RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (Full Version)

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Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (10/7/2012 22:05:33)

*sighs* One of these days, Immeral's story is going to have a chapter that's actually a decent length. But, it is what it is, I guess. And chapter 17 is up.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (10/12/2012 13:07:14)

Well, I'm mostly interested why Ginkage has that book in the first place. Not sure if this is intentional or not, but it feels like an attempt to break the fourth wall.

Secondly, why doesn't your latest chapter have a title?

Alanna Zelen -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (10/16/2012 4:11:53)

Ging is a member of a most devious race... quite like druids/rangers in a sense actually. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if upon a time they had their own Aura Readers, who in turn weren't able to bond due to the gift butting out their inheritance. Now THAT would explain her having that book *mutters*.

Looks great Ging, keep it up :D

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (10/16/2012 19:50:33)

There is a reason for the book, but it will come out later (for all of us). And as for why I don't have a title on my last chapter... the simple answer is I forgot to come up with one. It wasn't a way to break the fourth wall, though. There is a valid reason for Gingkage to have this book. And she has referenced knowing the Lore. What information she chooses to disclose, however, is her perrogative entirely.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (10/17/2012 21:00:51)

I am really proud of this chapter. And that's not something I can claim often.

And before I forget again, thanks for your comment, Alanna. How am I doing with your character?

Glais -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (10/19/2012 4:05:15)

Got the first chapter down. Was kinda quick paced, though I guess it's good that it got right to the point.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (12/20/2012 22:18:07)

I don't typically do this, as I'm not a fan of the practice, but I put up the first part of the second chapter of my AQ story since it's been so long since I touched it. I know where I want to go with this chapter, I'm just having a hard time getting there. Expect this story to be slow to update as I've never tried a stream of conscious story before. I'm not sure how it will turn out.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (12/21/2012 9:16:37)

@Ginkage: I have a question for you, which may help you in writing this story.

Are you going to roll into the main story and how and when are you planning to do so? (Including the personal reasons of Coxoach.)

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (12/21/2012 19:01:21)

Not that I know of. I'm not sure exactly how this story will progress yet. I just know that it will have her slowly but surely leveling up and moving up in the world.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (2/17/2013 20:43:51)

After the hounding of a certain purple person (you know who you are), Immeral's latest chapter is updated. And a huge 'thank you' is in order to Faerdin, who wrote a small section of this chapter at my request. I don't think it will be hard to figure out which part. :P

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (2/18/2013 11:36:18)

Interesting chapter. It gives us intel on the others.

Something which does make me wonder. Have you ever considered where the Wolf Riders live on Lore?* I mainly ask this because some people seem to have these wondrous new factions and not thought about where the locations they live in are located.

*A forest.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (2/18/2013 12:09:53)

This is completely outside the realm of the story (and if I ever post Gingkage's backstory, the forest location will be ambiguous), but Gingkage's people actually live in the very forest that they're camping in right this second. In the first draft of Gingkage's backstory (which has been completely scrapped because I hated it), it's stated that it's 'not far from Falconreach.' This has since been changed to be deeper in the forest, but it is the same forest at the heart of it. Which, if you're as easily amused as I am, is funny because it means that Immeral lived practically next door to Gingkage and never knew that the Wolf Riders existed, while there is every possibility that, in their hunting trips and 'border patrols' for lack of a better phrase, Gingakge and her people knew all about Immeral's village.

_Arceus_ -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (2/20/2013 7:28:20)

This is a very nice, great, excellent story. The characters are well......what's the word........'explained'. Keep it up [:)]
One question though,


How do you pronounce this?

Please read my story:
Escaping Death
Legend of Arceus

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (2/20/2013 12:20:13)

Believe it or not, I have no idea. I found it on a website once and it looked cool, so I kept it. I, personally, have been pronouncing it 'Coax-och' with a long 'o' the first time, and a short 'o' the second. But I'm glad you enjoy my story.

_Arceus_ -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (2/20/2013 22:02:03)


Believe it or not, I have no idea. I found it on a website once and it looked cool, so I kept it. I, personally, have been pronouncing it 'Coax-och' with a long 'o' the first time, and a short 'o' the second. But I'm glad you enjoy my story.

