RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/16/2008 6:00:54)

Page claimed for demolition dragon (hey, I owe her) and for Fabula's character (he makes an appearance here and at the first part of chapter 5) No page-claiming, even if it's your own thread. - Cow Face

Added the 2nd part (also the last) part of chapter.



Vincent managed to blast through the door, and was able to disconnect the senator’s carriage from the other six, the caboose being one. Ryan aimed his bayonet at him, trying to take out his anger. But he realized that now they had a reason to ‘disappear’. Being known the public, would mean that he was going to be an enemy. Yet, he could still gain allies and supporters, as long as he chose the right words. Thanking Vincent in his mind, he pulled the trigger, knowing that he was still an enemy, only to hear a click. Dang! When I planned to use Shattered Cepheus, I had to discard my bullets. Unfortunately, I forgot to reload. Hmm… I could experiment it on him… but, that might kill Joseph. I can’t do that… not until I know the details…


Shattered Cepheus... is... umm... Redemption's (Ryan's alias) 'signature' move. Cepheus, a constellation, possesses the shape of a bullet (pentagon). Here's it's wikipedia entry: . When he uses it, part of his armor is removed from his body. The outer portion is his black armor while the inner portion is a bunch of mirrors. By using his element, he creates a yellow laser from his gun (heh, L in LASER means light) that bunches in between the moving mirror shards. However, he needs to empty it because a bullet fired from his bayonet would ruin his calculations in the angles of light's traveling points due to it beng reflected.

demolitiondragon -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/16/2008 9:31:05)

You owe me nothing. I, however, owe you a critique or two now holidays are on. ;]

Chapter 1, Second post

”Then what about classes?”

The " is around the wrong way at the start. Minor thing, but... =P

said Lanceler with a seemingly calm expression, but one in which Ryan could pick up the ‘panic’ Lanceler was feeling.

Need comma, and "had" could be replaced with better words.

“We can-” Ryan stressed out his last word as he lifted a heavy scoop from the hole. “-worry about it later.”


A large stone pillar with unreadable inscriptions was left half-buried at the bottom of it.

A suggested inclusion.

A large stone pillar with unreadable inscriptions was left half-buried.


Each of the two struck the pillar, giving it a dent for them to hold on to.

Now wait just one minute. That pillar is stone. Stone doesn't "dent". Also, their tools wouldn't have been able to do much damage to said stone.

They lifted it, then Ryan then thrust it to the side of the hole as he waited for Lanceler to squeeze himself under it and push it from the bottom with his palms.


The force he exerted on carrying the weight caused him to stress out each word as well.


I don’t want tetanus...

Tetanus comes from rusty metal. Not rocks.

You only say that as if you’re the top athlete in school.

"because" perhaps?

He examined it as he bent his legs to match up to its height.

The "up" is contradictory.

He stared into his friend's eyes with a cold, harsh look.

Two "him"s, so ou have to be careful to specify which you mean.

Ryan, being tempered, couldn’t restrain his anger.


He tried to, and succeeded for a while.

"A while" is two words, and you need a comma.

After all, not getting mad in under twenty seconds was an accomplishment for him.


“Nothing.” his friend finished off, seeming as if he pretended to have already forgotten about their conflict.


Ryan leaned on his back against with the pillar for support.


There was a blinding flash.

Greater impact.

The next thing that the brunet had noticed was that he was laying on the ground and that the relic had disappeared.


However, he wasn’t moving; it had seemed to Ryan that he had been frozen in time.


He heard a dialect he was unfamiliar with in his mind.

Need to specify where the voice was coming from. This is a guess.

The ominous voice seemed to belong to a woman.


Ryan scanned the area, moving only his eyes.


Leaves that should have landed on the ground hung suspended in midair.

Not a good idea to use abbreviations outside of speech, usually.

Begin the puzzle by turning and twisting the rows and columns of the cube located on your left.


Somehow he understood the new words that echoed from all over the place.

Ah. So the voice is like a voice-over.

The exhaling grin on his face dissolved to a dropped jaw as his head turned.

Perhaps "relaxed" or "easy" would be better.

What was caught in his sight was a 20x20 square cube.

"The referred-to cube had twenty columns and twenty rows." maybe? That's a lot... Wait... How big are the squares?

Each square was half an inch in length.

Need to say this earlier, when he's observing the rows and columns, or just say how long the whole side is.

