RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Billybob joejack IV -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/16/2009 16:44:28)

i ant wait for classes in WF... datz wat i loved about AQ

mluther -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/16/2009 23:45:25)

I'm loving the combo of ice bombs and nanotech deconstructors.

pogg -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/17/2009 19:03:39)

Ok, my one and only problem with the game is the fact that WarpGaurdian armor STINKS. the specials rarely come, the weapon that causes them doesnt do very good damge compared to the other weapons of the level. The main reason i say its stinks is that it A. blacks the gauntelet use most of the time, and B. the skills are pointless; power attack does no extra damage, triple/double strike dont do any diffrence except more (weaker) hits, ion cannon is weak for even level 2s... It needs redone so all those skills are listed at once the same way you did with the gunner armor. Also the death 2.0 and dragon skill need to be a much higher rate and the base weapons for WGs needs to deal more than it does now (maybe jack it up like 2 damage both sides id say). But mainly you NEEDS to have the same system as the Heavy gunner armor has. Thanx.


KarstAvenger1989 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/18/2009 1:04:19)

Ok, so I finally have Guardianship on all 3 of my accounts: DF, AQ, and WF.

The WarpGuardianship is AWESOME! But I feel like it's missing some stuff...

First off, I'd love to see some things, each listed below:

1. The WarpGuardian Blade being customizable to make it any element you want it to have.
2. The WarpGuardian Striker/Gunner battlesuit(s) being customizable to resist any element you want it to.
3. A WarpGuardian Helmet made specifically for the Drakels.
4. The ability to change your WarpGuardian weapon from Sword to Gun and vice-versa.
5. The ability to set your own log-in gear, so that way, when you log in, you always have what you want equipped already equipped.

Other than this, I love the fact you guys did such a good job on the WarpGuardians. That 10 bucks was worth it. (I got the 10 dollars off from verifying my DF account's DragonAmulet). I really hope you guys are working on more features for the WarpGuardians.

LordGeneral -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/18/2009 3:30:43)

Sodium Warp Crystal Tech got fixed. No more one-shotting Diceros. Fun while it lasted, though.

weirdguy -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/18/2009 7:08:24)


Although it seems entirely illogical to do so, this thread doesn't take any suggestions at all. It only takes feedback.....which is somehow different from suggestions. Don't ask me how. They're the ones that make that distinction. Whatever that is. I mean, sure, if I describe how this game makes me feel, it'd be exactly the same as just watching random people talk about the game in any old thread, and that the existence of this thread without suggestions would be like making no thread at all because they would still have to guess exactly WHAT is making us feel this way (which is pretty much like trying to guess what a baby wants) and we'd be back to square one on the board game of "developers trying to make stuff which they think their customers would like but they don't really know how it'd work out since they don't actually discuss any details with their actual customers". (Outside of the details which they aren't able to discuss since I understand that some things need to be kept secret in order to maintain the novelty of some ideas.)

Anyway, a large number of your suggestions would not fly even back in the day when they were developing the game. Comments off the top of my head:

- The dragon chance rate's pretty much good where it is (the more you fight with the guardian weapon, the more you'll get a feel for the rate that it appears). It doesn't have an element so it'll pierce anything that doesn't resist void damage (and the only creatures that do that are either really really tough bosses, or void monsters). Upping Death's chance rate would be ridiculous, since it's an automatic KO.
- I don't really think they would put element changing on equipment that doesn't already have the feature built into it while they were making it. General rule: if it hasn't been done in AQ, they need a really, really good reason to do it here.
- Changing your default equips is already in AQ, but when it comes here, it will still be only for members.
- Changing your class equips will be simpler if they just let you change your class.....which probably wouldn't be a bad thing to let us do.....after you let us untrain, of course.
- The gauntlet attack being "blacked" is something that they might look into, but I wouldn't hold my breath on them upping the accuracy. The ion cannon has always sucked. No breath holding on that one either.
- On my end, the default rifle seems to be doing an adequate amount of damage, now that the other weapons have been sort of reined in from when they were doing crazy damage. The weird part about it is when I use armor attacks like the knee, it doesn't appear to increase the damage at all.
- They did the attack power splitting on the multi hit strikes on purpose. I don't see why they even have multiple strikes if their average comes back to the power of one hit anyway, but I suppose since they want to operate guns the way they do (instead of making their shots run on the same system as melee attacks), they have to make it so that sticks don't get a huge advantage over them.
- Archknight was ultimately reworked into Dragonfable (which was then sort of reworked into Mechquest) and served its purpose. I think we can just let that one die.

