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=DF= Friday the 13th - Wrath of Wargoth War Stories and Poetry

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7/14/2012 0:16:08   
Rune Knight

Have an interesting tale to tell about Wargoth and his minions, or poetry to contribute toward the war effort? Post it here!
Please remember that the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules and the Rules for Collaborations are in effect here.

1) Only one post is allowed per person. If you have an ongoing story or multiple L&L contributions, please edit them into your post.

2) Please reserve all commentary for the =DF= Friday the 13th - War Stories and Poetry Discussion Thread.

Maddened and Cackling
(July Friday the 13th: Wrath of Wargoth)

That familiar tingle in the air
Causes time to stand still as I recall
Rifts rending the sky with a piercing glare.
The weight in my chest seems to sink, then fall
As I hear the dreaded, telltale rumble.
His demons, maddened and cackling, drown
The land in flames and coax to crumble
My life the way I knew it, with my town.
Liquid silver runs down my cheek as I
Observe the sad, hollow shell of my life.
But I stand tall, lift my gaze to the sky,
And draw strength from sorrow, anger, and strife.
Tonight, it is those monsters that are burned,
Writhing in pain 'til my world is returned.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
7/14/2012 1:09:55   
Derith Raxonus

The cryomancer and the pyromancer.

Part One: Fire and Ice.

Talos was in the forest, waiting for some kind of movement. He heard a ruffle in the bushes to the southern side. He grinned as he crept over to investigate. Four possessed atealens were what he found. One of them was a riftwalker, one a cryptic, one an acendant and another seemed to be unlike any kind of atealen fighter. This one had guantlets strapped to her arms, with long whips of fire coming out of them. The gauntlets reminded him of his own. This shouldn't be to hard, and once he took them out, he would add four more fighters to their side. That was if they didn't teleport away at the last second. Talos grinned as he let his wrist blades slide out from his guantlets, then rushed towards the rift walker. The acendant saw him first, and sent orange lightning from her staff at Talos, sending him to the ground hit a large thud. The riftwalker ran towards Talos, jumped into the air, and was about to drive his blade into Talos's chest. He missed, and landed right next to him. Talos jumped up and striked the riftwalker, sending him sprawling. Then the cryptic used its telepathic powers to send his daggers towards Talos, who froze them and turned them into pure ice, that shattered in an instant. Then Talos aimed his wrist blades, and they shot out of his gauntlet, attached to it by a strong thick rope. They went towards the cryptic and ,seemingly with a mind of its own, slashed at the cryptic, knocking him to the ground. He aimed the other gauntlet at the acendant, which sent her to the ground as well. Then he aimed both guantlets at the fourth and last possessed atealen.
"You've been very quiet this fight haven't you?" Talos taunted as he fired his guantlets at her. Before the blades even reached her, she used one of her firey whips and slashed at the thick ropes that connected the blades to the guantlet. Then she used the other whip, which slashed at Talos's face. Then there was darkness

Talos awoke back at the professors cave, which the heroes were using as a temporary war camp. The professor hadn't been very pleased with all these extra people in his home, and had gone to the very deepest cavern in order to have some peace and quiet. Xan was currently in another deep cavern, where a guard shift of 5 heroes kept watch, in order to keep the insane pyromancer under control. Talos recognised the place he was at as the hospital wing of the cavern. He saw twilly out of the corner of his eye.
"Good as new!" Twilly anounced cheerfully to another figure. He wore a white trench-coat, with a silver and gold guantlet on his left hand and a silver longsword strapped to his back.
"Morning sleeping beauty," the man joked, "At least you managed to get one person alive. Too bad if Wargoth gets his hands on her again all your hard work wont count for zip."
"Wh-who are you?" Talos asked, still weak from his defeat.
"My name is Derith Raxonus, the tenth arcanist and defender of Falconreach," Derith answered.
"Did... I lose?"
"Badly. Your face was really scorched, and if somebody hadn't found you, that pyromancer would've ended you."
"How's my face now?"
"Well, Twilly did just say you're a good as new. Luckily she didn't roast your ice elf ears off, Twilly can't reattach stuff very well."
"Wheres that pyromancer right now?! Did she get away?"
"No. She's right here," said a voice that belonged to a young Atealen woman, with guantlets strapped to her wrists, "And before you even try to attack me, remember that we're on the same side now that Wargoth doesn't have a grip on me."
"Besides, you two can fight after the mission," Derith explained, "Kain will tell you about it tommorow, try to get some rest for now."
Talos and the pyromancer walked out of the hospital wing and went towards the barracks.
"So, what's your name?" Talos asked.

Part 2: Dreams.

Talos was twisting and turning as he tried to get some rest. After 4 hours of being unable to rest he decided to give up. He got up, avoiding stepping on anything, and made his way towards the armory. He reattached his guantlets, and chacked to see if the new blades were working, as the old ones had been burnt up by a very rude pyromancer. Talos walked out the entrance and decided to head to one of the outposts. He arrived at the large tree in the forest were the outpost was located. He callled out for the captain, and tsomebody rolled down a rope ladder. Talos climbed it and arrived in a fairly large treehouse, that had many rope bridges leading to other parts of the outpost. He walked over a couple of and arrived at the biggest tree house, a magnifiecent looking three storey one. As he walked inside who couldn't see anybody in the usually crowded building. In fact, Talos realised that he hadn't seen a single person on his way here. That's when he realised what was going on. He turned around and attempted to open the door again, which was now barred from the other side. Then, three possessed Atealans came down from the stairs and he recognised them as the three he had tried to ambush earlier.
"Think you could attack us?" The acendant questioned.
"Did you think you could stop Wargoth?" The cryptic asked.
"You couldn't stop a snail," The riftwalker taunted. They were about to attack when Talos sent his blades out of guantlets, and let their ropes twirl around the three Atealans. Then they trapped them, and before they could teleport away, Talos used his ice magic to encase the three in ice. Talos let out a sigh of releif, and went to head back home, that way they could come back and have some people transport them back to a cell. But ehen he opened the door, a swarm of imps came rushing in, and started attacking Talos.

Pyris was having a strange dream. She was back home, on Somorah, back in the days of Wargoths rule, when his son was still there. They were at one of the cliffs, where Pyris was talking with Wargoths son.
"You want to fight back, don't you?" Pyris asked.
"Yes, but i'm only one infernal. It'll take a lot more than one person to defy him," the prince said.
"Then let me help. Let the other enslaved Atealans help. We can stop him together!"
"No. I can't put anymore people at risk. This is my fight."
"A fight you're going to lose if you don't accept the fact that you can't win alone."
"...I can teach you to fight. To use infernal fire magic."
"I'll take anything i can get. I want to help you."
"The issue is... it'll have an affect on your age. You'll have a much longer life-span then most Atealans."
"Can i use it to help stop Wargoth?"
"Yes. Yes it will."
"Teach me then." After that, things got fuzzy. She couldn't really understand what was going on, until she saw something. It was that Talos guy. He was being attacked. There were fires everywhere. Then she saw where he was. She got up, put on her armour and ran out towards the outpost.

Talos was running. He had managed to get away from the imps, and was now running across the bridge towards the exit. He was halfway across the bridge when he saw two Kilhohs at the end of the it. One of them let fire erupt from its fists, and started to burn the bridge with them. Talos attempted to run back the other way, but he was too late. He was falling, then he hit the ground hard. When he got up, he was surrounded by ashen squires. He tried to get his bldes out, but the extreme heat had fused the blade with the guantlet. Talos was going to have to rely on his ice magic to get him through this. Three of the Ashen squires began to advance. He shot a ball of ice at the first one, froze the second one and tackled the third one to the ground. He thought that would've scared the rest of them off, but they were stil there. In fact, they were rushing at him. Talos shut his eyes and waited for the worst. But nothing came, so he opened his eyes. There, he saw twitching bodies of ashen squires scattered on the ground, with Pyris standing in the centre of them, panting.
"Did, did you just save me?" Talos asked in disbeleif.
"First i beat you, then i save you. Weird huh?" Pyris joked.
"Okay, let's go back to camp. And if you tell anybody that you saved my life, i swear I'll push you back into a portal myself."

Part 3: Travel.
Talos and Pyris mounted their horses and went far east, in an attempt to make their way around the hordes of infernals. The memory of Kain giving them their mission was still fresh in their heads.
"You're to head to the northern coast, where a group of Dynamancers are fighting against the infernals. They're losing ground and need help. You're job is to provide assistance and try to make an alliance with them. We could use their help." They were about 5 hours into their journey when they came across a small village. Well, what was left of a small village. The ground was covered in ash, and a few small embers still lingered around the area. There were only a few buildings left standing, and most were close to collapsing.
"There would've been about 30 people living here," Talos said to himself.
"They're all dead now," Pyris added grimly.
"Maybe not, there still might be some survivors."
"There isn't going to be anybody here. Wargoth wouldn't leave a single person alive unless he wanted to add slaves to his army."
"Then there's a chance that they're still alive."
"There really isn't much of a life being one of Wargoths puppets. It's like being in a nightmare, seeing yourself do horrid things but not being able to stop yourself. It's worse than death."
"... C'mon we have to keep moving. If we linger too long, then we'll wind up like the people who lived here." They mounted there horses and rode off further east.

Pyris couldn't help but wander off once they had set up camp for the night. She had made sure that she had done it while Talos was alseep, just in case he wanted her to stay. But Pyris didn't want to stay. Something was calling her, and she couldn't help but investigate. The call took her deep into the forest. It was quite serene at night, nothing like the ones on Somarah. Not much could grow on a world without a sun. She made her way into a large clearing. That's when she saw it. Saw him. Wargoth was there, laughing at her. Pyris walked up to him, then slashed at him. It went straight through. Like an illusion. It was so strange. Who was making it? She couldn't see anybody or hear anything in the forest. Then she saw something. A flurry of imps ran at her. More, rather through her. They went after another illusion, who looked like a Pyrises family. Then she saw a little girl, who had the same scar under her left eye, just like Pyris. She realised this wasn't an illusion. This was her past. All those horrid memories came looding back into her mind. So much pain. She tried to look away from her family, knowing what would come next. But everywhere she looked, the memory followed her. The family, they were conrnered, with imps everywhere. Then Wargoth came. He let fire come from his fists, and striked the family down. Yet one of them survived. Little Pyris, the girl who Wargoth couldn't kill. He took her to his infernal palace, did whatever he could to kill her. And although she wouldn't die, she still felt the pain of every flame, every strike. After a while Warogth just left her to rot in the dungeons. Then the memories started to fuzz away. She felt a cool and calm feeling go through her. She was in the forest, no longer in her memories. Talos had his hand on her shoulder, and helped her up.
"Pyris, are you alright?" Talos asked
"Yes. I'm a-alright," Pyris answered as they went back to the camp.

Talos couldn't help but think how serene the veiw was from up here. The two were standing on a hill, overlooking the peaceful valley in which the Dynamancers living here called home.
"Seems like a strange place for a Dynamancer to call home," Pyris commented.
"Who wouldn't want to live here?" Talos said.
"Well, you would've thought that they would've lived on a mountain surounded by thunder clouds, with loads of lightning shooting out everywhere."
"Think about it. The majority of Dynamancers have metal staves. So do you think it'd be smart to be carrying around a metal stick on a high mountain which is surrounded by lightning clouds?"
"...Good point," Pyris said as she started making her way down the mountain, "You coming?"
Talos sighed then followed her down. As they made their way to the small towin the valley, they were approached by a man in yellow robes (Talos could've sworn that there were small electric currents runnning across them), with peice of light shining armour on him. He was gripping a long metal staff, with a glowing gem on the end of it.
"You two are what Kain sent?" The dynamancer asked.
"Yes," Talos answered. The dynamancer let out a sigh started muttering things under his breath. Talos could make out the words "two people" and "an atealen fighting atealens".
"Well you two are all we've got. Are you both ready for a fight?" The dynamancer asked.
"Yeah. Why?" Pyris questioned.
"Because we're under attack right now."

Part 4: War.
Talos ran alongside Pyris and the dynamancer weaving in and out of the small huts, heading in the direction of a great thick forest, that had a huge plume of smoke rising from behind it. As Talos ran, who saw the mothers and elders gathering the children and attempting to get them indoors. He figured that they only just got told that they were in the middle of a war, due to the startled looks on the kids faces. One little boy was just sitting in a corner, bawling his eyes out, as his mother tried to reassure him that his father would be back. Talos had been in a position like this as a child, and couldn't help but feel empathy for the little kid.
"Will you hurry up?" the dynamncer yelled at Talos, who had abruptly slown down without even ralising it.
"Sorry!" Talos yelled back. He couldn't let himself get distracted like that again. Not while he was in the middle of a fight. He eventually caught back up to Pyris and the dynamancer, who were standing at the outskirts of the forest.
"You ready to crack some skulls?" Pyris asked with an eager look on her face.
"I thought you'd rather avoid killing your own kind," Talos replied.
"This is war. We can't always take prisoners," the dynamancer said.
"This isn't a war. This is going to be a slaughter," Pyris commented as she walked into the forest, followed by the Dynamancer.
"Yeah," Talos muttered under his breath, "But which side is getting slaughtered?"

Talos walked in after them, and wound up running into a group of Kilhohs.
"Just my luck..." Talos muttered to himself, as he let his blades shoot out of his guantlets. He slashed at them, turning them into ashes in a single swipe. He ran off in the direction he was originally going in, and wound up walking for what seemed like hours. Eventually, he came across a pile of ashes, which Talos recognised as what was left of the Kilhohs he destroyed earlier. He knew he'd have to get a better veiw of the area, so he walked up to the biggest tree near him, and started scaling it, using his arm blades to make foot holds as he made his way up. When he was about halfway up, he saw a huge explosion, right where he was a few minutes ago. As the dust began to settle, Talos could make out a figure. No... a huge figure. When there was no dust left to shroud the figure, he saw a huge Ashen knight, one that was massive in comparison to the other ashen knights. Which was saying something, because those things were HUGE! The giant behemoth of an ashen squire ploughed his way through trees, until he was face to face with Talos, who was still scaling the tree.
"Wheeere issssss the giiiiirl?" It questioned, with a voice that resembled hissing steam.
"Who?" Talos asked, not sure what it meant.
"The pyromancccccer. The Pyrissssssssssss," It clarrified.
"Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. I'd love to tell you, but frankly, you're on the side that we're trying to kill," Talos replied with a smirk. He leaped from the tree, onto the giant things head, and stabbed it in where Talos thoguht the brain would be. Sadly, it did nothing.
"We will not be desssssstroyed. We are invinccccccccible," It boasted. A second stab in the head silenced it, and a third sent it falling to the ground. Talos stood over the corpse, proud that he had just took one of these things down. But what did he mean when he said 'We' were invincible he thought. The questioned was answered as Nine equally enourmous Ashen knights came from behind him.
"You will cccceassssse to attack ussssss. You will sssssssurender," They hissed in unison. Talos was thinking about making a witty remark, but then decided to simply run. He sprinted off knowing that it would take time for the knights to catch up. But he would grow tired, while they didn't. His only hope was to find the dynamncers or Pyris, and take the knights down with their help. Then he saw something; a flash of lightning. Talos ran towards it, expecting to find an army of Dynamancers, ready for a fight. That wasn't what he found. What he found was what probably used to be a war camp, burnt down. Instead of battle-ready Dynamancers, he found ashes of what were probably what was left of them. And in the centre, Pyris, whose entire body was shaking, her hands stained with something crimon-red...

Chapter 5: Battle on.
Talos slowly crept his way to Pyris, not sure if she knew he was here. But she did. He was about a meter away when she got up and turned to face him.
"Talos... get... out of... here," she stuttered, as if she was in extreme pain, even though Talos couldn't see a scratch on her.
"Pyris... what did you do?" Talos questioned, still cautious.
"He's here... Wargoth's here... he's after him... he's after the professor..." Pyris managed to say as she struggled to stay up.
"I know. That's why we're slowing down his troops. Now I'm going to ask again: What did you do?"
"No. He isn't... sending anymore... troops. He's after the... professor himself..."
"That doesn't matter! Answer me! What. Did. You. Do?"
"I didn't... do anything. He did. He... he found a way... back into my head..."
"...Okay. But i need you to push him back out. I need your help. These huge ashen kn-"
"DON'T YOU GET IT?!?" Pyris shouted at him, fire erupting from behind her, "I CAN'T STOP HIM! NOBODY CAN! HE'S GOING TO GET WHAT HE WANTS AND WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!"
"Pyris, calm down. Just try to be calm. Take in deep breaths an-"
"DO YOU THINK TAKING DEEP BREATHS WOULD HELP ME YOU IDIOT!?!?!!" She shouted as she rushed towards him and grabbed him by the throat, "DO YOU THINK ANYTHING YOU CAN DO IS GOING TO STOP HIM FROM TAKING ME OVER?!?" Talos realised that she was being taken over right now, and could imagine Wargoth standing over her, controlling her like a puppet.
"Or maybe you just don't understand what I'm being put through right now?" Pyris said with a crazed look in her eye, "Maybe you have no idea what it feels like when he's in your mind. I'll show you." Then a whip of flame erupted for her hand, and it began to move towards Talos. Then it slowly started slithering up like a snake, leaving a scarring burn on every peice of Talos' skin as it went.
"When he's in your mind, it's like having a fire covering your body," Pyris went on, as the snake-like flame started to wrap around Talos' neck, "Like having every single bit of you burnt to shreds. Like having your self ripped out, and replaced with something dark, evil, terrifying."
"Pyris..." Talos managed to say as the flame started suffocating and burning through his neck at the same time.
"What?" Pyris questioned, eyeing him with a deranged look.
"I'm sorry." Then Talos fought out of the flame, grabbed Pyris, and slowly began to encase her with ice.
"Stop!" She screamed as she attempted to struggle out.
"You have to fight him! Get him out of your head!" Talos yelled at her, as the ice began to encase her head, "This is going to stop you from hurting anyone else." Then she was covered in ice, frozen solid. Talos sighed at her frozen expression and turned towards the nine massive Ashen knights that had managed to catch up to him.
"You are finisssssshhhhhed," One of them said.
"We sshhhhall take the Pyrissssssss back to our masssssssster," another continued.
"And we ssssssshall leave you to burn with he resssssst of your human kind" one said.
"For Wargoth!" one shouted.
"FOR WARGOTH!" the other eight repeated.
"You guys have so got to die," Talos said.

Pyris' body was trapped now, just like mind. It was in chains, in aginy, and was screaming for mercy from Wargoth. But he showed none. He simply laughed.
"HaHa!" Wargoth laughed at her, "Now you're friend is going to be killed by my Ashen knights!" Pyris couldn't bear it. The weight and strain on her mind was so much, she felt as thought this was it. That Wargoth was going to leave her as nothing more than a broken body; a puppet, ready to do what it's master commanded. But she wasn't giving up, for one reason; she had defied Wargoth once. She knew she could do it again.
"It's amazing, isn't it? How you're mind can cope with so much strain, just like your body. You never did die, no matter how much you were tortured, did you? But I'm stronger. I'm more powerful. You are nothing but an ant in comparison to me. An ant that eeds to be killed," Wargoth went on.
You could never kill me. You still can't. Even when you captured me, you still couldn't end me. her mind said.
"So? I'll make life so horrible for you that you will wish I could kill me," Wargoth boasted.
Don't you get it? There's one reason you can't kill me; I'm stronger.
"What? You are barely equal to me! You think you are stronger then me?"
Yes. I know it. You can't kill me. But anybody can kill you. They just need to know your secret.
"I have no secret! I have no weakness! You are the weak one. All of you Atealens are weak! I could destroy everything if I felt like it!"
Then why don't you? If you're so amazingly strong, why not? What's stopping you?
"You just convinced me to wipe out this world. I hope you're pleased." Then Wargoth let his attention slip for a split second as he attempted to begin annihilating existence. That split second was all that Pyris needed. Her mind broke free of the chains, and lashed out at Wargoth, who was too shocked that she was free to do anything. Then she was back in her body, still frozen. But she was free. She let her fires melt through the ice. Then it cracked.
She was free. Mind and Body.
"What the heck have you been doing???" Talos yelled at her.

"Now!" Talos yelled as Pris leaped onto the head of the ashen knight. Talos then shot an intense beam of freezing cold ice at the knights legs. Then Pyris let fire erupt from her hands onto the ashen knights head, buring it to a crisp. Talos moved out of the way as the body fell to the ground, and made a deafening thud.
"Another down. How many does that make?" Pyris asked.
"Two," Talos answered with a sigh. They had took too long to bring this one down, and they needed to find the other ones before they made it to the village. If they arrived there, it would be a massacre. Suddenly, they heard an explosion and ran to where the noise came from, hoping to find an ashen knight. They found all remainding eight ashen knights, but they had reached the village, and had already began to destroy it.
"Get away from them!" Pyris shouted and fired a stream of white flame at the knights, who were sent sprawling away.
"How are we supposed to kill them and make sure they don't kill anyone?" Talos asked himself in frustration, "There are only two of us!" Then an ear splitting explosion happened behind them. They turned around and saw a man standing where the explosion had happened. He had a long silver sword strapped to his back, a guantlet on his left arm, and was wearing a white trenchcoat. He had white hair and gold irsises. He unsheathed his blade and looked towards Talos and Pyris.
"Actually, more than two," said Derith Raxonus, a man Talos instantly recognised.
"Okay, so now we have three. Against eight. That happen to be giant," Pyris said annoyed.
"First of all, size doesn't count for anything. Second, who said i was the only one here to help?" Derith smirked, as a large group of Dynamancers appeared behind him.
"But, i thought Pyris..." Talos was saying until one the dynamancers explained what had happened.
"She barely managed to do anything. There were only two people at that camp, and all of them made it out," the Dynamancer explained.
"But what was on her hands then?" Talos questioned.
"I didn't kill anybody Talos," Pyris answered, "But I might've hurt somebody."
"It wasn't you doing it though," Derith assured her, "It was him."
"Well this is all great," one of the dynamancers butted in, "but we're in the middle of a fight!"
"He's right. Lets blow something up," Derith grinned as he teleported onto the back of the nearest ashen knight, and sliced its head off.
"You ready?" Talos asked Pyris.
"Definitely." Then the two went for one of the knights. It slashed at them, but Pyris rolled to the right, and Talos to the left. Moving as if they were connected, they both shot tiwn blasts of fire and ice, both scorching, and freezing the knight, leaving it dazed. Pyris ran towards it, and Talos launched her into the air with a column of ice. She let flames burst from her body, and crashed into the knight chest, and then through it, leaving a massive gaping hole in it. Then it fell.
"So that's six lef..." Talos was saying until he saw some dynamancers strike one of the knights with a massive bolt of lightning, "Okay five lef...," he then saw Derith send an intense beam of darkness into an ashen knights head, leaving a decapitated body, "Fine the four lef..." he was saying when he realised Pyris had ran off and was absolutely destroying one of the ashen knights. Talos rushed after her, but when he got to her, all that was left of it was ashes. Talos then heard one coming from behind him, and another one approaching Pyris.
"Want to do something awesome?" Talos asked her.
"Sure. Why not?" Pyris smirked. Then they both linked their arms together, and caused something amazing to happen. If there had never been a tornado made of frozenfire, then there was one now. It kept building up, with Talos and Pyris in the eye of it. Then it stopped, and whithered away, leaving one ashen knight frozen solid, and the other a charred body.
"That," Derith explained as he approached them, "was AWESOME!"
"Yeah, it was," Talos replied, very proud of what Pyris and him had just done.
"Even though it defied the laws of physics," Pyris added.
"Who cares?" Derith said, "We've just saved hundreds of people, and smashed a huge chunk of Wargoths army. That's a win."
"So what now?" Pyris asked.
"The dynamancers come with us, help us we keep doing what we've been doing. Winning this war," Derith answered.

The next day, Derith and the Dynamancers were packing up and getting ready for the journey back to the Professors. Meanwhile, Talos and Pyris were lying down on one of the hills.
"So, how did you get Wargoth out of your mind? Nobody else has been able to do it," Talos questioned.
"Oh. I made him try to destroy the world, then he lost concentration and I was free," Pyris answered honestly.
"Hmm. Interesting."
"What do you mean interesting?"
"If Wargoth can destroy Lore, then why doesn't he? Why wait?"
"To Wargoth, death is a cowards way out. He wants us to burn first."
"Well then," Talos said as he got up, "We'd better get back and make sure that doesn't happen."
"You got that right," Pyris said as she went off with him. When they arrived at where their horses were being kept Derith was wating for them.
"So, what have you two been up to?" Derith asked in a joking tone.
"Shut up," Pyris said to him as she mounted her horse.
"Seriously though, what were you two doing?" Derith questioned.
"None of your business," Talos said as he mounted his own steed. The two of them went off in the direction of the base, ready for whatever was waiting for them back there.

...Yeah it's the end.

< Message edited by Derith Raxonus -- 8/23/2012 2:53:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
7/14/2012 1:37:03   
Evil Torn

Pretty much all of these will be short stories.

Raging Fire

Fire. Raging fire. All of it. It was...burning. This stranger world was burning. Future visions? Perhaps.

We marched, with no control over ourselves. We marched, fire burning in our wake. Everything so...delicate. Of course, we resisted. We failed.

Hundreds of humans marched up the hills towards us. We were only fifty, but we could hold them if he told us too. His army is stronger than they think. Much stronger.

They met us. Head on collision. Fire. Fire everywhere.

Our Riftwalkers fought them up close and personal, our Cryptics snuck behind them to stab them in the back, all without being seen, and our Ascendants provided support. I was a Riftwalker. I was at the front of the line, ready to face an enemy.

But we weren’t alone. No. He had other minions...other creatures. Kilhohs...Flamedances. They halted the enemies in their tracks, whether by striking them with fire or with fear.

I saw. I saw my own brethren torn down by heroes. I lashed out at the heroes by his command by body, whilst I begged for forgiveness in my mind. He laughed. Said there is no forgiveness. Said I’d die either on the battlefield or he’d kill me.

I have no hatred for the heroes though -- they are only protecting their homeland, just like we tried to protect ours. But there is no protection. No hope. No chance.

Impossible Odds

“Why do we fight, anyways? Why do we have to fight...for them?!” Timothy, a new Guardian, asked.

