RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (12/2/2013 6:17:43)

  • Glass Cannon = Done!
  • Little Death = Done!
  • Pumpkin Golem = Done!


    Glass Cannon

    «Mastercraft pet, seeks between Earth and Light. Does more damage, but increases the damage done by the monster.»

    Location: Given automatically to players who purchase the 12,000 Z-Token package. Buying the package also gives access to the Glass Cannon shop.

    Element: Earth
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	54 MC	73 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC
    Price	185	1439	11554	93103	750572	6051291
    Sell	92	719	5777	46551	375286	3025645

    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: «See Effect»
    Damage	20-24	29-35	38-48	50-61	64-77	77-95
    Stat%	410.4	523.2	642	105.7	879.6	998.4
    BtH	13	18	23	28	33	38

  • Element seeks between Earth and Light whichever is higher. Does Earth if both are equal.
  • Attacks done by the monster deal 105.7% damage.

    This cute little golem is stronger than normal pets, but it's so fragile that shards from it cause monster attacks to hit you a bit harder than they normally would! It'll use powerful Earth or Light attacks, whichever hurts your enemy more!

    [image][/image] [image][/image]

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res and Kamui. Correction, format and additional help thanks to Koree.


    Starts off as a mastercarft pet:
    Level	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	54	73	93	113	133	153
    Damage	17-20	24-29	32-40	42-51	53-64	64-79
    Stat%	342	436	535	634	733	832
    BtH	13	18	23	28	33	38

  • The pet does 120% damage. Since pets are assumed to be equal to 0.4 of a player Melee attack, the monster gains 0.08 player Melee attacks worth of damage to compensate for this, and so does *1.48/1.4 damage.
  • Mastercraft bonus is element seeking ability.

  • If needed you can pick up one of the 2 images as I couldn't take a full original pet screenshot.
  • This pet is still available, I just added the rare tags for the future as it will go rare soon. :)

    Little Death

    «Darkness pet.»

    Location: Z-Token Item Shop

    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Level	3	23	43	63	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	41	50	62	76	93	113	133	153
    Price	550Z	850Z	1550Z	3250Z	6850Z	8400Z	10300Z	12600Z
    S <48h	495Z	765Z	1395Z	2925Z	6165Z	7560Z	9,270Z	11340Z
      >48h	275Z	425Z	775Z	1625Z	3425Z	4200Z	5,150Z	6,300Z

    Element: Darkness
    Training Difficulty: -66

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 3
    Type: Ranged, Melee, Melee
    Element: Darkness
    Damage	2-7	3-8	4-11	5-14	6-18	8-23	10-29	12-36
    Stat%	92.7	107.7	127.3	150.3	178.3	211.3	244.3	277.3
    BtH	10	12	15	19	23	28	33	38
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Darkness
    Damage	7-21	9-25	11-33	14-42	18-54	8-23	29-88	36-107
    Stat%	278	323	382	451	535	634	733	832
    BtH	10	12	15	19	23	28	33	38
    Rate: 50%

    This little guy thinks he is the Reaper. He may not be the real Reaper, but he definitely packs a punch with several powerful darkness attacks!

    Old image

    Numbers thanks to Ash. Old basic stats thanks to entity azirius and Legasee. Old image thanks to geopetal/AQPedia. Correction, format and additional help thanks to Koree.


    Starts off as a standard pet:
  • Attack #1: With three equally powerful hits, each hit does 33.33% damage.
  • Attack #2: With one powerful hit, it does 100% damage.
  • Added, thanks! ~Koree


    Pumpkin Golem

    «Mastercraft pet, seeks between Earth and Fire.»

    Location: Z-Token Item Shop

    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Level	3	23	43	63	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	41 MC	50 MC	62 MC	76 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC
    Price	605	935	1705	3575	7535	9240	11330	13860
    S <48h	544	841	1534	3217	6781	8316	10197	12474
      >48h	302	467	852	1787	3767	4620	5665	6930

    Element: Earth
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Hits: 3
    Type: See Effect
    Element: See Effect
    Damage	2-7	3-8	4-11	5-14	6-18	8-23	10-29	12-36
    Stat%	92.7	107.7	127.3	150.3	178.3	211.3	244.3	277.3
    BtH	10	12	15	19	23	28	33	38

  • It does Melee Earth attacks or Magic Fire attacks.
  • Element seeks between Earth and Fire whichever is higher. Does Earth if both are equal.

    The giant Pumpkin Golem is the enforcer of the Gourd Kingdom. This powerful creature will choose to smash your enemies with Earth or Fire attacks, whichever will hurt more!

    Old image 1
    Old image 2

    Numbers thanks to Ash. Old image thanks to .*..*..*. and bballman23. Correction, format and additional help thanks to Koree.