Right now the things that are irritating to me are that the rocket launcher is very underwhelming for its level plus the special's accuracy is very, very bad and hits for low, low damage.....and of course, three of the six chill bombs are still hitting for zero damage. Also still hoping that headgear that have armors associated with them will just be consolidated into an ability of that armor ("click the doohickey to activate the helmet!") and take out the need to buy that headgear seperately for that specific level each time and also the need to maintain a space to keep the headgear in.

I'm glad that you brought the guardian rifle and the ice repeater's single shot hits up to par with most double shot weapons, but I'm wondering if the previous ones created, like the laser pistol, are still suffering from a lack of equality. There's almost no reason for me to use these weapons if they're much weaker than the other weapons that can fire more often and have better specials.

I think several people have mentioned this but once again, I find that using the knee attack is better than firing the gun, seeing as increased DEX may up your shot accuracy, but it also ups the knee accuracy too, so I'd go with that attack anyway....

If you want to be cool, you'd make it so that increased DEX would also increase the amount of shots you could take per turn, but I don't know how you'd make that work out.

But I guess that'd count as a suggestion, and once again, those wouldn't be allowed.

So instead of that, I'll just express my frustration at the concept of having a feedback thread that doesn't allow suggestions, and describe in detail that it makes me sad that such an openly developed game would be so backwards as to try to say that feedback and suggestions are different somehow, and that you're welcome to not do a thing about it after you read this because apparently the entire point of such a thread is to show that you care by not taking feedback. I mean, suggestions.

Dekomage -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/18/2009 8:07:08)

byebye, WarpCrystal Glitch,
12-30 dmg D:

SIGMUND -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/18/2009 9:13:22)

It may have been said already but I have to mention that I do not like having to re-equip Gauntlets after every battle.

At the moment it seems like we stop after every fight and say to ourselves "Hold on a moment. I'll just take this Gauntlet off while walking to my next fight."
Then when we get there we have to stay "Stop just one second you dastardly Vrillin while I just put my Gauntlet back on."

It is just not right.....
Please fixit.

KarstAvenger1989 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/18/2009 15:31:34)

Sigmund, you might be using the Heavy Gunner battlesuit(s). That or you just fought Tronzor. Either way, the Heavy Gunner is currently a little glitchy, so it removes your gauntlet after every match -- something it isn't supposed to do. Aelthai reported this already.

As for Tronzor, I hope they fix that, too. Having to enter battle with him everytime to train my stats only to see my weapons removed and set to default really is bugging me too. I think they should fix that.

Anyways, back to the FEEDBACK!

I'd like to say the WarpForce Saga quests are AWESOME! And I can't say anything bad about the quests General Lee sends you on, because those are nice, too. I really hope more quests will be released!

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/18/2009 16:50:22)

I thought I should post the PM I sent to Aelthai and her response here:


ORIGINAL: The_Other_Guy_27

Are the other battlesuits going to be changed to the way Heavy Gunner as far as attack menu configuration? If not, is this the new standard or will we see it both ways in future releases?

Thanks in advance for your response.


It's a trial of an alternate way of managing the menu structure. We have been waiting on the response to it to determine if it should become the standard menu system. The response has been ... a complete lack of reaction. We think that's a positive reaction, but it's a little hard to tell.

Chances are good that it's what we will be moving to since it appears to be transparent to the user and the other system caused bug reports. However, it does depend on what feedback we receive.

Knight of Order

I for one like the Heavy Gunner's menu. It enables me to simply double click when I wish to attack.

mluther -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/18/2009 21:59:16)

The warp crystal spells are the bane of the nechrons and I thank you for this gift to all warpforcers.

Crymoon74 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/19/2009 3:01:24)

I think that overall it is definitely a great game

I just have one issue: The warp crystal quest from Engineering.
It is set to be the second one there for around 5 lvl, but when I do try to play it I encounter at least 11lvl enemies and most of the time 18-19 lvl ones. Which is for me impossible to beat even in with my 14 lvl char.