“Because we must! Wargoth threatens our home, our land! They are not the enemies! Wargoth is!” a nearby DragonLord growled from underneath his helmet.

The two, along with a dozen or so others, were standing inside a small tent. They used it as a supply shelter and a hospital.. They themselves were preparing for battle, ready to take on a whole war of fire enemies.

“I don’t get it though! Why?! Sure, Wargoth threatens our home. Doesn’t mean we have to save them! They can die for all I care!” Timothy retorted.

“Shut up Timothy! We’re helping them. End of story,” another Guardian, Sasha, said.

“But why?! Sasha, think about it. They are able to be controlled by Wargoth at any moment. We help them. We get close to them, become friends. Allies. Then Wargoth comes back. Takes them over, without us knowing. Now he can use them to backstab us anytime. We kill them all, we don’t have to worry about it,” he said.

“Yes, that’s always a possibility. But it doesn’t mean it’ll happen. There’s hundreds of possibilities. You could die, right now. We could all die ri-”

“Watch out! Fire!” they all heard from outside. It was the DragonLord Lakuth who warned them.

“They’re coming! Everyone get ready! Prepare!” they heard Lakuth yell.

“How did they get here so quickly?” Sasha yelled back.

“I don’t know! But we make our stand! If we live, we can discuss that the-GAH!” Lakuth groaned, having been stabbed in the back by a Cryptic.

A whole army stood before them. The small group of a dozen or so readied their weapons, prepared for the worst. Then they charged.

No One is Safe

It was midnight at the Dasho residence, secluded in the middle of a vast forest. A mother was putting her little girl to bed, awaiting word from her husband, who went off to fight in a war against Wargoth’s fiery minions.

“Mommy, where did daddy go?” the little girl, only five years old, asked.

“He went off to fight a war, honey. He’s a hero. A good, good hero.” her mother whispered in her ear.

“When is he coming home?” the girl asked.

“Soon, dear. Soon. Now go to sleep,” her mother said, bending over and kissing her on the forehead.

“Okay,” the girl said, rolling over in her comfortable bed and trying to close her eyes for sleep.

Her mother went into the kitchen to pour herself a drink. She planned on sitting by the table, staring at the front door awaiting for her husband to come back home. A breeze came through the window. Footsteps came from the upper floor.

The mother walked up the stairs and peeked into her daughter’s room. She wasn’t there. She started to panic, afraid of what might have happened. Hurriedly, she ran downstairs. Her glass was still in her hand.

She found her daughter in the kitchen, turning around in circles.

“Elizabeth! What are you doing? You scared me to death!” her mother asked.

“Nothing mommy.” Elizabeth asked.

“Don’t you ever do that again! Okay?”

“Okay...I’m sorry. I just...mommy, what’s that?” Elizabeth asked, pointing behind her mother.

Her mother turned around to be face-to-face with a Kilhoh. She didn’t have time to scream.

An hour later, her husband came home, relieved of his duty for now, to two piles of smoldering ash and a broken glass on the floor.

An Assassination

“Report,” Guardian Kain said, ducking under the flapping door of the tent.

“Too many of them. More than we expected. We can hold them back, but we don’t know for how long, Kain” another Guardian said, bowing.

“We’ve got many out on the frontlines. We make a push. Kill only if we have to, rescue as many as possible,” Kain replied, shaking his head.

“You think it’ll work?” the Guardian asked.

“Normally, in a war...I think everything’ll work. But in these past few wars...the war with Sepulchure...I don’t know. We defended Falconreach, and by the Avatars we’ll do it all again if we have to, but...we still lost that one. In a way. We protected Falconreach but we failed to protect the rest of the world,” Kain answered.

“Kain. Don’t beat yourself up like that. We won anyways, and we will win this one too,” the Guardian said.

“I don’t know. We sent word, to the Blue Mage, Warlic. Our horsemen came back and said he wasn’t there. Something’s not right here,” Kain stated.

“Well, forget Warlic. They will not have us. Wargoth...will not have us!” the Guardian yelled.

“Oh yes...he will.”

A Cryptic leapt from the shadows, blade ready to stab at Kain. The Guardian he had been talking to yelled inaudible words and shoved Kain out of the way, taking the blade in the neck himself. The Cryptic focused on Kain, walking over to him. Kain readied his blade.

The Cryptic struck first, lashing out with impossible speed. Kain barely managed to block the attack, and he countered by stabbing at the Cryptic. The Cryptic dodged his attack, laughing, before she disappeared into thin-air.

“Where are you?!” Kain yelled.

“Here,” the Cryptic whispered in his ears, stabbing Kain in the back. He fell to the ground face-first, and his dead eyes watched as she simply walked out of the tent. By that time the other Guardians had heard the fight and ran inside to Kain on the ground.

“Kain!” one yelled.

“I’m alright. My armor blunted the attack,” he said pushing himself up off the ground.

“Oh no...” another Guardian whispered, looking at his fallen comrade.

“Prepare for an assault. I...I need to rest. Have the Hero take over my command for now,” Kain stated.

Dream a Little Dream

Fire. Fire everywhere. It consumes.

“No, I’m not going back that way.”

And why not? They KILLED YOUR FAMILY.

“No! No, no no! It wasn’t them! It was that dragon, Akriloth! I-I understand now.”

You believe the lies? They’ve deceived you, Konnan.

“No...no..you’re the one lying!”

Konnan...how dare you say that! We’ve been friends since the beginning!

“You were never my friend.”

Now who’s lying, Konnan?

“Stay away from me! Just...stay away!”

Poor, poor Konnan. You’re nothing without me. Look at you. So...weak. Pathetic. Wargoth took you over so easily! With me, he would’ve had a challenge.

“Gra’h! Leave me alone...please...you killed all those people...leave me alone...”

No, Konnan...WE killed all those people. You know the Fire still burns inside you. Let me in. Let me in control, and we will be united again as Drakonnan!

“No...no! Stay OUT!”

“Apprentice! Apprentice, wake up. It’s a dream. Just a dream,” the Professor said, shaking Konnan, waking him up.


They were together. On the battlefield, fighting with each other. Slaying the enemy. Two lovers.

They’d been in a relationship for about two years. Only a few months ago did he pop the question. Ask her to marry him.

They got married after the defeat of the Mysterious Stranger. They wished for a long and happy life, but...being one of the Guardians didn’t come with long and happy lives. It came with war. Sadness. Depression. Death.

He was a warrior, a fighter. Just like his father was. The weight of the blade and how to hold it had always came natural to him, ever since he was a young boy. He was an extremely capable fighter -- when given the chance, he could take down waves upon waves.

She was a mage. A different kind of mage than usual though. She was a pyromancer. One of the few good ones.

Then the fire war came. Not the Great Fire War, no -- that’d already passed. This one involved Wargoth, some sort of demonesque monster. He could control the Elemental Avatar of Fire himself. That’s power.

They fought like they always did in wars. Not caring about death or destruction -- only caring about saving people. Saving Lore.

Nobody had ever thought that Wargoth would take her. Nobody expected it.

It happened so fast. So quick. She didn’t have time to react. He looked back, yelled some inaudible words, and tried to run over to her. They blocked his path. They didn’t want him to intefere.

She resisted as best she could. Put up one heck of a fight. But she lost anyways.

Her husband watched in terror as wrappings appeared out of thin-air. They covered her body, some of them even melted together. Fused. Horns came from the sides of her head. A hood appeared.

He could hear her screaming. Her pleas for help. He fought his way over, but more and more came to stop him. He would not give in.

She screamed, louder than before. He watched as her face burned red hot. Her hands burned like lava. Fire burst from her hair.

He fought harder. Took down dozens at a time now. A true warmonger. He got to her -- too late.

“My love,” he whispered softly, “I am sorry. We will meet again.”

He forced himself to lift his blade and stab her in the stomach. The fire that covered her body burned out. He stood there, holding wrappings that flapped in the wind. Tears fell from his eyes.

< Message edited by Evil Torn -- 7/16/2012 13:19:30 >
AQ DF  Post #: 3
7/14/2012 1:37:30   

Story 1:

Kinzvlle stood still in the cavern hey were using as a war camp, as people bustled about. He brushed his pale hand through his snow white hair and walked further into the cavern. He entered a section covered in maps and tables, the planning room. Standing by one table was blond rouge, Kinzvlle approached him. “Report, my good man! Any word from Mcsneaky and the sneevils?”

“No there has been no word from them. I knew it was a bad idea to send them in dressed as imps! We sent Roger to go get them a few days ago but no word from him ether.”

“So you`re the last current member of the spy unit?” The rouge nodded, Kinzvlle looked down at a nearby table. On the table was a map marking the war camp, the battle field, and enemy land. “Maybe we need some fresh blood? Go round up some new recutirts and take this path to enemy lines.” He traced the path with his finger; the rouge nodded and ran off. Kinzvlle made his way further down the cavern.

He entered what seemed to be the mess hall section. He took a seat at a table, with a man in a wheelchair sitting at the end. “Report private Danger!” The crippled man looked up from his meal and saluted Kinzvlle, before giving his report.

“Are troops are making head way, this war should be finished soon. Should I switch in the squadrons, in the next hour sir?” Kinzvlle nodded and left the man to his meal. He got up and stood by the main entry to the cavern. He had a feeling that something bad was going to happen and he just couldn`t shake it. Just then one of his cadets came running up to him.

“SIR SIR! Wargoth just sent in reinforcements the men on the frontlines are being over taken!” Kinzvlle leaped to his feet, and turned.

“Send in a squad of medics to take in the injured. Send in a squad of men to protect the medics, and get the catapuleters to cover them!” With that the great commander rushed off to frontlines. HE AND HIS TROOPS WERE NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!

Story 2:

Steve was sitting in the makeshift mess hall in the cavern with the teachers and students he had taken with him to combat Wargoth`s threat. They were enjoying a meal of cheese soup, tea, and fresh bread. Steve looked over across the hall were his brother`s troops were siting. They were feasting on boiled chicken cow eggs, popcorn, and scrambled chicken cow eggs. About 10 members off his brother`s troops were not present for the meal. They must have been on shift down at the battlefield. Steve turned his thoughts to his own table. Most of the teacher’s faces were, stone cold and unable to read. They were eyeing a few students who were goofing off. Most of the students were chatting, in between bites. A few at the end of the table were making San Robin jokes involving cheese soup. A few were sitting quietly, barley touching there food, with their heads hanging low. The wars most have been taking its toll on them! These were the best Golden Wand, Magic Academy for the gifted, had to offer. Just then Steve`s brother walked out of the room, by the look on his face Steve could tell he was troubled. Just then a blond kid passed, by Steve could feel the magic prickling off his skin. He rushed out into the hall but he was gone. Steve turned to his gang. “Let’s get back out there shall we?” One of the teachers stood up.

“May we go do some rounds in the school before we go back to war?” Steve nodded and led the way. They walked past the infirmary, a storage chamber, through the two areas that belonged to the professor and warmongers were only allowed to pass through, by Xan`s chamber, through a long tunnel that was being used as a sort of common lounge, and jumped down into a very wide part of the cavern were a bunch of blankets and tents were set up. They were on guard while walking through the common lounge and the “Camp Pit” as it was called. They knew how insane, powerful, and dangerous these warmongers could be.

Both in the camp pit and common lounge the warmongers were bragging and showing off their loot. Down in the camp pit some warmongers were lying down to get some shut eye before their war shift. They watched as warmongers climbed back up, to head off to the frontlines. A few rouges were selling “Warring Almanacs”, a few of Steve`s kids and one of his teachers bought one to find it had war story`s, war poems, news, weather, radio transcripts, speech’s, predictions, percentiles, and quotes from warmongers. . They finely made their way to a small chamber. Kinzvlle`s troops had used explosives and other tools, to break down part of the cavern walls and make little chambers. They had made 1 for Steve`s gang, 1 for themselves, 1 for public use, and 1 for whoever wanted to claim it.

The inside of their chamber was empty, because they weren`t using it as a chamber. Steve performed a little spell on the chamber. Now once they stepped through it they were in the academy library. The academy housed Lore`s biggest collection of magic related texts! Steve glanced up at the clock and turned to his gang. “You have a few minutes, to do what you want. We meet back here,” With that Steve closed the portal, and walked to his office. Issac was in his office, looking over some papers. “How is my apprentice faring? “ Issac was sitting, in a big fluffy chair zigzag from the dean`s desk. Issac was a sandelf and dessert mage. He was the last of his kind. The academy had found him in a magic sleep that had lasted for thousands and thousands of years.

“Um, sir I would like to join the war group.” Steve looked up, at him.

“We agreed that as my apprentice you would stay here and take over for me as dean, while I`m away.”

“I know but...”

“No butts, you are staying here! This is good practice when I get up there age you will fill my shoes. “


“NO BUTTS! Tell you what; you can lead the next war group!’ With that Steve got up and left, leaving Isaac alone to ponder on his thoughts. Steve waited in the libeary. When his entire group returned he placed his hand on a wall and reopen the portal, they quickly stepped through it and were back in the camp pit. They climbed back into the common lounge and braced themselves for the long walk through it. A soulweaver with a golden helm was the first to approach the group.

“Hey, what do you call a Gnome fortune teller who just escaped from prison? A small medium at large!” The soulweaver broke into a fit of laughter, though everyone else just started at him “I`ll be here all week!” He took a bow and walked off, after a while a scream rang through the cavern. “IMP!”

“HE`S SMASHEING MY PET!” The mages rolled their eyes and kept on walking. As the mages were walking down the craven, a whole hoard of imps came in sight. The mages were prepared to fight, but a Doom knight with long black hair and black wings, protected them and made quick work of the Imps. He turned to the mages.

“You guys ok.” They all nodded and a kid in the back piped up.

“We would have been fine without you!” Steve turned and glared at the kid.

“Shut you`re hole Charence, This a kind and great man we should be thankful.” Steve turned back to the man, and smiled. “Thank you, now we must be off.” The gang walked past the man with Charence sheaving in anger. 3 more imps, came running down the tunnel. A teacher and a student took care of 2 of them. The third was implied by the spear, of a silent rift walker. The mages walked they were almost to the end when they passed a black dragon lord with purple trim. Steve halted, “Were Is Hethcliff?” One of the newest teachers piped up.

`”The purple loving kid? He`s talking to that dragonlord.”

“MIRTHIA!” One kid shouted. They all turned and shouted at the same times!

“DON`T CROSS THE STREAMS!” It was too late though they were already fighting over which shade of purple was the best. One of the teachers groaned, and rolled his eyes.

“Can we get out of here?” He shouted, Steve nodded, and waved his hand, there was a flash of yellow light and they were on the battlefield. They were just in time to help, Kinzvlle`s overwhelmed troops!

Story 3:

Zyril was submerged and floating in a sheet of ice, in a magic chamber that kept the temperate cold enough that the ice could not melt.. On a blue metal railing, a man in a white smock, with white hair, and a clipboard was staring at her in the ice. Her arms were reforming back into their normal long icy form. He climbed up a ladder, uncovered the tank, made a small hole in the ice, dumped large chunks of blue ice into the tank, along with a few bolts of magic and a strange blue potion. The blue ice seemed to rush to her and began to reform her legs, as the blue potin spread throughout the tank. The man pulled open the large metal door at the end of the railing and stepped out.

The man stepped out into a plush living room, were a man made of molten rock and lava wearing a trench coat was waiting for him. “Mr. Out,”

“Don`t be so formal friend!” The man interrupted, in a dry dull tone.

“Well checking your wife will be ok. She`s reforming as we speak. Though it might take a while for her to be back to full health.” Checking threw his hat on the ground and shouted.
`” THAT WARGOTH! HIS STUPID MINNONS ALLMOST KILLED MY WAVE! I SHOULD BE DOWN THERE GETTING MY VENGENCE!” Checking began to steam and flames sparked on his coat. He put them out with his hands, as the man garbed ahold of his arm.

“You know you can`t do that. Wargoth has been controlling those with close ties to the fire realm it is too risky! Don`t worry your son is down there dealing you’re vegenc for you.”

Twst was walking out of the mess hall with a glass of hot milk. The magical kid rubbed a hand through his blond hair, and then stopped. Someone was rushing out towards him, he was in no mood to talk He rolled up his pant legs to revel a large piece of iron were his ankle should have been. He ran as fast as he could, and made his way through the common lounge. He rubbed his steel shoulder and jumped down in to the camp pit. He was shocked to see how quickly the warmongers had turned an old hermit’s cavern into a perfect war camp! He walked to a chamber he occupied, sat down and drank his milk. He walked over to a pile of dead imps with holes in their side, and used his magic to shrink them and put them on a string. Similar stringed imps were strewed all over the chamber. He yawned and layed down one his blanket for a quick rest.

Story 4:

The imp`s had been beaten back, and the troops were no longer over whelmed. Most of the soldiers went off to go take naps. The Skelton crew had taken over. Dracoevil was haply flying through the sky his owner Kinzvlle was napping and he was alone by himself. Just the way he liked it! Dracoevil chased an imp around a bit before getting bored. He liked being by himself but he did get lonely. Just then he saw his best friend Steve flying through the sky. Dracoevil flew up and began to fly alongside the green dragon. The baby dragon sped ahead of the toddler dragon. “Come on Dracoevil, let’s race! Frist one to the food stand wins!” Dracoevil flapped his wings hard and zoomed past Steve. He turned his head to gloat.

“HA HA SLOW POCK!” Then he slammed into a tree. Steve flew down to the food stand and waited for his friend to catch up. The food stand had been set up to feed the Skelton crew. Leftovers from the mess hall are what they served. Sometimes other foods would be donated though. Steve`s dragonlord Chainsaw was working the stand in his wheelchair. Nowadays after the accident that had left Chainsaw unable to walk, Steve helped Chainsaw do things that were hard for him. Just then Dracoevil caught up with him and they each got a snack. Chainsaw gave them their food and went back to his salad. Steve got a steak and Dracoevil had a bowl of ice-cream.

“Foods good tonight!” Steve commented as he and Dracoevil finished up, they took back to the skies. A purple moglin, and a warmonger waved to them from the ground. A big black ball with blue eyes bounced up in front of them. Scaring the out of Steve, causing him to drop. The falling Steve got hit by a soaring sponge. In the end Steve found himself in the infirmary with only half a wing. Darcoevil was sitting next to him.

“Same way I lost my horns!” Dracoevil grumbled as Chainsaw wheeled over. He looked down at Steve and smiled.

“Looks like the fates wanted us to be even!” The flightless dragon groaned as Chainsaw picked him up in his arms. He set him in a little box, with ropes hooked to it. Similar to what I use for dragon and gryphon rides. We made it while you were unconsis!” Dracoevil picked the ropes up in his claws and flew thourgh the cavern, with Steve looking over the side. Dracoevil called down to him.

“Ya got a net, in there, want to go imp fishing?” Steve nodded, and they flew off towards the battlefield. Trying this best to stat as high as possible!

Profanity removed. -Faerdin

< Message edited by Faerdin -- 7/31/2012 0:53:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
7/14/2012 9:13:37   

TDLNND July 13th 2012

Today is Friday, July 13th 2012, welcome to The Daily Lore News Network Dragon!

I'm one of your anchors dragonman66.

War is on the horizon and the heroes are ready for it. Everyone is now watching TV, and eating their war snacks, you should save those snacks guys.

Question for you guys who are watching TV, do you move your computer, to be neaar a TV, or Watch shows on an iPod (Or in my case a 3ds)?

So yup, war is coming soon remember to vote for me as mayor like these people didZork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, Dragos Chronos, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji and me.

The quest is out so go play it guys.

Also if you need awesome song lyrics check out "Pyromance" on the DF the Musical thread!

Now to Kinzvlle


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Hello and welcome to TDLNND NEWS! Kinz here my cohost Dragonman has fallen asleep on the job. It seems Wargoth got mad that we broke his toy and started a war. Go figure. Xan is in the custody of the Professor. The battle is taking place in the woods. We are fighting Possessed Riftwalkers, Possessed Acendanta, and Possessed Cryptics. There are also rumors of new defender medal items more on this tomorrow. We will be right back after this word from our sponsor.

Parasol Corporation's Impslaying Yeti Cannon™: Because there's no better way to get rid of imps than throwing Yetis at them! Ammo not included.

Annnd we are back! Now Wareach Radio is back on the air, like this very program it is owned by The Daily Lore News Network Dragon. Another thing it has in common with this program is I`m the anchor of it. It has small casual bits of news, as well as war stastics, and music. In staff news our Economists Zork Knight has resigned. Let us all weep at this lost. Ok that’s enough; we also still have Ash as a camera man. We tried to replace him with Twilly but the poor moglin was to short. Any who in election news the primaries are coming up. As for the weather, fogey with a hint of rain. Also GO DARK KNIGHTS! Now over to Order down on the frontlines.

July 14th 2012


Hello and welcome to TDLNND Frontline report. Wargoth was Sneaky with a capital S when he attacked very late last night when the coffe was cold and the warmongers resting. It is obvious this infernal has absolutly zero respect for the rules of engagement and dare i say lacks even the most basic honor. Also we have seen brainwashed Athellans doing rank and file work for him. He has also cut us off from our artillery postions meaning that so far we have no catapults. This lead to massive amounts of rage in the camp as despairing catapult mongers actually charged out aiding their Infantery kin. The current guesses are that we need to kill a fourth of the troops to get in touch with the catapults. Also there appears to be no Rare waves in this war. Which pisses this reporter of to no end. Well thats all from me.

Battle On and remember... Do Not Fear the Darkness.

Welcome to TDLNND

Now a message from you mayoral Canditate.

Mayor Rayf is just one thing. A greedy-Pants. Dragonman66 had Green hair today.
Dragonman66 is also four things. Not a Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
A Mayor, Songwriter, Fighter, Pie
Who would you rather run your town?

I'm Dragonman66 and I approve this message.

So do Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, Dragos Chronos, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, and Hopeful Guy because they approve of me

Well today, people discovered Wargoth's weakness. Green. If you unsupport Wargoth go Green by changing your avatar to something with Green on it. Type in Green too.
The best Anti-Wargoth shade is 009900.

Now to Kinzvlle!


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Thanks Dragon, the mayoral primaries story later tonight. Scouts have reported that Wargoth has 0, Ashen Squires at his disposal. Earlier today there was a muffin war, consisting of throwing muffins at imps and each other. Heroes have been donating Ashen Squire bodies to local gyms for punching bags. We even got one here in the studio gym. WHEW! What a workout. We will be right back after this.

Water-Filled Latex Rubber Exploding Bags™. Explode in contact, for massive damage! Disclaimer: All resemblance to water balloons is mere coincidence.

It`s that time of year again the mayoral primaries. This vote will decide which 2 canadents’ round it out for the rest of the election year. In the lead right not are Dragonman, Mayor Rayf, and Cysero. Join us back here in 2 days and we should have the results. Good day and good night.

July 15th 2012:

Welcome to TDLNND

I'm your host dragonman66 and boy do I have some news for you.

Wargoth's Forces are now more than 1/15th destroyed, wehich is pretty effective considering he has an entire planet.

In other news it was discovered that imps are overjoyed when they die. hinting there is something else afoot.

Now I have a treat for you guys an interview with Drakonnax!


Hello Drakonnax first off as of now, how many waves have you done in this war?

As of now, sir? 213. My current goal is 1001.

Ah a good goal, My same goal in fact :P.

So how did you pick your name?

Well, I always thought Drakonnan and Drakonnas were kind of cool, and when I saw the white Drakonnan Helm in the Guardian Tower in AQ, I decided to become the third brother, Drakonnax. The other two have specialties in fire and thunder magic, whilst I specialize in the best of all: dragon magic.

I see.Now what are ou feelings on Wargoth? What is your theory on who he is?

(I'm gonna warn you, this might get kinda lengthy.)

Well, if I remember correctly, Wargoth was betrayed by his son. The Professor was the one who brought the Atleans to our world. Oddly enough, Warlic was a fire being in his past life. And if I remember correctly, Wargoth was seen chasing afer someone who looked like Warlic.

My theory is this *deep breath*:


Warlic is actually the son of Wargoth, the Prof is one of his alter egoes, he recruited Konnan to undo the damage that Xan had done, and to hide his identity, he uses machines instead of magic, but not using his magic makes his body vulnerable, so he has to use the machines to support it until he can heal it, and he and Wargoth are psychically linked due to their relationship, but Warlic is doing such a good job hiding his identity that Wargoth can't recognize his mind. *breath*

Intresting! Anything you want the DF community to know bout you?

Yes! I am a powerful hero who is willing to fight for his world and his friends, and if you ever need help, I'll be there! (Just don't go crazy.)

Too late We're already crazy! So who are you voting for in the Mayorial elections for Falconreach?

Who do you think? *wink wink*

Vote for Dragonman! Anything else you want to say?

As a matter of fact, I do.

*waves at camera* Hi, mom! Hi, dad! Hi, Nythera, if you're watching! Don't worry, I'm gonna win this war! You'll see!

Thank you for your time!

No, sir, thank YOU for this opportunity!

Dragonman66 has an awesome name. Rayf's name doesn't even make sense how you would pronounce it.

Do you want a mayor with a name you can't pronounce or give a nickname to?

These people don't Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax and dwightt96313.

That's a lot of people 55! Whoa wait when did I pass 50 supporters! Quite a few familiar faces on here too.To all of you I thank you with this song.

Now to Kinzvlle!


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Why thank you Dragon. My half is a bit late because Ash lost the camera. Any who it appears to be a slow news day. There are rumors of zombie imps. The mayoral primes results will be posted .

Parasol Corporation's Elite Personal Infernalslaying Squad™. The best Aqueevils we could enslave find on this side of Lore! Boxes, chests and other forms of containers not included.

Annnnd we are back. Now I am proud to announce that we are hiring. The pistons are as follows.

DJ: You would be in control of TDDLNN Radio. Which updates with every new percent. A proper radio broadcast pertains of static’s, fluff news, and war music. You need to know how to quiet tube and repeat.

Economist: You would need to report on the state of Lore`s economy and the effect the war is having on it. You need to be good with numbers and math.

Alien expert: You need to know enough about aliens to make good theory’s about them. Only needed for certain wars.

