All you need to know about Rogue (Full Version)

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Hopeful Guy -> All you need to know about Rogue (12/2/2011 10:55:14)


By Hopeful Guy

Contents (Use CTRL+F to browse)

{001} Introduction
{002} The Skills and when to use them
{003} Stat Builds
{004} Strategies
{005} Other classes
{006} Appearance
{007} Credits & updates

{001} The Introduction

So I am Hopeful Guy (mainly hoping that Rogue gets more love) and this is my first guide(help appreciated). So, what is the Rogue? Well, Rogue is one of the base classes you can choose from at the start of the game, along with Warrior and Mage. It doesn't have the power of Warrior or the combos of Mage. However, it is a balanced class and a good choice to start the game with. And no, it's not red. For those that don't get that, Rogues are often misspelled as Rouges- French for red. Bad spelling! If you have any corrections or suggestions, drop me a [image][/image].

{002} The Skills(left to right)


MP Cost: 7
Level unlocked: 15
Cooldown: 2 turns
Effect: 15% chance for a HP potion

A skill you should not really use unless you're desperate, as it barely ever activates. Think about it: you are on 50 HP and your enemy on 100. You know it will take you 2 turns to do 100 damage, and you'll die by then. You're out of potions. A 1/7 chance of another is hardly helpful.


MP Cost: 7
Level unlocked: 11
Cooldown: 4 turns
Effect: Normal attack, 20% more bonus for 5 turns

OKish alternative to Attack. I prefer Blind as a filler move. This is because with 0 bonus you barely ever miss anyway (1 in a 100), so really a waste of mana.


MP Cost:3
Level unlocked: 10
Cooldown: 4 turns
Effect: Enemy cannot run away

Again, Blind is a better filler skill, but OK at its job, I suppose. Enemies barely ever run away anyway, though.


MP Cost: 4
Level unlocked: 8
Cooldown: 2 turns
Effect: ~175% damage

First move so far that is REALLY worth using. Powerful skill, and until you get Final you will be doing something like Throw- Rapid- Blind which you might use Daze in. That's a stunned enemy for 3 turns, then blinded, AND you do 575% weapon damage (200% for Rapid, 175% for Throw, 100% for Daze, 100% for Blind). Not bad, eh?


MP Cost: 17
Level unlocked: 6
Cooldown: 15 turns
Effect: 0 damage, stun and 33% DOT for 3 turns.

An average stun move EXCEPT the best and most interesting part- the Damage Over Time. effect. ALWAYS use a weapon your enemy is weak to for this, whether -10 or -200. The weapon will do 66% damage each turn! Unfortunately, every silver lining has its cloud. The cloud here is the very high mana cost for lower levelled players.


MP Cost: 6
Level unlocked: 5
Cooldown: 10 turns
Effect: +140 Dodge, Parry, Block

A defensive move that is worth using in a balanced strategy and a must in a defensive strategy. The only problem is that Dodge/Parry/Block has been nerfed since the new engine, making small amounts of it useless. 140 D/P/B equates to about a 50% of the attack not hitting. Melee/Pierce/Magic is recommended over Dodge/ Parry/ Block in accessories.


MP Cost: 7
Level unlocked: 3
Cooldown: 2 turns
Effect: If last hit connected, you can use this skill. 4 hits of 50% damage with daggers, 2 hits of 100% damage with swords/staves.

A low-level, but highly effective move. Who doesn't want to do double damage? Best used after opening, on the second move you use.


Yeah, this is a really high-tech game-breaking move. Um, it's an attack.


MP Cost: 6
Level unlocked: 2
Cooldown: 10 turns
Effect: If using a dagger,skill can be used. +20 Crit and +45 Dodge/Parry/Block for 5 turns, unlocks Surprise

DO NOT USE USE THIS AS A DEFENCE SKILL. It gives about ~10% chance of blocking an attack. The only reason to use this is to unlock Surprise, but it wastes a turn doing so. Note that Surprise can be used twice max while Stealth is active.


MP Cost: 4
Level unlocked: 4
Cooldown: 2 turns.
Effect: CAN ONLY BE USED WHILE STEALTH IS ACTIVE. 1 hit of 150% damage

Stealth-> Surprise is a decent combo from level 4-17, until you get Final. It is best used on single enemies. However, note this: Stealth->Surprise->Filler move->Filler move-> Surprise = 500% damage assuming the fillers are Aimed and Blind. However, 5x Attack does 500% damage, so not really worth using, as you're using mana for no extra damage.


MP Cost: 3
Level unlocked: 7
Cooldown: 5 turns
Effect: 50% damage and 20% DoT(Poison Element, Pierce) over 5 turns.