Okay then, I'll try to pronounce that without biting my tongue. Enjoy? I love it.

Edited out inappropriate content. ~DD

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (2/27/2013 20:06:25)

Not sure if I like it how it is, but Coaxoch's second chapter is finished.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (3/11/2013 14:42:52)

Okay. This isn't a chapter update (though I am working on Immeral's story). But I do have a request. I'm only writing for fun, but I don't particularly like my stories as they are. The problem is, I don't know how to improve them. So could any of you harsher critiquers go through one or both of my L&L's and tear them to shreds? I don't care if it's something as simple as a comma where there should be a period. If it needs fixed, I want to know. I'm thick-skinned enough that I can take the harsher critiques. Thanks in advance. :)

Immeral's Story
The Truth Behind the Smile

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (4/21/2013 16:55:31)

Amazing as it seems, I haven't actually forgotten about Immeral. Though at 20 parts, it's getting a little ridiculous in the length factor... Fortunately for everyone, it shouldn't have too many more parts left. And more fortunately (for me, at least), I finally have a direction of sorts.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (4/22/2013 6:51:42)


I was raised to complete a task myself, instead of using a shortcut to finish it, even when my potential as a mage was discovered, using my own skills and not my magic was stressed.

This sounds a bit like how I describe the Ulgathi.


She hadn’t told Gingkage that, and as far as she knew, neither had the ohters.


To go a bit further in on the subject of Ginkage's home. Is that forest part of Maguswood?

On the subject of being familiar with lore that others aren't. Would Ginkage know about Wolf and/or the gates of Isathaara?

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (4/22/2013 7:01:52)

Typo fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.

Gingkage doesn't have that much Lore. Why she knows so much about Aura Readers will be explained (it's the reason she has the book), but she doesn't have lore on every little thing. If she's even heard about Isathaara and the gates and Spirit Wardens, it would be as the vaguest rumor. More like stories designed to scare children than anything to be taken seriously.

Aurauris -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (4/26/2013 16:51:40)

Heylloes, Madame Gingkage! Here’s a few tidbits I found while reading your most recent chapter. All in all, I’ve found your story most interesting despite not having a set plot. It’s a delightful puzzle for me to learn things about Aura Readers and Wolf Riders alongside the rest of the characters each step of the way. :3

Here goes!


After a moment, Gingkage added in a slightly sharper tone, “you can put your arrows away now. . .”

To my grammatical knowledge, this can be capitalized, since Gingkage is speaking a new sentence.
        Ex: “‘You can put your arrows away now . . .’”



Slowly, Immeral returned her arrows, still not certain that the wolf rider could be trusted.

You write this title in a myriad of ways throughout your story:

        Chapter 16: “'You’d be surprised at how little poisons affect me,' Gingkage said wearily. 'Wolf Riders tend to have stronger resistance to it,' she continued . . ."

        Chapter 17: "Gingkage looked closely at Immeral for a moment, long enough to make her wonder if the wolf-rider saw her anxiety, before shaking her head ‘no.’"

        Chapter 18: "So it was the wolf rider who was shaking her."

It’s perfectly fine in and of itself if you want to style the title differently each time. However, if you’re looking for cleanliness and consistency in your writing, I’d pick one and stick with it. Personally, I think “Wolf Rider” is the most elegant of the three. ^ u^



It would be quicker and easier, and I’m certain that, if I so desired, I could spell my dagger so that it never dulled, never weakened, and never tarnished.

There are a bunch of commas in this sentence; maybe separate this phrase from the rest of the sentence with a few en dashes?
        Ex: “‘ . . . and I’m certain that – if I so desired – I could spell my dagger . . .’”



I was raised to complete a task myself, instead of using a shortcut to finish it, even when my potential as a mage was discovered, using my own skills and not my magic was stressed.

This phrase seems a bit out of place in the middle of a sentence, and makes it rather lengthy. I’d split it into two.
        Ex: “‘I was raised to complete a task myself, instead of using a shortcut to finish it. Even when my potential as a mage was discovered, using my own skills and not my magic was stressed.’”



The fact that it’s more rewarding to me to actually feel the whetstone in my hand, hear the ring of metal as the whetstone is run along the blade, and know that when my dagger is sharp, it is because of something that I did, and not because I used an easier way, is really just an added bonus.”

