RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (Full Version)

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Riffus Maximus -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (4/27/2013 2:01:04)


Okay, I will agree that I have sometimes-limited views of how magic works. I think that the limitations you proposed would be perfectly acceptable. Ten minutes is a long time in-battle, but it shouldn't last more than one battle, or less for an extremely long battle. I also feel it is unnecessary to physically boost a mage, but I'll leave it up to you to decide on that. One thing that's important to know is how long her exhaustion will last after she leaves the Nighthunter state. A day? A week? An hour? She'll want to be back up and moving and you need to know you're playing fair.

How sound a hour of complete rest per 5 minutes, 2 hours maximum when she fully uses NightHunter? I figure this RP will be somewhat fast-paced, it wouldn't be exactly good to have her rest for too long, but I consent to make it a full day of rest for balance's sake.


I'm afraid I don't fully understand what you mean by that second phrase. Could you expound a bit?

First, anywhere, anytime, she can't summon more than a single Darkness Weapon. Should she summon another weapon, the one she had before the second casting would disappear, and the one created just now would appear in her hands. Second, dual-wield weapons are two identical weapons, each wielded in one hand. Let's say Shilverase summons "Dual Swords", she would have two swords, each in hands, in order to fight in a style that would make use of both weapons. Furthermore, dual weapons can only be summoned if Shilverase is able to use them efficiently. For example, a strong, battle-hardened warrior may be able to wield two halberds in battle, but Shilverase in physically incapable of doing such, even if the dual halberds fighting style exists, and so she couldn't summon two halberds at a time.

Originally, NightHunter was designed to increase physical abilities so its user could use a more potent version of Darkness Weapon to summon two greatswords, halberds or battleaxes, or use more efficiently bigger weapons. I understand if this whole "dual weapons" concept is too far-fetched. I'll make it as a "summon only one weapon" ability for the sake simplicity.

TJByrum -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (4/27/2013 8:16:32)


TJB, I like the common theme you created in his abilities. I thought of another question about his siphon ability - does it work passively on those around him whenever he isn't doing anything strenuous, or does he have to turn it on?


He can choose when Siphon works and when it doesn't. When he decides to use it, he doesn't have to devote all focus on it. He can completely ignore it, it works passively, but he can 'turn it off' if he is in company of friends (although even then he may steal some energy).

In a battle scenario, if I am beaten to the ground and not finished off I could siphon energy from other people and given enough time I could rise back up, fit to battle once more.

EDIT: Bio is finished. I'm a Shadow-Walker under King Fedorious. A diplomat who uses his powers to confuse and twist decisions of others and cunningly turn things into Fedorious' favor. But he's also trained to fight very good and is somewhat of an assassin (get in, kill, get out) and his powers let him escape with sheer ease. Fedorious sent me to Paxia to work my magic there, as Fedorious wants the land.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/1/2013 14:10:51)

I think I need to clarify one thing - when I ask for an explanation or how details on a thing works, it's all well and good to explain it to me in another post, but it's also good (and sometimes vital) to go into your bio and work in the explanation you gave me. Odds are, someone else further on is going to have the same question, and they don't want to read through two pages of convo to figure out their answers.

Also, I probably need to change my update day to a weekday (probably Mondays) because my weekends are mad.

With that in mind, Riffus, it's fine to have dual-wield weapons (no one human should ever try to dual-wield halberds), so just alter the phrasing of that sentence to make it clear that's what you meant. After that, I see nothing stopping you from being accepted!

Edit: I'm assuming that she has other spells and abilities aside from the two mentioned, mostly generic darkness spells to do random darkness stuff. She does... right?

Legendium Sorry it took me so long to get to you!


He typically wears green linen, a dark green cape, leather armor in less vital areas and light gold plate in vital areas.
Isn't linen usually a kind of underwear? I believe at the moment he isn't wearing any actual clothes. >_> Please dress him properly. Also, gold is a terrible material to use as anything except for decoration due it its softness. It's more likely that his plate armor is a hard metal like steel or iron which has been plated or lined with gold for decoration. Be very sparing with your use of gold or you'll lower your armor's functionality, okay?


He's also pretty decent with a spear.
This is just me being picky - shouldn't you write double-bladed spear? He ought to be skilled at using the weapon he carries about with him all the time. :)

I feel like his abilities are drawn from a D&D character bio and simply haven't been fully adapted to the world of free-form RPing. I'll teach you how to adapt them. First, we don't use initiative here - a skill like this would read something along the lines of "he reacts faster than a normal human, and he rarely gets caught by surprise when a fight breaks out." You don't need to write "Weapon Specialization (Spear)" - everything you said there is covered in the sentence "He's also pretty decent with a spear." However, you might want to specify how good he is with his chosen weapon - "pretty decent" translates to "manages to kill his enemies more often than himself" but "deadly" translates to "is a whirlwind of screaming death." You see how different those two are?

I would like to know a little bit more about this spell - how often can he renew his strength? (It seems like a once per encounter thing, but you're not allowed to use that terminology. Think of a time limit to put on it.)

Be aware that depending on images is not necessarily a good thing in a words-based RPing system. You'll need to be able to fully describe everything he turns into. These are very interesting humanoid lizards he turns into.

I think you should put a limit on how often he can be in a shifted form. He should spend at least /some/ of his time being "human". Also, what happens to his armor, clothing and weapon when he shifts? Does it shift into his body and become unusable? It seems to me that his first two forms would be able to use his weapon, but the armor would need to be adjusted to suit them. How long does it take him to shapeshift? Mere seconds? A full minute?

I'm sorry, your likes and dislikes are less cute than Riffus's. :P

"He will be social and kind only when he needs to be to survive." Being social and being kind are completely different things. Are you sticking with that sentence?

TJB, it cracks me up that what you're calling a "traveler's robe" I would totally call a monk's robe. Or potentially a Jedi robe, except there are not Jedi in this world. You do know that his current clothing provides minimal protection at best, right?

Again, this is a good common theme. It fits with his personality as well, of him being a manipulator. I also like the new improved history, it makes much more sense.

