RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (7/29/2008 5:38:24)

Thanks Shade.

@Recar... do what ever you want :D

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (7/29/2008 7:04:37)

Major edit: Skyler has been renamed to Lanceler, Danielle was acused of a different crime, Ryan obtains his Vision in a different way, and Joseph's Vision *seems* to be mind-reading.

r0de0b0y -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (7/29/2008 12:10:43)

For all the effort you put into this, I better check it out...

Reading the first part, which seems that it's your average 'magic power buried 1000ft under', the scene was described real well. Other than the picture, though, I have no idea what they would look like...

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (7/29/2008 14:15:32)

Confusing boy...why does it go Chapter 1 and then Prologue...? Oh well XD On to Visions!


The brunet, who was leading the way,



Though polished, a few stains of blood remained.

To get rid of the repetition, use another word for polish...I dunno what one though, I'm pretty tired :> Go to XD


“Then should I mine on the walls or should I break down hard rocks on the holes you dig?”

A word is missing from this phrase.


If you want credit, make your pointy stick help out. Shovels rock!” Ryan bragged as

Unneeded since the speach tells us that he bragged. There are a few of these throughout it...if you read through the dialogue, you don't need to tell the audience some things like that since it is shown. A simple said can do...or if he's shouting, say shouted etc. Never use those types of verbs after speech.


“Deep breaths, my friend, deep breaths. I’ll take over," suggested Skyler.

“No way,” replied Ryan. “I’m not done yet… most of the credit is gonna go to me.”

For the first one, he's not suggesting it, he's telling him. For the second one, try a less childish word than replied...use a verb that describes his distaste...


“Unlike me, you don’t have a guardian who’s responsible for you; I’ll be in serious trouble,” he complained.


“Sure,” replied his companion. It seemed as if he pretended to have already forgotten about their conflict.

""Sure," his friend replied, seeming as if he pretended to have already forgotten about their conflict."

Done chapter 1...I liked it. You're potential is are different from most people. You can capture people with your words even though it isn't as technical as are good, my friend. HOWEVER, you need to keep writing, and keep practicing, and try to take as much as you can from what people say. You've improved a keep improving and I'll be back for chapter 1...tomorrow, I think. But I have to do my own writing now since I haven't written anything in a week :'( Bye!

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (7/30/2008 6:09:16)

Thanks. But brunette is female. Brunet = male

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (7/30/2008 7:41:35)

Ah right XD Didn't know that. I just realised that I did that and then you changed the chapter. So do you want me to do it again? And then I'll go onto the next chapter...

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (7/30/2008 7:58:51)

Please do proceed :D

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (8/1/2008 21:21:40)

Updated post. Another character sketch has been done. Yet that person is planned to be the 5th main character

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions and more [Has character pics] (8/7/2008 0:50:57)

I'll be working on chapter 3 as well as a sketch for Ryan. I don't plan to color him though; we all know he's a brunet. Anyways... updated this comments thread; all 13 visions and elements are there.... remember... to find out the pair, you'll have to read the story.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/7/2008 5:51:39)

Okay, finished chapter 3, post 1. Each chapter has about 3 posts

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/8/2008 4:17:20)

Sketch done:

demolitiondragon -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/8/2008 22:20:51)

*likes pic* (^_^)b

r0de0b0y -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/8/2008 23:40:26)

Is that a...ray gun? And why does everyone have anime eyes? Is that the power of Vision? XD

Just joking. It looks like you've named every power except Shinigami eyes and death beams
And I've been examining the first chapter closely. No spelling errors, but your characters...are weird. After Ryan's parents are brought up, he retaliates...a paragraph later. And he doesn't question the voice, so how does he immediately know everything about the powers? Meh, I'm just nit-picky

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/8/2008 23:44:44)

1) Ray gun? It's supposed to be a bayonet with an over-sized blade. And... Shinigami eyes? Is that Naruto/Bleech? Can't remember. Besides... Eye rays... seem too lame yet powerful

2) He relaliates later because he *tried* to hold himself back. However... he's tempered:


Trying to hold himself back, Ryan remained silent as he left the hole and dragged the stone from the edge of their excavation site. Trying to mask his annoyed and troubled emotions, Ryan gave his companion a small smirk.


As he moved his hand from one part of the pillar to another, the excitement on his face turned to utter disappointment. “What a waste! A piece of junk!” he shouted. “Oh, by the way…” Ryan stood straight, turned his body to his left, and pointed the shovel’s blade at his companion. He stared at his eyes with a cold, harsh look. “Don’t mention my parents’ death or anything that leads to it ever again. I just wish that I could find their killer and deliver judgment on him.”

1st part: Tried to ignore; 2nd part: Got pissed off and then got mad with Lanceler.

