RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/6/2013 14:57:36)

I will check that intro post out soon Jerenda and definitely begin.

Jerenda... I'm about to do something that might make you and a few others a bit angry. Before I do, just know that I am very sorry.

I want to... relieve my character Victus and if it is okay with you, make a new character.

I'm sorry, I mean I really like Victus and was wanting to roleplay with him, and I mean it... but I really just 'forgot' everything I was going to do with him. In other words, it's just been to long and I'm not exactly sure how I was going to play him (which was suppose to be unique, not anything like fighting or anything but with words and trickery).

Again, if that's okay. Sorry...?

EDIT: Also, who are the clans exactly going to war with? The Beast's Minions? And I will need to look more into the whole Paxia lore... I'm not exactly to knowledgeable on the subject.

EDIT2: Better yet, can I just edit my previous bio?

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/7/2013 0:37:00)


And I will need to look more into the whole Paxia lore... I'm not exactly to knowledgeable on the subject.

I don't know much about Paxia either, and don't really play much AQ, so it would be nice if you gave a short history and description of places in Paxia. If not you, someone who's knowledgable in the subject. I think Powerpie is a Paxian...

Starstruck -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/7/2013 9:18:32)

I have finally finished the bio and I am sad to say that Tiure will only be able to level a couple houses. I hope that is okay :P I have several cool revisions that basically turn him into the character he was supposed to be all along. Spoilers below:


Instead of a scythe, Tiure will swing his violin in melee combat.
Tiure's past life is of great importance - where are the people he knew when he was very young and lived on the "streets" of Aerodu?
Why do they call it a bow if it doesn't shoot any arrows?
Tiure had some strange experiences in the Coterie. Meet - Euterpe!
Those are the things I remember. I just wanted to share the concepts and stuff before you actually meet the kid - tomorrow!

Master K -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/13/2013 10:45:49)

I'm considering getting into this RP, but it seems...complicated.

Starstruck -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/13/2013 18:50:07)

But if you join, it gets less complicated.

I am just saying this because soon jerenda will swoop in with her signature enabled.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/14/2013 19:22:47)

Sorry for making you wait so long!! I am a bit silly sometimes... *anime sweatdrop*

@TJB Hehe, you are so silly. My main worry is that people get impatient with how slow I am and quit because they're bored. :/ If you want to edit already-approved characters, let me know what you're changing so I can make sure it's ok before you edit it in. If you want to make a new character, sure, just post a new bio. Don't edit the old one if you're making a new guy, that'll get confusing fast.

@mrbk Hello! It's really not that complicated at all. Decide if you want to be evil or good, which group you'd like to kill or save, and make up a character!

@Starstruck ... what *is* my signature...?

Re: Paxia Info
Alright, I can give some information. There really isn't much beyond what's in the intro post... and I will post those minibios I promised! I'mma make that a new post, tho, for hyperlinking purposes.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/14/2013 20:59:58)

Aerodu maintains a castle on the mainland, which is currently in ruins due to the Beast's attack. Their main base is the Aerodu airship, which technically has a port on an island off to the side. They don't stay there often, preferring to sail around the skies of Paxia and visit the other clans. They call this "maintaining diplomatic relations," but the other clans call it playing pranks. The airship was severely damaged by a fire-breathing lizardman rampaging around the ship, and their Navigator sent the airship - along with most of the clan members - into orbit for repairs.

Of the clans, Aerodu has the most independent arrangement. They have a Battle Leader and a Navigator, and that is the total of the recognized leadership, although they have many unoffical leaders. The only way they can really be considered a united clan is because they all have the same adventurous spirit and love of battle. They are quick to respond to offenses against them, and they are willing to obey their Battle Leader when he or she commands, but only in battle.

Artifact: The Aerodu artifact (name pending) is a pair of sandals with wings on them, that adjust to become the most comfortable footwear possible for their wielder.
Special Power: They give a qualified wielder the power to fly.
Requirements: The wielder must have no fear of death.
Current Location: Possessed by Theta, also known as the Beast. Theta qualifies.

This clan is mostly irrelevant now because they are mostly dead. Presumably there were some other survivors as well, but this is the only group I'll be writing about. Presumably the children all have stuff they can do, but only Tallan and Bethany are old enough to be any kind of useful, and I don’t care enough about Bethany yet to make something up for her.