    Starts off as a mastercarft pet with element seeking ability.
    Damage	7-21	9-25	11-33	14-42	18-54	23-70	29-88	36-107
    Stat%	278	323	382	451	535	634	733	832
    BtH	10	12	15	19	23	28	33	38

    With three equally powerful hits, each hit does 33.33% damage.
  • Made some changes. Added, thanks! ~Koree

  • Glass Cannon = Done!
  • Little Death = Done!
  • Pumpkin Golem = Done!

  • Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (12/12/2013 20:52:56)


    Rewards for the Frostval Part 1 quest:

    Melee Energy Pet

    Cyber Doom Sheep: (Level 12) Price: 19 Gold; Sellback: 9 Gold
    Cyber Doom Sheep: (Level 32) Price: 63 Gold; Sellback: 31 Gold
    Cyber Doom Sheep: (Level 52) Price: 411 Gold; Sellback: 205 Gold
    Cyber Doom Sheep: (Level 72) Price: 3222 Gold; Sellback: 1611 Gold
    Cyber Doom Sheep: (Level 92) Price: 25881 Gold; Sellback: 12940 Gold
    Cyber Doom Sheep: (Level 112) Price: 208564 Gold; Sellback: 104282 Gold
    Cyber Doom Sheep: (Level 132) Price: 1681414 Gold; Sellback: 840707 Gold

    Cyber Doom Sheep G: (Level 25G) Price: 37 Gold; Sellback: 18 Gold
    Cyber Doom Sheep: (Level 142G) Price: 4774218 Gold; Sellback: 4774218 Gold

    Cyber Doom Zheep: (Level 82Z) Price: 6800 Z-Tokens; Sellback: First 48 Hours: 6120 Z-Tokens then 3400 Z-Tokens
    Cyber Doom Zheep: (Level 135Z) Price: 11650 Z-Tokens; Sellback: First 48 Hours: 10485 Z-Tokens then 5825 Z-Tokens

    Description: This little critter looks like a normal Doom Sheep, but it's really been altered by powerful cybernetics. It can use powerful Energy attacks, including a claw smash and laser eye blast!
    Guardian version has (Guardian Only) at the end.

    Got these. ~Carandor

    Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (12/13/2013 2:14:35)


    Cyber Doom Sheep

    50% chance of one hit, Melee Energy, -5 BTH ~ *85/80 damage.
    50% chance of one hit, Ranged Energy, +5 BTH ~ *85/90 damage.

    Level	12	32	52	72	92	112	132	142	25	82	135
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G	G	Z	Z
    PowLvl	12	32	52	72	92	112	132	145	32	92	145
    CHALvl	12	32	52	72	92	112	132	144	30	89	142
    Base	3	5	9	13	18	23	29	33	5	18	33
    Rand	4	12	18	26	35	46	58	67	12	35	67
    Stat	134	233	332	431	530	629	728	793	233	530	793
    BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	36	8	23	36
    Price	19	63	411	3222	25881	208564	1681414	4774218	37	6800	11650
    Got this. ~Carandor

    AQisFuN -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (12/13/2013 7:15:21)

    @IMR I'm not sure but after trying out this pet the Ranged Attack seems stronger then the Melee Attack which doesn't seem right to me...

    1stClassGenesis -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (12/13/2013 23:07:18)

    Yep, the sellback price of the level 132 version is half its cost. (840707 Gold).

    Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (12/13/2013 23:26:43)

    Thanks. I used the Weapon stats as a template and must have missed one.

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (12/14/2013 5:07:04)

  • Lilliputian Sorcerer Army = Done!
  • Cyber Doom Sheep = Done!


    Lilliputian Sorcerer Army

    «Standard Pet, seeks between Fire and Ice.»

    Location: Golden Giftboxes - UltraRare shop

    Type								G
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Price	10	29	185	1439	21008	93103	750572	12102583
    Sell	10	29	185	1439	10504	93103	750572	6051291

    Element: Neutral
    Training Difficulty: -66

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 2
    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage	1-4	3-8	5-13	7-19	9-26	12-34	14-43	18-54
    Stat%	62.5	112	161.5	211	260.5	310	359.5	416
    BtH	2	7	12	17	22	27	32	38
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Ice
    Damage	1-2	2-5	3-8	4-12	6-17	8-22	9-28	12-36
    Stat%	42	74.7	107.7	140.7	173.7	206.7	239.7	277.3
    BtH	2	7	12	17	22	27	32	38
    Rate: 50%

  • Element seeks between Fire and Ice whichever is higher. Does Fire if both are equal.

    These aren't the little people that helped you get where you are today, and they aren't the little people you need, but they are the little people that can blast your foes with Fire or Ice attacks. They're also the little people you deserve.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to Billie Joe Amstrong.


