destiny (D-Coins)
Helmet of Lament (D-Coins)
Helmet of Ra, The (D-Amulet/Rare)
Helmet of Tog-Control (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Helper's Cap (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Helper's Jingling Cap (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Helper's Mingling Cap (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Helper's Ringing Cap (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Helper's Singling Cap (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Helper's Tingling Cap (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Hematite Hood (D-Amulet)
Heroic TerraStag Horns (D-Coins/Rare)
Hesperrhodos Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Hide Cap
Hidebehind Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
High Commander Helm (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
High Dark Emperor Helm (D-Amulet)
High Skull King
High Skull Prince (Rare)
High Tidal Helm (D-Amulet)
Highland Headwear (D-Amulet)
Hive Ranger's Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Hollow Cap (D-Amulet)
Hollow Jaw (D-Amulet)
Hooded Greed (D-Coins)
Hooded Mask of the Maleurous (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Hooded Sight Cowl
Horned Greedling Mask (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Hot Pink Ninja Mask
Hudson's Hawk Helm (D-Amulet)


I Scream Bowler (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Iadoa Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ice Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ice Shard Helm (D-Amulet)
Ice Spike Helm (D-Amulet)
Ice Tusk Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Icebound Cobalt Dragon Helm (D-Amulet)
Icebound Crown (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Icebound Hood (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Icemaster Yeti Dragon Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Icemaster Yeti Helm (Seasonal)
IceSeer's Helm (D-Amulet)
Iceweave Hood (D-Coins)
IceWept Helmet (D-Coins)
Icy Battle Crown (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Icy Cobalt Dragon Helm (D-Amulet)
Illumina's Visage (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Illuminated Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Illustrious Helm (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Imperial Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Imperial TerraStag Horns (D-Coins/Rare)
Imsil Helm
Inconspicuous Hero Mask
Infernal Horns Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Initiate's Hood
Insane Pumpkin Stack (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Intaym Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Invisible Helm (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/Rare)
Irismancer's Dragon Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Rare)
Irismancer's Helm (All Versions) (Rare)
IronMancer Mask (Rare/Temp)
Ironwood Leaf Helm (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Isiri Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Island Maid Headdress (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Itchi's Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ivory Master Chef Hat (Rare)


Jack 'o Helm (Seasonal)
Jack Crescent Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Jaw of Sinnocence (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Jayne's Snowpacolypse Hat (D-Coins/Rare)
Jayne's Warm Hat (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Jellyfish Faceguard (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Jeweled Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Joker's Madness (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
Josh Cat Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Jousting Helm (D-Coins)
Joyous Sugar Skull (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Kakarrot Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Kara Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Kasseri Helm
Kathool Mask (All Versions) (D-Coins; Seasonal/Temp)
Keelhaul's Haunting Skull (D-Coins)
Kehaan Helm
Kepi of the Green Gnome
Kesong Helm
Killguin Faceguard (All Versions)
King's Crown, The (Rare)
King's Mask/Wig, The (D-Amulet/Seasonal; Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Kingly Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Kitsune Mask (2019) (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Kitsune Mask (2021) (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Kittypillar Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Klatu's Skullhelm
Klaus Cap (Seasonal)
Kord Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)


Larein's Helm (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
LavaGoblin Helm
Lavis Helm (D-Coins)
Lector's Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ledgermayne Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Leftover Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Lestrad Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
LFAL Cat Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Light Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Lightguard Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet)
LightGuard Virtue (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lights Out Lampshade (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Lim Hair (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Limina Hair (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Linx Hero Hat (Extreme) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lion Mane Disguise (Seasonal/Temp)
Lionfang Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Lionfang's Helm (D-Coins)
Locks of Lament (D-Coins)
Lofty TerraStag Horns (D-Coins/Rare)
Loki's Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Long Haired Poker Cap (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Lost Starhelm of Destiny (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lost Starhelm of Doom (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Love's Touch (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Lovely Time Helm (I-V) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Luck o' the Sneevish (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Luminous Techangel Cowl
Lunar Monkey King (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Lunar Tidal Helm
Lust Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/22/2025 11:06:48 >
DF AQW  Post #: 7
6/17/2013 3:20:23   

Helms (M-Z)


Mad Jester
Mad Pumpkin Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Mad Tophat (D-Amulet)
Magepriest Headgear (D-Amulet)
MagePriest Hood (D-Amulet)
Magester's Light Mask (All Versions) (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Magi Guard Helm (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Magi Sentinel Helm (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Magical Double-Plumed Dome Helm (D-Coins)
Magical Tyrant Hood (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Magma Cowl
Mahanaem Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Makkinax Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Male Bug Ears Helm (D-Amulet)
Male Frost Moglin Helm (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Male Gnome Wig (D-Amulet)
Male Goggle Wig (D-Amulet)
Male Hero Hat
Male Lightguard (All Versions)
Malicious Cultist Hood (Normal; D-Coins)
Manabelle Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Manly Beaver Cap (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Manly Raccoon Cap (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Mantix Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Maple of Independence Helm (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Mask of Akaz (Seasonal)
Mask of Al'nold (Seasonal)
Mask of Majji (Seasonal)
Mask of the Dread Pirate (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Mask of the Maleurous (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Master Chef Hat (Rare)
Master Twang's Mask (D-Coins)
Master's Hood (D-Amulet)
Matey's Cap (D-Amulet)
Maz's Earrings (D-Coins/Seasonal)
MechaYeti Mask (D-Coins)
MechSpawn Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Medusa Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Melissa Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Meowphant Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Meowtroid Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Midnight Blessing (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Midnight Prince Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Mighty Dread Pirate Helm (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Mile High Stallions (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Mimi Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Minerva Helm
Minerva Medica Helm (D-Amulet)
Mirrored DragonLord Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Mirrored Matey's Cap (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Mistral Oleander Veil (D-Amulet/Rare)
Mog Mog Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Moglinberry Cider Mug (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Moglinberry Void Cider Mug (D-Coins)
Mogtule Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Molten Magma Cowl (D-Amulet)
Monster Master Cap (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Moonstruck Visage (D-Coins)
Morbid Death Head (D-Amulet)
Moss Covered Helm (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Moss Lord Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Mouse Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Mr. Nameless Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Mr. Nameless' Plush Ears (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Mr. Scam Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Mulled Cider Mug (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Mulled Void Cider Mug (D-Coins)
Mummy Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Murk DeathKnight's Helm (D-Coins)
Murk DoomKnight's Helm (D-Coins)
Murk Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Murk Paladin's Ancient Helm (D-Coins)
Murk Paladin's Helm (D-Coins)
Mushroom Cap (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Myalos Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Myalos' Holo Projector (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Myalos' Visage (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Mysterious Joker (D-Coins)
Myx Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)