This is my main issue with this current character - I do not want another army entering Paxia. I understand that a nation in crisis leaves a power vacuum that other powers will desire to fill, but to allow those other powers to be under the control of other players, not me, gives single players too much power. (Besides, Paxia hasn't fully fallen yet. There's still plenty of established power to oppose an interloper.) See my note in the first post about not having other people off-island who can help you.

I need this Shadow-Walker to be alone, and to not have backup follow on the heels of his defeat. I am hesitant to say that we might be able to discuss it should he manage to gain control of most of Paxia. Do you understand my concerns?

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/1/2013 14:46:12)


With that in mind, Riffus, it's fine to have dual-wield weapons (no one human should ever try to dual-wield halberds), so just alter the phrasing of that sentence to make it clear that's what you meant. After that, I see nothing stopping you from being accepted!

Edit: I'm assuming that she has other spells and abilities aside from the two mentioned, mostly generic darkness spells to do random darkness stuff. She does... right?

Will try to rephrase this in much better terms. You're correct in saying she has a lot more than what is simply described. As you said, mostly generic darkness-oriented spells, like dark-vision, blasts of darkness, etc. I'll try my best to keep in check what I can and can't do with darkness magic. I expect you will also be keeping out an active eye on her actions and tell me if something is wrong, too powerful or simply out of place.

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/1/2013 15:14:28)


Isn't linen usually a kind of underwear?

No, it's a material. Not a type of clothing. At least I believe so. I could always change it to cotton and specify which kinds of clothing it is.


I feel like his abilities are drawn from a D&D character bio

Heh. I kinda wanted that effect. I mean, no one in a free-roam RP will write Weapon Specialization(Spear). Well, aside from me, that is.


I think you should put a limit on how often he can be in a shifted form

I'm pretty sure that I said that there isn't exactly a limit. There's a penalty, more like. The longer he stays in one form, the longer it takes before he can shift into the next. As in: Lizard -> For ten hours -> Human -> For ten days -> Lizard -> ..... So on so forth. Just to make him rely on his spear more often and make him human more often. If an emergency arises, he can spend a very long time in one certain form. But should he spend too long, he might find himself incapable of shifting for the rest of his life.

There are plenty of caveats in my bio, but honestly, I didn't think it would be in the area you critiqued. I'll get around to it sometime soon hopefully, after exam week(s) is over.
I was for the most part trying to ease myself into a character type I wasn't used to playing as. I generally prefer knights and wizards, but I'm trying to branch out. So I knew I was going to blunder coming in.

TormentedDragon -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/1/2013 19:09:19)

Linen is a type of fabric, often used for clothing that will be right up against the skin due its soft feel and a tendency to not chafe. Bedsheets are often called linens, and a closet made for holding them is called a linen closet.

Still, any form of clothing can be made out of linen.

TJByrum -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/1/2013 22:51:14)


TJB, it cracks me up that what you're calling a "traveler's robe" I would totally call a monk's robe. Or potentially a Jedi robe, except there are not Jedi in this world. You do know that his current clothing provides minimal protection at best, right?

Called it a traveler's robe to give you an idea of how worn and tattered it probably is. Also, my character doesn't need 'armor' as others are using, as I have the Barrier ability in place of such armor. Also, being without armor I am a lot more agile and quick to react. Besides, I'm not necessarily going for a combat-based character.


Again, this is a good common theme. It fits with his personality as well, of him being a manipulator. I also like the new improved history, it makes much more sense.

Thank you.


This is my main issue with this current character - I do not want another army entering Paxia. I understand that a nation in crisis leaves a power vacuum that other powers will desire to fill, but to allow those other powers to be under the control of other players, not me, gives single players too much power. (Besides, Paxia hasn't fully fallen yet. There's still plenty of established power to oppose an interloper.) See my note in the first post about not having other people off-island who can help you.

I need this Shadow-Walker to be alone, and to not have backup follow on the heels of his defeat. I am hesitant to say that we might be able to discuss it should he manage to gain control of most of Paxia. Do you understand my concerns?

You misunderstand (but understandably so). Victus is not on Paxia leading an army, he's just here on other reasons. He's here to ramble things up, cause trouble, twist things into chaotic reasons, etc. He's weakening it so that Fedorious and his army can sweep in and take it without much problem.

Which is part of the reason I am trying to defeat the Beast - Victus does not want the Beast to take it for himself. At the same time, Victus isn't here to help the good guys. He'll take whatever allies he can gather to achieve his goals.

Cunning, trickery, confusion, etc... his talents are more of a vocal and shadowy type of skillset.

EDIT: He's not going to have control of any off-army help or any armies anytime in the near future. He's just an assassin/diplomat/saboteur/agitator, not a military commander.

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/2/2013 1:03:56)

Edited my bio. I'm going to get around to the history later, because it feels kinda..... chunky and underdone. I have a better idea of how to present it now, so that ought to make the thing have a better overall feel. I'll also see if I can change things to fit the theme better.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/10/2013 12:15:26)

@Riffus, of course I'll be watching. I watch everything. ^_^ However, I think your character is now acceptable. Welcome to Ruins of Paxia! I'll have an intro post up... soon. I recently figured out lots of cool new details about the plot.

@Legend, alright, I concede the linens thing. :P Also, I don't like your shapeshifting limitation, but after some thought I decided that's just me being picky.


There are plenty of caveats in my bio, but honestly, I didn't think it would be in the area you critiqued.
True story, this has been bothering me all week. I have no idea what you meant by it and it's making me second-guess myself. :P

Rereading your bio, I need to say - please don't make extremely long paragraphs. I can't read through his Appearance without getting lost in the paragraph. Some of your other paragraphs border on too long as well. Just put random paragraph breaks in to make it easier to read. :)

Your tattoo has been bothering me ever since I read it. Shouldn't it be an ochre tattoo, not made of ochre? According to Wikipedia, ochre is either clay or "limonite," whatever that is, but it sounds like something I don't want inside my skin.

Also, I find your "kilt-thingy" hilarious.

So... does he carry around the right poisons to smear on his darts? There's no guarantee he's going to be able to find what he wants in any given area.

I have another question about your spell - does it heal him (stop bleeding, close wounds, etc), or just remove exhaustion?


When Orobus shifts forms, his clothing stays on him. For some reason, plant substances like flax stay with him during a shape-shift, whereas wool wouldn't. His weapons, sadly do not also change with him, so he makes use of them in his forms normally.

