Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (1/28/2013 7:41:47)

[size=2][b][i]Guide to the Best One Element Resistance[/i][/b][/size]

[link=]Section 1. Notes[/link] 
[link=]Section 2. Best combination - The ultimate lowest element resistance[/link] 
[link=]Section 3. Without Z-Token Items[/link] 
[link=]Section 4. Without Z-Token Items and Rares[/link] 
[link=]Section 5. Without Rares[/link] 
[link=]Section 6. Final words[/link] 

[*] The Level Caps are [b]150[/b] for Guardians/X-Guardians, and [b]135[/b] for Adventurers.
[*] Feel free to post here or PM me if you have any suggestions, corrections, information, etc. 
[*] When posting about an item, please mention [color=#FF0000][b]the section[/b][/color] include [color=#FF0000][b]a link[/b][/color].

Bu Kek Siansu -> Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance Part 2 (1/28/2013 8:14:59)

Section 1. [b]Notes[/b] 


[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] 
The shield shifts to defend against whatever element the monster attacks with. 
Mastercraft Bonus: [color=#EFEFEF]a1[/color]
Against [u][b]undead[/b] and [b]zombies[/b][/u], the shield shifts to defend against whatever element the monster attacks with. 
So if the monster attacks with Darkness, then the Light resistance shifts to Darkness. 
It only defends against one element per turn, and it only defends against the eight standard elements. 


For some reason an old Adventurer can use a Guardian item: 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G). 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnan[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnas[/link] (G)

Bu Kek Siansu -> Guide to the Best One Element Resistance Part 3 (1/28/2013 13:06:18)

Section 2. [b]Best combination - The ultimate lowest element resistance[/b]  

[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. [ul]Armors: Fire 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) [color=#EFEFEF]a2[/color] 
[*] [link=]Supreme Overlord's Dynasty[/link] (G) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Moglord Tortress XXX[/link] (G) (R) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Moglord Tortress Z XXX[/link] (G) (Z) (R) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire/Energy 40%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Tribal Shaman Armor[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) (Fire/Earth 40%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Fire -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Supreme Overlord's Legend[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydro Blaze Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire or Water -25%) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Fire -10% [ul][*] [link=]Amulet of Drakonnan G[/link] (L145) (G) 
[*] [link=]Deflective Seal VII[/link] (G) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnan[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Necklace[/link] (L140) (G) (Z) (R) (Fire or Ice -10%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Fire 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Demon Warrior[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) (Fire/Darkness 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Weawwy Wascawy Wabbit[/link] (L140) (G) (Z) (R) (Fire/Darkness 41%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen[/link] (L136) (G) (Fire/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Fire 43% [ul][*] [link=]Overlord's Dynasty[/link] > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Ancient Fire Dragon Form[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Fire -25% [ul][*] [link=]Conflagration Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Fire -10% [ul][*] [link=]Deflective Seal VI[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Urn of Daryngord[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Magma Leaf[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnan[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Fire 8% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L130) (SO) (Fire/Energy 44%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Tribal Shaman Armor[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) (Fire/Earth 44%) 
[*] [link=]Demon Warrior[/link] (L130) (R) (SO) (Fire/Darkness 45%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo[/link] (L116) (Fire/Darkness 49%) 
[*] [link=]Vewy Wascawy Wabbit[/link] (L110) (Z) (R) (Fire/Darkness 49%)> Fully-Offensive  
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Water 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Desert Conqueror G[/link] (L138) (G) 
[*] [link=]ZettaSnide Transformation[/link] (L144) (G) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Moglord Tortress XXX[/link] (G) (R) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Moglord Tortress Z XXX[/link] (G) (Z) (R) > Fully Offensive [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Water -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydro Blaze Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire or Water -25%) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler G[/link] (L145) (G) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Water -10% [ul][*] [link=]All-Seeing Eye of the Sacragon[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]War Totem[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) 
[*] [link=]Reflective Seal VII[/link] (G) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L142) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Water 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L140) (G) (SO) (Water/Ice 41%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Water 41% [ul][*] [link=]Abyssal Salvation Armor Z VI[/link] (Z) (R) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Water -25% [ul] [*] [link=]Inundating Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler[/link] (L130) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler Z[/link] (L120) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Water -10% [ul][*] [link=]Visionary's Eye of the Sacragon[/link] 
[*] [link=]War Totem[/link] (L130) (R) (Special Offers) 
[*] [link=]Reflective Seal VI[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Everfrozen Shard[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Mermazon Kelp[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Bar of Soap[/link] (L70) (R) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L134) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Water 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Felled Gunfighter[/link] (L132) (Z) (Water/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]ExaSnide Transformation[/link] (L134) (Water 43%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Alterer's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L120) (SO) (Water/Ice 49%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Wind 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Lord of the Skies[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Zombie-Tested Axe Master Armour[/link] (L145) (G) (R) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Wind -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Zombie Axe Master Shield[/link] (L145) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Wind -10% [ul][*] [link=]Bulwark Seal VII[/link] (G) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Guardian's Urn of Prevailing Winds[/link] (L136) (G) 
[*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L142) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Wind 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Guardian Stilkwalker[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind/Ice 41%) 
[*] [link=]Offensive Test Armour[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind 41%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Defensive Test Armour[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind 41%) > Fully-Defensive 
[*] [link=]Sugar Rush Guardian Armor[/link] (L144) (G) (R) (Energy 39%, Wind/Earth 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Wind 40% [ul][*] [link=]Abating Armor of Sensing[/link] (SO) (R) 
[*] [link=]Armor of Sensing[/link] (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Wind -25% [ul][*] [link=]Cyclone Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Zombie Axe Master Shield[/link] (L135) (R) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Misc: Wind -10% [ul][*][link=]Bulwark Seal VI[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L123) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L134) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Wind 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Stiltwalker[/link] (L135) (Wind/Ice 43%) 
[*] [link=]Offensive Test Armour[/link] (L125) (Wind 45%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Defensive Test Armour[/link] (L125) (Wind 45%) > Fully-Defensive 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Ice 39% [ul][*] [link=]Frost Wyrm Tera Suul[/link] (150) (SO) (T) » Fully Offensive [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Ice -26% [ul][*] [link=]Father Time[/link] (150) (G) (R) 