Nabulsi Helm
Nec-snow-mancer's Cowl (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Necro Paragon Helm (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Necromancer Hood (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Necromancer's Cowl (D-Coins)
Necrotic Death Head
Nekomancer's Hood (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Neo Grove Tender's Hat (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Neron Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Nervous DragonLion's Flowing Mane (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Nervous DragonLion's Head (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Nervous DragonLion's Mane (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Nervous DragonLion's Noble Head (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Nervous Lion's Head (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Nervous Lion's Mane (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Neutral Mask (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
New Master Chef Hat (D-Amulet/Rare)
New Rock Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Newbatron V1337 Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Niadhoor Helm
Nick's Warm Cap (I-VI) (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Nickto's Skullhelm
Ninja Head Band (All Versions) (Rare/Temp; D-Amulet/Rare)
Ninja Mask (All Versions) (Rare/Temp; D-Amulet/Rare)
Nirios Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Nivalis Mask (2011) (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Nivalis Mask (2019) (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Nix Hat
Noble TerraStag Horns (D-Coins/Rare)
Noon Blessing (D-Coins/Rare)
Nor'Easter Helm (I-V) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Northern Explorer's Hood (I, II, III) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Nosy Raccoon Cap (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Notha Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Notha's Visor (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Nova Phoenix's Aspect (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Now-n-Forever Helm (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
NullVoid Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Nursey's Wedding Wreath (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Nythera Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)


Obsidian Dragon Helm (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Obsidian Relic Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Obsidian Remnant Helm (D-Amulet)
Odessa Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Odessa's Helm (D-Coins)
OogaBooga Helm (ArchKnight/D-Amulet)
Oogabooga Face (D-Coins)
Opalescent Cowl (D-Amulet)
Opening Oleander Veil (Rare)
Opening Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Oratath Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Organic Master Chef Hat (D-Amulet/Rare)
Ostara's Guard (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Ostromir Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Outcast Cultist Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Overgourd Cover (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)


Pactogonal Knight Helm
Paintbender Battlemage Helm (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Painted Sugar Skull (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pallid Death Head
Pallor's Bitter Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pallor's Chill Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pallor's Cold Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pallor's Frigid Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pallor's Frozen Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pallor's Icy Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Pandora Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Panicky DragonLion's Flowing Mane (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Panicky DragonLion's Head (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Panicky DragonLion's Mane (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Panicky DragonLion's Noble Head (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Panicky Lion's Head (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Panicky Lion's Mane (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Paper Bag (D-Coins)
Parched Flare Imp Hat (Rare)
Parmesan Helm (D-Amulet)
Patrick's Emerald Green Hat (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Coins/Rare)
Person Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Personal Snow Globe (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Petrified DragonLion's Flowing Mane (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Petrified DragonLion's Head (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Petrified DragonLion's Mane (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Petrified DragonLion's Noble Head (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Petrified Lion's Head (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Petrified Lion's Mane (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Phantom's Mask (All Versions), The (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Phobeist Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Phoenix Doom (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Phoenix Helion Helm (I-VI) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Pi-rate Kerchief (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Pickers Helm (I, II, III) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Pig Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Pink Carnaval Helm (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Pink Feathered Carnaval Helm (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Pirate Scarf
Pirate Treasure Hat (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Pirate's Bandana (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Pirate's Bearded Bandana (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Plague Mask Hood
Poker Face
Poker Titfer (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Popsrocket Clawkin Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Potato Yix Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Prancing Clown Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
PrideBox Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Prime-time Helm (D-Amulet)
Prism Dove Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Prismatic Galea Regis (D-Coins)
Prismatic Matey's Cap (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Prius Cat Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Professor's Safety Helm (I-IV), The (D-Coins)
Protean Symbiotic Helm (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Prototype Snugglemech Helm (D-Coins)
Protozard Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Proto-Zard Mask (D-Coins)
Prowling Shadowcats (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Psychopomp's Stay (D-Coins)
Pumpkin (Mask, Helm) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Pumpkin Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Pumpkin Pi (Mask) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Purple Ninja Mask


Quad Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Quinn's Harley Hat (2010) (D-Amulet/Rare)


Raccoon Cap (I-VII) (D-Coins/Rare)
Radiant Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Radiant Dravir Warhelm (D-Coins)
Ranger's Cover (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Raven Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Reaper's Haunt (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Red Head (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Red Matey's Cap (All Versions) (Rare)
Red Ninja Mask
Red Scalehunter Helm (Rare)
Red's Crimson Hood (D-Amulet)
Red's Hood (D-Amulet)
Red's Riding Hood (D-Amulet)
Red's Warm Hood (D-Amulet)
Redpool Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Reforged Archivist's Beret (D-Coins)
Reforged Crown of Time (D-Coins)
Reforged ShadowWalker's Mantle (D-Coins)
Reigndragon Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
ReignYeti Helm (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Relic DeathKnight Helm (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Remthalas Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Remthalas' Lure (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Replica DragonLord Helm (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Restored Experimental Visage (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Retroclear Aventail (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Rhoddhu Helm
Rhoddhu Hood
Ribbon, The (D-Coins)
Rich Sugar Skull (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Riftwalker's Horns (D-Coins)
Rising Tidal Helm (D-Amulet)
Robain Hoot's Hat
Rockin' Headphones (I, II, III) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Roktoru Mask (D-Coins)
Rolith's Wedding Tophat (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Roly Poly Fishhead (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Root Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Rose Gnome Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Rose Helm (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rose Researcher's Mask (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Rose Sand Wrap (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Rosster Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Rotazoru Helm (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Rotted Death Head
Rotten Overgourd Cover (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Rough Rusted Plate Helm (D-Amulet)
Royal Crown (Rare)
Royal Crown of Sek Duat (D-Coins)
Royal Doom (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Royal Grenwog Crown (I-IV) (D-Coins/Rare)
Royal TerraStag Horns (D-Coins/Rare)
Rubber Ducky Helm (D-Amulet)
Ruby Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Rusted DragonKnight Guard (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Rusted Plate Helm
Ruuma Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Rwar Shock's Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)


