Into the Night ~ Comments (Full Version)

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jerenda -> Into the Night ~ Comments (7/16/2008 13:02:18)

Velcome, child, to a place vhere dreams come alive and shadowz follow your every vaking step. Velcome to the haven for mistz and dreamz. Velcome to the vorld... of vampires.

Chase into Darkness
When vampire and slayer meet, the result is much different than either could have expected.

A tale of an old, mad vampire and his young, unwitting- but not altogether unwilling- apprentice.

It must have been a dream... right?

The old life ends, the new life begins. But along with this phoenix-like awakening comes some painful moments... (This story is slightly related to Angel, but only if you look.)

Budding Writer, Budding Fangs
This story was meant to be about a young vampire who wrote to keep her vampire side in check, but it kind of morphed halfway through. I also meant to kill off Skyler and ended up killing off myself instead. My actual death scene I have yet to write, but I'll get around to it eventually. ^_^

Part 1
Random story meant to kill writer's block. I don't think there are any vampires in it anywhere... but I don't have anywhere else to put it... and I realize it makes no sense at the moment. Part 2 will have to be written later. ^_^

Other Tales of the Aeons
Heaven's Wrath / Comments
Madness... and Poetry / Comments
In Defiance / Comments (TBA)

r0de0b0y -> RE: Into the Night ~ Comments ~ Angel (7/18/2008 12:03:17)

Silly Jer[:)] Vampires don't have accents! Everyone knows they come from...Pennsylvania! *ahem* Chase into Darkness is as captivating as ever, but the other two are...o.0


“Get out of mah house, kid!” he screams, a pair of faded blue pants hitting me full in the face

Well, at least I laughed. HARD.

jerenda -> RE: Into the Night ~ Comments ~ Angel (7/18/2008 14:03:23)

I'm debating the accent in Legacy... but it stays for now. ^_^ I wrote the intro with all those v's and z's mostly for kicks. [:D]

At least someone thought it was funny. Fey didn't get it, and Jessica- my cousin- thought I was insane (Course, she thinks I'm insane anyways, but that's besides the point). My mom just rolled her eyes. *sobs at the unfairness of it all* Thanks for letting me know someone doesn't think I fail at funny. *huggles*

My next one won't be so strange, just lame. Currently I hate it, and I don't know what to do about it, so I'll post it as is and hope someone can help me. Unfortunatly, it's my contest story, so y'all will have to wait to critique it. Assuming anyone here cares. [8|]

jerenda -> RE: Into the Night ~ Comments ~ Rebirth (7/28/2008 13:39:55)

That contest story I've been working on for forever is finally done. MM won the contest, of course, *hugs* but here's Rebirth.

I used to hate it, don't any more. I still think it's a horrible story, but at least it's beautiful. Took me forever to find the right words, but I'm mostly satisfied with the overall effect. Oh, and I'm thinking about writing one from a vampire slayer's POV. I'll work more on that after the 2nd, when I return.

jerenda -> RE: Into the Night ~ Comments ~ Rebirth (12/23/2008 18:01:55)

New story! I don't think it turned out how it was supposed to... the whole "writing to keep from exploding and killing everything in sight" thing ended up down the drain, and instead of killing off Skyler I killed myself. Needless to say, the person I based Skyler off found my dilemma hilarious. And then I run up against the third issue with this story; I haven't even finished it. Not that I want to write my own death scene, but it does need doing. Bleh. Whatever. Read it or don't.

jerenda -> RE: Into the Night ~ Comments ~ Part 1 (2/8/2009 15:19:33)

So I wrote this thing on writer's block. It's really awful. But at least it got written.

Part 1

Part 2 may or may not get written. Depends if my writer's block returns. I hope it's broken now, though, so I can get to work on something actually important. Then again, Part 2 does need to be there, if only to explain Jerenda's MPD. (It really is Jerenda's, despite the fact that Jasmine woke up first.)

jerenda -> RE: Into the Night ~ Comments ~ Part 1 (5/10/2010 20:12:11)

Hello! After much absence, I have decided to come back!! She lives!!! *insert zombie moment here*

And because I can and I'm awesome like that, I'll be writing a story for the Book of War. And... it's not ready to be uploaded yet, but I'm working on it now! So while waiting, reread my vampire stories and someone yell at me for never writing Part 2. ^_^

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