    Starts off as a standard pet:
    Type								G
    Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
    PowLvl	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	153
    Damage	2-7	5-15	9-25	13-37	17-52	23-67	28-58	36-107
    Stat%	125	224	323	422	521	620	719	832
    BtH	2	7	12	17	22	27	32	38

    Attack #1: Deals 50% damage each since there are 2 hits.
    Attack #2: Deals 33.33% damage each since there are 3 hits.

    Element seeks between Fire and Ice.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    November 21, 2013: The pet was released.
    December 20, 2013: The pet became rare.

    Updated old Lilliputians


    «Multi elements Mastercraft pet.»

    Location: 7 5 Donations

    Type	G						G
    Level	60
    PowLvl	64 MC
    Price	N/A
    Sell	10000

    Element: Energy
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Energy, Wind, Fire
    Damage	3-11
    Stat%	122.8
    BtH	39

    Lilliputian Sorceror Army.


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Old Sellback thanks to evo975 and Legasee. Donation amount thanks to Legasee. Rarity from OnuaNuva..


    Starts off as a Mastercraft pet:
    Type	G						G
    Level	60
    PowLvl	64 MC
    Damage	11-34
    Stat%	392
    BtH	16

  • Deals 33.33% damage each since there are 3 hits.
  • Has +13 BTH as elemental compensation. In addition it gains +10 BTH and deals *85/95 damage.

    MC bonus: Does an extra *1.05 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    ..... --, 20--: The pet was released.
    ..... --, 20--: The pet became rare.
  • Made some changes. Added, thanks! ~Koree


    Cyber Doom Sheep

    «Energy Pet.»

    Location: [link=URL]Frostval 2013: Part I[/link]

    Type								G
    Level	12	32	52	72	92	112	132	142
    PowLvl	12	32	52	72	92	112	132	145
    CHALvl	12	32	52	72	92	112	132	144
    Price	19	63	411	3222	25881	208564	1681414	4774218
    Sell	9	31	205	1611	12940	104282	840707	2387109

    Element: Energy
    Training Difficulty: -66

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage	3-7	5-18	10-29	14-41	19-56	24-73	31-92	35-106
    Stat%	142.4	247.6	352.8	457.9	563.1	668.3	773.5	842.6
    BtH	-2	3	8	13	18	23	28	31
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Energy
    Damage	3-7	5-16	9-26	12-37	17-50	22-65	27-82	31-94
    Stat%	126.6	220.1	313.6	407.1	500.6	594.1	687.6	748.9
    BtH	8	13	18	23	28	33	38	28	41
    Rate: 50%

    This little critter looks like a normal Doom Sheep, but it's really been altered by powerful cybernetics. It can use powerful Energy attacks, including a claw smash and laser eye blast!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description, image and additional thanks to Heroes of the Scape.


    Starts off as a standard pet:
    Type								G
    Level	12	32	52	72	92	112	132	142
    PowLvl	12	32	52	72	92	112	132	145
    CHALvl	12	32	52	72	92	112	132	144
    Damage	3-7	5-17	9-27	13-39	18-53	23-69	29-87	33-100
    Stat%	134	233	332	431	530	629	728	793
    BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	36

  • Attack #1: Takes -5 BTH and deals *85/80 damage.
  • Attack #2: Gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    December --, 2013: The pet was released.
    ..... --, 20--: The pet became rare.

    Cyber Doom Sheep G

    «Energy Pet.»

    Location: [link=URL]Frostval 2013: Part I[/link]

    Type	G
    Level	25
    PowLvl	32
    CHALvl	30
    Price	37
    Sell	18

    Element: Energy
    Training Difficulty: -66

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage	5-18
    Stat%	247.6
    BtH	3
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Energy
    Damage	5-16
    Stat%	220.1
    BtH	13
    Rate: 50%

    This little critter looks like a normal Doom Sheep, but it's really been altered by powerful cybernetics. It can use powerful Energy attacks, including a claw smash and laser eye blast!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description, image and additional thanks to Heroes of the Scape.


    Starts off as a standard pet:
    Type	G
    Level	25
    PowLvl	32
    CHALvl	30
    Damage	5-17
    Stat%	233
    BtH	8

  • Attack #1: Takes -5 BTH and deals *85/80 damage.
  • Attack #2: Gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    December --, 2013: The pet was released.
    ..... --, 20--: The pet became rare.

    Cyber Doom Zheep

    «Energy Pet.»