So... his clothing and armor are absorbed into his body when he shapeshifts, but his weapons are not?


don't exist in Lore.

It doesn't look like you've changed your history at all, so I'll leave it at there for now. Edit Although, if I may make one suggestion... I don't see any reason to limit the number of forms he has to three. He seems a little weak at the moment, and I'm worried he might not be able to keep up.

@TJB, thanks for the explanation. With the understanding that Fedorious and his army won't be sweeping in without my express permission, your history looks fine. I'll just skim over your bio again to see if there's anything I missed...


The shortsword's psionic properties allow it to be lighter and easier to wield.
I just wanted to say this - psionics is magic relating to the mind. (You have incorrectly defined this in your abilites section.) A thing without a mind can't really be psionic, unless I grossly mistake the definition. The way I'm interpreting this is, his psionic abilities allow him to perceive the sword as being lighter and easier to wield, even though it really hasn't changed the weight of the sword. (By the way, shortswords are pretty light and easy to wield anyway. For a sword, that is. Be careful that you don't bring their weight all the way down into the "dagger" category - that's when you start sacrificing your ability to do damage.)


Victus can create an alternate image of himself or others. It looks exactly like the target, and acts exactly like them and can even simulate conversations as themselves would.
I think a more accurate statement would be "It acts exactly like Victus thinks the person would act," since it's controlled by him and all.


Victus has come to Paxia to unite the clans and defeat the Beast.

seems diametrically opposed to this:

You misunderstand (but understandably so). Victus is not on Paxia leading an army, he's just here on other reasons. He's here to ramble things up, cause trouble, twist things into chaotic reasons, etc. He's weakening it so that Fedorious and his army can sweep in and take it without much problem.

and those seem confused by this:

Which is part of the reason I am trying to defeat the Beast - Victus does not want the Beast to take it for himself. At the same time, Victus isn't here to help the good guys. He'll take whatever allies he can gather to achieve his goals.

Uniting the clans to defeat the Beast will make them strong and united. Granted, the battle to defeat the Beast will most likely drain a huge amount of resources (assuming they are able to defeat the Beast) but it will bring them together and make them significantly harder to defeat. You can be on the side of chaos and not actually working for the Beast. You can also pretend to be on the side of the clans and actually be working for chaos and/or the Beast. You can also switch sides mid-game if it's in-character. Whose side are you on, Victus?

In other news, I have amazing ideas for the intro post. It shall be awesome.

TormentedDragon -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/10/2013 14:17:50)

So here she is. She'll be making a general mess wherever she goes.

Name: Threnody
Gender: Female
Side: Chaos
Race: Looks human. That’s what she started as, at least - who knows what she would qualify as now.

Appearance: Threnody stands at about 5’7” with a rather broader build than most women, which is easiest to see in the shoulders and hips. Moderately chesty, she keeps in shape and thus has a rather pleasing figure.

While she has a pretty face with a smallish nose, full lips, a large, almond-shaped eyes with cyan irises, very few people actually see her face, because of the mask she wears. Tear-shaped, with the pointy end at the chin, it curves to her entire face, including her forehead. White, it is featureless, save for where a slight indented line, marked in black, describes the general shape of an eye, directly over her own left eye.

Aside from the mask, her hair is the second thing most people will notice first, mostly because it is both an eye-catching amber in color, and huge. From where it meets the mask, it extends out about a half-foot from her skull (as opposed the usual fraction of an inch seen on most people), sweeping back from the mask, and extending to her shoulders and down her back, tapering to an end just below her shoulderblades. The effect is rather reminiscent of a mane.

She also wears a small silver hairpin with the image of a cello upon it to the left of her mask.

Belongings: Her usual attire consists of a long, split-tailed riding coat with cap sleeves (meaning they barely cover the shoulder), white in color, with two stripes running the length of it, both back and front, on either side of the bust. The tail of the coat reaches down to below the knee, and splits in the front to expose the legs, allowing for greater mobility and working well while on horseback. Sturdy, black leather calf boots complement her primarily brown trousers, and to complete the ensemble she has a pair of full-length, white leather fingerless gloves, with fold-over cuffs.

A white belt with a silver buckle does the duty of holding the sheathe for her sword - brown with silver decoration. The sword itself looks to be simple, serviceable steel, with a fairly simple grip, and silver decorations on the pommel and crossguard.

Aside from her usual attire, she has a few other coats that are variations on the same theme, some knives, backup gloves, combs - you know, the usual stuff. She also has a selection of earrings, ranging from elaborate dangly things to studs, all of them enchanted. Nobody’s ever been given the opportunity to figure out what the enchantment is, however, and they’ve never been shown to do anything. In reality, they simply provide a small boost to the acuity of her hearing, which she uses both in battle and out. If she blocks a blow to her rear, it’s likely because she heard it coming.

As to her clothing, while it looks like regular cloth and leather, it is not. Crafted from exotic materials via obscure and arcane methods, her clothing is extremely durable and heavily resistant to damage, and more than capable of stopping sword strikes and resisting arrows and spears. Since it lacks rigidity, it won’t do much to soften impacts, but there’s nothing quite like someone trying to stab you in the back and failing miserably.

The mask itself is also crafted from similarly exotic material using similarly obscure and arcane methods. It is effectively indestructible, as the output required to actually significantly damage the mask would of the sort that would qualify the attack as a city-killer. It is also enchanted, which probably explains how it stays on her face without any sort of strap, doesn’t get in the way of her breathing, and still allows her to see despite being completely opaque.

Secretly, it also functions as a locator for those who know what to look for.

She also has two rings, which she wears on her middle fingers. The right-hand ring is crafted from an oddly blue metal, and bears designs similar to the decorative metalwork on her sword and scabbard, though this features ram’s head rather prominently. The left-hand ring is silver, shares the same design aesthetics, featuring a horse in place of the ram.

The Ring of the Ram offers a short range buffet at the user’s will, to a maximum of fifteen feet from the ring itself. While no stronger than a punch or a kick, and limited to one blow at a time, these buffets are nevertheless extremely useful, as there’s no limit to where within that fifteen feet these buffets can be placed, or in which direction.