Sadcundus Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Safiria Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Salty Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Coins)
Salty Aye Pirate Scarf (D-Coins)
Salty Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Coins)
Salty Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Coins)
Salty Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Coins)
Salty Pirate Scarf (D-Coins)
Samaranth Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
San Robin Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Sandsea Headdress (D-Amulet)
Santaka Sombrero 2010 (Rare)
Sapphire Hood (D-Amulet)
Savage Helm
Scarab Band (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Scarab DoomLight Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Scarab Hood (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Scientific Triumph Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Sciuridaehotep Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Scorched Flare Imp Hat (D-Amulet/Rare)
Scorpiarc Trophy Helm
Screaming Mask (D-Coins)
Second Monitor Critic Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Secundus Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Seer's Helm
Sek Duat Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
SekDuat Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Self-Containment Unit v15 (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Sentog Helm (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Sentog Ranger Blossom Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sepulchure's Doom (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Sepulchure's Helm (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Serrano Sombrero 2010 (Rare)
Shades of the Eclipse of DOOM (D-Coins/D-Medal)
ShadowDragon Mask (D-Coins)
Shadowed DeathKnight Helm (I-IV)
ShadowFire Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
ShadowSlayer's Hat (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
ShadowWalker's Visage (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Shadowy Mask (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Shako Hat (D-Coins/Rare)
Shining Battlespell Helm (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Shining Halo of Seasons (D-Amulet)
Shining Helm of Destiny (D-Amulet)
Shining Eternal Hourglass Helm (I-V) (D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Shiny Eyeball Helm
Shiny Frostgoblin Helm
Shiny Gorillaphant Helm (D-Amulet)
Shiny LavaGoblin Helm
Shiny Underachnid Helm
Shocked Twilly Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Shocking Hair (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shocking Jack 'o Helm (Seasonal)
Shockingly Amazing Hair (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shockingly Awesome Hair (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shockingly Fantastic Hair (D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shockingly Good Hair (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shockingly Nice Hair (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Shockingly Swiped Hair (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sight of Patroclus (D-Coins)
Silk Frostval Top Hat (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Silk Hat
Silly Frostval Hat 2011 (Seasonal)
Silver Laurels (I-V) (D-Coins/Rare)
Simple Eternal Flame (I-VII) (D-Coins)
Simple Luminous Hood (I-VII) (D-Coins)
Singed Flare Imp Hat (D-Amulet/Rare)
Sirius Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Sizziling Flare Imp Hat (Rare)
Skeleton Caster (Mask, Helm) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Skeleton Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Skull Assistant Bubble (D-Coins)
Skull King
Skull of the Eclipse of DOOM (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Skull Prince (Rare)
Skull Ripper Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
Slasher Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Slender Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Sloth Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Smashed Potatoes (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Smiley Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Smoky Master Chef Hat (Rare)
Smoldering Magma Cowl
Smuggler's Stormpather (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Snappydog Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Sneegion Armet (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Sneevil Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Snugglebear Helm
Snuggleranger Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sofist Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Soft Lucky Cap (D-Amulet)
Somnus Fighter (All Versions) (Rare)
Soul Guide's Bane (D-Coins)
Soulmender's Hood (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Soulsmith's Hood (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
SoulWeaver Hood (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Soulweaver's Hood (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Soundblaster Helm (All Versions)
Spectrus Guard (D-Amulet)
Spectrus Helm (D-Amulet)
Speedy Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Spiced Cider Mug (Normal; D-Coins)
Spiced Void Cider Mug (D-Coins)
Spider Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Spiked Death Helmet (D-Coins)
Spiky Haired Poker Cap (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Splashy Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Splashy Shell (All Versions)
Spooked DragonLion's Flowing Mane (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Spooked DragonLion's Head (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Spooked DragonLion's Mane (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Spooked DragonLion's Noble Head (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Spooked Lion's Head (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Spooked Lion's Mane (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Spooky Jack 'o Helm (Seasonal)
Squid One Mask (All Versions), The (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Squidman Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Star Prince Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Stazaar Helm (D-Amulet)
Steampunk Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Stiff Master Chef Hat (Rare)
Stolen Top Hat (All Versions) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Stone Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Stylish Hat with Long Hair (D-Coins/Rare)
Stylish Hat with Short Hair (D-Coins/Rare)
Suede Frostval Top Hat (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Suki Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Summer's Breeze (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Summer's Sight (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sun God Visor (All Versions) (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Sunken Skull (D-Coins)
Sunken Veil (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sunlit Oath (D-Coins)
Sunshade Headwrap
Suntouched Viper's Visage (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Super Greedy Greedling Helm (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Superbia Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Supersized Chocolate Chip Cookiehelm (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Susanoo-no-Mikoto (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Suspicious Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Swamp Shambler Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Swarthy Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Swarthy Aye Pirate Scarf (Normal; D-Coins)
Swarthy Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Swarthy Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Swarthy Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Swarthy Pirate Scarf (Normal; D-Coins)
Sweaty Master Chef Hat (Rare)
Sweet Cider Mug (Normal; D-Coins)
Sweet Sugar Skull (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Sweet Void Cider Mug (D-Coins)
Swiftblade Hood (D-Coins)
Symbrieote Visage (D-Coins/Rare)