Alternative Shields: Ice -25% 
[*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Winter Shield[/link] (L50) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vindicator[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Vindicator[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L141) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Ice -10% [ul][*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L128) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L128) (L141) (G) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Necklace[/link] (L140) (G) (Z) (R) (Fire or Ice -10%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Ice 3% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Ice 40%) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vigilante[/link] (L148) (G) (Ice 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Void Vigilante[/link] (L148) (G) (Ice 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L140) (G) (SO) (Water/Ice 41%) 
[*] [link=]Guardian Stilkwalker[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind/Ice 41%) 
[*] [link=]Weawwy Wascawy Wabbit[/link] (L140) (G) (Z) (R) (Ice/Earth 41%) > Fully-Defensive 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Ice 41% [ul][*] [link=]Ancient ReignDragon Rider[/link] (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Ice -25% [ul][*] [link=]Absolute Zero Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L134) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Father Time[/link] (130) (R) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Ice -10% [ul][*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Everfrozen Shard[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Heart of Chillax[/link] (L130) (R) 
[*] [link=]Heart of Chillax Z[/link] (L120) (R) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Ice 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Nemesis' Testament[/link] (Ice/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Stiltwalker[/link] (L135) (Wind/Ice 43%) 
[*] [link=]Frost Wyrm Tera Suul[/link] (130) (SO) (T) (Ice 43%) » Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vigilante[/link] (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Void Vigilante[/link] (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Alterer's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L120) (SO) (Water/Ice 49%) 
[*] [link=]Vewy Wascawy Wabbit[/link] (L110) (Z) (R) (Ice/Earth 49%) > Fully-Defensive 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Earth 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (147) (G) 
[*] [link=]Bland Truphma Suit[/link] (L146) (G) (Earth 40%) 
[*] [link=]Tribal Shaman Armor[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) (Fire/Earth 40%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Earth -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler G[/link] (L145) (G) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Bloodthorn Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Earth -10% [ul][*] [link=]Clan Defender's Memento[/link] (L140) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L147) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L142) (G) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Earth 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Jester Masquerade[/link] (L140) (G) (Z) (Earth/Light 42%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Rabid Diretooth Form[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Earth/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig G[/link] (L145) (G) (Earth 41%) > Mid-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (137) (G) (Earth 41%) 
[*] [link=]Sugar Rush Guardian Armor[/link] (L144) (G) (R) (Energy 39%, Wind/Earth 42%) 
[*] [link=]4-Leaf Clover Power Armor[/link] (L145) (G) (R) (Earth/Light 41%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Weawwy Wascawy Wabbit[/link] (L140) (G) (Z) (R) (Ice/Earth 41%) > Fully-Defensive 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Earth 43% [ul][*] [link=]Centaurion Form Primus[/link] (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Earth -25% [ul][*] [link=]Gaia Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler[/link] (L130) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler Z[/link] (L120) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Earth -10% [ul][*] [link=]Blackroot[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Treasure Box[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Bar of Soap[/link] (L70) (R) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L132) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L122) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L134) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Earth 8% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Shamrock Power Armor[/link] (L135) (R) (Earth/Light 43%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Solid Gold Power Armor Z[/link] (L125) (Z) (R) (Earth/Light 43%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Jester Facade[/link] (L125) (Z) (Earth/Light 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Feral Diretooth Form[/link] (L130) (R) (Earth/Darkness 44%) 
[*] [link=]Tribal Shaman Armor[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) (Fire/Earth 44%) 
[*] [link=]Morningstar Bloodline[/link] (Earth 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (127) (Earth 45%) 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig[/link] (L130) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 46%) 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig Z[/link] (L120) (Z) (Earth 46%) > Mid-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Vewy Wascawy Wabbit[/link] (L110) (Z) (R) (Ice/Earth 49%) > Fully-Defensive 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Energy 39% [ul]
[*] [link=]Megingjord[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Megingold[/link] (L143) (Z) (G) 
[*] [link=]Svadilfari's Oath[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Sugar Rush Guardian Armor[/link] (L144) (G) (R) (Energy 39%, Wind/Earth 42%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Energy -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Oracle's Taladosian Ward[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Jarnskjoldr[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Jarnskgoldr[/link] (L143) (Z) (G) 
[*] [link=]Conglomerate Frankenshield[/link] (L150) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Energy -10% [ul][*] [link=]Guardian Colossal Shock Collar[/link] (L145) (G) 
[*] [link=]Guardian Thunderbird Helm[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnas[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Energy 4% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]High Oracle's Taladosian Robes[/link] (G) (Energy 40%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Witch Hunter[/link] (L143) (Z) (R) (Energy 40%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire/Energy 40%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]Cyber Shogun[/link] (L141) (G) (Z) (Energy 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G[/link] (L147) (G) (R) (Energy/Light 41%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Lightning Chevalier[/link] (L135) (G) (Energy 42%) 
[*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G[/link] (L137) (G) (R) (Energy/Light 42%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Energy 41% [ul][*] [link=]Salvation Armor Z VI[/link] (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Energy -25% [ul][*][link=]Oracle's Taladosian Ward[/link] 
[*] [link=]Sprite Lightning Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Energy -10% [ul][*] [link=]Urn of Daryngord[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Gargantuan Shock Collar[/link] (L135) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnas[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Energy 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Asgardian Lightning's Power[/link] (L135) (Energy 42%) 
[*] [link=]Asgoldian Lightning's Power[/link] (L125) (Z) (Energy 42%) 
[*] [link=]Lightning Chevalier Z[/link] (L128) (Z) (Energy 42%) 
[*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour Z[/link] (L130) (Z) (R) (Energy/Light 42%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Oracle's Taladosian Robes[/link] (L135) (Energy 43%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Cyber Shogun[/link] (L129) (Z) (Energy 43%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L130) (SO) (Fire/Energy 44%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Light 38% [ul][*] [link=]High Communicant's Zeal[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Light -25% [ul][*] [link=]Eye of Naab[/link] (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L146) (G) 
[*] [link=]Cosmic Ethereal Shield[/link] (L150) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Light -10% [ul][*] [link=]Luminous Wyrm Helm[/link] (L132) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Helm[/link] 
[*] [link=]Golden Goblet[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Evil Eyeglasses[/link] (L100) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Earrings[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Light 3% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]White Knight[/link] (L150) (G) (Special Offers) (Light 40%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]White Knight Z[/link] (L143) (G) (Z) (Light 40%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Light 40%) 
[*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G[/link] (L147) (G) (R) (Energy/Light 41%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L147) (G) (Light/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L137) (G) (Light/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G[/link] (L137) (G) (R) (Energy/Light 42%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Jester Masquerade[/link] (L140) (G) (Z) (Earth/Light 42%) > Fully Offensive [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Light 41% [ul][*] [link=]Communicant's Zeal[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Light -25% [ul][*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L121) (Z) [*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Marishi-Ten Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Light -10% [ul][*] [link=]Luminous Wyrm Helm[/link] (L132) (Z)
[*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Helm[/link] 
[*] [link=]Golden Goblet[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Evil Eyeglasses[/link] (L100) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Earrings[/link] (L130) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Light 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour Z[/link] (L130) (Z) (R) (Energy/Light 42%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [link=]Jester Facade[/link] (L125) (Z) (Earth/Light 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Plate[/link] (Light 48%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt[/link] (L122) (Light/Darkness 48%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Darkness 38% [ul][*] [link=]Eternal Twilight's Mantle[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shield: Darkness -26% [ul][*] [link=]Eternal Twilight's Regalia[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Darkness -10% [ul][*] [link=]EbilCorp Logo[/link] (L143) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]Necronomoron[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Zombie Heart[/link] (L145) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L142) (G) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Earrings[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Darkness 2% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]The Decimator[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) (Darkness 40%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Darkness 40%) 
[*] [link=]Demon Warrior[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) (Fire/Darkness 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Rabid Diretooth Form[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Earth/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L147) (G) (Light/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L137) (G) (Light/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen[/link] (L136) (G) (Fire/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Darkness 41% [ul][*] [link=]Twilight's Mantle[/link] 
[*] [link=]Nightmare Wyvern Rider[/link] (L130) (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Darkness -25% [ul][*] [link=]Twilight's Regalia[/link] 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L121) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Tartarus Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Box of Chocolates[/link] (L130) (R) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Darkness -10% [ul][*] [link=]EbilCorp Logo[/link] (L133) (R) 
[*] [link=]Zombie Heart[/link] (L135) (R) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L134) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Earrings[/link] (L130) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Darkness 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Nemesis' Testament[/link] (Ice/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]The Decimator[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) (Darkness 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Demon Warrior[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) (Fire/Darkness 45%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo[/link] (L116) (Fire/Darkness 49%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt[/link] (L122) (Light/Darkness 48%) [link=]Felled Gunfighter[/link] (L132) (Z) (Water/Darkness 42%) [*] [link=]Feral Diretooth Form[/link] (L130) (R) (Earth/Darkness 44%) 
[*] [link=]Vewy Wascawy Wabbit[/link] (L110) (Z) (R) (Fire/Darkness 49%) > Fully-Offensive 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr]