Journalist: You would manage our weekly war newspaper. The other details are still in debate,

You can apply for any of these by pming me or Dragon. Tune in tomorrow where I will explain how our network works.



And now you're listening to the TDDLNN radio! What a weird name. The heroes of Falconreach have reached 8% and everyone fell to madness - at least temporarily! Congratulations, warmongers!
Between 7% and 8% we've had many, many raids. It feels like we've just hit the 'raid percent'! Bad puns aside, I'll send you a war song with a ridiculous name and epic riffs: Bad Apple - Metal Version!

July 16th 2012



And now you're listening to the TDDLNN radio! What a weird name. The heroes of Falconreach reached 11%! Forgive the pun. Madness overtakes Dragonfable! I'm still sane, though.
We still had many, many raids. I lost track of them! Looks like the heroes really want more speed. Now, I'll send the war song - Apparitions Stalk The Night - Metal Remix, a.k.a Is It So?


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Welcome to TDDLNN News! Several people have gone insane today. Also notebook sales are skyrocketing. The winners of the mayoral primaries’ are Dragonman and Mayor Rayf. Also we fried Ash today after he broke a camera. Our new camera man is my dragon Dracoevil. Now to commercial.

Parasol Corporation's Impslaying Yeti Cannon™: Because there's no better way to get rid of imps than throwing Yetis at them! Ammo not included.

Annd we are back. Now let me explain our network. Our main focus is war news and entertainment. Dragon and I are the big cheeses around here. The 2 biggest parts of our network are TDDLNN News (what you`re watching right now) and are every other day war newspaper the Daily Dragon. Then after those are TDDLNN radio, which is hosted by Sinis. Now the radio updates are at every new percent, it involves fluff bit news, percentiles, and music. The back bone of our network is our many reporters, specialists, and experts. They not only help out on TDDLNN New, but also have their own broadcasts throughout the war day. Well that’s the network, tune in tomorrow were me and Dragon will talk about how our days her at the studio go,now over to our new alien expert Cronus222!


ORIGINAL: Cronus222

This is Cronus222 from TDDLNN News. I was just talking to the aliens and they ask that we may not let their possed kin suffer anymore and to try to capture them but if u can not kill them that way Wargoth can no longer control them. Also they are supprised as am i that their possed kin are not extra damaged from light weapons. they are trying to capture one right now to do test to see why light weapons like most of them i will keep you updated as we find out more. Now to Dragonman66.

Thanks Cronus!

Welcome back to TDLNND. Today I've been having trouble making stuff up to tell you guys is news unable to find 3 good stories. So you only get 2 not counting this Blurb.

Well the colors thing has gone over the top again and while normally I'd be spreading red across the land, it doesn't seem appropriate. So I'm spreading the other best color GREEN everywhere! And I may have helped start a conflict, because now GG is turning everythinig Green, Mritha and Mellisa4Bella are turning everything Purple (Wait that's normal.), And Serenity and Faerdin have gone Blue crazy. Even though Green is obviously the most superior color (Tied with red). Nah, I kid, Green is superior, just funnier.

Speaking of colors, my interview with Grey Warden is postponed till tomorrow, sorry guys.

Now a note from the Falconreach Mayoral campaign.

Who the heck would even vote for Rayf. All he does is eat your money, and... that's it. Dragonman66 helps protect innocent children, puppies, and kittens that live in Falconreach. He also Stimulates the economy by randomly giving his money he doesn't need away. Here take 5 gold! Dragonman66 also supports the Tea Party Movement. (We should defiantly Drink more Tea). All Rayf wants is Change. And not as in things changing, as in money. Dragonman66 also wants change. But he wants the right kind, change so your innocent children, puppies, and kittens can learn more about the world. He thinks we should open up that darn Libraseum and School already.

These people support the guy who helps protect the children (and puppies and kittens) Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax and dwightt96313.

In other news, all the ice cream melted. It is now time to exact our revenge on the imps.

Dragonman66 signing off



And now you're listening to the TDDLNN radio! What a weird name. Bad news: Our fellow warmonger, Flaming Ace, is leaving Battleon Forums - possibly for a long time! He wouldn't want us to lose the war, though. Good news: The warmongers have defeated 12% of Wargoth's army! Good job, you crazy, yet awesome people! Random trivia: The members of my band are joining us! They are quite the warmongers - in fact, they're better than me!
Like always, I'll send some random song with a weird name and epic riffs. This time, it's a metal remix of 'Lunar Clock - Luna Dial'!

July 17th 2011



And now you're listening to the TDDLNN radio! What a weird name. The heroes of Falconreach have reached 17% and are becoming even faster! Wargoth's armies will be kept on the defensive, then! Congratulations, everyone! You can get jars full of cookies near the Grey Realm and you're all welcome.
War song! Sweet song meets heavy metal this time. By the way, I'm thinking on making a character of mine wear the clothes of Koishi Komeiji, the girl that appears in the video. Hartmann's Youkai Girl!

Short TDLNND update:

Due to campaigning issues I will not be making a major news post today. Rayf has sabotaged my network. I will be back tomorrow.

In good news the war is going well.

Sining off. Battleon



And now you're listening to the TDDLNN radio! What a weird name. The soldiers of war have defeated 18%! You're AWESOME, people! You can get jars full of muffins and cookies near the Grey Realm. We can't give up because each wave is a step towards Wargoth.
The theme song? Necrofantasia! May this song motivate you until you win. See you later!

July 18th 2012

ORIGINAL: cronus222

Hi this is cronus222 from TDDLNN i am the alien expert and the atealeans have captured a posses riftwalker and have conncored that when wargoth gave them their fire power it made them ressistant to the affect the other atealeans would have if we used light on them. also i want your oppinion could Wargoth and the Proffesor be consedired aliens since as far as we know they do not belong to Lore

Welcome to TDLNND. I'm dragonman66 your anchor.

After Rayf's Sabatoge on our network we're having trouble sending out a sig... BRCCHHZZZ CRRRRCHHSHHHHH ZRCHHHHH and I think we should CHHHSRCCHHHHH... Xan could you recalibrate that.....
Is that Better? Yeah thanks.

In other news I have an all exclusive and twice postponed interview with Grey Warden!


So Grey Warden, how did you pick that name?

From my all time favorite video game, Dragon Age: Origins!

I see, so what are your feelings on this war, is Wargoth's army really this big, or is he hiding some tricks up his sleeve?

I hope his army is bigger! More monsters to kill is always a good thing. But he hasn't seemed to show much cunning thus far, so I doubt it.

Wargoth hasn't shown much of anything thus far! Anything you want the newswatching people of Lore to know about you?

One thing, and one thing only. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!

And who will you be voting for in the Mayoral Elections?

Dragonman66, of course!

Who wouldn't? Anything else you'd like to say?

Mayor Rayf ate my sneevil!

Terrible, absolutely terrible. Thank you for your time!

Dragonman66 hosts a news network. Mayor Rayf eats people's networks . Dragonman66 makes piglets happy, by giving them delicious vegetables. Rayf eats piglets when they are happy, maing them sad. Dragonman66 hosted a peace BBQ (With Wildroses) between humans and Zards. Rayf eats BBQ Zards. Dragonman66 eats saves villages. Rayf, well you get it...

Plus you should vote for like these guys who don't want their stuff eaten Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax and dwightt96313.

In other news this war is reaching 25% we have almost made it to our artillery. I can't wait to see how many vile abominations are slain when we do obtain our artillery.

Now to Kinz!


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Thank you Dragon, now onto the news! Sir Render has new defender items in his town hall shop. There are also rumors of there being new elemental lords. Also I have laid done a channlge for you guys. You can find in it In the war story discussion. Now onto to commercial.

` Water-Filled Latex Rubber Exploding Bags™. Explode in contact, for massive damage! Disclaimer: All resemblance to water balloons is mere coincidence.

Ok now I shall explain how my studio day goes. I get up, eat a big bowl of Hero O`s, and then head down to the studio with Dracoevil. Dracoevil, straps on the camera orb while I wade through news leads in the mail room. After that I slip into the studio gym and do a few reps with the studio lawyer Antio! After that I grab some coffee from the break room and head up to the office I share with Dragonman. I do some paperwork, and prepare my scripts for the brodcasts. After that I walk around the studio and check in on everybody else. Then I hop in the teleporter and go war until the broadcast. Now over to The Odor down on the frontlines.



*Two terrified imps play a happy jingle*
This is The Odor for TTDLNND. We now have the Catapults within sight and this reporter predicts that the war will be over during next week. Earlier today a fight broke out between two (unnamed) warmongers for reasons unknown. A few more guesses of who the final enemy in this war will be was also put forth making the total.... Well I got no clue. Anyone who do should conntact main studio employees. (Dragonman66 and kinzvlle)

I will now lead you through a day of a frontline reporter. I wake up as early as possible after a long night of warring. I then kill a handful of enemies on my way to the food tent. I eat... Well what ever is left over from dinner usally. I then run out and do my pre lunch waves before fighting my way back to the food tent for a quick lunch before heading back out for my pre dinner waves. I then fight my way back to the food tent for dinner, have dinner and run back out. Then usally the nightshift starts and I fight til I feel the need to find some news. I then fight til I collapse of sleepyness at which point I crawl back to my tent.
Thats all from me and BATTLE ON!

Malus(dragon): Cut. Lame.
Me: Was not.

July 19th 2012



And now you're listening to the TDDLNN radio! Seriously, what does that mean?! Anyway, the heroes of Falconreach have defeated 26% of WarGOTH's waves! Well, I'm from the Outside World, but nevermind. We've gotten a precious boost with the catapults unlocked! Congratulations, everyone!
And now the war song. It's another metal remix that starts calm and becomes raw awesomeness later - and it's also the theme song of my calm, serious and tragic character. Lunatic Eyes - Invisible Full Moon (metal)!



And now you're listening to the TDDLNN radio! What does that mean, anyway?! Well, looks lile the Heroes of Lore have defeated 27% of Wargoth's minions! Well, I did help but I came from the Outside World. My ice minions will give everyone some Caffeine Potions +9001.
Now, the war song! This one has a menacing name that wouldn't be out of place in a terror game and a haunting, yet brilliant melody. Now, Until the Moment you Die is the song I send to you. Battle on!



*the camera focusses onto The Odor standing on top of a caatapult Spearing an imp before leaping onto the ground in front of the camera man before crouching behind the Catapult as flames hit the other side of the catapult.*

Hello and welcome to the TDLNND Frontline News. As you can see today we reached our beloved catapults and they have alreadybeen put to good use. *COUGH* Not only as shields *COUGH*.

I often get questions on how much of the army that has been destoryed. I will now answer once and for all- check the warmeter in the warcamp (and don't forget to clock in your waves).

Today the arugements about sanity and insanity continued to rage almost as hotly as the battle and so far very few defenders of sanity have stepped forward and to my knowledge only one person admits to the condition. No names will be mentioned.

That was everything from the frontlines. Battle on and Don't fear the Darkness.

Welcome to TDLNND (It means The Daily Lore News Network Dragon, Sinis).

We have defeated 27% of this war recapturing our artillery earlier today. The waves are now being crushed even faster. Expect rains of fury in the near future.

In other news, an onslaught of robots destroyed a Cello and a Wheat Field. Reports of a Cake in the vicinity are believed to be lies. However, we are unable to be sure. We received the reports from a Vurr'man named Doug. He blamed the Riftwalkers for bringing these things here from Portal from Johnson Cave. The lead robot, MADoS is reported to be Still Alive but Doug claimed He Just Wants Her Gone.

Vote Dragonman66 for Mayor. He gives you news for free. The only thing Rayf gives you for free is poverty.

These people want to get rid of Poverty Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji and Mortarion.

If you want to support me as the new mayor of Falconreach PM me or just post!

That was a message from the Elect a Better Mayor Campaign

In other news, scientists may have discovered a Hog Bison! The greatest discovery for Meat and Physics since the Element Bacon!

Now to Kinzvlle! Battleon!


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Thank you Dragon now back to the news. Mayor Rayf stole candy from a baby to day. On a related note his poll numbers have dropped. In other news the imps have stolen all of the town’s cupcakes. Wait this just in; the Imps have been sticking pancakes in the catapults inner workings. We will be back right after this.

Parasol Corporation's Elite Personal Infernalslaying Squad™. The best Aqueevils we could enslave errr we mean find on this side of Lore! Boxes, chests and other forms of containers not included.

The catapults have been unlocked. Several catapult`ers are overjoyed at this but there are a few problems. As mentioned before the imps are jamming the catapults inner workings with pancakes. Some of the possessed Atilens are also cutting the ropes on unloaded and unmanned catapults. Shipments of new catapults, sponges, nitroglycerin, extra ropes, repair gnomes, and watch togs are being shipped to the battle field by dragon back. Now to Mort who will report about something.

July 20th 2012


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Welcome to TDLNND New. Ponies have joined Wargoth`s side so beware! Also due to a bacon blade Ace has gone insane. Also just putting this out there Cola is better than anything else! Now to commercial!

Water-Filled Latex Rubber Exploding Bags™. Explode in contact, for massive damage! Disclaimer: All resemblance to water balloons is mere coincidence.

Annnd we are back. The supplies and transport industry’s boom during time of war, causing an influx in the economy like we are seeing today. Also Rayfs pool numbers have gone up due to the new defender items. In response to this I as part Dragonman`s campaign team am handing out cookie and light sabers! On a similar note Mayor Rayf released his full ballet today. Most of it is the same of last time, but there are 3 main changes. Sir render has been replaced by Sir Tax for defense secretary, he is absorbing treasurer into the mayor gig if he wins, and he seems to have a donation box as town repsentive. Dragonman`s ballet will be released tomorrow. Many groups such as has, dark knights and etc are down on the battlefield. There also seems to be a weird kid hanging out around the war camp. Not Mort down at the newly opened spire!

Thank you Mort.

Today Isiri, Alz'ein, and Eataos have deemed the Dragonlords worthy to have the immensely powerful Atealan base classes. Many bugs live in their rental armors however, so if you see one that Verylysus Does not know about report it, so that bug may be smashed. These classes are found in the Spire a location the Atealans have deemed us worthy of entering.

In other news, we are now able to read the sad last chapter of Alexander's diary. I would strongly suggest reading it. However sense it is written in the language of the Dragons, you need a Dragon Amulet to read it. Xan has confirmed that the entire thing is 100% true. Wow.

Now a message from our sponsor:

Dragonman66 likes Ice Cream. Mayor Rayf likes Ice Cream. Dragonman66 has a cool name. Rayf has an arguably cool name. Now let's see what happens if we lost this war. In both cases the town would be burned. Falconreaach would be repaired in the same amount of time. THe biggest difference? Dragonman66, sense he does not want money, is cheaper. Leaving us more money to add cool things like a waterpark!

I'm Dragonman66 and I approve this message as being full of win.

That advertisement was full of win. Wasn't it? These people think so Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion and D00ms.

In other news, people have started asking me my opinions on political issues. Seeing as CHA and LUK alone won't let me win this ballet, I'll start showing you my WIS and INT. You guys have already seen my END as I've been campaigning for quite a while now.

So PM me with your questions on my political views and I'll answer them. Tomorrow!

Battleon! Whoops due to Chronomancy this came out before Mort's post.


ORIGINAL: Mortarion

Greetings it's me, Mortarion, once again. This time reporting you from the Spire in Atralea, home ot the ATealans Empress, were the atealans, in a sign of good will and to help us, have opened it to allow us to acces their exotics forms of combat. As one can expect, there are massive crowds here right now, pushing nad runing to get their hands on this new, exotic, armours. Luckily, no accidents have happened, but the guards had to push back some of the more curious of hte visitors who wanted to explore more of hte place. As a result, they had to post some extra guards in a certain areas. If you talk with hte class trainers as well, you can find out more information about the Atealeans and hteir culture. But that's enought for now, I'd reccomend you to return to the war effort, now with dragonman

July 21st 2012

Welcome back to TDLNND. I'm cohost dragonman66.

I have been informed that Falconreach holds Mayoral elections every 5 years, but Mayor Rayf been in office 6, and there hasn't been a reelection. Mayor Rayf is breaking the law. We must reelect. Please consider voting for me! PM me if you wish to vote for me.

In other news, if we can make it to 40% by noon tomorrow we get the next part of Stephen Nix's story sooner. You all can know what Flaming Ace, Faerdin, Sinis, D00ms, Drakonnax, Deviance, and I did next. It was intense I'll promise you that.

Now a amessage form our sponsor.

Vote Dragonman66 because he helps fight through all these wars, while Mayor Rayf steals your money!

These people would rather have a helpful Mayor Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, D00ms, Flaming Ace, (and his army of 10,000 Chickencows), magmartorlx, and Imaru.

Would you?

In other news, starting midday tomorrow I am assigned to a secret reconnaissance mission. I will attempt to figure out exactly what Wargoth's weakness is. I will be unable to fight or post due to being disguised, and being unable to break my cover. I should be back by a week from now. Wargoth or his minions are unable to decipher this news broadcast as it is in green

Now to Kinzvlle

July 22nd 2012

Hello and welcome to the early morning (Or night for Wildroses and the rest of you in Australia, Hi) news.

I'm your host Dragonman66 cramming as much stuff in as quickly as possible.

For the normal news we have Drakonnax taking my place for the next week. Thank you Drakonnax!

Now a message from our sponsor.

Vote for dragonman66, because he isn't Rayf. He also isn't a greedy scoundrel. Oh wait, that's the same thing.

These people want a better May than a greedy scoundrel: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, D00ms, Flaming Ace, (and his army of 10,000 Chickencows), magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog, his spoons, and gamer rulez.

If you want me to be Mayor just tell me!

In other news I am going off, incognito, to find Wargoth's weakness. It'll be awesome! Unfortunately, pretending to be a monsster means I can't use the internet, so see you guys on Saturday!


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Thank you dragon, now wait what is that sound. *looks at window* THE STUDIO`S UNDER ATTACK! Got to go we should be back and runing by tomorrow

July 24th 2012


ORIGINAL: Drrakonnax

Hello, everyone, and welcome to TDDLNN! I'm Drakonnax, and I'll be taking dragonman66's place as reporter today!

Ever since the Professor was found hiding out in a cave in the Deadlands with Konnan, Wargoth has been after him nonstop. Interestingly enough, the Professor claims his mind and Wargoth's are linked, and he believes he has a solution.

In the meantime, Xan, the infamous pyromancer, has been taken to the Professor's cave for questioning, but Wargoth has sent waves of Flamedances, Firebeetles, Fiendshrooms, Kilhohs, Ashen Squires, those despicable Imps, and even enslaved Atealans to find the Prof. and destroy him! Many of our world's heros have been called forth to hold off the forces of evil, and only recently have we been able to round up Cysero's famous nitroglycerin sponge catapults! Now, hardly anything seems to be holding our heroes back, especially since the Professor began using the Possessed Atealans' Armaments in order to forge the powerful Elescence set of items! These water-based items appear to have powerful effects on Elementals, making them very useful against Wargoth's Flamedance minions! It's anyone's guess as to how uch longer Wargoth will continue to send his minions after us!

I was fortunate enough to pull one of our heroes away from the war long enough for an interview. And now, here he is, the man who defeated myself, Imaru, and Serenity Okami all in a row without healing himself, Flaming Ace!


So, Mr. Ace, tell me about your War efforts.

My war efforts are well there a effort.

How many waves have you done?

I have done somewhere around 500 maybe?

How many do you plan to go for?

Well maybe 1k or 2k i am still in question about it

I see. Now, tell me what you predict will happen in the future of this war.

Well i can see help from a certain pyromancer Also i see wargoths blood on my blade

Very interesting indeed. Now, tell me a little about yourself. Is there anything you'd like the citizens of Lore to know about you?

First i am the undisputed Bacon lord

Second I do not always fight for the common good

Third if i must kill one of our own i will not hesitate

Fourth I am ruthless and i do not show emotion to other beings

And finally i can switch between my sane and insane to hurt/kill anyone in my path and i will!

I... see. *gulp*

Now, tell me how you thought up your name. Flaming Ace sounds like quite the powerful title.

I came up with it because i like FIRE!!! And ace was just a little nickname i added

Now, I'm sure we've all been waiting for this one: Who do you plan on voting for in the Falconreach Mayoral Election?

It's a tie between Dragonman66 and Archmodies(who has just entered as said by zeuster)

Archimoodes? Interesting...

Any closing comments?

Only one thing to all those warring BATTLE ON!

Haha! Indeed! Thank you for your time!

That was quite the interesting interview, wasn't it? And now to Kinzvlle reporting live from the Spire. Kinz?


ORIGINAL: kinzvlle

Thank you DrBsST, oh sorry for that static, I`m here in the spire and our camera orbs seem to not work well in here. I BLAME ALIENS! Anyways, the spire is the center of politics and training for these strange people. The guards didn`t seem to happy bout letting us in though, wonder why? Any who you have the two BSSTT here you are great heroes that have ascended and descended. They are BZZT BZZT BZZT and a cryptic! The very cryptic that keeps the vial of darkness overs this land. His brother seems to be one of the grandest cryptic s and a big reader. They are in what seems to be a library. Now BZZT BZZT VZZT BZZZT which is interesting. Also BsSST BSSSST BSST BSSST BSST which we can only assume to be the arena. The empress is here to but she refused to comment or so the guards said. As you can see behind me warmongers are rushing in clutching there DA`s to grab up some rental aroms. Now onto to some real issues rumors have it that some one new will join the efforts at 75 percent, are sources say that this person is BSSSSSSSSSSSST BBBBBBBBSSSSSSSSSSSST. Now some people claimed to know where warlic is, you see they bszzzzzzzzzzzzzzt. So there you have it folks (if the static didn`t cut it out) Good night and good war!


ORIGINAL: DrakonnaxErm, thank you, Kinz! We'll have to check those Camera Orbs when they return to make sure they didn't get damaged. And with that, our time here is sadly over. this has been Drakonnax from TDLLNN, goodnight!

Comercial: Mayor Rayf. Does he care for the sick? If they have money. Does he care for the wounded? If they have money. Does he care for the homeless? If they have money.

Dragonman66 cares for all. To him, money is but a convenience. To Rayf, money is everything. 55 people and counting, including myself, don't want a greedy-mcScroogeypants like Rayf for our mayor.

Do you?

DM66: I'm dragonman66 and I approve this message.

July 26th 2012


ORIGINAL: Drakonnax

Welcome back to TDLLNN, ladies and warmongers! Tonight's broadcast will be a little short tonight, so please bear with me! I'm- *bashes Imp* presently fighting back- *squashes Firebeetle* many of Wargoth's- *extinguishes Flamedance* powerful soldiers, and they don't appear to be letting up any time soon!

*is suddenly surrounded by A Possesed Riftwalker, Ascendant, and Cryptic, all of whom have devious looks on their faces*

Uhhhh... here's Kinzvlle with a report on today's other stories!


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Thank you Drac, now back to the news. This morning the professor handed out waffles at the warcamps. He will be doing this tomorrow as well. Also the great bacon lord Ace has made new fake bacon called, NOBACON! Some would think he could have just used soy or tofu bacon. We have beaten back, a large number of enemy forces. Now to commercial.

Parasol Corporation's Impslaying Yeti Cannon™: Because there's no better way to get rid of imps than throwing Yetis at them! Ammo not included.

Annnd we are back. Now our sponspers, Parasol Corporation`s say that they are close to curing what they are calling purple fever. This according to this report is an obsession with purple, and is transmitted in many different ways. We will try to get in contact with a Parasol rep and a purple lover to cover this issue, from both sides.


ORIGINAL: Drakonnax

*Camera Orb comes on to show my soot-covered face* Man, that was rough...

What'd you say, Kinz? Something about purple? Hey, I love purple! It's a nice color, and one I think everyone can enjoy!

EVERYONE... @\-/@

Haha, I'm just yankin' ya. Seriously though, purple's a pretty good color, if you ask me.

Well, that's the news for tonight, ladies and gentlemongers! This is Drakonnax, saying good night, and Purple I mean Battle ON!

Commercial: *picture of Greed's face(human form)* Greed. Nasty villain, obsessed with power and control over all.

*picture of Rayf's face* Mayor Rayf. Stingy man, obsessed with power and money.

See the resemblance? *overlaps pictures, giving Greed Rayf's hair and hat*

DM66: I'm dragonman66 and I approve this message.

July 28th 2012


ORIGINAL: Drakonnax

Welcome to TDLLNN! Unfortunately, I couldn't complete my part of tonight's report due to an interruption in the middle of MY exclusive interview, so here's Kinzvlle!


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Ok, I`m on? Ok, let’s do this thing! We are still beating back Wargoth`s forces though we seem to be having more and more slow periods. The cryptic we are fighting are said to be mere insulin. There is very little fact to these claims, though there is some evidence. Nercomancers have been seen grabbing up imp bodies and running away. This may be related to the zombie imp incidents. We have lost contact with Odor are frontline reporter, and think Wargoth had him kidnapped. Now to break!


Commercial: Water-Filled Latex Rubber Exploding Bags™. Explode in contact, for massive damage! Disclaimer: All resemblance to water balloons is mere coincidence.

Ok now to the purple fever debate. A Parasol Rep could not be here at the studio today. Though they did issue a statement.


We from Parasol Corporation® are currently trying to find a cure to this horrible disease that affects so many of our fellow heroes. We also discovered that this disease is what changed the appearance of our beloved free test subject’s visitors, the Atealans. We suspect this disease has some relation to the weakened state of Darkness. Maybe the Darkness Realm is trying to recover it's strength by forcing other beings to join them through some sort of magical virus. However, due to an unknown factor, probably the superiority of the human body, the only consequences of being saturated with Darkness magic is a love for obsession with the color purple. Currently it seems that the best solution for this problem is prolonged exposition to green light. About 36 uninterrupted hours with the light directly aimed to the infected person's eye should be enough to fry their brainsheal them. That is all.

Hmm, now we caught up with resident purple lover Mirtha down at the warcamp. Here`s what she had to say about all this.


Complete bogus. Purple is not a fever, it is a love for a color of elegance. Purple is the symbol of Loyalty, Royalty, Divinity, and Devotion. It is not a sickness or obsession, it is sublime. As I said above, Purple is far from being a disease. Those that think as such are blinded by their own obsessions and jealousy. Did you know that green is a common color associated with jealousy? Yes it is calm, but it is also dark and devious...

