King Desoato -> Hunter's Paradise (4/22/2010 23:29:36)
[image][/image] Hunter's Paradise Access Point: Travel Map (Books 1 and 2) -> Hunter's Paradise -> Take me there! Requirements: None Release Date: April 30th, 2010 Zones Accessible Deep Root Path Doomwood Path (Books 1 and 2) Quests Available Karina Rhoddhu Hunt Golden Cabit Hunt Troglomite Nautiloid Hunt Scorpiarc Hunt Barrat NPCs Alta Bjorn Crystal Dirk Gordy Grubbs Jonesy Karina Ketra Labrusca Lukei Milkior Ned Rapina Rat Scribbles Sir Norre Sir Tain Smugglin' Sam Steve Talok Tarezea Taros Teral Terra Shops Locked Chest Karina New Dawn Teral Teral's Gear Resource Shop Dialogue Outside the Inn Moglin on the Rock Labrusca: Hello, adventurer! Welcome to Hunter's Paradise! Why don't you go in, grab a milkshake, and make yourself at home? *smile* Inside The New Dawn's Building Karina: Hi there! Talk Karina: My name is Karina, I represent The New Dawn. Karina: We're a group of scholars who gather information about monster threats, and make it available to adventurers like yourself who are willing to help. Karina: We are able to pay you for this service by buying their pelts from you, and in turn selling it to merchants who craft items from them to sell. Karina: We're sorry that we can't pay you without first receiving the pelts. The income we get from selling them is how we stay in business. Karina: You look like a seasoned <Class>, would you help us out? Danger? Karina: Is it dangerous? Well of course, hun. Karina: That's why you don't see me downtown Falconreach offering these jobs to regular townsfolk. Karina: We need tough adventurers like yourself to take down beasts like these. Robina? Karina: Oh, Robina! Of course I know her, she used to be a regular here. Karina: Next time you see her, tell her to come visit. Jobs? Karina: These fiends are terrorizing the good people of Lore. I'll take all the help I can get! - Rhoddhu
Karina: The Rhoddhu is indigenous to the snow fields of Ameron, north of Dragesvard where the terrain is quite dangerous. Karina: These furry monsters have been terrorizing the different tribes for years, but their pelts make good material for fashioning clothes and supplies. Karina: If you're up for it, I'll pay you gold for every Rhoddhu Fur you bring me. - Golden Cabit
Karina: Cabits are fairly common creatures in the mountains to the north-east, and normally have dark fur. Karina: But if they live above a certain age, they become very adept at using magic and their fur changes into a beautiful golden color. Karina: At this point, they become very dangerous so don't be fooled by its cute exterior. Karina: If you can take them down, New Dawn will pay you handsomely for their hide. - Troglomite
Karina: Troglomites are cave-dwelling monsters. They are a danger to miners, and we are forever getting requests to thin them out. Karina: They are very tough to catch, so I hope you have some tracking skills. Karina: New Dawn will supply you with a ration of torches and a proper map for this particular cave system. - Nautiloid
Karina: Nautiloids are aquatic creatures with large, beautiful rainbow shells who often attack merchant ships. Karina: Recently we have lost many brave sailors to these beasts. The towns need their supplies, so we have to make the waters safe. Karina: The nautiloids are very hard to find, but their shells have potent magical properties that make them highly sought-after on the open market. Karina: You'll want to charter a boat. We'll cover the cost of that, however. I'll mark on your map where we've seen them recently. Karina: I am prepared to pay you a good deal of gold for every shell you bring back. - Scorpiarc
Karina: Reports are coming from the far west. Somewhere near Popsprocket, in the Shaal forest thrives a creature called a Scorpiarc. Karina: These monsters are very hard to find because of their camouflage, so be careful not to get caught by surprise. Karina: Their venom is extremely deadly so most monster hunters choose not to pursue this one, making its hide a rare commodity. Karina: So <Character>, up for the challenge? - Barrat
Karina: This is a bad one.. There is a beast that dwells deep in the Sandsea that has been causing havoc recently. Karina: Barrats are luring the villagers out into the harsh desert with their hypnotic cries. Karina: At night, the creatures sing to them in their dreams and cause them to wander into the wastes where the hungry Barrats await them! Karina: The people of the Sandsea need your help! - Quest! - begins Barrat quest.