    Location: [link=URL]Frostval 2013: Part I[/link]

    Type	Z	Z
    Level	82	135
    PowLvl	92	145
    CHALvl	89	142
    Price	6800	11650
    S <48h	6120	10485
      >48h	3400	5825

    Element: Energy
    Training Difficulty: -66

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Energy
    Damage	19-56	35-106
    Stat%	563.1	842.6
    BtH	18	31
    Rate: 50%

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Energy
    Damage	17-50	31-94
    Stat%	500.6	748.9
    BtH	28	41
    Rate: 50%

    This little critter looks like a normal Doom Sheep, but it's really been altered by powerful cybernetics. It can use powerful Energy attacks, including a claw smash and laser eye blast!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description, image and additional thanks to Heroes of the Scape.


    Starts off as a standard pet:
    Type	Z	Z
    Level	82	135
    PowLvl	92	145
    CHALvl	89	142
    Damage	18-53	33-100
    Stat%	530	793
    BtH	23	36

  • Attack #1: Takes -5 BTH and deals *85/80 damage.
  • Attack #2: Gains +5 BTH and deals *85/90 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    December --, 2013: The pet was released.
    ..... --, 20--: The pet became rare.
  • Got these. ~Carandor

  • Lilliputian Sorcerer Army = Done!
  • Cyber Doom Sheep = Done!

  • Groundonrage -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (12/27/2013 17:23:49)

    Friendship bracelet needs to be updated, adventurer/guardian mage(energy element) is avaliable now and I don't think the 3rd tier cha boost is possible anymore

    The Rogue is still possible; it just hasn't been unlocked yet. ~IMR

    Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/1/2014 18:49:44)


    The Flogg has a broken image:
    Added, thanks! Also gave the entry a quick facelift. ~Koree

    Dragoon23 -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/2/2014 13:32:26)



    A disciplined little Ninja Warrior, this cold-blooded Elf will unleash powerful Ice attacks, sometimes dealing more damage in a focused strike!

    2 attacks:
    4 hit ranged ice attack
    2 hit melee ice attack

    *Your NinjElf focuses for a powerful strike!



    ORIGINAL: Kamui

    Right, pets should all be open guys. Heading out for food, but should be back in time for the 90% mark. MC on the pet is a plain damage MC. 20% chance of 125% damage.
    Got this. ~Carandor

    Ash -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/2/2014 15:02:40)


    Numbers for above. The MC bonus is in the above post.

    50% chance of each attack. All attacks have +5 BTH ~ *85/90 damage.

    The four hit attack is four hits of 1/4 damage. The two-hit attack is two hits of 1/2 damage. There's no weird skew thing. ~IMR

    Level	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PowLvl	15	19	23	27	32	36	41	45	50	54
    Base	3	3	4	5	5	6	7	8	9	9
    Rand	6	8	8	9	12	12	14	15	16	19
    Stat	149	169	189	209	233	253	278	298	323	342
    BtH	3	4	5	6	8	9	10	11	12	13
    Level	55	60	65	70	75	80	85	90	95	100
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PowLvl	59	64	68	73	78	83	88	93	98	103
    Base	10	11	12	13	14	16	17	18	19	21
    Rand	21	23	25	27	30	30	33	36	39	40
    Stat	367	392	412	436	461	486	511	535	560	585
    BtH	14	16	17	18	19	20	22	23	24	25
    Level	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PowLvl	108	113	118	123	128	133	138	143	148	153
    Base	22	23	25	26	28	29	31	32	34	36
    Rand	44	47	49	53	55	59	61	66	69	71
    Stat	610	634	659	684	709	733	758	783	808	832
    BtH	27	28	29	30	32	33	34	35	37	38
    Got this. ~Carandor

    Syth -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/2/2014 15:08:28)

    So first hit is /2 per hit second is /4? or is it 50% chance of 2/3 and 4/3?

    Animenut1 -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/3/2014 12:39:20)

    Here, Ill make it very simple for those people that cant figure out the pet's attack rate and damage rate. Assuming the total damage done by the pet ends up being exactly 100 in either case...
    Attack 1: 2 hits at 1/2 damage each (50 + 50 = 100)
    Attack 2: 4 hits at 1/4 damage each (25 + 25 + 25 + 25 = 100)
    Both attacks have an EQUAL chance of happening; a 50/50 chance. Very straightforward, no complicated math, no complex calculations or obscure numbers.
    Also has +5 BtH so it hits more often with BOTH attacks.

    Dragoon23 -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/3/2014 19:07:04)


    'Olive' -Class Drone
    'Olive' -Class Drone Z

    This little gal isn't too powerful, but she can radio in accurate "Rudolph"-class drones, powerful "Donner"-class drones, and versatile "Prancer"-class drones!