Bu Kek Siansu -> Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance Part 4 (1/31/2013 9:55:07)

Section 3. [b]Without Z-Token Items[/b]

[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. [ul]Armors: Fire 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) [color=#EFEFEF]a2[/color] 
[*] [link=]Supreme Overlord's Dynasty[/link] (G) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Moglord Tortress XXX[/link] (G) (R) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]Tribal Shaman Armor[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) (Fire/Earth 40%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Fire -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Supreme Overlord's Legend[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydro Blaze Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire or Water -25%) (Special Offers) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Fire -10% [ul][*] [link=]Amulet of Drakonnan G[/link] (L145) (G) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnan[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Fire 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Demon Warrior[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) (Fire/Darkness 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen[/link] (L136) (G) (Fire/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Fire 43% [ul][*] [link=]Overlord's Dynasty[/link] > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Ancient Fire Dragon Form[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Fire -25% [ul][*] [link=]Conflagration Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Fire -9% [ul][*] [link=]Amulet of Drakonnan[/link] (L130) (Fire -9%) [*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnan[/link] (G) (as an alternative: Fire -10%) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Fire 9% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L130) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 44%) 
[*] [link=]Tribal Shaman Armor[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) (Fire/Earth 44%) 
[*] [link=]Demon Warrior[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) (Fire/Darkness 45%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo[/link] (L116) (Fire/Darkness 49%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Water 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Desert Conqueror G[/link] (L138) (G) 
[*] [link=]Moglord Tortress XXX[/link] (G) (R) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]ZettaSnide Transformation[/link] (L144) (G) > Fully-Offensive [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Water -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydro Blaze Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire or Water -25%) (Special Offers) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler G[/link] (L145) (G) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Water -10% [ul][*] [link=]All-Seeing Eye of the Sacragon[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]War Totem[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L142) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Water 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L140) (G) (SO) (Water/Ice 41%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Water 43% [ul][*] [link=]ExaSnide Transformation[/link] (L134) > Fully-Offensive [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Water -25% [ul] [*] [link=]Inundating Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler[/link] (L130) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Water -10% [ul][*] [link=]Visionary's Eye of the Sacragon[/link] 
[*] [link=]War Totem[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) 
[*] [link=]Bar of Soap[/link] (L70) (R) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L134) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Water 8% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Ancient Water Dragon Form[/link] (Water 46%) 
[*] [link=]Alterer's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L120) (SO) (R) (Water/Ice 49%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Wind 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Lord of the Skies[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Zombie-Tested Axe Master Armour[/link] (L145) (G) (R) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Wind -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Zombie Axe Master Shield[/link] (L145) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Wind -10% [ul][*] [link=]Guardian's Urn of Prevailing Winds[/link] (L136) (G) 
[*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L142) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Wind 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Guardian Stilkwalker[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind/Ice 41%) 
[*] [link=]Offensive Test Armour[/link] (L145) (G) > Fully-Offensive (Wind 41%) 
[*] [link=]Defensive Test Armour[/link] (L145) (G) > Fully-Defensive (Wind 41%) 
[*] [link=]Sugar Rush Guardian Armor[/link] (L144) (G) (R) (Energy 39%, Wind/Earth 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Wind 40% [ul][*] [link=]Abating Armor of Sensing[/link] (SO) (R) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Wind -25% [ul][*] [link=]Cyclone Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Zombie Axe Master Shield[/link] (L135) (R) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Misc: Wind -10% [ul][*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L134) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Wind 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Stiltwalker[/link] (L135) (Wind/Ice 43%) 
[*] [link=]Offensive Test Armour[/link] (L125) > Fully-Offensive (Wind 45%) 
[*] [link=]Defensive Test Armour[/link] (L125) > Fully-Defensive (Wind 45%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Ice 39% [ul][*] [link=]Frost Wyrm Tera Suul[/link] (150) (SO) (T) » Fully Offensive [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Ice -26% [ul][*] [link=]Father Time[/link] (150) (G) (R) 

Alternative Shields: Ice -25% 
[*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Winter Shield[/link] (L50) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vindicator[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Vindicator[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L141) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Ice -10% [ul][*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L128) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L128) (L141) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Ice 3% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Ice 40%) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vigilante[/link] (L148) (G) (Ice 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Void Vigilante[/link] (L148) (G) (Ice 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L140) (G) (SO) (Water/Ice 41%) 
[*] [link=]Guardian Stilkwalker[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind/Ice 41%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Ice 42% [ul][*] [link=]Nemesis' Testament[/link] (Ice/Darkness 42%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Ice -25% [ul][*] [link=]Absolute Zero Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Father Time[/link] (130) (R) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Ice -10% [ul][*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Heart of Chillax[/link] (L130) (R) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Ice 7% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Stiltwalker[/link] (L135) (Wind/Ice 43%) 
[*] [link=]Frost Wyrm Tera Suul[/link] (130) (SO) (T) (Ice 43%) » Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vigilante[/link] (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Void Vigilante[/link] (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Ancient Ice Dragon Form[/link] (Ice 45%) 
[*] [link=]Alterer's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L120) (SO) (Water/Ice 49%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Earth 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Bland Truphma Suit[/link] (L146) (G) (Earth 40%) 
[*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (147) (G) 
[*] [link=]Tribal Shaman Armor[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) (Fire/Earth 40%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Earth -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler G[/link] (L145) (G) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Bloodthorn Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (-25% Earth) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Earth -10% [ul][*] [link=]Clan Defender's Memento[/link] (L140) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L147) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L142) (G) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Earth 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Rabid Diretooth Form[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Earth/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (137) (G) (Earth 41%) 
[*] [link=]Sugar Rush Guardian Armor[/link] (L144) (G) (R) (Energy 39%, Wind/Earth 42%) 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig G[/link] (L145) (G) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 41%) 
[*] [link=]4-Leaf Clover Power Armor[/link] (L145) (G) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Earth/Light 41%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Earth 43% [ul][*] [link=]Shamrock Power Armor[/link] (L135) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Earth/Light 43%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Earth -25% [ul][*] [link=]Gaia Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler[/link] (L130) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Earth -10% [ul][*] [link=]Bar of Soap[/link] (L70) (R) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L132) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L122) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L134) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Earth 8% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Feral Diretooth Form[/link] (L130) (R) (Earth/Darkness 44%) 
[*] [link=]Tribal Shaman Armor[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) (Fire/Earth 44%) 
[*] [link=]Morningstar Bloodline[/link] (Earth 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (127) (Earth 45%) 
[*] [link=]Ancient Earth Dragon Form[/link] (Earth 45%) 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig[/link] (L130) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 46%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Energy 39% [ul][*] [link=]Megingjord[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Svadilfari's Oath[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Sugar Rush Guardian Armor[/link] (L144) (G) (R) (Energy 39%, Wind/Earth 42%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Energy -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Oracle's Taladosian Ward[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Jarnskjoldr[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Conglomerate Frankenshield[/link] (L150) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Energy -10% [ul][*] [link=]Guardian Colossal Shock Collar[/link] (L145) (G) 
[*] [link=]Guardian Thunderbird Helm[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnas[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Energy 4% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]High Oracle's Taladosian Robes[/link] (G) > Fully Offensive (Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 40%) 
[*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G[/link] (L147) (G) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Energy/Light 41%) 
[*] [link=]Lightning Chevalier[/link] (L135) (G) (Energy 42%) 
[*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G[/link] (L137) (G) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Energy/Light 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Energy 42% [ul][*] [link=]Asgardian Lightning's Power[/link] (L135) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Energy -25% [ul][*] [link=]Oracle's Taladosian Ward[/link] 
[*] [link=]Sprite Lightning Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Energy -10% [ul][*] [link=]Gargantuan Shock Collar[/link] (L135) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnas[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Energy 7% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Oracle's Taladosian Robes[/link] (L135) > Fully-Offensive (Energy 43%) 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L130) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 44%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Light 38% [ul][*] [link=]High Communicant's Zeal[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Light -25% [ul][*] [link=]Eye of Naab[/link] (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L146) (G) [*] [link=]Cosmic Ethereal Shield[/link] (L150) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Light -10% [ul][*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Helm[/link] 
[*] [link=]Evil Eyeglasses[/link] (L100) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Earrings[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Light 3% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]White Knight[/link] (L150) (G) (Special Offers) (Light 40%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Light 40%) 
[*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G[/link] (L147) (G) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Energy/Light 41%) 
[*] [link=]4-Leaf Clover Power Armor[/link] (L145) (G) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Earth/Light 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L147) (G) (Light/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L137) (G) (Light/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G[/link] (L137) (G) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Energy/Light 42%) [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Light 41% [ul][*] [link=]Communicant's Zeal[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Light -25% [ul][*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Marishi-Ten Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Light -10% [ul][*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Helm[/link] 
[*] [link=]Evil Eyeglasses[/link] (L100) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Earrings[/link] (L130) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Light 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Shamrock Power Armor[/link] (L135) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Earth/Light 43%) 
[*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Plate[/link] (Light 48%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt[/link] (L122) (Light/Darkness 48%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Darkness 38% [ul][*] [link=]Eternal Twilight's Mantle[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shield: Darkness -26% [ul][*] [link=]Eternal Twilight's Regalia[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Darkness -10% [ul][*] [link=]EbilCorp Logo[/link] (L143) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]Necronomoron[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Zombie Heart[/link] (L145) (G) (R) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L142) (G) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Earrings[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Darkness 2% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]The Decimator[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Special Offers) (Darkness 40%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Darkness 40%) 
[*] [link=]Demon Warrior[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (R) (Fire/Darkness 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Rabid Diretooth Form[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Earth/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L147) (G) (Light/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L137) (G) (Light/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen[/link] (L136) (G) (Fire/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Darkness 41% [ul][*] [link=]Twilight's Mantle[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Darkness -25% [ul][*] [link=]Twilight's Regalia[/link] 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Tartarus Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Box of Chocolates[/link] (L130) (R) (-25% Darkness) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Darkness -10% [ul][*] [link=]EbilCorp Logo[/link] (L133) (R) 
[*] [link=]Zombie Heart[/link] (L135) (R) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L134) 
[*] [link=]Mother's Charm Earrings[/link] (L130) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Darkness 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Nemesis' Testament[/link] (Ice/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]The Decimator[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) (Darkness 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Feral Diretooth Form[/link] (L130) (R) (Earth/Darkness 44%) 
[*] [link=]Demon Warrior[/link] (L130) (SO) (R) (Fire/Darkness 45%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt[/link] (L122) (Light/Darkness 48%) 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo[/link] (L116) (Fire/Darkness 49%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr]