Therefore, the cube was one thousand cubic inches in volume.

We don't need to know this.

He was about to give up… but then he remembered what was promised by solving this almost unsolvable puzzle- the power to make his wishes come true.


You have the power to revive any action from the existence of the forgotten

Should this be "past"?

Though, from his angle, only one side could be seen; the picture was a golden eye.


His vision was then shifted to a different time.


“Heh, I’ll just copy what I see, then…”


After twenty minutes, Ryan deactivated his Vision and wiped the perspiration from his hands on his uniform.


After fifty-seven turns... there was another flash.

Did he finish the puzzle? You need to say that- very important.

His body dropped to the ground; he was unconscious.

They're outdoors. No floor.

As he got up, he noticed that he was holding a necklace with a yellow stone, colored to match the hue of his left eye when his Vision was activated.

He can't see his own eye, so he wouldn't know that it turns a funny colour.

He didn’t care to think about it at the moment, though.


“I… I have the power,” breathed Ryan as he stared at his right palm and held his wrist with his other hand.

More descriptive.

Shouldn't Lanceler have remarked upon the disappearance of the stone, and Ryan's fainting?

Post 3 of Ch 1

The trail they walked on wasn’t a compacted layer of soil anymore.

What was it, then?

Lanceler took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose.


They both turned around and caught sight of a dark beast behind them.

Site = place. Sight = seeing.

If it wasn't for the cold wind, Ryan would've shivered in fear.

Why not? They have different causes, even if it does produce the one effect.

“I don’t know… but playing dead is a bad idea.

I disagree. It's a very good idea.

“But, my pickaxe could use another workout.”

Aw... Poor bear!

The two lifted their ‘weapons’ from the back of their shoulders and held them defensively: their arms grasping on their weapons’ handles as their bladed parts were ready to block any physical blow.


Our powers work differently though.”

Lanceler must know a ot about the Visions, then?

replied Lanceler. “Yet, my movements are affected by it as well.


Though when my power is activated, I can only think and see at ten times even the greatest athletes' and geniuses' capacity–– Now go!”


Getting up and staring at the crippled beast that had caused them to nearly lose their lives, Ryan said, “Let’s finish it!”

Assuming that is why they have time to look at it. Also, "lives" not "loves".

Lanceler remained silent while he mercifully watched a tear glint in the beast’s eyes.

Nothing merciful about it, or what he does afterward. I'm fairly sure you'd get a jail term for leaving an animal like that in our country. Maybe I'm just a heavily biased animal-lover.

Breaking the solemn moment, Lanceler told him, “We’re headed to your place, 'kay?”


Try to understand your power, its weaknesses and how to use it,” interrupted Lanceler.


“Will do.


Ryan touched his forehead with his right pointing and middle fingers as he closed his right eye.

Right what? Pointing to what? And middle fingers what?

Chapter 2, First post

There wasn’t much to see, though.


Crammed houses, small clinics, a tavern, an inn, a chapel, and a school were the only buildings available.


There were a few trees, a pair on every street corner.


The two started to walk, but their rivalry tempted Ryan to run, starting a race.


To make things interesting, the two tried doing stunts like pivoting their bodies with their arms on vendors' stalls and benches as they lifted their legs to the other side.

A bit of parkour.

A brunette, who was nearly the same height as Ryan and Lanceler, leaned on a lamp pole.

It sounds like you might be referring to two other men.

She was wearing a checkered skirt of dark green and red, and a blue blazer.

Is she wearing a shirt underneath the blazer? If so, "and a blue blazer over the top of a ____ shirt." ?

She appeared to have red eyes, although they were just coloured contacts.


She also wore a small, fiery red gem around her neck to embellished her appearance.


The expressions on her face and the words that could’ve been read indicated that she was struggling to prove something.


It would have been embarrassing on her part if any passers-by were to see what was going on.


And guess what?

A question, albeit a rhetorical one.

The only fingerprints on it were yours.”


“Hey, Dee,” Ryan called as he waved his right arm from left to right.


Danielle Derem opened her mouth, but before any words could come out, the officer spoke.


The FBI agent folded her arms and spoke with a deceptive yet confident voice.

Why deceptive? Why is she trying to decieve them?

As she answered him, Ryan didn’t look at her.


“I didn’t do it. Trust me; I’m telling the—” the brunette interrupted as she straightened her standing position.


