Moon (Full Version)

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cdfbrown -> Moon (4/17/2008 11:25:53)


Location: Soluna City
Directions: Soluna City -> Starmap -> Moon

Missions Available:
  • Defend!
  • Power Cells
  • Rebel Leader
  • Rescue!

    Shops Available:
  • Weapons
  • NG Shop
  • Prototypes
  • NG Prototypes

  • Lisa
  • Odessa
  • Slugwrath


    Lisa: You're clear to beam up! Would you like to leave this planet?
  • Beam up - Beam up to the starship and leave the planet
  • Back

    Before completing any missions:
      Slugwrath: The starship wreckage here must be the work of the rebel forces! «You», you must search and destroy all enemy units!

    After finding the black box in Rebellion:
      Slugwrath: Your next mission is to defeat the rebel leader and crush the rebels once and for all!

    After discovering Slugwrath's treachery in Rebel Leader:
      Odessa: Put on your uniform and await further orders, soldier!

    Other Information:
    1. The NPC and dialogue you face when clicking mission depend on your current mission.
    2. There is a 'Mission' button in place of the standard 'Battle' button which allows you to access any mission that is available for you in the same way as the your Log.
    3. The 'Log' button can be used to redo missions you have completed.
    4. There are two shops available through your Communicator providing you have found the Black Box during a mission (see Power Cells). These shops are 'Weapons' and 'NG Shop'.
    5. You can also access a Soldier Uniform and Soldier Helm from the 'Uniforms' option on your Communicator if you have completed the Rebel Leader mission.
    6. Your center of operations on the Moon is called the 'Moon Base'. While at the Moon Base you can access your Communicator, as well as the aforementioned 'Mission' button and the standard 'Equip' and 'Repair' buttons in the Moon Base Options panel.
    7. There are two further shops available, Prototype Shop and Prototype NG Shop, after you get 100 reputation points from the
      Rescue! or Defend! missions.
    8. On 23rd April 2008 the above mentioned 'Mission' button was replaced with a 'War!' button. This allowed access to the Moon Base part of the Shadowsythe War that was being fought at the time. The button remained until the War was removed from the game at which point the 'Mission' button was reinstated.
    9. Image of the Moon Base:
    10. If you receive the message 'Requires Flight Clearance' you need to obtain clearance from Kingadent Slugwrath at the White Castle.

    Thanks to -
    --GoldenScythe for enemies faced and reputation points in Defend! mission
    --strongo9 for update to the Mission button info and Prototype shop
    --ddml updated Mission info
    --margus2000 for Moon Base image
    --kittycat for Flight Clearance Info
    --Viking_Jorun for shops
    --ArchMagus Orodalf for rewrite!

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