Artifact: The Diadem of Energy is a black-and-gold crown that resizes to fit the head of it's wielder.
Special Power: In addition to control over the element of energy, the diadem allows qualified wielders to transform into a beam of energy and travel at the speed of energy. This power is purely for transportation and can take only what the wielder is wearing and no living beings.
Requirements: The Diadem desires a "well-traveled" user. What it defines as "well-traveled" is uncertain, but it prefers those who speak multiple languages and have visited many continents.
Current Location: Unknown. Last seen in the possession of a former prisoner of Dynami, a woman named Belladonna. Speculated to be no longer on Lore. (Belladonna fulfills the requirements, although only just.)

Name: Tallan
Description: A young man just turned sixteen, Tallan is aging rapidly in the days since the fall of Dynami. His clothes are simple wool, made of Dynami black and gold, and his golden eyes are the only obvious sign anything is different about him. His hair is shoulder-length and brown, and his skin is a light tan.
Powers: Tallan has mainly defensive powers. He himself is difficult to kill, being made out of a metal constructed to behave like flesh, and at will he can extend this “protection” to cover an area the size of an average room. This renders them immobile, and he is generally careful to only cover living beings, not turn their flesh to metal like his, as that is a tricky process that he hasn’t managed to perfect yet. He no doubt has other abilities that he hasn’t unlocked yet.
Position: The current leader of the only known group of survivors of Dynami. Arguably the current Dynami Clan Head. His alignment is unknown, as he doesn’t appear to care much about the war.

This clan's main enemy is itself. Like the other clans, Igneus's elemental avatar, their Igneox, vanished years ago, and the Clan Head has begun to be known as the "Igneox." Igneus is governed by a large Council of twenty members, who have some power to check or support the Igneox's decisions and who elect a new Igneox when the old one is deposed. There is no set system for deposing an Igneox.

Igneans are known as hot-blooded people, and they have a clan-wide practice of single-combat duels to settle disagreements. Although death is not common in these duels, it is an acceptable result. Their army is only organized when war has been declared, and those who would be soldiers spend most of their time in other pursuits. They call their home the Volcano.

Artifact: The Blade of Carnage takes the form of a sword when not in use, and automatically shifts to the bladed weapon its wielder is most skilled with. It cannot shift to ranged weapons or weapons that require ammunition, and it gives its user power of the element of fire.
Special Power: When activated by a qualified user, it lights things on fire with a touch of its blade.
Requirements: The user must travel to the heart of a volcano and cast his or her most precious possession in. (Note: live creatures do not count as a possession.)
Current Location: Theta, commonly known as “the Beast,” holds it. Theta does not fulfill the requirements.

Name: Zesio
Description: Let’s make it simple – he’s attractive and Asian, if Asia existed in this world. He typically wears red and black for Igneus, and lately has been seen more often in the military-style uniform of the Igneox.
Powers: He can sense falsehoods. Whether an outright lie, a half-lie mixed in with truth, or something the speaker believes is true but is not, he feels their wrongness. This can even extend to situations, although sensing feints and the like has been known to give him a headache rather than actually be useful. This ability is most useful when given simple sentences or a period of time to consider, and usually it just gives him headaches and more to worry about.
Position: Holds the title of Igneox (Clan Head), and has held the title for a record ten years. He is also one of the few members of Igneus who knows that the Blade of Carnage, the artifact the Red Scepter was designed to imitate, is missing from the storerooms.

Name: Raine
Description: She would be Native American, and she typically wears her hair long with beads woven into it, enjoys elaborate jewelry, and beautiful clothing. She tries to keep her clothes practical, but attractive.
Powers: Unknown.
Position: A long-time friend of Zesio, Raine serves as his unofficial advisor, and does her level best to keep his head cooled off. This is a very unorthodox position, but the Council generally doesn't mention it, given Zesio's famed temper.

Name: Coren
Description: This energetic young man is reminiscent of a hunting tiger. He has deep-set blue eyes and a hooked nose. His straight, yellow hair is long and usually pulled back in a ponytail. He has an elegant build with deeply-tanned skin.
Powers: Unknown.
Position: None officially (although he would be an officer in the yet-to-be-called army), he is the main challenger to Zesio's position. He is also an agent of the Beast.

This clan is preparing to go to war, in alliance with Lucian. Who they are fighting is a little unclear, mostly because the Beast is in hiding and has not called out its army. Currently, they are trying to be prepared for the appearance of their foe.

Geoto’s leader is called the Geoto, in the style of Igneus, and they have a rather loose political system. Their warriors are rather independent, but they have a strong sense of teamwork that allows them to work together in near-perfect harmony. Independent agents like Juniper are fairly common. They call their home the Mountain.