    Got this. ~Carandor

    BlackAces -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/3/2014 20:11:31)


    Pet - "Olive"-class Drone

    Does one attack for 0.5 damage, all the time. Afterwards, it randomly calls forth a "Rudolph"-class drone, a "Donner"-class drone, and/or a "Prancer"-class drone to attack. The chance of each drone appearing is 1/3, rolled separately. Each drone hit does *0.5 damage, and comes with an MC effect:
    #Rudolph(red): One hit with +8 BTH
    #Prancer (green): One hit of +4 BTH and *1.05 damage.
    #Donner (yellow): One hit of *1.1 damage.

    Level	5	15	25	35	45	55	65	75	85	95	105	115	125	135	145
    Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	5	15	25	35	45	55	65	75	85	95	105	115	125	135	148
    Base	3	6	8	12	15	19	23	27	32	37	42	48	53	60	68
    Rand	1	0	1	0	1	0	0	1	0	0	1	0	1	0	1
    Stat	100	149	199	248	298	347	397	446	496	545	595	644	694	743	808
    BtH	1	3	6	8	11	13	16	18	21	23	26	28	31	33	37
    MCPrice	18	24	41	89	226	614	1715	4841	13719	38929	110509	313757	890861	2529504	7182300
    MCSell	9	12	20	44	113	307	857	2420	6859	19464	55254	156878	445430	1264752	3591150
    Level	31	85	125
    Type	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	55	95	135
    Price	1210	7700	11550
    Sell	Z	Z	Z
    Got this. ~Carandor

    guardian marc -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/4/2014 13:39:41)

    About NinjElf:
    MC. 20% chance of 125% damage.
    When it does its MC/ "Your NinjElf focuses for a powerful strike! "
    The textbox will read "<Insert pet name here> focuses for a powerful strike!
    (In myse case it read: Zhe NinjElfh focuses for a powerful strike! " Had a good laugh about it - ty staff <3)

    Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/13/2014 9:02:00)

    Update to the Platopulse pet. It's to fix a few pop-up bugs, but I went a little overboard and re-did the whole thing.

    90% of the time, it attacks for one hit, 100% damage.
    10% of the time, it does its EMP attack. This is two hits with +5 BTH ~ *85/90 damage. It deals *0.69 damage to pay for the effect:

    1) The monster is paralysed. It can resist with a save with a +10 bonus (or a -10 bonus if it's a mecha/golem/robot):
    Level: PowLvl vs MosnterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    2) You are paralysed. You can resist with a save at a +10 bonus (or a -10 bonus if your armour is a mecha/golem/robot):
    Level: PowLvl vs YourLvl
    Major: VStat1 vs YourEND
    Minor: VStat2 vs YourCHA

    3) Your guest is paralysed. You can resist with a save at a +10 bonus:
    Level: PowLvl vs GuestLevel [defaults to your level if it's an old guest without a powlvl]
    Major: VStat1 vs YourCHA
    Minor: VStat2 vs YourLUK

    (VStat# is calculated uses CHALvl)
    Level	9	29	9	49	69	89	109	129	149
    Type	G	-	Z	-	-	-	G	-	G
    PowLvl	18	29	44	49	69	89	112	129	152
    CHALvl	15	29	35	49	69	89	111	129	151
    Base	3	4	6	7	10	14	18	22	28
    Rand	7	12	18	19	30	40	56	68	86
    Stat	164	219	293	318	417	516	629	714	827
    BtH	4	7	11	12	17	22	28	32	38
    VStat1	45	75	85	115	160	200	200	200	200
    VStat2	0	0	5	15	30	45	155	200	200
    Price	18	49	600	304	2359	18927	152504	1229439	9912027

    DarkDevil -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/14/2014 4:44:40)

    pet from Ultimon's fortress part 4


    This odd creature, first discovered by Balu, is a symbiote that can reduce the amount of damage you take in battle, but always expects something in return for its help....

    Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/14/2014 23:58:37)

    Chiaro Symbiote

    The monster deals *1.2/1.4 damage. This applies as long as the pet is out and visible, and as long as you have it set to attack (like, through the options menu).

    Turn #1: Does nothing.
    Turn #2: Does nothing
    Turn #3: Attack for three hits, *0.5*1.2 damage total. Afterwards, it attempts to Daze both you and the monster.

    1) The monster can resist its Daze with a save at a +0 bonus:
    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The Daze is for a 25% * [hits connected]/3 chance of not acting, for two turns. Darkness- and Light-element monsters are immune to this effect.

    2) You can resist its Daze with a save at a +0 bonus:
    Level: PowLvl vs YourLvl
    Major: VStat vs YourDEX
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs YourCHA

    VStat is 200 for all levels. Hooray for high-level content making things simple!

    The Daze is for a 25% * [hits connected]/3 chance of not acting, for two turns.

