Hans Olo (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Hans Olo (4/15/2011 18:36:39)

Hans Olo

«Scaling guest. Attacks with Earth and Fire»

Location 1: The Bridge > Amada > MISSIONS > EPSILON MINOR
Location 2: The Bridge > Queen Pra'Mithia > WARPFORCE SAGA! > HAVEN'S GATE
Upkeep: 0.13125*(38.1 + 2.3375*Level + 0.01125*Level^2) SP, rounded normally

ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2] %
Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
**Base: 0.33*(4 + 0.5*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage
**Random: 0.33*(13 + 1.25*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage
**Stat: 1.2375*(100 + Level*4.4) %
BTH: Level/4, rounded down, plus Stats
Rate: 50%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: Fire
**Base: 0.18*(4 + 0.5*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage per hit
**Random: 0.18*(13 + 1.25*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage per hit
**Stat: 0.675*(100 + Level*4.4) % per hit
BTH: Level/4, rounded down, plus Stats per hit
Rate: 50%


Appendix: Numbers by Level
Level	Dmg1	Stat1	Dmg2	Stat2	BTH	SP
0	1-5	100	1-3	100	0	5
5	2-8	200	1-4	100	1	7
10	3-12	200	2-7	100	2	8
15	4-15	200	2-8	100	3	10
20	5-18	200	3-10	100	5	12
25	6-22	300	4-13	100	6	14
30	8-26	300	4-14	200	7	16
35	9-30	300	5-16	200	8	18
40	11-34	300	6-19	200	10	20
45	12-38	400	7-21	200	11	22
50	14-43	400	7-23	200	12	24
55	15-47	400	8-25	200	13	26
60	17-52	500	9-28	200	15	29
65	19-57	500	10-31	300	16	31
70	21-62	500	11-34	300	17	34
75	23-68	500	13-37	300	18	36
80	25-73	600	14-40	300	20	39
85	27-78	600	15-43	300	21	42
90	30-85	600	16-46	300	22	45
95	32-90	600	17-49	300	23	47
100	34-96	700	19-53	400	25	50

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