- Not right now
- Done
Shop Karina: Did you bring back any pelts to sell to me? This is how New Dawn pays you for your service. quote:
NOTE: This shop is empty, but you can sell the monster hides from Karina's quests here. However... You might be able to find someone to forge them into equipment for you if that is what you want. Leave Inside the Inn - Lower Level Entrance Bjorn: Hey <Character>! Norsk and I heard about this place and decided to check it out. Bjorn: If you're going to grab a bite, try the roasted swamp turkey! OM NOM NOM! Milkior: Welcome, friend! Sir Tain: So, as I was saying... Sir Ano seems more confident than he used to be. The lad took me by surpsise.. Grubbs: Hahaha! He always was a bit wet behind the ears! Glad to see he's doing alright for himself, then. Grubbs: ...Hey, you guys heard about Rat & Dirk? Sir Tain: Hah! What did those two get themselves into this time? Grubbs: Well, for all the bum luck they've had, I figured they'd never make anything for themselves... Grubbs: But I haven't heard from the in a while. They took off on some great expidition they were bragging about, and no-one's heard of em' since! Milkior: Aww, I'm gonna miss their antics. Sir Tain: Aye.. but this worries me. Dirk has a knack for getting into more trouble than he can handle... Milkior: Oh, don't worry about them y'ol bump on a log. Maybe they found their calling. Grubbs: Like what. Comedic relief? Milkior: AAhahahaha!, Sir Tain: HAR HAR HAAAAAAR! Milkior: Wait, that wasn't even funny. Gordy: What on Lore am I eating?! Gordy: I wonder if they accidentally cooked a piece of furniture... Near the Staircase Lukei: Talok! Good to see you, old friend! Let's go have a seat and catch up. Are you hungry? I'm buying. Talok: Lukei! I'm sorry, I'm really just passing through. I heard there was another paladin out this way who could use a hand. Lukei: I see. Well, please return soon... It's been years since I've seen you, my friend. Talok: Aye. And I believe that you still owe me a good deal of gold... Lukei: Ohhhh... Uhh... I - wow. You have a good memory! Talok: Haha, don't sweat it. You know I wouldn't hold it to you. Lukei: *whew* Talok: I'll just blackmail you into setting me up on a date with your sister. Lukei: WHAT?! Sir Norre: ..cheese curds. zZzzz.... Sir Norre: ..zZz.. Jacques, that water is gross, dude. I ain't drinking it. Zzzzz.... Near the Back Room Jonesy: I love exploring! So much of Lore is yet to be discovered, who knows what's out there... Jonesy: Well, for example... did you know that there's some old ruin near here? You can see it from the guard towers in Moonridge. Jonesy: Nobody seems to know anything about it. It's old though, and it's way up in the mountains. Rapina: For the last time, NO, THE FOOD IS NOT FREE. Gosh, you're so cheap! Tarezea: Feels good to get out and explore, doesn't it? <Character>: It does! Know any good adventure spots? Tarezea: Well.. there is an amazing beach to the North of the Sandsea. There is a settlement there also; Aika Village. <Character>: I love the beach! Wow, what's it like there? Tarezea: Well.. there's sand, and .. some water. And the people are great. Most travelers catch a ride to Sho' Nuff from there. Tarezea: Argh, I have to stop talking about it. I'm getting all nostalgic. Inside the Back Room Steve: *(Hehehe, we made a lot of gold on that last run! SUCKER! )* Taros: This is a great place for entrepreneurs like us to sell our goods. Want to buy a watch? Taros: No? Well, I can see that you have a good eye. ... Want to buy another one? Taros: HAAAHAHA! You should've seen the look on your face! AAHAhahahaa! Alta: Hey, I saw you back in Falconreach. How's it going? Inside the Inn - Upper Level Landing Crystal: Welcome to Hunter's Paradise. Would you like to rent a room for the night, or perhaps something more permanent? Rest - fully replenishes HP and MP. Set Home Town Crystal: Set hometown to Hunter's Paradise? *Psst. You can stay for free, I've heard good things about you. Just don't tell Teral.* - Yes - sets player's home town to Hunter's Paradise.