    Level	105	120	135	150
    Type	-	-	-	G
    PowLvl	105	120	135	153
    Base	21	25	30	36
    Rand	43	51	60	71
    Stat	595	669	743	832
    BtH	26	30	33	38
    Price	100463	480626	2299549	11002348

    KlawdStrife -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/16/2014 12:12:23)


    For Darkness Golem's Analysis section:

    Attack #1: It does 90% total damage. It receives +4 BTH and deals 85/89 damage. With two equally powerful attacks, each hit does 50% Damage.
    Attack #2: It does 140% total damage. It receives -8 BTH and deals 85/77 damage.

    should be:

    Attack #1: It does 95% total damage. It receives -7 BTH and deals 85/78 damage.
    Attack #2: It does 115% total damage.

    which is the same as the Earth Golem
    Fixed, thanks! ~Koree

    DarkDevil -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/20/2014 7:25:58)

    Chiaro Symbiote

    « Standard pet. Can attack with either Darkness or Light Randomly once every three turns. Reduces enemy damage at the cost of its own. dazes both player and monster on attack. »

    Location: Ultimon's Fortress Part 4
    Level		105		120		135		150
    PowLvl		105		120		135		153
    Price		100463		480626		2299549		11002348
    sell		50231		240313		1149774		5501174

    Element: Neutral
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: «Darkness, Light»
    Damage		4.2-12.8	5-15.2		6-18		7.2-21.4
    Stat%		119		133.8		148.6		166.4
    BTH		26		30		33		38

    The monster deals 85.7% damage. This applies as long as the pet is out and visible, and as long as you have it set to attack (like, through the options menu).*
    Attacks in a cycle every 3 turns.
    Changes its color in the beginning of the player turn in a cycle : Blue > Purple > Red , when it is Red it attacks.
    Afterwards, it attempts to Daze both you and the monster** , both of you can resist*** the Daze

    1) The monster can resist**** its Daze with a save at a +0 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The Daze is for a 25% * [hits connected]/3 chance of not acting, for two turns. Darkness- and Light-element monsters are immune to this effect.*****

    2) You can resist**** its Daze with a save at a +0 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs YourLvl
    Major: 200 vs YourDEX
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs YourCHA

    The Daze is for a 25% * [hits connected]/3 chance of not acting, for two turns.

    *Your Chiaro Symbiote weakens the damage you take from the attack!
    **You and your opponent are both dazed by the powerful beams!
    ***You and your foe are both left seeing stars, but shake it off.
    ****You are seeing stars, but shake it off. but your opponent is dazed by the beams!
    *****You are dazed by the powerful beams! light & Darkness beings can't be dazed by your Chiaro Symbiote!

    This odd creature, first discovered by Balu, is a symbiote that can reduce the amount of damage you take in battle, but always expects something in return for its help....

    Numbers thanks to IMR and Analysis thanks to Kamui.


    Starts out as a standard pet:
    Level		105		120		135		150
    PowLvl		105		120		135		153
    Damage		21-64		25-76		30-90		36-107
    Stat%		595		669		743		832
    BTH		26		30		33		38

    The pet deals *1.2 for multi-element
    It attacks every 3 turns for 300% damage.
    Half of the damage is paid to reduce enemy's damage to 1.2/1.4 .
    it dazes both the player and the monster.
    it does 1/3 of the damage left to pay for the difference between the importance of a player and a monster turn.
    with 3 equal hits each doing 1/3 of damage .


    January 14, 2014: The pet was released.

    Controlled Platopulse

    Location: Missing Miss Fixit!
    Level	29	49	69	89	129
    PowLvl	29	49	69	89	129
    Price	49	304	2359	18927	1229439
    Element: Energy
    Training Difficulty: -66
    Damage:	4-16	7-26	10-40	14-54	22-90
    Stats%:	219	318	417	516	714
    BtH	7	12	17	22	32

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 100% Base, Random, and Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 90%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Melee
    Damage: 32.583% Base, Random and Stats each
    BTH: +5 plus Stats
    Rate: 10%
    EFFECT:it attempts to paralise you and your guest and the monster*

    1) The monster is paralysed. It can resist** with a save with a +10 bonus (or a -10 bonus if it's a mecha/golem/robot):

    Level: PowLvl vs MosnterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    2) You are paralysed***. You can resist with a save at a +10 bonus (or a -10 bonus if your armour is a mecha/golem/robot):

    Level: PowLvl vs YourLvl
    Major: VStat1 vs YourEND
    Minor: VStat2 vs YourCHA

    3) Your guest is paralysed. You can resist with a save at a +10 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs GuestLevel [defaults to your level if it's an old guest without a powlvl]
    Major: VStat1 vs YourCHA
    Minor: VStat2 vs YourLUK

    VStat1	75	115	160	200	200
    VStat2	0	15	30	45	200

    *The platopulse's burst stunned Everybody!
    **The platopulse's burst stunned the monster!
    ***The platopulse's burst stunned you!
    ****The Platopulse's burst stunned your guest!

