RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (Full Version)

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Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/17/2009 0:23:04)

Oh, oh oh...can I have my other AQ characters put on the roster as well?[8D]

  • Baron V2

  • Baron V3

  • Baron V4

  • Baron V5

    I haven't played on them for a while...but I will one day soon probably. Anyways, you don't have to, but I decided to put it up there, in case you do[8D]

  • beastreaper -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/17/2009 12:47:58)

    HI some1 told me to comment in here so i did(go glacius[;)])

    brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/17/2009 13:13:38)

    Hi, beastreaper, welcome to the clan. Good to have fresh blood - out of curiosity where or how did you hear about us and signing up for the clan?

    137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/17/2009 17:20:25)

    ~Bizarre~ - The Glacier

    Despite being called the glacier is no longer in glacius and needs to be removed from the glacius roster. When this thread reaches 10 pages, I think someone should go through and delete everyone no longer in glacius before makeing the next thread.

    beastreaper -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/17/2009 23:36:17)

    ok archmagus baron sent me a PM about it[:D]

    brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/18/2009 7:20:21)

    Thanks Beastreaper, good to have you. As you may know there is a clan election going on right now - if you're going to vote, be sure to read the first three posts in that thread - it's give you the background to myself, Baron and Chugg's leadership styles and thoughts for the clan in the future...of course, if you're not ready to vote you don't have to as all three of us will make excellent leaders!

    Here is the election thread.

    Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/18/2009 8:14:46)

    Possible to put up my other characters into the roster as well? 2 of them are level 130 and the other 103. If it's possible, I'll post their links.

    Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/18/2009 11:01:48)

    guys i think its one character per fourm name
    but if anyone really wants their character on here i will put them

    137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/18/2009 13:11:23)

    No you should be able to have multiple characters per forum account.

    Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/19/2009 15:32:12)

    brian check out ur name on the roster i added something extra[;)]

    brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/19/2009 15:41:33)

    hahaha, that's outrageous. I'm flattered, though it's a bit big! Like my ego will be.

    Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/19/2009 15:45:19)

    that as small as i could get it whitout i being tooo fuzzy

    dont worry the GHC will keep u in check haha

    Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/19/2009 17:18:46)

    Wow that is so cool Arctic...congratulations to Brian again[;)]

    Digital X -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/20/2009 18:43:15)

    Forum Name: Digital X
    Character Name: VO1D inFiNiT3
    Character Link: Under my avatar.
    I'm new to Glacius

    EDIT: btw, i heard of the clan forum here, from IRC, incase you would ask.

    137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/20/2009 19:03:35)

    Yea! Great to have such a strong new member of our awesome clan:)

    Right now what we are doing:
    Electing new GHC positions
    Comeing up with ideas for clan-only items
    Preparing for the reset of defense forces so that we can get on the top again (we use to be the highest).
    Coming up with more ideas!

    Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/20/2009 20:54:17)

    haha digital brian convinced you well welcome to the clan

    Digital X -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/20/2009 21:17:54)

    He sure did ;) and thanks! proud to be a part.

    Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/20/2009 21:19:25)

    well its good to have u abord

    137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/20/2009 21:51:19)

    Yep, another more experienced BMM:) We are definitely expanding fast!

    Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/21/2009 2:26:14)

    Welcome Digital, COOL (Glacius) to have you here! :D Just another magnificent addition to our freezing community!

    brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/21/2009 4:02:30)

    I'm soooo happy. Best IRC clan ever!

    Welcome to the revolution, Digital. I'll see you on the IRC threads, and don't forget to post on the Ideas thread!

    137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/21/2009 15:38:15)

    Undless those ideas are items in which case post them on the items thread:D

    DjSparkz -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (7/21/2009 17:59:50)

    speaking of strong a classic Hybrid right now but by lv 130 ill be a mage leaning beasthybrid :)

    brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (7/23/2009 13:33:54)

    As much as I love the Beastmaster Ranger build, defeating the 'galin proved to me that the BMM is the best at taking out individual opponents! In saying that, unless there's regular heals the BMR is quicker and more durable.

    137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (7/23/2009 15:56:40)

    Beastmasters are good for long battles because of nerfing. Pure mages can finish most fights faster than BMMs (very useful for farming and for monsters such as goggs, vampirelords, vamp adept, ect.). As for mage vs. warrior/ranger, after the sweep mages will be better for most (but not all) single battles, warriors will be best for endurance quests (more than 2 fights between heals) and hybrids will be best for 2 battle quests...gonna have to work hard to beat final challenge:D

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