Tactical Assault Helm (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Tainted Adept Helm
Tarnished Guardian Helm (D-Coins)
Tarnished Relic DeathKnight Helm (D-Coins)
Tarnished Ruler's Crown (D-Coins)
Tarot's Mark (D-Coins)
TART Bubble Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
TART Toil Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
TART Trouble Mask (All Versions) (D-Coins; Seasonal/Temp)
Techangel Cowl
Technonaut Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
TerraStag Horns (D-Coins/Rare)
Tek's Goggles (D-Coins/Seasonal)
THAT Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Thick Hide Cap
Thursday Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Thursday's Dragon Hat (D-Amulet)
Thursday's Hat
Thyton's Hooded Helm (D-Coins)
Tibicenas Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Tidal Helm
Time Killer Headgear (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Time Killer Ten Gallon (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Time Reaper's Cowl (Alpha, I-X) (D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
TimeShift Visor (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare)
Timid DragonLion's Flowing Mane (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Timid DragonLion's Head (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Timid DragonLion's Mane (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Timid DragonLion's Noble Head (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Timid Lion's Head (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Timid Lion's Mane (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Titfer (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Toast of Greater Speed (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Tog Head
Togcraft Visor (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Togsmas Cowl (II-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Toil Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Tomix Hair (I-V) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Tomix Mask (All Versions) (D-Coins; Seasonal/Temp)
Tomix's Birthday Hat (I-VIII) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Toothy Sugar Skull (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Top Hat With Long Hair (D-Coins/Rare)
Top Hat With Short Hair (D-Coins/Rare)
Top o' the Evening (D-Amulet/Rare)
Torrid Flare Imp Hat (Rare)
Touch of Ebil (D-Amulet)
Tragedy Mask (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Tralalimbor Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Tribal Mask (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal; Seasonal/Temp)
Trigoras A Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Trigoras B Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Trigoras C Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Tripper Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Tropy's Helm (I, II, III)
Trouble Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
True Caitiff Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
True Mortal Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Tulip's Cowl (I-IX), The (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Turducken Mask (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Tusker Disguise
Twang Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Twig Punting Hat
Twilly Mask (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal; Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Twilly Punting Hat
Tyrant Hood
Tytanvisage Helm (Gold) (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Tytanvisage Helm (Rose) (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Tytanvisage Helm (Vind) (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Uaanta Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Ultimate Dragon Helm (I-VII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Ultimate Helm of Everluck (All Versions) (Seasonal)
Ultra Custom HarleHelm 2010 (D-Coins/Rare)
Uthuluc Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Undead Pony Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Underachnid Helm
Undercity Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Undercover Daimyo (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Underwater Breathing Helm (D-Amulet)
Unhallowed DeathKnight Helm (I-IV) (D-Amulet)
Unhallowed Skull Ripper Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
Unholy Skull Ripper Helm (D-Coins/Rare)
Unnecessarily Ornate Full Helm (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Helm Just For Show (D-Coins/Seasonal)


V Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Vaal's Aviators (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Vaal's Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Valkybrie Helm (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Valen's Cap (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Valen's Remnant Visage (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Valoth Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)
Vath Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Vampire Lord Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Vampire Queen Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Vayhu Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Velvet Frostval Top Hat (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Vendetta Mask (D-Coins)
Verlyrus Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Viadme Headdress
Villainous Cultist Hood (Normal; D-Coins)
Vile Bone Golem Head (D-Amulet)
Vilmor's HeadGuard (I-V) (D-Amulet)
Vilmor's Helm (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Vineblade Guardhelm (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Virtuoso's Resonance Plagueguard (D-Coins)
Virtuous Reality Veil (D-Coins)
Visage of Change (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Visage of Ebil (D-Amulet)
Visage of Fear (D-Coins)
Visage of Susanoo (I, II, III) (D-Coins/Rare)
Visage of the Adjudicator (D-Coins)
Visage of the Dragon (All Versions) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Visage of the Unraveler (D-Coins)
Void Cider Mug (D-Coins)
Void Elemental Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Void Rift Cover (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Voidhugger Helm (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins; D-Coins)
Voidling Helm (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Volt Mech Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Voodoo Master Mask (D-Coins)
Voyna Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Vseslava Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)


Wabbit Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Water Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
War God Helm (D-Amulet/Rare)
War Wolf Helm (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
War-Torn Clan Valtrith Cultist Mask (All Versions)
War-Torn Clan Valtrith Mask (All Versions)
Warhelm of the Legion (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Warden Mask (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Wargoth's Forged Visage (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Warm Cider Mug (Normal; D-Coins)
Warm Void Cider Mug (D-Coins)
Warped Adept Helm (D-Amulet)
Warrior of Chaos (I-IV) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Watermelon (D-Coins)
Weaver Cowl (I, II, III) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Weaver's Cap (D-Coins)
Weaver's Facade (Alpha, I-X) (D-Coins; D-Coins/S-Offer)
Well Worn Lucky Cap (D-Amulet)
Well-Balanced Tog (D-Coins/D-Medal)
Werewolf Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Whisper's Crown, The (D-Coins/D-Medal)
White Magester Veil (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
White Matey's Cap (All Versions) (Rare)
White Scalehunter Helm (Rare)
White Spy Hat (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Who Blue Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Who Red Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Wicked Bone Golem Head (D-Amulet)
Wicked Warlord Helmet (All Versions) (Rare; D-Coins/Rare)
Wild Helm
Wildheart Crest (D-Coins)
Wildheart Fang (D-Coins)
Will Helm
Wily Aye Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet)
Wily Aye Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet)
Wily Bearded Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet)
Wily Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet)
Wily Guardian Pirate Hat (D-Amulet)
Wily Guardian Pirate Scarf (D-Amulet)
Wind Elf Crown (D-Coins)
Wind Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Windblown Sakura Adornment (D-Amulet/Rare)
Windy Oleander Veil (Rare)
Windy Sakura Adornment (Rare)
Winter's Harbinger (I-IX) (D-Coins/Seasonal)
Wolfwing Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Worn Skullcap (D-Amulet)
Worshipper Mask (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Xan Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins)
Xarbax Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)