- Done
Upon clicking the bag near the sofa: quote:
The Chronicles of THE MIDNIGHT BANDITS! Watch part 1 Rat: Hey boss, somebody's hiring freelance monster hunters. Dirk: Oh? Rat: Yeah.. that'd be fun, don't you think? Let's go to Falconreach and buy some gear! Dirk: But we have no money. Find something that has no startup cost. Rat: Oh, right. Hmm, Maybe we shouldn't have blown all our gold on these cool outfits. Dirk: No way, we are the Midnight Bandits! We can't be running around in normal clothes. Dirk: We needed to work on our image. Dirk: Now we just need a bit more gold and we can start making a name for ourselves. Rat: ...Cause the ladies like 'bad boys', right? Dirk: Now you're catching on! Watch part 2 Dirk: Hey, what gives? You were supposed to find a gig for us. Rat: I know, boss, but everything I find requires us to equip ourselves with our own gear. Dirk: Look, don't gimme that. If you can't handle this then maybe you aren't cut out to be a Midnight Bandit! Rat: I can't pull jobs out of the air, boss. I told you we should've spent the gold on weapons. Dirk: Ok, ok. Looks like we're gonna have to McEYE-ver us some gear out of what we have. Rat: Ok. Rat: What do we have? Dirk: Let's see... We've got 3 paperclips, a stick, a can of schnozzber- Rat: I drank that. Dirk: empty can of schnozzberry juice, a rusty fork, and two tickets to the Falconreach Monster Zoo. Rat: It's hopeless, boss. Dirk: Don't give up so easily. *(cracks knuckles)* Time to shine, baby! Watch me work! Watch part 3 Rat: ...You built THAT out of all that junk?! Dirk: Build? Who said anything about building something? Rat: I thought you were gonna create some weapons out of the garbage we were carrying around. Dirk: How in the world am I supposed to do that?! I said I was gonna McEYEver something. Dirk: There was a guy out back who's into recycling, so I sold him all that junk. Rat: I don't get it. Dirk: McEyever is the name of his business. Dirk: I used that money to buy this axe off some other guy. Rat: ... Dirk: He said he found it just lying around.. But I'm thinking it was lying around amongst somebody's belongings if ya know what I mean. Rat: So you bought stolen goods? Dirk: Well.. yeah. We're bandits. Rat: I thought we were just gonna dress up with these cool outfits and try to get girls to like us. Dirk: You're hopeless. Rat: So.. if that's yours, then what am I gonna use? Dirk: This. Rat: That?! That looks kinda.. unhealthy. Where'd you get it? Dirk: In the garbage. Can you believe they were just gonna throw it away? Rat: ... Yes. Dirk: You'll be fine. Just don't cut yourself. Dirk: Anyways, let's go. I have a plan. Rat: This is a bad idea. (Info) Follow the not-so-heroic adventures of Dirk and Rat across Lore! As you explore Dragonfable, look for hidden cutscenes like this one. You can find them on your own or ask for help on the forums. X Inside the First Lodging Ketra: Hmm... Ketra: Oh, hey there. Sorry, *(blush)* I was deep in thought. <Character>: That's all right. Anything I can help with? Ketra: Well.. I am trying to read this terrible old map. It seems to have as many inaccuracies as it does smudges. <Character>: Ouch. I hear you. I often get some pretty wonky directions when taking quests. Ketra: Heh. I just wish I knew what this one word is. Here, let me read it to you and maybe you know what it should say... Ketra: "Buried beneath the sand along the _____ shore, a timeworn passage to a power forgotten." <Character>: Hmmm... Allow me to think for a moment. spoiler:
eastern Is that it? If you answer incorrectly: Ketra: Ummm.. Ketra: Nope, that's not it. Nice try though. If you answer correctly: Ketra: Let's see... Oh! That fits with the rest! Ketra: "Buried beneath the sand along the eastern shore, a timeworn passage to a power forgotten." Ketra: I wonder what it could mean. Oh I am so excited now! I can't wait until Frez wakes up! Thank you! <Character>: My pleasure. Hey, where did you get that map, anyways? Ketra: Huh? Oh, I found it in some old chest when Frez and I were in the southern region. Ketra: We were visiting a town called Krovesport and bought some supplies from some shady guys, and found this amongst the older stuff. <Character>: Oh wow, what luck! Never know what you might get when dealing with 're-purposers'. Ketra: Hehe, agreed. The rest of the contents of the chest were absolute junk, but we decided to see if we could solve this riddle. Ketra: Maybe it won't be a total loss after all! I don't know. <Character>: Yeah, I've no idea. Sorry! Ketra: No problem. Thanks anyways, <Class>. From the Bathroom Ned: Hey, you don't happen to have an air freshener do you? Inside the Second Lodging Smugglin' Sam: Ye best be gettin' on, landlubber. I've got way too much work ta do ta be puttin' up wit de likes of youse. From the Balcony Terra: Please.. I just want to be alone. Behind the Inn Near the Campfire Sit down Teral: *(Stares into the fire)* Talk <Character>: What are you doing? Teral: Oh, heh.. hello there. Teral: I was just enjoying the campfire. Heh, It takes me back to my younger years, roaming the world looking for adventure. <Character>: Hey that's pretty much what I do too! Nice to meet somebody I can talk to about it. Teral: Yes I-- <Character>: You know, people think I just sit around town all day thinking up new ways to not be bored. <Character>: Which, really, is only like HALF of the time. The rest of the time I'm out there, battling for my life. What's wrong with a little down time? Teral: Well I-- <Character>: It's not like I meant to forget to take out the garbage last week. Or feed my dragon. I was out saving the world! <Character>: I mean, it's like the whole world hates me because I have a cool job. It's not my fault my dragon tried to eat some of the townspeople. <Character>: Nobody even got hurt! The poor guy was just hungry.. toss him a sandwich or something. Teral: *(snoring softly)* So... <Character>: So, what are you doing here? Teral: I'm a retired monster hunter. I opened up this here inn so that adventurers can have a place to go to get away from it all. Teral: ...And I figured what better place for a rough & tough lifestyle than Doomwood Forest? Teral: Heh, I think you'll find it quite a different atmosphere here than in most of the towns. <Character>: I did! Seems like a great place to sit down and grab a milkshake. Teral: Heh! Yep, we get lots of adventurin' types like you. We get the odd trader or merchant too, being close to Falconreach and Amityvale. Teral: And Moonridge ain't that far away. I've met a few of their patrols wanderin' around. <Character>: So.. What do you do in your spare time? Like.. when you're not staring at the fire. Teral: HAHaaa! Got me there, I guess. I craft weapons and gear out of the stuff you folks bring back from your adventures. Teral: Pelts, hides, tusks, you name it and I can make somethin' useful out of it. Living off the land is a lifestyle, not just a hobby. Tattoos? <Character>: What's up with the tattoos? Teral: Well, I grew up in the Sandsea. In my youth, I got involved with a bad crowd and before I knew it I was part of a gang of thieves. Teral: Heh, hoodlums more like. Teral: These were a sign of membership. <Character>: But... they glow in the dark! Teral: Haha, well that is another story altogether I guess. <Character>: Aww, come on! Not even a hint? Teral: Hehe, the mark of a good storyteller is when you are left wanting to hear more. <Character>: I bet you save loads on torches. Teral: I do! Hahahaha! Travel with me? Teral: Eh? No, if I was a little more spry I might take you up on that. But thanks all the same, I'm retired and for good reason. Teral: Besides, I like this life. Teral: Sure I don't get the adrenaline rush of taking down giant beasts anymore, if my heart