Green is in NO way shape or form a means to cure Purple or a way to solve the imbalance of Darkness with the other seven elements. Yes Darkness is trying to recover, it sees what is happening to Fire! Can you imagine the shame and terror that element must feel after their avatar was corrupted and controlled by Wargoth? Should this happen to Lord Voidstar... no. It must not come to pass. Darkness is merely protecting itself. If there is any color that would harm my beloved of the night, it is White and Yellow. The colors of Light. I'm not saying that Light is evil, oh no. However should they choose, they hold the power now to do serious damage to the night and shadow. Darkness must be protected, Darkness must be preserved.

Yesss... my beloved. I will shield you. None shall harm the Purple, non shall eliminate the Night, none shall escape the shadow.

Errr... alrighty then. Back to you Drakonnax!


ORIGINAL: Drakonnax

*Ahem*Thanks Kinz, for that... erm... very interesting report! Good night everybody, and!


Commercial: Dragonman66 wants YOU to join in the war against Wargoth!

Rayf wants YOU!... To give him your money.

Who do you think'll make the better mayor?

DM66: I'm dragonman66 and I approve this message


ORIGINAL: Drakonnax

Oh yeah, and this just in, Mayor Rayf has announced his new running mate!

July 29th 2012

Welcome to TDLNND news I'm Dragonman66 saying my 'n' key isn't workig well so that explains some of the typos.

Purple and green have had a conflict long coming, but now with Green supporters decidig purple is a disease, this conflict is coming closer. Purple and Green people, do not fight with eachother, untill we make it to 100%, we don't need more fighting.

Now for a segment I call DM66's Book o' the Week, which is a misnomer becuase it will be daily and also has nothing to do with books.

Instead I will put down a quote I heard/read today that made me Lol


They say the heat and the flies here can drive a man insane. But you don't have to believe that, and nor does that bright mauve elephant that just cycled past.
-- (Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent)

So yeah, I don't have much else to report but this:

Dragonman66 is awesome, but he is starting to run out of Campaign slogans and such. Want to help out or vote for him? PM him.

Dragonman66 doesn't need a top hat to feel politician-y. Rayf does. If Rayf lost his top hat he'd freak out and blow up the town.

These people want a Mayor that doesn't need a top hat: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, D00ms, Flaming Ace, (and his army of 10,000 Chickencows), magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog, his spoons, gamer rulez, and BraveSirRobin

Now to Kinzvlle



Thank you Dragon and welcome back! Now onto the news, wait you get a daily segment thing. *thinks one up on the spot* THIS IS THE FRIST, KIN`Z FACTOIDE! *cheesy jiggle* Todays factoid is, Dragonfable is one of the few AE games to not come out of Beata in October. Now wait why is there a imp in the studio? What is he doing to fuse panel. BZZKKKKKKKKKKKT

July 30th 2012

Welcome to TDLNND.

I'm Dragonman66 telling you the news.

First off Dragonman66's book o' the week which is actually a quote o' the day. Just a misnomer


People will believe other things too. Some people believe that an old man carries the universe in a leather sack

They're right too.

Others say:Hold on the universe holds everything, so it would have to have the old man ad the sack, inside the sack, right, and the old man and the sack were already in the sack.

-Paraphrased from Terry Prachett's The Last Continant

If you can't tell I've been The Last Continant recently.

Recently all the countries of Lore should have sport compititions however they have been cancelled due to heat. This is another reason to want Wargoth goe forever.

Dragonman66 would be an awesome Mayor he is a veteran from not one, not two not even three but twenty-one wars. He warmongered in 10 of them.

These people want someone with expierience Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, D00ms, Flaming Ace, (and his army of 10,000 Chickencows), magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, and BraveSirRobin

Now to Kinzvlle


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

*appears on screen Sleepily, with water dripping off him* Thank you Dragon, now back to the news. Today is a slow news day. So because of that were moving right on to…. KINZ`S FACTOIDES! *cheesy jingle* George Lowe has been in every AE game expect for the two that aren`t out yet. (I`ll have a non AE one next time) Now to break.

Parasol Corporation's Elite Personal Infernalslaying Squad™. The best Aqueevils we could enslave find on this side of Lore! Boxes, chests and other forms of containers not included.

Annnd we are back. Today a local hero saved a moglin from a tree. Uhhh, San Robin likes cheese? Ok I got nothing so goodnight.

July 31st 2012

This is TDLNND. I'm dragonman66 saying, I have literally nothing to parody today.

Umm... that's it, I didn't watch enough news to parody anything, sad huh...

But we're almost at 60%, so if you guys can make it before I get bak on I'll make up more news and stuff :P.

Dragonman66 may as well be runninng unopposed, look at how much stupidiocy Mayor Rayf has. Do you want a Mayor with Stupidiocy?

These people don't Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, D00ms, Flaming Ace, (and his army of 10,000 Chickencows), magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, and BraveSirRobin

If you don't, PM me, and I'll add you to the list.

Dragonman66 signing off, now to Kinz.


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Thank you dragon, now back to the news. Leveling and exp caps seem to be a very hot topic today. We are still trying to figure out why. Now, onto KINZ`S FACTIODE! *cheesy jingle* Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades - King David; Clubs - Alexander the Great;Hearts-Charlemagne and Diamonds - Julius Caesar. Now to break!

Parasol Corporation's Elite Personal Infernalslaying Squad™. The best Aqueevils we could enslave find on this side of Lore! Boxes, chests and other forms of containers not included.

Annd we are back. Now there have been reports of ZOMBIE IMPS. More on this tomorrow. This war is taking its toll. People are losing motivation and casualties are high. THOUGH WE WILL WIN THIS! WE ARE WARMONGERS!

August 1st 2012


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

WELLCOME TO THE NEWS! This just in Imps and Feindshorms are said to make go dragon food. Though Dracoevil prefers flame dance stew! Now onto Kinz`s factoid! *cheesy jingle* Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite. Now to break!

Water-Filled Latex Rubber Exploding Bags™. Explode in contact, for massive damage! Disclaimer: All resemblance to water balloons is mere coincidence.

Now onto the zombie imp story! Now you may have noticed that the imps seem to be over joyed when they die. There has been sighting of necromancers whisking Imp bodies off the battlefield? Who are these necoromancers? Are they working for Wargoth? Are they reanitmiting imps? No one knows for sure but, the Secret Order of Undead Slayers is sending Artix and a few others out to investigate. In othere news it seems Zeuster has opened up some kind of bacon store. I for one I`m going to check it out! Now to Dragon

Thanks Kinzvlle

You guys have beaten my challenge good job!

Now we're stuck in the Duldrums of war. Going so slowly we want to give up. Quite frankly it may look bleak, on Sat. we were at 55% and now we're only at 60% We won't even get any new perks until 75%. But we can reach 75% and in a half a day as well. We can do better, and we each need to work as hard as we can. Each of you helping are warmongers and I salute you. We need you to continue warmongering, because quite frankly if all you don't I'll scrap the whole war together myself and that'll frankly take quite a while.

Vote for Dragonman66 because he told you to

These people are good listeners: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, D00ms, Flaming Ace, (and his army of 10,000 Chickencows), magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, and Dragonknight315.

Are you?

Do not fret heroes, all Warmongers get free Bread from Serenity at the inn

Battleon, Dragonman66 signing off.

August 2nd 2012


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Welcome to TDLNND News, now on to the news. Dragon will be doing his broadcast later it appears. Raid seems to be a hot topic today. BraveSirRobin is making a anti imp weapon line. Now onto Kinz`s Factoid *cheesy jingle* The human brain holds between 1 and 7 terabytes (1 and 7 million megabytes) of data. Now to break.

Water-Filled Latex Rubber Exploding Bags™. Explode in contact, for massive damage! Disclaimer: All resemblance to water balloons is mere coincidence.

And we are back. Now I will not be doing tomorrows news. I will be in New York City watching ceric do oral looking for Warlic! Any who Drakonnax will be filling in for me, in other news I have joined the Chaosweaver nation!

Thank you Kinz. Welcome back to TDLNND. Sorry for the delay, I was busy slaying beasts, and Snakes at The Isle of the King.

In English that means I went to an amusment park all day. It was fun, I decided Falconreah needs one.

Speaking of bad transitions, Lore has been attacked by a new threat, biding it's time slowly eating people's minds. Giorgio, The Alien Guy.

Fortunately, he can be counterated by blaming Magic instead.

Now a word from our sponsor:

Nondisingenuousness: Having Frankness, Candor, or Sincerity; not falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; not insincere. Synonyms:Dragonman66.

Disingenuousness: The opposite od Nondisingenuousness, Synonyms: Rayf

Vote for someone with a large vocabulary. These people did: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, D00ms, Flaming Ace, (and his army of 10,000 Chickencows), magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, and Dragonknight315.

Lore has also been invaded by silly loking Kitties, but more on that tomorrow.

That's all for today!

Thanks for watching!

August 3rd 2012

Welcome to TDLNND. I would normally say war news, but I've been gone all day :O. whelp, slow news for me...

Oh yeah, there was that one thing...


Xan and the professor have been alking about a crystal A LOT Lately, the'll probably ask us about that tonight.

Now to a word from our sponser.

Here that? That's the sound of change. Don't here it? That's because with Rayf, nithing changes. Vote for me for change.

These people want change: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, D00ms, Zeuster, (and his army of 1 billion Chickencows), magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, and Dragonknight315.

Now to Drakonnax


ORIGINAL: Drakonnax

Hey Dragon, I'll take Kinz's place today since he's out!

Reports are in of a recent development! What we have been able to recover from AleXANder's journal so far has helped us to understand his troubled past. But now, rumors have spread of an event significantly relevant to those past events! What exactly that may be, however, is still unknown. Now back to Dragon, right after this!


Parasol Corporation's Elite Personal Infernalslaying Squad™. The best Aqueevils we could enslave find on this side of Lore! Boxes, chests and other forms of containers not included.

I received this


ORIGINAL: Blaze656

I Zack Herosens will be running for mayor, I am against all opposition to dragons and other animals. I will pay Twilly and the other Moglins TWICE what they have now, out of my own pocket, ALSO I will make taxes at an ALL TIME LOW!!! But, even doing that I WILL keep making improvements to the town. Also, I MYSELF will lead our attacks on all wars battles and quests. Now, I will be respectful to all citizens of Falconreach but will NOT be a kiss up. So Friends of Falconreach

Hopeful to be Mayor, Zack

August 4th 2012

All rhyme jokes aside It's time for TDLNND!

Today Operation St. Patrick's Day continues, so I spread amazing cheer with Rhyming and Green. Wargoth's weaknesses are... Rhyming and Getting Pinched. Along with Hitting Himself and Green, we need St. Patrick's Day.

BraveSirRobin's Store and McNessalings are proud sponsors of me. As they should be.

Blaze656 continues to believe he would be a better mayor than I would, despite claiming he would lead us into battle. I don't need that glory, I'll willingly join and let the real heroes (I'm looking at you Faerdin how did you get over 12000 waves, Anyone who's got over 5000 Voodoo Master, assa, and many ithers, you guys are the real heroes.

Mayor Rayf has 1 fan. A grumpy Dragon that hates Dragon Age.

Dragonman66 has many fans: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, and D00ms.

Do you agree with the Warmongers or Mortifer?

I'm Dragonman66 and I approve this message.

Also whoever said I support Frying Chickencows is a big liar.

This section will be done as a poem:

We have many enemies we don't even Know'em
But we can defeat them and win the war.
Then we'll all ask for more.

Now to Kinzvlle



Thank you Dragon. Now this is not one of my normal updates. This is AN EXCLUSIVE! *A siren sounds, red lights flash, and confetti dumps from the celling* Ok now as you may know I went on a mission to find Warlic. Now listen closely, I will never ever repeat this info. The paper will be burned and there will be no recording of this broadcast. This is for safety reasons, so the info doesn`t fall into Wargoth`s hands. Now here we go Warlic is BSSKT this is an extreme storm warning for Faclonreach, Deadlands, Swordhaven, Oaklore, Willowshore, Moonridge, and Amityville. BSSSSKT! Well there you have it folks now I`m off to burn the paper, good night and good war.

August 5th 2012

Welcome to TDLNND

We only have breif news today...

First off we made it to 75% go everybody get your guests (unless you don't want guests).

Next, we've been at an all time high today, until now, GET BACK TO BEING FAST PEOPLES!

If you Google (Images) Mayor Rayf you don't get anything but pictures of him (And random IRL peoples) If you Google (Images) dragonman66 you get a bunch of DF warmonger's Avvys. Who supports you better?

These people agree it's me:Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, and D00ms(and his Hammer).

Do you want dragonman66 to be mayor?

In other news, there is a war challenge... we must fight quicker 25% in 4 days 5 hours and 25 minutes, we can do it!

Now to Kinzvlle


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Thanks Dragon now back to the news. There have been so many raids going on, that some warmongers were talking about starting a department of raiding. More on this tomorrow! We have had many impresvs WPMS throughout this day and this war. For example earlier in this war we had a wpm of 1500. Sadly it dropped in about an hour. Dragons have been hammer bonking hero’s, we reached out to a Intel called zachmac, for a statement. But he couldn`t make it do to getting bonked himself Now to break,

Water-Filled Latex Rubber Exploding Bags™. Explode in contact, for massive damage! Disclaimer: All resemblance to water balloons is mere coincidence.

Annnd we are back. Now Kinz factoid *cheesy jingle* When you speak of bad luck, it is said that one should always knock on wood. Also knocking when speaking of good luck apparently helps with having good luck. This is an old Celtic tradition related to belief of wood spirits. Now onto our main story, earlier today me and the camera dragon Dracoevil made out way down to the zoo, to check out the new exhibit. So since last moglaween Zardbies have been put on the endangered species list. The people at the monster zoo had to do something about it. So they now have a male and female zarbie on display. Since zardbies are as dangerous as they are they cage is set for far away from the other monsters and is locked with 20 padlocks, the cages default lock, and is warped in chains. They are interesting to wacth though they don`t seem to care about courting! Take a look, *scene changes to shoe two zardbies yelling, screaming, and shaking the bars of their cage. Scene changes back to Kin`z in the studio* Well that`s it for me, good night and good war.

August 6th 2012


ORIGINAL: Kinzvlle

Hello and welcome to the news. This morning we beat the war thread page record. The record was 34 and we got 37! Also I am Dragonman`s campaign PR head! Also we have hired Bravesirobin as a journalist to handle our newspaper branch of the network. Now to break.

Water-Filled Latex Rubber Exploding Bags™. Explode in contact, for massive damage! Disclaimer: All resemblance to water balloons is mere coincidence.

Now onto our next story, hey what are you doing in here! THUMP Oh look stars! *falls over uncnucis on screen. Two people wearing hats that look like Rayf`s appear on screen!* HAHA, Dragonman! If you ever want to see Kinz`s again, forfeit the election! YAY YOU WILL NEVER FIND US! WE WILL NOT BE IN THE TOWN HALL BASEMENT! Shut up you idoit. *The men disappear on the screen turns to Dragonman *

What in the.... Umm thanks Kinzvlle I guess you guys can watch this ad while I save him.

Dragonman66 saves innocent newscasters who were kidnapped by Mayor Rayf... Mayor Rayf doesn;t do that, because, quite frankly, why would he kidnap in the first place?

These people agree that a hero is better than a greedy meanie-pants: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Imaru, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, and Dragonlord93.

Do you?

I broke Kinz out, that wasted enough time so, while it is short, we must get back to war! (Becasue since the challenge to reach 100% was issued we've only killed 7% 19 to go!


ORIGINAL: BraveSirRobin

Welcome to TDLNND!

Im BraveSirRobin and I will be reporting today!
Earlier today a bunch of idiots tried to kidnap our fellow reporter kinzvlle.Fortunately dragonman66 saved him once again proving that he is a better mayor!He doesnt need to try to kidnap news reporters to prove that theres no chance that Rayf will win!
In other news ImpsArentUs supports the mayoral campaign of dragonman66!Also multiple animals have been seen fighting the imps including sheep,chicken,cows,chickencows,and <cringes>ponies.Though it may be a rumor.

In related news Zorbak is on the move again and is attacking Sepulchures new castle!How many castles does he have anyway?Zorbak is aslo trying to take over the Shadowscythe with his ebil army!That poor moglin...

And now a word from our sponors!

Parasol Industries Ice Fogging Machine.Lay a fog on the ground that freezes those irritating , annoying, imps!Buy now and get half off on the Automatic Cheesing Machine!

Well thats it for me!See you later and remember stay safe,cool,and hungry for waves(cough)I mean watch out for Message Arrows!
BraveSirRobin signing off!
This broadcast was brought to you by The Daily Lore News Network and Parasol Industries!

August 7th 2012

TDLNND Announcement

I am sad, and happy to announce that I will not be doing any more news until 90% so if you want news from me today, you better help us get another 722536 waves done.

Kinzvlle can still proceed on his news, as well as the other TDLNND reporters IF THEY WISH TO.

August 9th 2012

Welcome to TDLNND

The news recall has ended, becasue we've reached 90% good job, nbut we need another 9 percent in less than 29 hours. We can do it though!

Vote dragonman66 because he's a warmonger!

These people want a warmonger Mayor:Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, and Had487.

Do you?

I would be careful, because a dragon named Mortifer goes around spreading lies about me.

In other news, the boss weapons are Evil/ Fire element We can all get rid of our old ones from the fire war. (Unless you guys were one of the lucky ones who got the Miasmal weapons, but these may be better than those as well).

August 10th 2012

Welcome to the final TDLNND News update

First off there are 2 new DF CHHHHAAAAAAAT ROOOOOOMS! Dragonfable Warmongers By Imaru, and Dragonfable Enjin bye Alethia! I'd suggest joining both!

Vote Dragonman66, because he does the news!

These people vote for the newscaster:Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, dwightt96313, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, and I m Legend. Not.!

Now for the main event An interview with someone who's been on every day since the beginning of this war VOODOO MASTER!


So, Voodoo Master, how many waves have you done in this war now?

How many waves I've done? As you said yourself yesterday - IT'S OVER 9000! 9,118 to be exact. I hope to get to 9,500 before the war's over!

That's quite impressive, how long did it take for you to get that many?

I'm fighting every day since the war started on July the 14th (Yes, not the 13th. It took the staff a lot of time to make the release, so it went live 7 minutes after midnight :P).

But I still don't think I'm a warmonger. There are many people who have done more waves. Both Baron Dante and Keldor have done more than 20,000.

Very modest of you, however I think many of the views jaws dropped at hearing the number.

SO who do you thik the boss of this war will be? Wargoth, or someone else?

I think it will be Wargoth, but this storyline was too straightforward until now... I suspect there'll be more bosses and surprises later on, just like in the Ultimate Orb saga. As I said a few days ago: "Maybe we'll discover Wargoth is controlled by another villain. Maybe we'll find out the Atealans are actually the bad guys and they just used us to get rid of their pursuers. Anything's possible ".

SO is there anything you want t o say to our viewers?


Don't give up! I know that beating the challenge seems like an almost impossible task now. But it's not! Many of you weren't here in previous wars. We almost ALWAYS win the challenges. The DF community is amazing - we never give up! As deadline draws closer, we fight harder! BATTLEON!

Remember, the sky is always darkest just before the dawn!

Oh, and vote for Dragonman66!

Anything you want the DF forums to know about you?

I don't really know how to do voodoo magic. Nope.

Thanks for your time!

That's all from me for this war, remember BATTLEON!

< Message edited by dragonman66 -- 9/8/2012 8:27:49 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
7/14/2012 15:01:35   
How We Roll Winner


Fall! Came the scream,
From over the hills and beyond the fields.

Weep! Came the cry,
From within the woods and under the sea.

Burn! Came the roar,
From among the men and within the ruins.

Flee! Came the mock,
From under the earth and over the skies.

And Die! Came the whisper,
From behind my back and into my ear...


Rise! He bellowed,
Atop the hill for his was a heart of gold and steel.

Ride! He chanted,
As he rode by me on his will of Flame and his steed of Flesh.

Fight! He cried,
With a swing of his blade for it shone in the light as the Man himself.

Sing! He commanded,
From behind the trees as twang went his bow and so did his Fear.

And Win! He whispered,
Above all rest as he drove his spear through His Fiery breast.

Hope you enjoyed my two-piece poetry.

< Message edited by Arthur Dragonlord -- 7/14/2012 15:03:03 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
7/14/2012 17:41:27   

More Than Wargoth's Wrath...

It was an average day in Darkovia. The moon cast down its pale fingertips of light upon the blighted forest as it always did. It was an average day for Count Beaumont von Blutseele, one of the oldest vampires of Lore. A day for rummaging through his tomes, ever searching for that one thing that could spark his will to… “live” once more. His luxurious estate was kept in a pristine condition; the entire square mile of property was maintained entirely by him. When he had grown tired of preying upon the humans some century or two ago, he had taken to a life of seclusion, dismissing all of his servants and thralls.

In his lavish study, he would pour himself over all matters of scrolls and texts, learning about various fields of magic and history, and in certain places, making corrections. But one passage of one text never failed to attract his attention. It was a rather heavy reading from a certain Warlic, a master of elemental magics, titled Mysteries of Magick; A History, A Study, And A Hope. The particular passage was in Chapter CLXIII, “Runic Symbols and Us”, and focused on a particular symbol. It read as followed;

Pictured above is perhaps the most mysterious symbol I have ever come to stumble across. It has come to me only in fleeting visions and dreams, or perhaps even long-forgotten memories, and had it not been so recurring, and always without variation, I would not have dared to include it in this work. I have consulted all the known runic languages of Lore, and dimensions we have come into close contact with, and it matches up with none of them. Professor Gallerus, a renowned expert on Demonology and Infernal Studies, suspects it to be infernal in nature, based on its structure and resemblance to some of the more evolved demon languages. However, it is not of Lorian origins, as far as anybody knows. It fills me with great dread whenever it haunts my mind, and that dread is only tempered by that ever-present wizard’s curiosity that runs through my blood. What could it mean? What does it portend? All attempts to use the symbol in all manners of rituals, summons, and incantations has thus far proved fruitless, unless the charred remains of your intended result can be considered a boon. Clearly, this rune is not for any spells known to man, elf, orc, dwarf, giant, or even dragon. The fact that even one of the most magically attuned creatures of Lore cannot discern the import of this symbol does not bode well…

Beaumont traced the symbol emblazoned in a fiery red upon the page with the clawed tip of his gold-clad index finger, gazing ruefully upon the same symbol on the dark metal on the back of his gauntlet with his one visible, grey eye. Ever since Wargoth had left that mark on his scarred hand, he had worn that claw-like gauntlet, only to find that the symbol seared itself into the metal as it had his own flesh.

Suddenly, the vampire’s left hand, the marked hand, began to flare up with a wave of excruciating heat, making the Count drop the text in his hands in pain and shock. Just as quickly as the burning sensation had come, though, it faded to its usually warmth. However, in the back of the creature’s mind, there was an unbidden thought. I will go his own voice told him in his head, like a far-off whisper. Without a second thought, the count stood up from his desk, reaching for his cloak, which was hanging on a hanger beside him, his pointed Nighthunter’s hat, and his cursed pistol, Typhon. Garbed and armed, the vampire lord flew off through the window and into the night air, shadows enveloping his form. He did not know where he was going, or why, but knew he was going somewhere north north-west…

The mine where the Professor had taken refuge was well defended with an army of heroes and Guardians from Falconreach, keeping Wargoth’s massive army at bay some miles away deeper in the Dead Lands. Twilight was approaching as Friday the Thirteenth drew closer to its demise. Due to the utmost importance of keeping the Professor safe, it came to a shock to those stationed outside the mine to see a dark-clad man ride towards them on a black stallion. As he drew closer, the men could see that he was garbed in all black, with a pointed hat lying low over his face and a cloak wrapped so tightly around him not a speck of flesh was visible, even at a closer range. Only a savage-looking gauntlet crafted from darkened gold protruded from under the folds of his garb, gripping the reins of the horse tightly. With but a wave of this strange hand, the man was allowed to pass within, as if the guards were under a spell of his doing. Leaving his horse behind, the man made his way within the darkness of the underground shafts, moving quickly to get out of the disappearting sunlight.

Within the mine, the Professor was reassuring Sir Mordred, a Pactogonal Knight, that his plan would work when the man approached. The two men were taken aback at first, but the knight recognized the pale face of the man as he tilted his hat up.

“Count Beaumont!” the young knight called out as he rushed over to shake his old friend’s hand. When he saw the golden claw of a hand that was the Count’s left hand, though, he shied away from shaking it, daring not to touch it. “What brings you here?”

“I’m not sure yet…” the vampire replied coolly. “I came on a whim. But now I can see that Wargoth has thrown himself at u once more. I suppose I could lend a hand?”

“Excuse me?” the old Professor exclaimed gruffly as he hobbled over to examine the intrude with his bent cane. “Who the blazes are you?”

“Oh, my apologies, Professor,” Sir Mordred said in a bumbling voice. “This is my friend, Count Beaumont von Blutseele, from Darkovia.”

“Hmmm, le’s’see what we got here then?” the old man mumbled to himself as he began to examine the almost towering vampire before him. He seemed rather unimpressed, until he cast his gaze upon Wargoth’s mark on von Blutseele’s gauntlet. “You let the enemy in, you fool!” he shouted at the knight, before hitting him over the helmet with his cane. “Send him away at once!”

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” the vampire said charmingly, flashing his pointed teeth. “What have I done?”

“You’re marked by him, you idiot!” the old man replied harshly as he hobbled away. “Go away! You’ll be the death of us all, with that mark!”

“B-but I’ve done nothing wrong…” the Count said menacingly. Before he could act upon the dark tone in his voice, though, his left hand suddenly started to seize up, his fingers clutching at the air as if grasping for something.

“See?” the Professor said with a hint of smugness. “Wargoth has touched you, boy, and would use you to kill me!”

The vampire looked upon the old man’s face with a mix of confusion and injury as he grasped his left wrist in his right hand, struggling to keep his hand under control.