Bu Kek Siansu -> Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance Part 5 (2/1/2013 11:04:26)

Section 4. [b]Without Z-Token Items and Rares[/b] 

[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. [ul]Armors: Fire 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) [color=#EFEFEF]a2[/color] 
[*] [link=]Supreme Overlord's Dynasty[/link] (G) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 40%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Fire -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Supreme Overlord's Legend[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydro Blaze Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire or Water -25%) (Special Offers) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Fire -10% [ul][*] [link=]Amulet of Drakonnan G[/link] (L145) (G) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnan[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Fire 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen[/link] (L136) (G) (Fire/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Fire 43% [ul][*] [link=]Overlord's Dynasty[/link] > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Ancient Fire Dragon Form[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Fire -25% [ul][*] [link=]Conflagration Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Fire -9% [ul][*] [link=]Amulet of Drakonnan[/link] (L130) (Fire -9%) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnan[/link] (G) (as an alternative: Fire -10%) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Fire 9% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L130) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 44%) 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo[/link] (L116) (Fire/Darkness 49%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Water 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Desert Conqueror G[/link] (L138) (G) 
[*] [link=]ZettaSnide Transformation[/link] (L144) (G) > Fully-Offensive (Water 40%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Water -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydro Blaze Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire or Water -25%) (Special Offers) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler G[/link] (L145) (G) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Water -10% [ul][*] [link=]All-Seeing Eye of the Sacragon[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L142) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Water 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L140) (G) (SO) (Water/Ice 41%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Water 43% [ul][*] [link=]ExaSnide Transformation[/link] (L134) > Fully-Offensive [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Water -25% [ul] [*] [link=]Inundating Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler[/link] (L130) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Water -10% [ul][*] [link=]Visionary's Eye of the Sacragon[/link] 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L134) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Water 8% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors: (More useful due the Fully offensive and/or better BTH, Defense etc.) [ul][*] [link=]Ancient Water Dragon Form[/link] (Water 46%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Wind 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Wind -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Wind -10% [ul][*] [link=]Guardian's Urn of Prevailing Winds[/link] (L136) (G) 
[*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L142) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Wind 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Guardian Stilkwalker[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind/Ice 41%)  
[*] [link=]Offensive Test Armour[/link] (L145) (G) > Fully-Offensive (Wind 41%) 
[*] [link=]Defensive Test Armour[/link] (L145) (G) > Fully-Defensive (Wind 41%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Wind 43% [ul][*] [link=]Stiltwalker[/link] (L135) (Wind/Ice 43%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Wind -25% [ul][*] [link=]Cyclone Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Misc: Wind -10% [ul][*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L134) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Wind 8% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Offensive Test Armour[/link] (L125) > Fully-Offensive (Wind 45%) 
[*] [link=]Defensive Test Armour[/link] (L125) > Fully-Defensive (Wind 45%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Ice 39% [ul][*] [link=]Frost Wyrm Tera Suul[/link] (150) (SO) (T) » Fully Offensive [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Ice -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vindicator[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Vindicator[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L141) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Ice -10% [ul][*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L128) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L128) (L141) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Ice 4% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Ice 40%) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vigilante[/link] (L148) (G) (Ice 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Void Vigilante[/link] (L148) (G) (Ice 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Guardian Stilkwalker[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind/Ice 41%) 
[*] [link=]Nemesis' Testament[/link] (Ice/Darkness 42%) [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Ice 42% [ul][*] [link=]Nemesis' Testament[/link] (Ice/Darkness 42%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Ice -25% [ul][*] [link=]Absolute Zero Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Ice -10% [ul][*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L133) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Ice 7% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Frost Wyrm Tera Suul[/link] (130) (SO) (T) (Ice 43%) » Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vigilante[/link] (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Void Vigilante[/link] (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Ancient Ice Dragon Form[/link] (Ice 45%) 
[*] [link=]Alterer's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L120) (SO) (Water/Ice 49%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Earth 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (147) (G) 
[*] [link=]Bland Truphma Suit[/link] (L146) (G) (Earth 40%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Earth -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler G[/link] (L145) (G) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Bloodthorn Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Earth -10% [ul][*] [link=]Clan Defender's Memento[/link] (L140) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L147) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L142) (G) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Earth 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (137) (G) (Earth 41%) 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig G[/link] (L145) (G) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 41%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Earth 44% [ul][*] [link=]Morningstar Bloodline[/link] > Fully Offensive 
[/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Earth -25% [ul][*] [link=]Gaia Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler[/link] (L130) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Earth -10% [ul][*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L132) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L122) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L134) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Earth 9% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (127) (Earth 45%) 
[*] [link=]Ancient Earth Dragon Form[/link] (Earth 45%) 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig[/link] (L130) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 46%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Energy 39% [ul][*] [link=]Megingjord[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Svadilfari's Oath[/link] (L150) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Energy -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Oracle's Taladosian Ward[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Jarnskjoldr[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Energy -10% [ul][*] [link=]Guardian Colossal Shock Collar[/link] (L145) (G) 
[*] [link=]Guardian Thunderbird Helm[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnas[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Energy 4% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]High Oracle's Taladosian Robes[/link] (G) > Fully Offensive (Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 40%) 
[*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]Lightning Chevalier[/link] (L135) (G) (Energy 42%) [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Energy 42% [ul][*] [link=]Asgardian Lightning's Power[/link] (L135) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Energy -25% [ul][*] [link=]Oracle's Taladosian Ward[/link] 
[*] [link=]Sprite Lightning Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Energy -10% [ul][*] [link=]Gargantuan Shock Collar[/link] (L135) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnas[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Energy 7% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Oracle's Taladosian Robes[/link] (L135) > Fully-Offensive (Energy 43%) 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L130) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 44%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Light 38% [ul][*] [link=]High Communicant's Zeal[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Light -25% [ul][*] [link=]Eye of Naab[/link] (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L146) (G) [*] [link=]Cosmic Ethereal Shield[/link] (L150) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Light -10% [ul][*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Helm[/link] 
[*] [link=]Evil Eyeglasses[/link] (L100) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Light 3% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]White Knight[/link] (L150) (G) (Special Offers) (Light 40%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Light 40%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L147) (G) (Light/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L137) (G) (Light/Darkness 42%) [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Light 41% [ul][*] [link=]Communicant's Zeal[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Light -25% [ul][*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Marishi-Ten Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Light -10% [ul][*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Helm[/link] 
[*] [link=]Evil Eyeglasses[/link] (L100) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Light 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Plate[/link] (Light 48%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt[/link] (L122) (Light/Darkness 48%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Darkness 38% [ul][*] [link=]Eternal Twilight's Mantle[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shield: Darkness -26% [ul][*] [link=]Eternal Twilight's Regalia[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Darkness -10% [ul][*] [link=]Necronomoron[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L142) (G) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Darkness 2% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Darkness 40%) 
[*] [link=]Demon Warrior[/link] (L150) (G) (R) (Special Offers) (Fire/Darkness 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L147) (G) (Light/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L137) (G) (Light/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen[/link] (L136) (G) (Fire/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Darkness 41% [ul][*] [link=]Twilight's Mantle[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Darkness -25% [ul][*] [link=]Twilight's Regalia[/link] 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Tartarus Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Darkness -10% [ul][*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L134) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Darkness 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Nemesis' Testament[/link] (Ice/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt[/link] (L122) (Light/Darkness 48%) 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo[/link] (L116) (Fire/Darkness 49%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr]