could even take it... Teral: ...But I get to help properly equip youngsters like you to better survive an encounter like that. Teral: At my age I can do more good here than out there. I just wish.. Teral: ... Teral: Nah. Shop Teral: Let's see what you got for materials.. maybe I can make you some new gear. Leave Inside the Scribe's Office Scribbles: What?! Talk <Character>: Hi, I'm <Character>. Scribbles: Can't you see I'm busy? <Character>: Oh, sorry, I- Hey, are you a writer? Scribbles: Scribe. I'm a scribe. <Character>: But isn't that the same thing? Scribbles: No. Scribes? <Character>: So... What exactly is a scribe? Scribbles: Scribes research and document important historical information, although currently I'm working on something a bit more.. interesting. Scribbles: There are many scribe guilds all across Lore, but I am from Swordhaven. Scribbles: I was sent here to document the strange occurrences of Doomwood and its surrounding area. Scribbles: Particularly the necromancers and how they function as a society. <Character>: I don't think they really do... Scribbles: Heh, oh well thank you for that invaluable input. I guess I can just go back home to Swordhaven now... <Character>: *(Be kind to the elderly, be kind to the elderly...)* <Character>: You spend a lot of time alone in here, don't you? Scribbles: ... Scribbles: Yes. Guild? Scribbles: No, we are not hiring. You look like the adventuring type, do you really want to sit hunched over a desk all day? Scribbles: Anyway, you'd need to travel to Swordhaven and ask Scribe Yolan, but he is a grumpy old bean so good luck with that. <Character>: ... King Alteon? Scribbles: Yes, I know of the King. I have not dealt with him directly, though I understand him to be a kind and righteous ruler. Scribbles: The king is too busy to invest in dialogue with a scribe, and we are too busy to come running whenever he needs something. Scribbles: That's what his chief advisors are for. Hah! Flatterers and sycophants. Teral? Scribbles: No, Teral doesn't mind me using this as an office. Scribbles: He understands that it serves an important purpose, and respects my work greatly. Scribbles: And also I pay him a lot of gold. Book? <Character>: May I read what you are working on? Scribbles: Yes. But only if you cease pestering me with your relentless questions and allow me to get back to work. <Character>: Sure, no problem. Hehe. Leave Other information Hunter's Paradise was updated many times throughout 2010–2011 with additional content and adjustments; any retired content has been archived on its respective entry: - June 18th, 2010: Troglomite quest added, Midnight Bandits part 2 added, Merchant Siyan added, Jonesy/Sir Norre dialogue expansions, Tank/Tarezea/Terra/unidentified bathroom occupant dialogue changes.
- July 9th, 2010: Nautiloid Hunt quest added, Midnight Bandits part 3 added, Kraal added, Siyan moved and dialogue changed, Terra's dialogue changed.
- November 19th, 2010: Scorpiarc Hunt quest added, Ned and unidentified NPC added, Merchant Siyan and Kraal removed, Bjorn/Gordy/Grubbs/Lukei/Milkior/Sir Tain/Talok/Tarezea/Taros dialogue expansions, Tank/Terra dialogue changes.
- November 29th, 2010: Music and sound effects added, Locked Chest shop and lockpick minigame added, Ketra and riddle minigame added, Smugglin' Sam added, Labrusca moved and dialogue added, Tarezea's dialogue adjusted.
- August 1st, 2011: Access to Deep Root Path added, Tank and the unidentified NPC removed.
- September 23rd, 2011: Barrat quest added, Terra's dialogue changed, Karina's dialogue adjusted.
Heading down from outside the inn will take the player to the Doomwood Path (Books 1 and 2); this was added on August 11th, 2010. Heading up past The New Dawn's building will take the player to the Deep Root Path; this path is only accessible from within Hunter's Paradise, and was added on August 1st, 2011.