Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)
Dirk Location: Hunter's Paradise -> Up -> Left -> Up -> Click the bag -> Watch part 1/2/3, Evening Falconreach -> Right -> Click the bag beside Cysero's Orb -> watch part 4 Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue Hunter's Paradise From April 30th, 2010: Watch part 1 Dirk: Oh? Dirk: But we have no money. Find something that has no startup cost. Dirk: No way, we are the Midnight Bandits! We can't be running around in normal clothes. Dirk: We needed to work on our image. Dirk: Now we just need a bit more gold and we can start making a name for ourselves. Dirk: Now you're catching on! Additional to above on June 18th, 2010: Watch part 2 Dirk: Hey, what gives? You were supposed to find a gig for us. Dirk: Look, don't gimme that. If you can't handle this then maybe you aren't cut out to be a Midnight Bandit! Dirk: Ok, ok. Looks like we're gonna have to McEYE-ver us some gear out of what we have. Dirk: Let's see... We've got 3 paperclips, a stick, a can of schnozzber- Dirk: empty can of schnozzberry juice, a rusty fork, and two tickets to the Falconreach Monster Zoo. Dirk: Don't give up so easily. *(cracks knuckles)* Time to shine, baby! Watch me work! Additional to above on July 9th, 2010: Watch part 3 Dirk: Build? Who said anything about building something? Dirk: How in the world am I supposed to do that?! I said I was gonna McEYEver something. Dirk: There was a guy out back who's into recycling, so I sold him all that junk. Dirk: McEyever is the name of his business. Dirk: I used that money to buy this axe off some other guy. Dirk: He said he found it just lying around.. But I'm thinking it was lying around amongst somebody's belongings if ya know what I mean. Dirk: Well.. yeah. We're bandits. Dirk: You're hopeless. Dirk: This. Dirk: In the garbage. Can you believe they were just gonna throw it away? Dirk: You'll be fine. Just don't cut yourself. Dirk: Anyways, let's go. I have a plan. Evening Falconreach watch part 4 Dirk: *sigh* What are we going to do now, Rat? Dirk: *glare* Dirk: First, you drop all of our gold into the river, and make us waste the entire day snorkeling for it.. only to discover that it has washed away... Dirk: And then you almost drown me when you fell in! Dirk: My underpants are still soggy! Dirk: I SQUISH when I walk!!! Dirk: Ok, ok.. At least we've still got our weapons.. but now that we don't have any gold that kinda puts a kink in my plan... Dirk: Nah, too much work. Dirk: Gosh, this was supposed to be so easy. Dirk: Rat, focus! Hmm, wait a sec... This gives me an idea. Dirk: Hehe.. Dirk: *grin* Dirk: Ok, new plan: Let's see what we can sell and use that money to buy something pretty at the auction house. Dirk: Because cute girls that work at banks like pretty things. Hehehehe. Dirk: Don't worry, it's easy! Tomorrow we'll just sell our weapons, buy some jewellery, con the girl at the bank, rob the bank... Dirk: ...And then we get rich, buy even better weapons, and pick up where we left off! Thanks to Jay for image, additional dialogue information, and corrections. Peachii for additional location and dialogue information.
< Message edited by Jay -- 1/19/2025 6:00:19 >