Bu Kek Siansu -> Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance Part 6 (2/1/2013 12:15:49)

Section 5. [b]Without Rares[/b] 

[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. [ul]Armors: Fire 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) [color=#EFEFEF]a2[/color] 
[*] [link=]Supreme Overlord's Dynasty[/link] (G) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 40%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Fire -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Supreme Overlord's Legend[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydro Blaze Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire or Water -25%) (Special Offers) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Fire -10% [ul][*] [link=]Amulet of Drakonnan G[/link] (L145) (G) 
[*] [link=]Deflective Seal VII[/link] (G) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnan[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Fire 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen[/link] (L136) (G) (Fire/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armors: Fire 43% [ul][*] [link=]Overlord's Dynasty[/link] > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Ancient Fire Dragon Form[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Fire -25% [ul][*] [link=]Conflagration Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Fire -10% [ul][*] [link=]Deflective Seal VI[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Urn of Daryngord[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Magma Leaf[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnan[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Fire 8% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L130) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 44%) 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo[/link] (L116) (Fire/Darkness 49%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Water 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Desert Conqueror G[/link] (L138) (G) [/ul][*] [link=]ZettaSnide Transformation[/link] (L144) (G) > Fully-Offensive [/ul][ul]Shields: Water -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydro Blaze Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire or Water -25%) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler G[/link] (L145) (G) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Water -10% [ul][*] [link=]All-Seeing Eye of the Sacragon[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Reflective Seal VII[/link] (G) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L142) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Water 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L140) (G) (SO) (Water/Ice 41%) [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Water 42% [ul][*] [link=]Felled Gunfighter[/link] (L132) (Z) (Water/Darkness 42%) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Water -25% [ul] [*] [link=]Inundating Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler[/link] (L130) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler Z[/link] (L120) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Water -10% [ul][*] [link=]Visionary's Eye of the Sacragon[/link] 
[*] [link=]Reflective Seal VI[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Everfrozen Shard[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Mermazon Kelp[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Hydra Day[/link] (L134) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Water 7% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]ExaSnide Transformation[/link] (L134) > Fully-Offensive (Water 43%) 
[*] [link=]Ancient Water Dragon Form[/link] (Water 46%) 
[*] [link=]Alterer's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L120) (SO) (Water/Ice 49%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Wind 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Lord of the Skies[/link] (L150) (G) (Special Offers) > Fully Offensive [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Wind -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Wind -10% [ul][*] [link=]Bulwark Seal VII[/link] (G) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Guardian's Urn of Prevailing Winds[/link] (L136) (G) 
[*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L142) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Wind 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Guardian Stilkwalker[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind/Ice 41%) 
[*] [link=]Offensive Test Armour[/link] (L145) (G) > Fully-Offensive (Wind 41%) 
[*] [link=]Defensive Test Armour[/link] (L145) (G) > Fully-Defensive (Wind 41%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Wind 40% [ul][*] [link=]Armor of Sensing[/link] (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Wind -25% [ul][*] [link=]Cyclone Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Misc: Wind -10% [ul][*][link=]Bulwark Seal VI[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Feather of the Roc[/link] (L123) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Roc Day[/link] (L134) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Wind 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Stiltwalker[/link] (L135) (Wind/Ice 43%) 
[*] [link=]Offensive Test Armour[/link] (L125) > Fully-Offensive (Wind 45%) 
[*] [link=]Defensive Test Armour[/link] (L125) > Fully-Defensive (Wind 45%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Ice 39% [ul][*] [link=]Frost Wyrm Tera Suul[/link] (150) (SO) (T) » Fully Offensive [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Ice -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vindicator[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Vindicator[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L141) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Ice -10% [ul][*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L128) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L148) (G) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L128) (L141) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Ice 4% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Ice 40%) 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vigilante[/link] (L148) (G) (Ice 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Void Vigilante[/link] (L148) (G) (Ice 41%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Guardian Stilkwalker[/link] (L145) (G) (Wind/Ice 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L140) (G) (SO) (Water/Ice 41%) [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Ice 41% [ul][*] [link=]Ancient ReignDragon Rider[/link] (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Ice -25% [ul][*] [link=]Absolute Zero Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L134) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Lt. Lore's Shield[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Ice -10% [ul][*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Visor[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Void Visor[/link] (L133) 
[*] [link=]Everfrozen Shard[/link] (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Ice 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Nemesis' Testament[/link] (Ice/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Stiltwalker[/link] (L135) (Wind/Ice 43%) 
[*] [link=]Frost Wyrm Tera Suul[/link] (130) (SO) (T) (Ice 43%) » Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Horo-Show Void Vigilante[/link] (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Void Vigilante[/link] (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Ancient Ice Dragon Form[/link] (Ice 45%) 
[*] [link=]Alterer's Dragon Leathers[/link] (L120) (SO) (Water/Ice 49%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armors: Earth 40% [ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (147) (G) 
[*] [link=]Bland Truphma Suit[/link] (L146) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Earth -25% [ul][*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler G[/link] (L145) (G) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Bloodthorn Shield[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Earth -10% [ul][*] [link=]Clan Defender's Memento[/link] (L140) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L147) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L142) (G) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Earth 5% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (137) (G) (Earth 41%) 