Yaga Mask (All Versions) (D-Amulet/Seasonal; Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Yahvro Mask (Seasonal/Temp)
Yalla Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Yaphael Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Yashta Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Yeti Battlehelm (All Versions) (D-Amulet/D-Medal/Seasonal)
Young Capustak (Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)


Zard Hunter Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Zard Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Zeclem's Helm (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Zeclem's Relic Helm (D-Coins)
Zemesis Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Zeuster Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Zirkonnin Assassin's Helm (D-Coins)
Zirkonnin Guard Helm (D-Coins)
Zkull Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Zombie Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)
Zorbak Punting Hat (D-Amulet)
Zvezdana Mask (All Versions) (Seasonal/Temp; D-Coins)

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 3/7/2025 23:23:25 >
DF AQW  Post #: 8
12/19/2014 8:39:15   

Occupies Neck equip spot; can be equipped or unequipped during battle, unless attempted to be replaced by an Artifact.




Abhorrent Agneau
Acclaimed Adventurer's Chain (D-Amulet)
Adventurer's Chain
Aegis' Gratitude (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Agate Beads (D-Amulet)
Akriloth's Bane (I-IV) (D-Amulet)
Ancient Deathknight Pendant
Andazoth's Necklace (D-Amulet)
Answer, The
Avalanche Scar
Azure Gemmed Necklace (D-Amulet)


Bear Tooth Necklace
Beryl Necklace (D-Amulet)
Bile Protection Amulet (Seasonal)
Black Pearl Necklace (Rare)
Bleached Bear Tooth Necklace
Blizzard's Breath (D-Amulet)
Bloodied Chain (Normal; D-Coins)
Bloody Bat Sigil (Normal; D-Coins)
Bloody Bear Tooth Necklace
Blue Ribbon (D-Amulet)
Borowik's Bane (I, II, III)
Braced Teeth
Braided Fwendship Necklace (Seasonal)
Broken Bear Tooth Necklace (D-Amulet)
Broken Charm (Normal; D-Coins)
Broken Necklace (D-Amulet)
Brutus Charm


Candy Fwendship Necklace (Seasonal)
Canopic Charm (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Cat's Bell (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Cenotaph Key (Normal; D-Coins)
Chain Collar
Chain of Clarity
Chain of Endurance
Chain of Teeth
Charged Cog Chain
Charm of Symbiosis (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cheesemonger's Gratitude (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cheesy Fwendship Necklace (Seasonal)
Chef's Cord
Chocolate Coin Amulet (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Circle of Nature (D-Amulet)
Claddagh Choker (D-Amulet/Rare)
Clawkin Cloak Clasp (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Cloth Collar
Criosphinx Trinket (Normal; D-Coins)
Crystal Fwendship Necklace (Seasonal)
Crystal Necklace (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Crystalline Necklace (D-Amulet)


Dagaz Runed Pendant
Dark Crystal Necklace
Dark Scarf (Alexander)
Dartmoor Fog (D-Amulet)
DeathKnight Amulet
Deep Stone
Defender's Dragon Necklace (I-XXXV) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Defender's Necklace (I-XXXV) (D-Medal)
Dishwashing Towel
Dragon Horn
Dragon's Tooth (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Drakathian Sigil (Normal; D-Coins)
Dream Whisper
Dwarven Artifact


Earthflow Chain (D-Amulet)
Emerald Pendant
Energy Ball
Eye of Bastet


Fairy Dust Vial
Fancy Collar
Flea Collar
Flower Necklace (Normal; D-Coins)
Fool's Gold Chain (Alexander)
Fossil Necklace (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Fossilized Scarab (Normal; D-Coins)
Frost Moglin Charm (Seasonal)
Frostenstein Eye (Seasonal)
Fulsome Foie Gras
Fwendship Necklace (Seasonal)


Gear Chain (D-Amulet)
Giant Ruby (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Glamorstone Necklace (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
God's Tie, The (D-Amulet/Rare)
Gold Scorpiac Stinger
Gold Tooth (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Golden Links
Golden Marker (Alexander)
Golden Ram Fleece (D-Amulet)
Goo-cci Necklace (Rare)
Gorgok's Scale (D-Amulet)
Gouda Fwendship Necklace (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Green Pearl Necklace
Green Tooth Necklace (D-Amulet)
Grizzly Bear Tooth Necklace
Groundhog Amulet (I-V) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Grub Necklace (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Hairy Chain
Harvested Mossy Bindings
Heart of the Forest (Rare)
Heart of the Sea, The (Rare)
Heart of the Wave
Heart Scale (All Versions)
Heart-shaped Locket (D-Amulet/Rare)
Honorable Mention
Hope Necklace, The (Rare)
Horrendous Hors D'oeuvre (D-Amulet)
Hunter's (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Ice Crystal (Alexander)
Ice Dragon Claw (Seasonal)
Ice Needle Chain (D-Amulet)
Icy Beads
Icy Orb
Ieb Weight (Normal; D-Coins)
Incisor Charm (D-Amulet)
Isaz Runed Chain (D-Amulet)
Ivory Carved Beads
Ivy Weaves


Jacob's Ladder Necktie (D-Amulet/Rare)
Jagged Bear Tooth Necklace (D-Amulet)
Jinxie Charm
Judas Choker


Kanji Charm Necklace (D-Amulet)
Kenaz Runed Chained
Kittypillar's Pipe (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Klein (bottle) Tie (Rare)


Last Breath
Leaf of Flux (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Leafy Circlet
Leather Collar (D-Amulet)
Lightstone Necklace (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Linked Bands of Nature's Bounty (D-Amulet)
Links of Oak
Lion's Fang Torc
Love's Craft