3) The voice? heh, he doesn't question it because he knows that it's like programed to say what it was saying


Time has stopped. It will resume if you solve the puzzle or choose to give up. The ominous voice seemed to have come from a woman.

“Who’s there?” Ryan scanned the area by moving his irises from left to right. He noticed that even the birds flying in the sky were frozen in place. He turned his attention to the nearby forest and observed it. The leaves that should’ve landed on the ground stayed in midair. “What the heck?!”

Time has stopped. It will resume if you solve the puzzle or choose to give up. Begin the puzzle by turning and twisting the rows and columns of the cube located at your left. When finished, six pictures will be seen on each side.

Just using my lawyer skillz to help myself

r0de0b0y -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/9/2008 12:02:37)

Well, you'd be a good lawyer. If that happened to me, I'd be freaking out. And Shinigami eyes are from death note, letting you see people's name and lifespan

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/9/2008 14:04:34)



The roads were cemented and lesser in elevation compared to the sidewalks.

Some things you don't need to describe. This is one of them. You can take out that the roads are lower than the paths.


The directions to Ryan’s house, from where they were, were:



A brunette, who nearly the same height as the two men, leaned on a lamp pole.

They are seventeen years old, they aren't men. XD I wouldn't consider Jason from CotW a man, and he's more mature than these two XD two boys. Also, isn't it "lamp post"...or is that just an English thing.


a blue blazer and red eye contacts.

He wouldn't know that she's wearing eye contacts... Just say that they were red eyes, and they were perculiar.


Danielle opened her mouth but before any word came out, the officer spoke, “She has committed a homicide.” The


“I told you, Officer Pheona, I didn’t do it! I haven’t anyone in my life!”

killed goes inbetween those two words.


How could I have forgotten how he had looked like?



Lanceler pressed the button which triggered the electrical current to stop flowing to the TV.

Less is more, my friend. I wanna know about the story, not how you turn off a T.V. Remember not to put things like this in since there is no real relevance to anything. Just say he turned off the T.V.


“I hate to be the one to tell you but... Mrs. Derem is dead. Danielle must be depressed but I think I can cheer her up.”

XD Sorry, that was so insensitive it made me laugh. If he found blood on his wives bed, he would make Danielle tell him what happened. No matter how nice of a guy he might be... Danielle would be the person to tell her dad anyway... Also, put yourself into Ryan's shoes. Would you, as a human being not Crimzon, say that without it fazing you one bit. They are teenagers as well, so they probably wouldn't even be able to tell him. And how do they have the right to tell him that his wife is dead? Finally, he moved straight on from that point and went to talk about Danielle. Take this sentence out at all costs. He could still tell him that his wife's dead, but make him have emotion. Ryan and Lancellor are human's, they feel things, so this would at least make them feel upset, so the words wouldn't come as naturally as this. Write a paragraph about how awkward it was and that they hadn't thought through what they were going to say to him.


“Fine, come in.” Danielle's father opened the door wider and let his visitor in. Ryan ascended the stairs.

He doesn't care that his wife is dead...come on Crimzon, I KNOW you can do better that this. Emotion, my friend, emotion. What would this character feel when he was told the person he loves, and promised to spend the rest of his life with, and the person who gave birth to his child had died?


what happened earlier—” The The door opened slowly.


She wasn’t wearing her contacts anymore. She wasn’t wearing her contacts anymore.


What was that? Hmm… must be a side-effect of her ability… “Tell me

That needs to be in italics if that's a thought.


“There’s this guy I wanna kill, but he has a bodyguard who won’t let us pass;

Emotion. People don't just say that unless they are mentally disturbed. It takes a lot for a human to take another humans life. Show the hate that bubbles through his blood at the ver thought of this person.


The brunette raised her hand. Slap! Ryan felt a quick jolt on his face.

"The brunette raised her hand and slapped Ryan across the face." Less is more. By rewording it, that sentence gives off a more shocking effect.


As his eyes followed its movements, he noticed Ryan and Danielle conversing.

You used that earlier in the chapter so talking would be appropriate enough.


“Very well then-” Before she continued, she noticed a ring wrapped around his forth finger (the thumb being the first).

1. People don't say "Very well then-" unless they are big buisness men in a mega meeting. "Ok then-" would be more human. 2. "she noticed a ring on his finger" People will automatically assume that it's on that finger, since that's where wedding rings go.


“No-no! Let me explain. I have a dangerous job. In the process… I lost my wife. My enemies knew that the only way to hurt me was through my family,” he hesitantly spoke.

“Oh, sorry to hear that… So, we still up for later?”

Right... Well, if a woman heard that his wife was murdered because of the man's job, she would be at least a tincy wincy bit reluctant to go on a date with him. So, he could just say "I lost my wife a few years ago..." and she reply with "Oh, sorry to hear that..."


Heh… he shoos use boys and asks the girl if he can do anything for her.


