RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (Full Version)

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Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/17/2009 20:30:33)

I think your buildings are in limbo, where they starve one hour, you get energy the next hour, and the buildings wake up and eat the energy. Then they starve the next hour.
Probably cycling back and forth every hour, or maybe every 2 or 3 hours.

Sun Wind -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/18/2009 0:24:04)

OK Captain, this can't be right. I've removed my mana collector from my FME hours ago. There's been(and still is) 0 energy in my estate inventory. Zero. Nada. Zilch. And the guard tower(and museum, and stat trainers) still works 2 out of every three hours. Why? [:(] If I were to remove ALL of my resource producing buildings from my estate, and reduce all of my resources to zero, would the guard tower still work two out of every three hours? Please, I really want my GT to be disabled for a while, but I'm reluctant to remove it to do so, and then have to pay 600,000 gold to bring it back to lvl 15 later on. I really thought that buildings requiring resources to function could be disabled by taking away the resources. But obviously, they can be completely starved of one resource and still function normally, mostly(which makes me wonder what's the the point of them needing resources in the first place). So, would removing all of my resource buildings work? Yes? No? Or is it buh bye GT, into storage you go?

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/18/2009 0:59:20)

You know... I don't think the Guard Tower can be 'under attack'.
The invading creatures don't want to mess with it.

Sun Wind -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/18/2009 1:06:25)

But it can be disabled Captain(or at least I thought it was supposed to), if it doesn't have the resources to work. That's the whole point of - 5 Food, -3 Wood, -3 Stone, -5 Energy, it takes from my Estate isn't it. If it doesn't have those, it shouldn't work, should it? It shouldn't still be keeping the other buildings from being attacked if it's lacking resources to function. And yet, it still does. That's what I don't understand.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/18/2009 1:35:20)

Sun Wind,

When the Guard Tower is "starving for resources" the tower's level is not calculated into defending your estate.

However, all your guards are still able to defend your estate at their full ability.
They hang out in the little guard house next to the main house, and defend the estate from there.

Sun Wind -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/18/2009 2:37:25)

I'm so sorry for the bother Captain, but I seemed to have completely failed at making myself understood. So I took srceen caps. So this is my GT lacking resources - as it should since my estate has 0 energy at the moment, and my mana collector, a FME sole source of energy, is in storage at the moment. Had I taken screen caps of my stat trainers and museum, the same would have been seen.

This is my GT in the next hour, and as it will be for two hours. This despite the fact that there is still no energy to make it function. The same goes for the stat trainers and museum. For two out of every three hours, despite not having the resources for it, those buildings still function as though they were getting all the resources needed. That is what has been baffling me. That's what hasn't been making any sense to me.

Isphus -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/18/2009 7:50:48)


Yeah, let's stop debating on whether stealing resources is good or bad, since we're not going to add that feature.

We could add other stuff, like the fun prank ideas.
and how about a "reward" sistem? like, if a player visits another players estate, he could battle monster intruders and, as a reward, get the equivalent to a few hours of that building's production.


two new ideas rolling around my head:

* Guards may start costing food. Something like 6 guards eat 1 unit of food every few hours.

* Guard training - do practice battles with your guards to train them up a "guard training level"
The training level ads to their base level for calculating war and invader defense effectiveness.
Training level also improves the guard's stats (somehow) when visitors to your house fight your guards.
Higher level guards 'learn' faster than lower level guards.
well, what can i say? i L-O-V-E the guard training function. (as long as it is not in the stat trainer buildings)

and i strongly dislike hate having guards that steal my food. maybe 1 or 2 special guards could do that, but shrely not all of them, unless, we have the option to send our guards around the world fighting even when there are no wars. then it would probably be worth it.

ants -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/19/2009 5:05:34)

how bout a add on that increases production of resources (maybe doubling hourly production)...possibly for a day or two(24hrs-48hrs) after which the extra workers retreat to regain strength, health etc for 56 hrs.. to place even more weight, some can be wounded if the certain producing add on is under attack (eg vegetable garden) thus rendering them useless with the building under attack.. use of the unit only during wars can be another limitation

now for a name.... how bout HUMAN RESOURCES[&:], WORKERS UNIT, TOWN CENTRE (RIP off from Age of empires)[sm=feiertag-smiley-011.gif]

editted: from kill to wounded

Ghengis -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/19/2009 5:11:32)

^ Like a possible Port on beach estates for Slave Ships ? Or Undead Workers at the Necromancers Mausoleum? Animal Training Pit for the forest? Moglin Slave Labour Camp for frostvale?

