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=HS= Character Discussion Thread

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5/25/2012 10:52:46   
Quantum Mod

Note from the Head Moderator of the HSGD:

Based on issues from the previous thread there is a very powerful statement in the rules that I would like everyone to be reminded of:

Final Notice:The forums are made up of a very diverse cross-section of the global community. Accordingly, we ask you to remember that not everyone speaks English as a primary language; that not everyone has the same education; that not everyone is of the same race, ethnicity or religion. Treat each other with kindness, respect and tolerance. This is not a request.

This is for the enjoyment of everyone and to make sure we have a productive and encouraging community. Any and all rule breaking posts will be deleted and handled especially ones which are egregiously offensive and make the forums lose their family friendly perspective. Treat one another with respect and keep the stories and posts towards one another family friendly otherwise I will be forced to reverse my decision about having this thread if we can't handle it. ~Omni

HeroSmash Character Discussion!

What character are you? Whose outfit is the best? Who has the prettiest shoes? What experience as a character have you liked best so far?

Discuss all things related to the characters in Hero Smash!

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If you don't know who I am, I am the Head Moderator of Legends and Lore, the Creative Writing corner of the AE Forums. It has been requested for me to offer to you the same courtesies that I have extended to AQ and DF. Within our collaborations and AE Fanfiction sub-forums, we have numerous accounts of ingame storylines going on by players like you.

So, I have joyfully started you off with this:

In the Beginning... This is a story thread specifically for you to tell the world about the beginnings of your character.

=HS= In the Beginning... discussion This is where you can talk about the stories that people place within L&L.

As with AQ and DF, anytime HS has a major event or war, we will have a story thread set aside just for you. If you have a storyline about your character that is much more than his or her origins, we encourage you to create a story thread in AE Fanfiction and then a commentary thread in Works Discussion

~Eukara Vox

If you wanna discuss or have some urgent questions or you just wanna chill, come and join us in the #HeroSmash IRC channel ^^ we'd be grateful to have you guys there. From there you could also join the official AE game channels like #yulgarsinn, #battleon, #epicduel etc. Here is a guide if you don't know how to get on IRC. See ya guys there ^^. />d4

< Message edited by Omni -- 5/25/2012 10:54:19 >
Post #: 1
5/25/2012 10:58:38   

But hey, at least I'm back! Right?


"Allo comrade, why don't you give me a click on the ol' noggin and enjoy a nice little tale of action and sorrow and comedy? Cheerio!"
Post #: 2
5/25/2012 11:04:54   

Welcome back Goldstien! It may be interesting to note that before the last thread's deletion, The Dealer had announced a unlimited, cherap and clean energy source he's been working on. This will of course in no way backfire whatsoever with people stealing it, and has LOTS of failsafes, like the energy being utterly harmless.
DF  Post #: 3
5/25/2012 11:15:31   

And how would one go about making energy harmless? Everything can be harmful, Mr. Dealer.

Also, how's The Brotherhood of Order coming along? Or the Death Games?
Post #: 4
5/25/2012 11:18:20   

Oh, I'm sure you can MAKE it harmfull if you try. It just isn't in it's natural or powered state, so you don't have to worry about the world being exploded accidently.
DF  Post #: 5
5/25/2012 11:50:48   

Welp, seems we lost the virtual RP.

Ah well. Idc. It was over, and we were in need of a new topic to post on, anyway. I suppose this thread sortof facilitates a new begining for the RP's subject.

That being said, welcome, herr Doctor. ;) Eclipse has returned to us as well, after a long period of being controled by Lunarox, the moon spirit that had a large part in the development of his cosmic powers, if he was not the genesis of them.

You still never fully explained that energy source, after I stated its limitations and the limitations inherant to the power system/grid that make it less useful than one might think. Also, it would be bad for business if one, say, could produce all the electrical needs of the continental U.S. There must be a certain wattage that it can put out (in a fixed period of time, that is) to make it not have negative effects on the situation, one way or another. Technically speaking, however, it could still be considered an infinite energy source, as that only requires it to be able to keep producing with little to no imput.

