RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Desmodus -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (8/23/2009 23:18:52)

Good Points

  • I love the cutscene music and quality, especially the Hand of Creation's.
  • Monsters are well made, Nechron Proteans and Exos stand out.
  • Drakel characters have tails. I just wish we could customize them.
  • Mini-games FTW

Bad Points

  • Monster scaling needs to be straightened out (meaning a level 20 monster shouldn't appear in a quest that was meant for level 5 characters)
  • Scenes in which the V'eld is in lag quite a bit.
  • The ACHE head bug is a head ache (I should stop with these random puns)

The Braken Bard -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/3/2009 5:47:24)

This game is great (just as I pointed out before) but I am having serious issues with monster scaling. I practically fought a level 27 Vor-Dem with a level 7. And I thought it was meant only to be a battle where you're supposed to lose. But it wasn't.

Cosmonuclearblur -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/10/2009 7:05:19)

I really like this take on the tried and true AdventureQuest formula. The battles are perfectly matching the theme and the sound effects are spot on!
The character, with a small exception of some of the warpforce crew in the cinematic.

I was utterly impressed by the background music (digging the electric violin!) and flash cutscenes, however, when I watch any of the warp-speed (l337speed, whatever you call it) the animation is limited to individual frames while the background music plays on unaffected. This not only makes the movie take forever, but it also has exceptionally loud music playing to the sight of the aft end of a really slow moving spaceship. I don't know if it's part of the beta process or if anyone brought it up with you. It just kills the proverbial mood is all...

liangwarrior -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/10/2009 10:12:57)

it is very fun and like a space pilot shooting

RagingMagma -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/10/2009 14:30:22)

I personally like SciFi games alot, hence I played MQ all the way to level 33 and made myself a SC there, and now I play WF. When I saw the 10U$S discount I was like whoa! great bargain!. And the very same day i created Venom (my drakel char), I upgraded lol. That happened yesterday, so Im happy as hell ;).

This game has some issues with scaling (i got a level 30-ish monster in the current war, and im 18 xD)

Enkil -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/12/2009 15:16:26)

I love the concept of this game and that you can finally choose what race you wish to be. Love the new gunner class as well. I don't, however, like that my guardianship doesn't carry over from AQ even though my AQ account is used for this game and the game is advertised as an AQ expansion. I've payed once already, why do I have to pay again?

Verlyrus -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/12/2009 15:27:00)

Hm. WarpForce is an expansion of AdventureQuest, right? If you bought any other game, would you not have to pay extra to purchase an expansion pack? (Usually for close to the same cost as the original, too! :s)
Don't forget, you also get the 10$ discount for already being a Guardian! That's quite generous, in my opinion.
Also, remember, it's not necessary to pay in order to play. Much of the game (like in most AE games) is available for free players.

Enkil -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/12/2009 15:35:11)

Nope. Every expansion for an online game, I got as a free download or update. Not to mention most of the ones you have to buy require you to make a new account. If they're going to use my same AQ account, I should be entitled to guardianship. And not nearly enough of the game is available as f2p in order for me to be interested in advancing my character beyond level 1 as an adventurer.

Verlyrus -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/12/2009 15:48:28)

Oh really? It's the same account, yes, but you still have to make a new character.
Also, don't forget that AQ and WF are both expanding and updating weekly/monthly for free!
WF is also a relatively new game- as more updates come, there will be more content for free players, I am sure.

EDIT: Oops, also, since this isn't exactly "Gameplay Feedback" you can PM if you want to debate this. :)

Enkil -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/12/2009 15:57:53)

Oh I'm sure too, but it's still not enough that I would advertise this as a free to play game. 70% of the content is locked to regular players, as it was with AQ when I first started a couple of years ago. It should be more in the range of 50/50 rather than 70/30.

LunarCresselia -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/13/2009 14:19:35)

I have one main problem:

After finishing the Scoutship Mission a Shop Screen appeared with droid pets. The only non Z-token or Guardian pet that was at a lower level thanthe rest you could only get at lv 18. At the moment non-guardians can only go up to level 15 so it's annoying and I don't wish to go through that mission again.

Other than that the game is brill especcially the addition of being able to be Drakel.

Omni -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/13/2009 14:31:54)

You will likely be able to access that item next release if the level cap is raised again. And I am also quite fond of the introduction of the Drakel race.

LunarCresselia -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/13/2009 15:09:57)

There is another bad point about WF:
It seems vaguely familiar, the space missions and the like. The familiarness comes from MechQuest which also has space missions and futuristic stuff.
Maybe WF would've made more sense as a MQ expansion but I digress

Aelthai -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/14/2009 1:42:13)

Er, that's because both MQ and WF are set in a science fiction (specifically, space travel) genre. Sharing a broad genre does not make them the same game.

Indeed, they are quite different subgenres - MQ is a mech-based game, and WF is not.

