RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (Full Version)

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Schizo -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (5/30/2016 11:57:58)

Urgh...what have I missed...?

Arthur -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (5/30/2016 12:00:40)


Where in heaven's name have you been???

*jumps at Schizo and bearsnuggles*

Schizo -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (5/30/2016 17:10:51)

Ngh...TvTropes? If anyone's over there, call me Insano.

Anyway, I thought I'd check in and see if anyone I knew was still here? Is there anything I have to do before I can mess around in here again?

And I guess I'm checking in to see if any of my Dark Descent crew is still around, too.

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/1/2016 20:03:34)

Still present, just biding my time as per usual. Good to see you around again Schiz.

I never really leave, I just go dormant.

tributer -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (8/22/2016 18:51:14)

Hmmm. I figure as I'm starting college I'd like something to bide my time when I'm free so I don't go crazy. A hobby of sorts. So I'm back! I've been gone for a long time and I'm very confused to the processes used to begin an Rp and such. Any help would be appreciated.

DyfanMinos Dynasty -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/24/2016 2:13:12)

Wow... a year month has passed since the last post.

Mind if I stop by for a bit in this thread for a bit? May be planning to make a character bio eventually...

blankmaskara -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/24/2016 8:27:24)

Go ahead! This thread's been woefully inactive for a while, anyways. Need some new peeps up in here.

Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/24/2016 16:44:43)

My RP is hurting for lack of players right now - if you fancy a starter character, no muss no fuss no magic, feel free to hop in.

DyfanMinos Dynasty -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/28/2016 7:42:29)

Um...this is embarassing...

Where do I start RPing and where do I post my bio?

karkas132 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (11/24/2016 22:00:49)

Hello all, I am Karkas Im a member of these boards from about a decade ago this is where I started Role playing for the first time and I was influenced alot by this community, heck my username that I use for everything (karkas) comes from my very first RPing character who i've developed for years since starting here. While from what I can see the threads seem pretty dead but thats okay we can always breathe some life back into it =) I decided to come back (more like the idea donned on me) while thinking of places to generate interest for my own RPing server, obviously in accordance with the rules I wont post invite links or ads but feel free to reach out to me privately.

Coming back here is a blast from the past I am amazed that my Battleon acct still exists but my forum account that was attatched to it doesnt work lol. Anyways hope to meet some new ppls maybe some old ones and have some awesome fun Role Plays guys =D

Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (11/26/2016 1:09:55)

Haha you're from before my time but it's nice to see some "fresh" blood. Welcome back!

karkas132 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (11/26/2016 4:27:37)

Haha yeah its been a while I was pretty young too I was honestly shocked to see everything still here. Thanks for the re-welcome and I hope to be part of some activity in these forums sometime soon

Starstruck -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (11/27/2016 0:35:45)

Yep! I'm gonna post an interest check sometime over the next week so watch for it.

brotherinlaw -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/12/2017 8:48:02)

Huh, cool thread.

Nobody probably remembers me, and that's probably for the best. I might be posting a bit premature though, right now I'm going through "The Dreamtime" as a refresher. Just have to find part 2....

Anywho, looking through this thread is great, seeing a lot of old faces from the good old days. They even have the same profile picks, talk about nostalgia!

Draycos777 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (7/15/2017 13:33:57)

It's been awhile since I've last been on here. Nearly a year and a half. Hey guys^^

MoonrayDrake -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/13/2017 15:46:52)

I suppose I'm still alive?

Been a while for sure. Been kinda going without any sort of fulfilling RPing (except Dungeons & Dragons with some friends of mine, which is as fun, though not the same as forum RP).
Sooo..yeah, I'll look around and see if I'll join up on stuff, it's been a busy few years for me.

Kellehendros -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/13/2017 18:47:23)

Oh my, there's a name I haven't seen in a long time. Welcome back Moonray.

Remaint -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/15/2017 16:38:33)

Been in a dip, floated out of the dip. Rolling on even ground.
These forums have a neat look, can't help but to post around.

Anastira -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/1/2018 2:12:38)

Hi everybody! It's been years since I last posted on this forum, but God, do I miss it. I've so many good memories because of y'all. I know I'm pretty late to the party (read: a couple years late), but here's some free internet cookies for anybody who sees this and/or replies!!

Kooroo -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/1/2018 2:25:51)

I'm always up for cookies, but they always just need something.... extra.

Anyhow, welcome back. I'm only passing by through sheer coincidence since I was searching mindlessly through the forums in an attempt to recover something I'd lost.
If you exchanged the word 'forum' with an edgier word like 'realms', it sounds like something an especially edgy rival in an anime would say. Or maybe something else.

It's been.... a little while, to say the least, so I don't actually remember where I remember you from. But I do remember you. So I think that's probably a positive.

Anastira -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (6/1/2018 2:29:14)

Not quite sure which RPs we were in together, but I know it was quite a few. I'm fairly sure we were in Words and Wordplay in a Play on Words together (Starstruck's magnum opus, so to speak). Been a while but I remember you for sure! And your avatar is still the same as always, heh.

Apocalypse Angel -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (2/23/2019 15:13:21)

Checking in on a little nostalgia trip. Used to post here over a decade ago so I doubt I'm a familiar face to anyone who might come across this. Lil' quiet around here these days. For anyone who might be in the know, what happened to all the old RP threads? Might be fun to read over some of my old, terrible writing if it's archived somewhere. Cheers.

Chewy905 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (2/25/2019 15:20:36)

Most discussion has migrated over to the discord, you can find the link somewhere on here, I know its posted in last years EC OOC. Kell just got their Long Live the King OOC up, I'm fairly certain there are people working on Bios for that. Many of us are biding our time for this years EC's, or waiting for Ronin's Alone on the Front Lines to start up. Not sure about old threads, you might be able to find them by filtering the forums?

Anastira -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (3/22/2019 3:32:37)

So interesting to come back and check up on the Forums once in a while. Kind of sad that they're so comatose now, though...I almost wish we could somehow migrate to a new platform where people would be more active. Ah, well...I suppose all good things come to an end, with time. Out with the old, in with the new?

It's strange how much I miss some of y'all/the roleplays here - WaWiaPoW will forever hold a special place in my heart, and damn it was fun hosting Apocalypse. It's especially interesting looking back with the perspective of time, because I think being active on here in 2011/2012(?)ish when I was a wee child had a lot of impact on my writing progress/creative process as I grew older, so with the perspective of a good number of years standing between then and now, I can really start to appreciate all this forum meant to me. Unfortunate that there hasn't been a successful revive since the days of dozens of posts every day (hour? it was insanely active, as I recall).

I wonder, if all the returners who've posted in this thread came back again, perhaps we could breathe the life back into this RP'ing forum...

Chewy905 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (3/26/2019 10:17:56)

The EC's will bring back a lot of excitement and activity to this thread for the period where it's active again, the issue is just keeping that activity year round. A lot of us just don't have the time to write what with school and jobs. Makes it quite a shame that RP's like Kell's weren't able to get off the ground. I personally would totally be up for doing CT with any new-comers though

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