I explained that much better the first time... *sigh* I just got up. So sue me. lol

The Brotherhood of Order has stalled, presumably because of a combination of RL events and distraction by other things, as there has been a lack of commentary on the latest chapter, and a lack of new chapters thereafter. The Death Games has apparently been on hiatus for quite some time, now. I'd imagine the viewers and (nonexistant) shareholders (not because they are fictional, but because it is a private company [XD]) are quite annoyed by now (though I assume that it's been effectively "frozen in time").
DF  Post #: 6
5/25/2012 12:12:54   

About the wattage, I'm no electric expert in Real Life but I would assume that the energy that can be got out of it would depend on the stuff used to gett he wattage out of it. I design the buildings too and I COULD power the whole continent.

Also, I know you like explaining stuff Drakoniss and I appreciate it and all, but do we really need to go into all the details about how stuff like Godslaying armours and unlimited power? It falls apart in a world where superheroes beat up superillains with only a slight explanation for either.
DF  Post #: 7
5/25/2012 12:52:53   

I agree with Mr. Dealer. Sometimes some Applied Phlebotium here and there is ok. I don't think anyone didn't like The Avengers because the idea that Capt. America could survive in frozen ice for up to seventy years is implausible. Because there's some other pretty wacky stuff going on.
Post #: 8
5/25/2012 13:24:57   

Meh. I'm just curious as to exactly how much power it can put out at once. If it offers supposedly infinite energy, there would have to be either means of regulating it, either because there can only be so much put out at once, or it is a source that would naturally put out vast ammounts of energy or be capable of doing so (assuming in that case you/those who work for you had just discovered a way of tapping the potential of it).

Of course, if it is something that would naturally would be capable of doing that, as possited in the last part of my statement above, you are correct in saying that it entirely depends on what you use/how you get the energy out of it. If you limited something that was constantly putting out energy, either alot of energy would be lost, or you'd have to create a secondary power extraction system to store it for later useage, otherwise the energy would be lost, just like energy is lost in an explosion between the time it begins and the time the effects of it (such as blast waves and heat) hit the target. An example of using multiple ways to extract energy would be if something produces raw electricity, but also puts out alot of heat (say, a lightning bolt). You could use copper wiring or whatever method of conduction you would want to use to bring the electricity into proper use, but you could also surround it by water (either seperated by something like a metal plate, or not) to run a steam turbine and get even more power out of it.

In real life, people try to make use of all of the energy output capabilities (while maintaining safety and control, of course) of something at once, to constantly be able to put out energy, but if it were something like an ancient artifact that draws energy from another dimension, I suppose you could have it reasonably said that, yes, you could have it entirely dependent on what you use to translate that into an electrical energy source. It's just that in most reactions you either have to have the energy directly transfered into a power suply, or you'll lose it. This is why I was wondering just how much wattage your setup could put out at once/in a certain period of time (usually, it would be measured in hours, thus the term "watt-hour"), as theoretically you would think that an infinite energy source could either only put out so much at once, or would have inate dangers due to the fact that if you put out too much power in a limited period of time it could cause the infrastructure that transfers the electrical power to be damaged, causing electrical damage to other things or even mass blackouts.

There are theoretical infinite energy sources already, irl, such as magnetism (should we take advantage of the inate energy transference properties of its use and phenomina), but because of the way electricity is produced by them, they are inately limited (you generally do not actually produce electricity naturally/automatically in the power industry, but transfer it in the form of mechanical energy, generally in the form of torque, through a generator, and then make electricity as a result and/or byproduct; yes, you lose some of the energy in the process, but it is required in order to make it useable [also, you can only get magnets that are so strong, and if they are strong magnets that are large they would be difficult to get into place to make use of because of magnetism's effects on things that would transport them, among other concerns; electromagnets would also require you to put some power in in order to get the output going, which could cause difficulties with seting up a proper apperatus to produce more energy, and may actually not be viable to cause an increase in power levels, though they also could and it would either require more research or for testing that may already have been done on the subject to be brought into the realm of common knowledge; hard to say; If electromagnets were a viable option, it could make things simpler, possibly, though]).

Sorry about all the technical explanation after what you said. I just want to know the capabilities of this source of power, both because of the part it could play in our fictional version of the country's economy/status overall, and out of genuine curiousity as to how you actually get it to work and what it's able to do, overall. It's more the parameters of its effectivity than the process of how it works that I'm interested in (though I'd like to know that too), because it could be of importance to things in the RP.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 5/25/2012 13:27:04 >
DF  Post #: 9
5/25/2012 13:38:49   

Well, in this case it would depend on the effetivness of the equipment used to harness or store it's power. Now, becasue I designed it I designed a means of getting the most out of it at the same time, so the amout of power you could get if I designed the storage and gathering would be like nothing ever seen before. Which by the way is where I'll make the metaphorical killing. If someone was to steal it the power would be limited by their knowledge on such matters. You would need some kind of specialist to get enough juice out of it to more then power a hampster wheel, another design patent to prevent misuse.