Artifact: The Broken Shield of the Legendary Tower is not actually broken. It looks like a simple wooden shield, except for the inscriptions around the edges. It will not burn or break, and it grows in size and shape to fit the preferred shield of the wielder. It grants the wielder control of the element of earth.
Special Power: The Geoto artifact can allow a qualified user to become unmovable at will, but only if the user has both feet firmly planted on the floor. Once planted, the user can continue to fight, but cannot be pushed in any direction until the user deactivates it.
Requirements: You must have broken a powerful oath that carried consequences, and then tried to make restitution.
Current Location: Safe inside the Mountain.

Name: Juniper of Geoto
Description: Easily seven feet tall, Juniper doesn’t pay much attention to how she dresses. She would be beautiful, if she didn’t usually have leaves in her long blonde hair and grass stains on her clothes. She keeps a naginata that Rohan taught her to use with her.
Powers: Juniper’s people are talented in the way of normal magic, and have developed a brand of magic they call “singing.” By combining their magic with song, they are able to multiply the power of their spells in a logarithmic fashion. Juniper is reasonably strong in earth magic, but is completely tone-deaf. She left her people in shame before finding Rohan, who is able to provide the music that bolsters her spells. She is not the most intelligent person in the world, but with Rohan, she can be one of the more powerful.
Position: Most likely a member of Geoto’s army, exact position unknown. Alignment currently under debate, as the Beast is trying to sway her to his side.

Name: Rohan of Geoto
Description: An old warrior, Rohan’s long brown hair is streaked with grey. He keeps it out of his face with a flat cord, and keeps several weapons on him at all times. He is very calm and level-headed, and is usually the leader between Juniper and him. Occasionally Juniper will take matters into his own hands. These incidents are few and far between, which is lucky for Rohan, as they unnerve him.
Powers: Rohan is reasonably skilled with most polearms and spears, preferring the naginata for its agility and use in both defense and offense. However, in recent years his ability to sing and play the mihadi, an unusual one-handed instrument that is constructed of metal bells, circles, and threads, has been his main method of offense in battle. He keeps his naginata with him, however, prepared to defend Juniper physically if his songs fail.
Position: As Juniper’s singer, Rohan can more or less go anywhere he desires or do anything he wants that doesn’t actually interfere with the workings of Geoto. If he holds a position in the army, it is unknown, and he rarely follows any orders that don’t consist of “stay close to Juniper.”

Lucian is the most organized clan. They are organizing for the same purpose as Geoto, but in a much more orderly fashion. The leader is not called the Lucius, as they declare that to be egotistical. A full description of the workings of Lucian can be found in the Lucian Constitution, although I skimmed it at best and don’t really care about most of the details. The Lucians care more about organization than any other clan, and never do anything without following the proper chains of command. I have no idea what they call their base.

Artifact: The Vestments of Radiance always become the most formal possible outfit for the wielder, a dress for a woman and a tuxedo for a man. They do not come with accessories, but they do allow the wielder to control the element of light.
Special Power: They allow a qualified user to disguise himself or herself as anyone at all. This power gains effectiveness the better the wielder fulfills the requirements.
Requirements: They require their wielder to be continually well-groomed. They don’t approve of facial hair or hair that is “too long” or is left free to fall in the user’s face. They especially don’t like getting dirty or bloody, so the user is best advised to keep out of melee.
Current Location: Safe inside the Lucian base.

Name: Esonia Lux
Description: A formidable woman with steely grey eyes, Esonia rose to power via an impressive knowledge of the Lucian code and an understanding of when to break it. She still tends to make hasty decisions at times, a quality that drives her Second-in-Command mad.
Powers: She has a perfect memory. She can recall anything she has ever seen or heard. She also has an uncanny understanding of people, but that is not a power.
Position: Clan Head

Name: Aurathel
Description: This battle-hardened woman has snow-white hair and ivory skin. She is more prone to outbursts of anger than she would ever admit – and no one is willing to point this out – but she fears very little and loves her clan above anything else in the world. Her promotion from Head of the Army to Second-in-Command frustrates her since it prevents her from riding to the field of battle, but she does her best to fulfill her position.
Powers: Unknown, if any.
Position: Second-in-Command of Lucian

Name: Torvin Lux
Description: This calm man is very methodical. He keeps his brown hair cut short, but his skin is deeply tanned from days practicing in the courtyard with the army.
Powers: Unknown, if any.
Position: Head of the Army and brother of Esonia.

Nocturu is well-known as being the most religious clan. They have four main leaders: the Revenant and three Scions, a Scion of War, Data, and Art. Their army is divided up into four sections: Calvary, foot soldiers, long-range soldiers, and mages. Their home is called the Castle, the central tower being called the Spire. They tend to be a somewhat superstitious people.