Macaroni Necklace of Power +3 (Rare)
Magic Bean (D-Amulet)
Mana Star
Mask Fragment (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Medicine Vial
Metal Chain
Metallic Claw (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Mirror Lure
Moglinberry Necklace (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Moglin Juicer Gear (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Monkey Necklace (D-Amulet)
Monster Claw Necklace
Monster Tooth Necklace
Mosscrystal Pendant (I-VI) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Musty Vial (Alexander)
Mwclis Mwrn (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Natural Loops
Noisome Navette (D-Amulet)
Northern Realm Pendant


Oaken Heart
Obsidian Eye
Olaf's Prize
Orb Pearls


Pack Ice Chain
Pandora's Black Pendant
Pandora's Blue Pendant
Pandora's Cube Choker (D-Amulet)
Pandora's Green Pendant
Pandora's Orange Pendant
Pandora's Purple Pendant
Pandora's Red Pendant (D-Amulet)
Pandora's Shimmering Pendant (D-Amulet)
Pandora's White Pendant
Pandora's Yellow Pendant (D-Amulet)
Parallel Chaos Amulet (D-Coins)
Plaid Collar
Poison Ward Amulet (I-IV)
Psychosis Bag (D-Amulet)
Pyroclastic Rope


Quick Lightning


Red Ribbon
Refraction Pendant (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Regolith (D-Amulet)
Relic DeathKnight Amulet (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Repulsive Rataouille
Ribbon Collar (D-Amulet)
RNGear Necklace (Rare)
Rotten Ice Necklace (D-Amulet)
Rough-Hewn Collar (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Rune Necklace
Rusted-steel Choker


Salve Vial
Sapphire Pendant
Scarab's Soul (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Sea Elf Weaving (D-Amulet)
Seed Spitter Seed (Normal; D-Coins)
Serpentine Band
Serrated Bear Tooth Necklace
Shadowed DeathKnight Amulet (I-IV)
Sharp Bear Tooth Necklace
Shattered Amulet (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Shattered Ice Golem Crystals (Seasonal)
Shiny Tooth Necklace (D-Amulet)
Sigil of the Valtrith Clan (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Silk Cravat (D-Amulet)
Silken Bookmark (Alexander)
Silver Lining
Silver Tusk Award
Silvered Teeth
Slimy Necklace (I-IV)
Snow Elf Chain
Soulforged Amulet (Purple) (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Soulforged Amulet (Yellow) (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Sour Sous Vide
Spiked Collar (D-Amulet)
Sprinkles Fwendship Necklace (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Squirrel Tentacle (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Star's Spawn (D-Amulet)
Sticky Fwendship Necklace (Seasonal)
Stone Bead Necklace (Normal; D-Coins)
Street Tog's Discarded Collar (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Student Tie (Alexander)
Sturzstrom Twist
Subterfuge (D-Amulet)
Summer's Wind (Normal; D-Coins)
Sundragon Pendant (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Sweet Fwendship Necklace (Seasonal)


Tangled Chain
Tarnished Chain
Tarnished Relic DeathKnight Amulet (D-Coins)
Tattered Neckerchief
Thorny Band
Thursday's Dragon Necklace (D-Amulet)
Thursday's Necklace
Tiger Necklace
Tizheruk Scale (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Tog Innards (Seasonal)
Togslayer X's Chain
Tooth Fairy Trap
Twisted Gears


Unhallowed DeathKnight Amulet (I-IV) (D-Amulet)
Ursine Necklace (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)


Viridian Circle (D-Amulet)


Whispered Thought
Wheel Replica Necklace
wiches neklaec (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Wild Beast Necklace
Wild Heart Necklace (D-Amulet)
Wild Necklace
Wild Wood Necklace
Windwhisper Pendant
Wooden Carved Beads (Normal; D-Coins)
Wooden Shard (D-Amulet)
Woven Collar
Woven Vines (Normal; D-Coins)






Zeclem's Heirloom (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Zeclem's Relic Heirloom (D-Coins)
Zombie Tooth Necklace (Rare)

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/8/2025 13:44:05 >
DF AQW  Post #: 9
7/30/2016 22:38:48   

Occupies Finger equip spot; can be equipped or unequipped during battle.


13th Ring, The (D-Amulet/Rare)


Academic's Ring (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Adamantium Loop (D-Amulet)
Akaz's Ampoule Ring (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Al'nold's Ring (I-VI) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Amber Ring (D-Amulet)
Amber Ring of the Emperor
Amethyst Ring of the Emperor
Ancient Captain's Ring
Ancient Commander's Ring (D-Amulet)
Ancient Guardian Ring
Ancient Ring
Ancient Soldier's Ring
Attacker's Band (D-Amulet)
Audacious Ring (Rare)
Aurora Circlet (D-Amulet/Seasonal)


Band of Avoidance
Band of Intelligence
Bent Ring
Binding Ring
Bitter Ring
Bloodstone Ring
Bluefin Swisher
Boxing Ring
Brass Ring, The
Brilliant Bloodstone Ring (D-Amulet)
Brunost Ring (D-Amulet)
Brute Ring


Chain Ring
Chaosweaver Utility Ring
Claddagh Ring (Seasonal; D-Coins/Rare)
Claw Band (I-IV) (Rare; D-Amulet/Rare)
Clay Ring
Clock Ring (Rare)
Clocking Ring (D-Coins)
Coquina's Revenge
Cold Moonstone Ring
Crogen Ring
Cursed Fingerbone
Cut Moonstone Ring
Cute, Cute Queen Ring


Danablu Ring
DeathKnight Circlet
Decaying Ring (D-Amulet)
DeepWater Ring (D-Amulet)
Defender's Dragon Ring (I-XXXII) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Defender's Ring (I-XXXII) (D-Medal)
Despicable Ring (D-Coins)
Diamond Ring of the Emperor (D-Amulet)
Dola Tooth (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Dragon Ring of the Keep (D-Amulet)
Dragon Scale Coil (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dragon Tooth Ring (D-Amulet)
Dreamglass Ring (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Dripping Ring
Dual Nature (D-Amulet)