All evidence at the crime scene leads to you:


A grudge against your mom after an argument a few weeks ago, and your fingerprints.”


Facing the grownup woman, he said, “Umm… I’m really good at finding and analyzing clues.


“In that case, I’ll give you four hours to prove her innocence.

Not exactly professional behaviour.

Upon reading the letter he had received, and scanning through the words, Ryan said


Offers such as these gave Ryan a reason to wonder if his relatives just wanted his wealth.


By law, the legal guardian of any minor would inherit the ownership of his or her dependant if the dependant were to die.


As long as he didn’t have a guardian, all Ryan’s possessions would go to the people written on his will.


The key to the said box was attached to a keychain mirror which Ryan had attached to his belt strap.


He followed Lanceler as he entered through the door.


If I'm not mistaken, you even killed your sister.


“Ryan, don’t you think it’s strange for the FBI to know that much?


There was no reply though.


Ryan couldn't hear the present once his Vision was active. He could only sees and hears what happened in the past.

Keep the tense consistant. That was infodump.

Wind blew through a window left open that night, making the curtains dance.


A hand then gripped on the window’s edge from the outside.


After that, she left the corpse there with the weapon piercing two inches of the body, and exited.

Sounded like she left the katana stuck in herself.

“The culprit was wearing a mask. But Danielle didn’t do it,” replied Ryan.

You need to say that he ended his vision before Lanceler talks to him. Otherwise, you're breaking your own rule. I also suggest you describe the room they are in- furniture and the like.

Pheona pushed her long strands of hair over her shoulder.

May also want to state the colour.

There was no way that you could’ve seen what happened.”

Au contrare. They cut classes that DAY, so no-one knew where they were. They didn't come back at night... but who would've known if they did or not? In short, her excuse doesn't stand up.

Don’t even bother of getting a lawyer; you’d just be a waste both of our time.”

Theoretically, she can't say that. Anyone can get a lawyer to represent them. If she believes she's innocent, she has the right to defend herself.

Again… she knows too much. I’ve never met this person before but she knows that I cut school, Lanceler spoke in his head.

Need to un-italicize the bold.

Ryan tried shouting, “Hey, fingerprints are nothing! People have gloves, ya know!”


The officer opened her mouth, almost saying a word, but gave no response in the end.


If Ryan had seen her face, he would have known that she couldn’t answer him back.


Thus, embarrassing herself because of a seventeen-year old.

Hehe... now THAT's something. I made a lawyer look like a total idiot in court when I was 16... *drifts off happily in the memory* Ah, good times... *remembers the critique* ...but we won't get into all that now, will we? =P

Decieved into thinking that Officer Pheona had all the facts she needed, Danielle retreated to her room, sobbing as she ascended through the varnished stairs.


She threw herself hard onto her bed.


As Ryan, who was heading back to his house, crossed him, Lanceler turned around and followed.

How about, "Ryan crossed in front of him on his way back to his house. Lanceler turned around and followed."?

Well, it's well past midnight (and this is a good place to stop), so I better go.
*salutes and disappears in a swirl of white fire*

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/17/2008 6:11:51)


“We can–” Ryan stressed out his last word as he lifted a heavy scoop from the hole, “–worry about it later.”

Retained the comma

4: I'll keep mine as is

6: Dent: a hollow or depression in a surface, as from a blow.

Lanceler has a pickaxe and Ryan is uber in stength... besides... dent there is like a small hole that they can use for a handle

8: If that's just a suggestiom, I'll keep it as it. If it's an error... tell me in your next post :D

9: *Looks at Lanceler's METAL shovel*

10: Kept it as is

11: Changed up to down

14: A while is two words... MS Word says so (high light both words and look for its synonyms... I know, we've talked about MS word but heh, it aint wrong it everything)

16: it was supposed to have comma

17: Kept it as is

18: I'll change it to this: There was a blinding flash. Pure white clouded Ryan’s vision.

Will other later

30: ...helps people in math xD

demolitiondragon -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/17/2008 6:25:38)

6: I know what you mean. My reasons stay the same. Alternatively, you could say the dent was already there...?


Original: DD
All corrections in this critique are suggestions only.

Stress out = have a nervous reaction over something. Stress = emphasis.

9: The way it is worded, it sounds like he is talking about the rock.

10: Is he the top athlete, or not? If so, "because" would be better. If not, yours is.