These buffets require both a start point and an end point, and act as an invisible fist moving upon that line - placing the start point within something solid will fail, as the buffet will expend itself immediately with no force behind it. Anything solid it connects with along the line from start to finish will receive a blow. Thus, it is impossible to punch someone directly in the heart or other such trickery.

The Ring of the Horse has a very simple job: it summons her primary mode of transport, which she calls her Noble Steed.

The Noble Steed continues to fit her aesthetic choices by being completely white, and completely smooth. Consisting of two orbs approximately the size of a man’s head linked by a concave cylinder, it features a comfortable seat, footrests, and a rigid handlebar for the hands to grasp. When summoned, it appears to rise up from the ground itself, as if the earth were nothing more than an illusory barrier. Hovering a few feet off the ground, the Noble Steed is capable of traversing most terrains, though it does, for whatever reason, require a solid surface underneath it - provided the proper precautions are made, underwater travel is perfectly feasible, and steep inclines are no obstacle.

It is quite the speedy vehicle, more than capable of matching real-world motorcycles in speed, provided, of course, that you have a clear avenue of travel. Crashing will obviously hurt. A slight hum accompanies its presence, which changes in volume and tone as it gains and loses speed.

Finally, her sword. As with all of her other belongings, appearances are deceiving - what looks to be simple steel is not. Sharp enough for any swordsman’s needs, the sword will hold its edge even in the face of the most heinous abuse, and denies rust and corrosion alike; and while it will bend under pressure, it has yet to exhibit a breaking point - there is simply a point past which it will not bend. Under normal circumstances, the sword will simply behave as a sword - should it be struck by elemental magic, however, it will take on properties related to the magic it has blocked. A firebolt, for example, might result in the classic flaming sword, or simply a very hot blade. A blast of frost would cause the sword to freeze what it touches, a lightning bolt results in an electrified blade, and so on and so forth.

Personal History: Threnody showed up in Paxia over a decade ago, and started selling her services as a mercenary to various and sundry peoples. She’s acted as bounty hunter, bodyguard, courier, consultant, tactician, and other such things, and has many contacts in many places. Her “face,” masked as it is, is well known around Paxia, and her reputation is that of a very dangerous and very useful person.

Skills, spells and abilities:
Threnody is both consummate swordswoman and an excellent shot, despite not owning a bow or actual throwing weapons, and very skilled at hand-to-hand combat. Her punches and kicks carry great force behind them, and her body has been hardened through strenuous training - nothing that people before her have not accomplished, however.

Of more import is her ability to perceive and manipulate the energies upon which magic relies, an ability rather different in nature from that of the average mage’s. Requiring extensive training to use, this ability does not allow her to cast spells or manipulate magic in the normal fashion - rather, it lets her perceive the framework that produces and sustains magical effects, and to alter that framework if she wishes. Such alterations are highly disruptive to the magical effect in question, and thus any attempt at alteration will either weaken or disperse the magic, scattering the energies that powered it, usually harmlessly.

The upshot of this most basic application of the ability is that something such as an oncoming fireball can be diminished or dispersed completely, a magical barrier weakened or shattered, a scrying spell turned into useless noise.

These alterations must be targeted, and willed, and the nature of the targeted magic can change how it reacts to such alterations. The most critically vulnerable constructs are often the most intricately complex; conjuration rituals, for example, often have exacting specifications, and are as a house of cards - a simple nudge can cause them to fail, in some cases spectacularly. Guardian effects, on the other hand, can be complex, but as they are designed to resilient, the framework is often heavily redundant, requiring multiple alterations to completely disperse. Simple constructs, such as those that simply involve a large expenditure of energy, can be quite resilient, but in keeping with their simple nature, are also easily handle - with the proper focus, dispersing the energy so that it can no longer do anything is easy to do.

A far more difficult proposition is altering an effect to do something other than originally intended, as any alteration will weaken things and lead towards failure. With intense focus and enough time, however, it is possible to, for example, alter a guardian ward so that it will no longer trigger an alarm, without completely dispelling it. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that she must know what alterations to make to a framework to get the desired result - as the methods of magic tend to differ wildly from caster to caster, this is often simply not an option.

Magical effects that are tied to physical objects are a rather different animal entirely. Rooted in something with a physical form, these effects are much more resilient, and rather difficult to alter in a permanent fashion. Focused will can disrupt them for an extended period of time, but more often than not the effects will return in anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the strength of the enchantment.

A final application of this ability is to set up an area of interference - analogous to electromagnetic “noise” that interferes with radio communication. By creating constant, small disruptions around her, Threnody can cause magic to be difficult, if not impossible, to do - a magic user’s spells will require greater concentration and energy to form, and the more complex the spell, the more likely it is to fail entirely. The longer she focuses on doing so, the greater the effect becomes - with no interruptions (even something as simple as talking to someone), she is able to make it impossible for any but the most skilled of mages to do magic within the area she has focused on within as little as five minutes. Effects brought into the area from outside the zone will suffer from the disruptions as well, possibly dispersing immediately - magical projectiles will peter out or lose their path, for example. Of course, the larger the area she wishes interdict, the more focus and energy it requires, and if she ceases to maintain the disruption, it will swiftly die off, vanishing entirely within the space of a mere three minutes. It is worth noting that even the smallest of disruptions become very swiftly noticeable.

Extended use of this ability is draining, and causes headaches. Overuse can create migraine effects, and it can be burned out, which have drastic effects on the body - vision loss, hearing loss, bleeding from orifices, vulnerability to illnesses, the list goes on. The training required to use it teaches a practitioner to see the framework of magic, to understand what they are seeing, and to understand their own limits. As with most things, proper use of it builds endurance and stamina, allowing for longer periods of use.

Threnody is, of course, an expert, so far as it is possible to be one. When focusing, her perception is wide, and not limited to physical barriers - if given the time to focus, she can “see” magic from across a city. When pacing herself, her stamina is extensive - it is rare that one needs to fully disperse magic in combat, as a reduction in its power usually allows her to dodge or avoid harmful effects through more mundane means, or to bear the brunt of it on her sword. Area interdiction is quite a bit more demanding, and decreases her proficiency in her more mundane abilities - sustained usage of it begins to exhaust her after 30 minutes if she is fighting at the same time, and keeping it up for more than an hour runs the risk of self-injury. If allowed to focus upon that, and that alone, however, she can sustain it for up to three hours, though doing so becomes rather difficult after one.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/10/2013 16:04:38)

Since we've gone over Threnody in IRC and I am too lazy to read it again, approved. :D I'll add you to the first post as soon as I get an alignment. Welcome to Ruins of Paxia!