Electric Orbit (D-Amulet)
Elemental Seal Ring (D-Amulet)
Enchanted Seal Ring
Energizer's Azure Band
Erythrocitrus Band (I-IX) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Esrom Ring
Etched Ring (D-Amulet)
Eulin's Charm (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Explorer's Band
Exquisite Seal Ring


Fake Wedding Ring
Feathered Band
Fifth Golden Ring (Seasonal)
Fireproof Ring
First Golden Ring (Seasonal)
Fishy Ring
Flight Signet (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Fossil Ring
Fourth Golden Ring (Seasonal)
Freezing Ring (Seasonal)
Frostbreaker's Ring (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Frostsilver Ring
Frosty Ring
Frozen Tear
Fulgurite Ring (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Fynbo Ring


Gargoyle Stoneskin Ring (Rare)
Gasket Band (D-Amulet)
Gaudy Ring (Rare)
Gemless Ring
Giant Gemerald
Glacialis Orbis (D-Amulet)
Glass Ring
Gleaming Bloodstone Ring
Glimmering Bloodstone Ring
Glittering Bloodstone Ring
Glittering Yaga Band (D-Amulet)
Glowing Moonstone Ring
Golden Ring (Seasonal)
Golden Wedding Ring (All Versions) (Rare)
Gorillaphant Ivory Ring
Grandfather Clock Ring (Rare)
Green Death (Rare)
Grimey Ring (D-Amulet)


Heartseeker's Ring (I-VIII) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal; D-Coins/Seasonal)
Heavy Ring
Herve Ring (D-Amulet)
Hole-y Ring, A (D-Coins)


Icy Heart (Alexander/D-Amulet)
Itchy Ring
Ivory Ring
Ivy Ring (Seasonal)


Jeweled Seal Ring of Wall (D-Amulet)


Kasseri Ring (D-Amulet)
Kata's Doom (D-Coins)
Kelplet Ring


Lambent Moonstone Ring (D-Amulet)
Lantern Ring
Layla's Ring (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Leather Ring
Lost Adventurer's Ring (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Lost Ring (D-Coins)
Lucky Charm (I-IV) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Lucky Ring
Lucrezia's Ring


Magnetite Ring (Alexander)
Malifact's DOOM
Mana Ring (Alexander)
Mazurek's Emerald Middle Ring
Mazurek's Emerald Pinky Ring
Mazurek's Emerald Pointer Ring (D-Amulet)
Mazurek's Emerald Ring
Mazurek's Emerald Thumb Ring (D-Amulet)
Mechanical Ring (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Megadeath-ly Hollow Ring (D-Coins)
Minx Ring (D-Amulet)
Molar Ring (D-Amulet)
Molten Flow Ring (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Monster Hunter Ring (I, II, III)
Moonstone Ring
Moonstone Ring of the Emperor


Nether Ring
Newbie Gone Ring
Newbie Ring (All Versions)
Nommer Horn (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)


O Ring
Obsidian Band (All Versions)
One Ring
Opal Ring of the Emperor
Orda Ring
Ornamented Seal Ring of the Papermancers (D-Amulet)
Overgrown Signet (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)


Pandora's Cube Ring (D-Amulet)
Phantom Band (D-Amulet)
Piave Ring
Pilgrim's Band (D-Coins)
Pineapple Ring (All Versions) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Pirate Bling
Plain Seal Ring
Pointy Ring
Powerlight Ring (D-Amulet)
Pretty Pretty Princess Ring
Prism Crystal Ring
Professional Boxing Ring (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Protection of Gorgok (D-Amulet/Rare)
Pure Volt Ring
Purple Rain(drop) (D-Amulet)




Reader's Band (Alexander/D-Amulet)
Reed Ring (Alexander)
Relic DeathKnight Circlet (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Renowned Explorer's Band (D-Amulet)
Ring of Acumen
Ring of Four Winds
Ring of Light (D-Amulet)
Ring of Otherworld (I, II, III) (D-Coins; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Ring of Recklessness
Ring of the Beam
Ring of the Desert Prince
Ring of the Earthmover (D-Amulet)
Ring of the Ember (D-Amulet)
Ring of the Four Winds (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Ring of the Grove
Ring of the Keep
Ring of the Kelpie
Ring of the Lords (D-Coins)
Ring Of The Netherworld
Ring of the Swashbuckler
Ring Of The Very Short Ice Mage (D-Amulet)
Ring of Thorns (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Ring of Winter's Rage (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Ring Worm
Rokpol Ring
Rose Brigadier Band
Rose Corporal Ring
Rose General's Ring (D-Amulet)
Rose Magus Focus (D-Amulet)
Rose Private Ring
Rose Sergeant Ring
Rose, The (D-Amulet)
Runed Seal Ring


Sandy Ring (D-Amulet)
Sapphire Ring of the Emperor
Scarab Shell (D-Amulet)
Seal of the Emperor (D-Amulet)
Seal Ring
Second Golden Ring (Seasonal)
Seer's Ring (I-IX) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Sergeant Major Maaike's Ring (D-Amulet)
Shadow Claw
Shadowed DeathKnight Circlet (I-IV)
Sharp Ring (D-Amulet)
Shield Ring (Beta, Omega)
Shining Bloodstone Ring
Shining Moonstone Ring (D-Amulet)
Shiny Ring
Shrieking Ring (D-Coins)
Slugwrath Signet Ring (I, II, III) (D-Coins; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Soulforged Ring (Blue) (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Soulforged Ring (Green) (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Soulforged Ring (Red) (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Sparkling Moonstone Ring
Spiked Ring (D-Amulet)
Star Ring
Starlight Ring
Starlit Band (I-VIII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Starry Ring
Strong Ring
Sylvan Loop (D-Amulet)


