RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Rozion -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/15/2009 22:55:37)

@ Randomness - Racist? Not really. I don't see a drakel wearing a Humanoid helm, Or a human fitting into a suit of armour specifically made for an Elf, as elves are taller and slimmer. Race specific equipment coud be usefull if they wanted more diversity between them, and gave the other races an aproximatly equil item, perhaps of a different kind or different stat bonuses.

Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/15/2009 23:06:33)

Contrary to what people are saying, I like the hard monster scaling. Nay, I adore it. It provides a challenge, even for low-level players. It makes us strategize. Going along with the halving of low-level XP, I think this is a great step to make the early levels not rush by. Well done.

Of course, I also love the rest of the game. My one major complaint is that the vast majority of cutscenes are two or three frames over and over again, and (I assume) because of the lack of server caps, the V'eld crossing the screen or a scoutship flying from the Alteon to a planet can take a full five minutes.

Omni -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/15/2009 23:20:12)

Skipping cut-scenes or at least parts of them would not be a bad idea at all considering a few things: When doing quests a second time viewing the cut-scenes can be rather harsh as well as straining on older computers.

The challenge is a little bit different from AQ's because it is much more balanced now than AQ is and close to 100% chances of winning is not horribly evident here. Unless you happen to have a Z-Token armor/Weapon/Guantlet in which case.... you may as well be fighting those level 40 monsters.

Shocka -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/16/2009 0:30:07)

I really think we need a bit more releases because 2-4 days you have something to do and 25 you have none.

Omni -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/16/2009 6:52:23)

Warp Force is set up in that manner for a reason. It allows for the Staff to not be overstretched while trying to Update AQ and WF. If you have been doing the war it provides a few more days of activity and I suspect war's during breaks won't be terribly rare. Having massive amounts of downtime is likely not a Goal, but until balance has been achieved and they really see how much they can get done between releases we will have to wait for more bonus updates and the like. Once they see they can get X many releases down in the given time span then they can start to spread out leftovers into the weeks in-between.

Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/16/2009 7:42:51)

It's really quite simple. Don't be greedy.

When the release comes out, that's a month of content. You can stretch that out for at least a couple of weeks--I only just finished playing WF for the month a few days ago, and that was because I hit my cap. All you need is a teensy bit of self-control.

weirdguy -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/16/2009 14:12:22)

Challenge? Getting the....zard droppings beaten out of you because the other guy is ten levels higher isn't exactly a challenge (and I consider token equipment cheating on some level). The stats at that point seem to make a much larger difference than the lower levels, and they're capable of blocking a large number of my attacks, despite the fact that I've devoted half of my stat distribution to DEX. The waves are longer than most wars, and not only is the wave meter huge because they think two games will play faster than one (which is untrue because both games technically share the same player base, so it's not like we can magically double ourselves), but we don't even get any autoheals after a wave is complete, so you have to exit out of the war, heal, then come back in. Doy.

Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/16/2009 15:35:05)

My level 27 character managed to beat a level 37 Big Grey and then a level 30 Kor-Dem in a row, without a heal, several times. It requires mana potions, a heal spell, and luck, but it's possible.

Pyronix15 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/16/2009 20:52:43)

I know why some say its easy, and some say its hard.

I was level 24, and killing level 30 enemies and loving teh extra exp.

I hit level 25, and now I'm facing level 40 monsters, at least 2 in a row.


The answer is, I can, but not 3 in a row.

Now, I just use wg warp until their weakness is either light or energy, and then wail on then with the nun chucks or dual blade.

The waves are beatable, but the staff had to make twilly heal more often, particularly for the wg mission.

Oh, and I met some kind of level 40 sentry bot that could pull off 60 damage a turn when all of his attacks hit.

Let me make myself clear. I love the high level enemies, the extra xp helps allot, but I can't kill 6 in a row when I have no points devoted to increasing my potion heals. I need my points in dex to even have a chance of hitting enemies. I think that alone is unbalanced, if you don't have dex you can't do anything, this limits how you can plan you're character out. A one wave battle would be ideal.

EDIT- btw, can someone take a look at my Char page and let me know if there are any weapon's or spells I can get that might help?
Comments on my looks could help to. XD

pokergal79 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/16/2009 23:31:54)

Does it bother anyone else that on some pet/weapon/guantlet descriptions within the battle menu, it does not display the element? Hard to remember sometimes what element things are especially if they are new purchases at the low levels.

Pyronix15 -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/17/2009 8:07:25)

^^I believe it states what type of element it is when you buy it and when you use it, but not in the description.

gadenp -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/21/2009 20:34:27)

New to Warpforce here.

The game interface is mostly great. I love the desc each enemy has and the arch like interface.

But... I noticed that when I press attack, on some armors the attack button disappears replaced with a submenu, and I have to move my mouse to click on attack on that submenu.

On other armors, the attack button remains, and I can double click to do an attack, quite fast.

I would like to suggest that for all armors, the attack button be keep, so that we can use it to do simple attacks in less time.

It will be very useful especially when I am watching TV [:D]


Aelthai -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/22/2009 18:16:35)

We added that as a feature on the Heavy Gunner armor. The response was positive, so we are planning to move to that method for the future.

darksampson -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/25/2009 21:20:43)

WF is interesting the monsters and pets most specifically are much more detailed compared to AQ which brings in the problem of lag >_< it dosn't help much that the backrounds are detailed as well or that you can't change the screen size and don't even get me started on the cutscenes... 3 suggestions

1. put it in the options to "turn off backround" during fights

2. For godsake plz let us change the screen size it 800x600 dosn't fit on my tiny screen >_<

3. Is it THAT much to ask for a bloody skip button the cutscenes are endless I can take a shower come back and the cutscene would still be going T_T

Dekomage -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/30/2009 18:04:31)

translated is
'Lorians are so dumb!'

