RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (Full Version)

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AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 19:02:49)

In case you didn't notice, the greater problem is the insane damage output and not bloodlust .-.

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 19:09:52)

Like I said, Fireball would be changed to improve with support and these are just placeholder numbers, if you have a suggestion for better numbers by all means say them...or don't if you just don't agree with the idea. :)

Naruto Uzamaki -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 19:15:25)

it would be great if ed remove bloodlust from mages

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 19:17:57)

^That rather removes a point in the purpose of bloodmages.

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 19:40:30)

It would be great if skill trees were equal:

Tech Mage - Bounty Hunter: Cyber Hunter, Blood Mage

Bounty Hunter - Mercenary: None

Mercenary - Tech Mage: Tactical Mercenary

Tech Mage has 3 hits, 1 being itself, and 2 being in evolved classes. I would change this since it is just not logical to break the skill tree balance and work around that because now Tech Mages are held accountable in 3 different situations. Each event in which a balance change is involved with their skills Cyber Hunters and Blood Mage are affected in a minor or major way since Cyber Hunters and Blood Mage are related!

RazorMcCerea -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 19:42:44)

Most Of EpicDuel Community Are Blood Mages And The Blood Mages Are Way Too Much OP
So I Suggested This:

1st: Make The Fireball Needs 27 At Level 1, 45 energy (Max)

2nd:Make The Bludgeon Needs 15 Energy at Level 1 , 33 Max

3nd:DeBuff The Bludgeon:

Level 1: 28% More Damage
Level 2: 31% More Damage
Level 3: 34% More Damage
Level 4: 37% More Damage
Level 5: 40% More Damage
Level 6: 43% More Damage
Level 7: 46% More Damage
Level 8: 49% More Damage
Level 9: 52% More Damage
Level 10: 55% More Damage

Make It That Way:
Level 1: 23% More Damage
Level 2: 26% More Damage
Level 3: 29% More Damage
Level 4: 31% More Damage
Level 5: 34% More Damage
Level 6: 37% More Damage
Level 7: 40% More Damage
Level 8: 43% More Damage
Level 9: 46% More Damage
Level 10: 49% More Damage

Thank You.........

kittycat -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 20:02:54)

The new bludgeon scaling is a bit off. I suggest nerfing the scaling by 1 when it reaches level 4 and again when it reaches 7. nerf level 1-4 by 3%.


Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 20:08:39)

Nerf a skill that's balanced, well done. You're touching something that doesn't need to be touched + nerfing TMs along with it and causing more imbalance.. Smart. Why not deal with Fireball by putting Support requirement and putting diminishing on Strength so you will get less damage than now from it? 2 easy solutions, one will nerf Str BMs and other will nerf all Strength builds but surely we must go into roundabout methods that will cause even bigger imbalance. :3

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 20:22:11)

A good idea could be to make heal improve with support again, but improving slower, and make aux damage increase every 3 points (before encumberance penalty). As a final touch, make primary and gun damage increase every 5 points (before encumberance) in strength :3
P.S. I am aware this could make support OP again, but why not give it a try?

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 20:26:11)

Rabble is looking into Heal already with improvement of Support. Devs want to put it back but not in the same way as it was (abuseable) so this will be done when it's done, but scalling will be back. And Aux is fine, Support is all-round stat and it's powerful enough with Aux and Heal will be boost to the stat too in a way. Only Strength needs crippling again at mid-high values (70-80+) when it'd progress slower so Strength abusers will deal less damage and that'll fix issues with Str BHs, Str BMs, Str CHs, etc. And Fireball with requirement will deal with it too, Strength for Plasma Bolt would deal with Tech abusers too which can be done probably as easily as Support on Fireball (requirement).

Nexus... -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 20:31:09)

Nerfing Bludgeon won't fix anything, it is a balanced skill and would be a blow to Tech Mages as well. Not supported.

veneeria -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 20:34:50)

Well i got an idea here, how about applying an downside affect(like a debuff that actives automatically) after using a strength skill like Fireball/ berserker/ bludgeon/double strike/maybe massacre?

I'd call it exhaustion. After dishing a lot of damage with your strength, it is normal that the character would feel "tired".
Maybe the next attack wouldn't be as accurate or strong like it would normally be.

1. It would last during the whole battle,
2. Each turn you would recover faster,
3. If you lose a turn without doing nothing, you will recover twice as faster.

4. the stronger the "STR" skill is, the most exhausted you will be.

This way, we get to not debuff our beloved tech mages. Still, i'd love to see some new skills to blood mages... i don't know? maybe change our multi "plasma rain" to a physical multi target missile luncher?

Next problem would be the cyber hunters tanks and the UP tacticals.

Honestly, i am not asking for some kind of ultra super mega laser grenade launcher for the tactical mercs, but skills that change the table of the game.

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 20:58:25)

For TLM, what about an attack with the animation of atom smasher, but with a different glow color? (mixed colors would be nice) About the effect, idk yet lol

King Helios -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/8/2012 21:01:31)


what about an attack with the animation of atom smasher, but with a different glow color?

