RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (Full Version)

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Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (5/28/2009 3:16:18)

I asked an AK about it, if I'm not wrong it's etching. I gave him the link and he was rather unsure of it. Then he went to ask someone like the game moderator or something, forgotten about the position of that person, and he replied to me saying that it was an old rule, and it's okay for players to play more than one character, or more than one accounts concurrently. Hope that'll clear your doubts. (:

Hyroen -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (6/9/2009 22:20:40)

Hey guys, Level 106 Mage here, was a bit confused about Clan, but lately it was all too obvious.

Forum Name: Hyroen
Character Name: Hyroen
Character Page:

generalneon -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (6/9/2009 22:44:29)

Welcome! C'mon in! Grab a sno-cone!

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (6/9/2009 23:14:02)

*Woosh* updated

Hyroen -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (6/10/2009 23:02:20)

Don't mind if I do[:D]
Well.. if it's cool with you guys. [;)]

Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors/Mages/Archers/etc. (thread 3) (6/11/2009 8:18:33)

Of course it's cool! We're of Glacius clan! ICE! And ya know, ice is COOL, even COLD. *shivers*

edit: welcome to the Glacius family (:

edit2: Possible to have all my characters included within the clan roster?

dogmacmac -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/18/2009 0:31:09)

fORUM nAME:Dogmacmac.Character name:pogiastig.Character id # 25527754.pls. add me.

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/18/2009 9:53:54)


pls. add me.

lol of course ill add you and btw i already did[sm=costumed-smiley-049.gif]

chugg -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/20/2009 14:10:56)

Here I am

Forum Name: chugg
Character Name: Michael Chugg
Character id: 671918 (also it's char under Avatar)

This place looks pretty slick.

BIizzy -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/24/2009 0:46:40)

Forum name:blizzy
Character Name: blizzy
Character link: Under avvy

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/24/2009 2:50:46)

@Blizzy, your character isn't a Glacian, you can't be added on the clan roster until your character becomes a Glacian.

BIizzy -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/24/2009 11:52:00)

sorry i had to join Geoto to get a weapon i changed to Glacius

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/24/2009 12:27:39)

Go blizzy! Fresh blood.

137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/24/2009 16:27:01)

yea! the more people the stronger we will be after the reset!

BIizzy -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/24/2009 22:08:59)

i am drago's older bro

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/25/2009 2:17:41)

Drago's older brother...awesome!!![:D]

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/25/2009 12:16:29)

Nepotism rocks! If only we could get cryo's sister back, now!

kama3l -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/25/2009 20:15:43)

Forum name:kama3l
Character Name: kama3l
Character link:

Se7en -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/26/2009 22:42:03)

Lol? C/A/T clan o.o
you're not a glacian

Arctic Ninja -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/27/2009 10:16:54)

kama i dont think we should add u if you are a cheater abuser or time waster

brianspenceni -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/27/2009 11:51:46)

If you've a Glacian character that's not C/A/T then that would be a different matter. If you've a current glacian character that's non-C/A/T I'm pretty positive, in fact, that no one can stop you joining!

137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (6/27/2009 11:52:07)

Even if you were a glacian before CAT, adding you would suggest we support people in CAT and their methods for leveling up. If you cannot defend glacius, you are not in glacius.

chugg -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/12/2009 1:53:25)

Man it is sucky being in the CAT clan.
It is like being in a black hole. Once you are in you never get out...

Here is all the info about the clan you are in.
also here is your only hope to get out:


Q: Is there any way to get out of the clan?
A: Not for now. If you're caught cheating, you're in the clan for life. If you feel it was an unfair placement, you may try to appeal the decision with one of the game administrators. If you know you're guilty, I don't suggest wasting their time just so you can have an attempt at getting out of the clan. They can always tell if your argument is legitimate or false.

it is not possible for a CAT clan member to do anything in Paxia... at all

137ben -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/12/2009 11:25:39)

Yea, that would be really bad, not being in paxia:(

Baron -> RE: Glacius Clan Roster ~ Cold Blodded Warriors (thread 3) (7/12/2009 23:52:47)

In the roster, all of the people with the AK signs next to them, arn't AK's anymore. Nothing major, but I just thought that you might like to know.

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