I got a little lost in here since your subject, “fact”, and verb, “is”, are so far apart. I might reunite the two parts.
        Ex: “It’s really just an added bonus and much more rewarding to actually feel . . . and not because I used an easier way.’”



After a long moment of silence, even the ringing of the dagger was gone, Gingkage sighed.

There’s a couple of ways you might edit this one.
        Ex 1: "After a long moment of silence, even the ringing of the dagger was gone, and Gingkage sighed."
        Ex 2: "After a long moment of silence – even the ringing of the dagger was gone – Gingkage sighed."



That last bit was said without Gingkage even looking at the Loremaster.

This sentence seems a bit unsteady, and I feel it holds the potential to pack a more powerful imagery-punch to fully express Gingkage’s firm admonition.
        Ex: “‘ . . . I’m going to burn it.’ The Wolf Rider’s gaze never lifted from Immeral despite the vehemence of her words to the Loremaster.”



And despite a strong love of books and hatred of those who harmed them in any way, protecting the secrets of her home was more important to her.

I think the sentence sounds a bit more confident of an explanation for Gingkage’s protectiveness without the “and” here, and you might add in Gingkage’s name with so many “she”s and “her”s throughout this paragraph.
        Ex: "Despite a strong love of books and hatred of those who harmed them in any way, protecting the secrets of her home was more important to Gingkage."



About the meditation, when can I start learning?” Immeral asked.

You might put a dash or colon here to help with phrases that seem a little disjointed.
        Ex: “‘About the meditation – when can I start learning?’ Immeral asked.”



Reluctantly, Immeral settle back down on her bedding and, despite believing herself to be fully awake, fell asleep almost immediately.

One last little revision! – “settled”


Once again, wonderful, wonderful job, madame. Your next chapter will be well worth the wait, regardless of time. *Applauds brightly and awards you her Golden Muffin of the Day* C:

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (4/26/2013 17:17:49)

In order:

You're right about that one. Force of habbit to not capitalize before a period.

I'll get back to you on how I type 'wolf rider(s)' when I've settled on one, lol. :P

I prefer commas over dashes, so I think I'll keep them where they are.

Gave it some thought. Will break into two sentences.

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you mean here. (Ex: “It’s really just an added bonus and much more rewarding to actually feel . . . and not because I used an easier way.’”)

Well technically that bit is wrong because the dagger isn't ringing, the whetstone running across the dagger is, but beyond that, I like it as is, so I'm keepin' it.


This sentence seems a bit unsteady, and I feel it holds the potential to pack a more powerful imagery-punch to fully express Gingkage’s firm admonition.
Ex: “‘ . . . I’m going to burn it.’ The Wolf Rider’s gaze never lifted from Immeral despite the vehemence of her words to the Loremaster.”

This was more to emphasize that Gingkage knew, without Alanna making a sound and without having to glance at her, that Alanna was awake and writing down everything she said, so I think I'll leave it as-is.

Keeping the 'and' where it is.

Again, I prefer commas over dashes.

Stupid letter 'd.' I never gave it permission to not be in that word where it's needed.

Beyond that, thanks for your opinions. You caught some things that even Dwelling missed. Glad you're enjoying my mostly plotless story so far.

Aurauris -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (4/26/2013 17:46:12)


I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you mean here. (Ex: “It’s really just an added bonus and much more rewarding to actually feel . . . and not because I used an easier way.’”)

Just using the ellipsis (". . .") to avoid typing out the whole of the sentence from the corresponding quote, my apologies!

Here's what my full example sentence would have looked like: "'It's really just an added bonus and much more rewarding to actually feel the whetstone in my hand, hear the ring of metal as the whetstone is run along the blade, and know that when my dagger is sharp, it is because of something that I did, and not because I used an easier way.'"

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (4/26/2013 18:00:53)

Oh. While I admit you have a point, I prefer it the way it is now. I'm weird in that usually I prefer shorter sentences, the way you have it. But when saying that something is an added bonus, I always put it at the end of the sentence. We've all got our quirks, I guess.

Gingkage -> RE: Gingkage's Scribbles (10/30/2013 22:26:04)

Made some minor edits to The Truth Behind the Smile's second chapter and added a few things.

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