PINK! LOL. Pink Tactical pwnage! ;DDD

sky222 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/9/2012 1:49:51)

What if auxes improved every 2 support instead of 4 and they gained a turn or two in cooldown

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/9/2012 4:24:06)

Is that a random guess for a "suggestion" or serious? They improve per 4 stats and then slowly diminish to 5, with 3 turn cooldown. So that's 100% damage every 3 turns. Now you're shoving x2 as much damage ever 4 turns. So in 12 turns, with current Aux, you will deal 400% damage and with your suggestion, we will deal 600% damage. Why such a big boost? And it will get bigger and bigger. Heal will improve, that'll be a buff not changing progression which is unneded and you'll be asking to rebalance other weapons too (Auxes have higher damage than Primary/Guns for a reason, that's 3 turn cooldown).

sky222 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/9/2012 8:33:58)

Why such a big boost? Heres why: support is UP

veneeria -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/9/2012 8:52:39)

Agreed with trans here, support is up, but this won't make battles any more enjoyable than they were. I might regret to admit but removing support from field medic might have been a bad idea. (or maybe i am just not seeing it)
Maybe new skills to improve with it? or old skills which have been weak lately/unused. (ex: plasma grenade) [>:]

Anyway guys, what do you guys think of my previous idea back there? Nobody said anything so far...

Drianx -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/9/2012 8:59:29)

How about this idea:

Remove the diminishing returns from strength and support, but the bigger the damage, the longer the cooldown?

If damage is up to, let's say, 17-21, the weapon should have 1 turn cooldown - as it is now.
17-21 up to 22-24 -> 2 turns cooldown.
22-24 up to 25-30 -> 3 turns cooldown

This should apply to either primary, gun, aux. The thresholds are only made up quickly.

GoldenNeo -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/9/2012 9:07:27)

Man, all I can say is that strength blood mages are everywhere. It makes me remember the time when STR TLM's are everywhere...

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/9/2012 9:09:25)

Support is UP, but you're giving it a boost that will make it double the power of Strength + other bonuses. Yes it has cooldown but it's also unblockable + Auxes have bigger damage boost than other weapons. Besides don't give me "Support is UP" statements since you probably never tried it or in current state at least. I fought Digital X who was/is a Caster TM (major Tech abuse) with my Support build, and advantage I had due to Support allowing me to go first was so big that I almost won with him & we know Casters are a bit too strong right now. That's without Heal improving by Support, so once it improves again, I should win with him easily since my Heal will heal me more.

Can't believe some people think that'd be small boost to Support, changing the progression. I mean, I get say 20-24 with 87 Support and you'll give me pretty much 40+ at least. I can go higher with Support since that'd be major boost in damage and with my Malf, I should 1 hit KO anyone without need of Rage, not mentioning Crits...

King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/10/2012 2:15:29)

Here is a simple list of balancing everything.

1.) Remove malfunction or plasma armor for cyber hunter.
2.) Slightly buff static charge to 35% at max level.
3.) Fireball must be changed to "improves with support."
4.) Either buff frenzy by increasing the % of health gained or decrease its cooldown to 2.
5.) Field Medic should be rebuffed by starting at 4(literally 4 support) with a base of 20 health points at level 1 and increases with your level and support. Scaling should also be increased to prevent it from being abused. At level 35, a player with 18 support should have about 38 health points healed.
Optional buff: The greater your strength is compared to your support, Field Medic will also decrease. In order to maximize or balance it's average recovery, you must have a minimum of 15 strength points higher than support. If you reach 16 and above, field medic will start degrading.

An example would be you having 67 strength and 52 support. If you reach 68 strength and still have 52 support, your field medic will slowly degrade by 1 point for every 3 points of strength higher than the minimum amount needed to prevent field medic from degrading.

6.) Slightly nerf malfunction by 3 - 4 points of technology drained. Technology scales the quickest among the 4 stats therefore, also the easiest to be drained and should be slightly nerfed to be balanced near to smokescreen.

sky222 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/10/2012 2:16:54)

Even if it went up by 2, you would need still around 160 support to OHKO people right now....and then you have deflections and high hp builds like blood mages atm.
And if you don't KO? You have no other stats since even your enhancements would all be on support to get 160 support and your aux will cool down. Oh well, WAIT WHAT! 6 turn CD! NOOO!

khalidon5000 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/10/2012 2:21:59)

Support that high will mean you nearly always go first, have a 20% chance to critical and very high damage.
Also the user could use malfunction as it increases with support and end up reducing their tech by alot making it very unlikely to deflect and increases the damage of the aux.
Meaning a build which is so OP you will have 1 round battles in 1v1.

sky222 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussion X (8/10/2012 3:42:29)

^^If you need to malf->aux then it isn't a 1 round battle
Plus you have things like:
109 hp tank= Loss
140 hp str build= Loss
Oh btw diminishing returns still apply so after some point it takes 3 support to get an aux dmg

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