They are currently trying to track down the people who infiltrated their base and killed a third of their clan. This is proving to be a very unsuccessful endeavor, and is only getting more of them killed. The Revenant and the Scion of War had an idea to protect their clan members, and cast something very similar to a modified Sanctuary spell on them with the artifact.

Artifact: The Shadowed Gauntlets are made of black metal with purple fabric lining the inside. They give the wearer power over the element of darkness, and shape to fit the wielder's hands.
Special Power: They allow the wielder to create a purple force shield around their body deflecting a specific kind of attack (i.e. physical, magical, psychic...). The wielder must choose which, and it takes ten minutes of concentration to turn it on or to change it, but it can be dismissed within moments. Familiarity with the artifact can decrease this time.
Requirements: Unknown, accepting suggestions.
Current Location: Safe inside the Castle, under the protection of the Revenant.

Name: Icarus
Description: An extremely bland individual, Icarus is hard to describe and even harder to recognize. Given his current position, he tries to combat this by wearing the formal insignia of the Scion of War at all times, but he still has trouble getting people to focus on him.
Powers: His power revolves around his appearance - he can pass unnoticed in a crowd of people who are all actively searching for him.
Position: Acting Scion of War, he is in charge of the Nocturan army while the Scion of War and the Revenant are in the Castle.

Name: Tulio
Description: Her hair is blue - naturally, she claims - and her skin is extremely pale, like most citizens of Nocturu. She rarely expresses emotion, and can handle the most gut-wrenching cases without blinking an eye.
Powers: She has the ability to touch a body and know how and when it died. If she focuses for an hour, she can feel the emotions of the person at the moment of death. She is also a very good singer.
Position: She would be a high-ranking field medic or mortician, but she doesn't subscribe to the Nocturan religious beliefs. In fact, she describes herself as "godless." Since political power is tied to religious power, she is unable to gain rank, but she has gained a healthy measure of respect for her medical skills.

Name: Sandi and Sahli
Description: These five-foot half-elf women hardly appear older than fifteen. Although they are armed to the teeth with various deadly weapons, they appear to be completely unarmed to all but the most skilled eye. They always wear black, and they look uncannily identical, despite the fact that Sandi is white with blond hair and blue eyes and Sahli is black with ebony hair and brown eyes. Sandi has one scar, a diagonal mark crossing her right palm, and Sahli has two, a crescent curving around her right eye and a jagged slash that begins at her left palm and travels inside her arm up to her elbow, where it moves to the outside of her arm and travels up to her shoulder.
Powers: They are probably the most skilled assassins in the known continents, and are extremely talented in many arts, including activities such as torture, tracking, and acting. They are also probably not human.
Position: They are the only two known survivors of the group that attacked Nocturu, and are most likely on the side of the Beast. That, or they're just acting out of boredom.

Glacius has exactly one leader with any power, the Glaciar. The members of the Glaciar's council are free for the Glaciar to choose, but most major decisions must be approved by a majority of the members of Glacius themselves. There are a few decisions the Glaciar makes on their own, and a select handful of decisions that must be approved by a unanimous vote. Going to war and choosing a new Glaciar are both determined by a unanimous vote. I don't know what they call their home.

Artifact: The silver IC^3 Ring (read it aloud) is shaped like a Möbius strip with inscriptions winding around it. It changes size to fit the wielder's finger so that it never gets stuck and is easy to remove (for the wielder). It gives the wielder power over the element of ice.
Special Power: Unknown, accepting suggestions.
Requirements: The wielder must have fallen truly in love and then had his or her heart broken. As with all of the artifacts, the ring defines what qualifies.
Current Location: Possessed by Oder, the Captain of the Guard of Glacius. Oder fulfills the requirements.

Name: Cambria
Description: This short woman has almond-shaped gray eyes. Her fine, straight, amber hair is neck-length and is worn in an utilitarian, severe style. Her skin is chocolate-brown, and she has a weak chin.
Powers: Cambria is completely immune to magic.
Position: She serves as the Glaciar of Glacian.

Name: Oder
Description: A grizzled old man, his hair is white as Glacian's slopes. He always wears his military uniform, and his blue eyes are as clear as ever.
Powers: Basic ice magic as well as high-level tactical skills.
Position: Senior general of Glacian’s army, a skilled strategist. Currently holds Cambria’s trust and the IC^3 Ring. Its powers are unknown to both him and Cambria, although he does qualify. He is probably not an agent of the Beast.