[*] [link=]Jester Masquerade[/link] (L140) (G) (Z) (Earth/Light 42%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig G[/link] (L145) (G) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 41%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Earth 43% [ul][*] [link=]Centaurion Form Primus[/link] (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Earth -25% [ul][*] [link=]Gaia Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler[/link] (L130) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Bac-ler Z[/link] (L120) (-25% Water or Earth) 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Earth -10% [ul][*] [link=]Blackroot[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Treasure Box[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L132) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur's Pride[/link] (L122) 
[*] [link=]Minotaur Day[/link] (L134) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Earth 8% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Jester Facade[/link] (L125) (Z) (Earth/Light 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Morningstar Bloodline[/link] (Earth 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Frogzilla[/link] (127) (Earth 45%) 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig[/link] (L130) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 46%) 
[*] [link=]Ep-Pig Z[/link] (L120) (Z) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 46%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Energy 39% [ul][*] [link=]Megingjord[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Svadilfari's Oath[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Megingold[/link] (L143) (Z) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Energy -25% [ul][*] [link=]Jarnskjoldr[/link] (L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]Jarnskgoldr[/link] (L143) (Z) (G) 
[*] [link=]Shield of Awe[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]UltraGuardian Shield[/link] (L140-L150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Oracle's Taladosian Ward[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Energy -10% [ul][*] [link=]Guardian Colossal Shock Collar[/link] (L145) (G) 
[*] [link=]Guardian Thunderbird Helm[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnas[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Energy 4% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]High Oracle's Taladosian Robes[/link] (G) > Fully Offensive (Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L150) (G) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 40%) 
[*] [link=]Cyber Shogun[/link] (L141) (G) (Z) (Energy 41%) > Fully Offensive  
[*] [link=]Lightning Chevalier[/link] (L135) (G) (Energy 42%) [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Energy 41% [ul][*] [link=]Salvation Armor Z VI[/link] (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Energy -25% [ul][*[link=]Oracle's Taladosian Ward[/link] 
[*] [link=]Sprite Lightning Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Energy -10% [ul][*][link=]Urn of Daryngord[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Gargantuan Shock Collar[/link] (L135) 
[*] [link=]Helm of Drakonnas[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Energy 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Asgardian Lightning's Power[/link] (L135) (Energy 42%) 
[*] [link=]Asgoldian Lightning's Power[/link] (L125) (Z) (Energy 42%) 
[*] [link=]Lightning Chevalier Z[/link] (L128) (Z) (Energy 42%) 
[*][link=]Oracle's Taladosian Robes[/link] (L135) (Energy 43%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Cyber Shogun[/link] (L129) (Z) (Energy 43%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Tinkerer[/link] (L130) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 44%) 
[*] [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Light 38% [ul][*] [link=]High Communicant's Zeal[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Light -25% [ul][*] [link=]Eye of Naab[/link] (150) (G) 
[*] [link=]High Communicant's Valiance[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L146) (G) [*] [link=]Cosmic Ethereal Shield[/link] (L150) (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Light -10% [ul][*] [link=]Luminous Wyrm Helm[/link] (L132) (Z)
[*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Helm[/link] 
[*] [link=]Golden Goblet[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Evil Eyeglasses[/link] (L100) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Light 3% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Light 40%) 
[*] [link=]White Knight Z[/link] (L143) (G) (Z) (Light 40%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L147) (G) (Light/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L137) (G) (Light/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Jester Masquerade[/link] (L140) (G) (Z) (Earth/Light 42%) > Fully Offensive [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Light 41% [ul][*] [link=]Communicant's Zeal[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Light -25% [ul][*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L121) (Z) [*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Marishi-Ten Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Light -10% [ul][*] [link=]Luminous Wyrm Helm[/link] (L132) (Z)
[*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Helm[/link] 
[*] [link=]Golden Goblet[/link] (Z) 
[*] [link=]Evil Eyeglasses[/link] (L100) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Light 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Jester Facade[/link] (L125) (Z) (Earth/Light 44%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Blazing Solaris Plate[/link] (Light 48%) > Fully Offensive 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt[/link] (L122) (Light/Darkness 48%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr] 
[size=3][b]Guardian[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] > Note: A Guardian can always use Adventurer items. 
[ul]Armor: Darkness 38% [ul][*] [link=]Eternal Twilight's Mantle[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shield: Darkness -26% [ul][*] [link=]Eternal Twilight's Regalia[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Darkness -10% [ul][*] [link=]Necronomoron[/link] (G) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L149) (G) 
[*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L142) (G) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Darkness 2% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] Armors of Awe ([link=]Mighty[/link], [link=]Deft[/link], [link=]Insightful[/link]) (150) (G) (Darkness 40%) [*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L147) (G) (Light/Darkness 41%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt G[/link] (L137) (G) (Light/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen[/link] (L136) (G) (Fire/Darkness 42%) [/ul][/ul][hr] 
[size=3][b]Adventurer[/b][/size] [b]Items[/b] 
[ul]Armor: Darkness 41% [ul][*] [link=]Twilight's Mantle[/link] 
[*] [link=]Nightmare Wyvern Rider[/link] (L130) (Z) [/ul][/ul][ul]Shields: Darkness -25% [ul][*] [link=]Twilight's Regalia[/link] 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L131) 
[*] [link=]Daylight Savings Time[/link] (L121) (Z) 
[*] [link=]Tartarus Shield[/link] 
[*] [link=]Communicant's Valiance[/link] > For its EFFECT see Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Miscs: Darkness -10% [ul][*] [link=]Naga Day[/link] (L134) 
[*] [link=]Head of Raydius Dragon[/link] (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes [/ul][/ul][ul]Result: Darkness 6% resistance [/ul][/ul][ul]Alternative Armors:[ul][*] [link=]Nemesis' Testament[/link] (Ice/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Felled Gunfighter[/link] (L132) (Z) (Water/Darkness 42%) 
[*] [link=]Shadow of Doubt[/link] (L122) (Light/Darkness 48%) 
[*] [link=]Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo[/link] (L116) (Fire/Darkness 49%) [/ul][/ul][hr][hr][hr]

Bu Kek Siansu -> Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance Part 7 (2/1/2013 12:29:03)

Section 6. [b]Final words[/b] 

[u]Useful links:[/u] 
[*] [link=][AQ Encyclopedia][/link] 
[*] [link=]AQ Equipment Comparison[/link] 
[*] [link=]AQ Questions/Answers[/link] 
[*] [link=]AQ Questions & Answers - [FAQ][/link] 
[*] [link=]AQ General Discussion[/link] 
[*] [link=]Guide to the Harm and Void Elements[/link] 
[*] [link=]AdventureQuest Trigger Guide[/link] 
[*] [link=]Guide to All Regenerative and Vampiric Items of LORE[/link] 
[*] [link=]Kalanyr's Arsenal: Guide to All Things Nerfy[/link] 
[*] [link=]Master List of Game Formulae[/link] 
[*] [link=]AdventureQuest Z-Token Guide[/link] 
[*] [link=]The Ultimate Guide to Suggesting: Balance, Innovation, Creation[/link] 
Updated by Bu Kek Siansu 
Originally written by Minion of Poelala. Updated previously by Trans & Bu Kek Siansu.  

