RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (Full Version)

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Ryashi -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2009 8:04:46)

Training guards = definite plus for me :D
I'm all for adding ways to improve your estate without spending vast amounts of gold or tokens.

SittingInTheDark -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2009 8:21:48)


Guards may start costing food. Something like 6 guards eat 1 unit of food every few hours.

just one questions captn, what would happen to those players, that don't have an estate? would they be denied the possibility of guards? or is there a plan to make all houses have estates? or maybe any house (even without estate) has an income of 1/1/1/1 in itself, so 6 guards is the max for everyone without estate and those with estate and food income can get more guards.

also i like the idea, that only the numbers count. this will stop players from only buying tons of low level guards (since as it is now, they are way more effective)

and training guards is a really cool idea. thanks captn for the info!

Fisto -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2009 8:50:49)


* Guards may start costing food. Something like 6 guards eat 1 unit of food every few hours.

Then more buildings that produce Food will be needed. As it stands now I only make 7 Food per hour leaving me a whopping 6 Food per hour, something will desperately be needed if and when this happens.


* Guard training - do practice battles with your guards to train them up a "guard training level"
The training level ads to their base level for calculating war and invader defense effectiveness.
Training level also improves the guard's stats (somehow) when visitors to your house fight your guards.
Higher level guards 'learn' faster than lower level guards.

Considering how expensive the Guard Tower was to level, I can only hope this will be free to some extent. Maybe instead of costing Gold or Tokens to train they could consume a type of resource or two, just not Food since it's the least abundant resource for Darkovia Estate owners.

Ryashi -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2009 10:52:29)


ORIGINAL: Ultimate Supremacy

Considering how expensive the Guard Tower was to level, I can only hope this will be free to some extent.

I doubt it'll cost anything. Why would a training battle with guards you've already paid for cost anything? =P
Perhaps a small food cost for rewarding your guards I can see happening but nothing else makes sense. As for the DME having low food - I think all the different types of estates are lacking in one resource (due to the unique buildings for each type) and excel in another.
IIRC, it was the reason the trade hut is so easily available and it means you can just trade your resources around c:

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2009 11:47:12)


two new ideas rolling around my head:

* Guards may start costing food. Something like 6 guards eat 1 unit of food every few hours.

* Guard training - do practice battles with your guards to train them up a "guard training level"
The training level ads to their base level for calculating war and invader defense effectiveness.
Training level also improves the guard's stats (somehow) when visitors to your house fight your guards.
Higher level guards 'learn' faster than lower level guards.

I have to disagree with the first idea Captain.
Unless you allow Orchards to be built in Darkovia the food costs of peoples' guards would put almost everyone into negative production. How would anyone just building up their estate ever be able to protect it???

Training guards? You haven't even worked out how the Museums are going to work yet? One step at a time please Captain.[;)]

Anvos -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2009 15:26:40)


two new ideas rolling around my head:

* Guards may start costing food. Something like 6 guards eat 1 unit of food every few hours.

* Guard training - do practice battles with your guards to train them up a "guard training level"
The training level ads to their base level for calculating war and invader defense effectiveness.
Training level also improves the guard's stats (somehow) when visitors to your house fight your guards.
Higher level guards 'learn' faster than lower level guards.

Not so thrilled about idea # 1 as it would also require tinkering with houses to make so those who don't have estate buildings could still have guards defending their place. Thus that would either mean as stated before that all houses would have to come with at least +1 to all resources initially or tinkering the system so guards didn't start costing resources until you have an estate, which would kinda seem unfair to penalize people for buying an estate.

As for idea #2, I would like it though personally I think finishing the museum features and maybe adding some new guards first would bee nice. Personally I think the Light Bringers would be a good addition along with maybe a few Darkovian guards where you do some sort of quest(s) for your subrace leader or for the case of humans E in order to earn the enough repect to grant you permission to have those guards.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2009 16:29:28)

I saw a concern earlier that if the storage building was under attack, that it would not count towards total "storage capacity".

I just confirmed in the game database code, that as long as the warehouse is built on the estate, and Level 1 or higher, it will provide storage, even if under attack.

The in-game screen might report otherwise, but I'm sure you won't lose resources if the storage building is under attack.

generalneon -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/13/2009 23:23:30)

@sigmund Uhhh...just what exactly do you expect a museum TO do? What functions do you want, besides holding pretty trophies & artwork? What are you expecting?

