RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (Full Version)

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Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/3/2011 19:46:40)

I don't know, no one seems to like my story, do you see someone saying "This is great, you should totally continue it" or "This is awesome, I can't wait for more" This seems to be crap to everybody

Glais -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/3/2011 19:49:29)

Well then, consider this:how can they like the story if you quit?

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/3/2011 19:54:50)

Then I ask you to consider this: How can they like it if it's always on the bottom?

Glais -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/3/2011 20:09:45)

That's why you practice and get better. That's the whole point of critiques, you can assess what you're doing wrong and work on improving it.

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/3/2011 20:11:07)


lordkaho -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/3/2011 23:35:30)


Again, it takes time.

Quoted for truth. It took me 2 years to get back to writing again.

You're fortunate Mortarion to even have people critique your work with actual helpful comments, compared to when I was new to writing that no one even bothered to read through my work.

If you are unsure of you work, sit down, relax and keep writing and brain storming on ideas. Read more material from professionals that you may learn from them.

Glais -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/4/2011 0:18:40)


Read more material from professionals that you may learn from them.

I suspect this'd help, it helps a lot with art, and art&writing seem to have a lot of parallels.

Helixi -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/4/2011 8:41:41)

If you're really having trouble, there might be workshops running in the New Year. Description, Dialogue, etc. I think those would be incredibly helpful to you, Mortarion.

TormentedDragon -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/4/2011 14:53:43)


Read more material from professionals that you may learn from them.

So very, very, very important. Writers who don't read can never improve the way they should. Writers need to be readers as well; in my opinion, writers need to be readers first, writers second.

Reading, you see, makes you expand - you learn new words, new concepts, new plots, new ideas. You learn how words work together from seeing it happen. Then you take all that experience, mix it all up within yourself, and put it all back out. The more you read, the more you can write, the better you can write.

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/4/2011 15:59:29)

To all who tell me to read more: Tbh I read a lot, I once read a 500 pages book in one day, and what you say might be true, but it's more difficult in my case, as I have to take all of what I learn, transform it to english and hten aplly it, and during that process some things get mixed or go missing

lordkaho -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/4/2011 16:32:25)

But is the book in english? It's better that you read it in english that you may directly assimilate the writing techniques without having to retranslate to your own native tongue. Besides, english isn't also my native language, so I understand your pain. If you are finding things a bit too difficult, and hard to continue, take some down time to get inspired. Writing should never be forced.

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/4/2011 17:17:13)

I know I know, and te problem is that here, chile, english books are hard to find, I have been htinking of asking to a familiar tat is in Nort America to bring me some 40K books....

lordkaho -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/4/2011 17:31:16)

What about online? That's where I found some Caiphas Cain soft copy novels. You just need to practice your google fu. Though reading hard copies are more comfortable since you can feel the pages.

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/4/2011 17:33:34)

I know, luckily I am getting some online copies, I'll still try to get some harbook covers, but I msut think, I am tempted to buy some Lotr collection books

Varen6398 -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/5/2011 11:42:54)

Well Lord of the rings is a very advanced trilogy of books (half of it is made up) and is sophisticated with it's language. It will definitely improve your English if you read a book like it. Plus I know everything there is to know about Middle Earth, and am happy to see someone else who might read it.

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/5/2011 11:43:51)

Hehe, I have all the books about it, well all of the saga, but I have them in spanish

Helixi -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/5/2011 13:47:28)

Lord of the Rings will most definitely improve your vocabulary.

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/5/2011 17:00:50)

I know, but I readed it in Spanish

Devastate -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (12/29/2011 0:46:47)

Mortarion: there are English translations too, several could be found all over the internet. ;)

Elryn -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (2/20/2012 14:39:26)

*Elryn waves*

Greetings Mortarion. Before I read your story, would you like to go over it for some of that proofreading need done or should I go ahead?

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (3/31/2012 20:46:02)

Please do it, and thanks. So I will be going on hiatus for two reasons, well three.

1) Working on my own world, The Tower of Remembrance (check it)

2) Going to update this, expect 90% more grimdarkness with 10% improved grammar :D

3) This year at school is really difficult, lot's of tests

Glais -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (3/31/2012 20:52:32)

Good to hear you haven't dropped this then, it was starting to become intriguing.

So basically, you'll be busy for a bit before you can start though, eh oh well, that's life.

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (3/31/2012 20:55:56)

yup, luckily, next week I'll be able to relax, oh I forgot to add, next part will include corruption, morale decadence, will feature a lot of barbaric concepts, such as cannibalistic ritual, and you might be seeing Glaius appear from time to time. Also Glai, care to see the Tower of Remembrance?

Glais -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (3/31/2012 21:00:07)

Gladius (or well, i was assuming Glaius is a typo since it's close to Gladius) was a DF request? I had no idea, should be cool to see him in the story then.

And I've been checking Tower of Remembrance.

Mortarion -> RE: Mortarion's collection of tomes (3/31/2012 21:08:01)

Thanks, and wel, SPOILER TIME:

You could say that Gladius is the man behind the scene, he has manipulated Malorum and Mortaron to achieve one of his goals, he is also the master of the spirit that follows Mortarion is a subordinate of Gladius

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