And one last thing - is there a way (as I haven;t found it) to replenish my potions without logging off?

SIGMUND -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/19/2009 9:03:42)



It's a trial of an alternate way of managing the menu structure. We have been waiting on the response to it to determine if it should become the standard menu system. The response has been ... a complete lack of reaction. We think that's a positive reaction, but it's a little hard to tell.

Chances are good that it's what we will be moving to since it appears to be transparent to the user and the other system caused bug reports. However, it does depend on what feedback we receive.

Knight of Order

PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. Keep this format for our combat options.~!

Apply it to every armour/suit and Expand it if you can?[:D]

Having a random set of options appearing for each combat round is just wrong.[:'(]

mluther -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/19/2009 10:22:58)

As long as i can just double click attack if i want to strike normally and there is a back button in case of mistakes I am a happy camper.

erogath -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/19/2009 17:56:10)

It would be really nice to have some consistency with the gunners weapons, you get some like the osprey and the SR10(20) that shoot twice on a normal attack, but then you get others like the Marksman laser or the warpgunner blaster rifle that only shoot once for the same damage as each of the two individual attacks of the other guns, completely negating any relevance in damage ranges. what's the point of telling me it's 5-17x1 single shoot on the marksman laser, when the osprey is 6-31x2. Talk about confusing, makes half the guns pretty useless in my opinion.

So either some of the guns are still radically over powered OR some are massively underpowered, I'm assuming the later, as using the marksman I had to burn two potions to survive an encounter with a level 25 monster at level 23 <.<

Aelthai -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/19/2009 18:09:38)

Er, all I can say is that you are mistaken. Some guns were bugged to do their damage twice, but they should all have been long since fixed.

A gun that fires twice does half the damage per hit as a gun that fires once.

If you are not seeing that, please report the specific case where it is doing more damage per round than is possible on the Bugs forum.

B.L.I.T.Z -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/19/2009 18:22:20)

I don't have many problems with the game, however there is something I would like.

The WG Armor is cool and has some nice attacks, but lets see:

(First Scenario)

Single Hit Attack!
Ram Attack!
Power Punch!

(Second Scenario)

Double Hit Weapon Strike!
Ion Cannon!

(Third Scenario)
Triple Hit Weapon Strike!
Gauntlet Blast!

Ok, my first problem is with the chances of getting a scenario. They are probably 33.333% chance on each, to balance it out. But this is bad, because some people like the armor and the Gauntlet Blast, which is annoying trying to get a hit with your Gaunt. This also leads to me to another point; the Triple, Double and Single hits supposedly do the same damage. Thats useless. Why can't the power of a Triple Hit be stronger than a Double & Single, but with a less chance of encountering that scenario. The Double, obviously, should be stronger than the Single, but weaker than the Triple. This means a percentage chart of encountering a scenario should be:

First Scenario - 50% Chance. - Single Hit = 100% Dmg.
Second Scenario - 30% Chance. - Double Strike = 110% Dmg.
Third Scenario = 20% Chance. - Triple Strike = 120% Dmg.

That is my preferred chance of coming across a selection of the Single or Double or Triple hits.
Furthermore, the Ion Cannon available in Scenario Two is far too weak to be a good use of a turn. It should be more powerful than it is right now. Also, the Gauntlet Blast and Ion Cannon should be compacted into an option of 'Battlesuit Skills'.

As the Gunner armours, they have two options once you click 'Attack'. Clicking the second 'Attack' lets you attack normally, then the 'Battlesuit Skills' which leads to the others. The WG Armor should follow the same system, like so:

Click Attack.

Option#1 - Attack
Option#2 - Battlesuit Skills

If you choose Option#1 you will have the percentage of encountering a specific scenario, with each having the respective attacks (Single, Double, Triple) and also the Ram Attack and Power Punch added on EVERY SCENARIO. So, if you chose Option#1, you'd have a 50% chance of attacking once with 100% damage, a 30% chance of attacking twice with 55% damage per hit, or a 20% chance of hitting 3 times with a 40% damage each hit. Example: If you clicked Attack and entered Scenario 1, you'd have three options. Single Weapon Attack, Ram Attack, Power Punch. Scenario 2 = Double Hit Weapon Strike, Ram Attack, Power Punch. And 3 is the same thing.