TJByrum -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/10/2013 21:21:15)


I just wanted to say this - psionics is magic relating to the mind. (You have incorrectly defined this in your abilites section.) A thing without a mind can't really be psionic, unless I grossly mistake the definition. The way I'm interpreting this is, his psionic abilities allow him to perceive the sword as being lighter and easier to wield, even though it really hasn't changed the weight of the sword. (By the way, shortswords are pretty light and easy to wield anyway. For a sword, that is. Be careful that you don't bring their weight all the way down into the "dagger" category - that's when you start sacrificing your ability to do damage.)

You're right. I'll just take away the psionic thing and make them normal swords.


I think a more accurate statement would be "It acts exactly like Victus thinks the person would act," since it's controlled by him and all.

Right... that's a better statement to put. But keep in mind that this hallucination will take orders from Victus and carry them out. I can tell him to walk across Paxia and he will do it. I will refer to it as 'Apparition'. In other words, I can hallucinate someone and tell them to provide false information to someone else while I carry about my own jobs. Just a simple part of what it can do. But this Apparition cannot kill or harm, and will instantly vanish upon being stabbed, scratched, etc, or injured in any way.

As for Victus' morality, put it this way:
1. Victus will help the Clans to unite and fight the Beast.
2. At the same time, he does not want these Clans to be really strong. He'd rather strengthen them just enough to defeat the Beast.
3. Considering he wants to both defeat the Beast as well as somewhat sabotage the Clans, he could possibly work alongside both sides of this conflict.

I don't want to reveal to much, but my playstyle is more of a verbal and vocal type of thing, with (hopefully) a lot of trickery and deception. Combat? Meh.

...if that's fine with you...

EDIT: I noticed you put 'Chaos' as my alignment. That is a good way to label it, as I will cause as much Chaos as possible.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/11/2013 1:55:58)

Of course that's fine with me. Good luck walking that tightrope. I have one more question about your Apparition then - can he see what it sees, hear what it hears? If so, it has a host of other uses (and is more than a simple illusion); if not, it's going to be hard to pretend it's a normal person if Victor can't see and dictate new responses. That's fine if you're fine with it, of course.

TJByrum -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/11/2013 7:37:48)

Yes, Victus knows what is going on with Apparition, that is sort of how he controls them. But he doesn't need to focus on him (left foot, right foot, left foot...).

Think of it as using two characters, but one of those characters can't kill anyone and I can make him take the form of someone else... if that makes sense.

Sorry for any confusion.

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/11/2013 14:54:42)



There are plenty of caveats in my bio, but honestly, I didn't think it would be in the area you critiqued.

True story, this has been bothering me all week. I have no idea what you meant by it and it's making me second-guess myself. :P

I meant that character personality was what was bugging me most. But, you barely critiqued it, and I thought I did rather well on the skills and such. I've been proven wrong though.


Rereading your bio, I need to say - please don't make extremely long paragraphs. I can't read through his Appearance without getting lost in the paragraph. Some of your other paragraphs border on too long as well. Just put random paragraph breaks in to make it easier to read. :)

Can be easily fixed.


Your tattoo has been bothering me ever since I read it. Shouldn't it be an ochre tattoo, not made of ochre? According to Wikipedia, ochre is either clay or "limonite," whatever that is, but it sounds like something I don't want inside my skin.

Ochre was the only colorful thing that would truly stick well in caveman times. Berry juice was also used, but I believe it would fade after a while. Not sure. Ochre is pretty much a primitive equivalent of paint. Whether or not it's comfortable is unclear. If it isn't, that's fine. Characters shouldn't always be happy with the decisions they make.


So... does he carry around the right poisons to smear on his darts? There's no guarantee he's going to be able to find what he wants in any given area.

No. Occaisonally, if he knows that a poison is very useful, he may smear some on many darts, but he doesn't carry vials around with him. I'll judge whether or not he should find poison in certain situations. If there's no need to, he won't. Or sometimes he will. It'll be chance for the most part. If the chances are high that without poison, my character won't survive, he'll likely find poison. But I'll do research on where poisonous plants are found in temperate regions, and if the chances are zero that he can find a poisonous plant, he won't, and he might die. Not very simple, but I promise I won't abuse the power. You have my word of honor.


I have another question about your spell - does it heal him (stop bleeding, close wounds, etc), or just remove exhaustion?

It just removes exhaustion, and pain won't bother anymore. (Well, it'll still damage him, he just won't notice.)



When Orobus shifts forms, his clothing stays on him. For some reason, plant substances like flax stay with him during a shape-shift, whereas wool wouldn't. His weapons, sadly do not also change with him, so he makes use of them in his forms normally.

So... his clothing and armor are absorbed into his body when he shapeshifts, but his weapons are not?





don't exist in Lore.

Or do they? ~_^
I'll change this to wizards who specialize in animals.


It doesn't look like you've changed your history at all, so I'll leave it at there for now. Edit Although, if I may make one suggestion... I don't see any reason to limit the number of forms he has to three. He seems a little weak at the moment, and I'm worried he might not be able to keep up.

The history has not changed, but it should soon. If he can't keep up, I could just change the number of forms to five, and make the Daktyl large enough to do damage.

If all else fails, I could scrap him, since I have another interesting character that could replace him.

Starstruck -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/12/2013 22:06:18)

It is with great reluctance that I omit Tiure's scythe from the bio. After hours of agonized soul-searching, I have finally determined that Tiure's concept does not mesh at all with conventional weaponry, much as it does not mesh at all with conventional magic.

Tiure is meant to represent personal enlightenment and the working around of a seemingly insurmountable disability. His hard work and dedication, admirable traits in anyone, are all the more fascinating in one who has been given no for an answer over and over again. His personal saga, which seems interesting from the very beginning, is more deep and complex than I had originally imagined. I will enjoy this RP.


