RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (Full Version)

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Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (3/27/2011 22:46:27)

Okay, responded to superjars. It feels better to me, but I'll wait to see what he thinks before I add it in to the beginning.

Either tomorrow or the day after, the assault begins.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (3/28/2011 14:43:16)

Update in. More to come tomorrow.

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/7/2011 17:19:01)

Mordred, first off this is written better than most books I've seen, good job.
One thing though, their is a contradiction in the last part.

"I hath set this plan into motion since before humans began to crawl out of the mud, both on Terra and Lore. I shalt not let my own personal morals stand in the path of justice and equality. If mine hands must be dirtied, then so be it. I shalt bring order to this chaotic multiverse."
This usually means that humans don't exist, so unless you mean it another way, it contradicts a earlier part of the story.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 5:44:35)

How so? Mordred arrived on Terra just in time to kill off the dinosaurs. He is ancient. He has set this plan into motion before humans came to be on either Terra or Lore. So, where's the contradiction?

nield -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 9:27:36)

I've been reading through and I have picked up on some gramatical and some spelling mistakes, as well as some things that don't quite make sense. I'll list them here.


"The possible identity of this Master of the ShadowScythe. Looking back about one thousand years ago, I found that one of the original DragonLords, a founder of the Order, in fact, went insane and killed the whole Order."

"It was. Now, these guys are the DragonLord equivalent of the Paladin Lords, and he wiped them all out in a terribly long war. He gathered their Dragon Amulets and the Prime Elemental Orbs, and used them for something. A ritual. Something went wrong, and he destroyed or absorbed the power of all those Amulets. He nearly died, and lost something precious to him. Before he found out, the archmages and paladins gathered and froze him in enchanted ice."
This, in post 8, makes no sense whatsoever to me. I presume that some parts have somehow been left out.


He could hadst slain me, but didn't.
Post 17, the correct wording here is hath. Hadst does not work with words such as could, wheras hath does.


"Dead. But thou wouldst'd know that. Thou didst had them killed!"
Post 18, the 'd is superfluous. Also, going with your Olde Anglishe speech, change had to hath.


Mordred was now a higher being, though. Before the paladin had even knocked his arrow
Post 19. I believe the word you are looking for is notched.


"No, it is thou who hath spoken in Elvish." Mordred countered.
Post 11. In Olde Anglishe, that no would be 'nay'. I'm just reporting them as I find/remember them.


He used his special training to quest for his egg, an egg he used his instinct to find the perfect egg.
Post 11 again. Rewording is advised.


A handful of paladins are archmages were carried away, where they were quickly crushed against the walls.
Back to post 19. That are should be an and.


Post 14: "Great! Now we shalt loose all our money to have some blowhard get eaten!" Post 19: loosing
You seem to have this habit of using forms of 'loose' instead of forms of 'lose'.


The Ninth Bureau, the Sector of the Assimilation and Dissection of Information, doesn't actual exist, sir.
Post 20. That actual should be an actually.


Worlds shalt e broken

All in all, I enjoy your story and await the next. Though in parting, I must point out that a comma before 'and' is grammatically incorrect. the word 'and' calls for a pause itself, without requiring the pause a comma brings.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 10:14:08)

Changes made accordingly. Now, where is that last typo? I can't find it in my wall of text. And on the comma thing... I've been taught that if the and denotes the beginning of a new phrase, rather than to tie two subjects together, that a comma should be placed before it. I'll investigate the matter, though.

nield -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 10:25:38)

Post 20, near the end of the second wall. Beginning 'How perceptive, Galbradi'

Perhaps, though I have been taught to never start anything with 'and' and that there is never a coma before 'and'. Different manners of teachings, one supposes.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 10:33:19)

Changed, thankies! :)

Yeah, I suppose. You should notice that it's all over DragonFable, so it might be an American thing(IIRC, you live in Chile, no?).

nield -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 10:37:09)

Erm... Australia, dude. Also, maybe. Sometimes I go to begin things with 'and'. I stop myself and use also instead.

On an unrelated note, my m key hates me. that's why it says coa instead of comma.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 10:41:14)

My bad. I was thinking Chile for some reason... But yes, they're practically different languages by now(*stares at totally made up words the Australians came up with* :P), so grammar rules are probably different between America and Australia.

nield -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 11:57:00)

May I point out that Australian English evolved from British English? Also that it did so to a lesser extent than American English did?

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 12:15:33)

Yes, indeed you are correct. And over time, the three split. So, over in America, I *think* I'm grammatically correct. If I were to go to Australia, I'd be eaten alive. :P

nield -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 12:19:20)

Actually... no. You're still more grammatically correct than most Aussies. *sadfaic*

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 16:24:00)


You could actually see the Drakel out in the open, mingling with other species, such as the brutish, yet strangely welcoming orcs, the dominant elves, the poor little moglins, and even the warring humans.

thats refering to Lore, so humans did exist then according to your story.

ohh, that makes sense. the timelines/worlds of AQ i will never understand...

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 16:31:28)

@tiger: That was about 1000 years ago. When Mordred begins to build up his grand scheme, which is on Terra, Lore has yet to even go through the Reset! The ShadowScythe have not even warred with the dragons by this time!

Razen -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/9/2011 16:34:05)

So, in Lore's First Iron Age?

Glais -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/10/2011 18:09:00)

So Mordred was around in MQ AND survived the reset?
I am so dreadfully behind <_>

Though, one more question, from reading the suggestion, I could not figure out, Mordred is used as "The Master" in this? Or simply a very high ranking ShadowScythe.

I'll finish this story though, I SHALL, involving Terra just made it weird for me...

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/10/2011 18:13:54)

He is the Master. And I have a brilliant way of making it agree with info from AQ.

Glais -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/10/2011 21:30:16)

Oh, not sure I quite like that, but the backstory (from what I got from the suggestion at least) is quite cool.
But wait, he's like an elf yes? That's a bit anticlimatic in a way.

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/10/2011 22:40:48)

What's anticlimactic about having the body of an elf with all the powers of a god?

Mortarion -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/11/2011 5:34:37)

Hey Mordred could ya tell me the main plot of your story?

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/11/2011 20:46:03)

I require elaboration. Do you mean, what is the conflict? In that case, well, it's quite simple. Mordred wants to replace the gods with himself and rule over all Creation and Uncreation. However, heroes like Enduras are on good terms with the gods, and do NOT want them to be killed/replaced.

Mortarion -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/11/2011 20:49:25)

Hmmmmmmmmmmm muy interesante, that's very intresting, perphas you should add some chaos gods, could base them on warhammer chaos gods, ya know khorne (god of slughter, blood orgies, etc), Tzeench( god of knowledge and change), Nurgle(god of disease and death, *cough* dude in the siggy is follower *cough), Slaanesh (god of pleasure, luxury/lust), what do you think of my idea

Glais -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/11/2011 20:55:23)

The me anyways, is I always envisioned the Master as a sort of "something else" while an elf is an everyday species, like humans and everything else on Lore.
But you said you had a way to tie it in so I can't give like...a real opinion yet, plus, I'm not even done with part 3! xD

Mordred -> RE: Mordred's Vengeance Comments and Criticism (4/11/2011 21:32:37)

Well, actually, he's no longer an elf. It's confusing, but all will be explained in due time.

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