14: That's what I'm saying. You have it as one.

15: My bad. =P

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/17/2008 6:31:35)

14: I mean... it's one word

32: Forgotten... aka: Oblivion

Here... souls are called essence. When one dies, his either goes to Paradise (somewhat like Heaven) or Oblivion (a dull place where essences die (but suffer first). But... there's a catch:

Very awesome spoiler:


With Ethan's Vision (that was just recently taken from him in chapter 4), anyone that's part of the owner's memories... can escape from Oblivion. After all, Oblivion = forgotten... or something like that

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/19/2008 21:09:26)

I'll start from the bottom this time:

53: Self-defense. Besides... he choose not to kill it. Also, will the officials know its them?
79: She's not good at this, is she? When I re-reedit Visions... a lot will change
95: Ryan was about to counter it... but as mentioned, Pheona interrupted him.
96: Intimidation... besides... isn't she a bit suspicious?

But heh, as Recar said, I need to make some characters more human

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/20] (9/20/2008 9:14:31)

You gotta check out the last poem... it has a shape!

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/20] (9/21/2008 15:26:40)


I read your (first?) two shaped poems, and I'm now trying to critique them. My critique towards poetry is even more based on opinions than my prose-critique, so disagreeing with it might be the norm. =P

The Broken Heart-Shaped Poem:

I think this is most of the time quite beautiful in its effortless simplicity! What mostly troubles me is the beginning, with all those slightly cumbersome words (dedication is a very choppy word to be used in poetry per se, in my humble opinion) and the shape breaking up the rhymes, creating unneeded full stops.

This one girl, I broke her heart not once but twice. I won’t
blame you if you say that I have a heart of ice.

For example, here the 'I won't' kinda loosely hangs in the end, only for the purpose of creating subsequent line length. A suggestion: describe the girl a bit more and move the I won't to the next line, there's enough space to move it there. E.g. :
'This kind girl, I broke her innocent heart not once but twice.
I won’t blame you if you say that I have a heart of ice.'
Now you'd have the rhymes showing here and no full stop. Just my opinion, you'd do better if you use some other adjective not so cliché as I did here ('innocent'), lol.


But I have to disagree, because I seem to have lost my heart.
Incapable of ‘loving’ someone, incapable of this ‘art’. But despite

This is purely a matter of preference, but I'd leave those quotes out of it. I think the non-literal meaning of the art is quite clear anyway.


I told her that even though my heart has four chambers, there’s only
one girl in it. But things changed, and a sin, a lie, I was subsequently

Another matter of opinion, but as the following two lines have some impact, especially the first one could do with more strength. A suggestion for you to take or leave or edit =P: eliminate that "there's". For example:
'I told her that even though my heart has four chambers, only one girl
dwells in it. But things changed, and a sin, a lie, I was subsequently'

Otherwise, as I hinted above: great job!

The King in Chess

A very kingly theme, suits the shape! After that first one, I'd wish even more power to this, though.

These lines stand out very powerful to me:

I will bring change
by the means of force.
I will clear the golden path for
purity through purge.

The repetition works for the impact, as well as the last line, with all its 'p's and 'r's and similar sounds. Very nice, indeed!

Now, how to raise the other parts as powerful? I have no clear solution, I'm afraid. You could try eliminating some weaker short words like here:

before my pair of feet. I
don’t care about the
crown, and some
shiny stone.

That 'and' might even be grammatically wrong, but either way, 'nor' sounds more powerful to me, so maybe that could be substituted with 'nor'?
Also, that 'stone' would sound better in plural 'stones', but that just might be me. =P


So if you want
to live, show
me your

The word pair 'So if' might weaken this...
How would 'Earn your right to live, show me your endorse!' sound? Feel free to ignore...

I'm hoping to get back with more comments for the Visions in a few days.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/22/2008 5:51:07)

Thanks. Will do some changes.

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/25/2008 14:06:06)

OK, Comments for Visions, Chapter 4, second post:

I have mixed emotions about this part. On one hand, I like the little descriptions before the action begin (calm before storm =P) and I enjoyed the mixing of new characters (I'm liking my namesake tremendously so far =P) into the story, but on the other hand, parts of the fight were very blurry to me and hard to follow because the opponents were referred to only with 'he' quite long times. In addition, there were a few more repetitions and tense-mixups than usual; maybe you didn't double-check before posting?