Name: Tiure Stradivaski
Age: 17
Race: Human
Clan: Aerodu
Alignment: Good + Innocent + Clueless

Appearance: Tiure is a graceful, lanky figure, with azure eyes and dirty blond hair, cropped short and combed neatly into place. His Slavic features are set squarely upon a tall, sturdy frame, and he is wrapped up in ordinary silken clothing, freshly clean and a lovely deep blue. Tiure's gaze is piercing, wary, and intelligent, though his expression is calm, unperturbed, and gently smirking, the picture of lazy confidence. He still bears faded white scars from his ordeal in the Coterie, but the only really noticeable scars are in a peculiar formation on the backs of his hands and on his forehead. Tiure is athletic, lean, and fit, a healthy adolescent, but he is a little pale and seems to have not ventured outside for many years.

Weapons/Equipment: At his side is a small pack filled tidily with various odds and ends; a pale amber chunk of pine sap, a neatly folded cloth, a bottle of waxy substance...none of these things would be particularly useful in a fight without a huge degree of resourcefulness and a huger deal of luck. Most of them seem geared towards maintenance or comfort. More important things are stacked towards the top.

Violin: The violin is Tiure’s sonomantic channeling instrument. It is magically reinforced to withstand massive impacts. Though unable to use typical magic, Tiure is capable of performing powerful spells through the power of music. Tiure seems capable of banishing it into the ether so he can use his hands, but this could just be an illusion. (hint: it is. Look in the pack.)

Tiure is a teenager, and like most teenagers, he likes to hit things. Magic is magic, but hitting things is PRETTY DURN SWEET. So he created a fighting style he calls Violin Fu. The wooden, magically reinforced instrument can take sword strikes and club smacks without breaking, making it a...while not ideal, a workable weapon, yes. When possessed by the fervor of battle, Tiure seamlessly blends his pizzicato songs with his violin beatdown to create an unforgettable battle experience. And that is where Violin Fu would have ended if his mentor hadn't been something of a martial arts enthusiast. All in all, Tiure is not to be underestimated.

His bow is also special; Tiure can create glowing, gray arrows of energy to fire from it. He's really not sure where they come from; they aren't physical arrows, but instead arrows of gray wind energy. Depending on the physical resilience of the target, they either tickle, itch, or pinch. He can produce up to five at a time, but he can't start there, and must instead shoot one, two, three, etc.

Personality: Tiure is haunted, for lack of a better word. His normally bright eyes have been darkened by some mysterious past experience, and his movements seem overly precise and a little resigned, as though some unseen entity is pulling invisible strings at his elbows, knees, and head. Only when he plays his violin does the life return to his body, and it seems for a minute as though he and his instrument are one.

Skills and Abilities: Tiure is agile and pretty strong, at about a normal human level. Definitely a cut above your average untrained Joe, but nowhere near someone who has been trained in physical proficiency. His near-total lack of armor makes him light on his feet and very quick compared to an armored man, and the silk clothing he wears is a handy defense against arrows; though they still pierce the skin, they can be safely removed without causing further damage to body tissue.

His greatest skill is his magical proficiency, limited only by his musical proficiency. You see, Tiure is capable of linking enchantments he has learned to songs he has learned. If the song is incomplete or interrupted, the spell will be diminished in power. Interruption is difficult as Tiure's concentration and skill are remarkable, but direct attacks may cause him to cut and run without finishing the song. Over the course of this RP, the general expectation is for Tiure to learn that the power from his spells does not come from his instrument, but from within himself. Thus, he will begin to use the violin as a channel, not as a crutch, and become a true mage.

Tiure is also sonokinetic, meaning he can manipulate sound waves. Due in no small part to his youth and naiveté, Tiure is rather unimaginative when using these powers. While he would ordinarily be capable of pretty intense trickery and power, he's really only capable of a few different skills. He definitely has shock waves and vibrations down pat; he likes to gesticulate wildly, but this isn't necessary. Another ability he has under control is to nullify all sound within an area (difficult and draining) or silence himself or others (less difficult on a quieter target, more difficult on someone trying desperately to speak). By the same token, he can amplify and direct sound so that a whisper can reach its target unheard by others (which is pretty easy, actually).

The power he understands and uses the most, however, is "true" sonokinesis. Tiure can surround a relatively light object with vibrations, and, in doing so, lift it into the air and move it about. This ability is a lot weaker than "standard" telekinesis, and it won't really be able to throw much more than a pebble. However, it is EXCELLENT for moving objects that Tiure would usually need to hold in his hands. For instance, something about the weight of a rock and a staff, or perhaps something that is about the weight of a large-ish book. Maybe even something that is the weight of a hollowed out chunk of wood. Tiure is more accustomed to grabbing some things than others; in order to lift something, he has to have at least a basic understanding of what it looks like from all sides, including top and bottom, and he has to be able to lift it easily. He is pretty adept at moving his scythe, violin, and books around, and everything in his satchel, but other things take time and effort beyond what is usually feasible. If you want to kill him, though, make sure he can't get his hands on your throwing knives. The range is pretty much line of sight, or as close to "line of sight" as Tiure can get; the closer things get, the easier it gets to move things.

Interesting things he can do that he has no idea how they work: When Tiure touches water, he can make it glow. Tiure can make people dizzy while playing a non-spell song on his violin. At first he thought it was a spell, but it turns out it isn't. If Tiure yells at a solid surface, he is knocked back. If he yells at the ground, or just makes a noise using his sonokinesis, he goes flying upward. This effect is lessened the farther he is from the surface, meaning he can reduce impact by emitting loud sound. Even when blindfolded, Tiure naturally avoids obstacles. It is very difficult to sneak up on Tiure. Anyone near Tiure finds that they can hear things a great deal better than they would normally be able to.

Spells: Tiure has memorized 4 spells (first 4 listed) and has learned 6 other spells. All of them are written down in his big book.

Sonic Infusion: Tiure fills his bow with sound energy (i.e. vibrations) and touches something with it to transfer the energy to that something. Living things find Infusion extremely unpleasant; inanimate objects are granted extra oomph as weapons. In combat, Tiure enjoys Infusing absolutely everything he can; this is his most used spell.

