RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (Full Version)

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Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/5/2012 16:22:18)

@ Ansh0
I kinda like that idea [&:]

shadesofblue -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/5/2012 16:32:46)


We should make it a new skill so that it can be used with a staff and have different requirements if need be.

friend18 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/5/2012 21:48:48)

Ouch, Trans WAS right... TLM is pretty good, if you know what to do ;) I can come up with a good build right now actually, but I don't want to waste varium to do the class change XD

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 1:24:49)

@Magiskee. I like the idea changing da in bm with assimilation and support requirement on fireball.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 5:20:07)

I'll save that on my +1 list for future reference.. xD

Guys, I see some complains - not just here - that TLM are slow in killing but did any of you bother looking at their skills? BHs and BMs have BL and what does BL do? Gives you HP back so you can have defences at a minimum and make it up in damage back + HP. Tank builds don't work as good for them. Now TMs and TLMs, both have Reroute so high HP build is best with it but that also means Tank build! Both classes are more defensive-oriented since TMs have little use of Str or not as good at least, and TLMs don't have that good either + have passive Armor. This hints it's a defensive class not made for purely quick kill like BMs and BHs, I mean just look at their skills - they improve by Dex, Tech, Support and there's none that gives you improvement like Fireball by Strength. Now Mercenary and CH; Mercenary has passive Armor but completely no EP/HP regen and Intimidate as a debuff so it's still bit of a Tank class but skills also focus on Strength so HA makes up for BL (not literally) and skills allow you to catch up. And CHs are more Strength oriented since there are few skills affected by it or require it and they have absolutely no HP regen so they hope to make it up by getting some Energy back, but they can also loop perfectly which is actually wrong; each class is supposed to have a weak side to it.

If you moan that TLM takes too long to kill, well, well done Captain Obvious. Did you ever bother looking at their skills?

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 6:00:43)

One more balance issue, apart from the neverending BM nerf requests, is the tech mage issue against cyber hunter. I have recently tried my tech mage against cyber hunters and I constantly get CRUSHED, due to the res tank and blocking capabilities of CH.

I think tech mage need some improvement to its physical attacks, because its skill tree was initially designed to counter Mercs and BHs only, but CH is almost impossible to beat.

zion -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 6:20:13)

Why not get rid of all requirements: Weapons and skills and take it from there? While we're at it, get rid of focus and agility too. The current system is so convoluted and patched-up, that I am voting for a COMPLETE REBOOT.
Anyone agree?
Instead of focus, bot automatically improves with level and a little with high support. Also, Healing improves with level and a little with high support. Deflections should also improve with support, not a defensive stat like tech. Then, make sure each class has skills that improve with varied stats.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 6:26:42)

No, no one agrees. Are you mad? How will you counter abuse? People had problems with Beta Weapons since they are abused at Lvl 34/35 whilst being Lvl 25 weapons and you're getting rid off them all with NO solution as of how to stop abuse? Until you find a way, this will not be done.
Rabble WILL remove weapon requirements if he finds a way to counter abusing so until he finds one, weapon requirements will stay. Skill requirements are fine, there's no problem with them since you can usually make a build that uses even one or 2 different stats as a requirements and they may be in your favour.
Bot has Tech, making it Support means re-balancing 3 stats at once; Tech losing some of its power, Support gaining a bit too much maybe, and Focus being taken out and that could prove difficult. Healing will improve with Support once Rabble finds a way to also stop heal looping, he's already looking into it so give it time. Deflections and Tech do make sense.. Deflecting is a defensive 'move' so I don't really understand your logic since Support is "jack of all trades, master of nothing" so supporting other stats not giving you major advantage.


Then, make sure each class has skills that improve with varied stats.

You do realise this thread is to discuss current Balance? Funny to tell people what to do yet you won't give your suggestions in since it's easy just to tell people what to do rather than say how this quote can be achieved whilst preserving balance. It doesn't work on basis "I say, you work."..

fighuasss -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 7:27:11)

Make the battles matched against your level. I'm lvl 26 and i fight lvl 29-31 all the time!!