Theoretically, this is 150% damage, i.e. a Surprise without having to use Stealth. However, in practice, most normal enemies don't last 5 turns, so it's best on boss fights.

[image][/image]Mind Numb

MP Cost:3
Level unlocked: 9
Cooldown: None
Effect: 100% damage to Mana.

Not the most useful skill, as the only non-bosses I can think of that use mana are Deft Minx Fairy, and the Minx Fairy. Of course, there are a few more bosses, but still, they are about 1% of bosses.

[image][/image]Wild Daggers

MP Cost: 14
Level unlocked: 11
Cooldown: 2 turns
Effect: 100% damage to all enemies.

Note: The game often sticks when using this skill.
A decent multi, with low cooldown. However, the mana cost is pretty high for low-levelled players. It just attacks all monsters.


MP Cost: 13
Level unlocked: 12
Cooldown: 4 turns
Effect: 100% damage, -50 Bonus to enemy

The best filler move Rogue has, and also the best defensive move. It is a core part of the best Rogue strategy- both defensive and balanced.

[image][/image]Final Strike

MP Cost:8
Level unlocked: 18
Cooldown: 14 turns
Effect: 125% guaranteed critical damage (250% total)

Best offensive move and a must in any strategy.

{003} Stat Builds

The "Dattack/Affense" Build (A.K.A Balanced)

At Level 80:

DEX: 200
END: 90
WIS: 40
LUK: 50
CHA: 15
At Level 70:

DEX: 200
END: 50
WIS: 30
LUK: 50
CHA: 15

At Level 60:

DEX: 190
END: 25
WIS: 30
LUK: 50

At Level 50:

DEX: 190
END: 25
WIS: 30

At Level 40:

DEX: 140
END: 25
WIS: 30

At Level 30:

DEX: 115
WIS: 30

At Level 20:

DEX: 65
WIS: 30

At Level 10:

DEX: 15
WIS: 30

The Supertanker
At Level 80:

DEX: 150
END: 200
WIS: 45

At Level 70:

DEX: 150
END: 150
WIS: 45

At Level 60:

DEX: 125
END: 125
WIS: 45

At Level 50:

DEX: 100
END: 100
WIS: 45

At Level 40:

DEX: 100
END: 50
WIS: 45

At Level 30:

DEX: 50
END: 50
WIS: 45

At Level 20:

DEX: 25
END: 25
WIS: 45

At Level 10:

DEX: 15
WIS: 30

The Annihilator

At Level 80:

DEX: 200
LUK: 150
WIS: 45

At Level 70:

DEX: 200
LUK: 100
WIS: 45

At Level 60:

DEX: 200
LUK: 50
WIS: 45

At Level 50:

DEX: 200
WIS: 45

At Level 40:

DEX: 165
WIS: 30

At Level 30:

DEX: 115
WIS: 30

At Level 20:

DEX: 65
WIS: 30

At Level 10:

DEX: 15
WIS: 30

{004} Strategies

Before I start, just a quick word- I will give one strategy for below and one for above level 18. Below level 18, if you are not yet able to use a skill, leave it out.

Single Enemies:

Below Level 18:

Daze(optional)--->Throw---> Rapid---> Blind---> Attack

Above Level 18:

Daze(optional)---> Final---> Rapid---> Attack

Multiple Enemies

Below Level 18:

Wild---> Rapid on one with highest HP---> Throw on other one---> Wild---> Attack on survivors

Above Level 18:

Wild---> Final on one with most HP left---> Rapid on other---> Wild---> Throw on any survivors

Boss Fights

Below Level 18

Daze---> Rapid---> Throw---> Blind--->Rapid---> Throw---> Poison---> Rapid---> Throw---> Blind--->Rapid---> Throw

Above Level 18

Daze---> Rapid---> Throw---> Blind--->Rapid---> Throw---> Final---> Rapid---> Throw---> Blind--->Rapid---> Throw (Not very different)

{005}Other Classes

You should move towards these classes at around level 25, as Rogue will not get you far in the mid-to-high level range.


This can do more damage than all Rogue's best moves just by spamming Attack. This silver lining has two clouds, unfortunately: one cloud is that you need to have a DA for 2 years, then either buy 40000 DCs (DragonCoins) and the armor, Necrotic Sword of Doom, DoomKnight Helm, and DoomKnight Cloak all at once for $64.95, or buy one package each 6 months of 10000 DCs for $19.95 until you reach the 4th package. The other cloud is that it makes the game a cakewalk. See here and here for the guides.


The second best defensive class in the game, after DragonLord, and about 3x more damage than DL. Costs 1800 DCs. Of course, Doomknight is tenfold better offensively and defensively, but still, the second best non-DmK class offensively and defensively is no mean feat. Kathool Adept is slightly better offensively; there is a negligible difference. See here for a guide.