    The Platopulse's burst stunned you and your guest!
    ‡‡The Platopulse's burst stunned your guest and the monster!
    ‡‡‡The Platopulse's burst stunned you and the monster!
    ‡‡‡‡Everybody resists the Platopulse's stunning burst!

    This platopulse won't cause any runaway feedback!

    Information from In Media Res. Image thanks to BlackAces.


    Attack 1 deals 100% damage
    Attack 2 deals 69% of damage and attempts to paralise you and your guest and the monster.
    Attack 2 has two equal hits each deal half of damage, +5 bth and deal 85/90 damage.


    March 24, 2011: The pet was released.
    January 15, 2014: The pet was swept to the newest standards, and pop-ups fixed.

    Guardian Controlled Platopulse

    Location: Missing Miss Fixit!
    Level	9	109	149
    PowLvl	18	112	152
    Price	18	152504	9912027
    Element: Energy
    Training Difficulty: -66
    Damage:	3-10	18-74	28-114
    Stats%:	164	629	827
    BtH:	4	28	38

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 100% Base, Random, and Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 90%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Melee
    Damage: 32.583% Base, Random and Stats each
    BTH: +5 plus Stats
    Rate: 10%
    EFFECT:it attempts to paralise you and your guest and the monster*

    1) The monster is paralysed. It can resist** with a save with a +10 bonus (or a -10 bonus if it's a mecha/golem/robot):

    Level: PowLvl vs MosnterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    2) You are paralysed***. You can resist with a save at a +10 bonus (or a -10 bonus if your armour is a mecha/golem/robot):

    Level: PowLvl vs YourLvl
    Major: VStat1 vs YourEND
    Minor: VStat2 vs YourCHA

    3) Your guest is paralysed. You can resist with a save at a +10 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs GuestLevel [defaults to your level if it's an old guest without a powlvl]
    Major: VStat1 vs YourCHA
    Minor: VStat2 vs YourLUK

    VStat1	45	200	200
    VStat2	0	155	200

    *The platopulse's burst stunned Everybody!
    **The platopulse's burst stunned the monster!
    ***The platopulse's burst stunned you!
    ****The Platopulse's burst stunned your guest!

    The Platopulse's burst stunned you and your guest!
    ‡‡The Platopulse's burst stunned your guest and the monster!
    ‡‡‡The Platopulse's burst stunned you and the monster!
    ‡‡‡‡Everybody resists the Platopulse's stunning burst!

    This platopulse won't cause any runaway feedback!(Guardian Only)

    Information from In Media Res. Image thanks to BlackAces.


    Attack 1 deals 100% damage
    Attack 2 deals 69% of damage and attempts to paralise you and your guest and the monster.
    Attack 2 has two equal hits each deal half of damage, +5 bth and deal 85/90 damage.


    March 24, 2011: The pet was released.
    January 15, 2014: The pet was swept to the newest standards, and pop-ups fixed.

    Controlled Platopulse Z

    Location: Missing Miss Fixit!
    Level	9
    PowLvl	44
    Element: Energy
    Training Difficulty: -66
    Damage:	6-24
    Stats%:	293
    BtH	11

    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 100% Base, Random, and Stats
    BTH: +0 plus Stats each
    Rate: 90%

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 2
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Melee
    Damage: 32.583% Base, Random and Stats each
    BTH: +5 plus Stats
    Rate: 10%
    EFFECT:it attempts to paralise you and your guest and the monster*

    1) The monster is paralysed. It can resist** with a save with a +10 bonus (or a -10 bonus if it's a mecha/golem/robot):

    Level: PowLvl vs MosnterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    2) You are paralysed***. You can resist with a save at a +10 bonus (or a -10 bonus if your armour is a mecha/golem/robot):

    Level: PowLvl vs YourLvl
    Major: 85 vs YourEND
    Minor: 5 vs YourCHA

    3) Your guest is paralysed. You can resist with a save at a +10 bonus:

    Level: PowLvl vs GuestLevel [defaults to your level if it's an old guest without a powlvl]
    Major: 85 vs YourCHA
    Minor: 5 vs YourLUK

    *The platopulse's burst stunned Everybody!
    **The platopulse's burst stunned the monster!
    ***The platopulse's burst stunned you!
    ****The Platopulse's burst stunned your guest!

    The Platopulse's burst stunned you and your guest!
    ‡‡The Platopulse's burst stunned your guest and the monster!
    ‡‡‡The Platopulse's burst stunned you and the monster!
    ‡‡‡‡Everybody resists the Platopulse's stunning burst!

    This platopulse won't cause any runaway feedback!

    Information from In Media Res. Image thanks to BlackAces.