Nautica and Glacius are both slow movers, with the difference being that Glacius does everything slowly. Nautica moves extremely fast, once they've decided what to do. Like most clans, they have very few recognized leaders, but they have a strong sense of teamwork that makes it easy to get things done. They don't much like outsiders, and even during the best of times it can be difficult to reach their underwater home, called the Medusa. They use magical air bubbles to get to and from the surface.

Artifact: The Amulet of the Keep is a blue pendant on a silver chain. It re-sizes to fit the wielder and gives the wielder power over the element of water.
Special Power: It allows a qualified wielder to go without food or water for an indefinite period of time.
Requirements: The wielder must have almost died of starvation and thirst in the past (although not necessarily at the same time).
Current Location: Safely hidden inside the Medusa. As of last night, the artifact is no longer hidden in its former location, worked into the murals on Nautica's walls. Where is it? Who knows! (Okay, so the Cleaning Lady took it.)

Name: Kathryn Shale, commonly known as the Cleaning Lady.
Position: Yeah, she's totally an agent of the Beast.

If the information you seek is not here, make it up. Anything that is unknown I will accept suggestions for.

Starstruck -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/14/2013 22:05:59)

I forgot to mention that I edited my bio lol. It should be good now.

Master K -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/14/2013 23:31:18)

Name: Scribia Nox
Gender: Female
Age Range: Early twenties
Race (Pure or halfbreed only): Human
Side: Good
Clan: Nocturu
Occupation/Class: Puppet Master
Appearance (Build, hair, skin, clothes...):

Scribia is thin, and is about 5'10'. She is described as looking very pretty, yet somewhat innocent looking. She has long blonde hair, done up in a ponytail which hangs to one side of the front of her body. She wears a fancy hair bow on one side of her head. She wears a crimson coat with slightly tarnished gold buttons. On her coat, she wears a very fancy white bow made up of three strands on each side, with two long ribbons coming down from it. She wears a brown belt with a gold buckle. She also has brown pants on with two pockets, and black shoes with pointed tips.


She has a brown satchel, which is attached to her by a strap that goes across her, and inside of it is:

*Two health potions.
*A small lantern. It is one foot in length, and is pitch black iron. She lights it up using a fireball spell.
*A small photo of her family, showing her, her sister, and her parents.

Personality: Scribia is somewhat withdrawn, and is nervous around other people. She is quite shy, but also friendly if you can manage to get past her socially awkwardness. Scribia is quite bright as well.


Skills, spells and abilities (Optional):

Name: Effingo
Gender: Designed to appear female
Age Range: Appears around 8-10 years old
Race (Pure or halfbreed only): Doll
Side: Good
Clan: Nocturu
Occupation/Class: Puppet
Appearance (Build, hair, skin, clothes...):

Effingo is something that strikes concern and possibly fear into the hearts of others. Effingo appears to be a young girl. She is 5'2', and weighs considerably light due to being a doll. Her face bears two black oval eyes, and a humanlike mouth which is sewn with stitches. One of her eyebrows is curved upwards. Her hair is somewhat stringy, and appears to be made from black wool and thread. She wears two ornate hair bows. Her 'skin' is ashen in color, and has various nicks and stitches on it. She wears a dirty white dress, covered in what appears to be blood stains, some deliberately shaped into crimson butterflies. She also has laced up shoes.

All in all, she's a grotesque picture of cuteness gone wrong.

Personality: Nothing. She doesn't really have a personality. She sticks close to Scribia and fights for her.

History: Perdidi Nox was only a young girl when a group of rouge werewolves strayed into her village in Darkovia. Her parents were busy trying to protect the town, so they were ordered to stay in the house and hide, and be quiet as possible. She also had to look after her baby sister, Scribia, whilst in hiding. Perdidi heard banging on the door, and her fathers voice, so she went outside of their hiding spot, the cupboard, to check it out. As soon as she got out, the door crashed down, and so did her father and a vicious direwolf. The direwolf had done more damage to the father, and he finally went down after fighting. Perdidi, frozen in fear, didn't know what to do. She held no fight against the direwolf...a few strikes later, and Perdidi was nothing more than a bloodstain on the floor. Scribia was horrified, having witnessed it from the cupboard in silence.

Scribia went into depression after the attack. To console her, her mother, who survived the attack, got her a doll. Not just any doll, mind you. It was a doll created in the likeness of Perdidi. Scribia loved the doll dearly, feeling as though she still had her sister with her.

When Scribia chose to study dark magic, she needed a vessel. She decided to use the Perdidi doll. When the controlling magic came into the twisted it. The clean white dress stained with blotches of blood, the hair shrivelled and lost its was an image of the past, how Perdidi looked after the wolf was finished with her. Horrified to see the doll come to life, Scribia did not know what to do. The doll was loyal to her, and the sister she missed so dearly. She renamed it to Effingo, which is Latin for "Copy".