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/21/2009 4:49:57)

I knew that some of you have way too many guards, and so I added the 1/2 and 1/4 army options.

There's currently no difference between sending 1/2 twice and full once. The total cost and average rewards are about the same.

maikiejj -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/23/2009 8:45:36)

i saw this thread and a reply by ANTS.

He said that he wanted a building in which he could buy resources from other players

I think this is a coowl idea.

anybody else agree ?

if you want to buy and sell resources you would need a resource shop.

in the shop you can choose if you want to sell resource's.

if you want to do that you can select how much and what kind you want to sell.

The buying goes the same way. . .

And it goes random . . so you can be lucky that your resource's get bought.

And the captain ofcourse makes the price and it is a standard price.

1 gold for 1 wood or something like that.

Rpgknight -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/23/2009 16:43:06)

but if you could buy resources what is to stop people from buying alot each war and just lvling up using their guards. i think it might unbalance things. Having it take a certain amount of time to build back resources is kinda needed to help balance out how many times guards or armys can be sent.
I think if it is made possible to buy other peoples resources it would lead to a nerf in how much xp and gold was given per wave sent

OnuaNuva -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (4/25/2009 15:58:58)

I've got a suggestion for the house system:

Would it be possible to set the guard tower such that if all of the other buildings come under attack, the guard tower has a 100% chance of being attacked at the next invasion time? The reason behind this is to be a little helpful to those who take extend breaks from playing. Otherwise you could come back and see all of your resources at 0 due to the Guard Tower's 'upkeep'.

Koshko -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/2/2009 0:48:34)

Given that even at maxed out levels, you don't get that much in resources during the course of one day. If it was a straight up 1 gold for 1 resource, it would be like a few visits to Ballyhoo. So I don't think it would unbalance things if you could sell your resources for gold.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/2/2009 22:35:48)

I'm thinking about someday adding a "Library" estate building which a player would used to research something that would be used to upgrade/enchance/craft magic weapons.
The existing Magic Trainer buildings would turn into the Library building, so both functions would be in the same building.

Something similar could be done with a "Forge" building for doing Melee/Ranged weapon research along with the Combat trainer tied into it.

xDeathlordx -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/3/2009 0:53:41)

That sound interesting Capt. My only concern: Would we have to pay for the building twice to get either fuction or could we just pay for the particular function that we want. Like if I just wanted the library and not the trainer, would I be forced to pay for the trainer too just to get it?

Revewent Wabbit -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/3/2009 15:27:48)


Captain Rhubarb: I'm thinking about someday adding a "Library" estate building which a player would used to research something that would be used to upgrade/enchance/craft magic weapons - Something similar could be done with a "Forge" building for doing Melee/Ranged weapon research along with the Combat trainer tied into it

Have you visited CIVONY yet CR?
Their 'Academy' might be my favorite part of that game...
Have Fun, thanks for your efforts, and

OnuaNuva -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/3/2009 19:33:44)

Captain, do that IF and ONLY IF the token cost of the mage/warrior trainers is still set to 1,500.

It seems the planned results are:

Mage Trainer/Library: Magic Enhancements/Spell learning/Training
Warrior Trainer/Forge: Range/Melee Enhancements/New weapon forging/Training
Museum: Old Weapon Level Ups (as in changing your Mega Nerfbat to a Vampire Nerfbat, valid only on rare items)/other effect yet unkown

Meati -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/4/2009 17:14:53)

Here's an idea: How about a Laboratory for a building? It would be used to make a limited number of boosted potions a week, such as: combining HP and MP abilities together or a small boost to attack power. Or maybe a way to just boost the potions one already has by a small degree.

Yeah, in the back of my mind I know something like this would be difficult to add.

