RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (Full Version)

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Mistermafio -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 2:57:59)

On that note, the entire first post could use an update. The legends section, as the friend's section, hasn't been updated since way back in the day, I could note one of two people that contributed enough to the clan in the recent past that'd deserve to be listed there. A few new pieces of art couldn't hurt either.

Also, the sig at the end of the post... Meh, it doesn't come over all too professional if you ask me. I'd be glad to see that gone, if only out of respect for the thread.

Not that I have anything to say in the matter of course, I just like to stick my big nose places it doesn't really belong anymore. :^P

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 3:56:05)

@mistermafio, if you know of two more Glacians that could be added in the legends section, then don't worry, you can post it here & Arctic may add them, it'd be great for an old member of Glacius to help in the tiny things that could definately make Glacius even better[;)]

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 4:52:53)

Hmm, how recent is recent and how do we decide who to add? How's it been done in the past?

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 4:55:49)

@Brian, I believe people that are part of the Glacius Hall of Fame, would be members of Glacius that have been very helpful to Glacius.

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 5:08:12)

But how do you decide which of them to add. We'd need to discuss that or at least see what had been done in the past.

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 5:15:17)

Well...maybe we could start a discussion about it in the Paxia-related General Discussion, to see what people think about how we decide the people that should be added to the Hall of Fame.

Mistermafio -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 8:15:26)

Quite honestly, if someone needs a discussion whether or not he or she needs to be added to the legends list, he or she isn't really legend enough. Or am I wrong?

Anyway, it might be just me, but I think KarenC very much deserves a mention in the legends list. Seeing how she managed to shake this Glacius quite awake not too long ago. Heck, if she hadn't disappeared she'd probably still be our clan leader.

ShadowLurks -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 9:13:06)

Okay then. I've looked at KarenC's old posts. I agree, I shall add her. Along with that I'll make minor tweeks and what not where I see fit.

That's alright isn't it Glacius? I'm tempted to add myself to your friends. :P

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 9:19:09)

haha shadow i was one step ahead of u i added u to our friends list and

EVERYONE please welcome our new Hall Of Famer

Karen C.- The Great Awakener

(tell me what u think of the names)

ShadowLurks -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 9:28:39)

Heh. :P

Well on another note. I removed the "AK" symbol, due to every AK on there is no longer on AK.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 9:52:11)

ok ty shadow lol this is why you are on our friends list

Mistermafio -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 12:22:27)

Wow, heh, I'm flattered you'd add me. ^>^

There are two small problems however, both apply to me (ain't that egocentric of me :^P)

Through reasons beyond me, I was already in the Legends list, under the same name. Now I'm unbelievably glad to be on that list but I think twice is a little bit overkill, don't you think? :^P

Also, I still have the AK icon next to my name, though I resigned as an AK a few months ago due to a lack of time.

Still though, consider me blushing. ^>^

ShadowLurks -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 12:39:10)

Removed the icon. I missed you by mistake.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 12:39:11)

lol sorry mistermafio fixed

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/13/2009 17:10:49)

@Arctic, mistermafio is in the Hall of Fame twice...

Oh & the is wonderful[;)] Since you's added KarenC to the Hall of Fame, I'll have to add her to the Glacius History Resource Center...if anybody could give me some info. about KarenC via pm, so I can put her biography thing in there (because it is for important people & KarenC was an important member to Glacius)

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 19:30:27)

wow guys i just noticed that cryos brother and sister (blizzy and queen of emoness) both
got banned

siblings have bad luck here

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 19:34:38)

@Arctic, I thought you were only tie breaking the vote you made it a tie[8D] Also, blizzy is Drago's brother.

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 20:31:14)

I'm not a fan of this break the vote notion. If someone has a preference, then they should just state it and let the dice fall as they will. Unless, of course, they're not voting for me lol.

Romanv12 -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 20:31:37)

Forum name:Romanv12
Character Name:Romix
Character link:Under avvy.

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 20:34:09)

Hi, Romanv12 - welcome to our illustrious clan!

[image][/image] AQW [image][/image] WF

137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 20:35:10)

yea, fresh players!!!

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 20:36:49)

Lol, I wonder who referred him here? *cough* me *cough*[;)]

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 20:37:20)

We're doing well recently! @Romanv12 we're currently undergoing a leadership election and are fighting (somewhat) in the Paxia wars.

Romanv12 -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 20:40:36)

Wow you guys are fast XD and yeah i know i voted for Baron. [;)]

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/16/2009 22:04:10)

welcome to the clan romanv

swoosh *updated*

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