RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (Full Version)

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Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 22:59:34)

Well, if it were a repetition style of poem it was good, perhaps inspiring enough to make me put a piece of poetry on Elitus's Desk in Part IV.

Congratulations, you got 2nd page!

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 23:01:00)

Thanks. I was kinda worried about the poem. I kinda hashed it together as I went along. :P

*hopes more people start reading since I now have some readers*

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 23:10:43)

Here's the poem I will have.


The Song of Mortimer & Mordred's Final Fight:

Blades clang, the heavens fell unsung,
A father and son, in only one on one,
The son hath no remorse, slashing through leaving no open path,
Armies surround, where they are abound,
A final series of strikes, the father falls the son hath greater might.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 23:12:20)

I'm quite fond of it. ^^

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 23:13:33)

Yeah! Also, I think I need a word to rhyme in the last line though.

Also, I wish I had some readers. *Frowning Maliciously*

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 23:29:07)

Yes, we all want attention.

I wonder what Mritha will think, and whether Komoto and glaisaurus will start reading.

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 23:30:24)

Well, Mritha is awaiting my Part IV, so this will be a miracle to her, probably, and hath thou kept pace with mine updates?

Also, Glaisaurus is supposedly reading through my updates, and Komoto hasn't read my L&L at all.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 23:31:18)

Sorry, no. Mid-Terms have kinda screwed with my time here. I'll start reading right away! *buries self into text on screen*

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/15/2011 23:33:21)

Now, imagine if I hadn't been bored by the Finals, I would be at around Part VII already, where Galith unfortunately bites the dust.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/16/2011 0:11:28)

Hmmmmmm... I might come out with another update today, depending on how well I can type on an iTouch(computers are in lock-down mode until 6:00 Server Time).

I can't. This thing doesn't let me scroll down the text box. *le sigh*

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/16/2011 14:16:41)

Another small update. The story's progressed some more and I changed the format around to make it easier to understand the flow. Enjoy!

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/16/2011 14:27:30)

Getting more and more powerful I see.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/16/2011 14:28:35)

And he doesn't even know what the hell he's doing. :P

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/16/2011 14:29:46)

That's a plot twist. But, still doesn't beat the irony of Elkrei.

Condor -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/16/2011 17:07:15)

Its good......& I liked the Kingdom Hearts reference....
Im only up to Drakkonnans entrance to Terra but its still good so far

Mritha -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 16:51:27)

*runs into the thread* hurray for updates! [:D] *starts reading*


To find Ivanur now planted in he stomach. Mordred had somehow pulled off teleportation, a study of magic not yet discovered. He seemed to embrace his biological father as he fell into his arms, a silent moan escaping his lips. However, he quickly grabbed and snatched the Amulet at the dying elf's neck, and dropped him down to the ground, where his blood began to pool. Knowing that Mortimer was in no condition to heal himself, Mordred began to stride out of the room. But before he left with his army, he placed a ward on the chamber, so that no magic could be cast to heal the writhing form on the floor. And thus passed away the final Elder...

Dam! Thats just...... thats just cold. I like it though, and how he became a god? Wow. Just wow.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 17:13:05)

}-] What can I say? He's bent on justice. He'll never let family ties get in the way. Well, actually... It gets really, really, really complicated. All in due time, of course. But worry not, Mortimer's part in this tale is not yet done.

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 17:13:39)

Mritha: Navith, Kahumot, and Thalack are viler.[:D]

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 17:18:34)

@Razen: You ain't seen nothin' yet. Mordred is absolutely a utilitarian. He will pay whatever price is necessary.

Mritha -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 17:20:42)

So I noticed [;)] *is excited about the next update*

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 17:22:04)

Well, I have nothing to do until tomorrow's AQ release, and then nothing 'till Friday... Expect many updates...

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 17:23:38)

Mordred: Kahumot has killed off entire races for the fun of it. Thalack destroyed many civilizations for no reason beyond starting wars. And, Navith is well, corruption in every degree. They will do the worst of things without reason, beyond it's fun. Also, have you read Part IV?

Mritha -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 17:24:16)

Dam, now I need to make a run to walmart tomorrow. I'm out of popcorn.

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 17:25:16)

Mritha: Nice language, also why are you devouring the world's supply of popcorn so much!?

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (1/19/2011 17:27:00)

@Razen: I guess I'll explain Mordred's logic, as it will soon become very apparent: Humans are the source of misery. If humans will not learn(from him), then they must all be eliminated. Every last one. In the whole multiverse. Plus, you're not gonna like how one must meet Chaos. It will require too much blood to comprehend. But, I guess I'll stop spoiling things now.

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