“Erm…” the knight began, hesitation in his voice. “I think it’s best you leave, Beaumont.” Saying this, Mordred place his arm around the vampire’s shoulder as he walked him out of the mine. Once in the sunlight, the Count began to hiss as he withdrew back into his clothing for protect, his hand now under control once more. While he drew himself up, his ally continued talking. “Beaumont, I understand you want to help. I’ve known the feeling for a long time. But you can’t help protect the Professor like this. You’re a danger.”

Regaining composure, the creature of the night nodded in acknowledgement. “I’ll take down as many of those infernal creatures as I can,” he seethed through gritted teeth. “But for this once, I will listen to others, and stay away from that coot.”

“Then we’re in agreement,” the knight replied in a relieved tone as he turned back into the mine. “Now, get outta the sun, would ya?”

The Count made his way towards one of the far-off war tents, muttering to himself about the notion of that young Professor calling the likes of him young.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
7/14/2012 17:55:16   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

Behind the Portal

I had been searching for Warlic for some time now. The ruins of this planet are beautiful to behold, if you live long enough to catch a breath that is. Infernal armies are swarming all over the place, as well as the natives who are now under the influence of Wargoth.
I have been placing boards for the adventurers of Lore so they may find the bulk of the Infernal army the fastest, but so far they have not appeared. As I scour through the remains of this civilization I cannot help but wonder what is taking them so long. They sacked the Necropolis, did they not? Why are they hesitating with bringing the war to the enemy? They're always so full about war and how they love it. Pfah, they love war. It was brought this world nothing but suffering and misery. Thoughts plague my mind about how it will go on if the Ataleans are free and Wargoth is gone, then what? I fear they may all come to Lore. Not that I don't mind a friendly visit once every while, but there are billions of Ataleans here. Would Lore be ready for that? Would its people be ready for that?

I have sensed some magical activity to the south. I am going to check it out.

It has been a few days now, more and more portals keep appearing. The lands of Somorah are pouring into them like gnats to a lightbulb, you know those fancy contraptions Lim and Voltabolt use as a lightsource. Quite fascinating to watch them gather interest of gnats or other insects during a warm summer evening, but I digress.

It appears the adventurers are finally bringing the fight to Somorah after Wargoth took the initiative to attack. The atealans have these strained expressions as if Wargoth is holding them responsible for either our defiance or their failure to burn the rest of Lore. I guess both theories are plausible. I have to be careful, the increased activity near the old portals makes it impossible for me to return. I had to fight off several possessed Atealans when I attempted to stock up on food and fresh water, things which are scarce on Somorah and often found only in heavily guarded areas. I guess that means Cysero's Shop is being overrun then, though I imagine I'm not giving the Green Mage enough credit. Don't most of us? I wouldn't be surprised if he came flying over right now on a giant chickencow to present Wargoth with the bills for all the stuff his minions broke.

I smile for the first time in days as I make my way down a spire where now several Infernals lie cold.

Challenge: 76% for a draw (56%)

Another week has passed or so I think, it's rather hard to tell without the sun, but the streams of fiery armies tell me my estimate isn't too far off. The Atealans have a defeated and sad look in their eyes as they slowly trudge in the direction of the portals to Lore. While the spirits of the Atealans are broken, the spirit of the Infernals has grown and this much tells me that we're losing the war back home. Losing .... the word is almost as alien as this world to me. Have we gone that haughty and proud or is the number of enemies just this overwhelming? I digress.

Now the war is slowing down on our behalf, Wargoth's armies are taking a considerable longer time to pour themselves out of the remains of Somorah. Wargoth takes delight in breaking us slowly till we are nothing but hollow slaves to do his bidding or rather his sadistic games which he has played with many an Ateala. Even now I witness some Infernals torturing some Atealans since they are now required to war yet. It may take me a lot longer now to locate Warlic, assuming he's even out here somewhere. No, he has to be here. When even an advanced culture like the Atealans did not have a chance of stopping Wargoth, we don't have much of a chance either. Even the Dragonlords pale in power compared to him. Warlic is here somewhere.

He has got to be ....

After several days the armies are now pouring out of Somorah faster than Cysero can annoy Lim on a day there are no customers or Warlic to play with. Moving through Somorah's ruins has become much easier now that the majority of the armies are either on Lore or hurrying to get there. Much as I'd like to say that I came across something which would tell me Warlic's current location, I cannot. The only things of interest have been an arena I could see from afar, a few Inferno Vector nests and a recipe to prepare Fiendshrooms.

The Atealans now look much happier, displaying even so much as a distinct look of hope in their eyes. Their Infernal slavemasters however have gone grim to downright afraid now they can no longer torture Atealans to get their thoughts off the war. Speaking of which, the green glow of the explosions can be seen from all across Somorah. It gives the planet a green hue as it were. I look at my broken remote control, I could've fixed it with my quill, but instead I am using it to write you this all back home. War is coming to an end, Wargoth is coming within reach. Be well, my friends. That this message may reach you safely on the other side.


< Message edited by Dwelling Dragonlord -- 8/6/2012 17:52:24 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 8
7/14/2012 22:14:44   

Little Soldier Boy

When the guardians stood in line, waiting, standing entirely still, each one stony faced but obviously anxious inside their minds, he was easy to notice due to the fact that he was entirely failing at looking emotionless.

His name was Sander, and he must have stood at least four inches shorter that than the shortest guardian, his armor was very obviously just the slightest bit too big. Most of all, though, he stood there fidgeting anxiously, shifting his weight from foot to foot, twitching his fingers. That was as much as he could do to stop from bursting into tears or screaming, and neither or those were things he wanted to do. He didn’t want to make a name for himself like that on his first fight; besides, he’d only get scolded because he was providing a large distraction for the others. He’d never forget that.

Not that he’d have long to remember it.

No, because looking at those trees that looked ominous for absolutely no reason, he realized his incredibly slim chances of getting out of this fight alive. If he had gone through the regular amount of training and was of age to even be a guardian? Maybe then he’d more of a chance. But now, he was young, he was inexperienced, he wasn’t strong, and wasn’t even sure he could kill.

Sander knew he would die in war- or, rather, he’d always known he’d rather die in war than anywhere else. He had made up his mind about that years ago. Ever since his father returned home as a pile of ashes just like so many others who had fought, he had known. He didn’t want to die slowly of some sort of illness or die peacefully of old age in his sleep.

Not that Sander wanted to die at all.

But he figured death wasn’t something worth dreading.

Even if dying at his young age in a war he didn’t really even want to fight in seemed terrible.

A war he really didn’t want to fight because, simply, he wasn’t ready. Just because he was Daddy’s Little Soldier Boy who wanted to die in battle didn’t mean he wanted to fight this early.

So what if he had to lie about his age because Mama was out of money and food and they could barely support themselves?

Even if their situation would have been avoided, he would have ended up here somehow. Not necessarily here, standing near that forest, waiting for Wargoth’s troops, but on a battlefield somewhere, sometime, fighting for Lore. The expectation had been placed on Sander since he was young. His father was a Guardian, and a good one at that. No one fought better than Guardian Ransey, so his son must be just as good, mustn’t he?

Not really.

The wait was killing him. He could feel himself going insane already. It was his mind's fault: the way he pictured grotesque creatures of fire that would have given him nightmares when he was younger, the way he planned his own death many times over. Even if the night had a slight chill, he could feel the beads of sweat on his brow. Sander was having even more trouble standing still than before.

It will only get worse.

Without anything else to do, he found himself whispering a prayer, which surprised him. His mother had been religious, even if she never told him what she was praying to. Her prayers, which she gave every night, sitting on the edge of her bed, sometimes wrapped in her husband’s old coat, always seemed to give her comfort, so, he reasoned, why not try it?

"My great God, forgive me for the wrongs I've done and save me for this night, and protect me from the evil..."

“They’re coming!” someone yelled, and Sander was yanked from his prayer, feeling absolutely no different than before. His hand found his sword, gripping it so tightly he imagined his knuckles must be white. His legs were trembling.

Guardian Myra stepped forward then, her face painted with an expression of bravery and defiance, no hint of fear or doubt on her face.

“They're almost upon us, and my advice for all of you is this: Remember who you are. Remember what we're fighting. The outcome of this war may decide the fate of not only Lore, but other worlds, so we cannot fail. It won't be easy, and it won't be fast, but I have the utmost trust in all of you. BATTLE ON!"

All of her speech seemed far away, and none of the words seemed make any sense to Sander. He felt deeply sick, and ended up biting his tongue, trying to keep his dinner from coming back up.

“Be brave,” he whispered to himself. “You can do that.”

He was taken aback at first when the waves broke the trees. Sander had been expecting mostly imps, or ashen squires, or maybe some kilhoh and flamedances. True, all of them were there. But they were not the majority of the waves.

No, most of what he saw were Atealans. Except they weren’t normal, because their hair seemed to be made of fire and their eyes blazed orange, and there was something jerky about the way they moved. Most of what Sander had heard about Wargoth came from muttered whispers among his mother’s friends, but there was one main, frightening thing that he remembered the most: the fact that he could possess basically anyone, including an Avatar.

The swords of doubt pierced his mind again. Could he do this? Could he really kill these aliens that looked so… human?

He didn’t have time to think about this, though, because someone behind him pushed him forward as he realized he was the only guardian still standing. The rest had run towards the armies. He’d been too wrapped up in his own thoughts to move.

As he ran, he saw a Cryptic appear in front of him, and he ducked to try to avoid her, only to feel something vaguely sharp piercing him. He yelped and managed to turn enough to see the Cryptic behind him, except for the fact that it couldn’t have moved that fast. He felt something else prod him, but the Cryptic had no weapons and there was nothing around.

She was messing with him, somehow. The pain was only in his mind. That was the only explanation. He blocked out what felt like another blow and shifted his weight forward, swinging his sword… and somehow managed to land a hit. The momentary shock from the Cryptic gave him time enough to make a better swing, and this time he caught it somewhere around the neck, and swept his foot across her legs, knocking her off balance.

But instead of falling, like he expected her to, the Cryptic seemed to shatter into hundreds of crystals.

He didn’t have as much time as he wanted to to contemplate this, though, because a flare imp came up behind him. He vaguely felt the flames before they reached him, and he managed to roll gracelessly out of the way at just the right time. Not quite soon enough, though, because he felt the burn spreading on his arm, but it wasn’t fatal, even if it hurt a lot.

As he collected himself and found his balance again, Sander realized just how outnumbered they were. There were so many of Wargoth’s minions around them if felt overwhelming and the numbers nearly drowned out that far-flung hope that everyone clung to so desperately. The forest around them was burning, and there were battles being fought all around him, and although they escaped his eyes, there were people dying out there for sure. And, for some reason, al that Sander could think of was how, somehow, he was not one of them.

He managed to stay alive, and that was all that could be given to him. He wasn’t fighting with the seasoned grace and strength his father had, and his trainers would have scoffed at some of the moves he made. But, out here, that didn’t matter. In the heat of a battle, the only important thing was life, and how yours was so much more important than the enemy at hand. He wasn’t mentally running through the forms he’d learned; he was impulsively moving himself in the way that his brain thought increased his chances of survival the most.

Eventually, though, he realized there was nothing around him. There was nothing to fight. He lowered his sword and, just for a moment, let reasoning take over.

He was surrounded.

There were more of them than he could count surrounding him and a few other guardians. More than they could fight off.

He realized this was it. He’d die here, right now, not with a fight but with a total defeat.

Or… not.

Sander remembered that they were in a forest, of course. There were trees surrounding him. As a child, he’d been an avid climber. He still was.

He glanced over. The tree next to him seemed sturdy enough, so after a quick look at the hoard around him, he placed his hands and feet on the trunk and pulled himself upwards as fast as possible. It was difficult with the added weight of his armor, but manageable.

By the time they actually started fighting, he was clear of the enemies.

He climbed just a bit higher, and then hugged the trunk as tightly as possible, balancing on a branch. He prayed that this was enough, and that he was safe.

He wasn’t.

But the tree provided a sense of false security, so when Sander was hit dead-on with a fireball from some creature that he never got a glimpse of, he didn’t see it coming. Why should he have? He’d shoved those stifling worries into a dark recess of his mind where they didn’t bother him.

He didn’t realize it when the thing hit him with enough force to throw him out of the tree. He didn’t even realize anything had happened until he came to notice that he was lying on the ground, ears ringing, with a huge amount of pain throughout his entire body. He tried to force himself up, to at least try to fight, but the way his head spun and vision blurred told him that he shouldn’t even try it.

At least the group had mostly moved on.

He knew he had to at least get away from the burning tree, so he crawled as far as possible in the general direction of the tent where he knew they had healers. He knew he’d never make it, but he didn’t really want to lay there and accept defeat.

Eventually, his body just sort of gave out, so he lay there, and he decided he’d wait for either something to come along and finish him off, or his injuries to kill him. Neither one seemed particularly great, but it was all he could do now.

Suddenly, dying in battle didn’t seem so glorious.

But it wasn’t like there was anything he could do now.

His potions had shattered with his fall. If he really squinted, he could see the pools of red and blue liquids that were so precious. He would try to call for help, but he didn’t know how well his voice would carry, and he doubted he could speak loud enough to make a difference anyway. He didn’t know where his sword was; he’d lost track of it when he was hit with the fireball.

Even if he still had it, he doubted he’d be able to do it.

"My great god, forgive me for the wrongs I've done and save me for this night, and protect me from the evil around me, and bless the family that raised me, and sanctify the dead that rest, and accept my thanks and retribution..."

Sander felt an arm on his shoulder.

He turned his head as much as he could, and relief flooded through his entire being. He had, for some reason, expected to see an enemy there. Instead, there was another guardian that Sander had never met before.

“You’re alive,” he said, almost sounding a bit surprised. He took a moment to collect himself, and then said, “Come on. I can try to help you get to the tent. There are healers there. You’ll be okay.” There was almost an air of hopelessness to the man’s words. As if he wanted to believe his words, but couldn’t quite bring himself to.

Sander couldn’t blame him. Even if the forest ahead was emptier than what was behind them, it was still spattered with monsters. He had vaguely noticed the faint limp the man already carried, and Sander was hardly in any shape to be walking. They’d be a wide open target, two slow fighters with maybe one sword between them.

Still, he found himself growing hopeful. Even if the chance of them making it out was limited, there was still a possibility of survival.

He ended up having his arm slung around the guardian’s neck with the guardian’s arm wrapped around his waist. This supported him enough for him to walk, even if the pace was tantalizingly slow.

But, of course, even if he knew that the little speck of hope he held was meaningless, he didn’t not expect what happen next.

The few people around them would agree, and that was the complete truth. The Riftwalker that crept up on them must have been a master, because she materialized behind them in seconds from an unknown location. Even if the two of them had been in a decent condition, they most likely wouldn’t have heard her.

Her blade seemed to cut straight through the hand that was wrapped around Sander’s waist and sent him entirely off balance, sending him to the ground. His burnt back slammed against the
ground, sending a cry from his throat.

He saw perfectly what happened next.

How the Riftwalker moved with every slash of her sword.

How the guardian’s eye was wide with absolute terror but filled with a complete understanding of what was going to happen.

How there was still blood flowing from his wounds as he fell.

How the Riftwalker seemed to nearly smile.

How he was dead before he hit the ground.

She was over Sander in an instant, her blade slicing through his skin. The cut was deep, and long, and he saw the blood immediately. This time, he didn’t even bother with hope. There was no way he was going anywhere this time.

He lay back and tried to accept his fate as much as possible.

Was he proud, his father? Was he glad that his son took after him so well? Or…

Or was he upset that his only son took after him into the career that had utterly broken him in his last years of life and left his wife now utterly alone?

Sander hadn’t noticed the way his father acted that last year. He’d always written it away as stress, or tiredness, or a longing to leave the little village they lived in. Now he understood that it was all of them and more.

The night after he’d come home, Sander had been having a hard time sleeping, so, like all children, he’d sought out his parents.

When he’d found them, they were sitting on the edge of their bed, his mother’s arms wrapped around his father as he leaned over and, as much as Sander couldn’t believe it at the time, cried.

No one had told him that his father’s entire troop perished in the war.

"My great God, forgive me for the wrongs I've done and save me for this night, and protect me from the evil around me, and bless the family that raised me, and sanctify the dead that rest, and accept my thanks and retribution for this sinful life I've lived, and send great things to those who have helped me in my life, and let my passage be peaceful and painless so I experience the greatest adventure with as little pain as possible. Thank you."

His head was spinning.

The stars didn't seem as bright as they had been.

He could barely even see them anymore.

The burns were getting less painful.

He couldn’t remember where his wound was anymore.

The sounds of conflict around him faded into nothingness.

Mama, Daddy, it seems your little soldier boy isn’t coming home.

< Message edited by PrettyOod -- 7/28/2012 18:59:10 >
DF AQW  Post #: 9
7/15/2012 15:39:38   
Friendly!, Constructive!

A collaboration story between me and Hopeful Guy. It is about our clan. I say it is a collab, however I've done the most. To be honest, this is because I keep asking to add extra bits before he adds more. XD

I believe that after I have written a little more, he has free reign (so less of me XD). Stuff written by me will be in purple, stuff by Hopeful will be in gold. I hope you enjoy.

The Celestial Stand against Wargoth

The grey tower starkly stood in front of Varen. He stood a little to the side, removing himself from the crowd of soldiers running out to defend Falconreach from the encroaching flame-creatures that drew near. Beside him stood his fellow Celestial Guardians, Hopeful Guy and Mort the Great; their faces were impossible to see in the dark of the night so Varen had great trouble knowing what they were thinking from their facial expressions. Varen could just make out Mort turn to his left towards a silhouette of a man who had just stepped from behind the lone tree on the rocky outcropping that held the Falconreach guardian tower.

“What is the news on reinforcements? Have any of the other bandit groups held their end of the agreement?” Mort spoke, his voice making a change from the shuffling of metal from the passing Guardians. Hopeful Guy held up a gloved hand, creating a floating orb of light to shine on the bandit by Mort’s side. He squinted slightly, turning his masked face away slightly before slowly getting used to the sudden light.

“Yes sir, we have at least one hundred men coming in from Surewould forest within the next two days. Robina the Hood has also promised to come to help Falconreach.” Mort nodded, his face lit ominously by the yellow light emanating from Hopeful’s glowing light. His oak-coloured hair seemed a rather strange colour in the magical light. Varen turned to Hopeful Guy, whose gold eyes shone like the light from his orb. He was an unusual person; nobody knew his real name, yet he seemed to be be a powerful mage. It was rumoured that he was the Avatar of the Spirit of Hope, but he had never denied or confirmed this.

“Hopeful, have you managed to contact any of the elementals from the light realm? Usually I would dare not ask you to try and make an elemental army, however our situation is dire. We must have everything we can get before defending the town.” Varen, the spy who was rumoured to be able to blend into the darkness, was not in the mood to beat around the bush.

“Varen, don’t worry. I have contacts within the light elementals, quite high up in the order of things. I’m sure they could spare some elementals to fight for us. Even if they were killed here, they’d just be sent back up into their realm. Need I remind you that they in fact owe me their lives?” Varen shook his head, his black hair waving from side to side in the darkness. His silver armour glistened in the light of Hopeful’s magic.

“No need Hopeful; we have all heard each other’s stories enough times. How many elementals do you think you could bring to the front-line?” Hopeful lifted his head up a tad, gazing up towards the stone bird that sat upon the tower.

“On such short notice I would say...twenty? However more would come as news of my plea spreads...so I’d say between fifty and one hundred would arrive within the week. Of course, I could just summon them instead...” Varen considered this for a second before nodding.

“Normally I would advise against you using too much energy before a battle, however if it means another hundred soldiers then I guess it is fine. Once they have arrived send them to defend the west gate and Arborvale Bridge. We need to keep in contact with Rolith and his knights, so we cannot afford to lose the bridge.” Hopeful nodded and set off downhill, back towards the main town. Varen knew he would summon the elementals outside of the town because of the general consensus was that the people of Falconreach hated elementals ever since The Storm. He turned and realised that the bandit that Mort had previously spoken to had disappeared. He spoke to Mort, trying to not get distracted by the fact the bandit had just evaporated into the shadows.
“Mort, I want you go to our base and tell the others to recruit whatever soldiers they can to our cause. Tell them that I’ll be there to check up on their progress in a couple of hours.” Mort nodded and walked over to the gate of the Guardian Tower. A brown horse stood there and he swiftly jumped up onto its back. Mort quickly nodded towards Varen before setting off at a fast gallop.

Varen walked into the tower, trying to not walk into the slowly thinning ranks of Guardians running out of the tower. He heard a man shouting directions and orders to people in a clear baritone voice. He turned his eyes up the spiralling stairs, seeing the man who was giving orders at the top of the stairs. Varen sighed; his greatest fear was drawing near. He had no choice to give up though; too much was at stake. He had no choice; he had to do it. He had to climb up all the way to the top of the Guardian tower.

He was out of breath by the time he had reached the top. He stopped and bent over, his legs burning from the effort of walking up so many stairs. The head guardian, Kain, turned around.

“Ah, Varen, I see you’re still not used to these stairs. Well, anyway, I have news of the approaching forces.” He pointed down towards the table, or more specifically an imp-like figure just North-East of Falconreach.

“Kain, I just need a little more time. When we are ready, we will be able to hold off the assault for certain. We just need to be ready...” Varen’s voice trailed off. The enemy army was around 12 hours away; it would take reinforcements at least a day to arrive.

Meanwhile, there was more bad news. Burton, another spy, who was close friends with Varen, had been scouting Wargoth’s army camp. Now he walked into the tower.
“Burton, my friend!” Varen exclaimed. “What news do you bring?”
“Firstly, Codename 6398, you should be referring to me as Codename 2346. Remember, us spies do not refer to others by name. Anyway, I have been scouting Wargoth’s army. It is huge; I would estimate that their forces are about 15 million strong. There is no way we can hold out without strong reinforcements.”
“Hopeful, I don’t suppose you could summon 15 million elementals for us?” Varen asked, sarcastically. He had not even noticed Hopeful arriving; it was as if he had always been there.
Hopeful did not detect the sarcasm in Varen’s words. “Sadly, no. We need to resort to extreme measures,” he mused. He walked out of the room, away from the conference. Varen knew better than to stop him.

By dawn the next day, the army was visible as a line of red on the horizon. General Womba, leader of the Falconreach defenders, was preparing for combat.

"Are the water pistols ready?"
"Ready, sir!"
"Is every troop armed with a weapon?"
"Armed, sir!"
"Are the medics prepared?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Good. Now listen to me. You will let a wave of light elementals charge into battle. With luck, they'll blind the enemy. You will then lead the main attack force behind the elementals in a raid to destroy as many as possible. I expect you to take out at least a few thousand. Don't let me down."

Womba went behind the walls, before seemingly disappearing. Varen knew what had just happened was all part of the plan. The army of flame drew near, the incessant laughing of the imps crawling into everyone’s minds. Varen turned to check both of his sides. Beside him was Hopeful, who was preparing his light magic. To his other side was Rob, a trusty soulweaver who made sure that no-one who was slain in the fight had their soul stolen by necromancers. His long black hair rolled down the back of his head, a moustache and goatee on the front. His arms were stretched out behind him, reaching down towards his knee. His glowing weaponry glowed blue and seemed to run like water, clearly specialised for the job at hand. The forest stretched out to the right flank of the enemy, a perfect place for an ambush. Varen dearly hoped that Wargoth himself would not direct the army, as he would have the sense to check his flanks. Fortunately for Varen and his fellow Celestial Guardians, the undirected army was as much an army as a pile of bricks was a house.

The imps drew near, the first wave of attack drawing close. The entire world was aglow and the laughing began to unnerve Varen. He realised that if he closed his eyes, it simply sounded like a comedy road-show.

Listen to this music from now on.

“Men! This is the time when we must fight! The enemy have come to us for war and fighting, so that is what we shall give!” The crowd cheered around him. The enemy army began to quieten and stop, hearing the high morale of the defenders.

“The fight will be long. It will be arduous and it will be hard! Long has Falconreach stood against the darkness, but now we must defend it! Wargoth has come here today with a heart of steel and a will of evil! But he doesn’t realise what holds us all together! Our families, our friends, our neighbours, our freedom! We fight for everything we hold dear and love, for everything we believe is true. They will break us. They will make us hurt. They will send all of us to Death’s realm if we do not fight for what is right and true!” The enemy army had halted completely. The imps were all silent, watching the heroic speech with a sense of awe.

“We will fight for Falconreach! We will fight for what we believe and what we need! All of us...all of us will give our all! We will hold back the enemy with everything we have, swords, spears, tooth and claw. We will fight until the end and we will not give up! Spears will be broken. Shields shall be splintered! We fight ‘till the new day. A red day, ere the sun rises!” The army of Falconreach broke out into a huge warcry, a cheer so loud that the enemy drew back. The scared imps squeaked around for a little while before stepping forward again. On the horizon, the sun just began to set as the darkness began to engulf all. A storm began to form overhead. Varen felt his Dark magic begin to swell inside him as the night took over.

‘We will fight for our loved ones...’ was Varen’s last thought before the battle began. He and everyone around him began to run forward, slowly building up the pace until they were sprinting towards the enemy frontline. Elementals of light began to appear all around him, speeding faster than any human. Varen pushed his magic out, summoning darkness elementals behind the humans, to back up and thicken the line. Lightning struck down, hitting the enemy and creating a huge crater in the enemy’s ranks, creating enough space for a lone lightning-clad warrior to zoom down from the sky. Varen’s thoughts of the plan began to come together.

‘First it’s Womba – Lightning Clad. Then it’s...’ before had a chance to think, a swooping water dragon emerged from the clouds and began to soak the fiery enemies, totally destroying and obliterating as it went. Upon it sat a dragonlord, clad in bright silver and holding a sword that glistened in the moonlight.

‘Zachmac. Then the ambush from the forest...’ An arrow shot out in the distance. Varen quickly realised that it was in fact Troy Darksword, a legendary assassin that had joined The Celestial Guardians to help defeat the unworthy. Magic and arrows poured out of the forest into the enemy army. Quickly after the first round of destruction, a group of warriors clad in golden armour ran out of the forest. Bandits began to pour out, following the orders of Mort (who was now wearing a leather suit, coloured gold). Strange creatures, a mix of both Light and Darkness, poured out after Khan who was once a trusted dragonlord of the order before joining The Guardians. The imps were surrounded, being blinded and drowned. Without any leader, it was clearly too hard for them. They tried to run, but there was no way to escape. The laughter which had returned soon after the speech had once again faded. There was no way out: the first wave of imps had been defeated.