Skills, spells and abilities (Optional):

To be finished.
For optimum feel for it, listen to this.
For Effingo, this was my inspiration. I had to resist naming her "Watashi".
I have a picture, If I can scan it, I shall put it up for people to see Scribia and Effingo.

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/15/2013 2:07:45)

I edited my bio a while ago, but I'm not sure if it's been seen yet...

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/17/2013 16:22:03)

Right, right. Bios now!

Legendium, you were almost done if I recall correctly... it looks like you've rewritten a lot of your bio. Maybe you just reorganized it. Either way, I like it. It looks very clean. I also like the new modified restrictions on shapeshifting. I do think that if you're going to say that the forms have a negative impact on him, then they should have legitimate drawbacks. The most common one is a lack of control due to bestial instincts, but it can be whatever you want. "Spitting on your food before eating it" is gross, but ultimately irrelevant. I also was under the impression that these impacts only affected him when he was in those forms and for a short time afterward.

I would also think that one of the Kroxigor's weaknesses would be a lack of agility. Presumably the Coroxis spends so much of it's time creeping about because it's not very strong? I like your new monsters, they sound interesting and fun to play with.


Which results in a lot of people getting scratchy necks from poison ivy darts.


During his time on the island, he had to get food somehow, so sneaking up from behind to poke his dinner with a stick was how he fed himself.
*laughter* Stop, stop, you're killing me. THIS

(I know, I know, it's a figure of speech. Don't change it.)


he can find water just by sniffing the air.
Presumably there is a range limit to this thing, but since we're on an island it probably is irrelevant.

Okay, I'm down with the Beast burning down random villages. It does have the Igneus artifact, and it indicates it's been more active recently than suspected.


His main flaw in this theory is that he considers diplomacy and politics to be unessential to survival. This will probably be his downfall.
This bio amuses me greatly. I think the only question I have remaining is, what's with these "weaknesses" related to his forms?

Starstruck! Let me post this for Legend and I'll edit in your thingamabob.


It is with great reluctance that I omit Tiure's scythe from the bio. After hours of agonized soul-searching, I have finally determined that Tiure's concept does not mesh at all with conventional weaponry, much as it does not mesh at all with conventional magic.
*patpats* I'm sure he will be stronger for it.

Your description is probably suffering from an excess of adjectives, but we're not L&L. ... I foresee this violin getting broken.

I must ask, what happens when an object gets Infused? Does it explode? Does it sing? What? I assume the Sonic Lure changes depending on the circumstances and the people.

You do realize that you completely fail to explain what "the Coterie" is, right? Is that intentional?

Problems with this bio: What does infusing an object do? What is the Coterie? And last but not least, I foresee Tiure dying. His stronger spells are good, but his memorized, at-will spells are mostly going to get him killed. I suspect we will be crushing this tiny little man into tiny little pieces. And his violin as well.

I think if he had most of his spells at the level of the six that he doesn't have memorized and one or two stronger ones I'd be less worried. However, I understand that you want to try and grow him through the RP. Are you prepared in case of his death? Does he have friends he plans to make? If he makes friends with Juniper he can hide behind her, but she might be turning evil.

Mrbk, your bio says it's unfinished at the end... it looks almost done! I'm excited! Keep up the good work!

Edit: ... I have now discovered that there is a game that revolves around defeating ghosts by taking pictures of them.

... I'm not sure how to deal with that...

Edit2: Having read what there is of your bio, I find nothing objectional in it save one small detail that you have only yourself to blame for. The backstory of this girl and her puppet is far too similar to the story of that weird wheelchair-ghost in the ghost-photo game. I need you to make up a different story, okay?

Starstruck -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/17/2013 21:09:16)

I forgot that the coterie needed to be explained what is this

As for him getting is possible. Unlikely, but completely possible. You are right about a few things though; his leash is knotted. There could be a lot more for him to play with. I'll go ahead and untangle that tonight - check back tomorrow and it will be done.

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/19/2013 14:55:30)


Presumably there is a range limit to this thing, but since we're on an island it probably is irrelevant.

Limit of one mile, and I will edit and specify that I meant fresh water, as opposed to salt water.


I do think that if you're going to say that the forms have a negative impact on him, then they should have legitimate drawbacks.

Negative aspects =/= Drawbacks. I'm just trying to make him a bit more realistic by adding some oddities. Although, yeah, spitting on food is gross. Gonna go and fix some of the aspects.

EDIT: Edited the negative aspects a bit. I could just remove them if need be.