Thanks to Minion of Poelala for the original guide. 
Thanks to Trans & Bu Kek Siansu for maintaining the previous guides. 
Thanks to people from the previous guides for the correctios, information, etc. 

[*] Feel free to post here or PM me if you have any suggestions, corrections, information, etc. 
[*] When posting about an item, please mention [color=#FF0000][b]the section[/b][/color] include [color=#FF0000][b]a link[/b][/color]. 

1/26/2013 ~ Additional help thanks to whackybeanz & Watashig. 
1/26/2013 ~ Suggestion and correction thanks to Rising Darkness. 
1/28/2013 ~ Corrections and suggestion thanks to Koree. 
2/2/2013 ~ Information thanks to Dragoon23. 
2/2/2013 ~ Correction and additional info thanks to Rising Darkness. 
2/10/2013 ~ Suggestion thanks to Watashig. 
6/30/2013 ~ Information and additional info thanks to sol1tud3. 
8/6/2013 ~ Correction thanks to MirthMage. 
10/22/2013 ~ Suggestion and correction thanks to Syth.
2/5/2014 ~ Correction and additional info thanks to Aardvark.
3/13/2014 ~ Correction thanks to sol1tud3.
3/13/2014 ~ Suggestion thanks to afterlifex.
3/13/2014 ~ Suggestion thanks to DarkLore.
3/23/2014 ~ Correction thanks to Syth.

Bu Kek Siansu -> Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance Part 7 (2/2/2013 1:57:19)

I'm just trying to save this page for the future in case there will be added a lot of information regarding 
the Level Caps have been capped at 150 for Guardians/X-Guardians, and 135 for Adventurers 
which will be created and updated a lot of things. 

[*] Feel free to post here or PM me if you have any suggestions, corrections, information, etc. 
[*] When posting about an item, please mention [color=#FF0000][b]the section[/b][/color] include [color=#FF0000][b]a link[/b][/color].

Dragoon23 -> RE: Guide to the Best One Element Resistance Part 7 (2/2/2013 2:58:54)

yay! updated guide!

some items missing:
Earth: 10% resistance
Minotaur Pride.
Lvls 122, 132 = adventurer. Lvl 147= Guardian.

Wind: 10% resistance
Feather of the Roc.
Lvl 123= Z-token. 133= adventurer. 148 = Guardian.

Darkness: 10% resistance
Zombie Heart (Rare).
135 = Adventurer. 145 = Guardian.

-25% to Water or Fire.
Hydro Blaze Shield - Special Offers.

-25% to Ice
Lt. Lore's Shield
131 = Adventurer. 134 = Z-Token. 141 = Guardian.
Horo-Show Void Vindicator. 150 Guardian.
Void Vindicator. 150 Guardian

-25% to Energy
Conglomerate Frankenshield - Rare.
150 = Guardian.


40% to Energy
Witch Hunter. 153. Z-Token.

Rising Darkness -> RE: Guide to the Best One Element Resistance Part 7 (2/2/2013 9:28:41)

War Totem is now rare, replaced by Hydro Blaze Shield. I really like the new look, It's great!

Bu Kek Siansu -> Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance Part 7 (2/2/2013 14:41:25)

Alternative Armors:

Section 2
Section 2
  • Witch Hunter (L143) (G) (Z) (R) (Energy 40%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Sugar Rush Guardian Armor (L144) (G) (R) (Energy 39%, Wind/Earth 42%)

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Sugar Rush Guardian Armor (L116) (G) (R) (Energy 45%, Wind/Earth 49%)

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Felled Gunfighter (L132) (Z) (Water/Darkness 42%)

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers (L140) (G) (R) (Special Offers) (Water/Ice 41%)

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Alterer's Dragon Leathers (L120) (R) (Special Offers) (Water/Ice 49%)

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Guardian Stilkwalker (L145) (G) (Wind/Ice 41%)

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen (L136) (G) (Fire/Darkness 42%)

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Falerin's Tailored Tuxedo (L116) (Fire/Darkness 49%)

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Shadow of Doubt G (L147) (G) (Light/Darkness 41%)

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Shadow of Doubt G (L137) (G) (Light/Darkness 42%)

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Shadow of Doubt (L122) (Light/Darkness 48%)

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Rabid Diretooth Form (L150) (G) (R) (Earth/Darkness 41%)

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Feral Diretooth Form (L130) (R) (Earth/Darkness 44%)

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Horo-Show Void Vigilante (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive
  • Void Vigilante (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 5
    Sections 2, 5
  • Jester Masquerade (L140) (G) (Z) (Earth/Light 42%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 5
    Sections 2, 5
  • Jester Facade (L125) (Z) (Earth/Light 44%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • High Oracle's Taladosian Robes (L150) (G) (Energy 40%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G (L137) (G) (R) (Energy/Light 43%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Oracle's Taladosian Robes (L135) (Energy 43%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • White Knight (L150) (G) (Special Offers) (Light 40%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • White Knight Z (L143) (G) (Z) (Light 40%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Demon Warrior (L150) (G) (Special Offers) (Fire/Darkness 41%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Demon Warrior (L130) (Special Offers) (Fire/Darkness 45%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • The Decimator (L150) (G) (R) (Special Offers) (Darkness 40%) > Fully Offensive
  • The Decimator (L130) (R) (Special Offers) (Darkness 44%) > Fully Offensive


    -25% to Fire or Water > Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Hydro Blaze Shield (L150) (G) (Special Offers) (Fire or Water -25%)

    -25% to Ice > Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Horo-Show Void Vindicator (L148) (G)
  • Void Vindicator (L148) (G)

    -25% to Ice > Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Lt. Lore's Shield (L131)

    -25% to Ice > Sections 2, 5
    Sections 2, 5
  • Lt. Lore's Shield (L134) (Z)

    -25% Ice > Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Lt. Lore's Shield (L141) (G)

    -25% to Energy > Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Conglomerate Frankenshield (L150) (G) (R)

    Misc Items:

    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • War Totem (L130) (R) (Special Offers)
  • War Totem (L150) (G) (R) (Special Offers)

    Earth: 10% resistance
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Minotaur's Pride (L147) (G)
  • Minotaur's Pride (L132)
  • Minotaur's Pride (L122)

    Wind: 10% resistance
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Feather of the Roc (L148) (G)
  • Feather of the Roc (L133)

    Sections 2, 5
    Sections 2, 5
  • Feather of the Roc (L123) (Z)

    Darkness: 10% resistance
    Sections 2, 3
    Sections 2, 3
  • Zombie Heart (L145) (G) (R)
  • Zombie Heart (L135) (R)

    Added, thanks guys! :)

  • Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance Part 7 (2/8/2013 9:04:40)

    New items:


    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Bac-ler G (L145) (G) (-25% Water or Earth)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Bac-ler (L130) (-25% Water or Earth)

    Sections: 2, 5
    Sections: 2, 5
  • Bac-ler Z (L120) (-25% Water or Earth)


    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Ep-Pig G (L145) (G) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 41%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Ep-Pig (L130) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 46%)

    Sections: 2, 5
    Sections: 2, 5
  • Ep-Pig Z (L120) (Z) > Mid-Offensive (Earth 46%)

    Done! :)

  • Watashig -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (2/10/2013 2:58:16)

    Section 1 repeats itself in a way. Why is this?

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (2/10/2013 18:04:02)

    ^ I'm actually not sure what you meant.

    Section 1. Notes

    The first one is for High Communicant's Valiance (G) and the second one is for Communicant's Valiance.