Going through in more detail:


Since the train hasn’t traveled much, it’s speed was still a bit slow, due to lack of time for a high acceleration.

Firstly, I suspect that tense is wrong: 'hadn't' and 'it's' should be 'its'.
Secondly, this 'high' now sounds to me as if powerful acceleration would be needed when at the same time, the 'lack of time' points to the fact that sufficient time would be enough. So, maybe replace that with: 'due to lack of time for sufficient acceleration.'
or even more clearly, if the train is still accelerating:
'due to the still unfinished acceleration.'


Behind the two men was where the girls were seated.

The place is given twice here, leading to the repetition of the verb 'be'. Why not make this simpler: 'Behind the two men sat the girls.' Or 'Behind the two young men, were the reserved seats for the girls.' Your call.


Tickets please?” the conductor asked as he approached them. Already holding his and Lanceler’s tickets, Ryan flashed them to him, waiting for the conductor to punch their tickets..

Don't you need a comma before 'please'? I'd also leave out the questionmark since the conductor is asking for them, already assuming that everyone has them. Might be just me, though =P
I think you need to remove one of the periods in the end.
Also, too many instances of 'tickets', imho. A suggestion of rewording:
'"Tickets, please," the conductor asked as he approached. Already holding his and Lanceler's, Ryan flashed the tickets to the guy, waiting for him to punch them.'


Trying to at least get a talk with him,

Hmm. Is there a preposition missing? 'to'


Ryan gave a small but hardly noticeable nod.

I don't think that 'small' and 'hardly' contradict each other in any way, so the but would be unnecessary here. In addition, since 'hardly noticeable' already implicitly tells that the nod is small, you could just go with: 'Ryan responded with a hardly noticeable nod.'' imho


Holding a black bishop, which has the capability of extending to a lance, he proceeded to the roof of the first passenger room, the room where he suspected Senator Shadebainer to be in.

Umm, shouldn't this be 'had'?
Also, do you have a specific reason for repeating 'the room'? If not, you could just chop the latter instance out.


They were harmless, but were enough to repel his enemies, knowing that they wouldn’t dare make contact with the sparks.

I don't think you need the second 'were' here. I know it's probably purely a matter of preference, but I'd use 'yet' instead of 'but' in this sentence. Your call, as always =)


Assuming that he had already done so, he attached the badge Lanceler gave him.

I'm very suspicious towards this tense =P. Shouldn't it be 'had given' since the guys have already separated?


But before activation, he heard the door burst open as six guards barged in.

A stylistic suggestion that might add more tension to this for you to take or leave:
'But just as he was starting to activate it, he heard...'


His left hand was equipped with a rectangular knuckle glove, unlike his right one which was a plain rubber glove.

His right hand is covered with a rubber glove rather than being one, I think. So, maybe:
',unlike his right one which was protected only by a plain rubber glove.'


Each finger combination –and whether which had was used– indicted one person.

You've lost me there... Is there a word missing?


Forming a W formation, the frontiers knelt as they aimed.

A bit redundant, imho. Could you do without the 'formation'?


Their weapons fired several bullets, and produced a large cloud of smoke. After the smog had cleared, they saw the knight’s fists closed, being slowly opened as they dropped the bullets. Ting ting ting… The bullets which he didn’t catch seemed to have no effect on his armor.

Quite a many instances of bullets.. How about some synonyms: 'projectiles', 'ammo', etc.
I like this small stop in action that gave room to the sound effect in the middle of all this, by the way!


“What… is this?” Hearing the snuffling of a horse, he turned his head. Seeing a silhouette on the man’s face, he asked, “Who are you?”

The man raised his hat, allowing his face to be seen. Fixing his vest, and adjusting his golden star, he replied. “Hmph… I’m the sheriff.” Drawing two guns, he gave his steed a small heel kick. Whistling while watching more men fall off the train, he returned his guns to his belt and lit a cigarette. Bang! The cigarette was suddenly shot off from his hand.

Here I'm kinda lost... Understanding where 'he' points at is possible in this quote and after it, but it requires a lot concentration. What confuses me further, is the article in 'the man'. Has he been mentioned before in this scene? If not, how about 'the newcomer' ?


“Yes, brother,” replied his companion. Keeping an on Lanceler, another black knight, within the range of his peripheral vision, caught his attention.