Kathool Adept Armor

The best offensive class in game, aside from DmK. Costs 1800 DCs. The main qualms are the ridiculous mana costs (Shadow costs 264 MP). OKish defence and an excellent class overall. Guide here and here.


The third most powerful class (non-DmK) and it's FREE. However, a Dragon Amulet is required to use the right hand side of the skills. A very good offense is slightly let down by the defense, but still very reasonable. Guide here.

Frost Moglin Armor

An excellent class- 4th best damage in game and an infinite Blind makes this VERY awesome. What's even better is that it's free at Frostval, with no Dragon Amulet required to use the right hand side of the skills! That's why, for the Frostval season, it is the best non-DA and non-DC armor. However, to use it all year round you need a DA and 1000 DCs for an Armor Closet. Guide here.


A very reasonable class. Does good average damage and it can beat Meltface Akriloth. Also, it can drain full enemy mana, useful against the aforementioned (Deft) Minx Fairies. Not bad, overall. The guide is here.

DragonLord Armor

It's lousy at offence. But defence? AMAZING! Infinite heal, infinite mana regen, +50 All, a working shield (Melee Defence). Guide is right here, and we have another one over here.

ChickenCow and Evolved ChickenCow
CCA and ECCA have major bugs that allow them to do close to 5000 damage in one turn. There is the Firebrand/lock/line bug, where the special stays activated once triggered. This is considered bug abuse and is not recommended. There is also the bug where it adds STR/INT/DEX damage boost to every hit. Guide for you here.


Deathknight. A 15% HP steal, powerful offense, decent defense, but high mana costs. Still an excellent class. Guide right over here.

PumpkinLord and Evolved PumpkinLord
Like FMA, these are awesome seasonal armors, for Mogloween (however, to use it all year round you need a DA and 1000 DCs to buy an Armor Closet). Eternal Night and Final are unbelievable, it can get +25 All. Downside is the high mana costs. Guide.


A good defensive class, with several good defensive moves. Has some interesting offensive moves. Guide here.
GPS Mk 2

Infinite blind, and a spammable 200% damage hit after that. Pretty cool. Also features a mana regen and a heal. Guide here.


A DoT class, and its best DoT can do 300+ damage A TURN! However, the mana costs are extremely high (50+ for many skills). There is no approved guide to using this armor.

Most other classes are slightly less powerful (in my opinion) than the Rogue, like Ninja and Pirate. I don't really recommend them for use unless you are attempting to unlock the Quest Log Badges for these respective classes. However, I shall still give you a summary of these classes.


Ninja. Deadly Strike, Dokuse, and Inbo are pretty useful, but aside from them, the other moves are pretty lacklustre. For example, Fade only gives +80 Dodge, only about 10% chance of blocking. Guide here.


Arrrr, Ninja's counterpart be as lacklustre a class, mehearties. Ye has good skills, arrr, like summonin' ol' Crackers or the Pirate Ghost, swab. Shout 'n' 1st Mate Aid be good defensively, yarr. Yet the rest be underpowered, landlubbers. There be a guide, maties.*

* In English: Ninja's counterpart is just as lacklustre. It has a few good skills, like Summon Crackers or the Pirate Ghost. Shout and 1st Mate Aid are good defensively. However, the rest is underpowered.


The real reason this is so hated is that the left-hand side of the skills (except for Heal and Protection) all involve a 20% chance to do something. The DA side of the skills are actually not too bad. However, they are fairly expensive on the MP, they are Light element fixed, and there are better classes for DAs. Guide here.


This class is okay-ish for Rogues. This is because nearly all the skills hit Pierce damage, but there are better classes. If you are going to use it, read the guide.


This class is no good against anything but dragons. Against dragons, it's still not so good. It's a real pain to train too, with only a 30% chance each time you try to get the Enchanter's Stone. Also, 9 skills are DA-only. Overall, NOT recommended. No guide.


{007} Credits and updates: Special thanks to:
AE (couldn't have made this if they hadn't made DF)
Kristeen (xShadowHunterx) for the banner
RamDF for helping me with some skill analysis.
The 'pedia for a lot of information
Whoever provided Rogue's skill icon images in the 'pedia
Varen6398 for a correction
Peachii for an incredibly helpful PM, and for approving this guide
Liviaro for a correction.


  • 12/2/11: Started making this guide

  • 4/1/12: Approved

  • 19/02/12: Added lots of info on classes (to be continued).

  • 22/02/12: Added even more armors in.

  • 06/04/12: Added in recently approved guides for CCA and GPS Mk 2.0, SoulWeaver too.

  • 14/05/12: Added in Ninja and Pirate Guides.

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