“Umm…” Danielle bashfully replied.

How can "Umm" be bashfull?


Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. Danielle, mischievous as always.

Take that out. Just say he frowned playfully or something and chased after her. That thought is unhuman.


Lanceler shook his head. “No, I’ll be black.” Joseph smiled and let out a small breath from his nostrils. He moved a pawn from e2 to e4. Lanceler smiled and charged his pawn from e7-e5. “Your move…” Shadebainer grinned and moved his queen to Square h5. Lanceler thought for a while and dropped his jaw. He couldn’t think of a counter for that move. The game moves were as followed:

We don't need to know about the game of chess. Chess is only fun to play, not so much to watch. Even less so to read about it. Just say that they did battle of the minds before they battled with swords. Say who was winning at first, then who came up from behind and took over, and then finally who won.


“Oh yeah, before I forget,” interrupted Ryan, “TAKE THIS!!!”

If you want someone to scream something, put it in italics. NEVER put more than one exclamation mark. That goes for anything you do in English Class as well.

Sorry if I sound harsh, it's just I hate it when people don't fulfill their potential. I've told you before that you can do good... You're characters in this chapter aren't very human, when they normally are. Look at the things I've pointed out above and try and empathise with the characters you have made. Sorry again for not using a nicer tone, but that was how the words came out XD Well...have fun! (Don't worry, DD was on the verge of shouting at me when she read chapter one of CotW XD).

r0de0b0y -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/9/2008 16:46:36)

GunBlazer Academy? o_0

Yeah, Recar's right, your characters are insensitive >.<

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/9/2008 22:08:07)

@ r0de0b0y: I'll mention this later in the story. GUnblazer academy is in the western area (AKA: trains, gun duels, and bank robberies.). The school used to be about that, but influences from other countries caused them to chnge that. However, the name was unchanged. And... for some, 16 is adult.

@ Recar: Thanks. And your words dont sound harsh. In fact, that's what I needed. I post stories here not just for people to red but also to help me know and understand my potential.

I edited the plot a bit...I just have to remember that Ryan.... is tempered...


The man replied with a nod. “But she hasn’t been herself lately. When I discovered blood on my wife's bed, I asked her if she was still alive. Without a word, she ran to her room and locked it. Tell me, Ryan, is she dead?”

“Yeah..." Ryan spoke in a normal calm voice. He lack of care had almost made the man furious.

“W-what? Tell me that this is a joke.” Ryan shook his head. The worrying frown on the man's face turned to an angered stare. “I can't believe that you don't seem to care at all! How would you feel if someone very close to you died!?"

"It... already happened. Besides, you asked me to answer your question. What more do you want from me?!"

"Grr... get out of my sight!" Danielle's father slammed the door. Quickly, Ryan inserted his shovel in the small remaining gap.

"Taking out your anger won't on me do anything. If you just keep on bringing out your wrath on someone innocent, it will just continue to pour out. Find out who the real culprit is!"

"Ryan, not even revenge will bring the dead back to life."

Ryan withdrew his shovel. "It won't... with the killer out there, more will die. Who knows? It could be you." Turning his back, Ryan left.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/10/2008 7:16:14)

ANyways, off to work at part 2 of chapter 3.

Spoiler for the last part of the chapter:


First action-filled part will take part ON (not in) a train. Using nanobot technology, Lanceler provides himself with an armor similar to a black knight. With his hidden identity, he starts a small terrorist group (him, Ryan, and a few other Vision people). His terrorist name? Lancelot.

However, he is out-numbered on the train while Ryan, as Redemption (his terrorist name), duels Joseph. When all hope seemed lost for Lancelot, he grins and jumps off the train...

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/10/2008 19:38:59)

Erm... a comment on your edit:


Ryan spoke in a normal calm voice. He lack of care had almost made the man furious.

Try instead of saying he was furious, say what he did to show he was furious. So something like: "The lack of care caused him to erupt in heavy breathing and made his entire body tense." Or something like that. Think what do you do when you are angry. (You need to do it because it's an abstract noun so you need to show rather than tell.)


How would you feel if someone very close to you died!?"

Try: "My wife has just died!" The one you just did was too inhuman. Remember, what would you say in that situation. Try that.


"Taking out your anger won't on me do anything.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/11/2008 6:18:35)

Thanks, Recar

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/7] (8/13/2008 7:34:47)

New story! A school contest made me do it:

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/16] (8/16/2008 8:36:08)

Okay, part 2 of chapter 3 added. It's more of a filler... and the style is slightly different from my normal way of writing.

r0de0b0y -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/16] (8/16/2008 16:14:47)

You named characters Fabula and Recar? o_0

Did you win the contest?

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 8/16] (8/17/2008 1:49:38)

Contest? Heh, no results yet. I expect it to come at 1-3 weeks from now...

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