The boy ignored Ryan’s word of warning. Trying to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, Ryan grabbed the boy and threw him into the carriage before he could shoot. Ryan then shut the door close and locked it by placing his shovel on the handles, preventing the door from opening. “These nanabots really come in handy!”

So, I'm assuming the scene changes from the roof to back to Joseph's cabin here? Why not add a little transition or some kind of info on the location here, because it's very sudden... For example: 'Back in Joseph's cabin, the young gunman ignored Ryan's....'


Landing on his back, he aimed and shot the door, trying to penetrate it. Unfortunately, his ammo was too weak.

Since the previous chapter's end was all about Ryan acting, you may wanna tell the reader that 'he' is now Vincent with, for example substituting 'he aimed' with 'the boy aimed'.


Even without his Vision, Ryan remembered the incident that happened a few days ago. He was about to strike but only be disarmed.

Something missing here? 'but only to be disarmed' ??


From his loose grip, he stiffened his armed, aiming at Ryan’s tinted mask, seeing it as the most vulnerable part of his armor.

Sorry, I'm completely lost here... Should that 'armed' be 'arm' or the whole begin of the sentence formulated otherwise?


With his ability, Lanceler can teleport to any area as long as he can travel to it while holding his breath.

What's with the tense here? Shouldn't this be 'could'?


Another weakness his power was burdened with was the fact that he can’t pick anything up,

Same as above: 'couldn't'?


If he decides to let his breath go, he would just swap places with the object that occupied the space he ‘stole’.

A typo? 'decided'


“Don’t worry; my power doesn’t use up that much a life force.

Hmm. Something feel awry here..
'of' ?
Or just 'that much life force' ?


Underneath his mask was scowling frown.

I suspect you need to add an article there: 'a scowling frown'


Ryan, wondering about Cyro’s motive for getting on train, opened his mouth.

An article missing here as well: 'on the train'?


“Bah, I don’t care. According to my Vision, I haven’t even used 4% of my life force.”

Giving out such an accurate figure for an estimate (it sounds like an estimate since there's the 'even' in front of it) feels a bit odd, imho. Cyro probably can tell the exact amount of his used life force, but even then I'd at least write this with "four percent", not with numbers and units. 'a fraction' might sound more natural, still.


Ryan discarded his bullets and rested his bayonets body on his shoulder.

A typo: 'bayonet's'


The Northwestern region, being a region of deserts and canyons, was an ideal place for such fights.

You could cut the repetition of region with: 'The Northwestern region was riddled with deserts and canyons, making it an ideal place for such fights.'


But little to their knowledge was that since the place has a population of zero,



To prevent civilian death, an invading country should only attack the defensive country’s selected region.

Shouldn't this be in plural: 'deaths'?

That's all I've got for now... Most of this was just pointing out tense-mixups and typos, the most important part to improve in my opinion would be to add some clarity to certain transition points to the fight. Hope this was helpful...

I shall be waiting for more!

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/26/2008 10:16:56)

Thanks. Errors fixed, some corrections used... some just inspired different corrections.

I guess I'll show the use of the redhead's Vision-hack in the story in chapter 4 (adds it to the edit)

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/28/2008 2:42:02)




As he got up, he noticed that he was holding a necklace with a yellow stone, colored to match the hue of his left eye when his Vision was activated.

He can't see his own eye, so he wouldn't know that it turns a funny colour.

It doesnt say that he knew what color his eye was. The detail is just telling him what color the gem is.


Shouldn't Lanceler have remarked upon the disappearance of the stone, and Ryan's fainting?

He forgot to because Ryan's fainting made him forget (see how much he cares... lol)



“I don’t know… but playing dead is a bad idea.

I disagree. It's a very good idea.

Oh yeah:

"Being awake at a late hour like this would mean that it’s hungry. It might just add humans to its diet" - Lanceler.

He may be wrong... but that's what he thinks.


Assuming that is why they have time to look at it. Also, "lives" not "loves".

They love their lives? heh, you win on this one.


Right what? Pointing to what? And middle fingers what?

changed pointing to index.


Why deceptive? Why is she trying to decieve them?

It just sounded deceptive

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/28] (9/28/2008 9:30:42)

Added both parts of chapter 5. Includes Athrua, one of the protagonists(?) and Wallace (somewhat an antagonist).

