RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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mebbeth -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/3/2009 6:03:46)

I am loving this quest. the cutsceans are awsome!
Just need to get to level 15 so I can use the sword.

legendmega -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/3/2009 13:28:53)

aha i love the ice princess quest, its short but that doesnt bring it down at all. the ending was hillairous and beautiful, so was the music which went well with the scene. looking forward to the next archknight release! [:D]

im finding the archknight series better then the main game itself !! its so good!. anybody else think this? = P

van banaan -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/3/2009 13:34:17)

ye its cool but its short and...
yeah..... its uber funny!

Rayman4321 -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/3/2009 14:37:22)

I´ve gotten the sword on my first try.... now for my epic quest for the trinket!!

legendmega -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/4/2009 8:49:23)

theres a sword from that quest? i thought it was only trinket and helmet. i got helmet on first try = D.

also i got a level 18 water weapon from the quest last shipment >.>. big help that is when max cap is 15 lol.

Tensa Zangetsu -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/4/2009 15:09:29)

i got the trinket in my first try.... but i got rid of it...... -.-'' i find my current trinket (chocobunnystorm) better.

i think my Ash is EPIC!!! o.O
- helm: chocobunny helm. block +1, magic/range/melee +5, END +8
- cape: dragon wings. CRIT +3, END +3, STR +3
- ring: pretty pretty princess ring. block +1, Melee defence +5
- belt: sudded belt. dodge +3, crit +1
- trinket: chocobunny storm. crit +2, CHA +5, DEX +7. effect: does 125% nature damage.
- Pet: Braydenball. crit +6, CHA +5, LUK +5, bonus +3. damage: 3-20 ???
- weapon: Skybreaker. block +1, dodge +5, crit +2

so here are the stats i have:
STR 0 +3
DEX 0 +3
END 0 +11
CHA 0 +5

Melee: 15 Ranged: 10 Magic: 10
Parry: 0 Dodge: 8 Block: 3

Dmg: 30-50 Nature
Crit: 13 Bonus: 0 Boost: 0%

dodge +8 and block +3!!!!!! o.O
that's a pretty high miss rate. :P
does anyone else have an equipment like this???

PS: archkinght FTW!!!!! :DDD

Drake Amatsu -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/4/2009 16:14:21)

Glad to see a new ArchKnight Saga release.
It was amazing and hope to see plenty more in the future.


Sano -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/5/2009 22:54:40)

It says "all archknight discussion" so I'm hoping I can get some help here as well. I have a level 7 Ash and am wondering if any one could help out in what and where I can get items? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

As for the release, after playing the classic ArchKnight back in the day...I have to say I kinda liked the older, older looking, more armoured Ash. But I love that it's being continued in Dragonfable where we can use our main characters to help him out.

Mareth -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/6/2009 17:42:44)

I wonder why they quit the original archknight it was a very fun game

Narfblat -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/7/2009 16:24:13)

@ Sano: Here's a link: Archknight guide

re4fan4 -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/8/2009 16:44:42)

what happened to your dragonfable ash being able to join you in adventures

i want to take my level 10 ash with my lel 21 necro and then i wont have to use the double artix to pass a quest

moderaderaters take note to read that without takeing it as confrontational

Please don't double/triple post. Use the "edit" tool, thanks! ~LANDIS

Narfblat -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/9/2009 4:31:45)

That's still being worked on, they haven't said how soon they plan to release it.

suhail_muhammad -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/9/2009 5:51:44)

zzzzz i am waiting forr 100000 years forr Ash New Quests! I rreally want to do Ash new quest! I didnot buy DragonAmulet to wait till 1 week for a new quest zzzzzzzzzzzz

P.S U computer will get Self-Distuct in 10 sec (i know the destarction part spelling wrong! I'm Not a nerd u KNOW[8|])

suhail_muhammad -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/9/2009 6:40:59)

Senice QUestion: If u figure this out i can do *anything for you*
Question: How did the function of the specis conducted when there was no other specis,If therer wasn't any specis how can they be there in the first place? (Please dun tell me about god[&:])

DarkLore -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/9/2009 8:22:54)

I personally thought the last AK quest was sad.[:(] I won't say why due to spoilers for newer AK players.

D.Soul -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/21/2009 22:03:13)

The DF staff need 2 change how he holds his sword

Kiki -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/22/2009 23:36:38)

Man poor Ash... He has such HORRID luck D:

But he's so cute xD!!

Can't wait for the next part. :3

Crimzon5 -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/23/2009 9:52:33)

Hey, anyone remember the Chibi Archknight short in the old AQ homepage?


Dragonball Parody + Ninjas stealing the princess = win \m/

DarkLore -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/24/2009 9:41:38)

I believe AE should at least put a ballyhoo button in falconreach. Not only would it further increase their probability of keeping every game online, but it would also help Ash players who don't want to farm for an item with a high sellback to obtain the already painstakingly harder to get gold in AK than DF. I do realize that it just adds re-playability so we can feel proud that we obtained something with hard work, but I do prove a point.

AbyssKeeper -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/24/2009 14:30:52)

Ash is a 'junior' adventurer but he does have a MIND to think about orther things than becoming the archknight

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/24/2009 19:18:58)

Ballyhoo for Ash would be awesome!
Then we could get the Orb of Saving to save our items!

kevin the air cadet -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/24/2009 21:17:10)

and the training stats we need that!!!!1

Tensa Zangetsu -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/25/2009 11:19:33)

i agree with kevin. our normal heroes can train, but why can't Ash????

DarkLore -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/25/2009 14:23:37)

I'll tell you guys why! *coughsneedtobeaknightcough*.
I do believe I should suggest the ballyhoo for AK however.

liangwarrior -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (10/25/2009 14:26:45)

ash is a good archkngiht
he is on his way to become archknight
now he got chance to be is to save the princess
and finally let us wish him success

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