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/14/2009 7:28:45)

what i don't like in WF is that the magic weps are gone
and after i told that we got a cutcene where they tell us that magic is less good in space

and why (wait i think this is a suggestion) can't we use technomagy
it would be a good thing to replace it

so that what i dislike in WF i am a BMM in AQ and i am a little bit lost in my stats because of that

Verlyrus -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/14/2009 7:45:57)

WarpForce and AdventureQuest, while similar, are not the same game. If WarpForce were to keep every aspect of AdventureQuest, there would be little point in trying to build it, as it would already exist. In the universe of WarpForce, there isn't much room for magic. It falls under neither Striker nor Gunner, and to implement magic would result in a near clone of AdventureQuest. If magic is less useful in space, then so be it. Try a new class, perhaps.
As for your stats, who knows? The game is still relatively new; most everyone is lost in regard to stats. There aren't really 'builds' yet. Just experiment, look at peoples' opinions on the forums about the stats if you think you need guidance, but most important of all, just have fun.

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/14/2009 8:04:32)

yes magic would make a clone of AQ that's why techomagy would be perfect
and if you can't use "magic" (or some other sort of (technomagic technology)) spell (skills and tech) are useless
no wep=not so much stats=weak skills and tech=not so much stats=etc

cutcenes need a skip button (when you need to redo it it's boring to see the cutcene again)

Verlyrus -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/14/2009 9:29:33)

Well, most of the premise of how things are powered and how they function is by Drakel Magiscience, which is pretty close to technomancy, when you think about it.
Again, the game is relatively new. Give it some time to work out functionality with Skills & Techs, perhaps in the future, it will give INT a larger role to play.

Lady StormKat -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/14/2009 10:33:23)

Right now I am very unimpressed. I feel like I'm playing AQ, but out in space. All I did with my play time is come away frustrated and bored. Battles are long and dull. I spent hours getting five stat points raised, the trainer is insanely hard to beat for low levels. Which stat is to be used to increase gun damage? According to the trainer, strength is for melee, dex is for non-gun (as well as over-all,) and intell is for tech. Why be a gunner then? Am I supposed to be throwing my pistols or something?

I see minimal content, armour and weapons. This not unexpected in a new release, so I will check back in a year or so to see if content improves. Until then, I'll stick with AQ.

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/14/2009 12:01:46)

it looks like AQ because it's an expansion of it

and it's long because we are beginning like in AQ wait for classes (and later ubers?)[;)]

Omni -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/14/2009 15:30:02)

WF is indeed like AQ but in outer space. It has quite a few overhauls.

Technology instead of Magic: Little magic in space but still need to blast something with fire? Technology is there for you. The concept still works well because you need intelligence to use technology or at least extremely effectively.

Ranged Weapons not getting damage Bonus: Why would your STR or dexterity affect how much a lazer harms someone?If pole arms are ever introduced they may get the bonus from Dex or they may not.

Yes as you mentioned there is little content for now but every month it will increase greatly. Bonus updates also improve the spaces between releases and still add content.

Once we get a few more large game improvements like Classes, Set equipment, and Kingdoms/Houses on Planets than the game will seem more full. They are making sure to do things right the first time rather than doing it not so well and having to redo it.

Bugzy -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/14/2009 21:40:53)

I find the new glador design to be really cute. With my cha, not incredibly useful, but cute nonetheless.

Dragon Slayer096 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/15/2009 1:08:53)

I love this game a bit more than AQ, because I've been seeing it from the start (no, not from Beta, sadly).....but I have to say that the random high level monster appearences are annoying. Love the art, love the heavy gunner armor. Also, I'm noticing that the amount released is slighly more like 2 weeks release than a 3-4 week release....but this IS a relatively new game, so I'm patient and trying to play the other AE games, like AQW and MQ (I don't like farming in DF, and I stopped playing AQ).....

Dray`Gon -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/15/2009 17:52:08)

I like the fact you can finally pick to be a different race (namely the Drakel). I haven't gotten into playing to that much yet, but so far it's pretty cool. I do hope that perhaps later on there will be armor appearances that vary based on race, or race-specific equipment. The former might be tough to impliment since it'd mean you'd need to design three sets of armor for each new one you create. The latter, however, may cause some people to be upset if they see a cooler looking armor for a race they didn't pick. It may means that this kind of thing might not be easily implimented. I just would like to see some armors that make each race look more unique instead of just the head being different. Besides, my drakel character is finding it uncomfortable wearing armor designed more for humans. hehe

Randomness109 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/15/2009 18:58:37)

I like the game but what i do not like is the new glador design it just doesnt look good not that it actually looked good before but i still liked it and i would rather have the old one i think we should at least be able to choose between the new/old design

I do hope that perhaps later on there will be armor appearances that vary based on race, or race-specific equipment.

I dont think that there should be race specific equipment because that would be racist and unfair to the people who chose a different race.

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