Oh, and a question: Any idea what the Mountain looks like? Description is always very good in RPs, and I know next to nothing about Geoto's HQ.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/19/2013 20:29:39)


Oh, and a question: Any idea what the Mountain looks like? Description is always very good in RPs, and I know next to nothing about Geoto's HQ.
Um... it's a legit mountain... I dunno if it's inside the mountain or part of the mountain or built around it or what... be a man and describe it for us in a manly fashion!!! Which you can now do because you are a member of Ruins of Paxia II!! Go, brave warrior!

Thus far, TD's made his intro post for Nautica. I should write something about the Beast for y'all.. TJB! Get over your crisis and write something with lots of evil laughter as you approach the Volcano!

If you guys need any help with your intro posts, just ask me. I am somewhat useful in these situations. ^_^

Oh yeah, Star, you said you'd edit your bio, but it looks the same to me...

Starstruck -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/20/2013 16:21:29)

because i forgot >_>

It's edited now.

Side note: Kooroo has declared Tiure "not murdery enough." I've bumped up his power level accordingly. While this does deviate from the original concept of Tiure as a kid who matures and grows into an adult over the course of the RP, there are other ways to show maturity than flashy spells and exciting new powers. Plus, it's Paxia. Flashy spells are like, "that's all you have? Jeez."

If you still find that Tiure is too weak, please let me know :)

Master K -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/20/2013 23:16:34)


Having read what there is of your bio, I find nothing objectional in it save one small detail that you have only yourself to blame for. The backstory of this girl and her puppet is far too similar to the story of that weird wheelchair-ghost in the ghost-photo game Fatal Frame IV. I need you to make up a different story, okay?


How embarrassing...
I feared that...I honestly tried to make it different. I liked the premise of a necromancer type using a puppet.
I guess I ran too close to my inspiration.

Pretend like it never happened. [&o]

I've scrapped the bio entirely, because I'm only going to be put on hiatus in two weeks, for a whooping six weeks.


... I have now discovered that there is a game that revolves around defeating ghosts by taking pictures of them.

... I'm not sure how to deal with that...

Four games actually!

It's a pretty good and scary-ish series. The gameplay is cool, the story is...well, similar, but different. Each game has some sort of disaster that killed the people in each area. All of which because a ritual failed...the consequences are different for each game. Very Japanese though.

Oh, and that "weird wheelchair ghost" is terrifying to face. She gets out of the wheelchair and runs at you like a zombie.

Riprose123 -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/24/2013 21:50:37)

I've got an interesting concept I want to flesh out, but I'll get his bio up in a day or two.

Always wanted to join RoP.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (6/25/2013 20:43:30)

Star, I feel a sense of loss at Tiure's no-longer-innocent-child status.

I have a few issues with New!Tiure:
"No longer in motion" When objects strike other objects, they stop moving. Presumably they remain long enough to do damage, then immediately vanish. Limit the amount of arrows he can have created at a time - I would say three at the most.

I would also not make him a "master of the martial arts" - being good enough to not die immediately is probably all he'd have time to learn, given that he needs to focus on his magic.


Even when blindfolded, Tiure naturally avoids obstacles. It is nearly impossible to sneak up on Tiure.
Bring these down a little.

How far away does his "true sonokinesis" function?

I would argue that his sonic barrier would slow fast things and almost stop slow things. That makes more sense, given that it's not a solid barrier.

I'm not sure why your large spells make less sense now. I would think that he requires one song to activate one twister. He can play multiple songs in a row to activate multiple twisters, but he can't draw five circles and activate them all at once, because that'll require a lot more magical power than a single twister and therefore requires more spells.


He can order a missile to fire, at which point its power will be multiplied, but it cannot be controlled after that.
This is a very vague statement. Presumably the missile's "power" will be multiplied because it will be in motion as opposed to standing still.

What exactly does getting struck by a missile do to you? Disperses sonokinetic energy into you? Does that hurt? Rattle your teeth? Make you dizzy? Do damage?

How far does his Dragon's Breath travel?

Presumably he cannot make arrows and the spear at the same time, given that they both require his bow as a launcher.

I find your chains very amusing and non-objectionable, but I would like to know how long they last.

I think that's all my complaints.

Mrbk *patpats* Consider it forgotten. I'm sad we'll be missing you for such a long time! Feel free to hang out in the OOC until you're ready to try again.

Riprose Yay! New people! Come on in!

Edit: Posting. I'll update Igneus, Dynami, and Nautica.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (7/11/2013 14:44:26)

Just in case it wasn't obvious - everyone, RoP II has been put on hold until the EC is over or I get killed.