< Message edited by Varen6398 -- 7/15/2012 15:40:41 >
DF  Post #: 10
7/16/2012 12:14:03   

This short story is dedicated to all of you brave heroes of Lore who battle tirelessly in the war. I thank you all for the will to keep fighting and hope my story encourages you likewise.

To Win Or Die

I climbed to a rise and peered over at the painting of death before me. Day had turned to night when the smoke from endless fires rose to the sky, blackening it in such a way that we had not seen the sun in three days. I inhaled the hot air, pulling ash into my lungs and holding back both my cough and gag reflexes; it smelled of fire and blood, death and despair. Below me, masses of desperate soldiers fought on against the red and gold expanse of Wargoth's fiery army, whose empty, soulless eyes seemed to mock the life and bravery of my fellow heroes. Above me, Dragonlords rode their powerful dragons into the fray, their mighty roars and elemental breaths lighting up the unwavering darkness.

"What are you doing, Damien? We must fight! Stop standing there!"Irisdar's voice called inside my head as I watched him swoop down from the sky and flash-freeze a whole wave of possessed Atealans and their fiery beasts.
"I know, I know. It's just... they're so many." Despair nearly consumed me then, feeling inside me the vast emptiness of the souls in Wargoth's army, and the helpless despair below it, tainting the soul threads of a once proud and powerful people. My Soulclaws hummed with Ice energy, the cold seeping into me and grounding me; I wanted to vanquish them all and rid myself of their pitiful souls, rid us all of the fear that poisoned our minds. Slavery was far worse a fate than death.
"You must not waver; you must not let them overwhelm you! I am a Dragon and you are my Dragonlord, and we will not fall to such ridiculous intimidation. We will free these people and we will bathe in the blood of our enemies! Feel the hope! We will not fall!"

He was right, of course. Calling out to the souls of others, I felt the courage, determination and hope I needed to keep going. We would not fall. I pulled myself together and launched myself from the rise. As always, Irisdar was there to catch me, and roaring together we dove into the sea of fire, raining icy death upon them. BATTLE ON!!!

< Message edited by CorteX -- 7/16/2012 12:38:30 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 11
7/18/2012 9:27:41   

Right, so welcom to my post, which will include my specialty: Parodies on famous speeches suited to the world of lore. This will be an ongoing list, so I'll post my first two.

I have a dream (MLK's I have a dream speech)
“I have a dream that one day the percent meter will rise up, and live out the true meaning of its getting to 25%: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: catapults are FAR easier than constant waves.’
I have a dream that one day on the red sand dunes of the sandsea the sons of former Atealen survivers and the sons of former minions of Xan will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood and eat a vultragon egg.
I have a dream that one day even on th planet Somorah, a planet sweltering with the heat of Wargoth and sweltering with the heat of possessed Atealens, will be transformed into an oasis of unpossessedness and water.
I have a dream that my sword will one day destroy a nation of imps, and one day I will live in a world where Atealens will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream for the future.”

Meh, not my best work, but still, it had to be done.

The dragonsburg adress (Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Adress)

Four score and seven years ago our enemies brought forth on this world of Lore, a new nation, conceived in darkness, and dedicated to the proposition that all undead are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great 13th war, testing whether that city of falconreach, or any other city so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their time that that city might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and undead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our incredible power as doomknights to add or detract. The Atealeans will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what we doomknights did here. It is for us the living and undead, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, namely wasting our time destroying wave after wave of imps -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of mana -- that we here highly resolve that these doomknights have not undied in vain, rather in joy of the awesome power bestowed upon them -- that this nation, under Zeuster, the avatars and dragonman66, shall have a new birth of war, uh I mean freedom -- and that government of the heores, by the heroes, for the heroes, shall not perish from Lore.

The Raid(General Eisenhower's Speech before D-day)

You are about to embark upon the Great Raid, toward which we have
striven these many months. The eyes of Lore are upon you. The
hopes and prayers of Atealans everywhere march with you.
In company with our brave Heroes and brothers-in-arms on
other War Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the imps, the elimination of possessed tyranny over the oppressed peoples of
Somorah, and security for ourselves in a free world.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well
equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely, yet we will not die.
We will simply be wasting our time.

But this is the 13th! Much has happened since Wargoth's triumphs of
before. The Heroes have inflicted upon the imps' great defeats,
in open battle, man-to-imp. Our catapult offensive has seriously reduced their
strength in the waves and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our peom and story threads
have given us an overwhelming superiority in courage obtained from war speeches and poems
of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men and undead.
The tide has turned! The free men of Lore are marching together to

I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in
battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory and 100%!

Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Zeuster, the avatars, the archknights, and Dragonman66, the mayo- ugh, I mean the very likely, mostly certain future mayor of Falconreach upon this great and noble undertaking.

< Message edited by I am legend. Not. -- 7/24/2012 15:17:21 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 12
7/19/2012 10:59:45   

A war song, with heartfelt apologies to Amy MacDonald for corrupting her song.

Let's start a raid

Put a weapon into my hands, a Doomie should do the trick.
I won't stop while there's imp butt left to kick.
Let's hack away those waves for glory and gold.
We're strong and mad and bold!

Send those possessed by Wargoth knocked out to the floor.
You still have sanity? Just leave it at the door!
I don't know anymore if my wavecount is true
How 'bout you?
Oh let's just kill more!

And how do I know if you're feeling the same as me?
And how do I know if that's the only place you want to be?

Give me a catapult and let the nitro fly
We'll terraform the woods and make old Wargoth cry.
Exploding sponges, here they come!
Watch out everyone!
If there's no crater you're doing it wrong!

I'm right at home in the middle of an assault
(Good thing we Phoenixes are flame-proof by default!)
Banishment and some DOOM, Scythe attack, things go boom!
Oooh my kind of fun!

Oh if you like war then you're feeling the same as me.
If you want more the frontline is the place you want to be.
Oh I'm pretty sure that you're feeling the same as me.
And I'm pretty sure that's the only place you want to be.

Do your best, keep the faith! Come with me, it's not too late!
Let's start a raid!

Give 'em hell, give 'em hate! Do keep up, don't be late!
Let's start a raid!

Turning tides, changing fate! Nothing else feels that great!
Let's start a raid!

Wargoth is such a bore, so let's shove him out of LORE!

< Message edited by Miran -- 7/24/2012 23:07:11 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
7/19/2012 12:04:23   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Got a comment about my story or a grammatical error with a sentence? Click this fancy link over here -> (DF) Stephen Nix Works!, or of course post in the Discussion thread specifically for war threads!

A war was on it's way to The Deadlands and with most alliances busy doing other things to help tame these fire beasts, 7 heroes emerged to fight all odds and work together to defeat a common evil....

Guardian Kain called upon The Celestial Guardians to give aid to the front lines and that's where the story begins...

Guardian Kain: What's the status report from the south east?

A purple Evolved Dragonlord figure appeared with a Doom Blade and a Destiny Blade in each hand held at his side. This dragonlord had scales running on his skin with a purple hue surrounding each scale, and what appeared to have several purple scars on his face from close combat. His purple dragon wings folded up on their own on the dragonlord's back, and while he sheaves his weapons he steps forward...

Drakonnax: Good evening Kain. The reports are not well I'm afraid.
Guardian Kain: What happened?
Drakonnax: About 5 hours ago we were supposed to meet half way through section 46 of the battlefield with the Beacons of Hope, but alas no sign of them yet!
Guardian Kain: They must be running into heavy traffic with those Possessed monsters out there!
Drakonnax: Please Kain, realize that they are not monsters they are people too! They have been control by Wargoth to do his bidding. It's unfortunate for us, that he captured well over 6 million of them, along side a few of the other creatures.
Guardian Kain: Then what's the next phase of the plan?
Drakonnax: Do you know of what happened to the Chaosweaver Nation? I heard they were moving underground to create a surprise attack on the edge of the Sandsea, but I've heard nothing from them for a solid 10 hours now.
Guardian Kain: I will give a call to them, for now move your troops out further to section 47, and claim it before sundown. We need to get to Wargoth's generals!
Drakonnax: I'm sorry but there's no way we can do that by ourselves, we may be the Celestial Guardians but we are NOT miracle workers.

Just then rumbling at their feet a small earthquake passes right through The Deadlands...

Guardian Kain: *shakes his head* I hate this place, NOW what happened?

A hero running with an injured villager starts running up to Drakonnax and Kain...

Villager: Please sir, I need help!
Guardian Kain: We'll do everything we can, *Turns around to yell on the battlefield* WE NEED A MEDIC!
Villager: Thank you Mr. Hope sir.
Faerdin: HAHA! My name is Faerdin, elder, my clan is the Beacons of Hope, and I'm here to help you!
Villager: *nods*

The medic rushes over to help the injured villager. Faerdin stands up and starts walking towards Kain and Drak.

Faerdin, in his shiny Azure Rune Knight walks over to the other two revealing his deep black scratch from Sepulchure's battle a year ago on his face, a deep gold eye and pale skin is revealed along with his light blue hair, pointed ears and deep blue eyes as he takes his heavy helm off to brief with the others. He places back his rune hand and a half sword called the Aeril, Bane of Dissonance and places it on his sheath on his back and places the shield down on the ground for a few moments...

Faerdin: What on L.O.R.E. are we up against?
Guardian Kain: I wish I could tell you. But these possessed beings are taking the fight to an ultimate level. Their mastery in magic is behind comprehendible. You remember Drakonnax from The Celestial Guardians correct?
Faerdin: *shakes the hand of the Guardian* How could I forget, you guys formed during the war I got...*points at his black scar* well, this.
Drakonnax: Pleasure to meet you Beacon, it was an honor to fight along side you guys then, as it is now. How is Serenity Okami and Imaru doing by the way? They saved our butts by taking out the generals in the fight!
Faerdin: They are doing great, I have heard them talking about some of their past fights against the newly appointed megakyle, Keldor and of course that penguin fella.
Drakonnax: We can catch up later, say weren't you guys supposed to close the gap a few hours ago with us?
Faerdin: Yea, about that...that guy there *points at the villager* ran across the field to grab his daughter but was surrounded by Fire Imps...nasty buggers.

Guardian Kain: And you saved the day, great....can we move on please, we're sitting ducks standing here on the open field.
Drakonnax: Right, we need to get to the general's towers once again, I don't suppose Okami and Imaru are around, hehe!
Faerdin: 'fraid not, you're stuck with this guy!
Guardian Kain: *pulls out a map* The professor is here right, and we need to get to the castle here somewhat near the back of their forces, and we need to get there soon, or we won't last.
Faerdin: Then it's clear, we need a bigger team than myself and Drakonnax.
Drakonnax: I have an idea. What if we ask your guys to move over with the two of us to take on that castle.
Faerdin: We are holding area 39! That's in the middle of the field, we take our men out, we lose major ground! What about yours?
Drakonnax: Yea no way with us either, we hold onto the armory in section 47, and man were those fiery creatures pushing us back or what! I think our blacksmiths had to go on the move several times just today. THAT'S RIDICULOUS!
Drakonnax: We are but one clan, but we don't have a ton of options either.

Villager: Excuse me sirs...

The three turn around...

Villager: I overheard there's more than one alliance on the war grounds. Well why don't you instead of pulling an entire ally out of the war, why not just one from each clan?
Guardian Kain: *ponders* You know what........that might work!
Drakonnax: It would give us more men to fight for that castle!
Guardian Kain: I'll start making the calls then *grabs his trusted advisors and starts sending them one by one to grab a member from each alliance.

After a few long hours the first teammate arrived. The first to get there was a tall Hopolite decked out with his shiny armory, he walks towards them in his long robe and long brown hair. Covered in gold plates around his shoulders and legs, Deviance is well protected for any fight and as he gets closer to them he looks up revealing his glowy golden eyes which were staring at his stone necklace he wears with pride.

Deviance: Hey guys! How are things?

He walks up to both Fae and Drak and bro hugs each of them...

Drakonnax: I've said it once and I'll say it again, I can't stand your stupid sandals!
Deviance: Well, what did you two want me to come dressed here as? A red dragonlord or something, HA!
Faerdin: It's so good to see you again! *pokes his head around Deviance* I see you're still using your martial arts skills! You haven't changed a bit!
Deviance: No actually I have this *pulls out a small roman sword from his back* It's a rather new feature of mine, passed down from my...ummm... Grandfather!
Drakonnax: And here I would've thought that your blacksmith for the Phoenix Risen gave it to you!
Deviance: *stares at Drak* ...
Faerdin: *smiles as he shakes his head at Dev* You can't pull one over him!
Deviance: *laughs* I suppose not!

Another figure flies in from the opposite entrance. A red lizardman appears with his set of wings and scales over his body and as he lands, the wings fall back into his shoulder blades, he hunches forward slightly with his lizard-like qualities. He has brown hair and where his heart is in his scaly red solid armor, he shows off his vote for me campaign button. He holds onto a water staff purely made out of water and nothing else and as he starts walking he runs right over to one specific member of the 4 fighters...

Faerdin: Well there's your red armor...
Drakonnax: Well, that looks weird.
Deviance: *thinks then stares at the lizard in agony* AHH CRUD!

The lizardman grabs Deviance and holds him up against the wall in anger...

Deviance: We--we got held back! I'm sorry!
dragonman66: YOUR SORRY???? We almost lost 10 weavers due to an earthquake, what's wrong with your people?
Deviance: Nothing, I promise it won't happen like that again! I will do it myself next time! *thinks* I bet Oddball didn't do that either I suppose.

Faerdin: *pulls out his blade* Drop him, creature!
dragonman66: *shakes his head* I'm sorry, the anger does take over at times. *lets Deviance go* My name is dragonman66!
Faerdin: Where have I heard that name before?
Drakonnax: He's running for mayor in Falconreach! Clearly someone has it out for Rayf!
dragonman66: Rayf is scum, he only got office because of his cool hat! I wish I had a hat like that......
Faerdin: Well good luck with your political affairs Mr. Senator.
dragonman66: Thanks, and remember a vote for dragonman66 is a vote for unity!
Guardian Kain: DRAGONMAN! Zip the lip, lizard lips! We got a job to do!

dragonman66: Yea, I heard about the job, but I ain't working with no Beacons of Hope! That includes you blue man! *points at Fae* No offense.
Faerdin: Please, give me a reason to beat you down ChaosWeaver.
dragonman66: *pulls out his water staff and holds it up against Fae* I may be the guy whose running for mayor but that doesn't mean I don't know how to take to the offensive, blue elf!
Faerdin: Get....your....hands.....off....me....now.

Drakonnax pulls dragonman66 back...

Drakonnax: So....I don't suppose you'll be working well together anytime soon.

A mysterious shadow figure appears infront of the others...

Guardian Kain: Excuse me, who are you?
???: Who me?
Guardian Kain: Yes you! Answer my question or I'll have my guardians take you down!
???: You people are so pathetic. Teaming up, pfft!
Drakonnax: Reveal yourself!
Guardian Kain: Fine, you don't want to play by the rules *turns around and points at 2 Guardians* Louis, Fletcher to arms against that creature!

Two guardians rush over to the shadow figure as it takes out it's Underworld Counsel and dashes through each of the two Guardians revealing himself in a black fedora and striking stripped business suit. His black short hair is then revealed as he takes out the last Guardian and looks up at the heroes with his faded greyish-blue eyes. He then raises both of the Guardians and takes a sharp look at each of them, as they start to act out on each other...

Guardian Louis: Hey what's your problem stepping on my foot like that you bloat!
Guardian Fletcher: It's not my fault lad, it's that guy---- *The man in the suit stares at Fletcher as he changes his thoughts* IT WAS YOU LOUIS! Your the clumsy one!

The two hash it out on each other until only one victor stands up and that's Fletcher...

Guardian Fletcher: *takes a deep breathe* *panting* So...tired, but I won, he's gone. That idiot deserved it for making me look like a fool!---- *The mysterious man takes back his manipulation tactic from the only standing Guardian* Wha====what happened here?

The Guardian looks down at his best friend now on the floor, then looks at his blade with blood on it....

Guardian Fletcher: I----I---- what have I done! NOOOO!!!! LOUIS!!! *grabs Louis in sadness* NOOO!!! Buddy, I'm so sorry!

The mysterious man steps forward and points his Underworld Counsel at the Guardian...

???: I'm not! *His eyes turn crimson red*
Faerdin: STOP THIS ERIC!!!!!!!
Eric Kieran: *stares at Fae* ...fine...

Eric stares at the Guardian and sends one last wavelength to manipulate him one last time....

Eric Kieran: Jjjjjjoiiiiiinnn Hhhhiiimmm! *points at Fletcher and slowly turns him into a block of ice*

Guardian Kain: YOUR A MONSTER!
Eric Kieran: *turns his fedora revealing roman numbers slightly to the right* No...I'm a Dark Knight!
dragonman66: Good evening, brother from The Dark Knights!
Eric Kieran: What do you want ChaosWeaver?
dragonman66: I just wanted to know how things were going.
Eric Kieran: *turns around and shakes his head* I'm fine, thank you.
dragonman66: *rolls his eyes* Ooook....
Eric Kieran: Why am I here?
Faerdin: We got a job to do, and we need your help!
Eric Kieran: *walks up to the Beacon* Why do you want my help, hero?
Faerdin: Trust me, we don't...but he *points at Guardian Kain* thinks we do.

Guardian Kain: Ok now that everyone's here let's get down to the dirty business. I know some of you can't stand being here working together but we don't have a choice at this point.
Guardian Kain: *pulls out the battlefield map* Here, is where the tower is and we have it surrounded but we won't have it for long. In comes you guys to take out the general in this war. It would blow a huge block in Wargoth's plans!
Eric Kieran: Then let me take it out, surely I can do a better job than any of you! *points at the rest of the crew*
Guardian Kain: Yea, except you'll die when you go inside by yourself, you wanna take that risk go ahead, but if you want to use your head for a moment, then the only way inside is teamwork.
Eric Kieran: But I work alone!
Deviance: Well then pretty boy, looks like your stuck with us for now.
Eric Kieran: *sigh* Whatever....

Another guardian runs in and takes his helmet off to speak to Kain...

Guardian: Sir? We have a problem!
Guardian Kain: What is it?
Guardian: The building is slowly being overtaken, if we want our guys in there, we better do so now! We got two heroes there now trying to take back what we've lost but it's not looking good sir!
Guardian Kain: Who are the two heroes?
Guardian: Sir one is known as Flaming Ace, he is in the Kathool Adept Armor with what appears to be a demon as his head, the other is Dooms.
Guardian Kain: Dooms?
Guardian: The cyborg with hammers whom wears those golden tights and talks sorta funny. Alright I'll admit it's hilarious, but still! He's there too!
Guardian Kain: *turns and faces each of the members* Hurry up and meet them at section 29! That building needs to be ours! Get to it now!

The Guardian takes the 5 to the castle and takes out an old record player and plays a song from it...

dragonman66: What is this?
Eric Kieran: It sounds like......war music....
Faerdin: What's war music?
Drakonnax: *shrugs* Beats me!
Deviance: Isn't that just another way of saying catapults?
Guardian: It's just some random music fellas, nothing special....
All: Oh right, yeah I knew that!

The music plays on....


Deviance: It's kinda catchy!
Guardian: Yea people wonder where this music came from, but it was just some guy named Lenny banging a rock on the ground and than this music was made. Well, that's how the myth is told anyway!
Faerdin: *nods* Seems reasonable!

The heroes make their way inside the castle up a long staircase just as Dooms, and Flaming Ace meet up with the others and move inside the castle....

Eric Kieran: This shouldn't take us long! *rushes up the stairs away from the rest!*
dragonman66: Is he going to do this all day? If so I'm not looking forward to this!
Deviance: *shrugs* It comes with the job, I guess!
Faerdin: *glances over at Flaming Ace* Greetings friend my name is Faerdin!
Flaming Ace: Hello Fae, I'm Flaming Ace! Pleasure to meet you!
Deviance: Why do you have a Kathool Adept body and a Demon like head?
Flaming Ace: I am a loyal servant of Kathool Adept, but sense his banishing, I was left to be on my own. All I remember is that my home is in The Locker and I never had a family or any friends in my life. I came up to the surface world to find my purpose in life, and to try to aid citizens in their time of need. I came across some fire creatures whom tried to ambush me but thanks to Kenny I think his name is...
Faerdin: I think you mean Kain!
Flaming Ace: Ah right! Sorry because I'm an adept I sometimes can't think straight. My mind is still shaken sense I lost Kathool but I work now in this war you guys call it, to save those in trouble. This Wargoth can invade people's minds. I don't like that!
Drakonnax: Well we do know that the Professor and Wargoth are somehow linked, but that's all the information we have so far! *turns to face the cyborg creature with the hammers* So your Dooms correct.
Dooms: That is correct Drakonnax.
Drakonnax: So what's your story?
Dooms: I'm dead, family was murdered, I'm partially undead from my left side and my right side is full of cyborg technology! I seek revenge for my lost family and have heard rumors that the evil pyromancer works for Wargoth. This pyromancer has sealed me away from my home and my friends and left me stranded here on L.O.R.E. fighting for my life.....I will one day return home with the head of the evil being in my cold dead hands.
All: O.O
dragonman66: Yea.....I'm running for mayor! Beat that!
Drakonnax: There he goes again!
Faerdin: It's always about you isn't it?

The team eventually makes their way to the top of the staircase with no creatures guarding the doors but Eric kneeling down at the door trying to find a way in...

Eric Kieran: The doors are jammed with fire magic! I cannot get in!
Dooms: Tried opening the door?

Dooms walks up to the door and when he tries to open the door, he gets shocked with electricity and gets sent flying backwards into the rest of the team...

Dooms: I bet those imp creatures sealed this door, here allow me to slam into it with my mighty hammer Doom Hammer.
Faerdin: I don't think that's going to work!

Dooms rages forward once again with his hammer drawn ready to smash the door into pieces but as soon as he touches the door with his hammer another electricity bolt rushes through him sending him flying backwards once again into the team...

Eric Kieran: *shakes his head* The only way to get past a fire wall is to fight it with magic!
dragonman66: That or give it a virus!
All: *stare at dragonman66 and shaking their heads*
dragonman66: What!?!?!
Eric Kieran: Step aside everyone, I will use my ice wavelengths to settle the door hinges and pop down the door!
Faerdin: And I will use my rune magic to help get us through the door as well!

Eric glances at the door bolts and tries to freeze each spot but the door still doesn't come apart, so Fae holds out his arm with a glowing rune on it. He points it at each door bolt now frozen and shoots sharp runes at each door bolt but it does nothing to the door itself...

Faerdin: That's...not possible!

Fae turns his attention to the door..

Faerdin: I call upon the power of the Elemental Plane of Ice. TAKE US THROUGH THIS DOOR!

Just then Fae's turns bright blue with ice surrounding him and as he lowers his arms towards the door he blasts it with icy magic. It connects with the door but the fire melts the ice and returns back an electric shock through the ice back to Faerdin...

Faerdin: GAAAAH!! *Kneels down in pain*
Drakonnax: Are you alright?
Faerdin: It's too hot, I'm not strong against fire! *sigh* I'm tired...
Eric Kieran: Good to know!
Flaming Ace: Be nice! Remember you couldn't do it either! My magic cannot deal with fire, I'm sorry! Does anyone else have a plan to get in without brutal force?

No one says anything...

Dooms: I can try with a different hammer?
All: Noooooo!
Dooms: *tilts his head back* Hmpt!
Eric Kieran: I know of only one person who can help us get through this fire door!
dragonman66: Another pyromancer?
dragonman66: ...Right, so no pyromancers!
Eric Kieran: Well, no.....he's no pyromancer actually he's a necromancer!
Faerdin: Noxus?
Eric Kieran: No, this guy is evil, it's true. But all he wants to do is try to start up an ice age!
dragonman66: An ice age? Who is this?
Faerdin: *thinks* Hmm..... WAIT! No way we are not getting him!
Eric Kieran: I knew you wouldn't like the idea Beacon! Technically no one in here would, but he's are only hope. I'm sure his black pedia book has the answers we seek!
Faerdin: He doesn't have his book remember? It's in the Falconreach Underground part to the Guardian Tower.
Eric Kieran: Then perhaps he may already know a spell!
Deviance: Excuse me but who are you guys talking about?
Flaming Ace: Yes, I am not familiar with this person either! Whom is it?
Eric Kieran: He's no person. He's a half undead creature and half penguin.

Scene starts to black out...

Eric Kieran: We need Stephen Nix!

To Be Continued!

Chapter 2

Last time we met, the heroes were just finally starting to meet and work together on a common evil. They came at a road block and realized only one person can open the door to the elite squads/generals, and that is Nix...we start our adventure off near Nix's entrance in Dragesvard.

Faerdin: So were actually going to ask Nix to help us out? Are you guys for real?
Eric Kieran: We don't have a choice hero, he's the only one I've ever heard of to getting past a firewall.
Drakonnax: Yeah, a firewall...THAT SHOCKS YOU! How's that make sense?
Flaming Ace: Lets stop asking questions and just get to work!

Flaming Ace walks up to Nix's gate which is surrounded by undead killguins all around staring at the team as he rings the frozen doorbell...

Dooms: I don't like the looks of this place, those THINGS are everywhere.
Eric Kieran: You're part cyborg, I'm sure you'll be fine.

An intercom comes through with a voice...

???: Whatttttttt Dooooooo Youuuuuuu Wantttttttt Humanssssss?
dragonman66: We are here to speak to Nix, can we see him?
???: He'ssss busyyyyyyyy. Goooooo Awayyyyyy.
dragonman66: Well that's not very nice. Let's just turn around and head home.

Fae walks up to the intercom...

Faerdin: Excuse me! WE NEED TO SEE HIM NOW!
???: Hey what's going on over there?
???: Um, nothing boss. Just talking to some weirdos outside! They say they wanna talk to ya sir!
???: Then explain the voice recorder to throw your voice?
???: I'll just walk away now.