  • The shield shifts to defend against whatever element the monster attacks with. (? -25%)
    High Communicant's Valiance (G)
    Mastercraft Bonus:
    Against undead and zombies, the shield shifts to defend against whatever element the monster attacks with.
    So if the monster attacks with Darkness, then the Light resistance shifts to Darkness.
    It only defends against one element per turn, and it only defends against the eight standard elements.

  • The shield shifts to defend against whatever element the monster attacks with. (? -25%)
    Communicant's Valiance
    Mastercraft Bonus:
    Against undead and zombies, the shield shifts to defend against whatever element the monster attacks with.
    So if the monster attacks with Darkness, then the Light resistance shifts to Darkness.
    It only defends against one element per turn, and it only defends against the eight standard elements.

  • If you meant about my previous post:

    The second one option is actually supposed for myself.
    I'll have to scrape and bold the number of the section to make sure that I have added the item.

    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Horo-Show Void Vigilante (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive
  • Void Vigilante (L133) (Ice 44%) > Fully Offensive

  • So, as my previous post above yours I'll do the same way once I've added an item.

    Watashig -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (2/10/2013 18:13:12)

    Oh, I see. You could have compressed it down to say "High Communicant's Valiance (G) AND Communicant's Valiance." I didn't notice the difference between the two, since I just skimmed it rather quickly. It is a bit redundant though...

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (2/10/2013 19:49:36)

    ^ Done, thanks for the suggestion. :)

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (3/28/2013 12:06:17)


    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Bland Truphma Suit (L146) (G) (Earth 40%)

    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • 4-Leaf Clover Power Armor (L145) (G) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Earth/Light 41%)

    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • Shamrock Power Armor (L135) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Earth/Light 43%)

    Sections: 2
    Sections: 2
  • Solid Gold Power Armor Z (L125) (Z) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Earth/Light 43%)

    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G (L147) (G) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Energy/Light 41%)

    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G (L137) (G) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Energy/Light 42%)

    Sections: 2
    Sections: 2
  • Leprechaun Power Au-rmour Z (L130) (Z) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Energy/Light 42%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • ZettaSnide Transformation (L144) (G) > Fully-Offensive (Water 40%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • ExaSnide Transformation (L134) > Fully-Offensive (Water 43%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Offensive Test Armour (L145) (G) > Fully-Offensive (Wind 41%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Offensive Test Armour (L125) > Fully-Offensive (Wind 45%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Defensive Test Armour (L145) (G) > Fully-Defensive (Wind 41%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Defensive Test Armour (L125) > Fully-Defensive (Wind 45%)

    Sections: 2
    Sections: 2
  • Weawwy Wascawy Wabbit (L140) (G) (Z) (R) > Fully-Defensive (Ice/Earth 41%)

    Sections: 2
    Sections: 2
  • Weawwy Wascawy Wabbit (L140) (G) (Z) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Darkness 41%)

    Sections: 2
    Sections: 2
  • Vewy Wascawy Wabbit (L110) (Z) (R) > Fully-Defensive (Ice/Earth 49%)

    Sections: 2
    Sections: 2
  • Vewy Wascawy Wabbit (L110) (Z) (R) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Darkness 49%)


    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • Box of Chocolates (L130) (R) (-25% Darkness)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Bloodthorn Shield (L150) (G) (SO) (-25% Earth)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Cosmic Ethereal Shield (L150) (G) (-25% Light)

    Misc Items:

    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • Mother's Charm Earrings (L150) (G) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%)

    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • Mother's Charm Earrings (L130) (R) (Light or Darkness -10%)

    Sections: 2
    Sections: 2
  • Mother's Charm Necklace (L140) (G) (Z) (R) (Fire or Ice -10%)


  • Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (5/27/2013 5:36:05)





    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • Tribal Shaman Armor (L150) (G) (SO) (Fire/Earth 40%)

    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • Tribal Shaman Armor (L130) (SO) (Fire/Earth 44%)

  • quote:

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Tinkerer (L150) (G) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 40%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Tinkerer (L130) (SO) > Fully-Offensive (Fire/Energy 44%)

  • quote:

    To do list:



    Sections: 2, 3
    Sections: 2, 3
  • Frogzilla (L147) (G) (Earth 40%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Frogzilla (L137) (G) (Earth 41%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Frogzilla (L127) (Earth 45%)

  • quote:

    Sections: 2, 5
    Sections: 2, 5
  • EggSlayer (L140) (G) (Z) (Water/Light 41%)

    Sections: 2, 5
    Sections: 2, 5
  • EggSlayer (L125) (Z) (Water/Light 43%)

  • Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (6/19/2013 18:10:05)




    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Megingjord (L150) (G) (Energy 39%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Asgardian Lightning's Power (L135) (Energy 42%)

    Sections: 2, 5
    Sections: 2, 5
  • Megingold (L143) (Z) (G) (Energy 39%)

    Sections: 2, 5
    Sections: 2, 5
  • Asgoldian Lightning's Power (L125) (Z) (Energy 42%)

  • quote:


    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Jarnskjoldr (L150) (G) (Energy -25%)

    Sections: 2, 5
    Sections: 2, 5
  • Jarnskgoldr (L143) (Z) (G) (Energy -25%)

  • sol1tud3 -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (6/30/2013 5:23:27)

    Something to add
    Sections 2/3/4/5
    Adventurer items Alternative Armors
    Nemesis' Testament (Ice/Darkness 42%)
    Stiltwalker (L135) (Wind/Ice 43%)
    Blazing Solaris Plate (Light 48%) > Fully Offensive
    Morningstar Bloodline (Earth 44%) > Fully Offensive

    Section 1
    For some reason an old Adventurer can use a Guardian item: Helmet of Drakonnan / Drakonnas
    Proof is character under my avvy, S7 war was open to adventurers before

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (7/7/2013 16:07:49)

    ^ Thanks. :)

    Adventurer Alternative Armors




    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Nemesis' Testament (Ice/Darkness 42%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Stiltwalker (L135) (Wind/Ice 43%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Blazing Solaris Plate (Light 48%) > Fully Offensive

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Morningstar Bloodline (Earth 44%) > Fully Offensive

  • Miscs:


    Section: 1
    Section: 1
  • Helm of Drakonnan (G)

    Section: 1
    Section: 1
  • Helm of Drakonnas (G)

  • quote:


    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Helm of Drakonnan (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Head of Raydius Dragon (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Helm of Drakonnas (G) > For the reason: See Section 1. Notes

  • Added all!

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (8/6/2013 12:53:11)




    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Frogzilla (147) (G) (Earth 40%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Frogzilla (137) (G) (Earth 41%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Frogzilla (127) (Earth 45%)

  • quote:

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Frost Wyrm Tera Suul (150) (SO) (T) » Fully Offensive

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Frost Wyrm Tera Suul (130) (SO) (T) (Ice 43%) » Fully Offensive

  • Larodis -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (8/6/2013 13:26:06)

    Everfrozen Shard is listed only under the Water section. It's also -10% for Ice.

    Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (8/6/2013 14:21:45)

    ^ Done! Thanks! :)


    Misc Items:


    Sections: 2, 5
    Sections: 2, 5
  • Everfrozen Shard (Z) (Water/Ice -10%)

  • Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Guide to the Best Single Element Resistance (8/16/2013 7:25:19)




    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Svadilfari's Oath (L150) (G) (Energy 39%)

    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
    Sections: 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Lightning Chevalier (L135) (G) (Energy 42%)

    Sections: 2, 5
    Sections: 2, 5
  • Lightning Chevalier Z (L128) (Z) (Energy 42%)

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