If you chose Option#2 you will then have a list which is something like this:

Ion Cannon
Gauntlet Blast

But another point is another skill should be added, another blast based thing. Such as 'Hydro Blast' or something along that line.

If anyone is reading, thanks and I hope you enjoy reading my oppionated kinda suggestiony thing.

Esori Itaka -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/19/2009 20:31:03)

someone needs to make that lvl "5(?)" quest in the engineering dock be a actual lvl 5 quest
oh but other then that ur doing awesome AE :3

Crymoon74 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/20/2009 2:45:16)


Ok, my first problem is with the chances of getting a scenario. They are probably 33.333% chance on each, to balance it out. But this is bad, because some people like the armor and the Gauntlet Blast, which is annoying trying to get a hit with your Gaunt. This also leads to me to another point; the Triple, Double and Single hits supposedly do the same damage. Thats useless. Why can't the power of a Triple Hit be stronger than a Double & Single, but with a less chance of encountering that scenario. The Double, obviously, should be stronger than the Single, but weaker than the Triple. This means a percentage chart of encountering a scenario should be:

First Scenario - 50% Chance. - Single Hit = 100% Dmg.
Second Scenario - 30% Chance. - Double Strike = 110% Dmg.
Third Scenario = 20% Chance. - Triple Strike = 120% Dmg.

That is my preferred chance of coming across a selection of the Single or Double or Triple hits.

The case here might be the probablity of hit - sometimes 3 weaker hits are better against an opponent as at least one has chances of getting through his defense. A one stronger but missing strike is of no use.
So even though they deal less damage there is a greater possibility of hitting the enemy at all and thus I believe they should saty balanced as they are.

But you are right with the scenarios part.
It is annoying to try and get the one that you really need at the exact moment, too much chance and way too less startegy - in my opinion. Having a set of skills for the armor - like you said - Attack and armor skills and maybe gauntlet skills etc would make the game maybe a bit slower but much more enjoyable - at least for me who likes to plan the attacks and win or lose the fights due to my skills or lack thereof and not pure chance ever ytime.

redy2rok -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/20/2009 2:59:40)

all great but i dont like the fact that the double and triple attacks do the same amount as the single

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/21/2009 7:30:03)


irst Scenario - 50% Chance. - Single Hit = 100% Dmg.
Second Scenario - 30% Chance. - Double Strike = 110% Dmg.
Third Scenario = 20% Chance. - Triple Strike = 120% Dmg.

One note there: that comes to an average of 107% damage. Anyway I myself was thinking more along the lines of clicking attack having a 1/3 chance of each and decreasing the attack of the single strike and increasing the attack of the triple strike so something like this:
Single: 80% of normal
Double: 2 hits of 50% of normal each
Triple: 3 hits of 40% of normal each

As for the Ion cannon, something does definitely need done with it. It's useless to anyone who has a decent energy weapon, especially strikers.

B.L.I.T.Z -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/21/2009 7:44:17)

Mhm, the Ion Cannon is weaker than a mediocre Energy weapon. I got my Lazer Chucks fairly early, making the Cannon obselete and I would like it to have some extra power.

123fami -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/21/2009 20:05:39)

I like this game except for you being changed back to your regular armor every time after a battle

weirdguy -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/21/2009 22:32:16)

Your default armor is only auto-equipped when:

- You've bought or sold an item.
- You've changed the order of your inventory (you can do this from the sell screen).
- You've just completed a training fight to raise a stat. (Not quite sure about this one but it does it in AQ so why not here)
- You've just logged on.

bobafett1299 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/23/2009 20:09:00)

The quality of the game is good and it will get better with time.
The ion cannon REALLY SUCKS and needs to be improved greatly
Mission music and gameplay is good and item shop after is nice.
not the greatest game AE has made but ill have to wait for it to get better.
Its kinda hard to train after a bit but Osprey seems to work
The whole striker thing balances out because of HIT chances and DMG total
Single: 50 % chance to hit but %100 Dmg (before armor)
Double: 75% chance to hit but %75 Dmg (before armor)
Triple: 90% chance to hit but 50% dmg
now i may be wrong[8|] but who knows it balances out plus if u dont like the chances there are other things you can use.

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