Sonic Lure: Tiure plays a song that carries an emotional meaning to certain listeners. This song isn't really memorized so much as improvised. This can be used to send messages, to invoke certain emotions, or for its titular purpose of calling someone to him.

Sonic Barrier: Tiure creates a wall of vibrations that can repel physical missiles and deflect magical barrages. Fast moving things can break through the barrier, but are severely slowed by doing so, and slow things will be repulsed easily.

Sonic Quake: Tiure plays fiercely, causing the ground around him to shake as in an earthquake. The vibrations from his playing are amplified by many times. Tiure can direct the Quake to become more of a shockwave, increasing its range but narrowing its scope.

Sonic Twister: Tiure scratches a circle with symbols in it on the ground with his bow. He can trigger the spell by playing the song, at which point the nearest circle erupts into a screaming twister. Twisters are short-lived, but extremely startling and scary (loud noises!) and can carry your average man several feet into the air. Continuing to play the song will activate any further circles, or Tiure can just start over again.

Sonic Barrage: Tiure produces several missiles of condensed sound that hover around him. He can order a missile to fire, at which point its energy and force will be multiplied, but it cannot be controlled after that. If a missile strikes a target, the energy from the missile will disperse into the target, causing general pain and unpleasantness; the effect is similar, to being in a strong earthquake, but more intense and personalized, with emphasis on the shaking part and not the part about stuff falling down.

Sonic Dragon's Breath: Tiure roars, sending a high-powered stream of air and sound in a given direction. This concussive burst of air and sound can blast things in the way back and pulverize walls. For the most part, it goes until it hits something, though it will dissipate when Tiure stops roaring. So it's limited by time, not distance.

Sonic Vortex: Tiure creates a vortex of sound around himself that can either pull things around him in or push them out. He gets to decide which direction the Vortex spins and which way it is going.

Sonic Spear: As Tiure plays this song, a large spear forms around his bow. He can swing the bow to strike with the sound spear or jab/thrust the bow to launch it. Though it isn't fast, it's very large, and Tiure has a little control over where it goes (not enough to turn it around without a very wide berth, but enough that, even if it looks like it'll miss by a few yards, you should still be wary) at the expense of he can't be doing anything else at the time.

Sonic Chains: Tiure locks a target down with heavy chains of sound. He can shackle them to available objects. After about a day, the chains disappear; they can also be broken by hitting them against something solid, which will cause them to collapse.

History: Tiure was born in a cramped storeroom in the heart of Aerodu. The exact identity of his parents is unknown, though Tiure has tried and failed to find this information. He was abandoned and left to die, but through a series of remarkable coincidences managed to survive the perils and grow up with a fantastically well-adjusted childhood. Some time before he turned 5, a mage on a visit brought Tiure back to his tower nearby, and they lived there for many years. The mage was kind and very old, but not extremely gifted at either childrearing or empathy. When it became apparent that Tiure was sonokinetic and could manipulate sound waves, Tiure's foster father displayed another shortcoming, this time of creativity, and simply named him "Tiure," which means "Sound."

By age 6, it was apparent both that the mage was pushing too hard for Tiure to learn magic and that Tiure had no talent for magic whatsoever. The two facts existed in a sort of limbo for about a month, where Tiure would try and fail to imitate the great mage's actions.

One night, his eyes snapped open. The young, barely 7 year old child grabbed a scythe, rushed to the solarium at the top of the tower, and singlehandedly toppled a sturdy rosewood tree and cut a few branches off of an ebony tree. Obeying the inner workings of his mind, Tiure cut and sawed and fastened and finally, eyes glowing an ethereal blue, he called forth magic and sealed the parts together. Exhausted, he collapsed right there, the first violin grasped securely in his hand.

The bow followed soon after, and the end result created a drastically different sound that thrummed with passion, with power, with magic. He began his training, using music as his channel, and, at age 12, even created his own branch of magic called "Sonomancy." Most of it turned out to be Tiure's innate powers, and the songs he played had nothing to do with the spells he cast. But he kept going and going, and finally found many magical conduits for his song writing and spell casting.

Tiure was all set to become a powerful mage...

...only to find Hydromancy interesting. His focus wavered and he began to fall apart. As he learned more and more Hydromancy, he became less and less proficient at everything he tried. Tiure had stretched his limits much too far. After the Coterie, Tiure broke down crying. The mage offered to stop teaching him Hydromancy, but Tiure refused and desired more. Finally, after many impassioned arguments, the mage agreed to teach him...but only if he won a victory in the Elemental Championships.

Well, this wasn't to be. As Tiure left the field, he felt a sense of perspective. He went back, apologized, and began in earnest to learn the art of spell writing. When Tiure had finished his training, his mentor gave him the Book. It was completely unmarked save for a padlock on the front cover. Tiure's mentor gave him this riddle to solve in order to open the book:

"If you believe it, it is true
The key to this does not exist
Though you believe it, it is false
Do not let yourself be fooled."

Tiure has been trying for 2 years to open it, to no avail. Finally, he left the tower and the mage behind for good. He had finished his studies, and nothing remained for him in the tower. Now, at age 17, Tiure has rekindled past flames and brought his full intellectual forces to bear on his target. What he has endured, he will not say. What is his goal?


jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/15/2013 17:38:16)


Yes, Victus knows what is going on with Apparition, that is sort of how he controls them. But he doesn't need to focus on him (left foot, right foot, left foot...).

Think of it as using two characters, but one of those characters can't kill anyone and I can make him take the form of someone else... if that makes sense.

Sorry for any confusion.
Well... that's entirely different. I mean... yeah. Wow. You need to make that clear in your bio ASAP. The potential to be aware of something on the other side of Paxia is a big deal and totally changes this ability.

After some thought, however, I think it's fine. Although specifying that it needs to be human-sized (more or less) and that you have to create it near you before sending it off might be a good idea. You just need to immediately clarify the fact that this ability is not a pure illusion and in fact does other stuff.



I meant that character personality was what was bugging me most. But, you barely critiqued it, and I thought I did rather well on the skills and such. I've been proven wrong though.