Pepp -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/4/2009 21:02:11)

Rambling about more unusual random encounters at the housing locations

Kibbler & Nibblets ingame & House Gaurds

I would love to see kibbler added to the available house token guards to the houses. The catch would be that when encountered by others at your house the zero option is removed an the amounts are 2,500...5,000, ..10,000..15,000 given randomly to anyone currently online they would be low level gaurds an low level power ratio effective.
These would make great random encounter monsters at every level encounters, just adjusting the amount given for the intended level ranges.
* Gold given and received has no effect on your daily gold cap
* You can only donate gold once at the top of the hour to prevent abusing the system
* Cannot receive gold if you have over 1 million gold
* if u have no gold or a amount under the minium of 2,500 you are reset to Zero

Or Kibbler's lil sister Nibblets (colored pink instead of blue) she gives away your tokens to random people in the amounts of 3,5,10 an 20 tokens
* Nibblets can only be encountered once a day

In the spirit of giving i would enjoy randomly surprising someone all year round!!

also would love to see both these guard"s as a very expensive gold based guard- has to be bought with gold.

We Currently have a Ice encounter/Npc with a shop and a Energy encounter/Npc with a shop.
Have these encounters only at the higher level estates - these would be individual random encounters
would need a ......
Light - Mystical warrior or a LightBringer ??
Darkness...Seeker ??
earth........Battle troll ??
fire....... classical fire bad-guy a fire dragon or war dragon ??
Water....... water elf ???
when encountering one of the eight elemental shop Npc's there would be a slim chance of finding the void one instead.
Void....... A new Creature that as a representation of the void actually changes elements after every attack an changes his Defenses according to his new element . after defeating this encounter as the first fight. a random fight occurs of the 8 elements listed above.until all 9 have been beating. 3 Healing Cleric ( same as the Dragonblade ) offered at the players choice. Beating the void plus all 8 elemental Npc's opens up the shop containing all the element shop items. slightly beef up the weapons, misc items in there shops for beating all 8

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/7/2009 12:32:19)

I don't know if the staff is planning this already, but I think it would be neat if we could use the farm to train our guards.
Higher levels would allow the player to train his/her guards 3/6/9/12/15/18/21/24/27/30 levels higher.

Location:Estate Shop
lvl 15
Worker:Guard Dog (25)
App: Already confirmed.
Function: Let's you increase your house guard's level by 3/6/9/12/15/18/21/24/27/30.
Upgrade costs:
lvl 1 to 2: Food:50, Wood:30, Energy:10, Stone:10
lvl 2 to 3: Food:75, Wood:50, Energy:20, Stone:20
lvl 3 to 4: Food:100, Wood:70, Energy:30, Stone:30
lvl 4 to 5: Food:130, Wood:90, Energy:50, Stone:40
lvl 5 to 6: Food:150, Wood:120, Energy:80, Stone:60
lvl 6 to 7: Food:190, Wood:160, Energy:100, Stone:80
lvl 7 to 8: Food:250, Wood:200, Energy:140, Stone:100
lvl 8 to 9: Food:400, Wood:300, Energy:180, Stone:130
lvl 9 to 10: Food:550, Wood:400, Energy:220, Stone:150
Hourly costs:
Descr: Here your guards will be trained and fed.

My Pain -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/9/2009 11:04:47)

But if we could buy everything there would be more to spend tokens on before running out of space. And besides that, how hilarious would it be to make people have to fight 100 monsters if they want to get into your house?

Although there probably isn't currently 100 guards to buy.

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/9/2009 12:13:01)

I think there are currently 61 guards, but only 57 available?
The Candy Golem and 3 Moglinsters are not currently available/Rare.

Only 25 higher level guards are enough to protect your Estate from Invasion, if you have a level 10+ Guard Tower.
Even with 100 guards some crazy player would still find a way into your house[:D]

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/12/2009 20:54:12)

I'm puzzled as to why some of you think you need to own every single Guard, even different levels of the same guard monster?

I keep changing the system to make the really low level guards worthless.

Ryashi -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (5/13/2009 6:10:20)


It's almost definitely the prices. You can get MUCH more out of buying lots of cheap lower level guards than you can out of buying one high level guard - Hagen's cost efficiency table is evidence of that =/

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