Life will resume as normal afterward.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (7/25/2013 15:54:13)

Everyone! Please do not panic. Via some quirk of the forums, the RoP IC thread accidentally vanished. However, TD and I both had our posts saved to our own computers, and so we were able to replace them quickly. I've now posted for Nautica and life can proceed as normal. RoP is still kind-of on hold for the EC, but I write for it when I need to relieve EC stress. Please feel free to post if you've been accepted. If you want help, message me at any time.

Legend, TJB, would you like me to write more for Igneus and Geoto?

I believe I still need to accept Starstruck's character - I promise, that will be done within a week after my part in the EC is done, whatever part that ends up being. Star, if you come on IRC before they post finalists, we can get it done even sooner.

Edit: Oh, alright. Welcome to Ruins of Paxia, Starstruck! ^_^

Public Service Announcement
Save your posts to your own computer! I will do my best to keep them safe, but events often are outside of my control! Take care that your hard work is protected!

Starstruck -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (8/14/2013 11:05:13)

I had a post ready but then stuff got in the way and windows were closed and I have about half a post. Sorry. It'll be up soon, I guess, once I find the time.

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (8/15/2013 3:38:37)


Legend, TJB, would you like me to write more for Igneus and Geoto?

Not really for me. I've got some descriptive power now from asking Eukara about the interior of Geoto's mountain, so the only stuff I really need to know more about is what things are like in the Geotan army, if that is in fact what I'm actually joining. In general, I still have plenty of thinking to do on my post, so once I have a slightly less vague idea of what I'm going to do I will have more questions.

jerenda -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (8/20/2013 12:55:05)

Look! Posts!

Now that the Elemental Championships are over (talk about draining! fun, but draining!) we can get this show on the road! I've got a bunch of great plans and twisty stories that I can't wait to share with you all.

Star, Legend, TD, if you two could get a post up by the end of August, I would greatly appreciate that. I will resume the promised schedule of a post a week. If anyone wants me to follow a specific clan, so that they can learn more about it and jump in, let me know. Otherwise it will be completely random who I post for.

Edit: Also, Star, look at the Public Service Announcement directly above you. I greatly sympathize with your loss, having been there myself far too many times, but at the same time I find the conditions slightly amusing. >_>

Legendium -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (8/24/2013 8:55:19)


Star, Legend, TD, if you two could get a post up by the end of August, I would greatly appreciate that.

Not sure if that'll work for me. Internet at my new house is nonexistent, and I don't think I be allowed to come to my dad's office often enough to make posts. The first thing I'll do when our internet box arrives at my house will be to post. I swear it. Gah! Curse you french unorganized-ness!

Starstruck -> RE: Ruins of Paxia II OOC - Accepting! (8/24/2013 16:58:16)

Actually it wasn't the forum's fault, it was my little brother's compulsive need to turn the computer off when it is not in use. Like I said, though, most of it was saved. I should post that ._.


EDIT: Hargh, I feel I must be a role model to all of these incoming newbies! >:L To the Word document!

EDIT2: Oh, Tiure.

Tiure's in, but he has no idea how much he's in for. Ask him what he's doing and he'll give it to you straight; he's just here to admire the artwork. He's a sightseer. Ask him what he intends to do, and he'll ask you how he can help. You may find it difficult to say "nothing," however...

The bandit is going to be a character much later in the story. He's a character concept I've been juggling around and planning to use here, and I think you'll find the reason for his swift escape rather amusing.

Still TBD whether or not he will be a PC or an NPC. It really will depend on what happens when we learn his name.

The Ruined Mesa is fairly close to Nautica. It's a place because I made it a place. However, in RP-canon it is a fairly large boulder field about 10-50 feet above the ground. The highest point, at a startling 100 feet, is a colossal mesa. Erosion and frequent battles between legendary figures in some ancient past have split a once mighty mesa many miles wide and thousands of feet tall into a shadow of its former self, a towering structure reduced to rubble. Ground travel is next to impossible, with no clear path through the ruins. Those with "hops" may find it expedient to leap from stone to stone until the mesa proper is reached, at the exact center of the boulder field. The entire area feels nostalgic, the echoes of a distant past rumbling through the various standing stones. Legend tells of an extraordinarily large and valuable emerald, larger than a man, hidden somewhere in the Ruined Mesa, but experienced hunters were unable to locate such a precious gem and the myths have largely been debunked. Nauticans, with their lust for beauty and precious gems, have sought after the emerald since the clan's founding.

Tiure cheated a lot by using cyclones. He's gotten a little better at the cyclone song, but he still hasn't memorized it. What a forgetful musician!

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