Super Fat Man -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 8:01:40)

@Drianx I agree if BM is going to be nerfed you should also try to nerf cyber as tech mage I see is is very hard to beat them when they are using a mass build. When they are tanking it is near impossible to win. As trans said or whoever did give them technician and something for that dreadful emp grenade. :P

kosmo -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 8:47:20)

like it.This will give better bloks on bm without buffing bloks or deflections tht may result a big disvantage 4 a lot of players(and double strike hits like fireball).

DunkThatOreo -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 9:36:10)

You guys+balance=impossible, glad I could solve your little issues here, your welcome.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 10:22:09)

Is that including me? D:

ScarletReaper -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 10:27:51)

@drianx I have no problem beating cyberhunters with my techmage. Either your build or your strategy is off. They are a challenge for me, but I beat em around 50% of the time. However bloodmages are my weakness. I throw up defense matrix and hope for the best. Kinda sad considering my defense is 27-33+5 to begin with and they still do 40+ damage per attack.

kittycat -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 12:20:19)

Well Fireball is their caster skill and so is Plasma Cannon. A viable replacement for Fireball would be Assimilation since we lack an energy-draining move.

od -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 13:20:06)

I think that they need to make supercharge stack with blood lust. It would possibly open other build options for them.
@Super fat man
Agreed. It is almost impossible for me as a BM to survive an 80 damage unblockable massacre. Since BM's don't have an edrainer, it is very difficult to win unless you kill them before they use it, which is one of the reasons I use a str build

shadesofblue -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 13:30:28)

Why does everyone want CH to lose EMP? It's my favorite skill[:'(]

Rayman -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 14:08:08)

I dont know but, at the end BloodMage will have to lose Deadly Aim.

King Helios -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 14:13:44)

Deadly Aim ---> Adrenaline?

Calogero -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 14:24:41)

The thing is Str BloodMage, this talk of ' removing DA ' would nerf BloodMage, not STR Bloodmage perse...

How about finding a way that nerfs the build and not the whole class

Also like I stated many times already, STR BloodMage is easy to beat IF
the Stats did what it should do...

a 24 Defence worth of Dex BloodMage not getting blocked by someone that has double? That's luck
If that part was ' solved ' STR BM would be a lot easier to beat ;)

also how about nerving STR itself

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 14:39:29)

Well, Calogero, it does affect Gun and Primary and we know Strike has no cooldown. We could make progression decay at same range but more so that'd bring damage down of Gun and Primary which is pretty much good enough. In fact, it'd deal with all Strength abuse so that's even better.

zelemania -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 15:01:12)

I've quit the game for quite some time because of the balance issues and ridiculously high varium prices and now I'm back but its the same ol' story. So atm just spam str and hp as bm to win? So many balance threads and apparently nothing is done, oh the irony.

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 15:17:33)

Stronger str stat diminishing after 82 str.

Problem solved.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 15:56:13)

Yep, it's pretty much simplest solution. As of to Fireball and Plasma, I wonder, remember guys when they got a raise in damage? They could be brough back to original state for TMs and BMs to bring both classes down pretty much, since they needed a buff due to unbeatable TLMs at the time. Or place Support and Strength requirement on Fireball and Bolt. I'd go for former to not limit builds and it'd mean they'd fall down by like 6-8 damage which is fair deal for both classes that abuse it, am I right? :3

Minus123 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/6/2012 19:29:25)


Why does everyone want CH to lose EMP? It's my favorite skill

Because everyone is annoyed that they can't use their skills. Just take away plasma armor if anything, and put static back to the way it was, problem solved. No one complained about emp when cybers didn't have plasma armor.

As for the double strike thing, Should the skill stay as a physical then? Or would it depend on the weapon

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