Stephen Nix: This is Nix, what do you people want? Can't you just leave me out of your problems?
Drakonnax: It's a little more challenging if we just leave you out of it. We need your help to put the flame out of a firewall.
Stephen Nix: And why should I help you?
dragonman66: Because we got gold!
Stephen Nix: I'm no Sneevilchaun you dult!
dragonman66: Sorry--
Faerdin: We'll pay you with all the undead fish you want! I also promise to not take you in on any of your previous crimes!
Stephen Nix: Hmm......promising deal. Is Artix with you?
Eric Kieran: 'Fraid not!
Stephen Nix: *sigh* One day I will break him in two! But for now....come in!

The door opens up as the castle is revealed. The shiny ice castle with monsters all around is well reinforced with ice creatures working day and night to supply their ruler, Nix with as much fish as possible. The team walks through the gate and enters the castle.

Penguin General: Right this way fellas.

The penguin leads them to Nix as he awaits them in the throne room...

Stephen Nix: *turns around from his throne* Greetings Loser Heroes!
Eric Kieran: I'M NO HERO!
Stephen Nix: *gets up and walks past the team* Of course you're not, Dark Knight!
Eric Kieran: Pfft. So you know then.
Stephen Nix: *turns around and stares at Eric* I know everything about your people.
Stephen Nix: Nah but to make things clearer, I know EVERYONE! I used to have better control over it now, but my black pedia book was all I ever truly wanted in life. It helps me think clearer!
Faerdin: What's so special about some pedia book?
Stephen Nix: Knowledge my friend....is power! *grips his fin* Without knowledge you have only bias opinions, no facts!
Dooms: You know, you're pretty smart with only half of a brain!
dragonman66: HAHA! Nice! *holds hand up to high 5 Dooms*
Dooms: ... NO.
dragonman66: F...ine.

Stephen Nix: So I'll cut to the chase. What kind of firewall are we talking? I know of only 3 firewalls, their are Dragon Type firewalls, Firestorm firewalls, or Fire Spirit firewalls.
Eric Kieran: I'm not sure. The firewall was used by Possessed Atreans. All we know is that upon touching the firewalls, we were electrocuted, and thrown back a few paces.
Stephen Nix: Interesting. So a firewall that does not burn you, but shocks you. I think I may know of this type of firewall. *waddles to his research lab*

A few moments pass by and Nix returns to the Throne room...

Faerdin: And?
Stephen Nix: After running a few tests with several types of fires, I believe I have the answer. It's plasma that you are up against! Your possessed friends must be coating the plasma to throw you off, due to the shocking! I have a spell I can use to summon a plasma dragon and fire it at the door itself!
dragonman66: How do you know it's plasma!
Stephen Nix: Ah, excellent question. See plasma is a state of matter. The other states of matter are liquids, solids and gases. Typically, plasma is made by heating a gas until its electrons have sufficient energy to escape the hold of the positively charged nuclei.
Stephen Nix: It hasn't been brought up much on L.O.R.E. but plasma comes from fallen stars. *sighs* Stars.....fascinating!
Dooms: *nudges Eric* What's he talking about?
Eric Kieran: *whispers* He's a scientist you fool, pay attention.
Stephen Nix: I can summon a dragon that deals plasma and reverse the effects of the door. When do we want to go?
Deviance: We are needed back on the battlefield, we should get going!
Stephen Nix: I'll be right on my way.

The team takes the Gryphons back to the battlefield and arrive just in time as Nix is working on the summoning...

Deviance: *gets off the beast as it flies away* I think I'm gonna be sick!
Dooms: Hey Nix, how'd you get here so fast?
Eric Kieran: He's also a necromancer, who cares how he got here! We took those flying creature things...should've taken those from the start. Not like I can fly!
dragonman66: Hey guys, I think I lost one of my water weapons on our way here...
All: *facepalm*

Scene changes to one of the Gryphons trying to swallow the waterstaff as it flies away...

dragonman66: *shakes head* I'll summon another one. *Holds out his talons and another water weapon is forged as a bacon portal opens up and merges with the weapon, forging a new staff* Here we go! OK we're good now!

Stephen Nix: *his eyes turn bright blue as he summons a portal to the undead realm* TAKE OUT THE DOOR!

The undead plasma dragon steps out of the portal, with it's huge scar on its face it roars in the face of the heroes and blasts down the door with one quick breathe...

Stephen Nix: Open sesame!

As the door falls down shattered into pieces the team walks inside to see 3 elite possessed guards observing them as they draw out their weapons...

Drakonnax: *steps forward* I'll handle these punks!


Drakonnax sprouts his purple dragon wings and takes out his blades of doom and destiny and starts flying towards the three. As an Acendant summons a ritual spell, Drak takes to action and sores right into the Acendant knocking it off balance. He then takes his blades and begins to clash with the elite. He takes his blades and collides with the staff from the Acendant, headbutts the possessed Atealan and slices threw him ending the fight. Just as the cryptic and riftwalker sprints up to Drakonnax he summons his faithful dragon, Jak'kor to assault the riftwalker as he deals with the cryptic. The cryptic tries to get inside Drakonnax's head with his magic but ends up eating the war grounds as Drakonnax flies into him, crashes threw the wall and throws him from the very high distance towards the ground. When he returns he taps the shoulder of the Riftwalker, and as it turns around he slices the possessed being with his doom blade ending the battle.

Stephen Nix: *yawns* You done yet? I'm getting tired!
dragonman66: We don't need you anymore Nix! You can go home!
Eric Kieran: Don't you understand ChaosWeaver? If we face another block that we cannot get through we have him with us already! He stays here!
Flaming Ace: I agree, he could be of use to us in the future!
Stephen Nix: Allow me to be clear, I'm no one's puppet! However for now, I'll stay! Now that we stopped this section, what do we do next?
Faerdin: *points at the staircase* THIS WAY!

The team make their way up the staircase and into a room full of Flare Imps, they all stare at the team as they get to the top of the staircase. Nix counts how many their are and gets about roughly 76 imps...

Deviance: That's a lot of imps!
Faerdin: It's not something we couldn't handle, right Dev?
Deviance: *grunts as he cracks his knuckles* IT'S GO TIME!

Dev and Fae march into the gathering crowd of Imps as they each prepare a fire ball to be thrown at the team. Deviance runs up to an imp one by one and starts punching and punting until the majority are defeated. Fae grabs his Bane of Dissonance and starts swinging at each member as he roars into the numbers of Imps. Swing for swing, each imp is taken down as they blow up one by one. Dev and Fae eventually meet in the middle with their backs against each other and their blades drawn, they each start to float a bit in the air as they prepare their final attacks on the remaining imps. Fae grabs his right hand and watches as the rune glows blue indicating that he is to summon an water attack. Fae throws his hand in the air and yells...

Faerdin: I call upon the power of the Elemental Plane of Water. ELIMINATE MY FOES AND DROWN THEM WITH THE POWER OF THE WATER PILLAR AND MY ELF BRETHREN!

Just as he summons his tidal wave, Deviance starts to illuminate with light. He yells in the room a chant from the Phoenix Risen clan...

Deviance: With the power of the phoenix, shine with me my brothers and sisters to aid me in my time of light! I call upon the light of the phoenix to guide me in this fight! FOR WE ARE... A PHOENIX RISEN!

Half of the room is flooded by tidal wave by Faerdin, the other half of the room evaporates the imps from the shining light. All the imps are destroyed and the two in the middle of the room fall to their knees in needing to be healed. Flaming Ace rushes to both of them and uses his kinetic energy from his tentacle arms to slowly heal each Fae and Dev. Deviance stands up quicker than Faerdin due to Dev due to the phoenix summoning, but not long after Fae joins the team and is back on his feet. The team slowly make their way towards the next set of stairs and stares down at a hoard of Ashen Squires awaiting them weapons drawn in the following room...

Ashen Squire: *hisss* You shall not pass through usssss!
dragonman66: Is it my turn yet?
Deviance: *nods* Go for it.
Faerdin: I'll give a hand---
Dooms: No you will not waterelf. It is my turn! It's time to smash these squires with a REAL HAMMER!

Dooms runs up to the Ashen Squires with dragonman66 right beside him, taking out each squire one by one. Dooms runs up to a squire throws his hammer at it, tosses their blade and uses his hammer to jump slam into them, breaking the squire into pieces. Dragonman66 rushes in with his water staff and slices and dices into each ashen. He taps his staff on the ground as a small bacon portal is opened as a small army of pancake gnomes rush into the room and start picking up each squire and throwing them into the portal where they do not return in the room. Eventually the room is cleared and the team once again moves upstairs. As they get up the final steps...

Deviance: *stares at dragonman66* ...
Faerdin: *also staring at dragonman66*...
dragonman66: What? It's just my pancake gnome army.
Drakonnax: ...
dragonman66: It's nothing to worry about, they get paid well!

Nix the last to make it to the top of the stairs....

Stephen Nix: *pants* ......so...much...waddling. I'm no good with stairs!
Faerdin: I believe we are almost through here.
Drakonnax: Can't be many left in this castle.
Dooms: It's not even a castle, it's just room after room, after room.
Eric Kieran: We would be done much faster if you punks hadn't taken your sweet time with those chums downstairs!
dragonman66: It's not my fault. They hissed at me!
Deviance: *is the first to look up at the room* Umm guys...
Faerdin: You know, you don't always have to belittle us all the time Dark Knight.
Flaming Ace: You guys seem to argue a lot.
Deviance: Umm...GUYS.....
Eric Kieran: Oh, I'm sorry Beacon. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. *chuckles*
Stephen Nix: *rolls eyes* I know right. They are always complaining about something. *imitates Fae by acting goofy* Hey, look at me I'm a Beacon Sergeant and I part of the water pillar. I think the world needs to be ridden of all evil, even ones we don't truly understand. I'm cool and don't like my feelings to get hurt. I also don't care for villains in this world and that means Nix, even if we don't understand his situation... *looks up and begins to stop* Oh God...they're bigger than I thought.
Eric Kieran: HAHA! NICE! *looks up and observes the tall generals* *gasps* O.O
Faerdin: Nix, you wanna go one on one after this just let me know--- *looks up and scratches his head* How do they fit in here?

Everyone now stares at the 4 very tall Ashen Knights with their blades drawn.

Ashen Knight 1: The....objective...is....to....eliminate....all....whom...try.....to.....pass. *stares at Knight 2*
Ashen Knight 2: Confirmed! *stares at Knight 3*
Faerdin: I have a feeling we could be here for a while!
Eric Kieran: My manipulation doesn't work on non humans. My ice would not even flinch these guys.
Ashen Knight 3: Confirmed! *stares at Knight 4*
Flaming Ace: They don't seem too hard!
Deviance: I'm stronger and taller than you are Flaming......and I'm worried.
Ashen Knight 4: Confirmed! Elimination.....process....begins...NOW!

Nix stares at the others as they each have a worried look on their face...

Stephen Nix: *sigh* I'll do it!

Nix walks up to the 4 Knights...

Stephen Nix: Stand aside you numbskulls and let us pass!
Ashen Knight 2: *takes out his blade and throws it towards Nix*
Stephen Nix: *dodges the incoming blade and taps his staff on the ground, freezing Knights 1 and 2 on the spot* Come on, I asked nicely! *taps his staff on the ground again as they shatter*
Ashen Knight 4: ELIMINATE!
Ashen Knight 3: DESSSSSSTROY!

Nix jumps on Knight 4 and jabs the Knight in the back of the throat with the sharp side of the staff and as the other tries to smash Nix using his blade, Nix jumps off as Knight 4 is put down by the other, Nix jumps onto the 3rd Knight and uses his staff head as a mace and smashes the skull, ending the battle...

All: WOW!
Stephen Nix: *shakes his head as he waddles up the stairs* No good bunch of cowards at times....Let's act brave whenever we fight Nix, but when stupid little fire guys--- *he continues to rant as he waddles up the stars*
Eric Kieran: He's much stronger than he looks!
Dooms: That was awesome!
Drakonnax: So he really is a legend in Dragesvard....
Flaming Ace: *rushes towards the stairs* On we go, people!

The team makes their way up the stairs to greet Nix, but notices someone standing in the middle of the room by himself. They come to realize that they are on the highest point in the castle meaning they have reached the general...

Stephen Nix: *tries to get a good look at the one lone standing person in the room* I think I know who that is!
Faerdin: IT CAN'T BE! Didn't we have him chained up?
Eric Kieran: It's him alright--

The figure turns around and faces them...

Xan: *slowly and creepy like moves his feet over to the others and begins to laugh* HAHHAHAAHHHAHAHHHHHAHH!

Eric Kieran: --and he doesn't look happy to see us! *takes out his blade*

To Be Continued!

< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 8/2/2012 11:21:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
7/19/2012 14:25:16   

Just a short poem to settle things
The waves were high
The waves were high

Yet to no prevail

There we sighed

Till hope came as a wail

There we bolt

To end Wargoths cult

< Message edited by mort the great -- 7/19/2012 14:36:56 >
DF  Post #: 15
7/19/2012 16:34:13   

This is my first story on the Forums. Please tell me your opinion on the Discussion thread. Hope you enjoy it! Chapter 2 coming in a few days.

Living in the Shadow of a Fire (A story of war)
*Please read The Celestial Guardians’ Wrath of Wargoth story before you read this. This story gives my point of view of the events*

An Icy Promise
As I continue running up the hill, a Cryptic and his little red Imp jump at me from the left. I quickly sidestep them and push the Atelean back into his front lines. As I dispatch of the Imp with grim satisfaction I reach the top of the hill, and in front of me lays a scene of glory and death: The battlefield is strewn with fires of the enemy and our brave Guardians and DragonLords valiantly fighting, defeating the Ateleans, who had become good friends with us humans in the past few months. I can see every face of the fighters, filled with regret for having to dispose of their new friends so brutally. And right then, I see a line of Necromancers, closing in on the battlefield. My heart is filled with dread as I understand their intent. As quickly as I can, I call Aegis, my SpiritAlly, and tell him to help me safeguard the souls. As he heads off into the battlefield, I start running around the front lines into the forest, to catch them off guard. As I pierce my way through the battle, I see my comrades Varen, Hopeful Guy, and Mort, taking down one after another wave together. I smile to myself as I enter the forest and find the necromancers. As I pierce the leader, the others immediately notice me and charge their darkness spells. As I dispatch of most of them with Repentance, a skeleton grabs my neck from behind, threatening to choke me. In a matter of seconds, I feel his grip loosen, as the necromancer controlling it falls at my feet, 5 arrows deep in his skull. I chuckle lightly as I remember Troy is patrolling the area. Having finished off a wave of Necromancers, I run as fast as I can to the Necropolis, warning Artix to dispatch any Necromancer that comes to his sight. He chuckles and nods lightly.
“I do that without you having to tell me, Rob.” Artix says.
I run back to the battle, quickly waving Artix goodbye as I leap through the trees. Soon I am back at the war front, where I dispatch a few waves before nightfall. I run back to the war camp with a quirky Technomancer who was a day shift fighter. We keep together as we see others, already jumping back into the fight as the night shift begins. Me and the Technomancer reach the Inn and go on our separate ways as he heads off straight to bed. I order a pint of moglinberry juice and sit down at one of the tables with some of my buddies Dragonman, Flaming Ace, and the newly met Sinis, discussing the war and strategies of attack. Half an hour into the discussion, I feel a cloud of ice on my face, and know that Aegis has come back.
“Rob!” He shouts at me from across the Inn. “Come outside right NOW!”
Puzzled, I stand up and walk with him to the back of the inn, where I hear muffled screams. I run to the source of them, behind a tree. When I turn around, I see the source of the screams: My atelean friend, Jirilad, is chained with Aegis’s Icy chains, and a mad look in his eyes. There is a 5 second silence as Aegis comes up beside me, and I realize what happened. As I scream in rage, and make myself an icy promise: I WIL find a cure for Jirilad! I WILL! No matter the cost, and the danger, I would rip apart Wargoth, and find a cure for the possession of Ateleans. As I climb back to my feet, I tell Aegis to keep Jirilad in chains, but keep him healthy. Later, in bed, I devise my first move of my plan: find Wargoth, get the information I need, and take him down. If only this was as easy to do, since a thick wall of ateleans and fiery creatures separates me from him. But then again, I could always ask my fellow Celestials for a few of us to go with me.

Morning. As I come down the inn stairs to the ground floor, I see Womba, Trey, and Khan, sitting and discussing away. I decide to come straight up to them and ask. I reach them.
“Hey guys! Listen, I’ve made this plan…”

< Message edited by 100Rob123 -- 7/19/2012 16:36:06 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 16
7/19/2012 16:59:32   

This is my first try at writing a story so here goes nothing:

Wargoth was fuming. He was mad he looked down on his top general and said “you fool. How could you let the catapults arrive? Those sponges they shoot are very dangerous. You have one more chance; take in the elite imps and atealeans. Then go and destroy the heroes and the catapults and let no one live.”

The Odor, Rukaji, I Am Legend, Rob, Akecza, Trapper King, and Cronus look at the field behind them and see the bodies of the 300 hundred enemies killed before them. Then a guardian comes riding towards them shouting “Good news the catapults have arrived.” Rob says “Good we should all return to the camp.” They ride off back to camp.

When they arrive at camp they see 10 dragonslayers with their armor melted on their bodies.
There were wounded soldiers everywhere about a thousand of them.
“What the heck do you guys think happened? I knew Wargoth’s army was strong but I did not think this strong.” says Legend
“I don’t know their squad leader over there might know” said Trapper King. They walk over to him and The Odor steps up and asked “What happened to your squad? You had good soldiers and the Atealeans are not hard to beat how many did you lose and how?”
“They were different stronger weapons, and better armor and stronger fire. It almost hurt as bad of the fire of Xan and Drakonan. We were slaying hundred of regular atealeans and then before we knew it we were approached by those stronger atealeans on three sides. There were 30000 of us a few million of them only a thousand of us made it back” said the squad leader.
“Thank you, that will be all,” said The Odor.
They walked away and then Akecza said, “Sounds like elite troops. I think Wargoth is very mad but why.”
“I think he is mad about the catapults,” said Rukaji.
“That is probably true I have a plan but we need a small group 3000 men not including us. We strike tonight,” said Cronus
DF AQW  Post #: 17
7/21/2012 12:17:17   
Hopeful Guy

Hope Upbringer! (DragonFable)

Chapter 2 of the Celestial Stand against Wargoth (C1 here)

As the soldiers were resting after their victory, Womba thought he could hear the hooves of a horse, clip-clopping in the distance. He wondered who it could be; he did not know this strange knight, with pure white armour that glistened in the sunlight. From a soldier's perspective, the prudent thing to do would be to prepare for a battle. Yet Womba's instincts told him that the man was an ally. He did not know why...

As the man dismounted from his steed, Womba had a flash of recognisation! The last time he had seen him, he had been a humble squire searching for adventure. Now he was a powerful knight, who seemed like the best of men. He had two aliases. One was Ash DragonBlade. The other...was Drakonnax.

"I come with news, my clan!" he shouted. "But I bring news that is different to all news that you have surely had this attack! I have had great adventures, have become a knight of the Plane of Light, and have brought a band of 100 light elementals, and some pets! Meet Cuddles the PrideLord and Sparky the Light Elemental!"

"This is certainly a great development for us! You must certainly command the secondary attack force, friend! Your reinforcements were certainly necessary. I don't know what we would have done without them.

To be continued.
DF  Post #: 18
7/21/2012 17:34:56   

Heart of the Machine

Chapter one: the orders

Dooms was just standing there minding his own bussiness drinking a few berry kegs with his holy dead dragon when a tall dark man was had entered the base it was hard for me to tell what the man was wearing or even what he looked like he stayed in the shadows of the darkness. the man had walked close to me and asked were he can find Dooms i just looked at him and pointed over to were there was a man with a black mask and a cyborge arm looking at his hammer. The man had walked to him and the way it was looking Dooms wasnt far from snaping on the guy so i got closer to hear what was being said

Man: we need you to do this
Dooms: dude i just got off a raid leave me the hell alone
Pyro: theres no one else for this it has to be just us two
Man: no one else we fill that can get this job done no
Dooms: growls theres imps everywere
dooms had looked around the camp to see frontline men and catapulters everwere
Dooms: the mission people will be showing up soon how long you thik this is going to take
Man: well in all honestly we have no idea
thats when Dooms had let out a heavy sigh

the man looked to Dooms and said something i knew he would regert for sure

Man: dont make me order you to do this

thats when Dooms had picked up his hammer and bashed him upside the head droping him to the ground that very second

Dooms: no one orders a Dooms
Pyro: well should we tell them they do have a right to know

dooms had nooded "your right" then had yelled DRAGON HEROS FRONT AND CENTER
three men and a woman had ran upto to Dooms and all yelled "PRESENT" Dooms looks over his men and sighs

Dooms: i got new orders well me and pyro got new orders it seems we had lost sector 4269 the entire camp has been overtaken with imps you guys are to remain here and carry out your duties while me and Pyro go reclam this sector alone

the Dragon Heros looked at each other and all at the same time "thats sucide we wont stand for it"
Dooms and Pyro: we got our orders you got yours

Dooms had jumped on pyros back and starts to fly off when he stops to me and hands me his choco bunny

Dooms: Do me a fave and take care of Choco for me he dont belong were we are going

i couldnt do nothing more but accept his request as i had watched him take off into the darkness

Chapter 2 a long day

by now the skeleton crew was coming back from there final raid and staterd to get ready to punch out for some rest as the early birds had started to get up and ready to fight both teams meet up in the mess hall getting some food and coffee the Dragon Heros sat at a lone table in the corner were they knew no one would sit so they could talk amongest there selfs

i had walked into the mess hall and i looked around to see were a good spot to eat was still holding choco in my arms once i found a table i had gotten in line to get some food then walked to the table Drakonnax is sitting at he looks to me

Drakonnax: whats new Voodoo Master? he asks looking at Choco
i look to him a worried look "Dooms has been transfered to take take sector 4069 alone
i had sat down and put some food on a small plate for Choco
Drakonnax: you have to be kidding me thats asking for him to be placed in a body bag
Voodoo: your telling me hes one hell of a warmonger but i dont think this is a good idea
thats when Faerdin walks to the table and sits he looks to mine and Drakonnax faces
Fae: somethings not right what is it
both me and Drak looks to Fae
Voodoo: Dooms is taking back sector 4069 alone

a new man walks into the mess hall DRAKONNAX front and center
both me and fae look to each other as drak got up and walked to the man
Drak: yea what i do
the man looks to him and smiles your to report to the testing warfair
Drakonnax didnt look to happy about the idea but because the man was a serpiour officer he had agreed to do so

it was now that i had noticed that choco had not touched his food and kept looking at the door you could tell he was depressed and had always been with Dooms since he had bought him. i had looked to Fae

Voodoo: are they trying to kill off us war mongers
Fae: i dont know but somethings not right with all of this

Fae had looked at the time and seen that he was running late for his shift so he had excuessed himself from the table the mess hall was nearley empty at this point in time with the skeleton crew heading to bed and the early birds were heading to there stations. I had stayed in the mess hall trying to get choco to eat anything but gave up after a half hour then we went to bed

back at section 4069
as Dooms was arrving to section 4069 Pyro lands in some trees giving Dooms and him a outlook over the ariea seeing were they should start there attacking point when they both just said the hell with it when they see a possessed cryptic a possessed riftwalker and a possessed acendent with a couple of imps passing by on patrol Dooms jumps from the tree and waits tell they walk by then walks onto the path showing for the black tonic and golden tights he wore a cloth black mask with a dragonlords sheild on his back and gloves covering his fingers you had seen no fleash on him at all

Dooms: excuess me sir do you have any grey poupon
the possessed ateala's turns to see him and yell to the fire imps GO SOUND THE ALARMS
Dooms pulls out his mighty hammer as Pyro chases after the imps

the acendent had sent spells at Dooms as the riftwalker was jumping threw portals around him slicing when he can as the cryptic was slicing at him Dooms swings his hammer at the cryptic so hard and fast that he didnt have a chance to jump threw a portale and when it had hited the cryptics skull that it sent chunks of bone flying in ever direction. Dooms trys repeataly to hit the riftwalker but it seems to be to fast as the accendent keeps unleashing powerfull spells at him he sends a ice spike at the acdendents heart the acdendent had telported behind Dooms and swings his staff at him Dooms able to smell the acdendent quick turns around while quckly grabbing his sheild and bashes the accdendent with it leaving her stuned he smiles and contuines to beat the accdendent to intell his shiled breacks in two leaving him and the riftwalker alone. Dooms sees his blood hit the ground as the rift walker goes to jump into another portal he quickly throws his hammer at the riftwalker, the rift walker enters the portal but does not close it in time for the hammer to enter it as well the portal vanihses and the riftwalker hits the ground dead Dooms walks to the rift walker and picks up his hammer "and here i thought i would be looking at some real fun" he throws the remander of the shield on the ground "god i hate shields" he walks towards were Pyro had ran chaseing after the imps. Pyro catchs up to the imps and unleashes a might holy flame on them but not befor word of the two were there a loud alarm had sounded as the enimie troops had started to poor out of the wood work Dooms cacthes upto Pyro the two were now surronded by Flame and Fire imps, possessed cryptics, riftwalkers, and acendents, flamedancers,fire beetles, feindshrooms, kilhohs and of course ashen squires there leader look to Dooms and Pyro "surrender or die" both Dooms and Pyro had looked around to see that they were completly surounded and there were only two ways out Dooms threw on a smile "why dont you kiss my cold dead butt" he then turns around and moons there leader Pyro points to a spot on Dooms butt

Later that night
I had awoken with enough time to do my paper work and get some food in my system as i always do when i had walked outside to see dragonman66 for mayor flyers stapled over the fence Fae was standing there with a worried look on his face

Fae: moral is down everyone knows about Dooms assiment and there worred that they will be on one of those missions
Voodoo: any word from him and Pyro yet they shouldve arrived and informed us whats going on by now
Fae shook his head no we havent heard anything about nothing yet and whats worse is no one has seen Drak since this morning eather
Voodoo: dang it how are we posed to win this war if we have no mongers *sighs* Dooms is just probly to busy killing things as for Drak well who knows what kind of tests there doing on him if i dont hear from him by sunrise i will find out whats going on befor i call it a night

a riftwalker had approced me and Fae

Chapter 3 the setup

as the rift walker approced us both me and Fae withdrew our mighty weapons wateing for the right time to attack it was a good thing we didnt go gun ho to because it turned out to be Drak