    Attack 1 deals 100% damage
    Attack 2 deals 69% of damage and attempts to paralise you and your guest and the monster.
    Attack 2 has two equal hits each deal half of damage, +5 bth and deal 85/90 damage.


    March 24, 2011: The pet was released.
    January 15, 2014: The pet was swept to the newest standards, and pop-ups fixed.

    Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/21/2014 0:10:17)


    Updated and bugfixed: Robocockatrice and Experimental Robocockatrice

    For both: +7 BTH ~ *85/92 damage on the Earth attack; standard Wind attack.

    Robocockatrice: Not MC. Randomly does Earth or Wind damage. All hits do *1.2 damage for multiple elements.

    Experimental Robocockatrice: Mastercraft, element-seeks between Wind and Earth. Defaults to Earth if they're equal. The seeking takes Petrification into account.

    The Earth attack can Petrify the monster. The attack does *0.137 damage. If both hits connect, then there's a [monster Earth resistance]/2 chance of Petrifying the monster. The monster can resist with a save at a +10 bonus:
    Level: PowLvl vs MosnterLvl
    Major: YourCHA vs MosnterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    Level	1	50	30	60	90	120	143
    Type	Z	G	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	40	54	54	73	100	130	153
    Base	7	9	9	13	20	28	36
    Rand	13	19	19	27	39	57	71
    Stat	273	342	342	436	570	719	832
    BtH	10	13	13	18	25	32	38
    Price	500	336	1050	2750	7400	10000	12600
    Sell	Z	168	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    MCPrice	550	370	1155	3025	8140	11000	13860
    MCSell	Z	185	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Got this. ~Carandor

    Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/23/2014 15:28:51)


    LTS item; here for 2 weeks.

    Seeks between Energy and Darkness. Does Energy if they're tied. Both attacks are two hits.

    Level	3	23	43	63	83	103	123	143
    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    PowLvl	41	50	62	76	93	113	133	153
    Base	7	9	11	14	18	23	29	36
    Rand	14	16	22	28	36	47	59	71
    Stat	278	323	382	451	535	634	733	832
    BtH	10	12	15	19	23	28	33	38
    MCPrice	605	935	1705	3575	7535	9240	11330	13860

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/23/2014 23:57:00)


    «Mastercraft pet, seeks between Energy and Darkness.»

    Location: Limited Times Shop

    Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Level	3	23	43	63	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	41 MC	50 MC	62 MC	76 MC	93 MC	113 MC	133 MC	153 MC
    Price	605	935	1705	3575	7535	9240	11330	13860
    S <48h	544	841	1534	3217	6781	8316	10197	12474
      >48h	302	467	852	1787	3767	4620	5665	6930

    Element: Energy
    Training Difficulty: -66

    Hits: 2
    Type: See Effect
    Element: See Effect
    Damage	4-11	5-13	6-17	7-21	9-27	12-35	15-44	18-54
    Stat%	139	161.5	191	225.5	267.5	317	366.5	416
    BtH	10	12	15	19	23	28	33	38

  • It does Ranged Energy attacks or Melee Darkness attacks.
  • Element seeks between Energy and Darkness whichever is higher. Does Energy if both are equal.

    This patchwork little guy was brought back by a bolt of lighting, and he's got a good enough brain in that... eye. Yeah, a good enough brain in that eye to use Energy and Darkness attacks, whichever will hurt more!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Correction thanks to KaizerWolf and In Media Res.


    Starts off as a mastercarft pet with element seeking ability.
    	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
    Level	3	23	43	63	83	103	123	143
    PowLvl	41 	50	62	76	93	113	133	153
    Damage	7-21	9-25	11-33	14-42	18-54	23-70	29-88	36-107
    Stat%	278	323	382	451	535	634	733	832
    BtH	10	12	15	19	23	28	33	38

  • Attack: With two equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.
  • Element seeks between Energy and Darkness.


    January 23, 2014: The pet was released.
    February --, 2014: The pet became rare.

  • This pet is available, I just added the rare tags since it will be going rare after next two weeks. :)

  • Ianthe -> RE: Pets/Guest - Read the first post! (1/24/2014 13:17:50)

    Some old guests that don't have stats:

    Gen. Herous

    Has *1.1 turn cost.

    Attack is two Melee hits. Seeks between Light and Earth.


    Cap'n Rhubarb [Ninja-fighting mode]

    Turn cost is *0.8 if you're fighting a ninja, or *1.05 otherwise.

    Attack is two hits, Ranged Energy. Against ninjas, it deals *1.1 damage and element-seeks. Against everything else, it does *0.975 damage.


    Cap'n Rhubarb [generic mode]

    Standard turn cost.

    Attack is two hits, Ranged Energy.

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