Oh. XD As important as personality is, I can't really critique it very adequately. He acts like you want him to act and that's the long and short of it. I can't tell you "that's unrealistic" or "he wouldn't really behave like that." ^_^


Ochre was the only colorful thing that would truly stick well in caveman times. Berry juice was also used, but I believe it would fade after a while. Not sure. Ochre is pretty much a primitive equivalent of paint. Whether or not it's comfortable is unclear. If it isn't, that's fine. Characters shouldn't always be happy with the decisions they make.
I like this explanation. It pleases me.


No. Occaisonally, if he knows that a poison is very useful, he may smear some on many darts, but he doesn't carry vials around with him. I'll judge whether or not he should find poison in certain situations. If there's no need to, he won't. Or sometimes he will. It'll be chance for the most part. If the chances are high that without poison, my character won't survive, he'll likely find poison. But I'll do research on where poisonous plants are found in temperate regions, and if the chances are zero that he can find a poisonous plant, he won't, and he might die. Not very simple, but I promise I won't abuse the power. You have my word of honor.
The honor of blood; the truth of blood.

Er, I mean, good deal.


The history has not changed, but it should soon. If he can't keep up, I could just change the number of forms to five, and make the Daktyl large enough to do damage.

If all else fails, I could scrap him, since I have another interesting character that could replace him.

Or, y'know, we could see how quickly he dies with these adaptations and then go from there. ;D Whatever you want. I'm totally down with killing off randoms.

The Daktyl might be fine if you give it some natural defenses such that it's reasonable this thing would live in a world where everything wants to eat it. Make it less useless. I can see it being a very useful spy, since it's so small. And more forms is always good. :)

@Starstruck! Took you long enough. ^_^ I don't care if he's not new altogether, as long as he's new to Paxia. :) Upon skimming your bio, which I shall read later, the only word I caught was "sonokinetic". Assuming that's not a kind of snorkeling, I look forward to reading it. :D

However, I now have a total of five bios. Looks like I'd better get the IC up!

... Drat, that means I have to figure out something interesting to write about Lucian and Geoto. *groan* I'm no good at making them interesting... I think it's my Aerodu background coming back to bite me. *mutters to herself*

TJByrum -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/15/2013 19:28:47)

@Jerenda: All apologies, I'll try to focus on making better bios in the future. I could use a lot more work, and there is always room for improvement. So am I accepted or are there any changes I need to make?

For clarification, imagine Apparition is a second character, only I can make him look however I want, act however I want, and do whatever I want. But he can't kill, can't harm, and will cease to be if injured (a simple scratch won't do it, but a stab or gash would).

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/16/2013 1:07:54)


The Daktyl might be fine if you give it some natural defenses such that it's reasonable this thing would live in a world where everything wants to eat it. Make it less useless. I can see it being a very useful spy, since it's so small. And more forms is always good. :)

I'm not sure if I want to keep the Daktyl small. Making it's wingspan as broad as two hawks flying side by side sounds good to me. And making it spit fire.
I've also added two new forms to the version of my bio in my RP Document. For once, one is not a lizard. It's a good deal more....... icky. I've called it the Jupiter Man-Trap, and it looks like Audrey Two. At least, I think that's the name of the thingumy in Little Shoppe of Horrors.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/28/2013 0:19:48)

I would just like you all to know, I am almost done with the IC intro post, which is why I've been so silent. It's taking lots of my brainpower. I wanted to have it up yesterday but events conspired against me. :(

TJB, if you can see through your Apparition's eyes, hear through it's ears, etc, you need to say so in your bio. That ability makes this power very different and it is vitally important that you mention it. Srsly.

TJByrum -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (5/28/2013 9:24:36)

No, Victus cannot see, hear, etc what App does. I can simply summon up a replica of myself or others (that I've seen), tell it to do something, and it does it. Victus does not have to worry about a thing, it'll go off and do what it's got to do.

Starstruck -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/2/2013 17:09:51)

Should Tiure be able to level a small village or is the power creep we found in the first incarnation a non-issue here?

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/5/2013 23:42:19)

It's a shame that I have to post this, but alas, I have to.

Consider me out for this RP. as much as I would've wanted to participate once more in this RP of epic proportions, I must bid farewell to these boards and move on to other callings. Been fun RPing here for while it lasted, I hope y'all will have a good time here as much as I did in the past.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/6/2013 12:41:46)

Aaaaaaaand it's up!!! *phew* Well that took ages. Let's hope we don't have to do that again anytime soon. =D

Minibios will be up by tomorrow for all those characters I introduced! That is, assuming my plane has WiFi. I'm going off to a wedding, and I will do my best to stay updated. I know I've got some OOC work to get done. Please, tell me what you think of my intro post! There's a lot going on here, and not all of it is as obvious as it seems at first light. Agents of the Beast could be anywhere.

D'aww, Riffus, you /just/ missed my intro post. By, like, less than half an hour. I'll miss you! <3

TJB, alright. I really needed that clarification. It looks like you're good otherwise, and as long as you're careful with that character, you're good to go! Welcome to Ruins of Paxia!

Starstruck, Tiure should be able to level a small village, as mentioned in the first post. Are you done reworking him? I'm ready to go over him.

*checks the list of characters* Ah, we have Orobus to look at. (I keep spelling that like Oroborus...)


I'm not sure if I want to keep the Daktyl small. Making it's wingspan as broad as two hawks flying side by side sounds good to me. And making it spit fire.
I've also added two new forms to the version of my bio in my RP Document. For once, one is not a lizard. It's a good deal more....... icky. I've called it the Jupiter Man-Trap, and it looks like Audrey Two. At least, I think that's the name of the thingumy in Little Shoppe of Horrors.

I fully approve of spitting fire. So... it's like a Venus Fly Trap, but not for flies? Sounds fine to me, but I don't see it in your bio. Am I blind? *sad eyes*

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/6/2013 12:54:22)

Sorry. Got sidetracked with real life and tests. I don't have any tests for a week now, so I'm heading right back to my bio page. Don't worry, complete bio will be up eventually.

EDIT: No, you aren't blind. I just have all my work saved on a word document for now. I've just got the history to finish, and then I'm done. I hate writing the histories. I always want to make them artful and like a written work, but I never make it feel right. I'm going to go for a basic list of facts style history for now.

EDIT 2: Whew. It is done. I hope it's good enough. Personally I find him a bit overpowered, but hey. This is an overpowered RP.

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