Tarnished Relic DeathKnight Circlet (D-Coins)
Team Ring, A (D-Coins)
Tentacle of the Dominion (I, II, III) (D-Coins)
Third Golden Ring (Seasonal)
Togslayer X's Seal
Tusk Ring
Twilight Eye (D-Amulet)
Two Door Rose Ring (D-Coins)


Unhallowed DeathKnight Circlet (I-IV) (D-Amulet)
UWE Championship Ring (I-V) (Seasonal; D-Amulet/Seasonal)


Venom Band
Vertebrae Ring
Vibrant Bloodstone Ring
Vibrant Moonstone Ring (D-Amulet)
Void Chitin Band (I-IV) (D-Coins)
Volcano's Heart (D-Amulet)


Westwind's Loop
William's Band
Wooden Ring
Wooden Triumph (D-Coins)




Yaga Bone Band (D-Amulet)


Zeclem's Band (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Zeclem's Relic Band (D-Coins)

< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/28/2025 23:28:06 >
DF AQW  Post #: 10
2/7/2017 0:28:10   

Occupies Trinket equip spot; cannot be equipped or unequipped during battle.


"Lucky" Wishbone (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)


Ace of Clubs (D-Amulet)
Ace of Diamonds (D-Amulet)
Ace of Hearts (D-Amulet)
Ace of Spades (D-Amulet)


Bacon Storm (D-Amulet)
Beacon of Hope (D-Amulet/Rare)
Blinded by Love (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Blue Box (I, II, III) (D-Amulet/Rare)
BOOM-Voice Brew (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
Booty Sniffer (All Versions) (D-Coins)
Bottled Wind (D-Amulet/Rare)
Bubble Charm (D-Amulet/D-Coins)


Carved Dragon Scale (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Chi Blast (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Chocobunny Storm (D-Amulet/Rare; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Corrupted Seven, The (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Crogen Amulet (D-Amulet)
Crystal Focus (D-Amulet/Rare)


Defender Cannon Mk. (I-IV) (D-Amulet/D-Medal)
DragonFable Friends (D-Coins/Rare/S-Offer)


Earthern Fortitude (D-Amulet/Rare)
Eggsalted Remnant (D-Coins)
Elemental Unity (D-Coins/S-Offer)
Elemental Unity Defender (I-XV) (D-Coins/D-Medal/S-Offer)
Embroidered Guard Tunic (D-Amulet)
Exalted Blaster (I, II) (Amalgam) (D-Amulet)
Exalted Blaster (I, II) (Destiny) (D-Amulet)
Exalted Blaster (I, II) (Doom) (D-Amulet)


Fireworks (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Five "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Five Found "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/Rare)
Found "Lucky" Wishbone (D-Amulet/Rare)
Four "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Four Found "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/Rare)
Fry's Coffee (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)


Guard Tunic (D-Amulet)


Honda's Legacy (EX) (D-Amulet)


Ice Gem (D-Amulet)
Ice Princess Tear (ArchKnight/D-Amulet)
Indecent Proposal (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Inert Mana Gem (All Versions) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Inert Summon Gem - Illumina EX (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Inert Summon Gem - Reaver EX (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Inert Summon Gem - Ricterild EX (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Inert Summon Gem - Roktoru EX (D-Amulet/D-Coins)






Leather Gauntlets (D-Amulet)
Leather Gloves (D-Amulet)
Leather Power Fists (D-Amulet)
Lightning Circuit (D-Amulet/Rare)
Lights of the Storm (Trinket) (D-Coins/D-Medal/Seasonal)
LimeWorks! (D-Amulet)
Loaded Dice (D-Amulet)


Man's Best Friend (D-Amulet)
Medewwsa's Head (D-Amulet)
Mirror Eye Trinket (D-Amulet)
Moonridge Assist (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)


Not-So-Tiny Bubbles (D-Amulet)


Ooo R U? (D-Amulet)
Overclocked Millisecond Hand (D-Amulet/Rare)


Pillar of Light (D-Amulet/Rare)
Pirate's Booty (D-Amulet)
Pirate's Curse (D-Amulet)
Power of the Avatars (D-Amulet/Rare)




Radiant Shimmer (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Seasonal)
Runestone (All Versions) (D-Amulet)


Sanctuary's Promise (I-VII) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Seven "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Seven Found "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/Rare)
Shapeless Idol (I-V) (Normal; D-Amulet; D-Coins)
Shattered Summon Gem - Ayauhnqui (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Six "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Six Found "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/Rare)
Skull Crusher Blaster (D-Amulet)
Sniper Sight (D-Amulet)
Soul Purifier (D-Amulet)
Spiked Leather Gauntlet (D-Amulet)
Summon Destiny Dragon (D-Amulet/Seasonal)
Summon Gem - Ayauhnqui EX (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Summon Gem - Illumina (EX) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Summon Gem - Intaym EX (D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Summon Gem - Reaver (EX) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Summon Gem - Ricterild (EX) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Summon Gem - Roktoru (EX) (D-Amulet; D-Amulet/D-Coins)
Summon Young Destiny Dragon (D-Coins/Seasonal)


Three "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Three Found "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/Rare)
Time's Pursuit (D-Coins)
Two "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)
Two Found "Lucky" Wishbones (D-Amulet/Rare)


Uaanta's Blaster (I-IV) (Amalgam) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Uaanta's Blaster (I-IV) (Charging) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Uaanta's Blaster (I-IV) (Destiny) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Uaanta's Blaster (I-IV) (Doom) (Normal; D-Amulet)
Uaanta's Blaster (I-IV) (Uncharged) (Normal; D-Amulet)


Vaal's Ego (D-Coins)


Wandering Mogbot (Trinket) (D-Coins)
Warped Summon Gem - Intaym (D-Amulet/D-Coins)




You Are Here (D-Amulet/Rare; D-Amulet/D-Coins/Rare)



< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 12/20/2024 14:36:57 >
DF AQW  Post #: 11
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