Lotanubs -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (9/30/2009 19:55:23)

Yyy... Yes.

I do feel that Artix Entertainment has been releasing the same game to us.
With a few cosmetic changes, 'course.
But that's probably just me.

I mean. "Call of Duty" and "Call of Duty: 2" are similar.
WarpForce is supposed to be the sequal to AdventureQuest..

MechQuest is pretty similar to DragonFable..

And for something completely different -

Contrary to what people are saying, I like the hard monster scaling. Nay, I adore it. It provides a challenge, even for low-level players. It makes us strategize.

Strategize. You mean find our lucky penny and hope we land a few critical hits?
An RTS has much more strategy.
An FPS has much more strategy.
An RPG relies more upon character builds.
DC rolls and all dat. Will saves. Stats.

Though, mixing up your moves and playing every advantage given to you would definitely help, but the fact can't be shaken that a level 1 Gunner can't possible hope to provide more than a quick snack for a level 40 sand raider from the planet Tatooine. But in an RPG like, say, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Which IMHO, has a LOT of FPS elements), that even if your gear sucks, if you're good, you can overthrow empires and stuff like that.
But only if you're good.

But, I mean, that's a whole different genere of gaming right there..
Probably a bit off-topic.
But I'll celebrate my hater behavior with a Klondike bar. Anyone want some while I'm downstairs?

GDK -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (10/2/2009 18:02:15)

(Deleted due to attack by mods)

Omni -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (10/2/2009 18:36:07)

I would like to note AQW has it's own design team where as AQ and WF share a team. AQW is also able to churn out so much content because of their game mechanics. AQW releases are primarily nothing but new art in various forms. In AQ and WF each weapon/armor/pet/quest has to have specific things put into every detail. Statting items is one of the largest aspects for now along with adding flavor, coding things, and simply making the time to make the release. I would also like to note WF does not simply create content for that release but also for future releases via higher level items.

Once we get all of the LSS Alteon shops chalk full of goodies and have niches filled via various shops then the team will be able to focus more on creating quests and quest items, so in the future instead of 3 Quests with 3 Shops along with 5 new items floating around existing shops will will likely start seeing 4-5 Quests with their own reward shops. I am not on the development team and cannot claim my statements are absolute truth but using logic and information from conversations and posts I did the best to piece together the things I stated.

GDK -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (10/2/2009 18:57:41)

Deleted due to really making mods mad. No need to attack guys.

Omni -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (10/2/2009 21:20:33)

Well I believe Artix has simply approved WF and left it to Galanoth, Falerin, and our not to be forgotten behind the scenes balancing staff and artists.

Each armor is like a miniature class but I do believe full out classes will become a feature soon.

Monthly Releases have been the designated way to update the game. It is done this way to insure quality of releases. Stressed out staff is not good and the amount of work WF requires is nothing to smirk at, so until further notice (if ever) the game will continue to be updated monthly to keep the staff performing at their best and to allow releases to be full of content and lacking bugs.

With the content of WF being worked out over the month rather than a week certain things may get changed during the process of making the releases so DN's could be come full of potential updates and possibilities rather than the newsletter which is typically accurate. I believe we should have three sort of DN's. Storyline Developer's DN's which would be from our LoreMaster, and have suggested it to our staff. It may or may not happen , but I assure you the staff aren't avoiding us.

Zephyros -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (10/2/2009 22:47:48)

What AQW are you playing that is "belting out 3-4 large-scale events a week, some being wars"? Because that AQW doesn't stand for AdventureQuest Worlds.

As an expansion to AdventureQuest, WarpForce does one release per month. It may or may not last you four weeks-- but how long does a single quest take in AQ? About as long as one of these takes. The only difference is they're not spaced out weekly, they're clumped together in one week. If it's really that big a deal to you, simply do one quest a week instead of the whole release in a sitting.

As the primary coder on WF, there are no words I'm allowed to say here that adequately describe how infeasible it is to do both an AQ and WF release every week.

Aelthai -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (10/2/2009 22:53:39)

I'm curious where you are finding three to four large scale releases in AQW a week ... I'm seeing one release, which is sometimes (but not always) large in scale. Speaking as a developer? The releases that are large in scale to a player are often not the ones that are large in scale to a developer. Indeed, they're often quite different releases.

It's not relevant anyway - WF and AQW have completely different development teams.

With that said ... I like to sleep occasionally, and two hours a night just doesn't cut it. I'm pulling 2-4 hours a night most nights on WF release weeks already ... spreading that out over the entire month would simply not fly, I need those other weeks to sleep ... and do my OTHER responsibilities, like AQ Bugs and DF bugs and ... well, there are many. And they slip on WF release weeks because there's no point when I'm already not sleeping.

GDK -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (10/3/2009 9:03:41)

Eek! Sorry guys, I was just trying to state my opinion. You don't have to triple-team me, If you want me to I will just go back to Q&A. Sorry if I made anyone angry, that was 100% NOT THE POINT. I just wanted to see what some other player would say.


Kairon -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (10/3/2009 14:11:06)

I'd also like to chime in on the whole scaling issue - I like monsters with fixed levels, but not facing them when they are well beyond me in power. A free, browser-based game isn't doing itself any favors by catering only to the ultra-hardcore.

Aelthai -> RE: =WF= Gameplay Feedback Thread (10/3/2009 14:50:26)

No, no, it's all right. You clearly managed to hit a rather hot-button topic - that's why we were trying to explain why it couldn't work. It's simply ... not feasible. Still, I wouldn't say that I was angry, and I certainly didn't mean to sound angry.

Yeah, I've been meaning to look at monster tiering. The monsters themselves aren't that bad, but sometimes where they get put in a quest isn't great.

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