RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (Full Version)

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brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/7/2009 18:47:39)

Wow, that new pic is amazing! AMAZING!!! I want one; who made it?!

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/7/2009 22:51:28)

hehe brian i found it in our artwork place

DjSparkz -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/15/2009 20:36:51)

DjSparkz - -DjSparkz

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/15/2009 20:51:48)

You will need to update my name, because of my name change. I'm now Archmagus Baron & should go above ArcticRaider because H comes before T[;)]Thanks~Archmagus Baron

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/15/2009 21:51:49)


Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/15/2009 22:11:43)

great thanks Arctic[;)]

Janus -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 19:06:09)

Forum Name: Janus
Character Name: Janus
Character Link:

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 19:20:15)

Hi, Janus. Good to have new blood!

Most of our chat is on the operations thread; be sure to post!

Janus -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 19:27:09)


drago774 -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 19:28:10)

hi Janus hope you are an active member

Janus -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 19:30:38)

well just now made a forum id ._. and i play aq and all the other games cept mq alot ._.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 20:17:32)

janus answer me this question Pirates or Ninjas (choose 1)

Janus -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 20:24:11)

oh woops sorry for not replying but i go with ninja

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 20:26:46)

ok good i welcome you to the roster and to glacius

o yeah and BOOOOM updated

TLo -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 20:44:34)

arctic probably would of found where you live, and socked you in the face if you were a pirate.....

so good ansawer

Janus -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 20:53:37)


Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/18/2009 21:32:06)

nooo tlo that would be un civilized ( tells my cousin to not sharpen my Eik and to not bring my teleporter)


Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/24/2009 6:55:22)

Forum Name: FaDeDDReaMS
Character Name: FaDeDPRoPHeCY
Character Link:

TLo -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (5/24/2009 13:33:35)

hey brian, someone in the 120's you can actually talk about high level stuff with.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/24/2009 16:35:01)

BOOM updated

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/24/2009 17:37:14)

Oh, Tlo, how thrilling!

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/25/2009 2:17:58)

@Brian, I convinced him to come here[;)]

Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/25/2009 5:24:34)

lols. actually nope. i came here just because i have nothing better to do yesterday, lol. but although im high leveled, i choose my equipments mainly by referring to the comparison lists, having limited knowledge of the numbers involved here. hehe. dont mind talking to anybody though, as long as im not preoccupied, haha.

@abv: there isnt any convincing for you to do anyway, haha

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/25/2009 10:18:44)

well FaDeDDReaMS its good to have you here ( and ur not a BMM )[:D]

o yeah do u like pirates r ninjas

Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/25/2009 10:25:56)

Oh thanks. But why ain't I a BMM? My stats are distributed according to BMM, and my inventory as well. o.o
None, I prefer Epics. :P

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