Between you and me, I'm also working on a miniturised version for my new OMMI armour, so called because in theroy it could take on almost any combat situation. Of course, that's just MY little toy I must add. Hell, I feel in design at least it's confident enough to go a round agianst youself. Care to test it when I build it? I could use someone to whale on it and criticise what's wrong.
DF  Post #: 10
5/25/2012 13:48:27   

an unlimited energy generator huh...

pity you didnt make that before i planned the purge. it could come in very useful...

oh yeah, who did you sell that crystal to?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
5/25/2012 13:50:00   

Sure, perhaps I could take you up on that spoilerific offer. I enjoy a good challenge... Don't usually have to fight as seriouly as I'd imagine I'd have to for that one.

I must of course warn you, however, there are few things that would *need* that kind of power, and you'd probably have to design a system to be able to safely harness it (perhaps specially geared towards the specific situation at hand at the time), so that it may be of use in whatever superweapon or spectacular defence array it's designed to be able to power. I warn of course for legal reasons, and potential law suits.
DF  Post #: 12
5/25/2012 13:55:57   

But of course. I do not intend to sell it for superweapon purposes however. My actions here are purely philanthropic and for the uses of solving energy crisies and whatnot.
DF  Post #: 13
5/25/2012 14:48:11   

As you once said, though, words are a tricky thing. You may not initially intend to do so, but that does not mean that you'd be apposed to doing as much, if the opportunity came to make a good enough profit from it. Also, selling is not the only way to do such business, but I digress...

As for the energy crises, as I said, it would require quite a bit of work aside from just supplying the energy source itself. Things would need to be upgraded. Buildings for proper distribution made or modified. Ect.
DF  Post #: 14
5/25/2012 15:52:14   

You know, if The dealer was feeling really lazy, or alternativly wanted to do it with morew style then a speech, he could just sing this to take over the world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNTWA0GAfkM

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 5/25/2012 15:53:09 >
DF  Post #: 15
5/25/2012 16:04:51   

Well, I'm lost.

And so is Corona.

Good day then.
DF MQ  Post #: 16
5/25/2012 16:08:01   

How are you lost? New thread, new events.
DF  Post #: 17
5/25/2012 16:43:35   

Ok then. So whatever happened with this Void crisis?
DF MQ  Post #: 18
5/25/2012 16:45:38   

The previous thread was deleted? Guess a piece of Lunarox's history was lost with it.

Nice to have you back btw.

DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
5/25/2012 16:55:40   
Clown the Jester

Ah...but it will like on Eclipse.

Heh heh heh....that was fun.
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
5/25/2012 19:19:01   


The previous thread was deleted?

Wait, what?
What happened?

Who did Clown kill THIS time? -.-

~Lady Zafara


Check out my 3D anime art!
Check out my deviantart to follow me!
AQW  Post #: 21
5/25/2012 19:22:03   
Doom Desirer

@Arachnid: It started when I just realized that the mods had deleted all of Delta's stories. I have a feeling the mods thought we were sort of bashing against their course of action because we thought it was too unfair. So the thread went down the drain. Now lets not linger on that topic any longer.
Post #: 22
5/25/2012 19:22:39   

If I remember correctly Clown got beat...even though Lunarox was the main villain.

Then something happened while I was asleep, bad things apparently.
DF MQ  Post #: 23
5/25/2012 19:36:45   


@Arachnid: It started when I just realized that the mods had deleted all of Delta's stories. I have a feeling the mods thought we were sort of bashing against their course of action because we thought it was too unfair.


Now lets not linger on that topic any longer.

I agree. I could have just BLASTED that topic to bits in rage.
I hope Delta's okay :s


Two weeks before summer vacation O.O

~Lady Zafara

< Message edited by Arachnid -- 5/25/2012 19:37:08 >
AQW  Post #: 24
5/25/2012 19:43:16   

He left for good.
DF MQ  Post #: 25
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