@Captain I've just piddled around with the portals slightly, but is there any type of humanitarian aid one could send through a portal to another planet, perhaps to bolster ones reputation? I've really got an overabundence of everything (except z-tokens!) Perhaps a mission to get food & supplies through portals?

Just kicking around an idea.

Hagen -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/14/2009 4:39:54)


* Guards may start costing food. Something like 6 guards eat 1 unit of food every few hours.

Nooo! That's terrible! Apage satanas! [sm=6r83v6.gif]


* Guard training - do practice battles with your guards to train them up a "guard training level"

Maybe... But wouldn't it be better to introduce a possibility to actually do something when invading another player's house?


Uhhh...just what exactly do you expect a museum TO do? What functions do you want, besides holding pretty trophies & artwork? What are you expecting?

Heh, I have an idea for the museum. Apart from other things (like showing war trophies, etc). it may provide a way to display items. Instead of selling an old rare one could put it into the museum for show. Some possible rules:
  • Different levels of the museum provide space for showing different types of equipment.
  • The space for one equipment type is unlimited. But only one item of the same name may be stored.
  • The action of putting an item to the museum is irreversible! The item is removed from the inventory forever.
  • There is a small fee (like 10 tokens) for putting an item to the museum.
  • For a level 10 museum there is a possibility of taking the item as a temporary one, for a small price (like 10 tokens again). The same is true for an invading player if the level requirements for the item are met. I.e. if you invade a house with a valuable museum you can get a nice temp.
    Well, that's it.

  • SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/14/2009 8:33:20)

    @generalneon these are the proposed ideas for the Museum.

    Museum update
    The special Museum features are not enabled yet, but you can start upgrading the building now for when the features are active.

    Higher level museums will offer more interesting "features", such as:
    - Displaying all your paintings on screen at once in a virtual art gallery.
    - Owning a museum will add the ability for your character to find random "artifact" drops from monsters.
    - Use artifacts and other [TOP SECRET] knowledge and items to [TOP SECRET] your inventory weapons.

    There is also discussion about allowing the Museum to give the option to buy upgrades to the special items already in your inventory. Although this is not confirmed yet.

    For example:~ place the lower level
    Brilhado Blade
    Level: 15
    Price: 550
    Sellback: 350
    Element: Light
    Type: Melee
    Damage: 4-16
    BTH: 3%
    into the museum and you can then buy the level 45 weapon from your museum.

    Brilhado Blade
    Level: 45
    Price: 2 800
    Sellback: 1 800
    Element: Wind
    Type: Melee
    Damage: 5-20
    BTH: 6%

    Meati -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/14/2009 13:04:59)

    I'm not so keen on upgrading weapons. Wouldn't it take away from some of the game strategy, since instead of saving up for higher tier weaponry, you could simply buff up a lower tier weapon with a much more useful special and/or trigger? Take for example the Elite Ice Katana , imagine if it were buffed to something in the 110-120 area. Wouldn't this also throw a huge monkey wrench into game balance?

    Hagen, I like your idea for how to display weapons in the Museum. The idea of a tiny Z-token cost for adding a weapon and for removing it as a temp. sounds pretty worthwhile.
    Allowing other gear for Museum storage would be a blast. I'd love to play around with some of the ancient rare armors. Giant Form? Sign me up.

    ask13 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/14/2009 13:45:05)

    I think the idea is to only allow weapons that had a higher leveled version when released to be upgraded, but I might be wrong. Say I had the 2007 frostval shield (which I did for a while) but I only had the second best one (because I wasn't high enough level for the highest level one) the museum would let me upgrade it to the highest level version. Now lets look at a random level 50 weapon with no higher leveled version, I could not upgrade this because there is no higher leveled version to get.

    Meati -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/14/2009 23:13:17)

    Here's a suggestion. Seeing as we just had April Fools Day, how about buying a Museum item that allows a player to enter another player's house and setting up a prank? Say, a player decides to take his temp. horse out for a ride, but finds instead that they're riding a saddled cow? Or when they go to check on a certain room a temp. helm will appear on the player, like a Dunce Cap. Or when the player goes to click on a portrait, it goes to a cut-scene of a giant spring-loaded boxing glove knocking them to the desired location. This could be an amusing way to add some player induced randomness to the game.

    Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/15/2009 2:04:51)


    ORIGINAL: Meati
    ... Or when the player goes to click on a portrait, it goes to a cut-scene of a giant spring-loaded boxing glove knocking them to the desired location...

    I like that idea!

    FiendBane -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/15/2009 8:54:13)

    Captain, what are the possibilities that a 'Bank' like building that can be built on our Estate that gives 0.5-2% gold interest per week?
    The building would requires one to store a select amount of gold inside and the new building will require say 3 energy and 3 food per hour
    to maintain. (this will naturally hurt the estate owner's ability to send out troops to war again fast)

    Would that give a good option for those that don't want to 'grind' for gold?

    OnuaNuva -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/15/2009 8:59:44)

    Considering how the new army function does just that (gets you extra gold/xp you don't have to battle for), I'd bet that it won't happen.

    Leira -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/15/2009 14:27:00)

    Stealing resources = Bad idea

    My POV:

    -I'm quite capable of stealing from most people's places
    -Those resources mean I can send my guards off to war more often

    Why that's bad:

    -I'm annoyed enough when Dire Shade Dweezel takes over my Dark Mana Collector. I don't need to be feeling that for an actual player
    -If I can make more war runs with my minions, I make more exp/gold. People see my character rise on war wins, they post here about the unfairness
    -People who are just starting the game get pwned by people like me who have lots more stuff. They leave.
    -People take my resources. I sell off my estate and buy token items. Capt gets mad.

    There really isn't anything GOOD about this idea. Let it die.

    Icemoh -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/15/2009 16:36:50)

    ur missing the point

    its to bring more to visiting then just "you already took as many potions as you could from this house"

    visiting is pretty useless otherwise considering u cant do nething

    Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/15/2009 17:07:32)

    Yeah, let's stop debating on whether stealing resources is good or bad, since we're not going to add that feature.

    We could add other stuff, like the fun prank ideas.

    Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/15/2009 17:15:38)

    @Captain Rhubarb: I never liked the stealing idea anyway.

    2 Questions:

    Will it be possible to add the total amount of guard/army wins on the character page?
    I'm asking this, because currently adventurers who buy guards and/or world portals can't show what they're forces did in battle.

    Can/Will we use the Barn to train our guards?


    Let us get the seed from Lady Tomo for the Garden feature.

    More suggestions.

    Meati -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/15/2009 23:27:31)

    Here's some more prank ideas:

    A gold coin "glued" to the floor of a player's home, and when clicked upon, says "It seems to be set firmly in place, but maybe if you tried just a little harder..." If clicked over 50 times the player is rewarded with a single gold coin.

    A fake letter found near the entrance to the home, that when clicked upon, informs the player that an NPC requests a task be completed or dire consequences will befall Lore. The task could be a mini game in which the player literally has to find a needle in a haystack.

    Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/17/2009 15:34:08)

    Quick Update:

    * Small increase in the Gold/XP rewards that you get when deploying armies.

    * Reduced the # of waves defeated when using the Mega Portal and Guard Tower to fight in wars.
    This does not affect the rewards, just the amount of waves defeated.

    * Less overall randomness in the # of waves defeated. (it's a bell curve now, for those of you that are stats scholars)

    adultswim3 -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/17/2009 18:09:08)

    Hey captain I don't konw if this is intentional or not but if you get enough xp to lvl from portal or gaurd wins you don't lvl up you need to win a fight first. Just thought you should know incase its a bug.

    Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/17/2009 18:16:38)


    ORIGINAL: adultswim3
    Hey captain I don't konw if this is intentional or not but if you get enough xp to lvl from portal or gaurd wins you don't lvl up you need to win a fight first. Just thought you should know incase its a bug.

    Yes, I was aware of this problem. I actually thought of it while I was coding the rewards.
    I think it's too much trouble to put a "you've leveled up" screen inside the war stuff for now.

    Sun Wind -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/17/2009 20:21:16)

    As I asked before, how is it, that with 0 energy in storage, and my sole source of energy under attack, that my resources guzzling buildings, including my !frikkin guard tower!, which I wished to god was disabled, are still ticking along as if they were getting all the resources needed to function? Only about once every three hours does it states that those buildings are starving for resources(and not working), the rest of the time, they work as if everything were normal. That makes no sense to me. I want very much that those buildings which are using so much resources on my FME come under attack, but that will never happen if my stupid guard tower keeps doing its job even when it shouldn't be able to.

    Captain, what gives?

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