Riftwalker: whoa whoa whoa guys its me Drak pretty kool huh
i had walked up lowering my weapon as Fae had his still ready to attack covering me i had seen that it was in fact Drak and had singneled Fae to lower his weapon

Drark: pretty sweet huh
Fae: what in the world
Voodoo: so this was there experment huh wanna give it a test out
Drak: yea they want me to make sure we can safely wear these things but i cant try it tell tommorrow they said it needs time to charge and keep a eye on the power level or Boom
Voodoo: i was on my way to the mess hall you guys hungry my treat
Drake and Fae: your on

we had went to the mess hall and got some food when we had sat down i tryed to feed choco agin but he still had refused to eat anything

Voodoo: come on you need to eat if anything happends to you Dooms is going to kill me
Drak: give him time voodoo
Fae: yea he will eat when hes ready for now hes just missing Dooms
Voodoo: yea i gues you two are right

i did my paper work while we were eating and when we had finished Drak and Fae had gone to bed i had punched in and went into thewar camp getting the skeleton crew ready for there shifts

back at sector 4069
Dooms jumps out of the way from a fire ball as a riftwalker portals behind him and slices at him Dooms trys to side flip out of the way but didnt flip fast enough and gets sliced in the left shoulder pyro sends holy flames at a group of enimes "hey Pyro you know what we havent done in awhile" Dooms says Pyro looks to dooms and slams his fist on a flare imp "Anamay fighting" Dooms swings his hammer at a rift walker knocking him out "you rember the rules boy" Pyro chucles "yep frist one to use the same moves twice loses and loser makes berry keg for the next month" says pyro

Dooms : "HAMMER THROW "your on dooms throws his hammer at a feindshrooms
Pyro: "SPIRIT BALL" pyro unleasehs a ball of energy at possessed cryptics
Dooms: "SPINE RIPPER" dooms rips out a ashen squires as the hammer flys threw the feindshrooms skull"
Pyro flys into the air and spreads his wings "FEATHER GUN" feather like scales flys twoards the army below
Dooms games over "FUSED MAGIC COMBO LEVEL FIVE" water leaves his right eye fire leaves his left eye ice leaves his mouth while eletric leaves his right palm and light leavs his left hand the five spells leaves his body all at once and fuses togtherclearing out everything in its path for the next mile down the road Dooms drops to the ground holding his left arm as blood rapidly flows from the wounds pyro flys down to Dooms seeing there was nothing left to fight

Pyro: we were setted up
Dooms: i know lets find out whos behind this
Pyro not like that your not
Dooms looks to his body seeing that he actuly been gashed not just in his left arm but also in his chest and at his legs
Dooms: huh didnt even notices these straches
Pyro: dude they got you good here let me help you out there *pyro grabs three sets of daggers from Dooms back* "ready"
Dooms: im ready *he sniffs the air* somethings near

Pyro looks around the forest and sees a figure and charges up a holy flame and unleashes it onto Dooms the flames sorrunds his body eating at all of Dooms wounds. Pyro turns to shoot flames at the figure who was was lurking "STOP" the figure emergies from the woods both Pyro and Dooms who now was fully healed with no flames around him had looked to see a cloked woman

Cloked woman: its been two million years and your rage still controls you
Dooms: howed you find us
Cloked woman: the question is not how i found you but how did you mange to escape your prison we had closed and sealed all portals leading to and from the Doomed Realm
Pyro: dont worry about it are you going to turn us in
Cloked woman: no this realm needs you more now then ever but due note that im risking my head to aid you two a fire demi god has been to the doomed realm and manged to find a single head and unleashed the spell you placed upon it
Dooms and Pyro: Wargoth
Dooms: whos
cloked lady: cinder fleash fire
Dooms: dont surprise me none why not have someone who controls hell fire in his army
Pyro: like you needed to ask whos head it was
Dooms: yea well
Cloked Lady: may i contuine you to
Dooms and pyro: yea go on
Cloked lady: we think Cinder Fleash Fire has found the Heart of Dooms
Dooms: whos we
Cloked Lady: the gods there willing to let you stay in this realm intell its been cleansed if you deliver us cinder fleash fires head and find out if the heart has been found
Pyro: thats why shes not going to turn us in they already know were here
Dooms: yep guess we didnt cover our tracks good enough oh well *he looks to the lady* were do they think they are
Cloked lady: actuly around here somewere but be carefull Dooms Pray Day when you cant trust your eyes trust your noise theres no telling who else is here *the lady vanishes* "may the gods be with you"
Dooms looks to pyro "well i guess we know who setted us up"
Pyro: yep lets just get this done and over with hey do you think we will ever fond out who that lady is
Dooms i dont know maybe i have a felling on who it is but no proff yet
Pyro: so what do you think she means by risking her head if they already know were here
Dooms: beats me but something tells me we havent seen the last of her

they had walked about a mile down the road when they came upto a building

Pyro: there is no way
Dooms: this is not possable
both Dooms and Pyro had looked to each other then back to the building
Dooms and Pyro: no way in hell

Capter 4 the heart

by that time we had not heard from Dooms in a week and we were starting to get worried on top of that one of the Dark Knights members had not been seen as well

Voodoo: search the base he has to be here somewere
Fae: dont stop tell hes found

Drak had walked upto us
Drak: i thik he snuck off with Dooms
Fae: god i hope not
Voodoo: if he did we will cover for him
Fae and Drak: agreed

turns out he got lost in a raid

Back at section 4069
Pyro and Dooms both look to a building that had a sign that read Gates To Hell Bar And Inn
Pyro: this cant be here
Dooms: this has to be a trick come lets cheack it out boy but lets also do it on red aleart
Pyro: does this mean we stop pretending hes not in the bushes watching us making sure were alright
Dooms: i suppose so
Pyro: you mise well come out dragon were know your there

a half human half elf wearing a doom knight gear had emerged from the bushes and looks to the might holy dead dragon and the tourterd soul

Figure: Dooms and Pyro you two left without saying goodbye to hog all this fun
Pyro: DK i think you had to many berry kegs
Dooms: maybe so boy but i gots a good use for him
Dragonknight315: you mean i get to go in there and bust everyone up with you guys
Dooms: not quit we need you to go back to war camp and alert the others
Pyro: dont worry bro we will be just fine
DK: i wont im going to stay and fight
Dooms: funny i dont rember asking *he rises his hammer* go aleart the others tell them that a being able to control hell fire has come from my realm to ade wargoth and be care full when there attacking there minons
Pyro dont worry we will be alright weve faced this being befor and knowing him hes already sent out a army towrds war camp go aleart the others thats far more important then killing these guys and we will claming this beings head while your doing so
DK: the others are in danger i must go warn them then you have it your way Dooms but next time invite a friend to the party

Dragonknight315 start to run twords the war camp as Dooms and Pyro looks to the building one last time befor they go to enter it

Pyro: you know were in for it bad right
Dooms: i know but we cant allow anymore of our friends blood on our hands
Pyro: so how do you want to do this
Dooms: your call
Pyro: *sighs* i suppose we go in there stealth like and see how far we can make it befor there alerted
Dooms: *creacks his neack* and here i thought we were going to have some fun

they both hear some crying coming from inside the bar and inn
Pyro: guess were doing it your way
They charge in to see a little girl on the floor crying dooms walks upto her and kneels down
Dooms: are you alright
the little girl does not hear him and keeps crying as dooms sets down his hammer the dragon pyro kept gaurd
Dooms: there there whats wrong *he goes to touch the little girl and his hand goes threw her shoulder "what the" a lady walks into the hallway and yells for the little girl "SARAH COME IN HERE your daddy will be back soon hes out killing evil" the girl rises her head showing Pyro and Dooms her appearnce they both get a shocked look on there face as the little girl gets up and runs into the lobby both Dooms and Pyro chrage in the lobby after her but finds nothing Pyro taps Dooms on the shoulders "look doom kegs" pyro rushes over to them" dooms looks "they cant be real" pyro lets a drop hit the steal floor in seconds a gaint hole appeard "yep there real" Dooms looks back to the hallway "i rember that day it was the same day blood thurst man riped my cold dead heart out of my chest she didnt know it but i heard her crying and peered into the window" pyro looks to him

Pyro: sounds like you regreat leaving your family so much
Dooms: in a way i do but thats a draw back of being a world champion
Pyro: im sure she understood once she got older
Dooms: funny i the one person whos job it is to make sure the world wakes up so my friends and family will always be there *he sighs* and im the one who ends up destroying it
Pyro: you did what you thought you had to do
Dooms: yes but it is another unpayable sin upon my hands

dooms walks into the kitchen and looks around seeing that everything the very same way as he had left it when he escaped the runied Doomed Realm

Dooms: i wonder how this portal had been opend here
*a laugh is heard behind them they both turn around and sees a fire demon* "i brought it here brother"
Dooms and Pyro: flame back
Flameback: so i can kill you *he starts to charge a fire attack*
???: NO we wait for the heart

a firey screen appear in the middle of the room with wargoths image
wargoth: finish him off already
Flameback: thats what im saying
Dooms: flameback snap out of it
Cinder fleash fire: no we wate for the heart to kill a Dooms you must take out the the soul then the bodie
Wargoth: your brother now fights for me
Dooms: wargoth im coming for you after im done here
cinder fleash fire: you need not to worry about us but her *he points behind Dooms as the fire screen dissapears*

dooms turns around and rises his hammer

cloked lady: attack me if you must but i must warn you i have been trained by one of the best weapon masters of all time

*he swings his hammer hard and fast at the clocked lady when she lowered he hood reviling her face he stops his swing and just looks unable to move other then to lower his hammer as hes stepping back looking at a human rat hybrid

Dooms: its you
Cloked Lady: forgive me my love but i couldnt revile myself to you without endangering both our lives
Pyro: but how you gave up your essence to pull him out of the time warp
Cloked Lady: that is true but i still had a peice of life force hidden deep into the realm *she walks to Dooms and lays her hand upon his head* here were you keep your memorys of me the same memorys that drive you and allows you to tap into your primale rage has given me my life back but in doing so being here now there is no life force of me left
*cinder fleash fire and flame back both lower there fire shields and charges at her hearing this dooms quickly swings his hammer up into an attacking potsion while the clocked lady concertrates a second a long spear with a heart shaped arrowhead had appeared in her hands as Pyro charges up a holy flame breath fire deamons and flame imps had appeared around Dooms Pyro and the cloked lady

Clocked lady: Once a shadow always a shadow
Pyro: yea but were the last three shadows
Dooms: then lets show this realm what the Shadows were once able to do
Clocked lady: upgradeing is not a option is it
Dooms and Pyro: nope
*the three had ended in a circle with there backs faceing each other*
Clocked lady: then lets do this the old fanishoned way
Dooms swings his hammer at a a fire imps head as pyro unleashed a holy flame while the cloked lady sends her heart spear at a fire deamon the rooms starts to fill with green smoke making everyone in the room stop attacking in confusion
Dooms +Pyro+cloked lady + flame back +cinder flesh fire: what the
a luagh is heard "you have commeted the unltamite crime and now its time to be punised" a figure runs threw the smoke and slices at everone in the room as the smoke starts to clear the rooms Dooms is droped to his knees as pyro lets out a loud roar as he to clapises leaving the cloked lady cider fleash fire and flame back standing

Dooms: wiskers no run
Wiskers: no im not affrade to die agin for you
Dooms: no dont do this you stand no chance
Wiskers: i know what im doing

flame back charges at wiskers she quickly jabs at him he jumps into the air and unleashes a fire wall at her she holds up her spear inleashing a bright goddess gold forcefeild arund her the flames hit the force field and shatters it cinder fleash fire sends a fire bomb at dooms he weakly swings his hammer at the fireball "heads up" wiskers looks to see the fire ball and does a mid air jump onto flame back then throws him into the fire ball flame back un able to move threw the air at will hits the fire ball and turns to dust
Dooms: rest well brother
wiskers lands in front of dooms down to flameback "may the flames guild you my friend"
a fire spell hits wiskers in the back sending Dooms weakly gets up only in time to catch her and is sent back to the floor with wiskers in his arms
Wiskers: still worth it Pray
Dooms: you cant die not after i just found you
Wiskers: im sorry my love may my memories always show you to your happyness *coughs* its still so cold
Dooms: as i said befor it dont get no warmer
Cinder fleash fire: hahahaha the heart is down the soul is crpiled and all that remains is us two though you never were able to keep the heart alive

Dooms enters a flashback "Pray im pregnet" *Wiskers holds up her spear* "well lets go Pray the world ant going to save its self" *a flame had entered his eyes as he stayed in his flashback* "Pray why dont you become the god of warriors" wiskers dies as those words echoed in his mind" he sees one more image *he watchs her cough* "so this is what its like to die" he holds her close still in his flash back
flashback Dooms: yes
flashback wiskers: its cold so cold
flash back dooms: it dont get no warmer
Flash back wiskers: I love you Pray
flash back Dooms: i love you to Wiskers *a tear enters his eyes as he is sournded by enimies* she dies
flash back wisper: why dont you become the god of warriors why dont you become the god of warriors *the fire consumes his eyes into enteranl flames of rage* "why dont you become the god of warriors
Dooms: BECAUSE WARRIORS DONT MAKE GOOD GODS *stands up as he throws his hammer aside he then takes off his weapon belt and throws it aside* "alright idiot PLAYTIME IS OVER"

Dragonknight runs into the war camp DOOMS IS IN TROUBLE

Chapter 5 BLOOD BATH

Fae drak and voodoo: not anymore lets go
just then fire demons and flare imps had appeared all over camp but we left anyways

Dooms charges at cinder fleash fire cinder sends out fire bombs to every inch of the room he jumps up and charges a fist shot he launches off the celing and sends his fist right in front of him aiming at cinder fleash fire cinder quickly throws up a fire wall above his head dooms shakes his head "not this time" he holds out his other hand and sends ice spears at the the forcefeild intell it shatters delivering a punch that dislodges the intire floor sending all to the basment of the bar both cinder and Dooms quickly gets to there feet pyro still fighting to breath since the green gas had entered the room is unable to shake off what ever is keeping him down and starts to spit up tainted blood ciinder fleash fire sends fire spears around the room as Dooms charges at cinder agin fleash fire agin as Dooms is running back into the frail he uses his cyborge arm to block the the fire spears or so he would thing he sends a round house kick at cinder fleash fires head cinder fleash fire sends a fire ball at Dooms chest as he dunks out of the way the fire ball hits Dooms in the chest and starts to burn a hole threw his fleash to inraged he doesnt fills a thing and sends a hard right down upon cinder fleash fires head knocking him out the fire starts to eat at Dooms insides rapidly burning him to death the more he moves Dooms starts to get a little light headed but shakes it off just in time for cinder fleash fire stands back up and delivers a fire stream at Dooms, Dooms seeing this goes and swings a hard right to cinder fleash fire but the swing was easly dodged as Dooms loses great speed and power leaving Dooms parlazed as the fire stream hits him now compltely on fire Dooms drops to one knee as the hell fire quickly eats threw his body and insides he begins bleeding badly to even think about being around much longer pyro now looses the power to breath and enters a slumber Cinder fleash fire lets off a evil laugh "your threw dead hero" Dooms looks upto him "dont count me out yet" HE thinks for a second as a black orb leaves him the orb then starts to mode itself as another Dooms more orbs leaves Dooms and the created Dooms all turning into another copy intell the that basement was full of Dooms they all started to attack One Dooms takes cinder fleash fires skull and bashes it into another Dooms knee cap *all of the Dooms copies vanishes* "you cant even hold a simple dupe spell give it up your threw today marks the last Day will breath" a voice reappears "dont you love it when bodies go BOOM with green gas" the bodies start to blow up leaving a toxic gas in the room "you will die Soon" a dagger is thrown into a wall that reads "for the untalmite crime you will be punshied - Venom Bioshank" green gas fills the room quickly as cinder fleash fire kicks Dooms in the head making him fall back unable to do anything else but just lay there bleeding and burning to death he looks around the room to see what he has that can be used as a weapon

Cinder Flesh Fire: give it up Dooms theres no one here to save you this time
Dooms: *coughs spiting up blood*
Cinder Fleash Fire: the Shadows have been defeated the leader of the SHADOW HEROS is abouts to die for the last time
Dooms: you frist *he weakly trys to get up*
Cinder Fleash Fire: ... you can still talk here let me help you with that
a fire wall appears completly around Dooms and starts to close in on him

a portal opens up behind cinder fleash fire as souls have traveled threw it and make there way to Dooms

Chapter Six Goodbye

the souls bash threw the fire wall and rushes Dooms body sending him bk to the floor just as fast as he got up he curls up into a ball and rolls right threw the fire wall but is unable to roll away from the souls chasing him

Cinder fleash fire: your washed up the souls of those you have slane are here to make sure you dont escape your grave yet agin

a second portal opens up allowing souls to fly into Dooms as he looks right in front of him he sees that a double bladed staff was right in his grasp he wispers to his self "the Doomed Staff" he turns to see that a rocket laucher and a rusty chain saw have also appeared in the room as well as many of his old weapons he looks to the wall behind cinder fleash fire to see a bag of viles*

Dooms: hey cindy what comes in a vile usuly found by the bag full and goes mega BOOM
Cider fleash fire: Death viles
Dooms: your right oh and i now lead the Dragon Heros and i killed your wife *he reaches out and grabs the doomed staff and throws it at cinder fleash fire as he jumps in to the air as the hell fire finishes killing him cinder fleash fire dunks out of the way of the doomed staff making it stick ionto the bag of death viles behind him here glass breack cinder fleash fire turns around to see the staff stuck into the wall holding the death vile bag up

Cinder fleash fire: OH CRAP

Voodoo: a billion mushroom clouds had appeared were the bar and inn once stood as fae, DK, drak, and Dragon had arrvied we all had looked to each other in disbelif
Drak: that was a big bang you think Dooms is alright
Fae: i highly doubt anyone or anything could have lived threw that
Dragon: come on Dooms and pyro i know your both alright come out already
Voodoo: i hate to say it dragon but i do beilve hes not coming out of there
???: freezee put your hands up
we had looked behind us to see a bunch of MPs had followed us and placed us under arest at that time for being awall

Voodoo looks to a bored concoul the
leader: *looks back to him* so you four decided to take it up on yourselfs to leave camp and rescue a freind
Voodoo: yes sir as a comanding officer i deicded that it was best yes
Leader: we do have protocall you know
Voodoo: i know and i take full responseabillty
Leader: *lets out a sigh* tell you what you get the staples out of that chainlink fence holding up vote for dragonman 66 posters and we will let you off with a warning
Voodoo: deal but frist i have a funeral for a friend i had arranged
Leader: verry well report here at o six hundred hours
Voodoo: will do

at the graveyard (i asked a few people if i had died/went mia what would they say/do this is there responces altered to go write of course)
dragonknight was in front of Dooms picture
Dragonknight315: *Starts hitting the nearest person.* intell he calms down* "Lore has lost a fellow warmonger."
Mritha: *raises her gravity hammer in salute to Dooms and says "May he rest in Purple."
Voodoo Master walks upto Dooms picture i was very sad about the lost of Dooms *he trys not to cry *he was a good man and loved to kill any evading army at will and his hammer has seen much blood and in his honor I'd also donate money to create a memorial statue of Dooms in Falconreach (thats all that i got bk) Eric wanted to be here but was to busy to make it a dark cloud enters the sky as the wind picks up everyone starts looking at each other going for there weapon when wargoths head appears infront of voodoos feet
Dooms: so who died

< Message edited by D00MS -- 8/5/2012 20:17:52 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
7/28/2012 14:05:53   

An ocean of flames
With ashes as foam

Currents of heat
Beat into the soles
Of warn out feet

Sparks are the sand
No cool place to stand

And at Wargoth’s command
A cosmos flasher
A portal dancer
And a mind of steel beams
All here to crush your dreams
Of peace and safety.

The Bright Side

Two guardians were sitting inside one of the tents, taking a rest.
"I can't go back out there, noting good happens." One of them said wearily.
"Sure you can, just look at the bright side."
"What might that be?" the first inquired.
"If you die by fire, burial will be easy!”
The guardian got a death look from his comrade.

< Message edited by Lady_Dragonrider -- 8/10/2012 21:01:21 >
DF  Post #: 20
7/28/2012 17:36:46   

Wrath of Wargoth War poem
A storm looms on the horizon, its fire thundering,
Behind it, a figure, menace emnating from within,
A culture hangs on the balance, all of it hoping,
That the courage of the heroes of Lore shall win.
Throughout the land, sword and fire clash,
An epic fight unfurling, one to determine destiny,
Shared between two civilisations, refusing to be ash,
They battle powered by true necessity.
Fear permeated both sides, gloom on the horizon,
But a singular emotion empowers the courageous,
Driven by it, they stay, and battle on.
In the distance, across the slope,
A light is seen. Hope.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
7/28/2012 17:49:25   

I made a Limerick:
Wargoth has sent an attack,
And our future seems very black.
But the heroes of lore
Will battle some more
Until his defenses crack

And a Shakespearian Sonnet:

Many waves have been sent out by wargoth,
But the heroes of lore aren't scaredy wimps
Nor are these brave warriors fourth or fifth,
Although there are atealians and imps.
Fifteen million waves we will defeat,
The battles are hard, but the rewards great.
At the end, peace is what we will shall greet.
For those numerous imps we shall abate.
Our swords are sharp, we charge into battle,
Hacking everywhere, up, down, left and right.
Slaying wargoths minions like cattle,
We will defeat wargoth with our true might!
Some heroes will live, and some will be lost,
But we will slay him, no matter the cost!

AQ DF  Post #: 22
8/3/2012 5:31:49   

Little simplistic poem.

*wasn't able to think of a title*

Fires alight
the evening night

Smoke clouding the twinkling bed
blindly swarming up ahead

Screams of wretching fear
noises of which are too much to bear

Waiting for the sky to be seen
oh where, oh where have you been

Wargoths wrath ravages the lands
Groups of merceneries fighting in bands

Lores last glimmer of hope stand in line
Raising there weapons ever so fine.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
8/4/2012 21:40:53   

Here you go everyone!

Because of the hammer,we have D00MS
Because of dragonman66,we have news!
Because of Gingkage wolves are tamed
Because of Artix we're insane !
Because of Smog we have spoons
Because of Wildroses we have mews
Because of San Robin we have cheese
Because of dogs we have fleas
Because of The Odor we look cool
Because of Tomix over weapons we drool
Because of chisagen we have fish
Because of Stephan we have Nix!
Because of Faerdin we have blue
Because of kinzville we have even MORE news
Because of Zeuster we have Void bacon
Because of CATapults progress were makeing
Because of Keldor we have War
Because of the Warmongers we have 1550 WAVES!
Because of chickencows we have really cool looking eggs
But most of all in all of LORE
Besides of dragons , zards and more
We have staff that cares for us
We have cheese , bacon , fish and stuff
We have a community that talks and puns
We motivate ,fight and talk about fun
At the forum we fight till the the end
Because at the forum we are friends
Sorry if I didnt include you!Enjoy!

< Message edited by BraveSirRobin -- 8/4/2012 21:43:42 >
Post #: 24
8/6/2012 18:49:46   

Story Chapter 1 " The Hero"

I was drinking my super hot chocolate milk in my house like usual, everything seemed normal.
Then I heard terrifying screams outside the door, like the super cool hero I am, I got outside to
check what was all the ruckus about. I saw a huge army destroying the houses and fire imps
and possessed Atealan people. I heard a little girl scream I quickly ran towards the scream
she was surrounded by monsters, SCARY monsters if I may add. She looked straight into my
eyes and said " Please help me!", I quickly ran away from her because I was afraid of those
monster " She will be okay" I thought to myself while running away from the fight. I was mad
at my self I was just sitting at the edge of a cliff looking down like I lost confidience. Thats when
a Tog appeared, he looked at me and said " Why you look down? ". Normally I will be all like "Holy
Zeuster a talking TOG!!" But I was too sad to really have a reaction. I told him " I ran away from a
fight..I am a coward" The tog said to me " Lol K, bye ", When he said that I noticed 2 things, 1. Why
did he came to talk to me if he wasn't going to give me Confidience? And 2. I should stop being a
sissy! That's when I felt super awesome power flowing in my body. That's when a golden Tog came
from the clouds and said " YOU SHALL BE THE LEGENDARY TOGSLAYER!!", He hit me with his lighting
that's when I turned into a Togslayer!

Chapter 2: Rescue

I returned to where I last saw the little girl, she was gone! Those darn Monster must of taken her to Wargoth!!
I was outraged, I felt like crying like a little baby, but NO I didn't want to make myself look like a coward in public, so I decided
I will go to their hideout! A bunch of Togs came out of nowhere, with a smile I said " You are here to help me aren't you? Lets go to
the-, "Not so fast hero, we won't help you, we just came to see how stupid you look". I was sad that the tog said that, but
anyways I quickly sprinted to Wargoths hide out, There it was! Two guardins guarded the door, Darn!! How will i get past
them??? I GOT IT!, I put on a blanket over my head and I went up to those guardians. If I can scare them away I will
get past them no problemo! I made super scary realistic ghost noises, they ran away! Mission accomplished, I went into the hideout
thats where I saw the little girl in a cell, a imp was guarding it. The imp said "Halt!, I am a talking imp what do you need Togslayer?"
I was startled by him talking that I hit him with my hammer, he was knocked out cold. I broke into the cell and grabbed the little girl
and I went to the village where everyone praised my heroic-ism. Everything was better then expected! Those cool heroes from lore
came to save the village while I was out saving the girl! That night everyone threw a celebration for destroying the army!

Chapter 3: A Hero Is Bored

6 months had passed, and Wargoth was destoyed. they even made a statue out of ME! The super awesome Togslayer.
And now me, Bruilin is standing here at the edge of a cliff looking at the beautiful sky. I said to myself

Everything went better then expecte..
* Red Dragon fly's in the sky*

The End

Signature removed. -Faerdin

< Message edited by Bruilin -- 8/12/2012 8:41:19 >
DF  Post #: 25
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