And let me emphasize this part:


In the Abyss of Oblivion, the portion of Oblivion reserved for essences that plagued the world with injustice during their time, Lancelot’s spirit appeared. He started to sink, going lower and lower as less people knew of him. He struggled, trying to keep his head above water. There was only one thing that could save him, the Vision of Memories.

1) The Lancelot there is not Lanceler... it's someone else
2) Oblivions is where the bad essences (souls) go... 'nuf said.
3) Pay attention to the last line.

Visions have side-effects that alter the world. The Vision of memories some how saves evil essences from Oblivion. This gives Athrua a reason to destroy Visions

gwoonjustin -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/28] (9/30/2008 4:27:32)

Critiquing a co-worker from the show at your very own request. YAY!
So lets roll!


This one girl, I broke her heart not once but twice.
I won’t blame you if you say that I have a heart of ice.

But I have to disagree, because I seem to have lost my heart.

I can't blame you for wanting to use the word heart in a heart-shaped poem, but in three consecutive lines? Also, the word seems to show up only once outside of this "heart"-palooza, making it even weirder.


Incapable of ‘loving’ someone, incapable of this ‘art’.

I'd say remove the " ' " 's around loving, change the comma into a semicolon, but keep the ' 's around art.


But why won’t you accept it and just move on?
Still waiting for me to come back; too bad, I’m gone.

This part seems more spiteful, in contrast to the regretful nature of the poem otherwise.

I like it, but your drive to make a half heart seems to have messed up some parts in it (eg the "great great great"; a bit much).
Perhaps concider making a third version, modeled with focuss on the word choice, rather than shape.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (9/30/2008 8:05:06)

Thanks, gwoon. I better be active in the workshop again.

I'll leave the poem as is... for now

Btw... done with Lanceler's new pic. It features his arsenal (AKA: his chess board)

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/28] (9/30/2008 12:57:05)

Haven't forgot you, don't worry: Chapter 3!


And Mr. Vi Ladoli, what school was it that you’re going to?” she suspiciously asked.

That's unneeded as well as changing the meaning of what you're trying to say. The way you put it is saying she asked in a suspecious manner.


Unlike Ryan, you have parents who care for you, right?” Danielle questioned. Ryan felt a bit annoyed of her mentioning of his parents.

A) What a jerk B) You're telling not showing. Make him shoot a glare at her or something.


death and running away, and a bit of infatuation with her companion.

Blah, what an ugly word. She has some feelings for him, which requires a more elegant word. Theasurus time!

That's it for the first third of chapter 3...

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/28] (9/30/2008 21:22:37)



she asked, thinking that she was finally able to get the two busted. Waiting for a reply, she apathetically continued signing documents.
Changed it to that

A: And that is one reason why she will have a hard time

He tried not to show any signs of anger by masking his emotions with a simple sigh.
That outta do it.

3) Any suggestions?

And may I warn you that chapter 4 and above have become very long

FInally scanned the pic:

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/28] (10/1/2008 11:42:13)

3) Do it yourself : ) : )

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/28] (10/10/2008 21:14:06)

Heh, I guess that will have to do, Recar.

And before I post chapter 6, I'll redo chapters 1-5

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (10/12/2008 5:17:29)

Fnished another char pic and almost done in the revisions (pun intended)

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (10/12/2008 5:28:27)

o_O You're revisionising =P again?

Hmm, I'll reread and write my comments on chapter 5 after that, then, OK?

No point writing them now, if it's going to be significantly edited soon, I suppose.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (10/12/2008 7:01:19)

Heh, might as well throw in chapter 6 (too bad it ain't done yet. And like FF, I'm making a different thread for the revisioned version)

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (10/12/2008 12:31:24)

May I suggest you finish the story before revising it? If you want to take a leaf out of FF's book (if that's the saying I'm going for then how wierd is it? Leaf out of a book? : S) then take that one.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (10/13/2008 5:43:49)

Chapters will be revised at a group of 5. If possible, revisions will be posted after the posting of the next original batches.

And at the rate the revisions are going in... I'll keep them to myself for awhile longer

*Changes mind and throwns in chapter 6*

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Crimz's Workz: Visions+more [Has character pics|Updated 9/5] (10/13/2008 12:28:55)

But... why? You might aswell write the story. And once you've finished the story, you will be better. So instead of doing the same chapter over and over again, you could wait until the end and go over it once. And that way you'll get much better results. Seriously, the way your looking at it is not good for anyone. Your superteam of readers will die by the end...

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